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Everything posted by BF4Player

  1. hi is it possible to edit a player stats using mysql database and edit his details like score kills ..etc Thanks
  2. hello, I am using AdKatsLRT - Loadout Enforcer - recently its not working properly ... I restarted procon layer on nitrado and my Adkats got updated to latest version but am not sure If LRT needs an update or its not compatible with new adkats its not punishing all players and some time its punishing a player with no prohibited item but it treats him like he is using one . can you please help me my players are very frustrated and I . I am using these plugins AdKats - Advanced In-Game Admin - AdKatsLRT - Loadout Enforcer - Basic In-Game Info - PRoCon Chat, GUID, Stats and Map Logger - xVotemap - also there is something If experts can explain ... on my nitrado log in details for procon there are 2 IPs and passwords the normal one I use to open procon and manage the server the other one doesnt have a username only IP Port and password and its logging in succesfuly to the same server but NOT Showing the plugins that I uploaded myself. thanks
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