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[BF4] Stats webpage for XpKiller's Stats Logger Plugin


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Originally Posted by ty_ger07*:


It's in stats.css. It's a standard cascading stylesheet which any web admin should find no problem editing.

By the way, I changed the background for demonstration purposes. I changed a few things to make any background more likely to look ok. Before, the backgrounds had to be specifically shaded and edited to work. Now, just about any background will work ok. I just randomly picked the current demo background image due to its colors and less depressing season.
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Originally Posted by ty_ger07*:


Doesn't that get overwritten on update?

Every file you overwrite gets overwritten, yes. Config.php technically gets overwritten as well if you choose to overwrite it.


This is where the background image is specified in stats.css:


Line 49


background-image: url("./images/BF4back.jpg");
Specifying the background image in config.php would compromise the usefulness and comprehensibility of stats.css. If the background image were specified in config.php, stats.css could no longer be a standard cascading stylesheet which everyone already understands. Why? Because stats.css would need additional custom parsing using php to inject the value of the background from config.php into stats.css. I think that there is a lot of customization available in stats.css which many people can appreciate. I am a poor designer and therefore you get what you see. But I think that there are some people out there who could really run with it and make something awesome and I think leaving stats.css as a standard cascading stylesheet is very important for those people.



If you don't mind me asking, why do you continue to use gametracker server banner images in your signature? I thought I incorporated that into the stats page code per your request. Is there something I need to improve?

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Originally Posted by TMiland*:


Every file you overwrite gets overwritten, yes. Config.php technically gets overwritten as well if you choose to overwrite it.


This is where the background image is specified in stats.css:


Line 49


background-image: url("./images/BF4back.jpg");
Specifying the background image in config.php would compromise the usefulness and comprehensibility of stats.css. If the background image were specified in config.php, stats.css could no longer be a standard cascading stylesheet which everyone already understands. Why? Because stats.css would need additional custom parsing using php to inject the value of the background from config.php into stats.css. I think that there is a lot of customization available in stats.css which many people can appreciate. I am a poor designer and therefore you get what you see. But I think that there are some people out there who could really run with it and make something awesome and I think leaving stats.css as a standard cascading stylesheet is very important for those people.



If you don't mind me asking, why do you continue to use gametracker server banner images in your signature? I thought I incorporated that into the stats page code per your request. Is there something I need to improve?

I asked since Code:
$banner_image	= './common/images/bf4-logo.png';
already was in the config file, so why not the background.


I still use GM, since i cannot get the norwegian flag in the sig with the image resizer, but that's another case isn't it?

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Originally Posted by ty_ger07*:


I asked since Code:

$banner_image	= './common/images/bf4-logo.png';
already was in the config file, so why not the background.
$banner_image is a variable parsed directly in index.php. $banner_image has no dependency on the stylesheet because it is simply an entity inside an HTML tag. The background on the other hand is not an HTML entity as it belongs to the stylesheet and is not ever parsed directly by php. stats.css would have to become stats.php and have other php attributes which would alienate the designer types.


I still use GM, since i cannot get the norwegian flag in the sig with the image resizer, but that's another case isn't it?

Oh. Query strings won't work with your image resizer? "_sid=2" wouldn't work either, huh? So, not only would the flag not work, but it wouldn't work in the first place.


As I said earlier, your banner resizer already uses a query string. This means that the query string in the image URL would need to be urlencoded in php to appear as a string instead of a query string. You can't have two different query strings in the same URL and that is why the second one needs to be encoded to not appear as a query string.


For example, this could be fed into your image resizer:



The whole URL would be this:


Then, your gtimg.php image resizer would need to do a php urldecode of variable "src" in order to retrieve its real value. Then call the urldecoded img in the gtimg.php image resizer's output.



$img = urldecode($_GET['src']);
echo '<img src="' . $img . '" ....
Thus, your gtimg.php file behaves as normal for everything which you already use it for, but would also behave properly for this code. It would not need to pass any $_GET[] variables or anything because it would never directly handle the variables in the first place.


$img becomes http://nbfc.no/bf4stats/common/serve...age-banner.png?sid=1&cc=NO instead of http://nbfc.no/bf4stats/common/serve...age-banner.png?sid%3D1%26cc%3DNO.

