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ProconRulz - player !challenge event to win a VIP Slot - BF4 - working code


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Originally Posted by maxdralle*:


ProconRulz - weapon !challenge for players to win a VIP Slot - working code BF4


This !challenge script makes the game more interesting for players. The challenge is simple: Make 10 kills with each shotgun to win a VIP Slot for 1 month. It is easy to understand, nice to play and hard to win!


A challenge will start on each round for any player on the server. It is free to play or not, it is optional. If a player is tough enough to complete the whole challenge they win a VIP slot automatically. The script adds a reserved slot for the winner and after one month it will be removed.


The playername of any challenge winner will be stored in the proconrulz ini file...


The script includes five different presets of weapon types (challenges). On every round it will load the next preset.

Preset 1: Shotgun (10x10 kills -> 10 kills with each Shotgun)

Preset 2: Handgun (10x10 kills)

Preset 3: Sniper/DMR (10x10 kills)

Preset 4: LMG (10x10 kills)

Preset 5: PDW (10x10 kills)






####       !CHALLENGE        #########
# win vip slot for 1 month
# req. min. 20 players on round start to enable the weapon challenge
# Preset 1: Shotgun (10x10 kills -> 10 kills with each shotgun)
# Preset 2: Handgun (10x10 kills)
# Preset 3: Sniper/DMR (10x10 kills)
# Preset 4: LMG (10x10 kills)
# Preset 5: PDW (10x10 kills)

On Say; ServerFirst; If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 0; if %ts1% + %ts2% >= 20; Set %server_global_challenge_preset% %ini_challenge_preset%; Incr %server_global_challenge_preset%; Set %ini_challenge_preset% %server_global_challenge_preset%; Say ***   !CHALLENGE enable   ***; If %server_global_challenge_preset% > 5; Set %server_global_challenge_preset% 1; Set %ini_challenge_preset% 1
On Spawn; ServerFirst; If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 0; if %ts1% + %ts2% >= 20; Set %server_global_challenge_preset% %ini_challenge_preset%; Incr %server_global_challenge_preset%; Set %ini_challenge_preset% %server_global_challenge_preset%; Say ***   !CHALLENGE enable   ***; If %server_global_challenge_preset% > 5; Set %server_global_challenge_preset% 1; Set %ini_challenge_preset% 1

# count kills and points, add vip slot (31 days)
On Kill; If %server_global_challenge_preset% != 0;
    Set %tmp_challenge_step2% 0
    If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 1; Damage Shotgun; Set %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% Shotgun; Set %tmp_challenge_step2% 1
    If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 2; Damage Handgun; Set %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% Handgun; Set %tmp_challenge_step2% 1
    If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 3; Damage SniperRifle,DMR; Set %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% Sniper/DMR; Set %tmp_challenge_step2% 1
    If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 4; Damage LMG; Set %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% LMG; Set %tmp_challenge_step2% 1
    If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 5; Damage SMG; Set %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% PDW; Set %tmp_challenge_step2% 1
    If %tmp_challenge_step2% == 1; Incr %challenge_player_weapon_kills[%wk%]%; If %challenge_player_weapon_kills[%wk%]% == 10; Incr %challenge_player_points[%p%]%; Set %challenge_player_weapon_mastered[%p%][%challenge_player_points[%p%]%]% %w%; Say %p% !CHALLENGE: %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% [%challenge_player_points[%p%]%/10]; PlayerSay %p%: %w% completed - change your %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% to win a VIP SLOT; PlayerYell 5 %p% ! CHALLENGE: [%challenge_player_points[%p%]%/10] - %w% completed; If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% == 10; Say !CHALLENGE: %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% [%challenge_player_points[%p%]%/10] completed! - %p% has won a VIP SLOT for 1 month !!!; Yell 20 ! CHALLENGE - %p% has won a VIP SLOT!; Log ^b^2!CHALLENGE %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% [%challenge_player_points[%p%]%/10] completed! - %p% has won a VIP SLOT for 1 month^0^n; Set %ini_challengeCompleted_%p%-DATE%ymd%-TIME%hms%% CHALLENGE_%tmp_msg_weapon_typ%_%challenge_player_points[%p%]%/10_completed__%p%_has_won_a_VIP_SLOT_for_1_month____DEBUG_timestamp_%seconds%_/_86400_+31_+_%tmp_rem_vip_days%; Set %ini_challengeVipSlotEnd_%p%% %seconds% / 86400 + 31 + %tmp_rem_vip_days%; Set %server_challenge_winners% %p%; Exec reservedSlotsList.add %p%; Exec reservedSlotsList.save

# in-game-commands
On Say; Text !challenge,!chal,!chel; If %server_global_challenge_preset% != 0;
    PlayerFirst; Set %tmp_space% ", "
    if %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 1; Set %tmp_mastered_line1% %challenge_player_weapon_mastered[%p%][1]%; If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 2; Set %tmp_mastered_line1% %tmp_mastered_line1% %tmp_space% %challenge_player_weapon_mastered[%p%][2]%; If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 3; Set %tmp_mastered_line1% %tmp_mastered_line1% %tmp_space% %challenge_player_weapon_mastered[%p%][3]%
    If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 4; Set %tmp_mastered_line2% %challenge_player_weapon_mastered[%p%][4]%; If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 5; Set %tmp_mastered_line2% %tmp_mastered_line2% %tmp_space% %challenge_player_weapon_mastered[%p%][5]%; If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 6; Set %tmp_mastered_line2% %tmp_mastered_line2% %tmp_space% %challenge_player_weapon_mastered[%p%][6]%
    If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 7; Set %tmp_mastered_line3% %challenge_player_weapon_mastered[%p%][7]%; If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 8; Set %tmp_mastered_line3% %tmp_mastered_line3% %tmp_space% %challenge_player_weapon_mastered[%p%][8]%; If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 9; Set %tmp_mastered_line3% %tmp_mastered_line3% %tmp_space% %challenge_player_weapon_mastered[%p%][9]%; If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 10; Set %tmp_mastered_line3% %tmp_mastered_line3 %tmp_space% %challenge_player_weapon_mastered[%p%][10]%
    If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 1; PlayerSay %p% !CHALLENGE: Shotgun [%challenge_player_points[%p%]%/10]; Set %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% "Shotgun"
    If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 2; PlayerSay %p% !CHALLENGE: Handgun [%challenge_player_points[%p%]%/10]; Set %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% "Handgun"
    If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 3; PlayerSay %p% !CHALLENGE: Sniper/DMR [%challenge_player_points[%p%]%/10]; Set %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% "Sniper/DMR"
    If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 4; PlayerSay %p% !CHALLENGE: LMG [%challenge_player_points[%p%]%/10]; Set %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% "LMG"
    If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 5; PlayerSay %p% !CHALLENGE: PDW [%challenge_player_points[%p%]%/10]; Set %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% "PDW"
    If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 1; PlayerSay Completed: %tmp_mastered_line1%; If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 4; PlayerSay %tmp_mastered_line2%; If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 7; PlayerSay %tmp_mastered_line3%
    Say !CHALLENGE: Make 10 kills with each %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% to win a VIP SLOT for 1 month. Each round new challenge
On Say; Text !challenge,!chal,!chel; If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 0; Say !CHALLENGE disabled - need more players, maybe next round

# remove vip slot after 31 days...
On Spawn; PlayerFirst; If %ini_challengeVipSlotEnd_%p%% != 0; 
    If %seconds% / 86400 < %ini_challengeVipSlotEnd_%p%%; Set %tmp_rem_vip_days% %ini_challengeVipSlotEnd_%p%% - %seconds% / 86400; Say %p% welcome !CHALLENGE winner with VIP Slot; PlayerSay VIP Slot days remaining: %tmp_rem_vip_days%
    If %seconds% / 86400 > %ini_challengeVipSlotEnd_%p%%; Set %ini_challengeVipSlotEnd_%p%% 0; PlayerSay %p% your !CHALLENGE VIP Slot has expired; PlayerSay Win a new !CHALLENGE or buy a VIP Slot; Log ^b^2!CHALLENGE^0^n VIP Slot for %p% removed; Exec reservedSlotsList.remove %p%; Exec reservedSlotsList.save

# round end winner notify
On RoundOver; If %server_challenge_winners% != 0; If %server_challenge_winners% != none; Say %server_challenge_winners% has won a !VIP SLOT for playing the !CHALLENGE
####       !CHALLENGE - END       #########
script customization:

RED: # players on round start to enable the challenge

GREEN: # of kills for each weapon (10: eg. 10x saiga kills, 10 dao kills, 10x ...)

BLUE: # of days for the vip slot (31 days)




VERSION 2 (modified for VIP Slot Manager Plugin)

If you use the 'VIP Slot Manager Plugin' then use this modified VERSION 2 of the weapon challenge script.


####       !CHALLENGE        #########
# VERSION 2 - modified for VIP Slot Manager Plugin
# REQUIRES: VIP Slot Manager Plugin

# win vip slot for 1 month
# req. min. 20 players on round start to enable the weapon challenge

# Preset 1: Shotgun (10x10 kills -> 10 kills with each shotgun)
# Preset 2: Handgun (10x10 kills)
# Preset 3: Sniper/DMR (10x10 kills)
# Preset 4: LMG (10x10 kills)
# Preset 5: PDW (10x10 kills)

On Say; ServerFirst; If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 0; if %ts1% + %ts2% >= 20; Set %server_global_challenge_preset% %ini_challenge_preset%; Incr %server_global_challenge_preset%; Set %ini_challenge_preset% %server_global_challenge_preset%; Say ***   !CHALLENGE enable   ***; If %server_global_challenge_preset% > 5; Set %server_global_challenge_preset% 1; Set %ini_challenge_preset% 1
On Spawn; ServerFirst; If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 0; if %ts1% + %ts2% >= 20; Set %server_global_challenge_preset% %ini_challenge_preset%; Incr %server_global_challenge_preset%; Set %ini_challenge_preset% %server_global_challenge_preset%; Say ***   !CHALLENGE enable   ***; If %server_global_challenge_preset% > 5; Set %server_global_challenge_preset% 1; Set %ini_challenge_preset% 1

# count kills and points, add vip slot (31 days)
On Kill; If %server_global_challenge_preset% != 0;
    Set %tmp_challenge_step2% 0
    If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 1; Damage Shotgun; Set %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% Shotgun; Set %tmp_challenge_step2% 1
    If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 2; Damage Handgun; Set %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% Handgun; Set %tmp_challenge_step2% 1
    If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 3; Damage SniperRifle,DMR; Set %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% Sniper/DMR; Set %tmp_challenge_step2% 1
    If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 4; Damage LMG; Set %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% LMG; Set %tmp_challenge_step2% 1
    If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 5; Damage SMG; Set %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% PDW; Set %tmp_challenge_step2% 1
    If %tmp_challenge_step2% == 1; Incr %challenge_player_weapon_kills[%wk%]%; If %challenge_player_weapon_kills[%wk%]% == 10; Incr %challenge_player_points[%p%]%; Set %challenge_player_weapon_mastered[%p%][%challenge_player_points[%p%]%]% %w%; Say %p% !CHALLENGE: %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% [%challenge_player_points[%p%]%/10]; PlayerSay %p%: %w% completed - change your %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% to win a VIP SLOT; PlayerYell 5 %p% ! CHALLENGE: [%challenge_player_points[%p%]%/10] - %w% completed; If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% == 10; Say !CHALLENGE: %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% [%challenge_player_points[%p%]%/10] completed! - %p% has won a VIP SLOT for 1 month !!!; Yell 20 ! CHALLENGE - %p% has won a VIP SLOT!; Log ^b^2!CHALLENGE %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% [%challenge_player_points[%p%]%/10] completed! - %p% has won a VIP SLOT for 1 month^0^n; Set %server_challenge_winners% %p%; Say /vsm-addvip %p% +31

