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Insane Limits - Examples


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Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*:


Hi I am looking for a simple rule that will tell the players how many tickets there are if they ask in chat. (sqdm doesn't show total tickets) Any help? :smile: I got as far as onanychat, expression, player.LastChat.StartsWith("tickets").

You don't mean tickets, you mean what the kill goal is, right?


Try this:




first_check Expression



( Regex.Match(player.LastChat, "tickets", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Success )
second_check Code



int goal = Convert.ToInt32(server.RemainTickets(player.TeamId));
plugin.SendTeamMessage(player.TeamId, "Your team needs " + goal + " more kills to win!");
return false;
If you want a yell instead of chat:



int goal = Convert.ToInt32(server.RemainTickets(player.TeamId));
plugin.ServerCommand("admin.yell", "Your team needs " + goal + " more kills to win!", "15", "team", player.TeamId.ToString());
return false;
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Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*:


hey papa,


would it be possible to create a limit that checked over clan tags and if a player had a clan tag on specifically lets say ruf it would check another list (list that I created) to see if that player was in fact a clan member or not. Based upon whether that player was a clan member it would kick them or let them stay?



I'm getting a little close but I'm having some issues like whether or not I should use a foreach with an on join or an if and what exactly the parameters should be to check the clan tag itself?


Thanks in advance.

Sure, that is definitely possible.


The check for the clan tag looks like this (first_check Expression):



(player.Tag == "RUF")
The rest is in second_check code.


You don't have to use a foreach. You just have to use a List. Put all the real members names in a list like this:



List<String> RUFMembers = new List<String>();

RUFMembers.Add("Dudenell"); // just their soldier name, not the tag
Then the test looks like this:



if (!RUFMembers.Contains(player.Name)) {
   // Naughty impersonator, punish him here
List.Contains checks to see if the item is already in the list. If it is not, it returns false.


Of course, this means you have to update the RUFMembers.Add code every time your roster changes (add or drop). Kind of a pain. You could write code to read it from a file, but I've never done that and am not sure how to even start!

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Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*:


Hey we have 2 modes on our server TDM (Metro, Seine Crossing, Noshahar Canals, Kharg Island) and Conquest (Metro). We want to have 350 tickets on TDM and 50% tickets on Conquest.

Is this will be ok: ?

Doing it OnKill will not work for next round. It works for this round, over and over again many times a second.. Do it OnRoundOver and it should work fine.


BTW, you know that gameModeCounter is a percentage always, right? So "350" means 350% of default tickets, not 350 tickets. The value 50 means 50%, you really only want half normal tickets on Conquest?

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Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*:



1. How to prescribe limitations on the killstreak?

2. How to prescribe limitations on interest headshots?

It depends on what you mean by kill streak? Do you mean the Battlelog stat for Kill Streak Bonus? Or do you mean multiple kills in one shot in the current round?


Not sure what "interest" headshots are. If you mean setting a limit on the rate of headshots in the current round, look at this example:



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Originally Posted by Sorry*:


You don't mean tickets, you mean what the kill goal is, right?


Try this:




first_check Expression



( Regex.Match(player.LastChat, "tickets", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Success )
second_check Code



int goal = Convert.ToInt32(server.RemainTickets(player.TeamId));
plugin.SendTeamMessage(player.TeamId, "Your team needs " + goal + " more kills to win!");
return false;
If you want a yell instead of chat:



int goal = Convert.ToInt32(server.RemainTickets(player.TeamId));
plugin.ServerCommand("admin.yell", "Your team needs " + goal + " more kills to win!", "15", "team", player.TeamId.ToString());
return false;
Thank you! Exactly what I was looking for!
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Originally Posted by aduh*:


Doing it OnKill will not work for next round. It works for this round, over and over again many times a second.. Do it OnRoundOver and it should work fine.


BTW, you know that gameModeCounter is a percentage always, right? So "350" means 350% of default tickets, not 350 tickets. The value 50 means 50%, you really only want half normal tickets on Conquest?