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Originally Posted by TMiland*:


$banner_image is a variable parsed directly in index.php. $banner_image has no dependency on the stylesheet because it is simply an entity inside an HTML tag. The background on the other hand is not an HTML entity as it belongs to the stylesheet and is not ever parsed directly by php. stats.css would have to become stats.php and have other php attributes which would alienate the designer types.




Oh. Query strings won't work with your image resizer? "_sid=2" wouldn't work either, huh? So, not only would the flag not work, but it wouldn't work in the first place.

Works just fine: ./gtimg.php_q=100&h=62&src=http:%252F%252Fbf4stats.nbfc.no%252Fcommon%252Fserver-banner%252Fimage-banner.png_sid=1


But when i add the &cc=no, it makes no difference: ./gtimg.php_q=100&h=62&src=http:%252F%252Fbf4stats.nbfc.no%252Fcommon%252Fserver-banner%252Fimage-banner.png_sid=1&cc=no


But why do you bring that up when i ask for something else? :ohmy:


Edit: Thanks for jumping to conclusions...

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Originally Posted by ty_ger07*:


Works just fine: ./gtimg.php_q=100&h=62&src=http:%252F%252Fbf4stats.nbfc.no%252Fcommon%252Fserver-banner%252Fimage-banner.png_sid=1


But when i add the &cc=no, it makes no difference: ./gtimg.php_q=100&h=62&src=http:%252F%252Fbf4stats.nbfc.no%252Fcommon%252Fserver-banner%252Fimage-banner.png_sid=1&cc=no

Ok, cool. But, may I point something out? If you reverse sid and cc in the url, then it says sid must be provided (even though it is provided).




In other words, it is URL query string issue not a variable name issue. Please see my edit to the previous post or my edit below if you need more insight into what I think will correct this issue.


I don't mean to offend you if I am stating something which is obvious which you already know. I am just trying to help in case it is helpful. If it is not helpfull, feel free to disregard.


But why do you bring that up when i ask for something else? :ohmy:

The reason why I am asking about the server banner image now is because I have been wondering for many months. I didn't see you active here earlier and that is why I have not asked earlier. Now that I see you active in this thread, it was finally a good time for me to ask. I am sorry if it offended you or confused you.


BTW, I did answer you:

$banner_image is a variable parsed directly in index.php. $banner_image has no dependency on the stylesheet because it is simply an entity inside an HTML tag. The background on the other hand is not an HTML entity as it belongs to the stylesheet and is not ever parsed directly by php. stats.css would have to become stats.php and have other php attributes which would alienate the designer types.

Edit: Thanks for jumping to conclusions...

I have made an assumption. Sorry that it was the wrong assumption. I assumed that if the variable cc is not being properly passed, then the variable sid should likewise be improperly passed. I don't know the inner workings of your code so it is hard for me to correctly come to different conclusions. I didn't know that my conclusion was offensive.



EDIT: the meat of it all for solving the banner image issue:


Two different query strings in the same URL can lead to many strange problems. A URL query string should never contain a second query string inside itself. The second query string should be url encoded to appear as a standard string.


I believe that you only need to make one small change to gtimg.php (in bold below) for this to work the way you want it. And it should not cause your code to stop working in any other application.

$img = urldecode($_GET['src']);

echo '' . $img . '

Then, you can put the encoded string:


as src in:


and expect the proper output.


This is the full URL you would use:


I would love for it to work and I hope you will take this into consideration. Basically, all it does is passes on the query string without ever directly touching the query string.
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Originally Posted by GhostS0ul*:


I am guessing that the .htaccess file is not working on your web server. Perhaps your web server is not set up to allow it. You need to enable AllowOverride All on your Apache server if you have access to it as an option or have access to the apache2.conf file. Maybe you can ask your web server host.


If you can't get the .htaccess file to work, you will need to change the code so that it won't be required. You would need to delete the .htaccess files from the ./maps directory, the ./server-banner directory, the ./server directory, and the ./signature directory. Then, you would need to change the references to the image files. For instance in ./maps/maps.php it says strong> which would need to be changed tphp'.


