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Insane Limits - Examples

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Originally Posted by madmuthamonk*:


This limit will keep switching server between hard-core, and soft-core mode, depending on the number of players in the server. When the mode is switched, the limit sends a global message notifying players of the change.


Set limit to evaluate OnInterval, set action to None


Set first_check to this Code:



double switch_value = 16;

bool_ hardcore = null;
if (server.Data.issetBool("hardcore"))
    hardcore = server.Data.getBool("hardcore");
if (server.PlayerCount < switch_value &&  ( hardcore == true || hardcore == null) ) 
    plugin.SendGlobalMessage("Switching server to soft-core mode");
    plugin.ConsoleWrite("Switching server to soft-core mode");
    server.Data.setBool("hardcore", false);
    plugin.ServerCommand("vars.friendlyFire", "false");
    plugin.ServerCommand("vars.killCam", "true");
    plugin.ServerCommand("vars.nameTag", "true");
    plugin.ServerCommand("vars.regenerateHealth", "true");
    plugin.ServerCommand("vars.hud", "true");
    plugin.ServerCommand("vars.onlySquadLeaderSpawn", "false");
    plugin.ServerCommand("vars.3dSpotting", "true");
    plugin.ServerCommand("vars.3pCam", "true");
    plugin.ServerCommand("vars.idleTimeout", "0");
    plugin.ServerCommand("vars.soldierHealth", "100");
else if ( server.PlayerCount > switch_value && (hardcore == false || hardcore == null))
    plugin.SendGlobalMessage("Switching server to hard-core mode");
    plugin.ConsoleWrite("Switching server to hard-core mode");
    server.Data.setBool("hardcore", true);

    plugin.ServerCommand("vars.friendlyFire", "true");
    plugin.ServerCommand("vars.killCam", "false");
    plugin.ServerCommand("vars.nameTag", "false");
    plugin.ServerCommand("vars.regenerateHealth", "false");
    plugin.ServerCommand("vars.hud", "false");
    plugin.ServerCommand("vars.onlySquadLeaderSpawn", "true");
    plugin.ServerCommand("vars.3dSpotting", "false");
    plugin.ServerCommand("vars.3pCam", "false");
    plugin.ServerCommand("vars.idleTimeout", "1800");
    plugin.ServerCommand("vars.soldierHealth", "60"); 
Note that this limit stores a flag "hardcore" in the server object. Depending on the value of the flag, it decides whether or not mode needs to be switched again. This is needed so that it would not keep spamming the switch message, as well well as not sending server commands unnecessarily if the mode is already the same.


This flag is only cleared if the plugin is enabled/disabled. The limit is not in any way aware of what the current mode is. It assumes that whatever mode it set last time ... is the one currently active. Because of this, if you manually change the mode, the limit will not know of the mode change.

Can this be done to change between hardcore and softcore depending on game mode? Say if you have rush, conquest and teamdeath match on the same server. You want to have rush and conquest on softcore but want to have the teamdeathmatch maps on hardcore. Is that possible?
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Originally Posted by QUACK-Major-Pain*:


It can, but there is a glitch.

If your on the server when it's on softcore, and you have it change to hardcore, you still retain some of the softcore settings which gives you an advantage, until you reconnect.


eg. spotting and minimap spotting.

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Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*:


It can, but there is a glitch.

If your on the server when it's on softcore, and you have it change to hardcore, you still retain some of the softcore settings which gives you an advantage, until you reconnect.


eg. spotting and minimap spotting.

HUD also. You have to quit the server and rejoin during the same round to get it to reset.
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Originally Posted by QUACK-Major-Pain*:



Is it possible to change the mod (hardcore, infantry) when the server is on a specific map ?

That question was asked 3 posts above yours and answered.
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Originally Posted by suneye2*:



EOD BOT repair tool called Can you tell us what is the Weapon Key are you?

In addition, in MAV Weapon Key?

Are you Mav.

Procon Manual of weapons and equipment are not displayed in the Weapon Key, what do we do can tell?

Questions must be too much.

If so, I'm sorry!

Who, if anyone knows the answer to this question Please tell me!

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Originally Posted by killengage*:




I had a M230 kill limiter set to 15 kills. For some strange reason it stopped working. Can soomebody take a look at my code ?


