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Insane Limits - Examples


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Originally Posted by Froz3nTundra*:


Which part are you referring to? ... The announcement or the !adminlist command?


I have not tested it ... but it seems that if you are admin, and joining, you won't see the announcement because you'd be in the loading screen when the announcement is sent, which is ok.

Hmm, well I made sure I wasn't in any whitelist when I tried it, is this dependent upon procon user account?
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Originally Posted by micovery*:


Hmm, well I made sure I wasn't in any whitelist when I tried it, is this dependent upon procon user account?

No this example is independent of the ProCon accounts. What I meant by "admin" .. is that your name is in the "admins" list. The example asks you to create an "admins" list.
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Originally Posted by Froz3nTundra*:


No this example is independent of the ProCon accounts. What I meant by "admin" .. is that your name is in the "admins" list. The example asks you to create an "admins" list.

Ok yes of course, I do have my name in that list and will have a buddy help me to check it, thank you.
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Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*:


I can help with one of your problems:

i use this Limit Copy and paste but after doing it got this error...


[21:18:13 11] [insane Limits] Compiling Limit #18 - Kick Players Without Battlelog - OnSpawn

[21:18:13 12] [insane Limits] ERROR: 1 error compiling Expression

When you see that error message, check to make sure you have followed the instructions in the example post when setting a check to Code. The error means you have something set to Expression that ought to be Code.


Ok yes of course, I do have my name in that list and will have a buddy help me to check it, thank you.

You can also set the delay in the Action longer, to give yourself a better chance of seeing it. Try setting it to 180 instead of 60, that's 3 minutes. Of course, if you deploy faster than 180 seconds, you have to be patient and wait for it to show up in chat.


To verify that it is working, you don't need a buddy, just look in your Console log in PRoCon. If you see the admin.say after the OnJoin event, it's working.

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Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*:


I am trying to set my server name based on what Limits are enabled. Is there a way to check the state of a given limit?


So I could do something like OnInterval check if limit#1 is enabled.

I would do this in the Limit itself but i don't want to change the server name OnKill.

There are a couple of ways of doing this.


If you know the limit id number and you know that number is not going to change (you will not re-order your limits at some point in the future), you can look up the plugin variable by name. Suppose the limit is id #3. The name of the variable it "limit_3_state". The name you see in the Plugin settings panel is the name of the variable. You can use code like this:



String state = String.Empty; // unknown state
try {
    state = plugin.getPluginVarValue("limit_3_state");
} catch (Exception e) {}
You'll have to deal with the logic of having several limits enabled and figuring out which one takes priority.


The other way of doing it would be more robust, since it won't rely on the limit id number. You can build it into each limit. Just have each limit set vars.serverName itself. Textbook encapsulation.


You are right to worry about updating it too often, like every OnKill, but you can control that in a number of ways, by writing code in second_check to test the count of activations or by writing code to set a variable in plugin.Data to indicate that the server name has already been set. That's what I'd do. Each plugin would check to see if the plugin.Data variable is set or if it is set, it has a different value (String) than this limit would set. Either way, it changes vars.serverName and updates the plugin.Data variable. If it is set and it does match, do nothing (already set).


BTW, Battlelog is notoriously slow at updating the server browser data, so even if you change your vars.serverName, there's no telling when people will actually see the change in Battlelog.

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Originally Posted by Mootart*:


I can help with one of your problems:


When you see that error message, check to make sure you have followed the instructions in the example post when setting a check to Code. The error means you have something set to Expression that ought to be Code.



When i set it to Code i got this error....


[05:03:05 30] [insane Limits] ERROR: 1 error compiling Code


this is the Code


player.Battlelog404 == true

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Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*:


When i set it to Code i got this error....


[05:03:05 30] [insane Limits] ERROR: 1 error compiling Code


this is the Code


player.Battlelog404 == true

I think you changed the wrong one. first_check should be Expression, second_check should be Code. Also, are you using Battlelog404 requires or later.


There should be some additional error information in the plugin log window before the "1 error compiling" message, which gives the line and column number where the error occurs, as well as exactly what the compilation error is.


In general, please provide all information related to the error, such as log snippets, dump files, source code, etc. In the case of an "error compiling", do a


!dump limit (id)


where (id) is the number of the limit in the console command field of Insane Limits, get the file that is created and attach it to a post. The line and column numbers in the compilation error details refer to that file, not to the cut&paste.

