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Insane Limits - Examples

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Originally Posted by Singh400*:


In Simple Rank Limit, how do i allow the admins or vips to join the server when they are under ranked or overranked_.

You'd need to use the built-in whitelist function. Just search this thread. There are many examples of code using the built-in whitelist function.
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Originally Posted by ColonelDennisba*:


Made a custom list with name: ranklimit_white_list & added my name in data, this is right, right_.


Onjoin, code.


if ( !plugin.isInList(player.Name, "Ranklimit_white_list") &&

( player.Rank > 45 )



return true;


return false;

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Originally Posted by kanni*:


Hey Folks. My hoster won't give me Read/Write access. Also i cannot disable the sandbox mode.

I already changed the output dir in the plugin to the /bf3/ subfolder (as suggested a few pages prior, that didn't help either)


I am still getting this Error:


[18:44:10 13] [insane Limits] EXCEPTION: : System.Security.SecurityException: Fehler bei der Anforderung des Berechtigungstyps "System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermission, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089".

[18:44:10 13] [insane Limits] Extra information dumped in file plugins/BF3/InsaneLimits.dump

[18:44:10 13] [insane Limits] ERROR: unable to dump information to file

[18:44:10 13] [insane Limits] EXCEPTION: System.Security.SecurityException: Fehler bei der Anforderung des Berechtigungstyps "System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermission, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089".

(Part of the Error is in german, i dont think it matters, though)

Is there any way to disable logging completely? I currently only need this plugin for an M26 autokick feature.

I hope somebody can help


Thanks in advance

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Originally Posted by kanni*:


Nope they do not allow it for "security reasons" i already submitted a bunch of tickets, but no one could help. i think they just don't care.

we're currently using gamed.de.

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Originally Posted by Singh400*:


Nope they do not allow it for "security reasons" i already submitted a bunch of tickets, but no one could help. i think they just don't care. We're currently using gamed.de.

If you have FTP access just change this line in \ProCon\Configs\procon.cfg:-



procon.private.options.runPluginsInSandbox True



procon.private.options.runPluginsInSandbox False
Save the file, overwrite it and reboot the layer.
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Originally Posted by Singh400*:


anyone know the code for FAMAS? planning to restrict it since it has a bug causing the battlelog reset....


thanks for the info.

Looking through the BF3.def file this is the only thing I can find for it:


procon.protected.weapons.add Assault "FAMAS" Primary AssaultRifle
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Originally Posted by Singh400*:


I use the following to catch the hackers with insanely high SPM's. Works very well. Caught 4 hackers that weren't caught by PB, PBBans or GGC.


Set limit to evaluate OnJoin, set action to PBBan or any other action you wish.


Set first_check to this Expression:


( player.Spm > 1150 )
You may change the SPM value from 1150 to whatever value you want.
Since the double XP weekend (..and I suspect more are coming) this limit has been triggered twice falsely - it's the first time it's happened. Otherwise it's caught plenty of cheaters. So I made it a bit more forgiving but still allowing you to track those suspicious players.


Set limit to evaluate OnJoin, set action to None.


Set first_check to this Code:


if ( ( player.Spm > 1150) && ( player.Spm < 1300 ) )
		plugin.Log("Logs/InsaneLimits_SPM.csv", plugin.R("%date%,%time%,%p_n%,%l_n%,%p_pg%," + player.Spm + ""));
if ( player.Spm >= 1300 )
		plugin.Log("Logs/InsaneLimits_SPM.csv", plugin.R("%date%,%time%,%p_n%,%l_n%,%p_pg%," + player.Spm + ""));
		plugin.EABanPlayerWithMessage(EABanType.Name, EABanDuration.Permanent, player.Name, 0, "[Auto-Admin] Your SPM is higher than 1300");

return false;
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Originally Posted by samarca*:


Will this Yell to everyone as the current settings? or be in the text box?

This limit is very similar to the Multi-Message Kill Spree the only parts that change are the event, and the messages. Basically, it counts how many times the player has died. (suicides not counted). The spree count is reset as soon as player makes a kill.


