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Insane Punisher


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Originally Posted by micovery*:


Hey man,

I tried this plugin on my server and it works perfect.


I just want suggest that u could make a automatic kicker for team kills, base rapings.....



Thanks man, I'll add this in the next update, I have been busy, and haven't had much spare time.

There are also other requests from AngelFireDK about map-zones tuning, that I will put in. I am getting

some vacation next week, I promise I will find some time to put these in.


I was also thinking about adding voteban command, for allowing victims to temporarily ban misbehaving players. Sometimes they just keep coming back after they are kicked for rule violations. Finally, adding immunity by clan tag, or name list ... I find myself being vote-kicked a lot of the time from my own server ... don't want to get myself banned ! :lol:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Originally Posted by micovery*:


Can't wait for the update to this plugin! thx to micovery for making the BEST plugin 8-)

Here you go guys, a new version of the plugin, only available in this thread for now. I will put it in PRoCon packages once it's confirmed that no new defects are introduced. New command !voteban available, and new zones for Heavy Metal conquest. I will upload more zones later this week for the rest of the new maps, and adjustments to the old zones in Arica Harbor conquest.
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Originally Posted by Poon*:


Can't wait for the update to this plugin! thx to micovery for making the BEST plugin 8-)

Here you go guys, a new version of the plugin, only available in this thread for now. I will put it in PRoCon packages once it's confirmed that no new defects are introduced. New command !voteban available, and new zones for Heavy Metal conquest. I will upload more zones later this week for the rest of the new maps, and adjustments to the old zones in Arica Harbor conquest.
Does this include the automatic killing of people that attack in the uncaps?
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Originally Posted by micovery*:


Just to confirm, contains a default map zone for Heavy Metal Conquest? Does the .cfg need to be updated as well, or just the plug-ins file?

Only 2 new zones, added for Heavy Metal Conquest (RU and US base) ... They are rough, I created them by suiciding at different spots around the bases, and copying the coordinates. The only reason I added them was because I was sick of being based raped there! There are no defense zones set, so if someone shoots into the base toward the AA, it's still considered base rape. I'm still waiting for a PRoCon map update to create accurate zones for all new maps.
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Originally Posted by pharbehind*:


Thanks, how critical is the .cfg to be updated? Reason I ask, is b/c adding files to my /config folder is restricted at my host. So I'd have to have one of their tech supports to update it for me, if it even needs to be.


Awesome plug-ins by the way.

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Originally Posted by micovery*:


Thanks, how critical is the .cfg to be updated? Reason I ask, is b/c adding files to my /config folder is restricted at my host. So I'd have to have one of their tech supports to update it for me, if it even needs to be.


Awesome plug-ins by the way.

Thanks, I am glad you like it. You can skip cfg, only addition to it was the new zone. The main changes for !voteban are in the *.cs
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Originally Posted by pharbehind*:


So I notice the responses are within the .cfg as well (for suicide, slap, insult). I talked to my host and they won't give me permissions to edit this file (ARGH!). So as a wishlist, would it be possible to give admins the ability to customize the responses in the .cs and not have to edit the .cfg file? Similar to how The Magic 8 Ball contains a list of random strings you can customize, I suppose?


I think I can come up with some better insults and suicide responses :P


edit- i can do this a round about way by opening a ticket with my host and having them approve the new changes I make to this file.

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Originally Posted by AngelFireDK*:


If you have acess to upload new plugins you can just change the path where the cfg file are located. Our hoster have allowed us access to plugins so the cfg file are located there insted and works just fine. Just have to change the path in the plugin setting where the cfg is stored.

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Originally Posted by micovery*:


Version is up, with default zones for Map Pack 7 (Rush & Conquest). Default zone definitions are contained in the cfg file, so if you do not need the new zones, there is no need to upgrade.

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Originally Posted by Poon*:


Version is up, with default zones for Map Pack 7 (Rush & Conquest). Default zone definitions are contained in the cfg file, so if you do not need the new zones, there is no need to upgrade.

Is that available on the Procon packages as well?
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Originally Posted by micovery*:


Version is up, with default zones for Map Pack 7 (Rush & Conquest). Default zone definitions are contained in the cfg file, so if you do not need the new zones, there is no need to upgrade.

Is that available on the Procon packages as well?
Not yet, I'll add it tonight. I have been testing it myself for a while, and it does not seem that new issues have been introduced, so it should be safe.
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Originally Posted by micovery*:


Love your plugin, mind putting up screens of the new map base locations so I can see exactly where the lines are?

Thanks Magetsw, I am glad you like ! Just updated the first post with the screens of the default base zones for Map Pack 7. There are no high-quality images of the maps in the wild yet ... next best thing I could do was making them high contrast so it'd be easier to see the details.


I have also added version to the ProCon packages system.

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Originally Posted by micovery*:


Ive noticed today that no one can !punish as it says they have immunity.

This happens to everyone.


Any ideas?

My whitelists are empty in the plugin.

Uh oh, that's not good, I'll look into it. I did not test with empty white lists. In the meantime, you can just put a random string in the clan whitelist, and player whitelist.



