- 8k replies
View File Advanced In-Game Admin and Ban Enforcer - AdKats ADKATS RELEASED! Admin Toolset with a plethora of features, over 100 available in-game commands, and many customization options. AdKats focuses on making in-game admins more efficient and accurate at their jobs, with flexibility for almost any setup. Includes a cross-server ban enforcer with advanced enforcement features, global admin management, cross-server player messaging, and the BFAdminCP 2.0+ for web-based control has been released. Designed for groups with high-traffic servers and many admins, but will function just as well for small servers. REQUIREMENTS: …
Last reply by Amiga500Plus, -
VIP Slot Manager [bF3, BF4, BFH, BC2] This FREE Plugin gives you full control over reserved VIP Slots, with many customizations and features. It includes a time management control for each VIP player. This means you can add VIP players for a custom time period, whether it be 30 days, or longer. Expired VIP Slots will be disabled automatically. It is also possible to manage multiple Gameservers with one global list of VIPs or alternatively each Gamerserver separately with his own list of VIPs. The Plugin supports a web-based interface to manage a single Gameserver or many Gameservers with different VIP players. This means you can add, edit and remo…
Last reply by Killoholic, -
Originally Posted by grizzlybeer*: Versions* Description Calls an in-game vote for the next map near the end on the round. Randomly selects four maps (by default, can be adjusted) from the current maplist to vote on. Before the options are displayed, a banner can be shown to get the players attention that voting is about to commence. The votes are tallied and if there are more votes than the set threshold, the winner is the map with the most votes. If there is a tie, the winner is selected at random from the tied maps. The next map is announced and it can be periodically displayed until the end of the round. In-game Scree…
Last reply by gemisaur, -
- 42 replies
Originally Posted by Zaeed*: Basic infomation: This plugin is designed to place players currently in the server, onto the Reserved Slot list. This should ensure that they are not kicked when a player already on the list joins. Installation: - Extract CReservedSlotManagementBeta.cs into plugin directory. Or just install from the Packages Tab in procon Current version: Download: Changelog: - Initial release. - Remove players from list when plugin disabled. - Added option to add people to the list after a certain amount of time. Thanks to: Phogue for Procon Description: Description will come when the pl…
Last reply by Edrian, -
- 1.5k replies
Originally Posted by falcontx*: Description This plug-in is intended to change the server size adaptively based upon the number of players currently on the server. The player count and desired server size is reevaluated when a player joins or leaves and changes occur dynamically throughout each round. When calculating the current number of players, the plug-in includes players who are joining the game, but are not in the PRoCon player list, in order to attempt to mimic the number displayed on Battlelog. Due to the fact that player timeouts aren't reported to PRoCon, it's not perfect, but it's accurate 80-90% of the time. Normally, if the server size is modified t…
Last reply by Clin4, -
- 2k replies
Originally Posted by XpKiller*: Description: This plugin is used to log player chat, player GUID's, player Stats, Weaponstats and Mapstats. This includes: Chat, PBGUID, EAGUID, IP, Stats, Weaponstats, Dogtags, Killstreaks, Country, ClanTag to be continued.. ;-) Please post errors if get some. You can adjust the debug level to a lower value to get less Console Spam. High -> Low (Trace, Info, Warning, Error). Error only will show critical errors. Feel free to post feedback and suggestions. Requirements: The plugin Sandbox needs to be disabled!!! if you are not using PRoCon or later Access to a MySQL database that accepts remote connections is requ…
Last reply by hikinata, -
- 2.5k replies
Moved to first post.
