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All of us have a real life. This is not a company. We are doing this during our free time. I started with debugging, but well: I have not done anything for 3 weeks and I also cannot share anything useful. I just do not have the time at the moment.... Same applies to many other members of this forum...4 points
Battlefield Admin Control Panel - BFACP
neonardo1 and 2 others reacted to Prophet731 for a topic
Update 6/21/20 I'm working on improving the server list page. Each listing for an active server that the BFACP can see will look somewhat like this. Population graph will show the average player count through out the day in a 2 week period. You can highlight and zoom in to see more info on the time. VPN/Proxy checker on the player profile. I'm still trying to decide if I should include this or not. IP marker is only a guess of the general area.3 points -
Battlefield Admin Control Panel - BFACP
neonardo1 and 2 others reacted to Angry_Cuban13 for a topic
What spam advertisement? You mean showing people what he is working on? If you don't like the timeline in which things are being developed by ONE developer with a real life and a real job, how about you start developing? All you do is spam the forums with your "I want, I want" like a fucking neckbeard asking for chicken tenders.3 points -
you have to change the insanelimits.cs file. search the line: list.Add("procon.protected.send"); and replace the line with: if (!args[0].StartsWith("procon.protected")) { list.Add("procon.protected.send"); } after uploading you can use the following script for insane limit to disable other plugins: plugin.ServerCommand("procon.protected.plugins.enable","MULTIbalancer", "False");3 points
Battlefield Admin Control Panel - BFACP
iamadeadpixel and one other reacted to Prophet731 for a topic
Goal is before the end of this year, hopefully sooner. So unless battlefield dies before that.. Remember, I'm the only one doing it so whatever time I have to work on it I do. Don't have the luxury like I use too.2 points -
Thanks for all your help on this, with the def being correct, then the live HSK should not have triggered a sniper rifle? Could be anything to do with my post below and github? I have seen someone else having this issue too? Yard is unbanned btw2 points
Fail Log For BF3, BF4, BFHL, this plugin logs game server crashes, layer disconnects and Blaze dumps. The plugin was developed by PapaCharlie9. However, MorpheusX and I (Hedius) modified it. Download https://gitlab.com/e4gl/fail-log/-/archive/ Description Each failure event generates a single log line. The log line is written to plugin.log. Optionally, it may also be written to a file in procon/Logs and/or to a Discord server and/or as an email, controlled by plugin settings (see below). Note that this plugin must be run without restrictions (not in sandbox mode) in order to use either the optional separate log file or web log features. The plugin may be run in sandbox mode if both of the optional logging features are disabled. The contents of a log line are divided into fields. The following table describes each of the fields and shows an example: Field Description Example Type A label that describes the type of failure. The types tracked are game server restarts, Procon disconnects, blaze disconnects, and network congestion to/from Procon. BLAZE_DISCONNECT UTC UTC time stamp of the plugin's detection of the failure; the actual event might have happened earlier 20130507_01:52:58 Server Server name per vars.serverName "CTF Noobs welcome!" Map Friendly map name Noshahr Canals Mode Friendly mode name TDM Round Current round/total rounds 1/2 Players vars.maxPlayers/previous known player count/current player count 64/63/0 Uptime Uptime of game server as days.hh:mm:ss 6.09:01:35 Details All of the information you entered in Section 2 of the settings "Game Server Type, Internal Server ID, Short Server Name" Blaze Disconnect Failures This plugin uses a heuristic (a guess) to decide if a loss of players indicates a Blaze disconnect failure. The loss of players is calculated on every admin.listPlayers event. These events happen at least once every 30 seconds, but may happen more frequently if you run other plugins. This means that detection of Blaze events is very dependent on your configuration. You may need to adjust the settings of this plugin to detect Blaze disconnects accurately. Settings Plugin settings are described in this section. Section 1 General plugin settings. Debug Level: Number from 0 to 9, default 2. Sets the amount of debug messages sent to plugin.log. Caught exceptions are logged at 3 or higher. Raw event handling is logged at 8 or higher. Enable Log To File: True or False, default False. If False, logging is only to plugin.log. If True, logging is