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Insane Limits Requests


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Originally Posted by droopie*:


See ...*.


It has been done, and there are various examples posted.


Even though there is no benefit to kicking high ping players - see ...*.


It has been done, and there are various examples posted.

ive looked in the examples index and havnt seen any ive posted. are they mixed around?
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Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*:


I agree with Singh, particularly about the futility of kicking high ping players using a highly unreliable (30%-50% NAT blocked) plugin, up until the last comment:

(DOUBLE, TRIPLE kill announcer) It has been done, and there are various examples posted.

Can you provide a link? I don't believe anyone has successfully done this plugin, due to the problem droopie cited, which is just a paraphrase of what micovery said about the same topic.


@droopie: your idea would work, it's just very hard to code, requiring synchronized timer threads. Since the game server itself does this for you and even posts a message in the lower quarter of the screen, it kind of seems diminishing returns for so much effort, for me anyway.

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Originally Posted by droopie*:


I agree with Singh, particularly about the futility of kicking high ping players using a highly unreliable (30%-50% NAT blocked) plugin, up until the last comment:


Can you provide a link? I don't believe anyone has successfully done this plugin, due to the problem droopie cited, which is just a paraphrase of what micovery said about the same topic.


@droopie: your idea would work, it's just very hard to code, requiring synchronized timer threads. Since the game server itself does this for you and even posts a message in the lower quarter of the screen, it kind of seems diminishing returns for so much effort, for me anyway.

yea i suppose, just for the fun of displaying whos had a nice lineup of players to the server instead of a personal message.
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Originally Posted by EBassie*:


Hey guys,


I've got a request. Since this morning we stream our punkbuster screenshots to pbscreens.com so every admin can see the screenies.

They could not see them before, because they have no access to the stored images at Multiplay.


But now I want to give my admins the 'right' to request screenshots from ingame.

So, I want my admins to have a command like this ingame:




I haven't found a limit for this, or I've not searched correctly.


Or is there a way to add it to the In-Game admin plugin?

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Originally Posted by Singh400*:


Hey guys,


I've got a request. Since this morning we stream our punkbuster screenshots to pbscreens.com so every admin can see the screenies.

They could not see them before, because they have no access to the stored images at Multiplay.


But now I want to give my admins the 'right' to request screenshots from ingame.

So, I want my admins to have a command like this ingame:




I haven't found a limit for this, or I've not searched correctly.


Or is there a way to add it to the In-Game admin plugin?

There's already a plugin that does this. See ...*.
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Originally Posted by Jaythegreat1*:


Seems my insane limit to show our teamspeak server info on command is broken... well at least to reg players. Still works for admins. Anyway to get this working for all players?

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Originally Posted by Singh400*:


Seems my insane limit to show our teamspeak server info on command is broken... well at least to reg players. Still works for admins. Anyway to get this working for all players?

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Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*:


There's already a plugin that does this. See ...*.

For the record, the way to do this with Insane Limits is:



String name = ... whatever the suspect's player.Name is ...
plugin.ServerCommand("punkBuster.ps_sv_command", "pb_sv_getss " + name);
BTW, the homebrew command I built does the pb_sv_getss 3 times, spaced out by the minimum ss interval in your pb config (default is 30 seconds, I think), to get a good sampling of suspect views and to deal with the inevitable black screen that happens sometimes.
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Originally Posted by Singh400*:


For the record, the way to do this with Insane Limits is:



String name = ... whatever the suspect's player.Name is ...
plugin.ServerCommand("punkBuster.ps_sv_command", "pb_sv_getss " + name);
BTW, the homebrew command I built does the pb_sv_getss 3 times, spaced out by the minimum ss interval in your pb config (default is 30 seconds, I think), to get a good sampling of suspect views and to deal with the inevitable black screen that happens sometimes.
But wouldn't you have to type the player.Name exactly as it? Or does it make use of the fuzzy logic that we see in-game admin plugin?
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Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*:


But wouldn't you have to type the player.Name exactly as it? Or does it make use of the fuzzy logic that we see in-game admin plugin?