Last reply by tyiyangd, -
Originally Posted by PacmanTRT*: Hello Procon-Forum! I want to present my LanguageEnforcer plugin to you. It is written for best performance and only uses 62KB on the harddisk. Background Information The idea for the plugin comes from ...*. Since he was offline for over a year from today and I had a different architectural concept in mind I wrote the plugin from scratch with some of the more basic code "borrowed" from the ProconRulz Plugin (e.g. Logging, Say, Kill, Kick, ...). It was written to maintain peace of mind as a Funclan server admin in the first place and now I want to share my efforts with the community. What does it do? Basically …
Last reply by spyder27, -
Originally Posted by bambam*: Donations: none needed - ProconRulz is 100% free software. Please acknowledge any support by clicking the Rate this thread link just above this post, and sharing the rulz you come up with. Thank You. MAJOR UPDATE TO V44. BF4 SUPPORT, PLUS SUPPORT FOR EXTERNAL PROCONRULZ SCRIPT FILES Summary ProconRulz is a general-purpose Procon plugin that allows admin actions to be taken based on events and triggers. The most common usage is for weapon limits, e.g. "On Kill;Weapon SMAW;Kill" (which will limit the SMAW rockets by killing any player that kills with that weapon). Or you can limit players NOT usin…
Last reply by spyder27, -
Originally Posted by Zaeed*: Basic information: This plugin has two parts, a country based kicker, and a ping based kicker. The country kicker works as described here*. The ping kicker has two methods of kicking, an instant kick, and an average kick. The average kick allows for you to define both the number of samples to use, and the minimum samples before acting on the average. The plugin also has a trial version of a update notification system built in. If you decide to use it, you must first disable the sandbox mode. Messages will appear in the chat box, notifying you of an update to the plugin. Ping wildcard for ping kick message is %ping% Cou…
Last reply by spyder27, -
Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*: On that page, click on "ZIP" to download. Extract only the MULTIbalancer.cs file, shutdown (Quit) Procon, copy/upload MULTIbalancer.cs into your procon/Plugins/BF3 folder and/or your procon/Plugins/BF4 folder and/or your procon/Plugins/BFHL folder, then restart Procon. If you are using a layer, all of this must happen on the layer host, not on your local client. NOTE: This plugin requires Procon or later! NOTE: This plugin will not work with OFFICIAL MODE servers. The admin.movePlayer command is disabled in OFFICIAL mode. Multi-Balancer & Unstacker, including SQDM For BF3 and BF4 and BFHL, this plugin does live r…
Last reply by TheTomik, -
Originally Posted by Phil_K*: Description Server Rules on Request provides an in-game command which allowes the players to request the server rules. You define the text to be displayed in the plugin settings. The in-game command is also registered with the BasicInGameInfo plugin and can be requested by using the help command of that plugin. The option for a welcome message is 1:1 conversion. It is left in for compatibility reasons and will be droped in a later version. You may test if it fits your needs but I advice you to use for example the onSpawn message of my Admin Announcer & onSpawn Message* plugin. The method here is a bit unsecure because if…
Last reply by PROTECTORSNIPER, -
- 908 replies
View File On-Spawn Loadout Enforcer for Infantry/Vehicles - AdKatsLRT Overview All infantry and vehicle loadouts/equipment in Battlefield 4 can be denied on-spawn using this plugin, with customizable messages for each item. Vehicle loadouts and equipment can be enforced on spawn for everyone, or on kill with specific vehicles. Settings allow for enforcement of problem players only, or all players, with per-item gradation of that severity. Basic Enforce every infantry item (any primary, secondary, attachments for either, gadgets, knifes, and grenades) in the game on-spawn. Enforce every vehicle item (primaries, sec…
Last reply by BruceLeeSoldier, -
Originally Posted by falcontx*: Description This plugin is intended to adjust the number of tickets based upon the number of players on the server just before the new maps is started (it checks right after the countdown on the stats screen finishes). The number of tickets can be specified as a percentage of the map default, or as an exact number (so that all maps will be the same). This plugin can be used for any or all game modes. Each game mode can be enabled or disabled explicitly, and can use a default list of ticket counts or a list specifically for that game mode. Commands This plug-in has no in-game commands. Settings Adaptive Ticket Count En…
Last reply by eros122, -
Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*: Original Author: micovery On-going support: PapaCharlie9 Contributors: Singh400, EBastard Testers and supporters: dyn, EBastard, Singh400, ADKGamers, Hexacanon ==>Download and install instructions in the last section of post This is an orphaned plugin! It is no longer supported by the original author. It is maintained by community contributors (see list above). Donations are purely voluntary, without minimum or maximum requirement, and go to the original author, not to the community contributors. Description This plugin is a customizable limits/rules e…
