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Insane Punisher


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Originally Posted by traustic*:


love the ideas in this plugin...


could someone post a link to an updated plugin for hastings support? I have no idea how to get this working. I tried putting in my coordinates and it broke the plugin from even showing up in procon.


#Conquest - Vantage Point

procon.protected.zones.add ""9dbfacbd-e0c8-435d-a09a-162caba088ec"" ""levels/nam_mp_002cq"" ""NVA_BASE"" 15 -182 218 0 -169 214 0 -157 200 0 -155 185 0 -174 170 0 -185 164 0 -194 157 0 -204 153 0 -215 153 0 -220 164 0 -216 177 0 -208 188 0 -200 198 0 -191 208 0 -188 215 0

procon.protected.zones.add ""3f38b405-ba54-44b4-985b-2bf449427be2"" ""levels/nam_mp_002cq"" ""US_BASE"" 12 -119 -257 0 -128 -253 0 -133 -242 0 -130 -233 0 -125 -226 0 -111 -217 0 -98 -218 0 -86 -229 0 -82 -237 0 -87 -244 0 -94 -243 0 -110 -256 0


#Conquest - Hastings

procon.protected.zones.add ""bGV2ZWxzL25hbV9tcF8wMDdjcTYwNjk3MDM3NA=="" ""levels/nam_mp_007cq"" ""NVA_BASE"" 8 183 116 0 184 131 0 187 184 0 210 303 0 56 291 0 -31 291 0 -36 223 0 16 133 0

procon.protected.zones.add ""bGV2ZWxzL25hbV9tcF8wMDdjcTEzODM4MzM3MDM="" ""levels/nam_mp_007cq"" ""US_BASE"" 8 -399 -212 0 -362 -289 0 8 -280 0 21 -191 0 -39 -150 0 -79 -125 0 -124 -152 0 -195 -183 0


#Conquest - Cao Son Temple

procon.protected.zones.add ""8b4004c0-8107-4a25-9fcc-e9ba65104c52"" ""levels/nam_mp_005cq"" ""NVA_BASE"" 19 190 -22 0 188 -41 0 179 -59 0 179 -75 0 180 -86 0 184 -94 0 192 -101 0 199 -103 0 213 -102 0 224 -97 0 234 -78 0 234 -79 0 233 -68 0 229 -46 0 222 -39 0 214 -32 0 208 -20 0 201 -15 0 190 -6 0

procon.protected.zones.add ""5414fd38-fa16-4d23-b076-9890c942c155"" ""levels/nam_mp_005cq"" ""US_BASE"" 25 74 316 0 63 303 0 43 303 0 43 277 0 43 254 0 55 246 0 76 245 0 89 232 0 100 231 0 111 231 0 119 231 0 130 234 0 139 241 0 144 249 0 147 262 0 144 276 0 138 286 0 134 299 0 137 313 0 134 325 0 124 333 0 111 335 0 98 332 0 87 325 0 83 321 0



added hastings like that and it broke the plugin

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Originally Posted by micovery*:


  traustic* said:

love the ideas in this plugin...


could someone post a link to an updated plugin for hastings support? I have no idea how to get this working. I tried putting in my coordinates and it broke the plugin from even showing up in procon.


added hastings like that and it broke the plugin

Forgot to mention you can't reuse the same zone ids (8b4004c0-8107-4a25-9fcc-e9ba65104c52 ...)


Anyway, I just added support for Hastings, and put the screenshots of the zones. Also added support for auto kicking after X punishments. Finally, I removed the "advanced_mode" settings, because it was causing issues that advanced settings were lost after PRoCon restarted. See the change, and updated documentation for all details, enjoy :-). Once you test the plugin, please post back saying whether there are regressions or not. If it's all OK, I will then upload to the PRoCon packages.

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Originally Posted by micovery*:


  DvNT* said:

I get an error sayinginsane.JPG[/attachment:174yzu8d]


I just installed this plugin using the packages install

Version (from the first post) has the hastings map. I haven't uploaded it to the PRoCon pacakges yet ...until I get a couple confirmations that's it's not totally broken.
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Originally Posted by bordensize*:


Punisher does its job when it comes to base raping...but when its a base camp issue, punish isn't an option? Or is there a way to add an auto-tempban after a set amount of base rapes/tks/camps?