Do you understand? The php files which create the image end with .php extension, but I am calling on them using a .png name and the .htaccess file redirects the .png request to the correct .php file. They need to be .php files to work, but I was calling them by the fake .png name for image embedding compatibility reasons. If you get rid of the non-functioning .htaccess files, you will need to refer to those file names by their true names.

Yep only trouble is



Doesn't work either......


side note: donate link anywhere? :smile:

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Originally Posted by ty_ger07*:


Yep only trouble is



Doesn't work either......
Honestly, I am at a complete loss. I have no idea why it's not working for you. I see that it does try to create a png image with a png header, but its all garbled and corrupted.






Maybe try $myPicture->stroke(); on line 89 of maps-played.php instead of $myPicture->stroke($BrowserExpire=TRUE);. ? Perhaps modifying the header is somehow causing your web server to corrupt the image.

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Originally Posted by GhostS0ul*:


Nope im special with a capital R.


I must have my apache all messed up with .htaccess stuff ( thats what happens when you do it yourself Eh :biggrin:)


Other .htaccess work like redirects and ip blocks etc so i don't know why the ones inside the folders don't work...


I have multiple websites under virtual hosts, maybe a higher tiered .htaccess is blocking the other ones from redirecting.....


Still need that donate link :biggrin:


It works over here



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Originally Posted by ty_ger07*:


I wish I knew the answer.


Still need that donate link

You can donate to my PayPal if you want. PM me if you want and then I can reply to your PM with my PayPal email address.
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Originally Posted by Narf!*:


In ./common/connect.php, if you change 'BF4' to 'BF3' on line 24, it will work for BF3. But you will need to change the map and weapon names and codes in ./common/constants.php and add the weapon, map, and rank images in ./common/images/weapons, ./common/images/maps, and ./common/images/ranks.

Thanks for the info, I'll try doing this.
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Originally Posted by ty_ger07*:


Hey Ty_ger,


I updated to the last version and now the "Battlefield 4" title isn't showing.

Any Ideas?





It is because the image is now in a new location. The BF4 banner image is now in

'./common/images/bf4-logo.png'. Change that in config.php and it should be back to normal.

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Originally Posted by ty_ger07*:


Every file you overwrite gets overwritten, yes. Config.php technically gets overwritten as well if you choose to overwrite it.


This is where the background image is specified in stats.css:


Line 49


background-image: url("./images/BF4back.jpg");
Specifying the background image in config.php would compromise the usefulness and comprehensibility of stats.css. If the background image were specified in config.php, stats.css could no longer be a standard cascading stylesheet which everyone already understands. Why? Because stats.css would need additional custom parsing using php to inject the value of the background from config.php into stats.css. I think that there is a lot of customization available in stats.css which many people can appreciate. I am a poor designer and therefore you get what you see. But I think that there are some people out there who could really run with it and make something awesome and I think leaving stats.css as a standard cascading stylesheet is very important for those people.



If you don't mind me asking, why do you continue to use gametracker server banner images in your signature? I thought I incorporated that into the stats page code per your request. Is there something I need to improve?

Apparently, in the text above, I was yelling at TMiland and insulting his intelligence. I don't know how plain text is turned into a shouted barrage of insults, but apparently that is how my text was interpreted.


Sorry TMiland that you somehow interpreted my text in a negative way. I am sorry that you will no longer want to talk to me, that you will no longer contribute to this thread, and that you will not update your stats code out of spite. Somehow I am a monster for trying to help you utilize something you requested months ago.


EDIT: At first I felt bad as if I had done something wrong. But then I read it again and still don't understand why you are so upset. I mean, you reqiested this feature months ago and I implemented it months ago. And then months ago, you complained that it wasn't working, and then ignored my response when I answered. I guess it's not my business to bring up an old discussion. So whatever. I tried to help you again and remind you again that a query string can't be inside of a query string -- just like I said months ago -- and somehow I am a monster for caring.


I guess I should just tell people to create their own enhancements when they request features and tell them to figure out the problem on their own when they have a problem.

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Originally Posted by TMiland*:


Apparently, in the text above, I was yelling at TMiland and insulting his intelligence. I don't know how plain text is turned into a shouted barrage of insults.