# in-game-commands
On Say; Text !challenge,!chal,!chel; If %server_global_challenge_preset% != 0;
    PlayerFirst; Set %tmp_space% ", "
    if %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 1; Set %tmp_mastered_line1% %challenge_player_weapon_mastered[%p%][1]%; If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 2; Set %tmp_mastered_line1% %tmp_mastered_line1% %tmp_space% %challenge_player_weapon_mastered[%p%][2]%; If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 3; Set %tmp_mastered_line1% %tmp_mastered_line1% %tmp_space% %challenge_player_weapon_mastered[%p%][3]%
    If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 4; Set %tmp_mastered_line2% %challenge_player_weapon_mastered[%p%][4]%; If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 5; Set %tmp_mastered_line2% %tmp_mastered_line2% %tmp_space% %challenge_player_weapon_mastered[%p%][5]%; If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 6; Set %tmp_mastered_line2% %tmp_mastered_line2% %tmp_space% %challenge_player_weapon_mastered[%p%][6]%
    If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 7; Set %tmp_mastered_line3% %challenge_player_weapon_mastered[%p%][7]%; If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 8; Set %tmp_mastered_line3% %tmp_mastered_line3% %tmp_space% %challenge_player_weapon_mastered[%p%][8]%; If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 9; Set %tmp_mastered_line3% %tmp_mastered_line3% %tmp_space% %challenge_player_weapon_mastered[%p%][9]%; If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 10; Set %tmp_mastered_line3% %tmp_mastered_line3 %tmp_space% %challenge_player_weapon_mastered[%p%][10]%
    If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 1; PlayerSay %p% !CHALLENGE: Shotgun [%challenge_player_points[%p%]%/10]; Set %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% "Shotgun"
    If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 2; PlayerSay %p% !CHALLENGE: Handgun [%challenge_player_points[%p%]%/10]; Set %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% "Handgun"
    If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 3; PlayerSay %p% !CHALLENGE: Sniper/DMR [%challenge_player_points[%p%]%/10]; Set %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% "Sniper/DMR"
    If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 4; PlayerSay %p% !CHALLENGE: LMG [%challenge_player_points[%p%]%/10]; Set %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% "LMG"
    If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 5; PlayerSay %p% !CHALLENGE: PDW [%challenge_player_points[%p%]%/10]; Set %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% "PDW"
    If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 1; PlayerSay Completed: %tmp_mastered_line1%; If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 4; PlayerSay %tmp_mastered_line2%; If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 7; PlayerSay %tmp_mastered_line3%
    Say !CHALLENGE: Make 10 kills with each %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% to win a VIP SLOT for 1 month. Each round new challenge
On Say; Text !challenge,!chal,!chel; If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 0; Say !CHALLENGE disabled - need more players, maybe next round

# round end winner notify
On RoundOver; If %server_challenge_winners% != 0; If %server_challenge_winners% != none; Say %server_challenge_winners% has won a !VIP SLOT for playing the !CHALLENGE
####       !CHALLENGE - END       #########

12.05.2017 add modified version 2 for VIP Slot Manager Plugin

01.11.2016 code colored for easier customization

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  • Replies 70
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Originally Posted by BuRockK*:


Nice script dude, should help bring people in server too if VIP slots have more to offer of course like immune to some weapon limits etc.


But heres an idea just off the top. How about saving player names and their VIP slot times used for a more future option in script.


The player wins a VIP slot for a month. Nothing interesting there. But, maybe a count down of the players VIP time added up with a new one he may have win again.


Heres an example. Player wins VIP slot for a month. Coundown starts running out. The next day he wins again. So it would mean 30 day countdown restarts over. But Instead, the previously used VIP time added up to the newly gotten VIP slot time. So it would be 31 day of VIP earned in total.


Heres the trick i was thinking of;

Instead of keep adding up VIP time on top of previous ones, maybe make it a seperate countdown. This countdown can only go up to 90days. So even if player keeps winning VIP slots over and over, player can only win maximum of 90 days of VIP slot. After that, the player will be excluded from !challenge for say, a year.


I though this way, players would get the taste of having a VIP slot (may be immune to some weapon limits etc.) and decide to donate for a VIP slot until his exclution time from !challenge is over.

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Originally Posted by EntraVenuS*:


so ive just installed this on our server, Am i right in presuming, that the 10 kills have to be done in 1 round? and after the round finishes it resets until the next round? or are the kills carried over? and where is the winner stored as i cant see the proconrulz ini store on my procon host ?


if it is reset every round this is an amazing plugin. If they are carried over then its not so good and how is there a way of doing so?

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Originally Posted by maxdralle*:



thx! i will join on your server. i will see the challenge in action...



your idea is good. but i think your extra features makes the code too complicated. i think it is better to stay by a clear basic version. because adding new features is easier than removing...

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Originally Posted by maxdralle*:


so ive just installed this on our server, Am i right in presuming, that the 10 kills have to be done in 1 round? and after the round finishes it resets until the next round? or are the kills carried over? and where is the winner stored as i cant see the proconrulz ini store on my procon host ?


if it is reset every round this is an amazing plugin. If they are carried over then its not so good and how is there a way of doing so?

yes, it resets the kill points after the round is finished. new round = new challenge (0 points for each player).


the winners will be stored in the proconrulz ini file. it is a textfile on your procon layer server. you can download it via ftp. the file is in the folder CONFIGS with the filename _proconrulz.ini


here is a example proconrulz ini file with 1 winner:



if a player wins the challenge, you will also see a message in your procon pc tool:


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  • 4 weeks later...

Originally Posted by maxdralle*:



yes, it is possible to add KNIFE/MEELE as a weapon challenge. the following weapon groups are working: Melee, Handgun, AssaultRifle, LMG, SMG, SniperRifle, Shotgun, DMR, Carbine


a challenge for vehicles is not a good idea because procon count vehicle kills with the weapon id DEATH...




i think it works also for BF3 :smile:

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Originally Posted by maxdralle*:


BONUS CHALLENGE - kill the viper noob


this script is a little special challenge. i call this challenge "kill the viper noob".


the challenge start automatically if player make more than 70 kills in one round with a air vehicle (usually it is a viper on the map shanghai). this kind of players are farming kills with a extrem high round kd and it is realy hard kill this players. if a viper noob is on the the server with more than 70 kills it starts the following challenge: Next player who kill's the Viper NOOB win's a VIP SLOT for 1 week!


the challenge starts max. one time per round.


REQUIRES: VIP Slot Manager Plugin






####       SPECIAL CHALLENGE - VIPER NOOB       #########
# win vip slot for 1 week 
# this challenge start automatically if player make more than 70 kills in on round with a air vehicle (usually is it a viper).
# req. min. 70 viper kills by one player in one round
# req. min. 20 players on server
# req. min. 60 tickets remaining

#count air kills, start challenge after xy air kills
On Kill; Damage VehicleAir; 
    Incr %player_air_kills%; If %player_air_kills% > %server_most_air_kills%;Set %server_most_air_kills% %player_air_kills%; Set %server_most_air_kills_playername% %p%; If %player_air_kills% == 40; Say ==> Little Viper NOOB: %server_most_air_kills_playername%
    if %server_viper_noob_challenge% == 1; if %p% == %server_most_air_kills_playername%; Incr %tmp_viper_noob_yeller%; if %tmp_viper_noob_yeller% > 10; Yell *** SPECIAL CHALLENGE *** Kill the Viper NOOB %server_most_air_kills_playername% to win a !VIP SLOT!!!; Say *******        SPECIAL CHALLENGE          *******; Say Next player who kill's the Viper NOOB %server_most_air_kills_playername% win's a !VIP SLOT for 1 week!; Set %tmp_viper_noob_yeller% 0
    if %server_viper_noob_challenge% == 0; If %player_air_kills% == 70; If %ts1% + %ts2% >= 20; if %server_team_score[2]% > 60; if %server_team_score[1]% > 60; Yell 30 *** SPECIAL CHALLENGE *** Kill the Viper NOOB %server_most_air_kills_playername% to win a !VIP SLOT!!!; Say **********************************************; Say *******        SPECIAL CHALLENGE         *******; Say ***  Next player who kill's the Viper NOOB   ***; Say ***  win's a !VIP SLOT for 1 week!                ***; Say ***  VIPER NOOB:   >>>   %server_most_air_kills_playername%   <<<; Say **********************************************; Set %server_viper_noob_challenge% 1
    if %server_viper_noob_challenge% == 0; If %player_air_kills% == 65; If %ts1% + %ts2% >= 20; Say %p%  >>>> WANTED <<<<

# winner
On Kill; if %server_viper_noob_challenge% == 1; if %v% == %server_most_air_kills_playername%; if %v% != %p%; 
    Yell 10 *** SPECIAL CHALLENGE ENDED *** %p% has won a !VIP SLOT; Say **************************************************; Say *****       SPECIAL CHALLENGE ENDED           *****; Say ***  VIPER NOOB DOWN - WE HAVE A WINNER    ***; Say ***  %p% has won a !VIP SLOT for 1 week
    Log ^b^2SPECIAL CHALLENGE: VIPER NOOB - %p% has won a !VIP SLOT for 1 week (viper noob target: %server_most_air_kills_playername%)^0^n; Set %tmp_challenge_viper_noob_winner% 1; Set %server_challenge_viper_noob_winner% %p%;
    Set %ini_challengeCompleted_%p%-DATE%ymd%-TIME%hms%% CHALLENGE_VIPER_NOOB__%p%_has_won_a_VIP_SLOT_for_1_week___DEBUG_timestamp_vip_end_%seconds%_/_86400_+7_+_%tmp_rem_vip_days%__viper_noob_target_%server_most_air_kills_playername%;
    Say /vsm-addvip %p% +7; Set %server_viper_noob_challenge% 2;
On Spawn; If %tmp_challenge_viper_noob_winner% == 1; PlayerSay %p% thx for killing the VIPER NOOB. You have won a !VIP SLOT for 1 week!; PlayerYell %p% you have won a !VIP SLOT; Set %tmp_challenge_viper_noob_winner% 2;

# round end winner notify
On RoundOver; If %server_challenge_viper_noob_winner% != 0; If %server_challenge_viper_noob_winner% != none; Say %server_challenge_viper_noob_winner% has won a !VIP SLOT for killing the Viper NOOB!

####       SPECIAL CHALLENGE - VIPER NOOB - END       #########
script customization:

RED: # of players to enable the challenge

GREEN: # of kills with air vehicle (viper)

BLUE: # of days for the vip slot (7 days)

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Originally Posted by BuRockK*:


I might get a bf4 server again soon. Along with a smaller server for plugin/scripts testing purposes. These challenges definitely gonna be in the big servers default map cycle for sure (may be changed a bit to fit any possible maplist changes.). Very nice work maxdralle.

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  • 1 month later...

Originally Posted by GR101*:


Season's Greetings.


Thank you for sharing this, could you make another version of this "ProconRulz - weapon !challenge for players to win a VIP Slot - working code BF4" without automatically giving VIP slots, e.g. remove automatic VIP slot and expired VIP slot.


Add and expired VIP slots will be a manual process.

* Restored post. It could be that the author is no longer active.
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Originally Posted by maxdralle*:


Season's Greetings.


Thank you for sharing this, could you make another version of this "ProconRulz - weapon !challenge for players to win a VIP Slot - working code BF4" without automatically giving VIP slots, e.g. remove automatic VIP slot and expired VIP slot.


Add and expired VIP slots will be a manual process.

here it is the version WITHOUT auto vip slot management. admin must add and remove the vip slots manual.

the playernames of the winners will be stored in the proconrulz.ini file on your proconlayer ftp.