It has to be exact and that is a previously solved problem in other Insane Limits code. :smile:


I left those details out because it's a general problem, applies to kick, ban, pyell, any sort of in-game chat command directed at another player. Whenever I need an exact name, I just copy&paste some code I already have from some other limit.

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Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*:


It has to be exact and that is a previously solved problem in other Insane Limits code. :smile:


I left those details out because it's a general problem, applies to kick, ban, pyell, any sort of in-game chat command directed at another player. Whenever I need an exact name, I just copy&paste some code I already have from some other limit.

And since I always have to search for that re-usable code through all my limits, I might as well post it so that everyone can find it easily.



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Originally Posted by Master_Pain*:


I have been trying to find a way to display a server's rank in game. I found this thread:



Can someone finish off that limit?

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Originally Posted by Dudenell*:


few questions: Is there a way to detect when a player does a random spawn vs spawning on a beacon / player?


Also would there be a way to create a mute script?


EX player1 is talking a bunch of crap, being rude.


Admin types


!mute player1


Player one then would die or be queue to die each and every message

after about the 3rd message within a minute they would be kicked?


With the ability to also



I know kicking is a lot easier, but I like to give people chances.

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Originally Posted by Singh400*:


I have been trying to find a way to display a server's rank in game. I found this thread:



Can someone finish off that limit?

Your link doesn't work.


few questions: Is there a way to detect when a player does a random spawn vs spawning on a beacon / player?

No, AFAIK the game does not report different spawning events. It tells you when a player has spawned, but not how.


Also would there be a way to create a mute script?


EX player1 is talking a bunch of crap, being rude.


Admin types


!mute player1


Player one then would die or be queue to die each and every message

after about the 3rd message within a minute they would be kicked?


With the ability to also



I know kicking is a lot easier, but I like to give people chances.

Should be do-able, but it's beyond my expertise I'm afraid. And that's not exactly an elegant solution.
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Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*:


Should be do-able, but it's beyond my expertise I'm afraid. And that's not exactly an elegant solution.

Actually isn't. A late revision of BC2 enabled admin control of chat, but so far BF3 does not support that feature. The only way to stop a player from spewing chat is to kick/ban them. Or, my preferred method, admin.killPlayer on chat. :smile: It doesn't stop the chat, but it does annoy the chat spammer at least as much as the spamees.
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Originally Posted by GitSum*:


I have been playing around with the limit you guys game up with that will log in-game admin commands. Basically it is a modified chat filter limit but it will log any of the words specified. The reason why I like doing it this way is you have the option to select which action you want to use - log, mail, tweet etc.


Right now this is set up to log only to a file > "_admin_commands.log"



name set to: Log Admin Commands


evaluation set to: OnAnyChat


first check set to: Code


first check code:


List admin_commands = new List();


















String[] chat_words = Regex.Split(player.LastChat, @"\s+");

foreach(String chat_word in chat_words)

foreach(String bad_word in admin_commands)

if (Regex.Match(chat_word, "^"+bad_word+"$", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Success)


return true;


second check set to: disabled


action set to: Log


destination set to: File


log file set to" Logs\_admin_commands.log


log message set to: %p_n%: (%p_lc%)



The log file will contain the name of who typed the admin command and what the command was using 'last chat'

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Originally Posted by GitSum*:


^ And what happen if the sub-admin privatise the command using \?


So for example:-


\!kick GitSum
Do you have a typo in the command - did you mean \kick instead of \!kick?


If so just add the \kick, \kill, \ban, etc to the list

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Originally Posted by Singh400*:


Do you have a typo in the command - did you mean \kick instead of \!kick?