Set the limit evaluation to OnDeath, and set the action to None


Set the fist_check to this Expression:



( true )
Set the second_check to this Code:



double count = limit.Spree(player.Name);

        if (count == 4)
	        plugin.SendGlobalMessage(plugin.R("%p_n% has died for the %r_x_th% time!"));
        else if (count == 5)
            plugin.SendGlobalMessage(plugin.R("%p_n% has died for the %r_x_th% time, Waahmbulance!")); 
        else if (count == 6)
            plugin.SendGlobalMessage(plugin.R("%p_n% has died for the %r_x_th% time, Maybe take a break_"));
        else if ( count > 6)
            plugin.SendGlobalMessage(plugin.R("%p_n% has died for the %r_x_th% time, Alt-F4 now please!"));
        return false;
The messages start at the 4th death, and go up to 6. After the 6th death, all messages are the same, but with different count. You may adjust the checks to start at different count values, or extend it to add more messages.
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Originally Posted by Kugelfaenger*:


This limit will warn the player in squad-chat, if more than 60% of the characters are Uppercase.


Set limit to evaluate OnAnyChat, set action to None


Set first_check to this Code



double max_percent = 60;
double min_words = 2;

/* Count words */
double wcount = (double) Regex.Split(player.LastChat, @"\s+").Length;

/* Make sure there at at least min_words in chat */
if (wcount < min_words)
   return false;
/* Remove Spaces First */
String chat = Regex.Replace(player.LastChat, @"\s", "");

if (chat.Length == 0)
    return false;

/* Count Uppercase Characters */
double count = (double) Regex.Matches(player.LastChat, @"[A-Z]").Count;

/* Calculate Percentage */
double percent = Math.Round((count/(double)chat.Length) * 100.0);

if (percent > max_percent )
   plugin.SendSquadMessage(player.TeamId, player.SquadId, player.Name+" are you mad_  " + percent + "% of your chat is Uppercase!");

return false;
Spaces are removed from the chat text before calculating the percentage.
I would like to add the admin_white_list, could someone help me with the code?

Only no-admin players should get the uppercase warning


thx a lot for help

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Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*:


I would like to add the admin_white_list, could someone help me with the code?

Only no-admin players should get the uppercase warning


thx a lot for help

Make your request at the link below, I'm trying to retire the Examples thread:



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Originally Posted by suneye2*:


Make your request at the link below, I'm trying to retire the Examples thread:



hi! Papa.


The following article by ShotGun Server when setting examples with Procon is a simple command.

Does the wrong thing you need to add any improvements or report?

Also, GP-30 and EodBot.

the weapons control do not get it.

Is there any way?

And ...

For example, a user with the C4 to destroy the Shotgun weapon restrictions control how can you do?





# ShotGun Only by suneye2


On Kill;Weapon Death;Say %p% Kicked for Death;Kick %p% Death Use

On Kill;Weapon Defib;Say %p% Kicked for Defib;Kick %p% Defibrillator Use

On Kill;Weapon Medkit;Say %p% Kicked for Medkit;Kick %p% MedKit Use



On Kill;Weapon FIM92;Say %p% Kicked for FIM92;Kick %p% FIM-92 Stinger Use

On Kill;Weapon RPG-7;Say %p% Kicked for RPG-7;Kick %p% RPG-7 Anti Rocket-Propeleed Grenade Launcher Use

On Kill;Weapon SMAW;Say %p% Kicked for SMAW;Kick %p% SMAW Anti Tank Weapon Use

On Kill;Weapon FGM-148;Say %p% Kicked for FGM-148;Kick %p% FGM-148 Javelin Use

On Kill;Weapon M15&AT&Mine;Say %p% Kicked for M15&AT&Mine;Kick %p% M15 Anti Tank Mine Use

On Kill;Weapon M320;Say %p% Kicked for M320;Kick %p% M320 Grenade Luncher Use

On Kill;Weapon M67;Say %p% Kicked for M67;Kick %p% M67 Grenade Use

On Kill;Weapon Weapons/Gadgets/C4/C4;Say %p% Kicked for Weapons/Gadgets/C4/C4;Kick %p% C4 Explosive Use