also written to the file specified in Log File. Log File: Name of the file to use for logging. Defaults to "fail.log" and is stored in procon/Logs. Blaze Disconnect Heuristic Percent: Number from 33 to 100, default 75. Not every sudden drop in players is a Blaze disconnect. Also, sometimes a Blaze disconnect does not disconnect all players or they reconnect before the next listPlayers event happens. This heuristic (guess) percentage accounts for those facts. The percentage is based on the ratio of the count of lost players to the last known count of players. For example, if you set this value to 75, it means any loss of 75% or more players should be treated as a Blaze disconnect. If there were 32 players before and now there are 10 players, (32-10)/32 = 69%, which is not greater than or equal to 75%, so no Blaze failure. If there were 32 players before and now there are no players, (32-0)/32 = 100%, a Blaze failure. If you want to only detect drops to zero players, set this value to 100. If the last known player count was less than 12, no detection is logged, even though a Blaze disconnect may have happened. See also Blaze Disconnect Window Seconds. Blaze Disconnect Window Seconds: Number from 30 to 90, default 30. Normally, listPlayers events happen every 30 seconds and that is normally enough time to detect a Blaze disconnect. However, if you have lots of other plugins running, listPlayer events may happen more frequently than every 30 seconds, which may not be enough time to detect a large enough loss of players. Even if the interval between events is 30 seconds, sometimes a Blaze disconnect takes longer than 30 seconds to complete. This setting allows you to adjust the plugin to handle those situations. If you notice loss of players that you suspect are Blaze disconnects but no failure is registered, increase this value. Try 60 at first and if that isn't enough, add 15 seconds and try again, until you get to the max of 90 seconds. Enable Restart On Blaze: True or False, default False. If True, the game server will be restarted with an admin.shutDown command when a Blaze disconnect is detected and the remaining number of players is zero. Use with caution! Restart On Blaze Delay: Number, default 0. Time in seconds to wait before invoking the admin.shutDown command after a Blaze disconnect. Use with caution, since most servers get messed up or don't save progress properly after a Blaze disconnect, so instant restarts would be advised. Setting it to 0 instantly executes the command. Enable Email On Blaze/Crash: True or False, default False. If True, the plugin will send a notification-email if your server blazes or crashes (see settings below). Make sure to disable the sandbox or allow SMTP-connections and your mailserver + mailserver-port in the trusted hosts. Enable Discord Webhook On Blaze/Crash: True or False, default False. If True, the plugin will send a notification to a Discord webhook if your server blazes or crashes (see settings below). Make sure to disable the sandbox. Min Online Players For Restart (Crash) Notification: Number from 0 to 64, default 4. The minimum amount of online players to classify a server restart as a server crash. Section 2 These settings fully describe your server for logging purposes. Information that can't be extracted from known data is included. All of this information is optional. Game Server Type: Type of game server, defaults to BF4. Internal Server ID: Number from 0 to 20, default 1. Your internal server id. Short Server Name: A short version of your server's name. E.g.: #1 Locker Section 3 These settings configure the BlazeReport-mail being sent. The following values can be entered as wildcards at the email-subject and email-body and will be replaced: %id%, %gameservertype%, %shortservername%, %servername%, %serverip%, %serverport%, %utc% / %time%, %players%, %map%, %gamemode%, %round%, %uptime%, %type%. Email Recipients: List of email-addresses to send the notifications to, one each line. Email Sender: Email-Address being displayed in the 'From:' field. Email Subject: Subject of the notification-email. You can use the values listed above to add information about the BlazeReport. Email Message: Body of the BlazeReport-email, can be fully styled with HTML. You can use the values listed above to add information about the BlazeReport. SMTP Hostname: Hostname/IP-Address of the SMTP-server used to send email. SMTP Port: Number between 0 and 65535, default 25. Port of the SMTP-Server used to send email. SMTP Use SSL: True of False, default true. Toggles the usage of SSL for the connection to your SMTP-server. SMTP Username: Username used to identify with your SMTP-server. SMTP Password: Password used to identify with your SMTP-server. Section 4 These settings configure the BlazeReport-Discord embed notification