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Player Muter [Ver 10th June]


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Originally Posted by Zaeed*:


Basic infomation:

Very simple interface to the new chat moderation functions. Allows you to mute players, and promote players to different chat levels. Also allows you to change the chat moderation mode of the server.



The Basic In-Game Info plugin must be enabled on the same machine that is running this plugin.

Procon version or above



- Extract CPlayerMuter.cs into plugin directory.


Current version:



Changelog: ->

- Minor optimisation

- Added messages to players informing them that they have been muted/unmuted etc ->

- Added better permission requirements


Thanks to:

Phogue for Procon




All the standard prefixes are supported.


You can mute a player as follows, @mute zaeed. This length this mute will hold depends on the Remove option in the plugin settings. The options are, round change, time limit, leave server, and never. It is also possible to manually set a mute time while in game, @mute Zaeed 4, will mute Zaeed for 4 minutes. You can unmute a player by changing them back to normal mode.


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Originally Posted by Sp00k*:


this is one of the best plugins around if it works. you are my hero. ill be testing this. One awesome feature to add would be to make it so certain blacklisted words trigger a mute, such as "hacker" or "camper". Im tired of whiners who yell hacks when they die

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Originally Posted by Zaeed*:


Just be careful you don't mute yourself :tongue:


Once its built into procon i'll add some commands like @listmutes for example, to get a printout of who in the server is muted.. I'll do the same for voice and admin..


Also have a query to see what mode its currently on..

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Originally Posted by GrossKopf*:


this is one of the best plugins around if it works. you are my hero. ill be testing this. One awesome feature to add would be to make it so certain blacklisted words trigger a mute, such as "hacker" or "camper". Im tired of whiners who yell hacks when they die

...and "lag". :smile:
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Originally Posted by Phogue*:


It would serve two purposes. It would shut people up from unfairly naming people as a cheat/hack but also stop idiots from crying to a cheater he is cheating. The only reason people use cheats is to get a rise out of other people, this could effectively deny them of that.


I've always believed it's an incorrect assumption people are using cheats because they are bad at the game, want to win the by any means or remotely give a damn about their score/kdr. They are only cheating to piss players off because anonymously trolling is fun as hell. Players effectively feed a cheaters want to cheat by telling them they are cheating :ohmy:

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Originally Posted by GrossKopf*:


I've got a customer that uploaded the plugin .cs file to the Plugins folder, but when you start PRoCon, it's not showing up. I tested it on the server side and he confirmed it's not showing up on the client side either.

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Originally Posted by Zaeed*:


ummmmm.. something must be wrong with his copy of procon.. what version is he running?

The latest version.
When you tested it on the server end could you see the plugin?


I just copied it over to my laptop and it showed up fine..

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Originally Posted by Panther*:


testing the plugin!! AWSOME!!!!!


Realy this is going to help us admins to keep the server friendly and nice!!!


Allready tested it!




Just an idea - @mute PLAYERNAME REASON TIME

and when the player gets muted, he will get an announcement that he got muted for a reason.

Just an idea.

I love the plugin so much.

REALY great stuff!!!!

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Originally Posted by Zaeed*:


testing the plugin!! AWSOME!!!!!


Realy this is going to help us admins to keep the server friendly and nice!!!


Allready tested it!




Just an idea - @mute PLAYERNAME REASON TIME

and when the player gets muted, he will get an announcement that he got muted for a reason.

Just an idea.

I love the plugin so much.

REALY great stuff!!!!

Yeah I was contemplating doing that. I'll make an update when I get the chance..
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Originally Posted by GrossKopf*:


When you tested it on the server end could you see the plugin?


I just copied it over to my laptop and it showed up fine..

Nope, not showing up on the layer or the client side, but the .cs file is in there. No dll being generated.
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Originally Posted by Zaeed*:


When you tested it on the server end could you see the plugin?


I just copied it over to my laptop and it showed up fine..

Nope, not showing up on the layer or the client side, but the .cs file is in there. No dll being generated.
any error messages in the plugin console?
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Originally Posted by thetoast*:


Yes, When i upload the cs file to the plugins folder and start the procon layer. It doesn't show up.


Remember i am using TCAdmin to upload the plugins.


The funny thing is that it is not just your plugin that this has happened to. Maybe it has something to do with how TCadmin uploads stuff. Cause after it was added to PHS plugin list it worked fine.

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Originally Posted by GrossKopf*:


Yes, When i upload the cs file to the plugins folder and start the procon layer. It doesn't show up.


Remember i am using TCAdmin to upload the plugins.


The funny thing is that it is not just your plugin that this has happened to. Maybe it has something to do with how TCadmin uploads stuff. Cause after it was added to PHS plugin list it worked fine.

When I set up a plugin in TCAdmin, all I'm doing is zipping up the plugin into a folder and when someone clicks on the button to install a plugin, it just extracts it from the .zip and puts it into the customer's Plugins folder. It's same as when you upload. You could also try using an FTP program to upload to see if that makes a difference in the future.
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Originally Posted by Panther*:



i'am not playing that often because i'm at work. At work i do have access to my ProCon. If i type @mute PLAYER via Procon-Tool, nothing happens.

So i would realy love it if there would be a way to mute with your plugin via Procon, but i was not able to figure out how...

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Originally Posted by Zaeed*:



i'am not playing that often because i'm at work. At work i do have access to my ProCon. If i type @mute PLAYER via Procon-Tool, nothing happens.

So i would realy love it if there would be a way to mute with your plugin via Procon, but i was not able to figure out how...

well you can type the command into the console manually..


textChatModerationList.addPlayer mute Zaeed

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Originally Posted by Panther*:



i'am not playing that often because i'm at work. At work i do have access to my ProCon. If i type @mute PLAYER via Procon-Tool, nothing happens.

So i would realy love it if there would be a way to mute with your plugin via Procon, but i was not able to figure out how...

well you can type the command into the console manually..


textChatModerationList.addPlayer mute Zaeed

yes, i thought so.

i hoped that there is some way to use your plugin via procon.



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Originally Posted by Zaeed*:


ow to switch off a chat completely?

Change the chat mode to muted.. type @adminchat ingame.. If you have anyone set to administrator (@grantadmin Unbeaten) then they can still chat, but nobody else
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