Evaluation: Onkill


Expression: Regex.Match(kill.Weapon, @"(m320)", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Success


First_check: Code:


if (limit.Data.issetBool(player.Name))
     plugin.SendGlobalMessage(plugin.R("player.Name has been banned for 10 min using M320 after a kick!"));
     plugin.ServerCommand("admin.yell", "player.Name has been banned for 10 min using M320 after a kick!");
     plugin.PBBanPlayerWithMessage(PBBanDuration.Temporary, player.Name, 10, plugin.R("You have been banned for 10 minutes for using M320 after a kick"));
  int count = (int) limit.Activations(player.Name);
  if (count <=  12)
                plugin.SendSquadMessage(player.TeamId, player.SquadId, ("player.Name, you have " + count + " of 15 M320 kills - more and you will be killed and then kicked"));
                plugin.ServerCommand("admin.yell", plugin.R("player.Name, you have " + count + " of 15 M320 kills - more and you will be killed and then kicked"), "15", "player", player.Name);
    else if (count == 13 || count == 14)
	plugin.SendSquadMessage(player.TeamId, player.SquadId, ("player.Name, you have NO M320 kills left, more and you will be kicked!"));
                plugin.ServerCommand("admin.yell", plugin.R("player.Name, you have NO M320 kills left, more and you will be kicked !"), "15", "player", player.Name);
	plugin.SendGlobalMessage(plugin.R("player.Name has been killed for excessive M320  use!"));
  else if (count == 15)
     plugin.SendGlobalMessage(plugin.R("player.Name has been kicked for excessive M320%"));
     plugin.ServerCommand("admin.yell", plugin.R("player.Name has been kicked for excessive M320%"));
     plugin.KickPlayerWithMessage(player.Name, plugin.R("You have been kicked for using too many M320's"));
	if (!limit.Data.issetBool(player.Name))
		limit.Data.setBool(player.Name, true);
Thank you so much in advance.....!!!
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Originally Posted by philipp378*:


Set limit to evaluate OnAnyChat, set action to None.


Set first_check to this Code:


String txt = player.LastChat;

/* Remove the first character if it is "/" */

if (txt.Length > 0 && txt[0] == '/' )
    txt = txt.Substring(1);

/* Exit if text is not prefixed with "/", "!", "@", or "_" */ 
if (!plugin.IsCommand(txt))
    return false;

txt = plugin.ExtractCommand(txt);

List<String> commands = new List<String>();

List<String> words = new List<String>(Regex.Split(txt.Trim(), @"\s+"));

/* Exit if not enough words */
if ( words.Count < 2)
    return false;

/* Get the command being executed */
String command = words[0];

/* Exit if command is not in list */
if (!commands.Contains(command)) 
    return false;

/* Determine the player being kicked/banned/killed */

String typed_name = words[1];
String actual_name = plugin.BestPlayerMatch(words[1]);

if (actual_name == null)
    actual_name = "Unknown";

String admin_name = player.Name;
String message = "[%date% - %time%] " + admin_name + " > " +  command + " " + player.LastChat + " " + typed_name + " (Actual Name: " + actual_name + ")";

plugin.Log("Logs/InsaneLimits_AAT.log", plugin.R(message));
Please note: I did not code this, Micovery did. He kindly coded it for me when I asked. I've modified it to suits my needs. Thanks again Micovery :cool:
Anybody can help me to change this code? I need to log "#" commands, and this code doesn't log them... I found this



"/* Exit if text is not prefixed with "/", "!", "@", or "_" */

if (!plugin.IsCommand(txt))

return false;


txt = plugin.ExtractCommand(txt);"



But i don't know how to add "#" to this preficses...

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Originally Posted by Kugelfaenger*:


Set limit to evaluate OnAnyChat, set action to None.