being sent. The following values can be entered as wildcards at the Message-subject and Message-content and will be replaced: %id%, %gameservertype%, %shortservername%, %servername%, %serverip%, %serverport%, %utc% / %time%, %players%, %map%, %gamemode%, %round%, %uptime%, %type%. Webhook Author: The author of the discord notification, default FailLog. Use Custom Webhook Avatar: True or False, default False. Define a custom webhook avatar or use the default avatar. Webhook Avatar URL: Full URL for the webhook avatar. Webhook Title: Title of the discord notification. You can use the values listed above to add information about the BlazeReport. Webhook Colour Code: Number, default 0xff0000 (red). Colour of the discord embed notification. Webhook Content: Content of the discord notification. You can use the values listed above to add information about the BlazeReport. Discord Webhook URL: Full URL of your Discord webhook. Development This plugin is an open source project hosted on GitLab.com. The repo is located at https://gitlab.com/e4gl/fail-log and the master branch is used for public distributions. See the Tags tab for the latest ZIP distributions. If you would like to offer bug fixes or new features, feel free to fork the repo and submit pull requests.2 points
Advanced In-Game Admin and Ban Enforcer - AdKats
Hodor and one other reacted to Prophet731 for a topic
I did a increase on the limit and pushed it up. You can get the updated minor version here..2 points -
This limit will check for how many times a player kills with flare. On the first kill, it will send a warning on chat, on the second kill, it will kick the player. Set limit to evaluate OnKill, set action to None Set first_check to this Expression: Code: ! Regex.Match(kill.Weapon, @"(U_Handflare)", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Success Set second_check to this Code: Code: double count = limit.Activations(player.Name); if (count == 1) plugin.SendGlobalMessage(plugin.R("%p_n%, flares not allowed on this server, do not use %w_n% again! Next time kick")); else if (count > 1) plugin.KickPlayerWithMessage(player.Name, plugin.R("%p_n%, kicked you for using %w_n% ")); return false;1 point
Advanced In-Game Admin and Ban Enforcer - AdKats
stawaza7 reacted to CANONBALLZ for a topic
hi it's been 4 days that i'm getting an error in Adkats : [AdKats] ALTER TABLE adkats_settings MODIFY setting_value varchar(10000) [AdKats] ERROR-7613: [AdKats tables not present or valid in the database. Have you run the AdKats database setup script yet? If so, are your tables InnoDB?] [AdKats] INFO: Shutting down AdKats. [AdKats] SUCCESS: Database timing confirmed. [AdKats] AdKats Disabled! =( here's a screenshot :https://prnt.sc/o9nbuv1E_DZG can anyone help, i tried for hours, running the script again, etc,,, note : everything was working for years with no issues1 point -
Procon Client
wizz3 reacted to Prophet731 for a file
Download for Procon 1.X for BFC2, BF3, BF4, MoH & BFH Attached to this post, you can find the latest downloads of Procon 1.X and everything attached to it. To download the latest version available, simply click the big LATEST VERSION link. In order to be able to run Procon You can find the changelogs for all patches in this thread: TBD If you're interested in some of the older versions of Procon 1.X, please follow this link: TBD Starting with version, we will not include the media files (maps, kill icons, etc.) for Battlefield: Bad Company 2 and Medal of Honor with the regular Procon download anymore. This measure allows us to drastically reduce the size of each Procon download and thus saves us and your bandwidth and resources during updates. For version, we have however included the media files once more (renamed as "AlphaPack") to allow a smooth transition for BFBC2 and MoH users. Version and upward will no longer contain these files, however, they will be available as a separate download: procon_mediapack_bfbc2_moh.zip The source code of Procon 1.X can be found at our GitHub-repository: https://github.com/AdKats/Procon-1 Note: Starting from version you will need to have .NET 4.7 installed. Old Versions can be downloaded from here.1 point -
Battlefield Admin Control Panel - BFACP
Prophet731 reacted to Hedius for a topic
Go into the database. You have bfacp roles there. Ine should be called Administrator. Assign the ID of it to the user. It is an 1:N relation so the role id should be set in the user table probably? Not sure have to look it up otherwise1 point -
1 point
Advanced In-Game Admin and Ban Enforcer - AdKats
viniitoledo reacted to Hedius for a topic
Yeah you have to give them a role. You cannot set automatically a role for VSM VIPs. you would have to write a script for syncing vsm users to adkats users1 point -
Chat, GUID, Stats and Mapstats Logger []