On Kill;Weapon Weapons/Gadgets/Claymore/Claymore;Say %p% Kicked for Weapons/Gadgets/Claymore/Claymore;Kick %p% Claymore Mine Explosive Use

On Kill;Weapon Repair&Tool;Say %p% Kicked for Repair&Tool;Kick %p% Repair Tool(Melee) Use

On Kill;Weapon Mortar;Say %p% Kicked for Mortar;Kick %p% Mortar Use


On KIll;Weapon Roadkill;Say %p% Kicked for Roadkill;Kick %p% Roadkill Use



On Kill;Weapon M26Mass;Say %p% Kicked for M26Mass;Kick %p% M26 Mass Assault Sub Weapon Use



On Kill;Weapon Melee;Say %p% Killed for Melee;Kill %p% Melee Use

On Kill;Weapon Weapons/Knife/Knife;Say %p% Killed for Weapons/Knife/Knife;Kill %p% Knife(Melee) Use

On Kill;Weapon Knife_RazorBlade;Say %p% Killed for Knife_RazorBlade;Kill %p% Premium Knife ACB-90 RazorBlade(Melee) Use



On Kill;Weapon Glock18;Say %p% Killed for Glock18;Kill %p% Glock 18 Pistol(Handgun) Use

On Kill;Weapon M1911;Say %p% Killed for M1911;Kill %p% WWII M1911.45 Handgun Use

On Kill;Weapon M9;Say %p% Killed for M9;Kill %p% M9 Pistol(Handgun) Use

On Kill;Weapon M93R;Say %p% Killed for M93R;Kill %p% Baretta M93R Handgun Use

On Kill;Weapon Taurus&.44;Say %p% Killed for Taurus&.44;Kill %p% Taurus .44 Mag Revolver(Handgun) Use

On Kill;Weapon Weapons/MP412Rex/MP412REX;Say %p% Killed for Weapons/MP412Rex/MP412Rex;Kill %p% MP412 REX Revolver(Handgun) Use

On Kill;Weapon Weapons/MP443/MP443;Say %p% Killed for Weapons/MP443/MP443;Kill %p% MP-443 Grach Pistol(Handgun) Use






On Kill;Weapon Weapons/AK74M/AK74;Say %p% Kicked for Weapons/AK74M/AK74;Kick %p% AK-74 Assault Rifle Use

On Kill;Weapon AEK-971;Say %p% Kicked for AEK-971;Kick %p% AEK-971 Assault Rifle Use

On Kill;Weapon AKS-74u;Say %p% Kicked for AKS-74u;Kick %p% AKS-74u Assault Rifle Use

On Kill;Weapon AN-94&Abakan;Say %p% Kicked for AN-94&Abakan;Kick %p% AN-94 Abakan Assault Rifle Use

On Kill;Weapon AS&Val;Say %p% Kicked for AS&Val;Kick %p% AS Val Supressed Assault Rifle Use