Last reply by chll1988, -
Originally Posted by TimSad*: Description This plugin has multiple server kill type functions... It has kill streaks, death streaks, multikills, first blood, specific kill announcements, and round stats that are displayed at the beginning of each next round. It also has a "Server Kills Report" which displays the server's kills of various types from over a span of X amount of hours defined by Kills Displayed Timespan (hours)... Requirements For the Server Kills Report portion to work, you will need to have the installed on the computer that your Procon or Procon Layer is being run on. Also, if you have the Procon option "Run plugins in a sandbox" select…
Last reply by yoiler vazquez, -
- 0 replies
Insane Limits View File See original topic for support Insane Limits ( - 30-MAR-2015) + BFHL - Plugins - MyRCON Submitter Prophet731 Submitted 06/05/21 Category Plugins
Last reply by Prophet731, -
Originally Posted by grizzlybeer*: CD - CheatDetector [bF3/BF4] Description Stats Check This plugin tries to detect cheaters by their BF3 Battlelog Stats. This is done in the following way: When a new player has joined (by detecting new entries in the playerlist. not by the playerjoined event, to prevent spamming) his stats are fetched from his Battlelog page (3 requests). This is done for 1 player every 30 seconds, to not trigger any restrictions on the Battlelog side using a fifo-queue (first in, first out. or fcfs (first come, first served)) Then every weapons stat (with more than 130 kills, or more headshots than kills with more than 20 kills) is checked against a c…
Last reply by TIGER_GHOSTPL, -
Originally Posted by LAB-HeliMagnet*: Latest version: 8 May 2010 As suggested by: This is version 1.1 (updated). Shows kill streaks defined by the admins running ProCon. Define end kill streak kill count for display. Message will be displayed when player kills player with kill streak. (HeliMagnet ended Phogue's kill streak!) Option to display messages in chat (admin.say) or spam (admin.yell). Please read the README.txt for convention on how to enter the custom kill count and message associated with it. Stick to this convention, or bad things might happen. Updated to 1.2 Thanks to danstis for identifying and helping with some bug fixes. - Fixed …
Last reply by matchboxx, -
Originally Posted by Phil_K*: Description AdminIn & Spawn Message let you announce that an admin has joined the game. Furthermore you can set it to spam a message to a player spawning, and also have announce bans and kicks of players in the game to all others. You have also the ability to let the plug-in interprete the gameservers uptime and round times send with the serverInfo response and displayed in game via chat messages. While one of server uptime or round duration is enabled you can choose to have it displayed in-game, on the chat-tab or both. If you only want this information on the plug-in console …
Last reply by Prophet731, -
Originally Posted by BB-Insomnia*: Lastupdate: 24. January 2011 Hi folks, here is a script for your homepage to view the Stats. Features: - Sorting by Name, Points, Kills, Deaths, Headshots, Dogtags, Rounds, Time, K/D, Headshots/Kill,Points/Round and Killstreak - Mapstats provides infos about played rounds, player joined/left and average players per map - Weaponstats for weapon and player - embedded Teamspeakviewer - embedded Gametrackerviewer - embedded Serverinfo - Playersearch by partial name - Playersignatures - Global Playerstats from - Top Killstreak Holder listed - Live serverinfo with players & teams on click on serverinfo …
Last reply by To22ek95PL, -
Originally Posted by MorpheusX(AUT)*: Notify Me! - Notifications and alerts, ingame and in Procon As requested in the forum, this plugin is an extension/combination of other notification/alert plugins currently available. The plugin provides two new features to the players on your server: Listing admins currently playing: when using this command, the player gets a list of admins currently online on the server. In additions, the admins get notified that someone has requested this list. Calling an admin: every player can call for an admin. Depending on the plugin's settings, admins get notified ingame, in Procon and via mail. An optional reason for calling c…
Last reply by To22ek95PL, -
Originally Posted by TimSad*: Bugs fixed for BF3 and BF4 by community contributors! To download the combined BF3/BF4 patched version, click on the Download link below. On that page, click on the "zip" link of the highest numbered released version that you see there. Download the zip. Extract only the CVoteBan.cs file, none of the other files are needed and may actually cause problems. Shutdown Procon, upload the file to your layer and install in Plugins/BF3 and/or Plugins/BF4. If you have a previous install of CVoteBanBF3.cs, remove it, the two versions will conflict with each other if both are enabled! Restart Procon. This is a fresh new version, so if you had se…