dangerBEclose reacted to Hedius for a topic
1 point -
Chat, GUID, Stats and Mapstats Logger []
Prophet731 reacted to Hedius for a topic
Well this clearly looks like the database server is blocking you... (Chatlogger does not save any states between layer restarts / fully clears up when disabling and enabling the plugin. Check your MySQL/MariaDB server config for the user to make sure that you have not set any limits. If you have no control over the DBMS: try a decent PRoCon hoster. (EZRCON for example) or host the database yourself1 point -
VIP Slot Manager
AndreSpecker reacted to maxdralle for a topic
its not a problem to whitelist all the vips. its just a setting on each plugin. ofc you have to use a seperate plugin instead of adkats for balance or ping checks. multibalancer: true balancer ping kicker via insane limits: https://myrcon.net/topic/265-insane-limits-high-ping-missing-ping-kicker-working-code1 point -
Advanced In-Game Admin and Ban Enforcer - AdKats
AndreSpecker reacted to Hedius for a topic
You have to click the three dots on the right side to open a window for modifying the messages.1 point -
LOL. just lol. this has nothing to do with your procon version. The connection from your server to github fails. This is neither related to the plugin nor to procon.1 point
Server Kills ( - 3/6/2014)
iceman1915 reacted to ImportBot for a topic
Originally Posted by TimSad*: Description This plugin has multiple server kill type functions... It has kill streaks, death streaks, multikills, first blood, specific kill announcements, and round stats that are displayed at the beginning of each next round. It also has a "Server Kills Report" which displays the server's kills of various types from over a span of X amount of hours defined by Kills Displayed Timespan (hours)... Requirements For the Server Kills Report portion to work, you will need to have the installed on the computer that your Procon or Procon Layer is being run on. Also, if you have the Procon option "Run plugins in a sandbox" selected, you will need to make sure to select Allow all outgoing ODBC connections. Settings Death Streaks Enable Death Streaks? - Allows you to enable or disable the displaying of death streaks. Death Streak Start Number - The number of deaths in a row that a player must reach before death streak messages start displaying at an interval of a death streak number. Death Streak Display Interval - The recurrent number of deaths in a row a player must get after the Death Streak Start Number for a death streak message to display again. Death Streak Default Message - The default message that is displayed for death streaks. Replacement Tags: Death Streak Display Type - Determines whether death streak messages are displayed as a "Say" or a "Yell". Additional Death Streak Messages - Additional alternate messages for any specific death streak number. The Death Streak Default Message will not be displayed for these numbers. Format is... number|message Replacement Tags: End Death Streak Number - The death streak number a player must have met or passed for the End Death Streak Message to be displayed when the player finally gets a kill. Set to 0 to disable. End Death Streak Message - The message that is displayed when a player who has met or passed the End Death Streak Number finally gets a kill. Replacement Tags: Write Death Streaks to Console? - Writes the Death Streak Messages to console if set to Yes. Death Streak Display Type - The Death Streak number a player must reach for the Death Streak Messages to be written to the console. First Blood Display First Blood? - If set to "Yes" it will display the first blood (first kill) of each round. First Blood Message - The customizable message that will be displayed when a player achieves the first blood of a round. Replacement Tags: First Blood Display Type - Determines whether the First Blood Message is displayed as a "Say" or a "Yell". Write First Blood to Console? - Writes the First Blood Messages to console if set to Yes. Kill Streaks Enable Kill Streaks? - Allows you to enable or disable the displaying of kill streaks. Kill Streak Start Number - The number of kills that a player must reach before kill streak messages start displaying at an interval of a kill number. Kill Streak Display Interval - The recurrent number of kills in a row a player must get after the Kill Streak Start Number for a kill streak message to display again. Default Message - The default message that is displayed for kill streaks. Replacement Tags: Display Type - Determines whether kill streak messages are displayed as a "Say" or a "Yell". Additional Messages - Additional alternate messages for any specific kill number. The Default Message will not be displayed for these numbers. Format is... number|message Replacement Tags: End Kill Streak Number - The