This is the function for determining if a player has immunity:


private bool isImmune(PlayerProfile player)
            List<string> admin_list = getStringListVarValue("admin_list");
            List<string> clan_whitelist = getStringListVarValue("clan_whitelist");
            List<string> player_whitelist = getStringListVarValue("player_whitelist");

            List<string> immune = new List<string>();

            if (immune.Contains(player.name))
                return true;
            else if (clan_whitelist.Contains(player.info.ClanTag))
                return true;

            return false;
At first, it looks like it should work. I suspect, the issue is that if the clan_whitelist contains an empty string (or null)... then players without clans will automatically have immunity!
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Originally Posted by micovery*:


!punish for baserape doesn't work on new maps :sad:


IT doesn't even show who baseraped..

I have been using for two days in Heavy Metal without issues.


Can you verify that the cfg file you are using is also (open the file and look in the first line). Also check in the plugin console log, when the plugin is enabled, it should say which zones were loaded from the cfg, and for which maps. Additionally, (if you are in the admins_list) you can type the !zones in-game commands to list the zones loaded for the current map.


Turn debug_mode on, and look for debug messages in-game. Every time a kill/death event happens inside a base zone, it sends a debug message to the admins.


If none of that helps, please post a screenshot of your settings. Some settings were renamed from -> ... the values for new settings is "False" by default.

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Originally Posted by micovery*:


So does automatically punish base rape without the !punish or still need to type !punish?

Poon, I did not forget about that ... I skipped it, because you can already do that with Zaeed's CWB plugin. It does a better job of automating punishments, kicks, and bans.


Insane Punisher is meant to give players a choice as opposed to CWB.


If you still want to use Insane Punisher in for that purpose, add this line: "punishMyKillerCmd(victim.SoldierName);" at the end of the functions BaseCampingKill, TeamKill, BaseRapingKill.


Like this:



       private void BaseCampingKill(string zone, CPlayerInfo camper, CPlayerInfo victim)
            PlayerProfile killerProfile = getPlayerProfile(camper);
            PlayerProfile victimProfile = getPlayerProfile(victim);

            if (killerProfile != null && victimProfile != null)

        private void TeamKill(CPlayerInfo killer, CPlayerInfo victim)

            PlayerProfile killerProfile = getPlayerProfile(killer);
            PlayerProfile victimProfile = getPlayerProfile(victim);

            if (killerProfile != null && victimProfile != null)


        private void BaseRapingKill(string zone, CPlayerInfo baseraper, CPlayerInfo victim)

            PlayerProfile killerProfile = getPlayerProfile(baseraper);
            PlayerProfile victimProfile = getPlayerProfile(victim);

            if (killerProfile != null && victimProfile != null)

Note that by enabling auto punishments, the !forgive, !votekick, and !voteban commands will become useless, since there will never be enough violations accumulated. Every time you punish someone, you forfeit the right to use the other commands for that incident.
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Originally Posted by Poon*:


Hi micovery and thanks for the update. I was under the impression that it was going to be included in a future release. However I totally understand why you don't want to include it and it makes sense.


The only problem I have with CWG is the fact that it do a blanket kill of the attacker even if the attacker was attacking the anti air guns. Maybe Zaeed could update the CWG to take that into account.


Thanks for your help.

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Originally Posted by CoreSyntax*:


Uh oh, that's not good, I'll look into it. I did not test with empty white lists. In the meantime, you can just put a random string in the clan whitelist, and player whitelist.

Thank you, temp fix works.
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Originally Posted by pharbehind*:


Micovery - that's cool we can adjust the code and allow punishes to be automated.


I started a poll on my forums, and so far everyone would rather have it be automated, instead of having to type. You can read their reasoning here if you were curious. All in all, I think your plugin performs better b/c of the zone, rather than the other one you mentioned, so having that !punish be built in will be nice I'm sure.


http://www.precisionclan.com/modules.ph ... pic&t=1892

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Originally Posted by micovery*:


Micovery - that's cool we can adjust the code and allow punishes to be automated.


I started a poll on my forums, and so far everyone would rather have it be automated, instead of having to type. You can read their reasoning here if you were curious. All in all, I think your plugin performs better b/c of the zone, rather than the other one you mentioned, so having that !punish be built in will be nice I'm sure.


http://www.precisionclan.com/modules.ph ... pic&t=1892

Yep, after some PMs with Poon I realized that it does apply to certain scenarios. You can edit the code manually to do auto-punish (with the examples I gave to Poon in a previous post).


Yet, that's not a complete solution though ... because the victim still gets a personal message requesting to perform either "!punish, !votekick, !forgive, or !voteban". But, auto-punish already happened, so he can't do anything.


Also, the global message sent to every one says:


punished for


It should instead say:


was auto-punished for


I have made those code changes, and added three new variables: rape_kill_auto_punish, team_kill_auto_punish, camp_kill_auto_punish. If you enable all three, then all other commands !votekick, !forgive, and !voteban become meaningless, because there will never be enough accumulted violations. I would recommend to not enable team_kill_auto_punish, because many times team kills happen by accident, and users choose to forgive in that case. I am currently testing it to make sure there are no regressions. I'll upload the code later tonight if all goes well.

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