Last reply by FroToe, -
- 0 replies
View File Battlefield Agency Battlefield Agency - Battlefield Player Insights & BF4 anticheat About What is Battlefield Agency? At we focus on combating cheaters in BF4 in efficient and sustainable ways. We offer you a free cheater ban list, updated by the hour. While automatic tools assist us, all bans are entirely manually reviewed and we strive for quality using skilled staff. What does this plugin do? This plugin enforces the ban list(s) managed by us and helps us link cheater accounts. Setup Acquire API key First, you need to get an API key to use with the plugin. To do…
Last reply by neutron, -
Originally Posted by Athlon*: Description This plugin is a Mod of the fine work done by blactionhero on his ...*. Currency adds an in-game form of currency to your server(s). It works together or separately across all of your BF3 servers. It stores player's balances in a MySQL database on a server that you specify (more on this below). Currency can be earned by players in different ways that you specify, such as: - Spending a specified amount of time playing on your server. - Killing someone. - Getting a headshot. - Killing with specific weapons that you choose. - Killing someone who has a bounty on their head. - Mugging someone with a weapon th…
Last reply by Hedius, -
- 31 replies
Originally Posted by s1ngular1ty*: Description This plugin is currently for BF4 ONLY !!!! This plugin was originally created to enforce weapon limits in a knife and pistol only server. I quickly realized it could be used to limit any weapon on any type of server. Unfortunately, because of the way Battlefield 4 reports vehicle kill information, vehicles can not be limited using this plugin. This plugin limits players from using certain weapons, or categories of weapons, in game. Action is taken against players when they kill with a weapon or weapon category you have restricted with this plugin. An escalating punishment system is built into the plugin. Th…
Last reply by csimvwtnt, -
- 86 replies
Originally Posted by Zaeed*: Basic infomation: Very simple interface to the new chat moderation functions. Allows you to mute players, and promote players to different chat levels. Also allows you to change the chat moderation mode of the server. Requirements: The Basic In-Game Info plugin must be enabled on the same machine that is running this plugin. Procon version or above Installation: - Extract CPlayerMuter.cs into plugin directory. Current version: Changelog: -> - Minor optimisation - Added messages to players informing them that they have been muted/unmuted etc -> - Added b…
Last reply by Hedius, -
- 3 replies
Fail Log For BF3, BF4, BFHL, this plugin logs game server crashes, layer disconnects and Blaze dumps. The plugin was developed by PapaCharlie9. However, MorpheusX and I (Hedius) modified it. Download Description Each failure event generates a single log line. The log line is written to plugin.log. Optionally, it may also be written to a file in procon/Logs and/or to a Discord server and/or as an email, controlled by plugin settings (see below). Note that this plugin must be run without restrictions (not in sandbox mode) in order to use e…
Last reply by Hedius, -
Originally Posted by Zaeed*: Basic infomation: This plugin will share all bans across servers running within the same instance of procon, allowing for global banning of players. BF3 Compatible Requirements: Procon version or above Installation: - Extract CSharedBanlist.cs into plugin directory. Current version: Changelog: Notes: Thanks to: Phogue for Procon Download: link down below Description: When a ban is added on one server, it will appear on all others within the same instance of proc…
Last reply by C4MQS8, -
BF4DB View File Installation There are a few steps to complete before this plugin will be operational. You must first have created an account with us and then claim a server. Once you have a server claimed you will be given an API key. Once you have placed the plugin in your Procon layer, the last step is to set up the plugin with the API key and change any settings you might need. Each of these steps will be outlined below. Claiming Server To claim a server please log in and click Server Tools under the user menu. On the Server Tools page, you can claim new servers and manage existing ones. You will then see a box that…
Last reply by BF4DB, -
Originally Posted by Phil_K*: Description Automatic Round Restarter helps you to restart the round on a given player count or less. This can help you to avoid dead-locks with battlelog where no player can join your server and/or gets the message that the server is currently changing map and therefor can not be joined. As an addition for whorst case you can select to restart your server. This will send the command admin.shutDown to your server. Depending on your GSPs configuration the server will be restarted or stays down. If that is the case you have to go to your GSPs config panel and start your server by your own. USE WITH CARE! If you select th…
Last reply by Prophet731, -
- 0 replies
Now that the usage stats work again, I have made the page to view them. You can view it at the link below.