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Originally Posted by QUACK-Major-Pain*:


Which part are you referring to? ... The announcement or the !adminlist command?


I have not tested it ... but it seems that if you are admin, and joining, you won't see the announcement because you'd be in the loading screen when the announcement is sent, which is ok.

If it acts like the other plugin that announces admin join, you might see the message in the chat panel of Procon as you join.
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Originally Posted by micovery*:


If it acts like the other plugin that announces admin join, you might see the message in the chat panel of Procon as you join.

Chat-Tab notifications are not supported yet. It's coming in
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Originally Posted by Mootart*:


I think you changed the wrong one. first_check should be Expression, second_check should be Code. Also, are you using Battlelog404 requires or later.


There should be some additional error information in the plugin log window before the "1 error compiling" message, which gives the line and column number where the error occurs, as well as exactly what the compilation error is.


In general, please provide all information related to the error, such as log snippets, dump files, source code, etc. In the case of an "error compiling", do a


!dump limit (id)


where (id) is the number of the limit in the console command field of Insane Limits, get the file that is created and attach it to a post. The line and column numbers in the compilation error details refer to that file, not to the cut&paste.

i bring it back as before expression first check and second on code.



[22:37:47 72] [insane Limits] Compiling Limit #18 - Kick Players Without Battlelog - OnSpawn

[22:37:47 74] [insane Limits] ERROR: 1 error compiling Expression



also PapaCharlie9 the limit ingame per weapon headshot percentage kicker. its working tho. but every end of the round layer procon is restarting. if if disable it eveything is working fine.


what do you think?


im using 0.7

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Originally Posted by pharbehind*:


what attitude sir? i just quick post... what is wrong with my post sir?

Sir, it was just a joke on your typo, you said:


"where can i grab the *dumb* file___" instead of "where can i grab the *dump* file_"


When reading it like that it sounds like you're upset.




dumb? ?[duhm] adjective, -er, -est, verb



lacking intelligence or good judgment; stupid; dull-witted.


dump? ?[duhmp] noun

16. an accumulation of discarded garbage, refuse, etc.

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Originally Posted by droopie*:


any update on !punish limits? like i said before, im looking for a !punish count. once counted to 5, kick the person who has reached that number.


so im currently just using the punish plugin but its conflicting with votekicks and votebans with this plugins limits. can i then just use limits for !punish kill tker?

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Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*:


any update on !punish limits? like i said before, im looking for a !punish count. once counted to 5, kick the person who has reached that number.


so im currently just using the punish plugin but its conflicting with votekicks and votebans with this plugins limits. can i then just use limits for !punish kill tker?

I don't quite understand. I've never used a "punish" plugin, so I'm not familiar with how it is supposed to work, but it sounds interesting.


Are you saying an admin can type in a command like this:


!punish (count) (player name) (action) (message)


So say I want to kick micovery if he TKs 5 or more times, I might use this command:


!punish 5 mico kick too many teamkills


What happens on TK 1 through 4? Nothing? Warning message?


Does it only work for teamkills? What about team switching, base camping, failing to join a squad, etc.?

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Originally Posted by droopie*:


I don't quite understand. I've never used a "punish" plugin, so I'm not familiar with how it is supposed to work, but it sounds interesting.


Are you saying an admin can type in a command like this:


!punish (count) (player name) (action) (message)


So say I want to kick micovery if he TKs 5 or more times, I might use this command:


!punish 5 mico kick too many teamkills


What happens on TK 1 through 4? Nothing? Warning message?


Does it only work for teamkills? What about team switching, base camping, failing to join a squad, etc.?

if a player teamkills, the victim can type !punish and what that does is it kills them. thats all i use for the Insane Punisher plugin. since that plugin contains a votekick and voteban, it conflicts with this plugins vote system. i have tried changing it but people are now so used to the universal !votekick/!voteban from other plugins in bf3.


what i am really wanting is a that everytime a player teamkills and the victim types !punish, for it to count how many times he has been !punished in a round. once the tker gets 5 !punish from any players on the same team, kick the tker.



micovery teamkills droopie

droopie: !punish micovery

Admin: micovery you have 1/5 punish. 4 more = autokick.


micovery teamkills PapaCharlie9

PapaCharlie9 : !punish micovery

Admin: micovery you have 2/5 punish. 3 more = autokick.


micovery teamkills droopie

droopie: !punish micovery

Admin: micovery you have 3/5 punish. 2 more = autokick.


micovery teamkills PapaCharlie9

PapaCharlie9 : !punish micovery

Admin: micovery you have 4/5 punish. 1 more = autokick.


micovery teamkills droopie

droopie: !punish micovery

Admin: micovery you have 5/5 punish. goodbye.