On Kill;Weapon F2000;Say %p% Kicked for F2000;Kick %p% F2000 Assault Rifle Use

On Kill;Weapon FAMAS; Say %p% Kicked for FAMAS;Kick %p% FAMAS Assault Rifle Use

On Kill;Weapon HK53;Say %p% Kicked for HK53;Kick %p% HK53 Assault Rifle Use

On Kill;Weapon L96;Say %p% Kicked for L96;Kick %p% L96A1 Sniper Rifle Use

On Kill;Weapon M16A4;Say %p% Kicked for M16A4;Kick %p% M16A4 Assault Rifle Use

On Kill;Weapon M240;Say %p% Kicked for M240;Kick %p% M240 Maschine Gun(LMG) Use

On Kill;Weapon M249;Say %p% Kicked for M249;Kick %p% M249 SAW(LMG) Use

On Kill;Weapon M27IAR;Say %p% Kicked for M27IAR;Kick %p% M27 IAR(LMG) Use

On Kill;Weapon M39;Say %p% Kicked for M39;Kick %p% M39 Sniper Rifle Use

On Kill;Weapon M40A5;Say %p% Kicked for M40A5;Kick %p% M40A5 Sniper Rifle Use

On Kill;Weapon M4A1;Say %p% Kicked for M4A1;Kick %p% M4A1 Carbine(SMG) Use

On Kill;Weapon M60;Say %p% Kicked for M60;Kick %p% M60 LMG Use

On Kill;Weapon MG36;Say %p% Kicked for MG36;Kick %p% MG36 Maschine Gun(LMG) Use

On Kill;Weapon Mk11;Say %p% Kicked for Mk11;Kick %p% MK11 Sniper Rifle Use

On Kill;Weapon Model98B;Say %p% Kicked for Model98B;Kick %p% Barrett M98B Sniper Rifle Use

On Kill;Weapon MP7;Say %p% Kicked for MP7;Kick %p% MP7 Maschine Gun(SMG) Use

On Kill;Weapon Pecheneg;Say %p% Kicked for Pechneg;Kick %p% Pecheneg Maschine Gun(LMG) Use

On Kill;Weapon PP-19;Say %p% Kicked for PP-19;Kick %p% PP-19 Bison Sub Maschine Gun(LMG) Use

On Kill;Weapon PP-2000;Say %p% Kicked for PP-2000;Kick %p% PP-2000 Sub Maschine Gun(SMG) Use

On Kill;Weapon QBB-95;Say %p% Kicked for QBB-95;Kick %p% QBB-95 Light Maschine Gun(LMG) Use

On Kill;Weapon QBU-88;Say %p% Kicked for QBU-88;Kick %p% QBU-88 Sniper Rifle Use

On Kill;Weapon QBZ-95;Say %p% Kicked for QBZ-95;Kick %p% QBZ-95 Assault Rifle Use

On Kill;Weapon RPK-74M;Say %p% Kicked for RPK-74M;Kick %p% RPK-74M Light Maschine Gun(LMG) Use

On Kill;Weapon SG&553&LB;Say %p% Kicked for SG&553&LB;Kick %p% SIG SG 550 Assault Rifle(SMG) Use

On Kill;Weapon SKS;Say %p% Kicked for SKS;Kick %p% Simonow SKS-45 Sniper Rifle Use

On Kill;Weapon SV98;Say %p% Kicked for SV98;Kick %p% SV98 Snayperskaya Sniper Rifle Use

On Kill;Weapon SVD;Say %p% Kicked for SVD;Kick %p% SVD Sniper Rifle Use

On Kill;Weapon Type88;Say %p% Kicked for Type88;Kick %p% Type88 Maschine Gun(LMG) Use

On Kill;Weapon Weapons/A91/A91;Say %p% Kicked for Weapons/A91/A91;Kick %p% A-91 Assault Rifle(SMG) Use

On Kill;Weapon Weapons/G36C/G36C;Say %p% Kicked for Weapons/G36C/G36C;Kick %p% G36C Assault Rifle(SMG) Use

On Kill;Weapon Weapons/KH2002/KH2002;Say %p% Kicked for Weapons/KH2002/KH2002;Kick %p% KH2002 Assault Rifle Use

On Kill;Weapon Weapons/M416/M416;Say %p% Kicked for Weapons/M416/M416;Kick %p% M416 Assault Rifle Use

On Kill;Weapon Weapons/MagpulPDR/MagpulPDR;Say %p% Kicked for Weapons/MagpulPDR/MagpulPDR;Kick %p% Magpul Personal Defense Rifle(SMG) Use

On Kill;Weapon Weapons/P90/P90;Say %p% Kicked for Weapons/P90/P90;Kick %p% P90(SMG) Use

On Kill;Weapon Weapons/Sa18IGLA/Sa18IGLA;Say %p% Kicked for Weapons/Sa18IGLA/Sa18IGLA;Kick %p% SA-18 IGLA Air Defense Use

On Kill;Weapon Weapons/SCAR-H/SCAR-H;Say %p% Kicked for Weapons/SCAR-H/SCAR-H;Kick %p% SCAR-H Assault Rifle(SMG) Use