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Originally Posted by traustic*:


Loving this ! Thanks so much.



Our clan typically has a rule that you can only camp the mains if you control all the spawn points. Is there a way to disable the spawn protection if the protected team doesn't have any other spawns? If that team gets a spawn then their protection is enabled and the enemy gets killed for camping that teams main.

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Originally Posted by micovery*:


  traustic* said:

Loving this ! Thanks so much.



Our clan typically has a rule that you can only camp the mains if you control all the spawn points. Is there a way to disable the spawn protection if the protected team doesn't have any other spawns? If that team gets a spawn then their protection is enabled and the enemy gets killed for camping that teams main.

Not right now, the server does not send any events when a base is captured. It would a nice a addition to allow base camping conditionally. I have seen stalemates happen when all the bases are captured ... no one is shooting in and no one is shooting out , it's hilarious, as soon as the player steps out of the base he gets shot at :-).



  bordensize* said:

Punisher does its job when it comes to base raping...but when its a base camp issue, punish isn't an option? Or is there a way to add an auto-tempban after a set amount of base rapes/tks/camps?

Look under the "Base Camping" menu for the following settings:



Set them all to "True"



For automation, look under the "Advanced Settings" menu. There is no option right now to temp ban after X violations. The current option is to kick after X punishments. I will add in the future an option to ban after X kicks.


Either way look in the documentation when it doubt. It's pretty extensive.

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Originally Posted by pharbehind*:


So far so good micovery. all settings are sticking. is there a way to save the collapsed/expanded settings? or at least start them all to default to collapsed? thats just a nit picky thing so i dont have to scroll to get where i want to be :P


thanks for the update!

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Originally Posted by bordensize*:



Look under the "Base Camping" menu for the following settings:


Code: Select all









Set them all to "True"

I have the kill_camp_kill set to true, and it doesn't kill the offender when the player camp_kills and the victim !punish. Which is why I posted above, sorry I wasn't more specific.


Also, looking at the documentation and settings, I don't see an auto-kick after X amount of offenses. I only see vote-kicks. And altering the Yell_camp/base/team_kill time is not configurable (at least for me) I try to change it and it reverts right back to the default 3 seconds.

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Originally Posted by traustic*:


  bordensize* said:

I have the kill_camp_kill set to true, and it doesn't kill the offender when the player camp_kills and the victim !punish. Which is why I posted above, sorry I wasn't more specific.


Also, looking at the documentation and settings, I don't see an auto-kick after X amount of offenses. I only see vote-kicks. And altering the Yell_camp/base/team_kill time is not configurable (at least for me) I try to change it and it reverts right back to the default 3 seconds.

Do you have the zone as a us_defensive or ru_defensive? This will nullify the 'camp' aspect of this plugin. defensive areas allow people to shoot out and shoot in without punishment. I use the defensive position and regular base to allow to shoot back and forth but if someone is flying over or walking/tanking around the enemy vehicles and kills someone it kills them.


Go to advanced settings and set auto_punish_max to a number you want such as 3. After three punishments they are auto-kicked off the server.


The only thing I wish the plugin did was temp ban people who reach the auto_punish_max. I might have to swap a couple of lines in the code but should work. Plugin overall has helped a lot and our admins/members being on a whitelist helps them from being 'bitchy' when another person punishes them. Just gotta watch them for camping mains.

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Originally Posted by bordensize*:


Needed the newest version for the auto-kick. =p

As for the zones, i have the default_zones set as true..maybe with the new version, the !punish will work where I had errors before. Will post the results. Thank you.

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Originally Posted by micovery*:


  traustic* said:

Having an issue with the whitelist for players and clans.. its still auto-kill and kicking them.

Can you verify if this is happening only when they kill each other ( meaning that both players are in the whitelist) ... or does it happen too when they kill players that are not on the whitelist?
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Originally Posted by micovery*:


  traustic* said:

Whitelist players are killed/punished if both players are on the whitelist. A random player that is tked by a whitelist.. the whitelist person is not harmed.