Set first_check to this Code:


String txt = player.LastChat;

/* Remove the first character if it is "/" */

if (txt.Length > 0 && txt[0] == '/' )
    txt = txt.Substring(1);

/* Exit if text is not prefixed with "/", "!", "@", or "_" */ 
if (!plugin.IsCommand(txt))
    return false;

txt = plugin.ExtractCommand(txt);

List<String> commands = new List<String>();

List<String> words = new List<String>(Regex.Split(txt.Trim(), @"\s+"));

/* Exit if not enough words */
if ( words.Count < 2)
    return false;

/* Get the command being executed */
String command = words[0];

/* Exit if command is not in list */
if (!commands.Contains(command)) 
    return false;

/* Determine the player being kicked/banned/killed */

String typed_name = words[1];
String actual_name = plugin.BestPlayerMatch(words[1]);

if (actual_name == null)
    actual_name = "Unknown";

String admin_name = player.Name;
String message = "[%date% - %time%] " + admin_name + " > " +  command + " " + player.LastChat + " " + typed_name + " (Actual Name: " + actual_name + ")";

plugin.Log("Logs/InsaneLimits_AAT.log", plugin.R(message));
Please note: I did not code this, Micovery did. He kindly coded it for me when I asked. I've modified it to suits my needs. Thanks again Micovery :cool:
Hi I tried to add this limit. But i get following error:



[10:13:03 72] [Insane Limits] Compiling Limit #1 - Admin Audit Trail - OnAnyChat
[10:13:03 75] [Insane Limits] ERROR: 2 errors compiling Code
[10:13:03 75] [Insane Limits] ERROR: (CS0117, line: 28, column: 25): PRoConEvents.PluginInterface does not contain a definition for IsCommand.
[10:13:03 75] [Insane Limits] ERROR: (CS0117, line: 31, column: 26): PRoConEvents.PluginInterface does not contain a definition for  ExtractCommand.
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Originally Posted by jgurrier*:


Hi, we have a BF3 server that we use to hold specialty events in our clan. Each day there is a different combination of weapons allowed. We used your pistols only limit as a template. We have one limit for each day of the week named Monday, Tuesday, etc. The expression is altered for each day to suit the allowable weapons list and the script is identical.


We go into Procon each morning to disable the previous days limit and enable the current days limit. We use Ultimate Map Manager to change up the maps based on the day of the week.


I'm not a C# programmer, but could this pistols only script be written so that the list of acceptable weapons could be different for each day of the week? That way we wouldn't have to manually change the limits each day. Happy to donate something if this can be written? Thanks for your consideration.

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Originally Posted by Singh400*:


Anybody can help me to change this code? I need to log "#" commands, and this code doesn't log them... I found this



"/* Exit if text is not prefixed with "/", "!", "@", or "_" */

if (!plugin.IsCommand(txt))

return false;


txt = plugin.ExtractCommand(txt);"



But i don't know how to add "#" to this preficses...

See ...* as to why the code doesn't pick up #.


Hi I tried to add this limit. But i get following error:



[10:13:03 72] [Insane Limits] Compiling Limit #1 - Admin Audit Trail - OnAnyChat
[10:13:03 75] [Insane Limits] ERROR: 2 errors compiling Code
[10:13:03 75] [Insane Limits] ERROR: (CS0117, line: 28, column: 25): PRoConEvents.PluginInterface does not contain a definition for IsCommand.
[10:13:03 75] [Insane Limits] ERROR: (CS0117, line: 31, column: 26): PRoConEvents.PluginInterface does not contain a definition for  ExtractCommand.
You need to upgrade to the latest version of Insane Limits.


Hi, we have a BF3 server that we use to hold specialty events in our clan. Each day there is a different combination of weapons allowed. We used your pistols only limit as a template. We have one limit for each day of the week named Monday, Tuesday, etc. The expression is altered for each day to suit the allowable weapons list and the script is identical.


We go into Procon each morning to disable the previous days limit and enable the current days limit. We use Ultimate Map Manager to change up the maps based on the day of the week.


I'm not a C# programmer, but could this pistols only script be written so that the list of acceptable weapons could be different for each day of the week? That way we wouldn't have to manually change the limits each day. Happy to donate something if this can be written? Thanks for your consideration.

I'm no expert but I am learning this slowly. I'd imagine that this should be easily do-able.


Seven limits, seven days.


Limit #1 = Monday Weapons

Limit #2 = Tuesday Weapons

Limit #3 = Wednesday Weapons

Limit #4 = Thursday Weapons

Limit #5 = Friday Weapons

Limit #6 = Saturday Weapons

Limit #7 = Sunday Weapons


At the beginning of each code I think you could put something like



if (day == monday)
then {your code}

return false;
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Originally Posted by Kugelfaenger*:


You need to upgrade to the latest version of Insane Limits.

ok running now patch 3


its compiled, but when admin kill someone with /kill there no log (Logs/InsaneLimits_AAT.log)


procon is loging in Logs/server_port/YYYYMMDD_chat.log


did i just do something wrong?