####       !CHALLENGE        #########
# win vip slot
# req. min. 20 players on round start to enable the weapon challenge
# store winners in proconrulz.ini (ftp: /configs/serverip_proconrulz.ini). SERVER-ADMIN must add and remove VIP slots manual!
# Preset 1: Shotgun (10x10 kills -> 10 kills with each shotgun)
# Preset 2: Handgun (10x10 kills)
# Preset 3: Sniper/DMR (10x10 kills)
# Preset 4: LMG (10x10 kills)
# Preset 5: PDW (10x10 kills)

On Say; ServerFirst; If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 0; if %ts1% + %ts2% >= 20; Set %server_global_challenge_preset% %ini_challenge_preset%; Incr %server_global_challenge_preset%; Set %ini_challenge_preset% %server_global_challenge_preset%; Say ***   !CHALLENGE enable   ***; If %server_global_challenge_preset% > 5; Set %server_global_challenge_preset% 1; Set %ini_challenge_preset% 1
On Spawn; ServerFirst; If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 0; if %ts1% + %ts2% >= 20; Set %server_global_challenge_preset% %ini_challenge_preset%; Incr %server_global_challenge_preset%; Set %ini_challenge_preset% %server_global_challenge_preset%; Say ***   !CHALLENGE enable   ***; If %server_global_challenge_preset% > 5; Set %server_global_challenge_preset% 1; Set %ini_challenge_preset% 1

# count kills and points
On Kill; If %server_global_challenge_preset% != 0;
    Set %tmp_challenge_step2% 0
    If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 1; Damage Shotgun; Set %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% Shotgun; Set %tmp_challenge_step2% 1
    If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 2; Damage Handgun; Set %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% Handgun; Set %tmp_challenge_step2% 1
    If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 3; Damage SniperRifle,DMR; Set %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% Sniper/DMR; Set %tmp_challenge_step2% 1
    If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 4; Damage LMG; Set %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% LMG; Set %tmp_challenge_step2% 1
    If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 5; Damage SMG; Set %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% PDW; Set %tmp_challenge_step2% 1
    If %tmp_challenge_step2% == 1; Incr %challenge_player_weapon_kills[%wk%]%; If %challenge_player_weapon_kills[%wk%]% == 10; Incr %challenge_player_points[%p%]%; Set %challenge_player_weapon_mastered[%p%][%challenge_player_points[%p%]%]% %w%; Say %p% !CHALLENGE: %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% [%challenge_player_points[%p%]%/10]; PlayerSay %p%: %w% completed - change your %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% to win a VIP SLOT; PlayerYell 5 %p% ! CHALLENGE: [%challenge_player_points[%p%]%/10] - %w% completed; If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% == 10; Say !CHALLENGE: %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% [%challenge_player_points[%p%]%/10] completed! - %p% has won a VIP SLOT !!!; Yell 20 ! CHALLENGE - %p% has won a VIP SLOT!; Log ^b^2!CHALLENGE %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% [%challenge_player_points[%p%]%/10] completed! - %p% has won a VIP SLOT ^0^n; Set %ini_challengeCompleted_%p%-DATE%ymd%-TIME%hms%% CHALLENGE_%tmp_msg_weapon_typ%_%challenge_player_points[%p%]%/10_completed__%p%_has_won_a_VIP_SLOT____DEBUG_timestamp_%seconds%_/_86400_+31_+_%tmp_rem_vip_days%; 

# in-game-commands
On Say; Text !challenge,!chal,!chel; If %server_global_challenge_preset% != 0;
    PlayerFirst; Set %tmp_space% ", "
    if %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 1; Set %tmp_mastered_line1% %challenge_player_weapon_mastered[%p%][1]%; If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 2; Set %tmp_mastered_line1% %tmp_mastered_line1% %tmp_space% %challenge_player_weapon_mastered[%p%][2]%; If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 3; Set %tmp_mastered_line1% %tmp_mastered_line1% %tmp_space% %challenge_player_weapon_mastered[%p%][3]%
    If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 4; Set %tmp_mastered_line2% %challenge_player_weapon_mastered[%p%][4]%; If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 5; Set %tmp_mastered_line2% %tmp_mastered_line2% %tmp_space% %challenge_player_weapon_mastered[%p%][5]%; If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 6; Set %tmp_mastered_line2% %tmp_mastered_line2% %tmp_space% %challenge_player_weapon_mastered[%p%][6]%
    If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 7; Set %tmp_mastered_line3% %challenge_player_weapon_mastered[%p%][7]%; If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 8; Set %tmp_mastered_line3% %tmp_mastered_line3% %tmp_space% %challenge_player_weapon_mastered[%p%][8]%; If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 9; Set %tmp_mastered_line3% %tmp_mastered_line3% %tmp_space% %challenge_player_weapon_mastered[%p%][9]%; If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 10; Set %tmp_mastered_line3% %tmp_mastered_line3 %tmp_space% %challenge_player_weapon_mastered[%p%][10]%
    If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 1; PlayerSay %p% !CHALLENGE: Shotgun [%challenge_player_points[%p%]%/10]; Set %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% "Shotgun"
    If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 2; PlayerSay %p% !CHALLENGE: Handgun [%challenge_player_points[%p%]%/10]; Set %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% "Handgun"
    If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 3; PlayerSay %p% !CHALLENGE: Sniper/DMR [%challenge_player_points[%p%]%/10]; Set %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% "Sniper/DMR"
    If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 4; PlayerSay %p% !CHALLENGE: LMG [%challenge_player_points[%p%]%/10]; Set %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% "LMG"
    If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 5; PlayerSay %p% !CHALLENGE: PDW [%challenge_player_points[%p%]%/10]; Set %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% "PDW"
    If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 1; PlayerSay Completed: %tmp_mastered_line1%; If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 4; PlayerSay %tmp_mastered_line2%; If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 7; PlayerSay %tmp_mastered_line3%
    Say !CHALLENGE: Make 10 kills with each %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% to win a VIP SLOT. Each round new challenge
On Say; Text !challenge,!chal,!chel; If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 0; Say !CHALLENGE disabled - need more players, maybe next round
* Restored post. It could be that the author is no longer active.
Link to comment

Originally Posted by GR101*:


here it is the version WITHOUT auto vip slot management. admin must add and remove the vip slots manual.

the playernames of the winners will be stored in the proconrulz.ini file on your proconlayer ftp.



####       !CHALLENGE        #########
# win vip slot
# req. min. 20 players on round start to enable the weapon challenge
# store winners in proconrulz.ini (ftp: /configs/serverip_proconrulz.ini). SERVER-ADMIN must add and remove VIP slots manual!
# Preset 1: Shotgun (10x10 kills -> 10 kills with each shotgun)
# Preset 2: Handgun (10x10 kills)
# Preset 3: Sniper/DMR (10x10 kills)
# Preset 4: LMG (10x10 kills)
# Preset 5: PDW (10x10 kills)

On Say; ServerFirst; If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 0; if %ts1% + %ts2% >= 20; Set %server_global_challenge_preset% %ini_challenge_preset%; Incr %server_global_challenge_preset%; Set %ini_challenge_preset% %server_global_challenge_preset%; Say ***   !CHALLENGE enable   ***; If %server_global_challenge_preset% > 5; Set %server_global_challenge_preset% 1; Set %ini_challenge_preset% 1
On Spawn; ServerFirst; If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 0; if %ts1% + %ts2% >= 20; Set %server_global_challenge_preset% %ini_challenge_preset%; Incr %server_global_challenge_preset%; Set %ini_challenge_preset% %server_global_challenge_preset%; Say ***   !CHALLENGE enable   ***; If %server_global_challenge_preset% > 5; Set %server_global_challenge_preset% 1; Set %ini_challenge_preset% 1

# count kills and points
On Kill; If %server_global_challenge_preset% != 0;
    Set %tmp_challenge_step2% 0
    If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 1; Damage Shotgun; Set %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% Shotgun; Set %tmp_challenge_step2% 1
    If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 2; Damage Handgun; Set %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% Handgun; Set %tmp_challenge_step2% 1
    If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 3; Damage SniperRifle,DMR; Set %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% Sniper/DMR; Set %tmp_challenge_step2% 1
    If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 4; Damage LMG; Set %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% LMG; Set %tmp_challenge_step2% 1
    If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 5; Damage SMG; Set %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% PDW; Set %tmp_challenge_step2% 1
    If %tmp_challenge_step2% == 1; Incr %challenge_player_weapon_kills[%wk%]%; If %challenge_player_weapon_kills[%wk%]% == 10; Incr %challenge_player_points[%p%]%; Set %challenge_player_weapon_mastered[%p%][%challenge_player_points[%p%]%]% %w%; Say %p% !CHALLENGE: %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% [%challenge_player_points[%p%]%/10]; PlayerSay %p%: %w% completed - change your %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% to win a VIP SLOT; PlayerYell 5 %p% ! CHALLENGE: [%challenge_player_points[%p%]%/10] - %w% completed; If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% == 10; Say !CHALLENGE: %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% [%challenge_player_points[%p%]%/10] completed! - %p% has won a VIP SLOT !!!; Yell 20 ! CHALLENGE - %p% has won a VIP SLOT!; Log ^b^2!CHALLENGE %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% [%challenge_player_points[%p%]%/10] completed! - %p% has won a VIP SLOT ^0^n; Set %ini_challengeCompleted_%p%-DATE%ymd%-TIME%hms%% CHALLENGE_%tmp_msg_weapon_typ%_%challenge_player_points[%p%]%/10_completed__%p%_has_won_a_VIP_SLOT____DEBUG_timestamp_%seconds%_/_86400_+31_+_%tmp_rem_vip_days%; 

# in-game-commands
On Say; Text !challenge,!chal,!chel; If %server_global_challenge_preset% != 0;
    PlayerFirst; Set %tmp_space% ", "
    if %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 1; Set %tmp_mastered_line1% %challenge_player_weapon_mastered[%p%][1]%; If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 2; Set %tmp_mastered_line1% %tmp_mastered_line1% %tmp_space% %challenge_player_weapon_mastered[%p%][2]%; If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 3; Set %tmp_mastered_line1% %tmp_mastered_line1% %tmp_space% %challenge_player_weapon_mastered[%p%][3]%
    If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 4; Set %tmp_mastered_line2% %challenge_player_weapon_mastered[%p%][4]%; If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 5; Set %tmp_mastered_line2% %tmp_mastered_line2% %tmp_space% %challenge_player_weapon_mastered[%p%][5]%; If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 6; Set %tmp_mastered_line2% %tmp_mastered_line2% %tmp_space% %challenge_player_weapon_mastered[%p%][6]%
    If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 7; Set %tmp_mastered_line3% %challenge_player_weapon_mastered[%p%][7]%; If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 8; Set %tmp_mastered_line3% %tmp_mastered_line3% %tmp_space% %challenge_player_weapon_mastered[%p%][8]%; If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 9; Set %tmp_mastered_line3% %tmp_mastered_line3% %tmp_space% %challenge_player_weapon_mastered[%p%][9]%; If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 10; Set %tmp_mastered_line3% %tmp_mastered_line3 %tmp_space% %challenge_player_weapon_mastered[%p%][10]%
    If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 1; PlayerSay %p% !CHALLENGE: Shotgun [%challenge_player_points[%p%]%/10]; Set %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% "Shotgun"
    If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 2; PlayerSay %p% !CHALLENGE: Handgun [%challenge_player_points[%p%]%/10]; Set %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% "Handgun"
    If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 3; PlayerSay %p% !CHALLENGE: Sniper/DMR [%challenge_player_points[%p%]%/10]; Set %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% "Sniper/DMR"
    If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 4; PlayerSay %p% !CHALLENGE: LMG [%challenge_player_points[%p%]%/10]; Set %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% "LMG"
    If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 5; PlayerSay %p% !CHALLENGE: PDW [%challenge_player_points[%p%]%/10]; Set %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% "PDW"
    If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 1; PlayerSay Completed: %tmp_mastered_line1%; If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 4; PlayerSay %tmp_mastered_line2%; If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 7; PlayerSay %tmp_mastered_line3%
    Say !CHALLENGE: Make 10 kills with each %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% to win a VIP SLOT. Each round new challenge
On Say; Text !challenge,!chal,!chel; If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 0; Say !CHALLENGE disabled - need more players, maybe next round
How would I add another Preset (6) for Melee with 4 kills per knife, 10 different knifes?
* Restored post. It could be that the author is no longer active.
Link to comment

Originally Posted by GR101*:


here the version with knife as preset #6. 4 kills per knife, 10 diffrent knifes.