Sorry TMiland that you somehow interpreted my text in a negative way. I am sorry that you will no longer talk to me and that you will no longer contribute to this thread or update your stats code. Somehow I am a monster for trying to help you utilize something you requested months ago.


EDIT: At first I felt bad as if I had done something wrong. But ... I did it all for you. So whatever. BTW, I told you months ago that the query string needed to be url encoded to work with your script. I told you months ago that a url query string can't contain a url query string.

Thanks for taking this out of context, but this:

Oh. Query strings won't work with your image resizer? "_sid=2" wouldn't work either, huh? So, not only would the flag not work, but it wouldn't work in the first place.

is what got me, i simply don't tolerate anyone talking to me like that.


You should really get a vacation or something away from this forum...


Apparently, in the text above, I was yelling at TMiland and insulting his intelligence. I don't know how plain text is turned into a shouted barrage of insults.

Really, where does it say i said that? You seem to blow this waay out of context. Jeez.
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Originally Posted by ty_ger07*:


Oh. Query strings won't work with your image resizer? "_sid=2" wouldn't work either, huh? So, not only would the flag not work, but it wouldn't work in the first place.

is what got me, i simply don't tolerate anyone talking to me like that.
You will have to explain. I don't see how that is in any way insulting. I was pointing out how useless my implentation was. How does my poor code insult you? You must have thought I was implying something never implied.


Regarding the rest, your PM said a lot about your strong disgust.

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Originally Posted by ty_ger07*:


Nice Release ,

Emm.. Sorry , Can you Build Patches for new Release :smile: so we need change some files each time and might been not necessary ..

I don't think that will be necessary because I don't think there will be any more releases.
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Originally Posted by SharpSabre*:


I don't think that will be necessary because I don't think there will be any more releases.

So, it's yourself decision ,no problem :biggrin: , but it should better to have it as : 1.0.0 to 1.0.1 , 1.0.1 to 1.0.2 , 1.0.x to 1.0.2 ..


  • Forever, I have a Freeze Browser on Loading .. I think you are using a PHP's function that's not Enabled by my Xampp .

  • and When i chenge BF4 to BF3 , after auto refresh appear this : FIXED (It was like Cache !)

The game 'BF4' was not found in this database! Please notify this website's administrator.

If you are the administrator, please seek assistance here.

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Originally Posted by Gijzijtdood*:


Hey Ty_ger,


Since the last update the top-player table doesn't follow the player data. On startup it got the right data, but now it freezed up.

Xp-killers tables are correct but the "tyger_stats_top_twenty_cache"-table doesn't follow that data.


It's probably something i did wrong, but i can't find what :smile:

Here some pics. All @ same time


Top 10 querry in database:












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Originally Posted by ty_ger07*:


Hey Ty_ger,


Since the last update the top-player table doesn't follow the player data. On startup it got the right data, but now it freezed up.

Xp-killers tables are correct but the "tyger_stats_top_twenty_cache"-table doesn't follow that data.


It's probably something i did wrong, but i can't find what :smile:

Here some pics. All @ same time


Top 10 querry in database:












It only updates the top 20 players every 6 hours. When your database grows, the scores will get so big and people will change order within the top 20 so rarely that you won't even notice. Right now, because the database is small, it's easy for you to notice.
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Originally Posted by TMiland*:


You will have to explain. I don't see how that is in any way insulting. I was pointing out how useless my implentation was. How does my poor code insult you? You must have thought I was implying something never implied.


Regarding the rest, your PM said a lot about your strong disgust.

I guess we don't speak the same language, because to me that sounded like i was stupid for not understanding that the query string would not work with the image resizer, and that you where talking down to me for requesting something i already knew wouldn't work in the first place.


Need more explaining?

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Originally Posted by ty_ger07*:


Sounds like it was a missunderstand; just as most arguments usually are.


I meant to be pointing towards how inadequate my code was at fulfilling your needs and did not mean to point at how inadequate your code was at accommodating my code. If I could get rid of query strings in my code completely, that would be very preferable. But I fear all the necessary .htaccess rewrites which would be necessary. I have seen already how many complaints have resulted because of my recent .htaccess rewrites for .png php images.

