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  1. This limit will check for how many times a player kills with flare. On the first kill, it will send a warning on chat, on the second kill, it will kick the player. Set limit to evaluate OnKill, set action to None Set first_check to this Expression: Code: ! Regex.Match(kill.Weapon, @"(U_Handflare)", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Success Set second_check to this Code: Code: double count = limit.Activations(player.Name); if (count == 1) plugin.SendGlobalMessage(plugin.R("%p_n%, flares not allowed on this server, do not use %w_n% again! Next time kick")); else if (count > 1) plugin.KickPlayerWithMessage(player.Name, plugin.R("%p_n%, kicked you for using %w_n% ")); return false;
    1 point
  2. hi it's been 4 days that i'm getting an error in Adkats : [AdKats] ALTER TABLE adkats_settings MODIFY setting_value varchar(10000) [AdKats] ERROR-7613: [AdKats tables not present or valid in the database. Have you run the AdKats database setup script yet? If so, are your tables InnoDB?] [AdKats] INFO: Shutting down AdKats. [AdKats] SUCCESS: Database timing confirmed. [AdKats] AdKats Disabled! =( here's a screenshot :https://prnt.sc/o9nbuv1E_DZG can anyone help, i tried for hours, running the script again, etc,,, note : everything was working for years with no issues
    1 point
  3. Hey, I really don't think this is the place to ask my question but I couldn't really find anywhere else. Recently I've been getting banned from servers because of a false positive. Long story short: Back in 2014 I joined trade kill servers so that I can unlock weapons and vehicles faster. This in turn made my Headshot ratio stats skyrocket for that one gun I was using. I didn't have many issues untill recently. I had to appeal on multiple servers and some don't even give me the chance because they trust your plugin's AutoAdmin with 100% certainty. The last place didn't even repply to me, they just banned me from the appeal fourm instantly. It is honestly really unfair since I am not a hacker. I've been told that servers were using AdKats as an AutoAdmin and I would like to find a way to appeal directly somehow. I don't think I'm banned from any other plugin. My BF4DB profile is clean and someone even directly cleared that problematic weapon stats (U-100 MK5) that I get banned for. I've been playing BF4 since it released, I have over 1300h (probably 1000 of which are after the problematic weapon) and My BF4 battlelog isn't at all suspicious. I'm really getting desperate, and so far, this fourm here is the best I got. Please tell me if there's a better place to post this. I really don't know if what I'm asking is even possible, but what else I can do... I hope I can get some help. Thanks. PS. Picture of my ban:
    1 point
  4. Originally Posted by Zaeed*: Basic infomation: This plugin is designed to place players currently in the server, onto the Reserved Slot list. This should ensure that they are not kicked when a player already on the list joins. Installation: - Extract CReservedSlotManagementBeta.cs into plugin directory. Or just install from the Packages Tab in procon Current version: Download: Changelog: - Initial release. - Remove players from list when plugin disabled. - Added option to add people to the list after a certain amount of time. Thanks to: Phogue for Procon Description: Description will come when the plugin comes out of BETA
    0 points
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