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Originally Posted by Singh400*:


Hi, we have a BF3 server that we use to hold specialty events in our clan. Each day there is a different combination of weapons allowed. We used your pistols only limit as a template. We have one limit for each day of the week named Monday, Tuesday, etc. The expression is altered for each day to suit the allowable weapons list and the script is identical.


We go into Procon each morning to disable the previous days limit and enable the current days limit. We use Ultimate Map Manager to change up the maps based on the day of the week.


I'm not a C# programmer, but could this pistols only script be written so that the list of acceptable weapons could be different for each day of the week? That way we wouldn't have to manually change the limits each day. Happy to donate something if this can be written? Thanks for your consideration.

I'm no expert but I am learning this slowly. I'd imagine that this should be easily do-able.


Seven limits, seven days.


Limit #1 = Monday Weapons

Limit #2 = Tuesday Weapons

Limit #3 = Wednesday Weapons

Limit #4 = Thursday Weapons

Limit #5 = Friday Weapons

Limit #6 = Saturday Weapons

Limit #7 = Sunday Weapons


At the beginning of each code I think you could put something like



if (day == monday)
then {your code}

return false;
Did some work, Googled some stuff and put this together very quickly. It's works!



DayOfWeek today = DateTime.Today.DayOfWeek;

plugin.ConsoleWrite("Today is " + today + "");

if (today == DayOfWeek.Monday)
	    plugin.ConsoleWrite("Eat Muffins");

if (today == DayOfWeek.Tuesday)
	    plugin.ConsoleWrite("Nom Some Cookies");

if (today == DayOfWeek.Wednesday)
	    plugin.ConsoleWrite("Kill Singh");

if (today == DayOfWeek.Thursday)
	    plugin.ConsoleWrite("Play Games");

if (today == DayOfWeek.Friday)
	    plugin.ConsoleWrite("Stomp Noobs");

if (today == DayOfWeek.Saturday)
	    plugin.ConsoleWrite("Grind On Metro");

if (today == DayOfWeek.Sunday)
	    plugin.ConsoleWrite("Rest Up");
So what you want to do is take your code for Monday and paste/overwrite the "Eat Muffins" bit.


ok running now patch 3


its compiled, but when admin kill someone with /kill there no log (Logs/InsaneLimits_AAT.log)


procon is loging in Logs/server_port/YYYYMMDD_chat.log


did i just do something wrong?

Try !kill . The limit definitely works. I've used it on my server for months.
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Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*:



EOD BOT repair tool called Can you tell us what is the Weapon Key are you?

In addition, in MAV Weapon Key?

Are you Mav.

Procon Manual of weapons and equipment are not displayed in the Weapon Key, what do we do can tell?

Questions must be too much.

If so, I'm sorry!

Who, if anyone knows the answer to this question Please tell me!

Good questions. I'm not sure what the EOD Bot or Repair Tool weapon codes are. I'd like to know too!


MAV is either RoadKill or Death, since it counts as a vehicle.

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Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*:




I had a M230 kill limiter set to 15 kills. For some strange reason it stopped working. Can soomebody take a look at my code ?


Evaluation: Onkill


Expression: Regex.Match(kill.Weapon, @"(m320)", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Success


First_check: Code:


if (limit.Data.issetBool(player.Name))
     plugin.SendGlobalMessage(plugin.R("player.Name has been banned for 10 min using M320 after a kick!"));
     plugin.ServerCommand("admin.yell", "player.Name has been banned for 10 min using M320 after a kick!");
     plugin.PBBanPlayerWithMessage(PBBanDuration.Temporary, player.Name, 10, plugin.R("You have been banned for 10 minutes for using M320 after a kick"));
  int count = (int) limit.Activations(player.Name);
  if (count <=  12)
                plugin.SendSquadMessage(player.TeamId, player.SquadId, ("player.Name, you have " + count + " of 15 M320 kills - more and you will be killed and then kicked"));
                plugin.ServerCommand("admin.yell", plugin.R("player.Name, you have " + count + " of 15 M320 kills - more and you will be killed and then kicked"), "15", "player", player.Name);
    else if (count == 13 || count == 14)
	plugin.SendSquadMessage(player.TeamId, player.SquadId, ("player.Name, you have NO M320 kills left, more and you will be kicked!"));
                plugin.ServerCommand("admin.yell", plugin.R("player.Name, you have NO M320 kills left, more and you will be kicked !"), "15", "player", player.Name);
	plugin.SendGlobalMessage(plugin.R("player.Name has been killed for excessive M320  use!"));
  else if (count == 15)
     plugin.SendGlobalMessage(plugin.R("player.Name has been kicked for excessive M320%"));
     plugin.ServerCommand("admin.yell", plugin.R("player.Name has been kicked for excessive M320%"));
     plugin.KickPlayerWithMessage(player.Name, plugin.R("You have been kicked for using too many M320's"));
	if (!limit.Data.issetBool(player.Name))
		limit.Data.setBool(player.Name, true);
Thank you so much in advance.....!!!
There are some minor problems with the code. I think you left some stuff out when you copy&pasted into the post, like at the very end. The "if (count == 15)" should be "if (count >= 15)". Also, that should be second_check, not first_check, right?


Assuming your code is actually all fine in your PRoCon setup and most of the above are just copy&paste errors in the post, what exactly is the problem you are seeing? Is it not warning/kicking after multiple M320 kills? Are you sure the M320 kills were not from underslung weapons? No limit, no PRoCon plugin, works when the M320 is underslung.

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Originally Posted by killengage*:


There are some minor problems with the code. I think you left some stuff out when you copy&pasted into the post, like at the very end. The "if (count == 15)" should be "if (count >= 15)". Also, that should be second_check, not first_check, right?


Assuming your code is actually all fine in your PRoCon setup and most of the above are just copy&paste errors in the post, what exactly is the problem you are seeing? Is it not warning/kicking after multiple M320 kills? Are you sure the M320 kills were not from underslung weapons? No limit, no PRoCon plugin, works when the M320 is underslung.

My mistake. I switched over one week ago from the foregrip to the underslung. Switchback to the foregrip and now its working :smile:


Still a question thou:


When killing myself with the M320 (i set the eval to onsuicide to test) is see the correct yell message with my ingame name. However in the chat i see player.Name. Did i miss something in the code ?


The responsible code:



plugin.SendSquadMessage(player.TeamId, player.SquadId, ("player.Name, you have " + count + " of 15 M320 kills - more and you will be killed and then kicked"));
                plugin.ServerCommand("admin.yell", plugin.R("player.Name, you have " + count + " of 15 M320 kills - more and you will be killed and then kicked"), "15", "player", player.Name);
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Originally Posted by Singh400*:


My mistake. I switched 1 week ago over from the foregrip to the underslung. Switchback to the foregrip and now its working :smile:


Still a question thou:


When killing myself with the M320 (i set the eval to onsuicide to test) is see the correct yell message with my ingame name. However in the chat i see player.Name. Did i miss something in the code ?


The responsible code:



plugin.SendSquadMessage(player.TeamId, player.SquadId, ("player.Name, you have " + count + " of 15 M320 kills - more and you will be killed and then kicked"));
                plugin.ServerCommand("admin.yell", plugin.R("player.Name, you have " + count + " of 15 M320 kills - more and you will be killed and then kicked"), "15", "player", player.Name);



plugin.SendSquadMessage(player.TeamId, player.SquadId, ("" + player.Name + ", you have " + count + " of 15 M320 kills - more and you will be killed and then kicked"));
plugin.ServerCommand("admin.yell", plugin.R("player.Name, you have " + count + " of 15 M320 kills - more and you will be killed and then kicked"), "15", "player", player.Name);
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Originally Posted by Singh400*:


Nice work, Singh400. We'll make you an Insane Limiter yet!

It's kind of accidental, I'm meant to be learning Python, but with Insane Limits I've ended up learning more C# than I intended :ohmy:
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Originally Posted by suneye2*:


Good questions. I'm not sure what the EOD Bot or Repair Tool weapon codes are. I'd like to know too!


MAV is either RoadKill or Death, since it counts as a vehicle.