Thank you PapaCharlie9.

Yes I know about %.

We want to have 350 ticks on TDM maps and 750 ticks on Conquest Metro map.

We have set 350% ticks on our server config.

What values should I set for this code ?



if (limit.Activations() > 5) return false;

/* TDM maps tickets */
String teamdeathmatch = "___";

/* Conquest maps tickets */
String conquest = "___";

/* If map is a conquest  */
if (server.Gamemode == "ConquestSmall0")
        plugin.ServerCommand("vars.gameModeCounter", conquest);
        plugin.ServerCommand("vars.gameModeCounter", teamdeathmatch);

return false;
EDIT: we have spend 3 hours on it and we can't set this plugin to work ! It just doesn't ! PLEASE HELP
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Originally Posted by SanTeam*:


"It depends on what you mean by kill streak? Do you mean the Battlelog stat for Kill Streak Bonus? Or do you mean multiple kills in one shot in the current round_"

Hi, PapaCharlie.

I am thinking of killstrikbonus from Battlelogstat.

With Headshots figured out. Thank you.

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Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*:


Thank you PapaCharlie9.

Yes I know about %.

We want to have 350 ticks on TDM maps and 750 ticks on Conquest Metro map.

We have set 350% ticks on our server config.

What values should I set for this code ?



if (limit.Activations() > 5) return false;

/* TDM maps tickets */
String teamdeathmatch = "___";

/* Conquest maps tickets */
String conquest = "___";

/* If map is a conquest  */
if (server.Gamemode == "ConquestSmall0")
        plugin.ServerCommand("vars.gameModeCounter", conquest);
        plugin.ServerCommand("vars.gameModeCounter", teamdeathmatch);

return false;
EDIT: we have spend 3 hours on it and we can't set this plugin to work ! It just doesn't ! PLEASE HELP
Since gameModeCounter is a percentage, the number of tickets you get depends on which map you run. To get exactly 750 tickets in Conquest means figuring out the base value and dividing it into 750 and then calculate the percent. For example, if the base tickets for a map is 300, to make it 750 tickets you need to divide 750 by 300, or 2.5 and then multiply by 100, so 250 is the value to use for gameModeCounter for that specific map.


Do some research and figure out what the base values of your maps are. I think Metro Conquest Small is 100, but I'm not sure.


Then, if the base values are different per map, you'll need to have different settings for each map that is different, like:



String tdmKharg = "250"; // 750 / base 300 = 2.50
String tdmTehran = "234"; // 750 / base 320 = 2.34
Then test for each map name:



/* If map is a conquest  */
if (server.Gamemode == "ConquestSmall0")
        plugin.ServerCommand("vars.gameModeCounter", conquest);
        if (server.MapFileName == "MP_018") { // Kharg
            plugin.ServerCommand("vars.gameModeCounter", tdmKharg);
        } else if (server.MapFileName == "MP_003") { // Tehran Highway
            plugin.ServerCommand("vars.gameModeCounter", tdmKharg);
        } else if (...) { ... }

return false;
Or, just use Ultimate Map Manager*.
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Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*:


"It depends on what you mean by kill streak? Do you mean the Battlelog stat for Kill Streak Bonus? Or do you mean multiple kills in one shot in the current round_"

Hi, PapaCharlie.

I am thinking of killstrikbonus from Battlelogstat.

With Headshots figured out. Thank you.

I've never used the player.KillStreakBonus value, so I'm not sure exactly what it is or how to test it. You can do some experimentation by using this limit (requires that you have plugin logging enabled and you can access it):




first_check Expression


second_check Code


if (limit.ActivationsTotal() > 1) return false;
plugin.ConsoleWrite(player.FullName + " kill streak bonus is " + player.KillStreakBonus.ToString("F2"));
Copy and paste some plugin.log output here and we can go to the next step. I would need to know the range of values. Is it just a count of the number of kills, or is it number of points? If number of points, how many points are awarded per kill? I'd need to know that to know how to convert the value to kills, or to define reasonable limit values.