If so just add the \kick, \kill, \ban, etc to the list

No, the command is:-



\!kick GitSum
It's documented in the In-Game Admin plug-in read me.
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Originally Posted by GitSum*:


No, the command is:-



\!kick GitSum
It's documented in the In-Game Admin plug-in read me.
You have a typo. I thought at first you meant if someone replaced "!" with "\". The actual super secret private command is "/" and yes, it will not show up someone uses that because the command won't show in chat at all
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Originally Posted by Singh400*:


You have a typo. I thought at first you meant if someone replaced "!" with "\". The actual super secret private command is "/" and yes, it will not show up someone uses that because the command won't show in chat at all

Ah doh! \ & / virtually the same difference :P
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Originally Posted by Master_Pain*:


Your link doesn't work.

Sorry, www.phogue.net/forumvb/showth...3-plugin-I-saw*


Looking for someone to make a limit to pull the Gametracker server rank and display it in game.

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Originally Posted by EntraVenuS*:


Insane limits Plugin Request

Ok im after a plugin to be able to kill (punish) for rpg kill against infantry. I would like it to remain active at least 20 seconds after the rpg kill happened and i am going to assume that if it is a double or tripple kill that the victims were in a tank or jeep so i dont want the punish to be active.. i would like displayed on the victims chat. You were killed by rpg type @punish to avenge your death. then once the adminkill has happend i would like displayed in the rpg killers chat No RPG On Infantry.


please let me know if there is any probs with this, as this would be a very big asset to all servers who run the no rpg on infantry rule.


yes i am aware that there could be an issue as victims could be in a vehicle and i guess there isnt a way round that but i am just going to have to police the servers and warn people if they punish when in a vehicle they will be removed from the server.

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Originally Posted by Singh400*:


Insane limits Plugin Request

Ok im after a plugin to be able to kill (punish) for rpg kill against infantry. I would like it to remain active at least 20 seconds after the rpg kill happened and i am going to assume that if it is a double or tripple kill that the victims were in a tank or jeep so i dont want the punish to be active.. i would like displayed on the victims chat. You were killed by rpg type @punish to avenge your death. then once the adminkill has happend i would like displayed in the rpg killers chat No RPG On Infantry.


please let me know if there is any probs with this, as this would be a very big asset to all servers who run the no rpg on infantry rule.


yes i am aware that there could be an issue as victims could be in a vehicle and i guess there isnt a way round that but i am just going to have to police the servers and warn people if they punish when in a vehicle they will be removed from the server.

Limits like these are minefields. Have you consider what happens if they get rubble kills?
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Originally Posted by Singh400*:


Can you provide a link? I don't believe anyone has successfully done this plugin, due to the problem droopie cited, which is just a paraphrase of what micovery said about the same topic.

Just threw this together, I've no idea if it would work or not. It compiles fine though...



if ( limit.Activations ( player.Name, TimeSpan.FromSeconds ( 1 ) ) == 2 )
		string msg = "" + player.Name + " DOUBLE KILL! ";
		plugin.ServerCommand("admin.yell", msg, "10");
		plugin.ServerCommand("admin.say", msg, "all");

if ( limit.Activations ( player.Name, TimeSpan.FromSeconds ( 2 ) ) == 3 )
		string msg = "" + player.Name + " TRIPLE KILL! ";
		plugin.ServerCommand("admin.yell", msg, "10");
		plugin.ServerCommand("admin.say", msg, "all");

if ( limit.Activations ( player.Name, TimeSpan.FromSeconds ( 3 ) ) >= 4 )
		string msg = "" + player.Name + " MULTI KILL! ";
		plugin.ServerCommand("admin.yell", msg, "10");
		plugin.ServerCommand("admin.say", msg, "all");

return false;
The evaluation would be OnKill, and the first_check would be expression as (true).
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Originally Posted by Singh400*:


Just tested the above limit out briefly for one round on my server. It seems to work, sort out. Not perfect. I saw plenty of 'doubles', and one player reported getting a triple but no msg. So I've amended the times with a +1 difference in each step.