Well, the answer to my question, gave thanks to PapaCharlie9.:smile:

Procon Manual that is not found in the control of weapons and equipment for the Weapon Key information on what to do with that if it was hard to find.

So I had a question.

I still wonder about it.

Anyone Weapon Key If you've used it, I hope to be notified.


Oh, you posted elsewhere, my question is If you have time to think about the report please let me answer.




I hope you have a happy day today.

I'd like to ask you a few questions and write the article here.

Nuclear detection plug-in you use the user knows that, please let me know.

In addition, for example, explosives (C4), using weapons such as shotguns and kill the enemy players to kill, kick, Ban Is there any way to process the command?

These two problems can be resolved if there was a way I would be interested.

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Originally Posted by philipp378*:


See ...* as to why the code doesn't pick up #.


You need to upgrade to the latest version of Insane Limits.


I'm no expert but I am learning this slowly. I'd imagine that this should be easily do-able.


Seven limits, seven days.


Limit #1 = Monday Weapons

Limit #2 = Tuesday Weapons

Limit #3 = Wednesday Weapons

Limit #4 = Thursday Weapons

Limit #5 = Friday Weapons

Limit #6 = Saturday Weapons

Limit #7 = Sunday Weapons


At the beginning of each code I think you could put something like



if (day == monday)
then {your code}

return false;
There don't say anythisng about "#" prefix...
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Originally Posted by Singh400*:


There don't say anythisng about "#" prefix...


Code expects the command to be prefixed with one of these:


"/", "!", "@", or "_"


Not multiple ones "/", and "@". That's why it does not work with that case. This is built-in the IsCommand, and ExtractCommand logic. I can change that in next version.

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Originally Posted by killengage*:





plugin.SendSquadMessage(player.TeamId, player.SquadId, ("" + player.Name + ", you have " + count + " of 15 M320 kills - more and you will be killed and then kicked"));
plugin.ServerCommand("admin.yell", plugin.R("player.Name, you have " + count + " of 15 M320 kills - more and you will be killed and then kicked"), "15", "player", player.Name);
Thanks Singh400, working !!


Cheers, Kill

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      Removed usage sending stats

      Added EZRCON ad banner

      If you are upgrading then you may need to add these two lines to your existing installation in the file procon.cfg. To enable these options just change False to True.

      procon.private.options.UseGeoIpFileOnly False
      procon.private.options.BlockRssFeedNews False

      • 2 replies
    • I wanted I let you know that I am starting to build out the foundation for the hosting services that I talked about here. The pricing model I was originally going for wasn't going to be suitable for how I want to build it. So instead I decided to offer each service as it's own product instead of a package deal. In the future, hopefully, I will be able to do this and offer discounts to those that choose it.

      Here is how the pricing is laid out for each service as well as information about each. This is as of 7/12/2020.

      Single MySQL database (up to 30 GB) is $10 USD per month.

      If you go over the 30 GB usage for the database then each additional gigabyte is charged at $0.10 USD each billing cycle. If you're under 30GB you don't need to worry about this.

      Databases are replicated across 3 zones (regions) for redundancy. One (1) on the east coast of the USA, One (1) in Frankfurt, and One (1) in Singapore. Depending on the demand, this would grow to more regions.

      Databases will also be backed up daily and retained for 7 days.

      Procon Layer will be $2 USD per month.

      Each layer will only allow one (1) game server connection. The reason behind this is for performance.

      Each layer will also come with all available plugins installed by default. This is to help facilitate faster deployments and get you up and running quickly.

      Each layer will automatically restart if Procon crashes. 

      Each layer will also automatically restart daily at midnight to make sure it stays in tip-top shape.

      Custom plugins can be installed by submitting a support ticket.

      Battlefield Admin Control Panel (BFACP) will be $5 USD per month

      As I am still working on building version 3 of the software, I will be installing the last version I did. Once I complete version 3 it will automatically be upgraded for you.

      All these services will be managed by me so you don't have to worry about the technical side of things to get up and going.

      If you would like to see how much it would cost for the services, I made a calculator that you can use. It can be found here https://ezrcon.com/calculator.html

      • 11 replies
    • I have pushed out a new minor release which updates the geodata pull (flags in the playerlisting). This should be way more accurate now. As always, please let me know if any problems show up.

      • 9 replies
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