As for headshots figured for kill streak bonus, I don't know how to do that or if it is even possible.

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Originally Posted by aduh*:


Since gameModeCounter is a percentage, the number of tickets you get depends on which map you run. To get exactly 750 tickets in Conquest means figuring out the base value and dividing it into 750 and then calculate the percent. For example, if the base tickets for a map is 300, to make it 750 tickets you need to divide 750 by 300, or 2.5 and then multiply by 100, so 250 is the value to use for gameModeCounter for that specific map.


Do some research and figure out what the base values of your maps are. I think Metro Conquest Small is 100, but I'm not sure.


Then, if the base values are different per map, you'll need to have different settings for each map that is different, like:



String tdmKharg = "250"; // 750 / base 300 = 2.50
String tdmTehran = "234"; // 750 / base 320 = 2.34
Then test for each map name:



/* If map is a conquest  */
if (server.Gamemode == "ConquestSmall0")
        plugin.ServerCommand("vars.gameModeCounter", conquest);
        if (server.MapFileName == "MP_018") { // Kharg
            plugin.ServerCommand("vars.gameModeCounter", tdmKharg);
        } else if (server.MapFileName == "MP_003") { // Tehran Highway
            plugin.ServerCommand("vars.gameModeCounter", tdmKharg);
        } else if (...) { ... }

return false;
Or, just use Ultimate Map Manager*.
What we have done now:


OnIntervalServer set to 30 seconds.


first_check Expression


second_check Code



if (limit.Activations() > 5) return false;

/* Conquest maps tickets */
String conquest = "214";
String tdmMP_Subway = "350"; 
String tdmMP_011 = "350"; 
String tdmMP_017 = "350";
String tdmMP_018 = "350";

/* If map is a conquest  */
if (server.Gamemode == "ConquestSmall0")
        plugin.ServerCommand("vars.gameModeCounter", conquest);
else if (server.MapFileName == "MP_Subway") 
    plugin.ServerCommand("vars.gameModeCounter", tdmMP_Subway);
else if (server.MapFileName == "MP_011") 
     plugin.ServerCommand("vars.gameModeCounter", tdmMP_011);
else if (server.MapFileName == "MP_017") 
     plugin.ServerCommand("vars.gameModeCounter", tdmMP_017);
else if (server.MapFileName == "MP_018") 
     plugin.ServerCommand("vars.gameModeCounter", tdmMP_018);

plugin.ConsoleWrite("Next map mode is "+server.NextGamemode+". Tickets set for next map");

return false;
Target: 4 maps in TDM with 350 ticks and 1 map in Conquest (Metro) with 750 ticks


I hope it works ...

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Originally Posted by Dudenell*:


Thank you I was thinking it was a little harder then that. Here is my version of the clan tag kicker:


Set limit to evaluate OnJoin

next set the first_check to this expression:

PLEASE NOTE YOU NEED TO CHANGE YOURTAGSHERE to whatever your clan tags are


(player.Tag == "YOURTAGSHERE")
next set the second_check to this code:



if(plugin.isInList(player.Name, "member_list")){
	plugin.PRoConChat("ADMIN > " + player.Name + " is a clan member and has joined the server");
	plugin.PRoConChat("ADMIN > " + player.Name + " is not a clan member and has been kicked!");
	plugin.KickPlayerWithMessage(player.Name, plugin.R("YOURTAGSHERE tags are for clan members only!"));
after this you are going to create a new_list

in this new list you will change the name to member_list


in the member list add each clan members name (battlelog name) separated by commas. EX:


dudenell, adnoble11, UMPA-Vipor, _UMPA_V4por, Abiosis, -Black1Flag-

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Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*:


Target: 4 maps in TDM with 350 ticks and 1 map in Conquest (Metro) with 750 ticks


I hope it works ...