Last reply by Prophet731, -
Originally Posted by Flyswamper*: After a couple of years of constantly bugging the plugin developers around here, I have finally invested enough time and energy to get myself up to speed with C# so that I could code myself a simple little plugin. Even though it is really really simple and not that well written, it does seem to perform a task that is useful to me and perhaps somebody else out there that might be seeding their servers to get them populated. So, I thought I'd share this with the community in hopes it might help somebody. I'd also love to get any constructive feedback on things I should have done differently or problems. And with that little intro, h…
Last reply by Julian, -
- 4 replies
I am going to describe how to remove update function from Truebalancer, as a example. Open Truebalancer.cs with any editor and search "UpdateCheck();" (The keyboard shortcut for search is Ctrl+F) Then erase it or comment out the line and save That's it
Last reply by Prophet731, -
- 0 replies
Attached to this thread are a bunch of old plugin zips that were saved from the old procon forum. If there is a new thread in the plugin section on this forum, please use that instead of these old downloads. Plugins Removed Due to Thread Creation: Ultimate Map Manager VIP Slot Manager CustomWarningGe…
Last reply by ColColonCleaner, -
Originally Posted by grizzlybeer*: PBSSE - PunkBuster ScreenShot Enforcer Description This plugin monitors the requested and the successfully received Punkbuster screenshots (automatic and manual). This is neccessary since the Punkbuster Screen Capture Facility ( as nice as it is, allows all screenshots to fail. For a coder it is very easy to block Punkbuster screenshots. Therefore I have created this plugin. Note that Punkbuster Screenshots can also fail other reasons, like the video driver (this rarely happens). Minimized games or games on loading screens usually return successful black screens. Since…
Last reply by ImportBot, -
Originally Posted by DaMagicWoBBeR*: Hi, this plugin is a rework of MorpheusX(AUT) CRemoteBanlist V For more information have look at*. Both plugins uses a SQL-database to store the baninformation but in different tables so the admin webpage from MorpheusX(AUT) post is not compatible. This plugin will not delete or do any changes on CRemoteBanlist datatable. The Plugin has own ingame commands. To get the information banning admin you need to use the plugin ingame commands. Please backup all your ban files before starting the plugin because its beta. Please set the banlist empty option to YES, so it shou…
Last reply by ImportBot, -
- 84 replies
Originally Posted by Lorax74*: Allows you to create custom alerts for that can alert you with a sound, system tray alert or both. Set the Alert count number to the number of alerts you want. To test the alerts, change the Test alert from "No" to "Yes". Requirements: Installation: - Extract AdminAlerts.cs into your plugins directory. - Extract the Media folder into your Procon directory Plugin Description: AdminAlerts allows you to create amd customize as many alerts as you need. Code: ~Config ======================================= [Number of Alerts] The number of alerts you would like to configure. Increasing…
Last reply by ImportBot, -
Originally Posted by XpKiller*: COMPATIBLE TO BFBC2 Vietnam now Pls check if you table contains a unique key contain the columns SoldierName and GUID. after convert from 2.x to 3.x if not please do the steps shown in the Troubleshooting part --> "if you got duplicates" to keepthe data integrity If you not sure feel free to ask me. New SQL Migration Script inside of Tablehotfix in Downloadselection The Plugin(Version also now available by the Packet management of PRoCon Requirements: Access to a MySQL database that accepts remote connections is required so you need to create a user and database if not exists. It reqiues …
Last reply by ImportBot, -