kill streak number a player must have met or passed for the End Kill Streak Message to be displayed when the player is killed. Set to 0 to disable. End Kill Streak Message - The message that is displayed when a player who has met or passed the End Kill Streak Number is killed. Replacement Tags: Write Kill Streaks to Console? - Writes the Kill Streak Messages to console if set to Yes. Kill Streak Display Type - The Kill Streak number a player must reach for the Kill Streak Messages to be written to the console. Multikills Enable Multkills? - Allows you to enable or disable the displaying of multikills. Multikill Messages - The specific messages that will be displayed when a player gets a multikill. Format is... number|message|display type (say or yell) Replacement Tags: Multikill Span (in seconds) - The time span of seconds defined by you that constitute a multikill. More than 3 seconds is pushing it so you cannot enter a value greater than that. Write Multikills to Console? - Writes the Multikill Messages to console if set to Yes. Multikill Console Write Start Value - The minimum multikill value that a player must have achieved for it to be written to console. Round Stats Enable Round Stats? - Allows you to enable or disable the displaying of round stats. Add Weapon To Display Messages - A drop down list with all the weapons and kill types. Select anything from this list to be added to the Display Messages along with a generic message. Display Messages - The customizable messages that are displayed in chat at the beginning of a round for the previous round's stats. Replacement Tags: Write Display Messages to Console? - Writes the messages to console if set to Yes. Display Ace Squad? - Allows you to enable or disable the displaying of Ace Squad. Ace Squad Message - The customizable message that is displayed for Ace Squad at the beginning of each round. Replacement Tags: Ace Squad Display Type - Determines whether the Ace Squad message is displayed as a "Say", a "Yell", or uses the vars.serverMessage variable (restored after use) to display the message at the beginning of the round. Write Ace Squad to Console? - Writes the Ace Squad message to console if set to Yes. Server Kills Report Enable Server Kills Report? - Allows you to enable or disable the displaying of the Server Kills Report. DB Host - Your Database Host. DB Port - Your Database Port. DB Name - Your Database Name. DB User - Your Database User. DB Password - Your Database Password DB Table - Your Database Table for the specific server. For instance... server1 or karkand as I did for my 24/7 TDM Karkand server. (The plugin creates this table for you.) Kills Display Interval (minutes) - The interval of time in minutes, recurringly, that the Server Kills Report is displayed. This is based off of an even hour e.g. 10 will display at 1:10, 1:20:, 1:30, etc... Kills Displayed Timespan (hours) - How far back in hours that the Server Kills Report goes to fetch the data. Add Weapon To Kills Display Messages - A drop down list with all the weapons and kill types. Select anything from this list to be added to the Kills Display Messages. Kills Display Messages - The customizable messages that are displayed for the Server Kills Report. Replacement Tags: Write Kills Display Messages to Console? - Writes the messages to console if set to Yes. Specific Kill Announcements Add Kill Type - A drop down list with all the weapons and kill types. Select anything from this list to be added to the Kill Announcement List along with a generic message. Announcement Display Type - Determines whether specific kill announcement messages are displayed as a "Say" or a "Yell". Kill Announcement List - The list of weapons or kill types specified by you associated with their individual messages. Format is... weapon/killType|message Replacement Tags: Write Kill Announcement to Console? - Writes the Kill Announcement Messages to console if set to Yes. Future Plans Add more weapons and such to both the Round Stats and the Server Kills Report Add more server kill type statistic functions Kill Streaks Specific Kill Type Announcements Known Issues Using a database named anything other than "bf3serverkills" won't work for the Server Kills Report. Here's how to fix it... myrcon.net/...server-kills#entry25186 With this current version, the End Kill Streak Number is reset to its default of 10 if Procon or the Plugin is reloaded. Here's the fix... myrcon.net/...server-kills#entry25201 Change Log (03/6/2014) changed the way a few things work to make it more appropriate for Battlefield 4 such as how/when it displays Ace Squad and when the Round Stats are displayed (03/10/2013) added Multikills feature added First Blood feature added ability to enable each feature to write their display messages to console (only a few had it before) fixed