BLUE colored code: # of kill per weapon


remember: in this version you have to add and remove vip slots manual...




####       !CHALLENGE        #########
# win vip slot
# req. min. 20 players on round start to enable the weapon challenge
# store winners in proconrulz.ini (ftp: /configs/serverip_proconrulz.ini). SERVER-ADMIN must add and remove VIP slots manual!
# Preset 1: Shotgun (10x10 kills -> 10 kills with each shotgun)
# Preset 2: Handgun (10x10 kills)
# Preset 3: Sniper/DMR (10x10 kills)
# Preset 4: LMG (10x10 kills)
# Preset 5: PDW (10x10 kills)
# Preset 6: KNIFE (4x10 kills)

On Say; ServerFirst; If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 0; if %ts1% + %ts2% >= 20; Set %server_global_challenge_preset% %ini_challenge_preset%; Incr %server_global_challenge_preset%; Set %ini_challenge_preset% %server_global_challenge_preset%; Say ***   !CHALLENGE enable   ***; If %server_global_challenge_preset% > 6; Set %server_global_challenge_preset% 1; Set %ini_challenge_preset% 1
On Spawn; ServerFirst; If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 0; if %ts1% + %ts2% >= 20; Set %server_global_challenge_preset% %ini_challenge_preset%; Incr %server_global_challenge_preset%; Set %ini_challenge_preset% %server_global_challenge_preset%; Say ***   !CHALLENGE enable   ***; If %server_global_challenge_preset% > 6; Set %server_global_challenge_preset% 1; Set %ini_challenge_preset% 1

# count kills and points
On Kill; If %server_global_challenge_preset% != 0;
    Set %tmp_challenge_step2% 0
    If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 1; Damage Shotgun; Set %challenge_kills_needed% 10; Set %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% Shotgun; Set %tmp_challenge_step2% 1
    If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 2; Damage Handgun; Set %challenge_kills_needed% 10; Set %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% Handgun; Set %tmp_challenge_step2% 1
    If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 3; Damage SniperRifle,DMR; Set %challenge_kills_needed% 10; Set %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% Sniper/DMR; Set %tmp_challenge_step2% 1
    If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 4; Damage LMG; Set %challenge_kills_needed% 10; Set %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% LMG; Set %tmp_challenge_step2% 1
    If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 5; Damage SMG; Set %challenge_kills_needed% 10; Set %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% PDW; Set %tmp_challenge_step2% 1
    If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 6; Damage Melee; Set %challenge_kills_needed% 4; Set %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% KNIFE; Set %tmp_challenge_step2% 1
    If %tmp_challenge_step2% == 1; Incr %challenge_player_weapon_kills[%wk%]%; If %challenge_player_weapon_kills[%wk%]% == %challenge_kills_needed%; Incr %challenge_player_points[%p%]%; Set %challenge_player_weapon_mastered[%p%][%challenge_player_points[%p%]%]% %w%; Say %p% !CHALLENGE: %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% [%challenge_player_points[%p%]%/10]; PlayerSay %p%: %w% completed - change your %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% to win a VIP SLOT; PlayerYell 5 %p% ! CHALLENGE: [%challenge_player_points[%p%]%/10] - %w% completed; If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% == 10; Say !CHALLENGE: %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% [%challenge_player_points[%p%]%/10] completed! - %p% has won a VIP SLOT !!!; Yell 20 ! CHALLENGE - %p% has won a VIP SLOT!; Log ^b^2!CHALLENGE %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% [%challenge_player_points[%p%]%/10] completed! - %p% has won a VIP SLOT ^0^n; Set %ini_challengeCompleted_%p%-DATE%ymd%-TIME%hms%% CHALLENGE_%tmp_msg_weapon_typ%_%challenge_player_points[%p%]%/10_completed__%p%_has_won_a_VIP_SLOT____DEBUG_timestamp_%seconds%_/_86400_+31_+_%tmp_rem_vip_days%; 

# in-game-commands
On Say; Text !challenge,!chal,!chel; If %server_global_challenge_preset% != 0;
    PlayerFirst; Set %tmp_space% ", "
    if %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 1; Set %tmp_mastered_line1% %challenge_player_weapon_mastered[%p%][1]%; If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 2; Set %tmp_mastered_line1% %tmp_mastered_line1% %tmp_space% %challenge_player_weapon_mastered[%p%][2]%; If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 3; Set %tmp_mastered_line1% %tmp_mastered_line1% %tmp_space% %challenge_player_weapon_mastered[%p%][3]%
    If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 4; Set %tmp_mastered_line2% %challenge_player_weapon_mastered[%p%][4]%; If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 5; Set %tmp_mastered_line2% %tmp_mastered_line2% %tmp_space% %challenge_player_weapon_mastered[%p%][5]%; If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 6; Set %tmp_mastered_line2% %tmp_mastered_line2% %tmp_space% %challenge_player_weapon_mastered[%p%][6]%
    If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 7; Set %tmp_mastered_line3% %challenge_player_weapon_mastered[%p%][7]%; If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 8; Set %tmp_mastered_line3% %tmp_mastered_line3% %tmp_space% %challenge_player_weapon_mastered[%p%][8]%; If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 9; Set %tmp_mastered_line3% %tmp_mastered_line3% %tmp_space% %challenge_player_weapon_mastered[%p%][9]%; If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 10; Set %tmp_mastered_line3% %tmp_mastered_line3 %tmp_space% %challenge_player_weapon_mastered[%p%][10]%
    If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 1; PlayerSay %p% !CHALLENGE: Shotgun [%challenge_player_points[%p%]%/10]; Set %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% "Shotgun"; Set %challenge_kills_needed% 10
    If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 2; PlayerSay %p% !CHALLENGE: Handgun [%challenge_player_points[%p%]%/10]; Set %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% "Handgun"; Set %challenge_kills_needed% 10
    If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 3; PlayerSay %p% !CHALLENGE: Sniper/DMR [%challenge_player_points[%p%]%/10]; Set %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% "Sniper/DMR"; Set %challenge_kills_needed% 10
    If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 4; PlayerSay %p% !CHALLENGE: LMG [%challenge_player_points[%p%]%/10]; Set %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% "LMG"; Set %challenge_kills_needed% 10
    If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 5; PlayerSay %p% !CHALLENGE: PDW [%challenge_player_points[%p%]%/10]; Set %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% "PDW"; Set %challenge_kills_needed% 10
    If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 6; PlayerSay %p% !CHALLENGE: KNIFE [%challenge_player_points[%p%]%/10]; Set %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% "KNIFE"; Set %challenge_kills_needed% 4
    If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 1; PlayerSay Completed: %tmp_mastered_line1%; If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 4; PlayerSay %tmp_mastered_line2%; If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 7; PlayerSay %tmp_mastered_line3%
    Say !CHALLENGE: Make %challenge_kills_needed% kills with each %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% to win a VIP SLOT. Each round new challenge
On Say; Text !challenge,!chal,!chel; If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 0; Say !CHALLENGE disabled - need more players, maybe next round
Happy New Year and thank you for the support.


I'll give this new version ago but I need to adjust the number of kills for different weapon types because some are too easy e.g. Shotguns and LMG's are now 14 kills they need to increase to 16 kills.

* Restored post. It could be that the author is no longer active.
Link to comment
  • 2 weeks later...

Originally Posted by GR101*:


here the version with knife as preset #6. 4 kills per knife, 10 diffrent knifes.

BLUE colored code: # of kill per weapon


remember: in this version you have to add and remove vip slots manual...




####       !CHALLENGE        #########
# win vip slot
# req. min. 20 players on round start to enable the weapon challenge
# store winners in proconrulz.ini (ftp: /configs/serverip_proconrulz.ini). SERVER-ADMIN must add and remove VIP slots manual!
# Preset 1: Shotgun (10x10 kills -> 10 kills with each shotgun)
# Preset 2: Handgun (10x10 kills)
# Preset 3: Sniper/DMR (10x10 kills)
# Preset 4: LMG (10x10 kills)
# Preset 5: PDW (10x10 kills)
# Preset 6: KNIFE (4x10 kills)

On Say; ServerFirst; If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 0; if %ts1% + %ts2% >= 20; Set %server_global_challenge_preset% %ini_challenge_preset%; Incr %server_global_challenge_preset%; Set %ini_challenge_preset% %server_global_challenge_preset%; Say ***   !CHALLENGE enable   ***; If %server_global_challenge_preset% > 6; Set %server_global_challenge_preset% 1; Set %ini_challenge_preset% 1
On Spawn; ServerFirst; If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 0; if %ts1% + %ts2% >= 20; Set %server_global_challenge_preset% %ini_challenge_preset%; Incr %server_global_challenge_preset%; Set %ini_challenge_preset% %server_global_challenge_preset%; Say ***   !CHALLENGE enable   ***; If %server_global_challenge_preset% > 6; Set %server_global_challenge_preset% 1; Set %ini_challenge_preset% 1

# count kills and points
On Kill; If %server_global_challenge_preset% != 0;
    Set %tmp_challenge_step2% 0
    If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 1; Damage Shotgun; Set %challenge_kills_needed% 10; Set %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% Shotgun; Set %tmp_challenge_step2% 1
    If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 2; Damage Handgun; Set %challenge_kills_needed% 10; Set %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% Handgun; Set %tmp_challenge_step2% 1
    If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 3; Damage SniperRifle,DMR; Set %challenge_kills_needed% 10; Set %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% Sniper/DMR; Set %tmp_challenge_step2% 1
    If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 4; Damage LMG; Set %challenge_kills_needed% 10; Set %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% LMG; Set %tmp_challenge_step2% 1
    If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 5; Damage SMG; Set %challenge_kills_needed% 10; Set %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% PDW; Set %tmp_challenge_step2% 1
    If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 6; Damage Melee; Set %challenge_kills_needed% 4; Set %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% KNIFE; Set %tmp_challenge_step2% 1
    If %tmp_challenge_step2% == 1; Incr %challenge_player_weapon_kills[%wk%]%; If %challenge_player_weapon_kills[%wk%]% == %challenge_kills_needed%; Incr %challenge_player_points[%p%]%; Set %challenge_player_weapon_mastered[%p%][%challenge_player_points[%p%]%]% %w%; Say %p% !CHALLENGE: %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% [%challenge_player_points[%p%]%/10]; PlayerSay %p%: %w% completed - change your %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% to win a VIP SLOT; PlayerYell 5 %p% ! CHALLENGE: [%challenge_player_points[%p%]%/10] - %w% completed; If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% == 10; Say !CHALLENGE: %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% [%challenge_player_points[%p%]%/10] completed! - %p% has won a VIP SLOT !!!; Yell 20 ! CHALLENGE - %p% has won a VIP SLOT!; Log ^b^2!CHALLENGE %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% [%challenge_player_points[%p%]%/10] completed! - %p% has won a VIP SLOT ^0^n; Set %ini_challengeCompleted_%p%-DATE%ymd%-TIME%hms%% CHALLENGE_%tmp_msg_weapon_typ%_%challenge_player_points[%p%]%/10_completed__%p%_has_won_a_VIP_SLOT____DEBUG_timestamp_%seconds%_/_86400_+31_+_%tmp_rem_vip_days%; 