Just uploaded version with defect fix for this (will add it in the PRoCon packages later). If you are not using the automation features, no need to update.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Originally Posted by OzumSage*:


are the map zones supposed to show up in the battlemap or are they assumed they are loaded if you have the default zone set to true? i am wanting to use your zones, but don't see them in the battlemap and don't know if the default zone should be set to true or false to use your zones.

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Originally Posted by micovery*:


  OzumSage* said:

are the map zones supposed to show up in the battlemap or are they assumed they are loaded if you have the default zone set to true? i am wanting to use your zones, but don't see them in the battlemap and don't know if the default zone should be set to true or false to use your zones.

They will not show up on the battle map, because plugins cannot draw to the battle map. (I could not find out how). If you set "default_zones" to "True" it will use the hardcoded zones from the plugin, and ignore any zone created through the battle map. (There are screenshots on the first post for each of the default zones)
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  • 3 weeks later...

Originally Posted by Cain*:


This plugin looks like a Godsend, I'm reading and loading it today!!


Does this work on chopper pilots (and gunners) who keep flying over bases and raping the spawners there?


And I Can set it such that victims can only kill and not vote to kick transgressors, right?


Thank you !

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Originally Posted by micovery*:


  Cain* said:

This plugin looks like a Godsend, I'm reading and loading it today!!


Does this work on chopper pilots (and gunners) who keep flying over bases and raping the spawners there?


And I Can set it such that victims can only kill and not vote to kick transgressors, right?


Thank you !

Pilot is technically allowed to fly anywhere he wants, as long as he does not shoot. If the pilot is flying over enemy base, and kills someone, he is punishable (unless the person killed was on the AA, or AT).


Yes you can set it so that only punishing, is allowed, and not votekicking, or votebanning... set the following to false:









so that only Punishing is allowed.


If you have trouble setting it up, send the server name, I can join to help out.

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Originally Posted by Trizik*:


description says air and ground vehicles are always allowed to attack from protected zones. can this be disabled? i don't want to allow players to use tanks in protected zones to shoot down enemy helos.

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Originally Posted by Trizik*:


also, how come the public "[player] was punished for [reason]" messages can't be edited in the plugin settings tab? can those messages only be edited by opening the plugin file in a text editor?

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Originally Posted by micovery*:


  Trizik* said:

description says air and ground vehicles are always allowed to attack from protected zones. can this be disabled? i don't want to allow players to use tanks in protected zones to shoot down enemy helos.


also, how come the public "[player] was punished for [reason]" messages can't be edited in the plugin settings tab? can those messages only be edited by opening the plugin file in a text editor?

You will need to make some tweaks to the source code for this.


1. Don't allow heavy vehicles to shoot out of base.


Look on the source code, in the function called "BaseEvent", and comment out or remove the following lines:



                   if (HEAVY)
                        kstr = "(" + bs + "_BASE HEAVY_DEF): " + kstr;
You will see that below that, there is also a section for LIGHT vehicles, which is already commented.


2. Those messages are hard-coded in the function "punishedBy". Look in there, you can just modify the strings to your liking.

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Originally Posted by PanamaJim*:


I loaded up the plugin and was impressed by how well it works. Many, many thanks.


There are some downsides though.


One of which is the "guest" interaction with the plugin. Is there a way to limit _which? commands our non-admin players are allowed to use? Some of my fellow admins view the ability for a non-admin to issue a command such as "!punish" as not good. While commands such as "!mystats" were incredibly well received. How about a simple "on/off" switch for each in-game command that is available? (Available to both admins and guests.) The "!insult" and "!slap" commands are hilarious but they can easily become annoying if/when the players use them too much. Currently the only way to turn those commands off is to disable the entire plugin. *sad face event*


Also, for the admin commands, can you use the already established account settings within PRoCon? As opposed to using an admin list?


And.... Is it possible to get the appropriately available commands to display when the "@help" command is used?


Awesome plugin and thanks for the great work!

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Originally Posted by Trizik*:


  micovery* said:
  Trizik* said:

description says air and ground vehicles are always allowed to attack from protected zones. can this be disabled? i don't want to allow players to use tanks in protected zones to shoot down enemy helos.


also, how come the public "[player] was punished for [reason]" messages can't be edited in the plugin settings tab? can those messages only be edited by opening the plugin file in a text editor?

You will need to make some tweaks to the source code for this.