On Kill;Weapon Weapons/UMP45/UMP45;Say %p% Kicked for Weapons/UMP45/UMP45;Kick %p% UMP-45 Sub Maschine Gun(SMG) Use

On Kill;Weapon Weapons/XP1_L85A2/L85A2;Say %p% Kicked for Weapons/XP1_L85A2/L85A2;Kick %p% L85A2 Assault Rifle Use

On Kill;Weapon Weapons/M416/M416;Say %p% Kicked for Weapons/M416/M416;Kick %p% M416 Use


On Kill;Weapon Weapons/G3A3/G3A3;Say %p% Kicked for Weapons/G3A3/G3A3;Kick %p% G3A3 Battle Rifle Use



On Kill;Weapon Steyr&AUG;Say %p% Kicked for Steyr&AUG;Kick %p% Styer AUG Assault Rifle Use

On Kill;Weapon SCAR-L;Say %p% Kicked for SCAR-L;Kick %p% SCAR-L Assault Rifle Use

On Kill;Weapon Weapons/XP2_L86/L86;Say %p% Kicked for Weapons/XP2_L86/L86;Kick %p% L86A2 Light Machine Gun(LMG) Use

On Kill;Weapon Weapons/XP2_ACR/ACR;Say %p% Kicked for Weapons/XP2_ACR/ACR;Kick %p% ACW-R Assault Rifle Use

On Kill;Weapon Weapons/XP2_MTAR/MTAR;Say %p% Kicked for Weapons/XP2_MTAR/MTAR;Kick %p% MTAR-21 Assault Rifle Use

On Kill;Weapon M417;Say %p% Kicked for M417;Kick %p% M417 Sniper Rifle Use

On Kill;Weapon LSAT;Say %p% Kicked for LSAT;Kick %p% LSAT Light Machine Gun(LMG) Use



On Kill;Weapon GP-30;Say %p% Kicked for GP-30;Kick %p% GP-30 Use

On Kill;Weapon Eod&Bot;Say %p% Kicked for Eod&Bot;Kick %p% Eod Bot Use

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Originally Posted by Kinsman*:


Hi, my procon spat all our limits, so setting them all up from scratch again. I notice I cant select OnInterval anymore, it just goes to onintervalplayers with a check interval of 30?


is that right, or something odd? was trying to load this back in.



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Originally Posted by Singh400*:


hi! Papa.


The following article by ShotGun Server when setting examples with Procon is a simple command.

Does the wrong thing you need to add any improvements or report?

Also, GP-30 and EodBot.

the weapons control do not get it.

Is there any way?

And ...

For example, a user with the C4 to destroy the Shotgun weapon restrictions control how can you do?






# ShotGun Only by suneye2

On Kill;Weapon Death;Say %p% Kicked for Death;Kick %p% Death Use 
On Kill;Weapon Defib;Say %p% Kicked for Defib;Kick %p% Defibrillator Use
On Kill;Weapon Medkit;Say %p% Kicked for Medkit;Kick %p% MedKit Use

On Kill;Weapon FIM92;Say %p% Kicked for FIM92;Kick %p% FIM-92 Stinger Use
On Kill;Weapon RPG-7;Say %p% Kicked for RPG-7;Kick %p% RPG-7 Anti Rocket-Propeleed Grenade Launcher Use
On Kill;Weapon SMAW;Say %p% Kicked for SMAW;Kick %p% SMAW Anti Tank Weapon Use
On Kill;Weapon FGM-148;Say %p% Kicked for FGM-148;Kick %p% FGM-148 Javelin Use
On Kill;Weapon M15&AT&Mine;Say %p% Kicked for M15&AT&Mine;Kick %p% M15 Anti Tank Mine Use
On Kill;Weapon M320;Say %p% Kicked for M320;Kick %p% M320 Grenade Luncher Use
On Kill;Weapon M67;Say %p% Kicked for M67;Kick %p% M67 Grenade Use
On Kill;Weapon Weapons/Gadgets/C4/C4;Say %p% Kicked for Weapons/Gadgets/C4/C4;Kick %p% C4 Explosive Use
On Kill;Weapon Weapons/Gadgets/Claymore/Claymore;Say %p% Kicked for Weapons/Gadgets/Claymore/Claymore;Kick %p% Claymore Mine Explosive Use
On Kill;Weapon Repair&Tool;Say %p% Kicked for Repair&Tool;Kick %p% Repair Tool(Melee) Use
On Kill;Weapon Mortar;Say %p% Kicked for Mortar;Kick %p% Mortar Use