# in-game-commands
On Say; Text !challenge,!chal,!chel; If %server_global_challenge_preset% != 0;
    PlayerFirst; Set %tmp_space% ", "
    if %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 1; Set %tmp_mastered_line1% %challenge_player_weapon_mastered[%p%][1]%; If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 2; Set %tmp_mastered_line1% %tmp_mastered_line1% %tmp_space% %challenge_player_weapon_mastered[%p%][2]%; If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 3; Set %tmp_mastered_line1% %tmp_mastered_line1% %tmp_space% %challenge_player_weapon_mastered[%p%][3]%
    If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 4; Set %tmp_mastered_line2% %challenge_player_weapon_mastered[%p%][4]%; If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 5; Set %tmp_mastered_line2% %tmp_mastered_line2% %tmp_space% %challenge_player_weapon_mastered[%p%][5]%; If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 6; Set %tmp_mastered_line2% %tmp_mastered_line2% %tmp_space% %challenge_player_weapon_mastered[%p%][6]%
    If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 7; Set %tmp_mastered_line3% %challenge_player_weapon_mastered[%p%][7]%; If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 8; Set %tmp_mastered_line3% %tmp_mastered_line3% %tmp_space% %challenge_player_weapon_mastered[%p%][8]%; If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 9; Set %tmp_mastered_line3% %tmp_mastered_line3% %tmp_space% %challenge_player_weapon_mastered[%p%][9]%; If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 10; Set %tmp_mastered_line3% %tmp_mastered_line3 %tmp_space% %challenge_player_weapon_mastered[%p%][10]%
    If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 1; PlayerSay %p% !CHALLENGE: Shotgun [%challenge_player_points[%p%]%/10]; Set %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% "Shotgun"; Set %challenge_kills_needed% 10
    If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 2; PlayerSay %p% !CHALLENGE: Handgun [%challenge_player_points[%p%]%/10]; Set %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% "Handgun"; Set %challenge_kills_needed% 10
    If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 3; PlayerSay %p% !CHALLENGE: Sniper/DMR [%challenge_player_points[%p%]%/10]; Set %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% "Sniper/DMR"; Set %challenge_kills_needed% 10
    If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 4; PlayerSay %p% !CHALLENGE: LMG [%challenge_player_points[%p%]%/10]; Set %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% "LMG"; Set %challenge_kills_needed% 10
    If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 5; PlayerSay %p% !CHALLENGE: PDW [%challenge_player_points[%p%]%/10]; Set %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% "PDW"; Set %challenge_kills_needed% 10
    If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 6; PlayerSay %p% !CHALLENGE: KNIFE [%challenge_player_points[%p%]%/10]; Set %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% "KNIFE"; Set %challenge_kills_needed% 4
    If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 1; PlayerSay Completed: %tmp_mastered_line1%; If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 4; PlayerSay %tmp_mastered_line2%; If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 7; PlayerSay %tmp_mastered_line3%
    Say !CHALLENGE: Make %challenge_kills_needed% kills with each %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% to win a VIP SLOT. Each round new challenge
On Say; Text !challenge,!chal,!chel; If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 0; Say !CHALLENGE disabled - need more players, maybe next round
Found a problem with the additional Melee challenge, the first 4 Melee kills count correctly (1/10) but thereafter it doesn't count any new Melee kills so the challenge cannot be completed.


Also some of the weapons don't count towards some of the challenges, is that just a Procon update that i am missing?

* Restored post. It could be that the author is no longer active.
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Originally Posted by maxdralle*:


Found a problem with the additional Melee challenge, the first 4 Melee kills count correctly (1/10) but thereafter it doesn't count any new Melee kills so the challenge cannot be completed.


Also some of the weapons don't count towards some of the challenges, is that just a Procon update that i am missing?

yes. this is problem. the weaponkey for knife kills is everytime equal. all knives have the same weaponkey (%wk% = "Melee").


it is not possible to include the knife as a challenge. sorry :sad:

i delete the post #16

* Restored post. It could be that the author is no longer active.
Link to comment

Originally Posted by GR101*:


yes. this is problem. the weaponkey for knife kills is everytime equal. all knives have the same weaponkey (%wk% = "Melee").


it is not possible to include the knife as a challenge. sorry :sad:

i delete the post #16

That's disappointing but thanks for helping.
* Restored post. It could be that the author is no longer active.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Originally Posted by GR101*:


Can somebody remove Melee from this code (below), I need this version because you can set different number of kills per weapon type, and I've tried just to comment out Melee code but it shows a blank challenge. Cheers.



####       !CHALLENGE        #########
# win vip slot
# req. min. 20 players on round start to enable the weapon challenge
# store winners in proconrulz.ini (ftp: /configs/serverip_proconrulz.ini). SERVER-ADMIN must add and remove VIP slots manual!
# Preset 1: Shotgun (10x10 kills -> 10 kills with each shotgun)
# Preset 2: Handgun (10x10 kills)
# Preset 3: Sniper/DMR (10x10 kills)
# Preset 4: LMG (10x10 kills)
# Preset 5: PDW (10x10 kills)
# Preset 6: KNIFE (4x10 kills)

On Say; ServerFirst; If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 0; if %ts1% + %ts2% >= 20; Set %server_global_challenge_preset% %ini_challenge_preset%; Incr %server_global_challenge_preset%; Set %ini_challenge_preset% %server_global_challenge_preset%; Say ***   !CHALLENGE enable   ***; If %server_global_challenge_preset% > 6; Set %server_global_challenge_preset% 1; Set %ini_challenge_preset% 1
On Spawn; ServerFirst; If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 0; if %ts1% + %ts2% >= 20; Set %server_global_challenge_preset% %ini_challenge_preset%; Incr %server_global_challenge_preset%; Set %ini_challenge_preset% %server_global_challenge_preset%; Say ***   !CHALLENGE enable   ***; If %server_global_challenge_preset% > 6; Set %server_global_challenge_preset% 1; Set %ini_challenge_preset% 1

# count kills and points
On Kill; If %server_global_challenge_preset% != 0;
    Set %tmp_challenge_step2% 0
    If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 1; Damage Shotgun; Set %challenge_kills_needed% 10; Set %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% Shotgun; Set %tmp_challenge_step2% 1
    If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 2; Damage Handgun; Set %challenge_kills_needed% 10; Set %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% Handgun; Set %tmp_challenge_step2% 1
    If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 3; Damage SniperRifle,DMR; Set %challenge_kills_needed% 10; Set %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% Sniper/DMR; Set %tmp_challenge_step2% 1
    If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 4; Damage LMG; Set %challenge_kills_needed% 10; Set %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% LMG; Set %tmp_challenge_step2% 1
    If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 5; Damage SMG; Set %challenge_kills_needed% 10; Set %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% PDW; Set %tmp_challenge_step2% 1
    If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 6; Damage Melee; Set %challenge_kills_needed% 4; Set %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% KNIFE; Set %tmp_challenge_step2% 1
    If %tmp_challenge_step2% == 1; Incr %challenge_player_weapon_kills[%wk%]%; If %challenge_player_weapon_kills[%wk%]% == %challenge_kills_needed%; Incr %challenge_player_points[%p%]%; Set %challenge_player_weapon_mastered[%p%][%challenge_player_points[%p%]%]% %w%; Say %p% !CHALLENGE: %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% [%challenge_player_points[%p%]%/10]; PlayerSay %p%: %w% completed - change your %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% to win a VIP SLOT; PlayerYell 5 %p% ! CHALLENGE: [%challenge_player_points[%p%]%/10] - %w% completed; If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% == 10; Say !CHALLENGE: %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% [%challenge_player_points[%p%]%/10] completed! - %p% has won a VIP SLOT !!!; Yell 20 ! CHALLENGE - %p% has won a VIP SLOT!; Log ^b^2!CHALLENGE %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% [%challenge_player_points[%p%]%/10] completed! - %p% has won a VIP SLOT ^0^n; Set %ini_challengeCompleted_%p%-DATE%ymd%-TIME%hms%% CHALLENGE_%tmp_msg_weapon_typ%_%challenge_player_points[%p%]%/10_completed__%p%_has_won_a_VIP_SLOT____DEBUG_timestamp_%seconds%_/_86400_+31_+_%tmp_rem_vip_days%; 

# in-game-commands
On Say; Text !challenge,!chal,!chel; If %server_global_challenge_preset% != 0;
    PlayerFirst; Set %tmp_space% ", "
    if %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 1; Set %tmp_mastered_line1% %challenge_player_weapon_mastered[%p%][1]%; If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 2; Set %tmp_mastered_line1% %tmp_mastered_line1% %tmp_space% %challenge_player_weapon_mastered[%p%][2]%; If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 3; Set %tmp_mastered_line1% %tmp_mastered_line1% %tmp_space% %challenge_player_weapon_mastered[%p%][3]%
    If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 4; Set %tmp_mastered_line2% %challenge_player_weapon_mastered[%p%][4]%; If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 5; Set %tmp_mastered_line2% %tmp_mastered_line2% %tmp_space% %challenge_player_weapon_mastered[%p%][5]%; If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 6; Set %tmp_mastered_line2% %tmp_mastered_line2% %tmp_space% %challenge_player_weapon_mastered[%p%][6]%
    If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 7; Set %tmp_mastered_line3% %challenge_player_weapon_mastered[%p%][7]%; If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 8; Set %tmp_mastered_line3% %tmp_mastered_line3% %tmp_space% %challenge_player_weapon_mastered[%p%][8]%; If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 9; Set %tmp_mastered_line3% %tmp_mastered_line3% %tmp_space% %challenge_player_weapon_mastered[%p%][9]%; If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 10; Set %tmp_mastered_line3% %tmp_mastered_line3 %tmp_space% %challenge_player_weapon_mastered[%p%][10]%
    If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 1; PlayerSay %p% !CHALLENGE: Shotgun [%challenge_player_points[%p%]%/10]; Set %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% "Shotgun"; Set %challenge_kills_needed% 10
    If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 2; PlayerSay %p% !CHALLENGE: Handgun [%challenge_player_points[%p%]%/10]; Set %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% "Handgun"; Set %challenge_kills_needed% 10
    If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 3; PlayerSay %p% !CHALLENGE: Sniper/DMR [%challenge_player_points[%p%]%/10]; Set %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% "Sniper/DMR"; Set %challenge_kills_needed% 10
    If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 4; PlayerSay %p% !CHALLENGE: LMG [%challenge_player_points[%p%]%/10]; Set %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% "LMG"; Set %challenge_kills_needed% 10
    If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 5; PlayerSay %p% !CHALLENGE: PDW [%challenge_player_points[%p%]%/10]; Set %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% "PDW"; Set %challenge_kills_needed% 10
    If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 6; PlayerSay %p% !CHALLENGE: KNIFE [%challenge_player_points[%p%]%/10]; Set %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% "KNIFE"; Set %challenge_kills_needed% 4
    If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 1; PlayerSay Completed: %tmp_mastered_line1%; If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 4; PlayerSay %tmp_mastered_line2%; If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 7; PlayerSay %tmp_mastered_line3%
    Say !CHALLENGE: Make %challenge_kills_needed% kills with each %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% to win a VIP SLOT. Each round new challenge
On Say; Text !challenge,!chal,!chel; If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 0; Say !CHALLENGE disabled - need more players, maybe next round
* Restored post. It could be that the author is no longer active.
Link to comment

Originally Posted by maxdralle*:


Can somebody remove Melee from this code (below), I need this version because you can set different number of kills per weapon type, and I've tried just to comment out Melee code but it shows a blank challenge. Cheers.

