I would like to include the CROSSBOW in the permitted weapons (BF4).
Who can help me insert the right string in these codes?
in proconrulz :
# ColonelSeven's Pistol and Melee for Battlefield 4 v0.5
# Information Shouts
On Spawn;PlayerFirst;PlayerYell %p%, this server is Pistol and Melee only (Defib,Repair,Knife,Pistol)!;PlayerSay %p%, type !weapons and !commands in chat for more info!
On Say;Text !allowed,!weapons;PlayerSay ::: ALLOWED: FLASHBANG,DEFIBRILLATOR,REPAIR TOOL,KNIFE,PISTOLS;PlayerSay ::: TAKE NOTE: Shorty 12G is classified as a shotgun;PlayerSay ::: TAKE NOTE: ALL Explosives are instant kick!
On Say;Text !commands;PlayerSay ::: COMMANDS: !weapons - !allowed
# Player Total Kicks and Bans check
On Join;If %ini_kickban_tbans[%p%]% == 3;TempBan 86400 %p%, you've been temp. banned 3 times. Ban for 24 hours.;Set %ini_kickban_tbans[%p%]% 0
On Join;If %ini_kickban_kicks[%p%]% == 15;TempBan 86400 %p%, you've been kicked 15 times. Ban for 24 hours.;Set %ini_kickban_kicks[%p%]% 0
# Original by bambam - Modified by ColonelSeven
# Explosives check first (flashbang excl. just in case)
On Kill;Not Weapon U_Flashbang;Damage Explosive;Log ^2EXPLOSIVE: ^1%p% ^0was KICKED for using a ^1%w%;Incr %ini_kickban_kicks[%p%]%;Say %p% was KICKED for using a %w%;Kick %p% Melee and Pistols only! You used a %w%.
On Kill;Not Weapon U_Flashbang;Damage ProjectileExplosive;Log ^2EXPLOSIVE: ^1%p% ^0was KICKED for using a ^1%w%;Incr %ini_kickban_kicks[%p%]%;Say %p% was KICKED for using a %w% ;Kick %p% Melee and Pistols only! You used a %w%.
# Weapons check second
On Kill;Not Weapon U_Flashbang;Not Weapon U_Defib; Not Weapon U_Repairtool;Not Weapon Melee;Not Damage Handgun;PlayerCount 3;Log ^1%p% ^0was BANNED for using a ^1%w%;Incr %ini_kickban_tbans[%p%]%;Say %p% was BANNED (15m) for using a %w%;TempBan 900 %p% (15min) Melee and Pistols only! You used a %w%.
On Kill;Not Weapon U_Flashbang;Not Weapon U_Defib; Not Weapon U_Repairtool;Not Weapon Melee;Not Damage Handgun;PlayerCount 2;Log ^1%p% ^0was KICKED for using a ^1%w%;Incr %ini_kickban_kicks[%p%]%;Say %p% was KICKED for using a %w% ;Kick %p% Melee and Pistols only! You used a %w%.
On Kill;Not Weapon U_Flashbang;Not Weapon U_Defib; Not Weapon U_Repairtool;Not Weapon Melee;Not Damage Handgun;PlayerCount 1;Log ^1%p% ^0has ^2%c%/2 ^0offenses (^1%w%^0);Set %warnyell% 2;Say ::: WARNING: %p%, warning %c%/2 for using a %w%;PlayerSay %p%, Melee and Pistols only! You used a %w% (%c%/2);PlayerYell %p%, Melee and Pistols only! You used a %w% (%c%/2);Kill 100
On Kill;Not Weapon U_Flashbang;Not Weapon U_Defib; Not Weapon U_Repairtool;Not Weapon Melee;Not Damage Handgun;Log ^1%p% ^0has ^2%c%/2 ^0offenses (^1%w%^0);Set %warnyell% 1;Say ::: WARNING: %p%, warning %c%/2 for using a %w%;PlayerSay %p%, Melee and Pistols only! You used a %w% (%c%/2);PlayerYell %p%, Melee and Pistols only! You used a %w% (%c%/2);Kill 100
# Warning Yell On Spawn (after offense 1 and 2)
On Spawn;If %warnyell% == 2;Log Yell^2 2/2 ^0given to ^1%p%;PlayerYell %p%, you've 2/2 offenses! Next will be a KICK!;Set %warnyell% 0
On Spawn;If %warnyell% == 1;Log Yell^2 1/2 ^0given to ^1%p%;PlayerYell %p%, you've 1/2 offenses! Pistols and Melee only!;Set %warnyell% 0
# Kill Announcer
On Kill;Weapon Melee;Say *** %p% grabbed and stabbed %v%!!!
On Kill;If %wk% contains Defib;Say *** %p% zapped %v% with the Defib!!!
On Kill;If %wk% contains Repair;Say *** %p% killed %v% with the Repair Tool!!!
On Kill;If %wk% contains Flashbang;Say *** %p% killed %v% with a FLASHBANG!!!
On Kill;ServerFirst;Say *** %p% has FIRST BLOOD by killing %v% with a %w%