Originally Posted by LAB-HeliMagnet*: As suggested here: viewtopic.php_f=13&t=624* Update to Should be able to see Map Pack 5 maps. I have set it up so you should only need to enable and disable the plugin once if a new map pack comes out (assuming Map Pack 6 are the same maps, just different gametypes). If they actually release new maps, you'll have to download a new version. Map Vote Plugin - Version: 1.0 This plugin will give the players on the server the control over the next gametype (and if the vote is successful - the next map as well). After a defined set time once a new match is started, the players will be prompted to vote on the g…
Last reply by ImportBot, -
Originally Posted by grizzlybeer*: TrueBalancer for BF3 and BF4 INSTALL 1. copy TrueBalancer.cs to Procon\Plugins\BF4 and/or Procon\Plugins\BF3 2. restart Procon Layer Server WHAT DOES TRUEBALANCER DO? YouTube - Explanations & Tutorial Plugin Description: This plugin is used to autobalance Teams in BF3 (All modes except SquadDeathMatch) There are 3 major parts within TrueBalancer: 1. PlayerNumber - Balancer - The PN-Balancer try to keep the teams even by playernumber. Eg: 30vs30 2. Skill- Scrambler - The Scrambler trys to even out the teams at roundend by skill. Eg: Even out the teams by SPM, Skill, K/D... 3. Balancing…
Last reply by ImportBot, -
Originally Posted by XpKiller*: Description This plugin is used to sent Emails to various Events. Like sent Serverstatus Emails. The InCommands have a Spamprotection which prevent abuse. Requirements You need an account for an smtp Server. PRoCon Sandbox must be disabled Pls Give FEEDBACK !!! Installation Download and install this plugin Or install it over the PRoCon Packetmanagement Ingame Commands [@,#,!]report PlayerName [Reason] [@,#,!]admin [Reason] Known issues: Reason is not work properly all the time. Plans for future release: improve Ingame Commands Feature Request from the community Changelog: Now w…
Last reply by ImportBot, -
Originally Posted by micovery*: Installation Put InsanePunisher.cs source file in the Plugins/BFBC2 directory (and read the plugin documentation). Download: Attachment 1884 Description This plugin is designed to discourage soldiers from base raping, base camping, and team killing. It has been tested on both Rush and Conquest modes. It allows victims of such incidents to take action against their killer. The possible actions are "punish" (admin kill), "forgive", and "votekick". The actions are taken by typing them as an in-game command. Only victims of rule violations, are allowed to take action. Map Zones In order to set up this plugin, you …
Last reply by ImportBot, -
Originally Posted by Panther*: This is the Plugin vor MoH and BFBC2. To get the BF3 Plugin go to:* Version: Known Issues: - Using any other plugin which changes a player to the other team's side will give this player a new JoiningTeamTime. TrueBalancer can't filter out at the moment, if a player changed side by himself or has been forced to change by another Plugin. Changelog 0.7.5-->0.7.6 Fixe a bug in SquadRush, where the player was not put into a squad. 0.7.1-->0.7.5 SquadRush supportet now too. Option available to turn of ingame warnings (Only message shown ingame is the…
Last reply by ImportBot, -
- 8 replies
Originally Posted by unisev*: Hello, Here is my first plugin, designed for BFBC2 but hopefully working on BF3 (not tested ingame yet), It is a balancer for official match. Parameters : Leader's name : Leader's clanTag : Challenger's clanTag How does it work : When the leader is detected, every other player are balanced with the Leader if they have the Leader's clan TAG and in the opposite team if they have the Challenger's clanTag. InGame command : The Leader can enable/disable the balancing The Leader can enable/disable the kicking option What it will do : If the balancing option is enabled and leader in the game : - every joining soldier …
Last reply by ImportBot, -
- 46 replies