####       !CHALLENGE        #########
# win vip slot
# req. min. 20 players on round start to enable the weapon challenge
# store winners in proconrulz.ini (ftp: /configs/serverip_proconrulz.ini). SERVER-ADMIN must add and remove VIP slots manual!
# Preset 1: Shotgun (10x10 kills -> 10 kills with each shotgun)
# Preset 2: Handgun (10x10 kills)
# Preset 3: Sniper/DMR (10x10 kills)
# Preset 4: LMG (10x10 kills)
# Preset 5: PDW (10x10 kills)

On Say; ServerFirst; If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 0; if %ts1% + %ts2% >= 20; Set %server_global_challenge_preset% %ini_challenge_preset%; Incr %server_global_challenge_preset%; Set %ini_challenge_preset% %server_global_challenge_preset%; Say ***   !CHALLENGE enable   ***; If %server_global_challenge_preset% > 5; Set %server_global_challenge_preset% 1; Set %ini_challenge_preset% 1
On Spawn; ServerFirst; If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 0; if %ts1% + %ts2% >= 20; Set %server_global_challenge_preset% %ini_challenge_preset%; Incr %server_global_challenge_preset%; Set %ini_challenge_preset% %server_global_challenge_preset%; Say ***   !CHALLENGE enable   ***; If %server_global_challenge_preset% > 5; Set %server_global_challenge_preset% 1; Set %ini_challenge_preset% 1

# count kills and points
On Kill; If %server_global_challenge_preset% != 0;
    Set %tmp_challenge_step2% 0
    If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 1; Damage Shotgun; Set %challenge_kills_needed% 10; Set %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% Shotgun; Set %tmp_challenge_step2% 1
    If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 2; Damage Handgun; Set %challenge_kills_needed% 10; Set %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% Handgun; Set %tmp_challenge_step2% 1
    If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 3; Damage SniperRifle,DMR; Set %challenge_kills_needed% 10; Set %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% Sniper/DMR; Set %tmp_challenge_step2% 1
    If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 4; Damage LMG; Set %challenge_kills_needed% 10; Set %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% LMG; Set %tmp_challenge_step2% 1
    If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 5; Damage SMG; Set %challenge_kills_needed% 10; Set %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% PDW; Set %tmp_challenge_step2% 1
    If %tmp_challenge_step2% == 1; Incr %challenge_player_weapon_kills[%wk%]%; If %challenge_player_weapon_kills[%wk%]% == %challenge_kills_needed%; Incr %challenge_player_points[%p%]%; Set %challenge_player_weapon_mastered[%p%][%challenge_player_points[%p%]%]% %w%; Say %p% !CHALLENGE: %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% [%challenge_player_points[%p%]%/10]; PlayerSay %p%: %w% completed - change your %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% to win a VIP SLOT; PlayerYell 5 %p% ! CHALLENGE: [%challenge_player_points[%p%]%/10] - %w% completed; If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% == 10; Say !CHALLENGE: %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% [%challenge_player_points[%p%]%/10] completed! - %p% has won a VIP SLOT !!!; Yell 20 ! CHALLENGE - %p% has won a VIP SLOT!; Log ^b^2!CHALLENGE %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% [%challenge_player_points[%p%]%/10] completed! - %p% has won a VIP SLOT ^0^n; Set %ini_challengeCompleted_%p%-DATE%ymd%-TIME%hms%% CHALLENGE_%tmp_msg_weapon_typ%_%challenge_player_points[%p%]%/10_completed__%p%_has_won_a_VIP_SLOT____DEBUG_timestamp_%seconds%_/_86400_+31_+_%tmp_rem_vip_days%; 

# in-game-commands
On Say; Text !challenge,!chal,!chel; If %server_global_challenge_preset% != 0;
    PlayerFirst; Set %tmp_space% ", "
    if %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 1; Set %tmp_mastered_line1% %challenge_player_weapon_mastered[%p%][1]%; If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 2; Set %tmp_mastered_line1% %tmp_mastered_line1% %tmp_space% %challenge_player_weapon_mastered[%p%][2]%; If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 3; Set %tmp_mastered_line1% %tmp_mastered_line1% %tmp_space% %challenge_player_weapon_mastered[%p%][3]%
    If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 4; Set %tmp_mastered_line2% %challenge_player_weapon_mastered[%p%][4]%; If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 5; Set %tmp_mastered_line2% %tmp_mastered_line2% %tmp_space% %challenge_player_weapon_mastered[%p%][5]%; If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 6; Set %tmp_mastered_line2% %tmp_mastered_line2% %tmp_space% %challenge_player_weapon_mastered[%p%][6]%
    If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 7; Set %tmp_mastered_line3% %challenge_player_weapon_mastered[%p%][7]%; If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 8; Set %tmp_mastered_line3% %tmp_mastered_line3% %tmp_space% %challenge_player_weapon_mastered[%p%][8]%; If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 9; Set %tmp_mastered_line3% %tmp_mastered_line3% %tmp_space% %challenge_player_weapon_mastered[%p%][9]%; If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 10; Set %tmp_mastered_line3% %tmp_mastered_line3 %tmp_space% %challenge_player_weapon_mastered[%p%][10]%
    If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 1; PlayerSay %p% !CHALLENGE: Shotgun [%challenge_player_points[%p%]%/10]; Set %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% "Shotgun"; Set %challenge_kills_needed% 10
    If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 2; PlayerSay %p% !CHALLENGE: Handgun [%challenge_player_points[%p%]%/10]; Set %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% "Handgun"; Set %challenge_kills_needed% 10
    If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 3; PlayerSay %p% !CHALLENGE: Sniper/DMR [%challenge_player_points[%p%]%/10]; Set %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% "Sniper/DMR"; Set %challenge_kills_needed% 10
    If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 4; PlayerSay %p% !CHALLENGE: LMG [%challenge_player_points[%p%]%/10]; Set %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% "LMG"; Set %challenge_kills_needed% 10
    If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 5; PlayerSay %p% !CHALLENGE: PDW [%challenge_player_points[%p%]%/10]; Set %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% "PDW"; Set %challenge_kills_needed% 10
    If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 1; PlayerSay Completed: %tmp_mastered_line1%; If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 4; PlayerSay %tmp_mastered_line2%; If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 7; PlayerSay %tmp_mastered_line3%
    Say !CHALLENGE: Make %challenge_kills_needed% kills with each %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% to win a VIP SLOT. Each round new challenge
On Say; Text !challenge,!chal,!chel; If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 0; Say !CHALLENGE disabled - need more players, maybe next round
* Restored post. It could be that the author is no longer active.
Link to comment
  • 2 weeks later...

Originally Posted by GR101*:



####       !CHALLENGE        #########
# win vip slot
# req. min. 20 players on round start to enable the weapon challenge
# store winners in proconrulz.ini (ftp: /configs/serverip_proconrulz.ini). SERVER-ADMIN must add and remove VIP slots manual!
# Preset 1: Shotgun (10x10 kills -> 10 kills with each shotgun)
# Preset 2: Handgun (10x10 kills)
# Preset 3: Sniper/DMR (10x10 kills)
# Preset 4: LMG (10x10 kills)
# Preset 5: PDW (10x10 kills)

On Say; ServerFirst; If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 0; if %ts1% + %ts2% >= 20; Set %server_global_challenge_preset% %ini_challenge_preset%; Incr %server_global_challenge_preset%; Set %ini_challenge_preset% %server_global_challenge_preset%; Say ***   !CHALLENGE enable   ***; If %server_global_challenge_preset% > 5; Set %server_global_challenge_preset% 1; Set %ini_challenge_preset% 1
On Spawn; ServerFirst; If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 0; if %ts1% + %ts2% >= 20; Set %server_global_challenge_preset% %ini_challenge_preset%; Incr %server_global_challenge_preset%; Set %ini_challenge_preset% %server_global_challenge_preset%; Say ***   !CHALLENGE enable   ***; If %server_global_challenge_preset% > 5; Set %server_global_challenge_preset% 1; Set %ini_challenge_preset% 1

# count kills and points
On Kill; If %server_global_challenge_preset% != 0;
    Set %tmp_challenge_step2% 0
    If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 1; Damage Shotgun; Set %challenge_kills_needed% 10; Set %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% Shotgun; Set %tmp_challenge_step2% 1
    If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 2; Damage Handgun; Set %challenge_kills_needed% 10; Set %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% Handgun; Set %tmp_challenge_step2% 1
    If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 3; Damage SniperRifle,DMR; Set %challenge_kills_needed% 10; Set %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% Sniper/DMR; Set %tmp_challenge_step2% 1
    If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 4; Damage LMG; Set %challenge_kills_needed% 10; Set %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% LMG; Set %tmp_challenge_step2% 1
    If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 5; Damage SMG; Set %challenge_kills_needed% 10; Set %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% PDW; Set %tmp_challenge_step2% 1
    If %tmp_challenge_step2% == 1; Incr %challenge_player_weapon_kills[%wk%]%; If %challenge_player_weapon_kills[%wk%]% == %challenge_kills_needed%; Incr %challenge_player_points[%p%]%; Set %challenge_player_weapon_mastered[%p%][%challenge_player_points[%p%]%]% %w%; Say %p% !CHALLENGE: %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% [%challenge_player_points[%p%]%/10]; PlayerSay %p%: %w% completed - change your %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% to win a VIP SLOT; PlayerYell 5 %p% ! CHALLENGE: [%challenge_player_points[%p%]%/10] - %w% completed; If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% == 10; Say !CHALLENGE: %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% [%challenge_player_points[%p%]%/10] completed! - %p% has won a VIP SLOT !!!; Yell 20 ! CHALLENGE - %p% has won a VIP SLOT!; Log ^b^2!CHALLENGE %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% [%challenge_player_points[%p%]%/10] completed! - %p% has won a VIP SLOT ^0^n; Set %ini_challengeCompleted_%p%-DATE%ymd%-TIME%hms%% CHALLENGE_%tmp_msg_weapon_typ%_%challenge_player_points[%p%]%/10_completed__%p%_has_won_a_VIP_SLOT____DEBUG_timestamp_%seconds%_/_86400_+31_+_%tmp_rem_vip_days%; 

# in-game-commands
On Say; Text !challenge,!chal,!chel; If %server_global_challenge_preset% != 0;
    PlayerFirst; Set %tmp_space% ", "
    if %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 1; Set %tmp_mastered_line1% %challenge_player_weapon_mastered[%p%][1]%; If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 2; Set %tmp_mastered_line1% %tmp_mastered_line1% %tmp_space% %challenge_player_weapon_mastered[%p%][2]%; If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 3; Set %tmp_mastered_line1% %tmp_mastered_line1% %tmp_space% %challenge_player_weapon_mastered[%p%][3]%
    If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 4; Set %tmp_mastered_line2% %challenge_player_weapon_mastered[%p%][4]%; If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 5; Set %tmp_mastered_line2% %tmp_mastered_line2% %tmp_space% %challenge_player_weapon_mastered[%p%][5]%; If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 6; Set %tmp_mastered_line2% %tmp_mastered_line2% %tmp_space% %challenge_player_weapon_mastered[%p%][6]%
    If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 7; Set %tmp_mastered_line3% %challenge_player_weapon_mastered[%p%][7]%; If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 8; Set %tmp_mastered_line3% %tmp_mastered_line3% %tmp_space% %challenge_player_weapon_mastered[%p%][8]%; If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 9; Set %tmp_mastered_line3% %tmp_mastered_line3% %tmp_space% %challenge_player_weapon_mastered[%p%][9]%; If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 10; Set %tmp_mastered_line3% %tmp_mastered_line3 %tmp_space% %challenge_player_weapon_mastered[%p%][10]%
    If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 1; PlayerSay %p% !CHALLENGE: Shotgun [%challenge_player_points[%p%]%/10]; Set %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% "Shotgun"; Set %challenge_kills_needed% 10
    If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 2; PlayerSay %p% !CHALLENGE: Handgun [%challenge_player_points[%p%]%/10]; Set %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% "Handgun"; Set %challenge_kills_needed% 10
    If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 3; PlayerSay %p% !CHALLENGE: Sniper/DMR [%challenge_player_points[%p%]%/10]; Set %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% "Sniper/DMR"; Set %challenge_kills_needed% 10
    If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 4; PlayerSay %p% !CHALLENGE: LMG [%challenge_player_points[%p%]%/10]; Set %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% "LMG"; Set %challenge_kills_needed% 10
    If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 5; PlayerSay %p% !CHALLENGE: PDW [%challenge_player_points[%p%]%/10]; Set %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% "PDW"; Set %challenge_kills_needed% 10
    If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 1; PlayerSay Completed: %tmp_mastered_line1%; If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 4; PlayerSay %tmp_mastered_line2%; If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 7; PlayerSay %tmp_mastered_line3%
    Say !CHALLENGE: Make %challenge_kills_needed% kills with each %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% to win a VIP SLOT. Each round new challenge
On Say; Text !challenge,!chal,!chel; If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 0; Say !CHALLENGE disabled - need more players, maybe next round
Cheers maxdralle, that works great, would you be up for this?