1. Don't allow heavy vehicles to shoot out of base.


Look on the source code, in the function called "BaseEvent", and comment out or remove the following lines:



                   if (HEAVY)
                        kstr = "(" + bs + "_BASE HEAVY_DEF): " + kstr;
You will see that below that, there is also a section for LIGHT vehicles, which is already commented.
thanks, commented it out


the only "uncap to outside" attacks i want to allow are the green areas you designated in in the maps. should i also comment out AIR, EXPL, and INF && K_O_D in that same function to do that?


great plugin by the way :smile:

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Originally Posted by Trizik*:


micovery i'm back with a request because i'm having a heck of a time sifting through all the different public/private warn and punish messages.


would you pretty please make all messages customizable within PRoCon?


thank you very much.


Stryker412 and poolacko, you can configure all that right in PRoCon. read the descriptions of the individual settings in the plugins tab.

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Originally Posted by Bulli0678*:



we have one problem with this plugin.

Some players of our clan have accounts with special characters. They have one or two crosshairs at the beginning, between or at the end of their accounts.

Is it possible that these accounts do not function in the whitelist and the clan white list?

Cause if i type in or paste the accounts of our clan mates the special character crosshair gets lost and between the accounts is a blank space.

If i´m right is it possible to fix this problem by an update?


For example to paste in the function "use reservedSlots-list as whitelist" like in the plugin weapon limiter.

Cause there the accounts with special characters like crosshairs function good

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    • Hello All,

      I wanted to give an update to how EZRCON is doing. As of today we have 56 active customers using the services offered. I'm glad its doing so well and it hasn't been 1 year yet. To those that have services with EZRCON, I hope the service is doing well and if not please let us know so that we can improve it where possible. We've done quite a few changes behind the scenes to improve the performance hopefully. 

      We'll be launching a new location for hosting procon layers in either Los Angeles, USA or Chicago, IL. Still being decided on where the placement should be but these two locations are not set in stone yet. We would like to get feedback on where we should have a new location for hosting the Procon Layers, which you can do by replying to this topic. A poll will be created where people can vote on which location they would like to see.

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      Removed usage sending stats

      Added EZRCON ad banner

      If you are upgrading then you may need to add these two lines to your existing installation in the file procon.cfg. To enable these options just change False to True.

      procon.private.options.UseGeoIpFileOnly False
      procon.private.options.BlockRssFeedNews False

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    • I wanted I let you know that I am starting to build out the foundation for the hosting services that I talked about here. The pricing model I was originally going for wasn't going to be suitable for how I want to build it. So instead I decided to offer each service as it's own product instead of a package deal. In the future, hopefully, I will be able to do this and offer discounts to those that choose it.

      Here is how the pricing is laid out for each service as well as information about each. This is as of 7/12/2020.

      Single MySQL database (up to 30 GB) is $10 USD per month.

      If you go over the 30 GB usage for the database then each additional gigabyte is charged at $0.10 USD each billing cycle. If you're under 30GB you don't need to worry about this.

      Databases are replicated across 3 zones (regions) for redundancy. One (1) on the east coast of the USA, One (1) in Frankfurt, and One (1) in Singapore. Depending on the demand, this would grow to more regions.

      Databases will also be backed up daily and retained for 7 days.

      Procon Layer will be $2 USD per month.

      Each layer will only allow one (1) game server connection. The reason behind this is for performance.

      Each layer will also come with all available plugins installed by default. This is to help facilitate faster deployments and get you up and running quickly.

      Each layer will automatically restart if Procon crashes. 

      Each layer will also automatically restart daily at midnight to make sure it stays in tip-top shape.

      Custom plugins can be installed by submitting a support ticket.

      Battlefield Admin Control Panel (BFACP) will be $5 USD per month

      As I am still working on building version 3 of the software, I will be installing the last version I did. Once I complete version 3 it will automatically be upgraded for you.

      All these services will be managed by me so you don't have to worry about the technical side of things to get up and going.

      If you would like to see how much it would cost for the services, I made a calculator that you can use. It can be found here https://ezrcon.com/calculator.html

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    • I have pushed out a new minor release which updates the geodata pull (flags in the playerlisting). This should be way more accurate now. As always, please let me know if any problems show up.

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