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Originally Posted by Gijzijtdood*:


It only updates the top 20 players every 6 hours. When your database grows, the scores will get so big and people will change order within the top 20 so rarely that you won't even notice. Right now, because the database is small, it's easy for you to notice.

Hey Ty_ger,


My server stats are being reset every month. This because every month the top 10 gets VIP access to the server.

Therfore the stats should update more frequenly.

Is it possible to change this?



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Originally Posted by TMiland*:


Sounds like it was a missunderstand; just as most arguments usually are.


I meant to be pointing towards how inadequate my code was at fulfilling your needs and did not mean to point at how inadequate your code was at accommodating my code. If I could get rid of query strings in my code completely, that would be very preferable. But I fear all the necessary .htaccess rewrites which would be necessary. I have seen already how many complaints have resulted because of my recent .htaccess rewrites for .png php images.

Okay man, let's forget about this misunderstanding and move on, sorry for any inconvenience.


If for some reason, anyone should have issues with .htaccess, they will have to be fine with query strings, but for others (me) it should be fine. :smile:

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Originally Posted by GR101*:


AllowOverride All needs to bet set on the vhost for .htaccess to work.

godaddy web hosting doesn't support AllowOverride All :-(


ty_ger07 thanks for your support anyway.

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Originally Posted by Prophet731*:


godaddy web hosting doesn't support AllowOverride All :-(


ty_ger07 thanks for your support anyway.

AllowOverride is something they have to set. You can't change that with your .htaccess file. That command setting is what allows the webserver to read those files.


This may or may not help you. You could send in a ticket to try and get your .htaccess to work with your site.



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      We'll be launching a new location for hosting procon layers in either Los Angeles, USA or Chicago, IL. Still being decided on where the placement should be but these two locations are not set in stone yet. We would like to get feedback on where we should have a new location for hosting the Procon Layers, which you can do by replying to this topic. A poll will be created where people can vote on which location they would like to see.

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    • Added ability to disable the new API check for player country info

      Updated GeoIP database file

      Removed usage sending stats

      Added EZRCON ad banner

      If you are upgrading then you may need to add these two lines to your existing installation in the file procon.cfg. To enable these options just change False to True.

      procon.private.options.UseGeoIpFileOnly False
      procon.private.options.BlockRssFeedNews False

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    • I wanted I let you know that I am starting to build out the foundation for the hosting services that I talked about here. The pricing model I was originally going for wasn't going to be suitable for how I want to build it. So instead I decided to offer each service as it's own product instead of a package deal. In the future, hopefully, I will be able to do this and offer discounts to those that choose it.

      Here is how the pricing is laid out for each service as well as information about each. This is as of 7/12/2020.

      Single MySQL database (up to 30 GB) is $10 USD per month.

      If you go over the 30 GB usage for the database then each additional gigabyte is charged at $0.10 USD each billing cycle. If you're under 30GB you don't need to worry about this.

      Databases are replicated across 3 zones (regions) for redundancy. One (1) on the east coast of the USA, One (1) in Frankfurt, and One (1) in Singapore. Depending on the demand, this would grow to more regions.

      Databases will also be backed up daily and retained for 7 days.

      Procon Layer will be $2 USD per month.

      Each layer will only allow one (1) game server connection. The reason behind this is for performance.

      Each layer will also come with all available plugins installed by default. This is to help facilitate faster deployments and get you up and running quickly.

      Each layer will automatically restart if Procon crashes. 

      Each layer will also automatically restart daily at midnight to make sure it stays in tip-top shape.

      Custom plugins can be installed by submitting a support ticket.

      Battlefield Admin Control Panel (BFACP) will be $5 USD per month

      As I am still working on building version 3 of the software, I will be installing the last version I did. Once I complete version 3 it will automatically be upgraded for you.

      All these services will be managed by me so you don't have to worry about the technical side of things to get up and going.

      If you would like to see how much it would cost for the services, I made a calculator that you can use. It can be found here https://ezrcon.com/calculator.html

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    • I have pushed out a new minor release which updates the geodata pull (flags in the playerlisting). This should be way more accurate now. As always, please let me know if any problems show up.

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