> micovery has been kicked by the server.



just an exmaple of how i wish a punishing system should work. all Admin: is the limits counting the tkers !punish so once it reaches 5, he is kicked from the server.


since having a tk value on the server of 5, no way to tell which is accidental so the server kicks no matter what once it is reached, accidental or not. this way, have the option to kick if a real tker is on and not worry about the server kicking for accidental tks. even though some teammates will still punish even if its accidental but when tking a clan member they are more understanding and not so quick with !punish. you can last longer in the server if tking.

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Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*:


if a player teamkills, the victim can type !punish and what that does is it kills them.

Oh, I have seen that. Actually, I got !slap-ped and !insult-ed, but not killed. Same plugin, I guess. I'll leave this one to micovery, since he's the Insane Punisher.
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Originally Posted by micovery*:


if a player teamkills, the victim can type !punish and what that does is it kills them. thats all i use for the Insane Punisher plugin. since that plugin contains a votekick and voteban, it conflicts with this plugins vote system. i have tried changing it but people are now so used to the universal !votekick/!voteban from other plugins in bf3.


what i am really wanting is a that everytime a player teamkills and the victim types !punish, for it to count how many times he has been !punished in a round. once the tker gets 5 !punish from any players on the same team, kick the tker.



micovery teamkills droopie

droopie: !punish micovery

Admin: micovery you have 1/5 punish. 4 more = autokick.


micovery teamkills PapaCharlie9

PapaCharlie9 : !punish micovery

Admin: micovery you have 2/5 punish. 3 more = autokick.


micovery teamkills droopie

droopie: !punish micovery

Admin: micovery you have 3/5 punish. 2 more = autokick.


micovery teamkills PapaCharlie9

PapaCharlie9 : !punish micovery

Admin: micovery you have 4/5 punish. 1 more = autokick.


micovery teamkills droopie

droopie: !punish micovery

Admin: micovery you have 5/5 punish. goodbye.

> micovery has been kicked by the server.



just an exmaple of how i wish a punishing system should work. all Admin: is the limits counting the tkers !punish so once it reaches 5, he is kicked from the server.


since having a tk value on the server of 5, no way to tell which is accidental so the server kicks no matter what once it is reached, accidental or not. this way, have the option to kick if a real tker is on and not worry about the server kicking for accidental tks. even though some teammates will still punish even if its accidental but when tking a clan member they are more understanding and not so quick with !punish. you can last longer in the server if tking.

Droopie, last week I updated the Insane Punisher to work well with BF3, and added a feature to do exactly this. It has a new "Automation" section, that allows you to set two variables auto_action , and auto_action_max.


Here is the link:






If you do not want to use that, then wait for It will be possible to make a simple !punish/!forgive example for Insane Limits since I will be including by default the victims/killers tracker from PapaCharlie9 ( it will also contain team-kill information).

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Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*:


Would anyone be interested in a "make room for clan member" in-game command? Whenever our server gets full and there is a queue of players and one of our mates wants to get on, we manually pick and kick players until they get on. I'd rather that the reserved list worked, but whatever. It occurs to me that the picking-and-kicking part can be automated. We usually use some simple conditions, like:


* Not in a squad

* Low score/kills

* Kick from the winning team before the losing team, but keep teams balanced (or maybe this should be the other way around, if the replacement player will help the losing team_)

* If the round is about to end, don't do any kicking, just wait


Exactly the sort of conditions that could be made into an Insane Limit.


I assume player.SquadId is 0 if the player is not in a squad, so that part is easy. Low score/kills super easy. Winning team over losing team, easy. Near end of round, easy.


The whitelists can be used to exempt certain tags or player names from the pick-and-kicker.


The command could be something like:




It will apply the conditions and kick one player. Type the command again to kick another, until your bro gets on.


If there's sufficient interest, I'll write this example up.

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Originally Posted by QUACK-Major-Pain*:


Would be nice.