Looks good! Should work.
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Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*:


Thank you I was thinking it was a little harder then that. Here is my version of the clan tag kicker:


Set limit to evaluate OnJoin

next set the first_check to this expression:

PLEASE NOTE YOU NEED TO CHANGE YOURTAGSHERE to whatever your clan tags are


(player.Tag == "YOURTAGSHERE")
next set the second_check to this code:



if(plugin.isInList(player.Name, "member_list")){
	plugin.PRoConChat("ADMIN > " + player.Name + " is a clan member and has joined the server");
	plugin.PRoConChat("ADMIN > " + player.Name + " is not a clan member and has been kicked!");
	plugin.KickPlayerWithMessage(player.Name, plugin.R("YOURTAGSHERE tags are for clan members only!"));
after this you are going to create a new_list

in this new list you will change the name to member_list


in the member list add each clan members name (battlelog name) separated by commas. EX:


dudenell, adnoble11, UMPA-Vipor, _UMPA_V4por, Abiosis, -Black1Flag-

Don't forget to add a plugin.SendGlobalMessage or yell (see separate thread) someplace. The PRoConChat function just logs text to the chat.log file, it doesn't actually show in the in-game chat box.
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Originally Posted by aduh*:


Looks good! Should work.

NO it works after last change :smile:

Maybe someone will need it. Working code:



if (limit.Activations() > 5) return false;

if(server.NextMapFileName == "MP_Subway" && server.NextGamemode == "ConquestSmall0")
    plugin.ServerCommand("vars.gameModeCounter", "200");
    plugin.ConsoleWrite("Next map is "+server.NextMapFileName+" with game mode "+server.NextGamemode+". Tickets set for next map");
    return false;

if(server.NextMapFileName == "MP_Subway" && server.NextGamemode == "TeamDeathMatch0")
    plugin.ServerCommand("vars.gameModeCounter", "350");
    plugin.ConsoleWrite("Next map is "+server.NextMapFileName+" with game mode "+server.NextGamemode+". Tickets set for next map");
    return false;

/* Conquest maps tickets */
String conquest = "200";
String tdmMP_Subway = "350"; 
String tdmMP_011 = "350"; 
String tdmMP_017 = "350";
String tdmMP_018 = "350";

/* If map is a conquest  */
if (server.Gamemode == "ConquestSmall0")
        plugin.ServerCommand("vars.gameModeCounter", conquest);
else if (server.MapFileName == "MP_Subway") 
    plugin.ServerCommand("vars.gameModeCounter", tdmMP_Subway);
else if (server.MapFileName == "MP_011") 
     plugin.ServerCommand("vars.gameModeCounter", tdmMP_011);
else if (server.MapFileName == "MP_017") 
     plugin.ServerCommand("vars.gameModeCounter", tdmMP_017);
else if (server.MapFileName == "MP_018") 
     plugin.ServerCommand("vars.gameModeCounter", tdmMP_018);

return false;
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Originally Posted by killengage*:




I searched but couldn't find it.


How can i Yell (a) message(s) when a player is joining the server. I also want to set a delay on the message since there is already a message being send by the default procon welcome message. I would like to add more messages in the future. I need this to inform about the M26 getting banned until the patch comes out. The m26 is ruining or server more and more.


Thanks in advance.

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Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*:




I searched but couldn't find it.


How can i Yell (a) message(s) when a player is joining the server. I also want to set a delay on the message since there is already a message being send by the default procon welcome message. I would like to add more messages in the future. I need this to inform about the M26 getting banned until the patch comes out. The m26 is ruining or server more and more.


Thanks in advance.

Regarding the M26, see this thread and reply to it if you are interested:

BF3: Idea for countering R20 M26 exploit/OP by plugin*


For details about yells, see this thread:

Insane Limits: How to yell and how to send chat to one player*

Keep in mind that a player can't see a yell if they are dead and in the killcam or Deploy screen. They can see chat in the Deploy screen, though. So you should probably always do both chat and yell.