I was looking for double, and then immediately triple to see if it triggered twice, but it didn't happen. More testing tomorrow!

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Originally Posted by EntraVenuS*:


Limits like these are minefields. Have you consider what happens if they get rubble kills?

Yes i see what you are saying, but to my knowledge there isnt any rubble kills in the karkand maps as thats all we use. But yes in seine crossing this would be a hazzard
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Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*:


Insane limits Plugin Request

Ok im after a plugin to be able to kill (punish) for rpg kill against infantry. I would like it to remain active at least 20 seconds after the rpg kill happened and i am going to assume that if it is a double or tripple kill that the victims were in a tank or jeep so i dont want the punish to be active.. i would like displayed on the victims chat. You were killed by rpg type @punish to avenge your death. then once the adminkill has happend i would like displayed in the rpg killers chat No RPG On Infantry.


please let me know if there is any probs with this, as this would be a very big asset to all servers who run the no rpg on infantry rule.


yes i am aware that there could be an issue as victims could be in a vehicle and i guess there isnt a way round that but i am just going to have to police the servers and warn people if they punish when in a vehicle they will be removed from the server.

Ouch. The part in bold (multiple kills) is pretty hard to code. I thought your server was Infantry Only, why are there vehicles? Are you sure you need that requirement? I can do it, but it will take a lot longer to write and will require a lot of testing to be sure it works right.


I also want to make these changes, are these okay?


1) 20 seconds isn't long enough, particularly since part of the time the victim can't type chat because they are in the killcam screen (unless you have that turned off). How about 60 seconds?


2) In order to be compatible with other plugins that use !punish and @punish, how about just the letter p by itself?


3) Since the admin.kill requires a delay, I'm going to add a yell during the delay, so they know why they are being killed.

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Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*:


Just threw this together, I've no idea if it would work or not. It compiles fine though...



if ( limit.Activations ( player.Name, TimeSpan.FromSeconds ( 1 ) ) == 2 )
		string msg = "" + player.Name + " DOUBLE KILL! ";
		plugin.ServerCommand("admin.yell", msg, "10");
		plugin.ServerCommand("admin.say", msg, "all");

if ( limit.Activations ( player.Name, TimeSpan.FromSeconds ( 2 ) ) == 3 )
		string msg = "" + player.Name + " TRIPLE KILL! ";
		plugin.ServerCommand("admin.yell", msg, "10");
		plugin.ServerCommand("admin.say", msg, "all");

if ( limit.Activations ( player.Name, TimeSpan.FromSeconds ( 3 ) ) >= 4 )
		string msg = "" + player.Name + " MULTI KILL! ";
		plugin.ServerCommand("admin.yell", msg, "10");
		plugin.ServerCommand("admin.say", msg, "all");

return false;
The evaluation would be OnKill, and the first_check would be expression as (true).
You can see from inspection this code won't work in all cases. It will work in some cases, maybe even the most common cases.


If all three kills of a triple kill happen within 1 second, this code works.


Assume a triple kill happens where each of the kills happen within 2 seconds of each other and the first two happen within 1 second of each other. In that case, it doesn't work, you'll get both a double and a triple kill message.


Now suppose in a triple kill the first kill happens, and then 2.1 seconds later the second kill happens and then 0.5 seconds later the third kill happens, i.e., the 2nd and 3rd kill are within 1 second of each other. With this scenario, you'll still get both a double and a triple kill message, because the 2nd and 3rd kills satisfy the first condition. You could prevent this outcome by testing for the triple first and then make the double be an "else if", which means the triple message excludes the double from happening. This can't fix the other case, though.


Limit activations are not reset and the time based ones just look backwards in time for all activations that meet the time requirement. You can't exclude a subset from a greater set with simple conditional logic.


As droopie suggested, you have to find a way to delay making the decision about something being a double kill until you are sure it is not a triple kills. That requires some bookkeeping for time and kill events above and beyond limit.Activations(time). It's doable, just not with simple if conditions like that.

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