* Restored post. It could be that the author is no longer active.
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  • 1 month later...

Originally Posted by maxdralle*:


Hi could this be made for just pistols only.thankyou

each round pistol challenge:



####       !CHALLENGE        #########
# win vip slot for 1 month
# req. min. 10 players on round start to enable the weapon challenge
# Preset 1: Shotgun (10x5 kills -> 5 kills with each shotgun)
# Preset 2: Handgun (10x5 kills)
# Preset 3: Sniper/DMR (10x5 kills)
# Preset 4: LMG (10x5 kills)
# Preset 5: PDW (10x5 kills)

# DISABLED  -  change preset each round 
#On Say; ServerFirst; If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 0; if %ts1% + %ts2% >= 20; Set %server_global_challenge_preset% %ini_challenge_preset%; Incr %server_global_challenge_preset%; Set %ini_challenge_preset% %server_global_challenge_preset%; Say ***   !CHALLENGE enable   ***; If %server_global_challenge_preset% > 5; Set %server_global_challenge_preset% 1; Set %ini_challenge_preset% 1
#On Spawn; ServerFirst; If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 0; if %ts1% + %ts2% >= 20; Set %server_global_challenge_preset% %ini_challenge_preset%; Incr %server_global_challenge_preset%; Set %ini_challenge_preset% %server_global_challenge_preset%; Say ***   !CHALLENGE enable   ***; If %server_global_challenge_preset% > 5; Set %server_global_challenge_preset% 1; Set %ini_challenge_preset% 1

# each round same preset (preset 2 handgun)
On Say; ServerFirst; If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 0; if %ts1% + %ts2% >= 10; Say ***   !CHALLENGE enable   ***; Set %ini_challenge_preset% 2
On Spawn; ServerFirst; If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 0; if %ts1% + %ts2% >= 10; Say ***   !CHALLENGE enable   ***; Set %ini_challenge_preset% 2

# count kills and points, add vip slot (31 days)
On Kill; If %server_global_challenge_preset% != 0;
    Set %tmp_challenge_step2% 0
    If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 1; Damage Shotgun; Set %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% Shotgun; Set %tmp_challenge_step2% 1
    If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 2; Damage Handgun; Set %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% Handgun; Set %tmp_challenge_step2% 1
    If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 3; Damage SniperRifle,DMR; Set %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% Sniper/DMR; Set %tmp_challenge_step2% 1
    If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 4; Damage LMG; Set %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% LMG; Set %tmp_challenge_step2% 1
    If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 5; Damage SMG; Set %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% PDW; Set %tmp_challenge_step2% 1
    If %tmp_challenge_step2% == 1; Incr %challenge_player_weapon_kills[%wk%]%; If %challenge_player_weapon_kills[%wk%]% == 5; Incr %challenge_player_points[%p%]%; Set %challenge_player_weapon_mastered[%p%][%challenge_player_points[%p%]%]% %w%; Say %p% !CHALLENGE: %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% [%challenge_player_points[%p%]%/10]; PlayerSay %p%: %w% completed - change your %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% to win a VIP SLOT; PlayerYell 5 %p% ! CHALLENGE: [%challenge_player_points[%p%]%/10] - %w% completed; If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% == 10; Say !CHALLENGE: %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% [%challenge_player_points[%p%]%/10] completed! - %p% has won a VIP SLOT for 1 month !!!; Yell 20 ! CHALLENGE - %p% has won a VIP SLOT!; Log ^b^2!CHALLENGE %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% [%challenge_player_points[%p%]%/10] completed! - %p% has won a VIP SLOT for 1 month^0^n; Set %ini_challengeCompleted_%p%-DATE%ymd%-TIME%hms%% CHALLENGE_%tmp_msg_weapon_typ%_%challenge_player_points[%p%]%/10_completed__%p%_has_won_a_VIP_SLOT_for_1_month____DEBUG_timestamp_%seconds%_/_86400_+31_+_%tmp_rem_vip_days%; Set %ini_challengeVipSlotEnd_%p%% %seconds% / 86400 + 31 + %tmp_rem_vip_days%; Exec reservedSlotsList.add %p%; Exec reservedSlotsList.save

# in-game-commands
On Say; Text !challenge,!chal,!chel; If %server_global_challenge_preset% != 0;
    PlayerFirst; Set %tmp_space% ", "
    if %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 1; Set %tmp_mastered_line1% %challenge_player_weapon_mastered[%p%][1]%; If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 2; Set %tmp_mastered_line1% %tmp_mastered_line1% %tmp_space% %challenge_player_weapon_mastered[%p%][2]%; If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 3; Set %tmp_mastered_line1% %tmp_mastered_line1% %tmp_space% %challenge_player_weapon_mastered[%p%][3]%
    If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 4; Set %tmp_mastered_line2% %challenge_player_weapon_mastered[%p%][4]%; If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 5; Set %tmp_mastered_line2% %tmp_mastered_line2% %tmp_space% %challenge_player_weapon_mastered[%p%][5]%; If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 6; Set %tmp_mastered_line2% %tmp_mastered_line2% %tmp_space% %challenge_player_weapon_mastered[%p%][6]%
    If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 7; Set %tmp_mastered_line3% %challenge_player_weapon_mastered[%p%][7]%; If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 8; Set %tmp_mastered_line3% %tmp_mastered_line3% %tmp_space% %challenge_player_weapon_mastered[%p%][8]%; If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 9; Set %tmp_mastered_line3% %tmp_mastered_line3% %tmp_space% %challenge_player_weapon_mastered[%p%][9]%; If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 10; Set %tmp_mastered_line3% %tmp_mastered_line3 %tmp_space% %challenge_player_weapon_mastered[%p%][10]%
    If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 1; PlayerSay %p% !CHALLENGE: Shotgun [%challenge_player_points[%p%]%/10]; Set %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% "Shotgun"
    If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 2; PlayerSay %p% !CHALLENGE: Handgun [%challenge_player_points[%p%]%/10]; Set %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% "Handgun"
    If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 3; PlayerSay %p% !CHALLENGE: Sniper/DMR [%challenge_player_points[%p%]%/10]; Set %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% "Sniper/DMR"
    If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 4; PlayerSay %p% !CHALLENGE: LMG [%challenge_player_points[%p%]%/10]; Set %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% "LMG"
    If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 5; PlayerSay %p% !CHALLENGE: PDW [%challenge_player_points[%p%]%/10]; Set %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% "PDW"
    If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 1; PlayerSay Completed: %tmp_mastered_line1%; If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 4; PlayerSay %tmp_mastered_line2%; If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 7; PlayerSay %tmp_mastered_line3%
    Say !CHALLENGE: Perform 5 kills with each %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% to win a VIP SLOT for 1 month. Each round new challenge
On Say; Text !challenge,!chal,!chel; If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 0; Say !CHALLENGE disabled - need more players, maybe next round

# remove vip slot after 31 days...
On Spawn; PlayerFirst; If %ini_challengeVipSlotEnd_%p%% != 0; 
    If %seconds% / 86400 < %ini_challengeVipSlotEnd_%p%%; Set %tmp_rem_vip_days% %ini_challengeVipSlotEnd_%p%% - %seconds% / 86400; Say %p% welcome !CHALLENGE winner with VIP Slot; PlayerSay VIP Slot days remaining: %tmp_rem_vip_days%
    If %seconds% / 86400 > %ini_challengeVipSlotEnd_%p%%; Set %ini_challengeVipSlotEnd_%p%% 0; PlayerSay %p% your !CHALLENGE VIP Slot has expired; PlayerSay Win a new !CHALLENGE or buy a VIP Slot; Log ^b^2!CHALLENGE^0^n VIP Slot for %p% removed; Exec reservedSlotsList.remove %p%; Exec reservedSlotsList.save
On RoundOver; If %server_global_challenge_preset% != 0; If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 10; Say %p% has won the !CHALLENGE and a VIP SLOT!
####       !CHALLENGE - END       #########
* Restored post. It could be that the author is no longer active.
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  • 1 month later...

Originally Posted by GR101*:


Could somebody modify this code (below)? I just need Melee only without the option of changing knifes. Basically get so many Melee kills with any knife to win a VIP slot. Cheers.



####       !CHALLENGE        #########
# win vip slot
# req. min. 20 players on round start to enable the weapon challenge
# store winners in proconrulz.ini (ftp: /configs/serverip_proconrulz.ini). SERVER-ADMIN must add and remove VIP slots manual!
# Preset 1: Shotgun (10x10 kills -> 10 kills with each shotgun)
# Preset 2: Handgun (10x10 kills)
# Preset 3: Sniper/DMR (10x10 kills)
# Preset 4: LMG (10x10 kills)
# Preset 5: PDW (10x10 kills)

On Say; ServerFirst; If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 0; if %ts1% + %ts2% >= 20; Set %server_global_challenge_preset% %ini_challenge_preset%; Incr %server_global_challenge_preset%; Set %ini_challenge_preset% %server_global_challenge_preset%; Say ***   !CHALLENGE enable   ***; If %server_global_challenge_preset% > 5; Set %server_global_challenge_preset% 1; Set %ini_challenge_preset% 1
On Spawn; ServerFirst; If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 0; if %ts1% + %ts2% >= 20; Set %server_global_challenge_preset% %ini_challenge_preset%; Incr %server_global_challenge_preset%; Set %ini_challenge_preset% %server_global_challenge_preset%; Say ***   !CHALLENGE enable   ***; If %server_global_challenge_preset% > 5; Set %server_global_challenge_preset% 1; Set %ini_challenge_preset% 1

# count kills and points
On Kill; If %server_global_challenge_preset% != 0;
    Set %tmp_challenge_step2% 0
    If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 1; Damage Shotgun; Set %challenge_kills_needed% 10; Set %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% Shotgun; Set %tmp_challenge_step2% 1
    If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 2; Damage Handgun; Set %challenge_kills_needed% 10; Set %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% Handgun; Set %tmp_challenge_step2% 1
    If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 3; Damage SniperRifle,DMR; Set %challenge_kills_needed% 10; Set %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% Sniper/DMR; Set %tmp_challenge_step2% 1
    If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 4; Damage LMG; Set %challenge_kills_needed% 10; Set %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% LMG; Set %tmp_challenge_step2% 1
    If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 5; Damage SMG; Set %challenge_kills_needed% 10; Set %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% PDW; Set %tmp_challenge_step2% 1
    If %tmp_challenge_step2% == 1; Incr %challenge_player_weapon_kills[%wk%]%; If %challenge_player_weapon_kills[%wk%]% == %challenge_kills_needed%; Incr %challenge_player_points[%p%]%; Set %challenge_player_weapon_mastered[%p%][%challenge_player_points[%p%]%]% %w%; Say %p% !CHALLENGE: %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% [%challenge_player_points[%p%]%/10]; PlayerSay %p%: %w% completed - change your %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% to win a VIP SLOT; PlayerYell 5 %p% ! CHALLENGE: [%challenge_player_points[%p%]%/10] - %w% completed; If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% == 10; Say !CHALLENGE: %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% [%challenge_player_points[%p%]%/10] completed! - %p% has won a VIP SLOT !!!; Yell 20 ! CHALLENGE - %p% has won a VIP SLOT!; Log ^b^2!CHALLENGE %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% [%challenge_player_points[%p%]%/10] completed! - %p% has won a VIP SLOT ^0^n; Set %ini_challengeCompleted_%p%-DATE%ymd%-TIME%hms%% CHALLENGE_%tmp_msg_weapon_typ%_%challenge_player_points[%p%]%/10_completed__%p%_has_won_a_VIP_SLOT____DEBUG_timestamp_%seconds%_/_86400_+31_+_%tmp_rem_vip_days%; 