On KIll;Weapon Roadkill;Say %p% Kicked for Roadkill;Kick %p% Roadkill Use

On Kill;Weapon M26Mass;Say %p% Kicked for M26Mass;Kick %p% M26 Mass Assault Sub Weapon Use

On Kill;Weapon Melee;Say %p% Killed for Melee;Kill %p% Melee Use
On Kill;Weapon Weapons/Knife/Knife;Say %p% Killed for Weapons/Knife/Knife;Kill %p% Knife(Melee) Use
On Kill;Weapon Knife_RazorBlade;Say %p% Killed for Knife_RazorBlade;Kill %p% Premium Knife ACB-90 RazorBlade(Melee) Use

On Kill;Weapon Glock18;Say %p% Killed for Glock18;Kill %p% Glock 18 Pistol(Handgun) Use
On Kill;Weapon M1911;Say %p% Killed for M1911;Kill %p% WWII M1911.45 Handgun Use
On Kill;Weapon M9;Say %p% Killed for M9;Kill %p% M9 Pistol(Handgun) Use
On Kill;Weapon M93R;Say %p% Killed for M93R;Kill %p% Baretta M93R Handgun Use
On Kill;Weapon Taurus&.44;Say %p% Killed for Taurus&.44;Kill %p% Taurus .44 Mag Revolver(Handgun) Use
On Kill;Weapon Weapons/MP412Rex/MP412REX;Say %p% Killed for Weapons/MP412Rex/MP412Rex;Kill %p% MP412 REX Revolver(Handgun) Use
On Kill;Weapon Weapons/MP443/MP443;Say %p% Killed for Weapons/MP443/MP443;Kill %p% MP-443 Grach Pistol(Handgun) Use