rare instances where vars.serverMessage wouldn't be restored, occurring when the rounds fell back into pre-round (100% fixed this time) added workability support for End Game's Capture The Flag & Air Superiority (02/01/2013) fixed issue where the Specific Kill Announcement wouldn't always be triggered - should now always display the message when a kill is acquired with whatever weapon(s) are in your list fixed issue where Server Kills Report didn't work when having a database name other than "bf3serverkills" fixed the problem where the End Kill Streak Number would be reset to its default of 10 any time Procon was restarted fixed the problem where when Ace Squad Display Type is set to vars.serverMessage it would fail to revert the variable back to its original value - this would always occur when there wasn't anybody to spawn the next round therefore triggering the vars.serverMessage reset fixed the formatting of the Ace Squad display when only one person was in the Ace Squad fixed Ace Squad to where it will now work on every game mode except for the Squad game modes added Death Streaks to the plugin added Most Deaths, Highest Score, & Highest Death Streak to the Round Stats (06/14/2012)fixed a bug where Ace Squad wouldn't display at times (06/10/2012)added an Ace Squad announcement to Round Stats (05/30/2012) added the ability to add every weapon and kill type to the Round Stats and the Server Kills Report implemented proper exception handling when dealing with ODBC objects (05/24/2012) added Kill Streaks added Specific Kill Announcements (05/22/2012)Fixed the crashing of Procon due to having no or the wrong MySQL ODBC Driver Attached Files: CServerKills[].zip CServerKills[].zip1 point -
Insane Limits ( - 30-MAR-2015) + BFHL
MrGibbyGibson reacted to Hedius for a topic
Yeah there is an error in the code. https://github.com/AdKats/insane-limits/pull/2/commits/ab4cbdea222f4a1033880a5ee40605ab9ca10018 Working version: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Hedius/insane-limits/master/InsaneLimits.cs1 point -
Advanced In-Game Admin and Ban Enforcer - AdKats
B7ackhawk reacted to ColColonCleaner for a topic
Add the kill self command and any other commands you want to use to your full admin role.1 point -
clarification: the problem was a disabled function in the php configuration. we did a bypass by editing the "api.php" file from the website. we replaced the "mb_substr" to "substr" in line 83,86,88.1 point
On-Spawn Loadout Enforcer for Infantry/Vehicles - AdKatsLRT
iamadeadpixel reacted to ColColonCleaner for a topic
Keep in mind the plugin has no knowledge of where the player spawns, only that they spawned somewhere. The 'on kill' option is there for jets because if some random player goes about their business on the ground we don't want the plugin caring about their jet loadout. However, if a player spawns then kills with a jet, it will scrutinize their jet loadout until they change it. It classifies them as a jet player whenever they kill with the jet. There isn't really a way around this either because if you just admin kill a person when they kill with an invalid loadout in a jet, they just spawn in the jet again and kill with the invalid loadout again. Admin kills don't give deaths on player stats so there isn't a punishment there.1 point -
Battlefield Admin Control Panel - BFACP
Angry_Cuban13 reacted to Hodor for a topic
And all you do is spam on the forum "real life, real job, real dick" - I think you have some problems with IRL, sofa critic.1 point -
1 point
Advanced In-Game Admin and Ban Enforcer - AdKats
Hedius reacted to ColColonCleaner for a topic
There are also automatic settings for admins. Look for settings like 'Automatic spectator whitelist for admins'. You might have that enabled.1 point -
You have to unspectator him. This setting is only for display. Your perks should not gift sepctator slots. just nothing should add slots. No kicks should happen if the list is empty.1 point
Chat, GUID, Stats and Mapstats Logger []
Checka_Wiemi reacted to Hedius for a topic
1 point -
Advanced In-Game Admin and Ban Enforcer - AdKats
ColColonCleaner reacted to Hedius for a topic
!wnuke usually does the trick1 point -
Advanced In-Game Admin and Ban Enforcer - AdKats
yard41 reacted to ColColonCleaner for a topic
Yep just looks like a code is missing, thanks @Hedius. That admin should unban you and update their BFHL.def file to the latest version so the weapon you used is properly categorized as a sniper rifle. https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AdKats/Procon-1/master/src/Resources/Configs/BFHL.def1 point -
Advanced In-Game Admin and Ban Enforcer - AdKats
Hodor reacted to ColColonCleaner for a topic
You can use the "Death" weapon code as an example in your file.1 point -
Hei, i could do it. If you want to you can dm me on discord Eliiitex#60681 point