# in-game-commands
On Say; Text !challenge,!chal,!chel; If %server_global_challenge_preset% != 0;
    PlayerFirst; Set %tmp_space% ", "
    if %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 1; Set %tmp_mastered_line1% %challenge_player_weapon_mastered[%p%][1]%; If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 2; Set %tmp_mastered_line1% %tmp_mastered_line1% %tmp_space% %challenge_player_weapon_mastered[%p%][2]%; If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 3; Set %tmp_mastered_line1% %tmp_mastered_line1% %tmp_space% %challenge_player_weapon_mastered[%p%][3]%
    If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 4; Set %tmp_mastered_line2% %challenge_player_weapon_mastered[%p%][4]%; If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 5; Set %tmp_mastered_line2% %tmp_mastered_line2% %tmp_space% %challenge_player_weapon_mastered[%p%][5]%; If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 6; Set %tmp_mastered_line2% %tmp_mastered_line2% %tmp_space% %challenge_player_weapon_mastered[%p%][6]%
    If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 7; Set %tmp_mastered_line3% %challenge_player_weapon_mastered[%p%][7]%; If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 8; Set %tmp_mastered_line3% %tmp_mastered_line3% %tmp_space% %challenge_player_weapon_mastered[%p%][8]%; If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 9; Set %tmp_mastered_line3% %tmp_mastered_line3% %tmp_space% %challenge_player_weapon_mastered[%p%][9]%; If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 10; Set %tmp_mastered_line3% %tmp_mastered_line3 %tmp_space% %challenge_player_weapon_mastered[%p%][10]%
    If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 1; PlayerSay %p% !CHALLENGE: Shotgun [%challenge_player_points[%p%]%/10]; Set %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% "Shotgun"; Set %challenge_kills_needed% 10
    If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 2; PlayerSay %p% !CHALLENGE: Handgun [%challenge_player_points[%p%]%/10]; Set %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% "Handgun"; Set %challenge_kills_needed% 10
    If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 3; PlayerSay %p% !CHALLENGE: Sniper/DMR [%challenge_player_points[%p%]%/10]; Set %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% "Sniper/DMR"; Set %challenge_kills_needed% 10
    If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 4; PlayerSay %p% !CHALLENGE: LMG [%challenge_player_points[%p%]%/10]; Set %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% "LMG"; Set %challenge_kills_needed% 10
    If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 5; PlayerSay %p% !CHALLENGE: PDW [%challenge_player_points[%p%]%/10]; Set %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% "PDW"; Set %challenge_kills_needed% 10
    If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 1; PlayerSay Completed: %tmp_mastered_line1%; If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 4; PlayerSay %tmp_mastered_line2%; If %challenge_player_points[%p%]% >= 7; PlayerSay %tmp_mastered_line3%
    Say !CHALLENGE: Make %challenge_kills_needed% kills with each %tmp_msg_weapon_typ% to win a VIP SLOT. Each round new challenge
On Say; Text !challenge,!chal,!chel; If %server_global_challenge_preset% == 0; Say !CHALLENGE disabled - need more players, maybe next round
* Restored post. It could be that the author is no longer active.
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Originally Posted by maxdralle*:


Could somebody modify this code (below)? I just need Melee only without the option of changing knifes. Basically get so many Melee kills with any knife to win a VIP slot. Cheers.


if you use the 'vip slot manager' plugin then you can use this code:


#Sample Code for ProconRulz (perform 5 knife kills = VIP Slot for 7 days):
On Kill; Damage Melee; if %c% == 5; Yell %p% has won a VIP SLOT; Say /vsm-addvip %p% +7
without the 'vip slot manager' plugin use this code:


#Sample Code for ProconRulz (perform 5 knife kills = VIP Slot):
On Kill; Damage Melee; if %c% == 5; Yell %p% has won a VIP SLOT; Exec reservedSlotsList.add %p%; Exec reservedSlotsList.save
* Restored post. It could be that the author is no longer active.
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Originally Posted by Sp0rAdiC*:


Would something like this work? And can you cut off the challenge if the player has already won?



#Sample Code for ProconRulz (perform 20 Knife kills = VIP Slot for 2 days):

On Kill; Damage Melee; if %c% == 1; Say Get 20 Knife kills in 1 round for a 2 day VIP SLOT; Say Knife Challenge Progress: %p% (1/20)
On Kill; Damage Melee; if %c% == 5; Say Knife Challenge Progress: %p% (5/20)
On Kill; Damage Melee; if %c% == 10; Say Knife Challenge Progress: %p% (10/20)
On Kill; Damage Melee; if %c% == 20; Say Knife Challenge Complete! %p% (20/20); Yell Knife Challenge: %p% has won a VIP SLOT for 2 days; Say /vsm-addvip %p% +2
* Restored post. It could be that the author is no longer active.
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Originally Posted by maxdralle*:


Would something like this work? And can you cut off the challenge if the player has already won?



what did you mean with "cut off the challenge"_?

each player can win max. one time?

or each player can win max. one time per day?

* Restored post. It could be that the author is no longer active.
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Originally Posted by Sp0rAdiC*:


what did you mean with "cut off the challenge"_?

Sorry, I wasn't clear on my question. I think the one time per day code would work. Just didn't want players racking up VIP days.
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Originally Posted by maxdralle*:


Sorry, I wasn't clear on my question. I think the one time per day code would work. Just didn't want players racking up VIP days.

here it is. each player can win one time per day:


#Sample Code for ProconRulz + VIP Slot Manager Plugin (perform 20 Knife kills = VIP Slot for 2 days. each player can win max. 1x in 24 hours):

On Kill; Damage Melee; PlayerFirst; if %seconds% / 3600 >= %ini_challengeknife_%p%%; Set %tmp_challenge_knife% 1;
On Kill; Damage Melee; if %c% == 1; if %tmp_challenge_knife% == 1; Say Get 20 Knife kills in 1 round for a 2 day VIP SLOT; Say Knife Challenge Progress: %p% (1/20)
On Kill; Damage Melee; if %c% == 5; if %tmp_challenge_knife% == 1; Say Knife Challenge Progress: %p% (5/20)
On Kill; Damage Melee; if %c% == 10; if %tmp_challenge_knife% == 1;Say Knife Challenge Progress: %p% (10/20)
On Kill; Damage Melee; if %c% == 20; if %tmp_challenge_knife% == 1; Say Knife Challenge Complete! %p% (20/20); Yell Knife Challenge: %p% has won a VIP SLOT for 2 days; Say /vsm-addvip %p% +2; Set %ini_challengeknife_%p%% %seconds% / 3600 + 24; Set %server_challenge_knife_winners% %server_challenge_knife_winners%  %p%
On RoundOver; if %server_challenge_knife_winners% != 0;  if %server_challenge_knife_winners% != none; Say Knife Challenge Winners:  %server_challenge_knife_winners%
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    • Game Server Hosting:

      We're happy to announce that EZRCON will branch out into the game server provider scene. This is a big step for us so please having patience if something doesn't go right in this area. Now, what makes us different compared to other providers? Well, we're going with the idea of having a scaleable server hosting and providing more control in how you set up your server. For example, in Minecraft, you have the ability to control how many CPU cores you wish your server to have access to, how much RAM you want to use, how much disk space you want to use. This type of control can't be offered in a single service package so you're able to configure a custom package the way you want it.

      You can see all the available games here. Currently, we have the following games available.

      Valheim (From $1.50 USD)

      Rust (From $3.20 USD)

      Minecraft (Basic) (From $4.00 USD)

      Call of Duty 4X (From $7.00 USD)

      OpenTTD (From $4.00 USD)

      Squad (From $9.00 USD)

      Insurgency: Sandstorm (From $6.40 USD)

      Changes to US-East:

      Starting in January 2022, we will be moving to a different provider that has better support, better infrastructure, and better connectivity. We've noticed that the connection/routes to this location are not ideal and it's been hard getting support to correct this. Our contract for our two servers ends in March/April respectively. If you currently have servers in this location you will be migrated over to the new provider. We'll have more details when the time comes closer to January. The new location for this change will be based out of Atlanta, GA. If you have any questions/concerns please open a ticket and we'll do our best to answer them.
      • 5 replies
    • Hello All,

      I wanted to give an update to how EZRCON is doing. As of today we have 56 active customers using the services offered. I'm glad its doing so well and it hasn't been 1 year yet. To those that have services with EZRCON, I hope the service is doing well and if not please let us know so that we can improve it where possible. We've done quite a few changes behind the scenes to improve the performance hopefully. 

      We'll be launching a new location for hosting procon layers in either Los Angeles, USA or Chicago, IL. Still being decided on where the placement should be but these two locations are not set in stone yet. We would like to get feedback on where we should have a new location for hosting the Procon Layers, which you can do by replying to this topic. A poll will be created where people can vote on which location they would like to see.

      We're also looking for some suggestions on what else you would like to see for hosting provider options. So please let us know your thoughts on this matter.
      • 4 replies
    • Added ability to disable the new API check for player country info

      Updated GeoIP database file

      Removed usage sending stats

      Added EZRCON ad banner

      If you are upgrading then you may need to add these two lines to your existing installation in the file procon.cfg. To enable these options just change False to True.

      procon.private.options.UseGeoIpFileOnly False
      procon.private.options.BlockRssFeedNews False

      • 2 replies
    • I wanted I let you know that I am starting to build out the foundation for the hosting services that I talked about here. The pricing model I was originally going for wasn't going to be suitable for how I want to build it. So instead I decided to offer each service as it's own product instead of a package deal. In the future, hopefully, I will be able to do this and offer discounts to those that choose it.

      Here is how the pricing is laid out for each service as well as information about each. This is as of 7/12/2020.

      Single MySQL database (up to 30 GB) is $10 USD per month.

      If you go over the 30 GB usage for the database then each additional gigabyte is charged at $0.10 USD each billing cycle. If you're under 30GB you don't need to worry about this.

      Databases are replicated across 3 zones (regions) for redundancy. One (1) on the east coast of the USA, One (1) in Frankfurt, and One (1) in Singapore. Depending on the demand, this would grow to more regions.

      Databases will also be backed up daily and retained for 7 days.

      Procon Layer will be $2 USD per month.

      Each layer will only allow one (1) game server connection. The reason behind this is for performance.

      Each layer will also come with all available plugins installed by default. This is to help facilitate faster deployments and get you up and running quickly.

      Each layer will automatically restart if Procon crashes. 

      Each layer will also automatically restart daily at midnight to make sure it stays in tip-top shape.

      Custom plugins can be installed by submitting a support ticket.

      Battlefield Admin Control Panel (BFACP) will be $5 USD per month

      As I am still working on building version 3 of the software, I will be installing the last version I did. Once I complete version 3 it will automatically be upgraded for you.

      All these services will be managed by me so you don't have to worry about the technical side of things to get up and going.

      If you would like to see how much it would cost for the services, I made a calculator that you can use. It can be found here https://ezrcon.com/calculator.html

      • 11 replies
    • I have pushed out a new minor release which updates the geodata pull (flags in the playerlisting). This should be way more accurate now. As always, please let me know if any problems show up.

      • 9 replies
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