Originally Posted by BB-Insomnia*: Hi, we are working on the PrivateServerStats for Battlefield 3. It's not ready yet, but you already can have a look on: Once it's finished, you will be able to download it here. Please post your suggestions and wishes here! This Stats will require XPKillers plugin "BF3 Chat, GUID, Stats and Mapstats Logger [bF3]"*
Last reply by ImportBot, -
Originally Posted by Zaeed*: Basic infomation: Allows you to create custom warnings that are either run by a command, such as @abuse Zaeed, or automatically executed by a zone infringement. Customisable options are for Yell/Say, Plublic/Private, Killing, Kick/Ban Requirements: The Basic In-Game Info plugin must be enabled on the same machine that is running this plugin. Procon version or above Installation: - Extract into plugin directory, and .cs files into corresponding game folders Current version: Download: Attached at the bottom of this post Changelog: 1.0 -> 1.01 - Removed some debu…
Last reply by ImportBot, -
- 75 replies
Originally Posted by Myriades*: Hi i read a request for this plugin type, here it is It's not complete, certainly not perfect, but i hope you'll help me to made it much better. I need some testers about the player distribution, feedback, comments welcomed * Description This plugin checks the AFK players. They may be distributed (option) or kicked. It includes many options such as white lists, and so on. Keep in mind that this plugin kicks AFK players : that has never spawned that are dead * SettingsToo long to be described here, see "Details 2.0" in plugin TAB. v1.4.3.12 Fixed a bug : wrong player distribution when activating the plugin Fixed …
Last reply by ImportBot, -
- 78 replies
Originally Posted by blactionhero*: Description End of Round Stats outputs 4 lines of stats to the chatbox at the end of each round in this format: Code: First Blood: [playername], First Knife: [playername] Last Blood: [playername], Last Knife: [playername] Best KDR: [playername] [kdr], Most Deaths: [playername] [deaths lol] Longest Headshot: [playername] [distance m], Longest Kill: [playername] [distance m] This is a very simple plugin - the stats are reset at beginning of each round, and are then displayed as shown above at the end of the round. End of Round Stats is Vietnam-friendly, and is partially functional in MoH. …
Last reply by ImportBot, -
- 88 replies
Originally Posted by blactionhero*: Description Based on CServerRulesOnRequest by Lorax74. Allows the creation and editing of multiple chat trigger keywords to which multi-line responses may be associated. The responses are delivered privately to the person who activated the trigger via admin.say or admin.yell, or to everyone if the "Send to all_" option is enabled for that specific trigger. Instructions Step 1: Set the number of chat triggers you want to configure. Step 2: Configure the triggers! Chat trigger: - Sets the chat trigger to match. Ex.: @rules Send to all? - Set to On to output to everyone, or Off to output to only the person who tri…
Last reply by ImportBot,
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EZRCON Update (9/4/2021)
Prophet731 posted a topic in News,
Game Server Hosting:
We're happy to announce that EZRCON will branch out into the game server provider scene. This is a big step for us so please having patience if something doesn't go right in this area. Now, what makes us different compared to other providers? Well, we're going with the idea of having a scaleable server hosting and providing more control in how you set up your server. For example, in Minecraft, you have the ability to control how many CPU cores you wish your server to have access to, how much RAM you want to use, how much disk space you want to use. This type of control can't be offered in a single service package so you're able to configure a custom package the way you want it.
You can see all the available games here. Currently, we have the following games available.