Doing a delay is a little tricky. The easiest way to do it is to wait until the player has had a certain number of spawns and then trigger the yell. So for example, if you want to trigger on the second spawn, you would write this limit:


Evaluate OnSpawn. Set first_check to this Expression:



Set second_check to this Code



if (limit.Activations() == 2) {
    String msg = "Warning: do not use underslung M26 on this server!";
    plugin.ServerCommand("admin.say", msg, "player", player.Name);
    plugin.ServerCommand("admin.yell", msg, "15", "player", player.Name);
return false;
This is rigged to show every round. If you only want to show it once per join, change limit.Activations to limit.ActivationsTotal.


Question: what is it you plan to do about it? Kick if someone uses it? How would you know? The warning isn't very useful if there is no admin around to do something about it.

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Originally Posted by killengage*:


Thx again papacharlie,


Although its compiling without any errors, i'm not getting the yell message after my second spawn.


I set Eval: Onspawn and First_Check: Expression> (true)


Second_check: code


if (limit.Activations() == 2) {
    plugin.ServerCommand("admin.say", msg, "player", player.Name);
    plugin.ServerCommand("admin.yell", msg, "10", "player", player.Name);
return false;
Do i miss something in the code ?


I want players to think about the M26, with this yell at the start they might think twice before using the M26. It's not

failsafe , but its a start to prevent spamming with the M26. Although we allow the use of the "normal" M26, only not in combination with the heavybarrel.


Thanks again....

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Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*:


Try making the duration longer than "10". There's a delay between when you deploy (the spawn event) and when you can actually see the yell in game. You know how the screen fades to black then fades back in? If the yell completes before you have faded back in, you won't see it.

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Originally Posted by killengage*:


Try making the duration longer than "10". There's a delay between when you deploy (the spawn event) and when you can actually see the yell in game. You know how the screen fades to black then fades back in? If the yell completes before you have faded back in, you won't see it.

Thanks again !!!


I really need to learn some C# , i wish i could do it that easily like you do coding.

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Originally Posted by killengage*:


Thanks again !!!


I really need to learn some C# , i wish i could do it that easily like you do coding.

Still not working , tried 10, 15 and 20...
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Originally Posted by LtMatt81*:


I'#m trying to set a limit to stop people from using the M26. Its not working though, could i get some help please? Whats the exact name i should put in.


Heres what im using now.


Posted Image

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Originally Posted by pharbehind*:


Turns out, this and other limiter plugins will be unable to limit the M26 Mass appropriately. I did some testing:


The key for getting the added damage effects of the M26 Mass is using it with the underslung rail. When you kill someone with the M26 Mass with the underslung rail, the kill will register in procon as a kill with the rifle and NOT the M26. If you use the M26 Mass freehand without the underslung rail, the limiter/check will work, however, that case is different and doesn't create such a huge damage increase.

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Originally Posted by DrRectalPain*:


Have to questions, please

1. Is it possible via Insane somehow to gather from Battlelog the level of Player Stat as http://bf3stats.com does?

2. Ir is possible with Insane to perform player watch by GUID as I described in this request*


Thanks in advance (sorry, I am not programming guru, may be I've asked obvious questions)

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Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*:


Still not working , tried 10, 15 and 20...

According to the R-21 patch notes, say to a single player isn't working yet. I'm not sure why that would affect the yell, though. You can wait for the server patch and try again later.


Or if you don't want to wait, try changing the admin.say line to these two lines:



plugin.SendSquadMessage(player.TeamId, player.SquadId, msg);
plugin.ConsoleWrite("Warned " + player.Name + " with: " + msg);
Make sure you have Enabled plugin logging. You should see the "Warned" line in your plugin.log. Make sure the mode is virtual_mode False (at the top) and Enabled in the limit.
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Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*:


I'#m trying to set a limit to stop people from using the M26. Its not working though, could i get some help please? Whats the exact name i should put in.


Heres what im using now.


Posted Image

It's not possible for PRoCon to detect an M26 kill. See the discussion here:




Post a reply there if you are interested in the votekick idea.

