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Player Muter [Ver 10th June]


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Originally Posted by Jaythegreat1*:


How to unmute if i fkup? I didnt add self or other just add !adminchat . What and where to type to unmute chat?

textChatModerationList.addPlayer admin playername


then type !freechat


Then your server should be unf**ked lol.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Originally Posted by ChocolateMilkman*:


What is the player muter supposed to do? It doesn't mute anyone. Correct me if I am wrong but should someone who has been muted no longer be able to chat? How is it supposed to work exactly?

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Originally Posted by Zaeed*:


What are you doing?


You should just type @mute Zaeed and it'll mute me... (If I was in game)


There are four states a player can have: Muted, Normal, Voice, Admin

There are three server modes: Muted, Normal, Moderated


The following rules apply:

Muted Player - Can never chat

Normal Player - Can chat when server mode is Normal only

Voice Player - Can chat in Normal mode and Moderated mode

Admin Player - Can chat in all modes.


That make it clear?

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Originally Posted by SinBad-OTF*:


Is there a way to mute a player from the Procon Chat line, i.e., not ingame, but in the Procon admin panel? Tried the normal syntax, but it didn't work. Ingame command works fine.


Another question.. minimum "remove mute after" time is 60 minutes, any way to change that to say 30 minutes?




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Originally Posted by Zaeed*:


Is there a way to mute a player from the Procon Chat line, i.e., not ingame, but in the Procon admin panel? Tried the normal syntax, but it didn't work. Ingame command works fine.


Another question.. minimum "remove mute after" time is 60 minutes, any way to change that to say 30 minutes?




The only way to mute someone while not ingame is to manually run the command.


This feature will be implemented in 0.6.x.x


As to the mute time, I'm at work atm so I can't pull up the code, but from memory, if you type @mute Zaeed 4, then it'll mute for 4 minutes.

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Originally Posted by SinBad-OTF*:


Ok, I have tried to mute a player via the Procon console (not the Procon chat console, the one next to the punkbuster tab)


textChatModerationList.addPlayer mute playername


and it comes back and says 'invalid argument'


What am I doing wrong?



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Originally Posted by Zaeed*:


Ok, I have tried to mute a player via the Procon console (not the Procon chat console, the one next to the punkbuster tab)


textChatModerationList.addPlayer mute playername


and it comes back and says 'invalid argument'


What am I doing wrong?



try muted not mute
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Originally Posted by SinBad-OTF*:




1 last question (maybe)...


When I invoke that command from the console is the player permanently muted or are they muted by the time limit set in the plug-in settings for "Remove Mute After" which will only go down to 60 minutes? I tried to specify a time limit on the line but the 'invalid arguments' came up again.





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Originally Posted by Zaeed*:




1 last question (maybe)...


When I invoke that command from the console is the player permanently muted or are they muted by the time limit set in the plug-in settings for "Remove Mute After" which will only go down to 60 minutes? I tried to specify a time limit on the line but the 'invalid arguments' came up again.





Time limits are only possible (at the moment) via my plugin. Its not a standard function of the protocol.

To mute a player via console command > textChatModerationList.addPlayer muted playername

What is the command to unmute via same method ?

To unmute someone you set them to 'normal'


textChatModerationList.addPlayer normal playerName

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...
  • 3 months later...

Originally Posted by Zaeed*:




Long overdue update to accomodate the Text Chat Moderation permissions in procon.


Admins must have the Text Chat Moderation priveledge to mute or unmute someone. To do anything more advanced, such as create a voice or admin user, or change the moderation level of the server, the admin must have Alter Server Settings priveleges.

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Originally Posted by nbtc971*:


How about the option to specify the leading character such as /mute player instead of @mute player. I ask for this because our other admin cmds start with / and I'd like to keep it consistent. Thanks.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Originally Posted by Johnny-Para*:


I still use 1.1.00.

Do I have to give my admins "Edit text moderation list" permissions in order to let them use the mute command?


It's not very clear to me what the difference is between and


Thanks for this great plugin.

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Originally Posted by Zaeed*:




Long overdue update to accomodate the Text Chat Moderation permissions in procon.


Admins must have the Text Chat Moderation priveledge to mute or unmute someone. To do anything more advanced, such as create a voice or admin user, or change the moderation level of the server, the admin must have Alter Server Settings priveleges.

The issue with 1.1 is that any admin can mute the server, on purpose or by accident.


1.2 introduces the permission requirements.


so muting players you need text moderation permissions..


to mute the server you need server setting permissions

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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Originally Posted by MissileChicago*:


Any chance the mute feature will be available for BF3 in the near future? This is a sorely missed and valuable feature.


Thank you for all that you do, your work does not go unnoticed and is very much appreciated!

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Originally Posted by Clay52*:


I love being hackusated.. Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.. Especially if its on one of our own servers... doing a yell saying 'Thanks' sends them right off

nvm I see it's for BC2, anything for BF3 soon?
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