Battlefield Admin Control Panel - BFACP
Z1nx reacted to Prophet731 for a topic
That shows how to fix it.1 point -
Development This plugin is an open source project hosted on GitLab.com. The repo is located at https://gitlab.com/e4gl/fail-log and the master branch is used for public distributions. See the Tags tab for the latest ZIP distributions. If you would like to offer bug fixes or new features, feel free to fork the repo and submit pull requests.1 point
1 point
Changelog for version remove the deprecated web log module add support for Discord webhooks Also send emails and discord notifications for crashes new variables for messages: %type% (Error type), %id%, %shortservername% new update check several minor fixes1 point
yes, the adkats population manager should work.1 point
you can change the adkats settings to disable this two commands. open adkats in procon and change: 6. Command List - CDE16 - Teamswap Self - Active: Disabled - CDE17 - Kill Self - Active: Disabled1 point
On-Spawn Loadout Enforcer for Infantry/Vehicles - AdKatsLRT
AHITMAN reacted to ColColonCleaner for a topic
Enable high request volume. There were issues back in the day where battlelog would IP ban layers for too many loadout requests but those issues seem to have gone away. However, there are some times where battlelog just doesn't have someone's correct loadout and won't provide that info to the plugin and in those cases there is nothing i can do.1 point -
@C4MQS8 i get the same error msg. maybe this plugin version a beta version. i dont know. but i changed a littlebit the plugin file. now the plugin get loaded. but there is no plugin settings page. the plugin creates a new folder on the layer server with an txt file. before you try it out, make sure you have a backup of your banlist.txt file from your gameserver. CSharedBanlist.zip1 point
Battlefield Admin Control Panel - BFACP
5YRU5 reacted to Prophet731 for a topic
Hi All, So @5YRU5 noticed that the email settings no longer worked in the current releases of the BFACP. I forgot I set it up a long time ago to use my mailgun account to send the emails for a less hassle way. I had rolled the key used for authentication for another reason and didn't remember that it was used here. Below is how to change it to use your email server. If you're running any version below 2.1-dev then these are what you need to add to your env.php file. Look at the email settings section at the bottom of this script. Copy and paste that into your env.php file. <?php /** * Array of IP addresses that are allowed to see debug information. To add more separate each entry * by a comma and enclose in double or single quotes. Only IPv4 Addressed supported. * Default: (localhost) * * @var array */ $allowedIps = ['']; if (isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])) { // Check for cloudflare use if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_CF_CONNECTING_IP'])) { $ip = $_SERVER['HTTP_CF_CONNECTING_IP']; } else { $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; } if (in_array($ip, $allowedIps)) { $debug = true; } else { $debug = false; } } else { $debug = false; } /** * If Memcached exists then use that instead for better performance. * Supported: "file", "database", "apc", "memcached", "redis", "array" */ if (class_exists('Memcached')) { $session_driver = 'memcached'; $cache_driver = 'memcached'; } else { $session_driver = 'file'; $cache_driver = 'file'; } return [ /** * Do not change these settings unless * you know what you're doing */ 'APP_ENV' => 'production', 'APP_DEBUG' => $debug, 'IP_WHITELIST' => implode('|', $allowedIps), 'SESSION_DRIVER' => $session_driver, 'CACHE_DRIVER' => $cache_driver, /** * Database Settings */ 'DB_HOST' => 'localhost', 'DB_USER' => 'root', 'DB_PASS' => '', 'DB_NAME' => 'mydatabase', /** * Set your app key here */ 'APP_KEY' => 'YourSecretKey!!!', /** * Set pusher API keys to allow realtime functionality. You will need to create an account. * * See https://pusher.com/docs/javascript_quick_start */ 'PUSHER_APP_ID' => '', 'PUSHER_APP_KEY' => '', 'PUSHER_APP_SECRET' => '', /** * Email Settings */ 'MAIL_DRIVER' => 'smtp', 'MAIL_HOST' => 'smtp.mailtrap.io', 'MAIL_PORT' => 2525, 'MAIL_USERNAME' => '', 'MAIL_PASSWORD' => '', 'MAIL_FROM_ADDRESS' => '', 'MAIL_FROM_NAME' => '', 'MAIL_ENCRYPTION' => 'tls, ]; If you are running version 2.1-dev or higher then you will just need to add these to the bottom of your .env file. MAIL_DRIVER=smtp MAIL_HOST=smtp.mailtrap.io MAIL_PORT=2525 MAIL_USERNAME=null MAIL_PASSWORD=null MAIL_FROM_ADDRESS=null MAIL_FROM_NAME=null MAIL_ENCRYPTION=tls Also, you will need to update the following config file in app/config/mail.php. If you are running < 2.1-dev. <?php return [ /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Mail Driver |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Laravel supports both SMTP and PHP's "mail" function as drivers for the | sending of e-mail. You may specify which one you're using throughout | your application here. By default, Laravel is setup for SMTP mail. | | Supported: "smtp", "sendmail", "mailgun", "ses", | "postmark", "log", "array" | */ 'driver' => getenv('MAIL_DRIVER', 'smtp'), /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | SMTP Host Address |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Here you may provide the host address of the SMTP server used by your | applications. A default option is provided that is compatible with | the Mailgun mail service which will provide reliable deliveries. | */ 'host' => getenv('MAIL_HOST', 'smtp.mailgun.org'), /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | SMTP Host Port |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | This is the SMTP port used by your application to deliver e-mails to | users of the application. Like the host we have set this value to | stay compatible with the Mailgun e-mail application by default. | */ 'port' => getenv('MAIL_PORT', 587), /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Global "From" Address |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | You may wish for all e-mails sent by your application to be sent from | the same address. Here, you may specify a name and address that is | used globally for all e-mails that are sent by your application. | */ 'from' => [ 'address' => getenv('MAIL_FROM_ADDRESS', '[email protected]'), 'name' => getenv('MAIL_FROM_NAME', 'Example'), ], /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | E-Mail Encryption Protocol |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Here you may specify the encryption protocol that should be used when | the application send e-mail messages. A sensible default using the | transport layer security protocol should provide great security. | */ 'encryption' => getenv('MAIL_ENCRYPTION', 'tls'), /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | SMTP Server Username |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | If your SMTP server requires a username for authentication, you should | set it here. This will get used to authenticate with your server on | connection. You may also set the "password" value below this one. | */ 'username' => getenv('MAIL_USERNAME'), 'password' => getenv('MAIL_PASSWORD'), /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Sendmail System Path |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | When using the "sendmail" driver to send e-mails, we will need to know | the path to where Sendmail lives on this server. A default path has | been provided here, which will work well on most of your systems. | */ 'sendmail' => '/usr/sbin/sendmail -bs', /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Mail "Pretend" |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | When this option is enabled, e-mail will not actually be sent over the | web and will instead be written to your application's logs files so | you may inspect the message. This is great for local development. | */ 'pretend' => false, ];1 point -
Advanced In-Game Admin and Ban Enforcer - AdKats
ColColonCleaner reacted to Prophet731 for a topic
Read my post above.1 point -
Advanced In-Game Admin and Ban Enforcer - AdKats
AceWinchester reacted to Prophet731 for a topic
Yes, that's what it's designed for so you shouldn't have any issues.1 point -
On-Spawn Loadout Enforcer for Infantry/Vehicles - AdKatsLRT
AHITMAN reacted to ColColonCleaner for a topic
There is not a way to do this currently. You can set it up so the restrictions are only active on specific maps, but the restrictions themselves can't change between maps.1 point -
Advanced In-Game Admin and Ban Enforcer - AdKats
TheTomik reacted to Prophet731 for a topic
Remove the URL and paste in the numeric id from that URL.1 point -
Battlefield Admin Control Panel - BFACP
Hodor reacted to Prophet731 for a topic
Another update for Version 3 I'm working on the dashboard page for logged in users. I'm adding what I think would be useful but I wanted to know if other people have suggestions on what to put on here.1 point -
Procon Usage Stats
5YRU5 reacted to Prophet731 for a topic
Now that the usage stats work again, I have made the page to view them. You can view it at the link below. https://stats.myrcon.net/1 point -
Battlefield Admin Control Panel - BFACP
Hodor reacted to Prophet731 for a topic
To those that would like a quick preview of the GUI changes, here is the screenshot of the theme that'll be for Version 3.0. You will be able to customize the theme in a config file (change the page layout, color, etc...) to your liking.1 point -
or disable the "check for update" option IN the plugin1 point