After hearing people say it wasn't possible.


Only issue you would have to work around is if 4 people in the queue, and JoePlayer wants on the server.

You would have to kick a player to allow the next person in the queue to join, and repeat until JoePlayer connects.


Maybe a command like !makeroom JoePlayer, where if kicks until this person connects.

Kicks would have to be so many secs apart to allow the person from the queue to join.


Also a check so that if the queue = 0, stop kicking.

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Originally Posted by micovery*:


Would be nice.

You would have to kick a player to allow the next person in the queue to join, and repeat until JoePlayer connects.

Keep kicking the people who just joined (that were in queue), unless is the VIP you are looking for.


You could set the kick-message to something like


Something went wrong

You were disconnected from EA Online (1)

They'll never know jeje.


Or if you don't want to be sneaky, you tell them the truth ...


You were bumped from the Join Queue to make room for a VIP

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Originally Posted by WaxMyCarrot*:


Yes this would be great.. but rather than "!makeroom joeplayer" maybe "!makeroom 4" if 4 people are in que.. that would be easier than typing out a playername each time.

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Originally Posted by micovery*:


Yes this would be great.. but rather than "!makeroom joeplayer" maybe "!makeroom 4" if 4 people are in que.. that would be easier than typing out a playername each time.

You don't know each time how many people are in queue ... though you could get the info from Battlelog.


But it does not matter ... first kick 1 player from server, wait 10 seconds, kick next player that joined, wait 10 more seconds, kick next joiner, and so forth.



This process has two ways to stop.

  • The player that just joined is in the VIP list, so you don't kick him (let him in)
  • The 10 seconds time-out expired and no-one joined.

Eventually if you keep doing this, you will clear entire queue,


So the real command should be more like flush/clear/empty queue.


The main problem with this is that if your queue is really big, and you run "!clear queue" by accident (or the VIP leaves the queue) you would have bumped them all for no reason.


The # argument you suggest could serve as a third (fail-safe) stopping condition ... to specify how many players to bump from queue in the worst case that none of the other 2 stopping conditions are met.

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Originally Posted by droopie*:


Droopie, last week I updated the Insane Punisher to work well with BF3, and added a feature to do exactly this. It has a new "Automation" section, that allows you to set two variables auto_action , and auto_action_max.


Here is the link:






If you do not want to use that, then wait for It will be possible to make a simple !punish/!forgive example for Insane Limits since I will be including by default the victims/killers tracker from PapaCharlie9 ( it will also contain team-kill information).

ill give it a try. it sounds like its just what i need. but if i could do it in this plugin with the next update then its 1 less plugin to manage.
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      We'll be launching a new location for hosting procon layers in either Los Angeles, USA or Chicago, IL. Still being decided on where the placement should be but these two locations are not set in stone yet. We would like to get feedback on where we should have a new location for hosting the Procon Layers, which you can do by replying to this topic. A poll will be created where people can vote on which location they would like to see.

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      Here is how the pricing is laid out for each service as well as information about each. This is as of 7/12/2020.

      Single MySQL database (up to 30 GB) is $10 USD per month.

      If you go over the 30 GB usage for the database then each additional gigabyte is charged at $0.10 USD each billing cycle. If you're under 30GB you don't need to worry about this.

      Databases are replicated across 3 zones (regions) for redundancy. One (1) on the east coast of the USA, One (1) in Frankfurt, and One (1) in Singapore. Depending on the demand, this would grow to more regions.

      Databases will also be backed up daily and retained for 7 days.

      Procon Layer will be $2 USD per month.

      Each layer will only allow one (1) game server connection. The reason behind this is for performance.

      Each layer will also come with all available plugins installed by default. This is to help facilitate faster deployments and get you up and running quickly.

      Each layer will automatically restart if Procon crashes. 

      Each layer will also automatically restart daily at midnight to make sure it stays in tip-top shape.

      Custom plugins can be installed by submitting a support ticket.

      Battlefield Admin Control Panel (BFACP) will be $5 USD per month

      As I am still working on building version 3 of the software, I will be installing the last version I did. Once I complete version 3 it will automatically be upgraded for you.

      All these services will be managed by me so you don't have to worry about the technical side of things to get up and going.

      If you would like to see how much it would cost for the services, I made a calculator that you can use. It can be found here https://ezrcon.com/calculator.html

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