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Plugin Enhancements

Procon plugin enhancements

2 files

  1. Battlefield Admin Control Panel - BFACP

    Version 2.3.0 and 3.0 will only be offered as a SaaS solution. Please redirect all discussions regarding these versions to EZSCALE's discord channel. 
    Running on PHP Version 7
    This does not work with any version of the BFACP do not try to run this application on that version. Use the latest stable PHP 5.6.

    The Battlefield Admin Control Panel (BFACP) is a web based admin tool designed to work exclusively with AdKats (v6+) and XpKillers Chat, GUID, Stats and Mapstats Logger (v1.0.0.3). The software is built with the Laravel PHP framework to speed up development time and make my job a lot easier.
    MySQL Database (5.6+) AdKats v6+ XpKillers Chat, GUID, Stats and Mapstats Logger v1.0.0.2+ PHP 5.5+ PHP Mcrypt PHP PDO Features
    User, Role, and Permission system. Live Scoreboard with chat. Ban Management for AdKats. Detailed player information with graph charts. Server statistics page for each server showing population history, uptime history with data from UptimeRobot, and Mapstats. Metabans support. Report notifications with ability to change alert sounds. Chatlog searching where you can search by multiple players and/or keywords and ability to only show from a certain date/time range. Message of the Day Quick DB Stats overview and more! Download the latest version. Once downloaded unzip it to a temporary folder on your computer. Next open the .env.php file located in the root folder in your favorite text editor. Scroll down to the database settings section and fill in your database connection information.
    /** * Database Settings */ 'DB_HOST' => 'localhost', 'DB_USER' => 'root', 'DB_PASS' => '', 'DB_NAME' => 'mydatabase', Next we need to create a encryption key. This is IMPORTANT! The default key provided is just a placeholder string and is insecure. I have provided a page where you can get a random 32 character string. I do NOT save these and they are random on each refresh. You can access this page here, scroll down to the CodeIgniter Encryption Keys. Once you have your key open up the file .env.php in the root folder and scroll down till you see the APP_KEY field. Replace the YourSecretKey!!! with the key that was generated. By default it will look like this.
    /** * Set your app key here */ 'APP_KEY' => 'YourSecretKey!!!' Once completed upload the entire application to your webserver. Once uploaded you will need to modify some file and folder permissions. Change the files and folders permissions under app/storage recursively to 0777. This application was designed to run on a subdomain and not from a folder from the TLD. Make sure to create a subdomain and if possible have domain point to the public folder that's located under the root folder.
    Now load up application in your web browser and it will begin the process of creating the tables. This process will take a few seconds to run on first load. When it completed you should see the dashboard.
    Default login
    Username: admin
    Password: password
    You can change the default username and password by clicking on Site Management > Users > Admin
    Installing from the command line
    This method is only for those who have shell access to their web server or VPS. This will download and extract the files to your current directory. Make sure it's an empty directory.
    If you have git installed you can just run the following command to install it. You must have composer and php command line installed.
    Composer Method (preferred)
    composer create-project --prefer-dist --no-scripts --keep-vcs adkgamers/bfadmincp . Git Method
    git clone https://github.com/Prophet731/BFAdminCP.git . composer install --no-scripts This will clone and install the dependencies need for the BFACP to work. This will checkout the master branch which is the stable version. If you would like to run the develop version you will need to run git checkout develop before you issue the composer command.
    To update it all you will need to do is run
    git pull and it will pull the latest version on the current branch (master or develop).
    To make this an automated process you can create a cron job for it.
    * * * * * cd /path/to/bfacp; git pull >/dev/null 2>&1


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  2. Hardline Stats Page

    These are the stats pages to be used with the "Chat, GUID, Stats and Mapstats Logger". You will need version 1.5.3.x or later of procon that has the correct BFHL.def file. I have included 3 different styles to choose from: Red, Blue, or Hardline Yellow. You can find the sample pages as follows:
    Red Page
    Blue Page
    Yellow Page


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