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Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*:


Have to questions, please

1. Is it possible via Insane somehow to gather from Battlelog the level of Player Stat as http://bf3stats.com does?

2. Ir is possible with Insane to perform player watch by GUID as I described in this request*


Thanks in advance (sorry, I am not programming guru, may be I've asked obvious questions)

#1. Only some stats are gathered by Insane Limits. It doesn't gather all the same stats that bf3stats.com does. The list of stats is here:




In the section called "Player, Killer, Victim Objects".


#2. Yes, you can look for EA GUID and log any information you want.


Give me all the details of exactly what you want, where you want the log, what stats, etc., and I'll do an example for you. Be exact, don't force me to guess at what you want.

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Originally Posted by DrRectalPain*:


#1. Only some stats are gathered by Insane Limits. It doesn't gather all the same stats that bf3stats.com does.

Yep, thx, I've read the list before asked my question. Let me re-phrase it: Can be another level of stat gathering added and what is required to progress? I understand that there may be a lot of reasons "why not. (For example) some stats EA would not share with 3rd party or share exclusively, or some performance limitations, or something else.


Obvious, that extra stats will make cheat-detection more automate, that is, in principal, what I wish to achieve.


#2. Yes, you can look for EA GUID and log any information you want.


Give me all the details of exactly what you want, where you want the log, what stats, etc., and I'll do an example for you. Be exact, don't force me to guess at what you want.

That is easy, thanks for you willing to help.


Pre-conditions are the following:

1. We have report of potentially suspicious player behavior, EA GUID and PB GUID are known.

2. The player was not captured by any of implemented Insane cheat-detecting filter

3. We want to watch the player, and assume that admin can not be online 24/7, but on alert


What filter should do:

a) have an input for watched GUID (either)

B) look through any mechanism (console log, Battlelog) to match this GUID

c) alert admin about the match (that, I think, can be done same was as described in Admin Request Notification example, TaskbarNotify/Mail)


I understand that a) and B) can be easily done using Insane capabilities almost similar way how it works with auto-bans. Unfortunately programming is my missing skill.



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    • I wanted I let you know that I am starting to build out the foundation for the hosting services that I talked about here. The pricing model I was originally going for wasn't going to be suitable for how I want to build it. So instead I decided to offer each service as it's own product instead of a package deal. In the future, hopefully, I will be able to do this and offer discounts to those that choose it.

      Here is how the pricing is laid out for each service as well as information about each. This is as of 7/12/2020.

      Single MySQL database (up to 30 GB) is $10 USD per month.

      If you go over the 30 GB usage for the database then each additional gigabyte is charged at $0.10 USD each billing cycle. If you're under 30GB you don't need to worry about this.

      Databases are replicated across 3 zones (regions) for redundancy. One (1) on the east coast of the USA, One (1) in Frankfurt, and One (1) in Singapore. Depending on the demand, this would grow to more regions.

      Databases will also be backed up daily and retained for 7 days.

      Procon Layer will be $2 USD per month.

      Each layer will only allow one (1) game server connection. The reason behind this is for performance.

      Each layer will also come with all available plugins installed by default. This is to help facilitate faster deployments and get you up and running quickly.

      Each layer will automatically restart if Procon crashes. 

      Each layer will also automatically restart daily at midnight to make sure it stays in tip-top shape.

      Custom plugins can be installed by submitting a support ticket.

      Battlefield Admin Control Panel (BFACP) will be $5 USD per month

      As I am still working on building version 3 of the software, I will be installing the last version I did. Once I complete version 3 it will automatically be upgraded for you.

      All these services will be managed by me so you don't have to worry about the technical side of things to get up and going.

      If you would like to see how much it would cost for the services, I made a calculator that you can use. It can be found here https://ezrcon.com/calculator.html

      • 11 replies
    • I have pushed out a new minor release which updates the geodata pull (flags in the playerlisting). This should be way more accurate now. As always, please let me know if any problems show up.

      • 9 replies
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