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Everything posted by spyder27

  1. Is it possible to hide the admin name with the command !admin? And how? Thank you
  2. Let me explain ... I have a server (BF4) set to search for Dog Tags and I don't want killings, is it possible to join all the players in a team?
  3. hi, It is possible to have a command to force players to join only one team?
  4. Can you help me please? I can't get this plugin to work. I have BF4 and put CLatencyManager.cs nella directory BF4 and CLatencyManager.inc nella cartella Plugin. It goes into the procon panel plugins but as I click on it nothing happens. She doesn't turn the icon green and crash everything. Where am I wrong? What version should I put? Thanks to whoever will answer me
  5. I would like to include the CROSSBOW in the permitted weapons (BF4). Who can help me insert the right string in these codes? Thanks in proconrulz : # ColonelSeven's Pistol and Melee for Battlefield 4 v0.5 # Information Shouts On Spawn;PlayerFirst;PlayerYell %p%, this server is Pistol and Melee only (Defib,Repair,Knife,Pistol)!;PlayerSay %p%, type !weapons and !commands in chat for more info! On Say;Text !allowed,!weapons;PlayerSay ::: ALLOWED: FLASHBANG,DEFIBRILLATOR,REPAIR TOOL,KNIFE,PISTOLS;PlayerSay ::: TAKE NOTE: Shorty 12G is classified as a shotgun;PlayerSay ::: TAKE NOTE: ALL Explosives are instant kick! On Say;Text !commands;PlayerSay ::: COMMANDS: !weapons - !allowed # Player Total Kicks and Bans check On Join;If %ini_kickban_tbans[%p%]% == 3;TempBan 86400 %p%, you've been temp. banned 3 times. Ban for 24 hours.;Set %ini_kickban_tbans[%p%]% 0 On Join;If %ini_kickban_kicks[%p%]% == 15;TempBan 86400 %p%, you've been kicked 15 times. Ban for 24 hours.;Set %ini_kickban_kicks[%p%]% 0 # Original by bambam - Modified by ColonelSeven # Explosives check first (flashbang excl. just in case) On Kill;Not Weapon U_Flashbang;Damage Explosive;Log ^2EXPLOSIVE: ^1%p% ^0was KICKED for using a ^1%w%;Incr %ini_kickban_kicks[%p%]%;Say %p% was KICKED for using a %w%;Kick %p% Melee and Pistols only! You used a %w%. On Kill;Not Weapon U_Flashbang;Damage ProjectileExplosive;Log ^2EXPLOSIVE: ^1%p% ^0was KICKED for using a ^1%w%;Incr %ini_kickban_kicks[%p%]%;Say %p% was KICKED for using a %w% ;Kick %p% Melee and Pistols only! You used a %w%. # Weapons check second On Kill;Not Weapon U_Flashbang;Not Weapon U_Defib; Not Weapon U_Repairtool;Not Weapon Melee;Not Damage Handgun;PlayerCount 3;Log ^1%p% ^0was BANNED for using a ^1%w%;Incr %ini_kickban_tbans[%p%]%;Say %p% was BANNED (15m) for using a %w%;TempBan 900 %p% (15min) Melee and Pistols only! You used a %w%. On Kill;Not Weapon U_Flashbang;Not Weapon U_Defib; Not Weapon U_Repairtool;Not Weapon Melee;Not Damage Handgun;PlayerCount 2;Log ^1%p% ^0was KICKED for using a ^1%w%;Incr %ini_kickban_kicks[%p%]%;Say %p% was KICKED for using a %w% ;Kick %p% Melee and Pistols only! You used a %w%. On Kill;Not Weapon U_Flashbang;Not Weapon U_Defib; Not Weapon U_Repairtool;Not Weapon Melee;Not Damage Handgun;PlayerCount 1;Log ^1%p% ^0has ^2%c%/2 ^0offenses (^1%w%^0);Set %warnyell% 2;Say ::: WARNING: %p%, warning %c%/2 for using a %w%;PlayerSay %p%, Melee and Pistols only! You used a %w% (%c%/2);PlayerYell %p%, Melee and Pistols only! You used a %w% (%c%/2);Kill 100 On Kill;Not Weapon U_Flashbang;Not Weapon U_Defib; Not Weapon U_Repairtool;Not Weapon Melee;Not Damage Handgun;Log ^1%p% ^0has ^2%c%/2 ^0offenses (^1%w%^0);Set %warnyell% 1;Say ::: WARNING: %p%, warning %c%/2 for using a %w%;PlayerSay %p%, Melee and Pistols only! You used a %w% (%c%/2);PlayerYell %p%, Melee and Pistols only! You used a %w% (%c%/2);Kill 100 # Warning Yell On Spawn (after offense 1 and 2) On Spawn;If %warnyell% == 2;Log Yell^2 2/2 ^0given to ^1%p%;PlayerYell %p%, you've 2/2 offenses! Next will be a KICK!;Set %warnyell% 0 On Spawn;If %warnyell% == 1;Log Yell^2 1/2 ^0given to ^1%p%;PlayerYell %p%, you've 1/2 offenses! Pistols and Melee only!;Set %warnyell% 0 # Kill Announcer On Kill;Weapon Melee;Say *** %p% grabbed and stabbed %v%!!! On Kill;If %wk% contains Defib;Say *** %p% zapped %v% with the Defib!!! On Kill;If %wk% contains Repair;Say *** %p% killed %v% with the Repair Tool!!! On Kill;If %wk% contains Flashbang;Say *** %p% killed %v% with a FLASHBANG!!! # FIRSTBLOOD On Kill;ServerFirst;Say *** %p% has FIRST BLOOD by killing %v% with a %w%
  6. yes but I found the string for proconRulz : On Say; killme; Kill
  7. !killme To make sure he kills himself, what command should I give? (I mean in proconRulz string) Thanks to who will ansewer me.
  8. I tried to insert Latency CS in the procon panel BF4 plugins. I tried putting Latency INC in the BF4 folder. I tried to insert Latency CS in the FileZilla / bf4 plugin by restarting procon. (LatencyManager
  9. Ho provato a inserire Latency CS nei plugin BF4 del pannello procon. Ho provato a mettere Latency INC nella cartella BF4. Ho provato a inserire Latency CS nel plugin FileZilla / bf4 riavviando procon. (LatencyManager
  10. After the change of procon panel with a lot of new port, I am no longer able to install Latency. I've tried all sorts of ways, including with FileZilla and also disabling Sandbox. The game is BF4. Can anyone help me?
  11. Hello to all, is there anyone able to tell me if with this plugin it is possible to punish the killing inside the enemy base? If so, which string to use? Is there by chance a trend dedicated to this topic? Thanks
  12. Look at the settings of these two servers ... even in the first there is only one team ... only after a certain number of players can you access the other team, and you cannot kill. About violations of the ToS .... https://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/it/servers/show/pc/d9a11d77-bd27-4ff6-a906-0410f2086855/1-AE51-Area51-dogtag-search-and-frostbite/ https://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/it/servers/show/pc/e8ab9171-970f-44a9-b26b-9bbccc33f4f2/TiMe-FAST-RANKING-FLAG/
  13. I had no doubt. even if there are several servers that have been using these bans for years. anyway thanks
  14. I mean punishment AFTER killing. As if it were a Teamkill but aimed at the enemy. That is, every killing must be punished.
  15. Is it possible to have a command that punishes all kills with any weapon or means that have occurred?
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