Valheim (From $1.50 USD)
Rust (From $3.20 USD)
Minecraft (Basic) (From $4.00 USD)
Call of Duty 4X (From $7.00 USD)
OpenTTD (From $4.00 USD)
Squad (From $9.00 USD)
Insurgency: Sandstorm (From $6.40 USD)
Changes to US-East:
Starting in January 2022, we will be moving to a different provider that has better support, better infrastructure, and better connectivity. We've noticed that the connection/routes to this location are not ideal and it's been hard getting support to correct this. Our contract for our two servers ends in March/April respectively. If you currently have servers in this location you will be migrated over to the new provider. We'll have more details when the time comes closer to January. The new location for this change will be based out of Atlanta, GA. If you have any questions/concerns please open a ticket and we'll do our best to answer them.-
- 5 replies
Picked By
Prophet731, -
EZRCON Update 5/13/2021
Prophet731 posted a topic in News,
Hello All,
I wanted to give an update to how EZRCON is doing. As of today we have 56 active customers using the services offered. I'm glad its doing so well and it hasn't been 1 year yet. To those that have services with EZRCON, I hope the service is doing well and if not please let us know so that we can improve it where possible. We've done quite a few changes behind the scenes to improve the performance hopefully.
We'll be launching a new location for hosting procon layers in either Los Angeles, USA or Chicago, IL. Still being decided on where the placement should be but these two locations are not set in stone yet. We would like to get feedback on where we should have a new location for hosting the Procon Layers, which you can do by replying to this topic. A poll will be created where people can vote on which location they would like to see.
We're also looking for some suggestions on what else you would like to see for hosting provider options. So please let us know your thoughts on this matter.-
- 4 replies
Picked By
Prophet731, -
Procon Version Released
Prophet731 posted a topic in News,
Added ability to disable the new API check for player country info
Updated GeoIP database file
Removed usage sending stats
Added EZRCON ad banner
If you are upgrading then you may need to add these two lines to your existing installation in the file procon.cfg. To enable these options just change False to True.
procon.private.options.UseGeoIpFileOnly False
procon.private.options.BlockRssFeedNews False
- 2 replies
Picked By
Prophet731, -
Procon, Database & BFACP Hosting
Prophet731 posted a topic in News,
I wanted I let you know that I am starting to build out the foundation for the hosting services that I talked about here. The pricing model I was originally going for wasn't going to be suitable for how I want to build it. So instead I decided to offer each service as it's own product instead of a package deal. In the future, hopefully, I will be able to do this and offer discounts to those that choose it.
Here is how the pricing is laid out for each service as well as information about each. This is as of 7/12/2020.
Single MySQL database (up to 30 GB) is $10 USD per month.
If you go over the 30 GB usage for the database then each additional gigabyte is charged at $0.10 USD each billing cycle. If you're under 30GB you don't need to worry about this.
Databases are replicated across 3 zones (regions) for redundancy. One (1) on the east coast of the USA, One (1) in Frankfurt, and One (1) in Singapore. Depending on the demand, this would grow to more regions.
Databases will also be backed up daily and retained for 7 days.
Procon Layer will be $2 USD per month.
Each layer will only allow one (1) game server connection. The reason behind this is for performance.
Each layer will also come with all available plugins installed by default. This is to help facilitate faster deployments and get you up and running quickly.
Each layer will automatically restart if Procon crashes.
Each layer will also automatically restart daily at midnight to make sure it stays in tip-top shape.
Custom plugins can be installed by submitting a support ticket.
Battlefield Admin Control Panel (BFACP) will be $5 USD per month
As I am still working on building version 3 of the software, I will be installing the last version I did. Once I complete version 3 it will automatically be upgraded for you.
All these services will be managed by me so you don't have to worry about the technical side of things to get up and going.
If you would like to see how much it would cost for the services, I made a calculator that you can use. It can be found here
- 11 replies
Picked By
Prophet731, -
Procon Version Released
Prophet731 posted a topic in News,
I have pushed out a new minor release which updates the geodata pull (flags in the playerlisting). This should be way more accurate now. As always, please let me know if any problems show up.
- 9 replies
Picked By
Prophet731, -