On Kill;Weapon Weapons/AK74M/AK74;Say %p% Kicked for Weapons/AK74M/AK74;Kick %p% AK-74 Assault Rifle Use
On Kill;Weapon AEK-971;Say %p% Kicked for AEK-971;Kick %p% AEK-971 Assault Rifle Use
On Kill;Weapon AKS-74u;Say %p% Kicked for AKS-74u;Kick %p% AKS-74u Assault Rifle Use
On Kill;Weapon AN-94&Abakan;Say %p% Kicked for AN-94&Abakan;Kick %p% AN-94 Abakan Assault Rifle Use
On Kill;Weapon AS&Val;Say %p% Kicked for AS&Val;Kick %p% AS Val Supressed Assault Rifle Use
On Kill;Weapon F2000;Say %p% Kicked for F2000;Kick %p% F2000 Assault Rifle Use
On Kill;Weapon FAMAS; Say %p% Kicked for FAMAS;Kick %p% FAMAS Assault Rifle Use
On Kill;Weapon HK53;Say %p% Kicked for HK53;Kick %p% HK53 Assault Rifle Use
On Kill;Weapon L96;Say %p% Kicked for L96;Kick %p% L96A1 Sniper Rifle Use
On Kill;Weapon M16A4;Say %p% Kicked for M16A4;Kick %p% M16A4 Assault Rifle Use
On Kill;Weapon M240;Say %p% Kicked for M240;Kick %p% M240 Maschine Gun(LMG) Use
On Kill;Weapon M249;Say %p% Kicked for M249;Kick %p% M249 SAW(LMG) Use
On Kill;Weapon M27IAR;Say %p% Kicked for M27IAR;Kick %p% M27 IAR(LMG) Use
On Kill;Weapon M39;Say %p% Kicked for M39;Kick %p% M39 Sniper Rifle Use
On Kill;Weapon M40A5;Say %p% Kicked for M40A5;Kick %p% M40A5 Sniper Rifle Use
On Kill;Weapon M4A1;Say %p% Kicked for M4A1;Kick %p% M4A1 Carbine(SMG) Use
On Kill;Weapon M60;Say %p% Kicked for M60;Kick %p% M60 LMG Use
On Kill;Weapon MG36;Say %p% Kicked for MG36;Kick %p% MG36 Maschine Gun(LMG) Use
On Kill;Weapon Mk11;Say %p% Kicked for Mk11;Kick %p% MK11 Sniper Rifle Use
On Kill;Weapon Model98B;Say %p% Kicked for Model98B;Kick %p% Barrett M98B Sniper Rifle Use
On Kill;Weapon MP7;Say %p% Kicked for MP7;Kick %p% MP7 Maschine Gun(SMG) Use
On Kill;Weapon Pecheneg;Say %p% Kicked for Pechneg;Kick %p% Pecheneg Maschine Gun(LMG) Use
On Kill;Weapon PP-19;Say %p% Kicked for PP-19;Kick %p% PP-19 Bison Sub Maschine Gun(LMG) Use
On Kill;Weapon PP-2000;Say %p% Kicked for PP-2000;Kick %p% PP-2000 Sub Maschine Gun(SMG) Use
On Kill;Weapon QBB-95;Say %p% Kicked for QBB-95;Kick %p% QBB-95 Light Maschine Gun(LMG) Use
On Kill;Weapon QBU-88;Say %p% Kicked for QBU-88;Kick %p% QBU-88 Sniper Rifle Use
On Kill;Weapon QBZ-95;Say %p% Kicked for QBZ-95;Kick %p% QBZ-95 Assault Rifle Use
On Kill;Weapon RPK-74M;Say %p% Kicked for RPK-74M;Kick %p% RPK-74M Light Maschine Gun(LMG) Use
On Kill;Weapon SG&553&LB;Say %p% Kicked for SG&553&LB;Kick %p% SIG SG 550 Assault Rifle(SMG) Use
On Kill;Weapon SKS;Say %p% Kicked for SKS;Kick %p% Simonow SKS-45 Sniper Rifle Use
On Kill;Weapon SV98;Say %p% Kicked for SV98;Kick %p% SV98 Snayperskaya Sniper Rifle Use
On Kill;Weapon SVD;Say %p% Kicked for SVD;Kick %p% SVD Sniper Rifle Use
On Kill;Weapon Type88;Say %p% Kicked for Type88;Kick %p% Type88 Maschine Gun(LMG) Use
On Kill;Weapon Weapons/A91/A91;Say %p% Kicked for Weapons/A91/A91;Kick %p% A-91 Assault Rifle(SMG) Use
On Kill;Weapon Weapons/G36C/G36C;Say %p% Kicked for Weapons/G36C/G36C;Kick %p% G36C Assault Rifle(SMG) Use
On Kill;Weapon Weapons/KH2002/KH2002;Say %p% Kicked for Weapons/KH2002/KH2002;Kick %p% KH2002 Assault Rifle Use
On Kill;Weapon Weapons/M416/M416;Say %p% Kicked for Weapons/M416/M416;Kick %p% M416 Assault Rifle Use
On Kill;Weapon Weapons/MagpulPDR/MagpulPDR;Say %p% Kicked for Weapons/MagpulPDR/MagpulPDR;Kick %p% Magpul Personal Defense Rifle(SMG) Use
On Kill;Weapon Weapons/P90/P90;Say %p% Kicked for Weapons/P90/P90;Kick %p% P90(SMG) Use
On Kill;Weapon Weapons/Sa18IGLA/Sa18IGLA;Say %p% Kicked for Weapons/Sa18IGLA/Sa18IGLA;Kick %p% SA-18 IGLA Air Defense Use
On Kill;Weapon Weapons/SCAR-H/SCAR-H;Say %p% Kicked for Weapons/SCAR-H/SCAR-H;Kick %p% SCAR-H Assault Rifle(SMG) Use
On Kill;Weapon Weapons/UMP45/UMP45;Say %p% Kicked for Weapons/UMP45/UMP45;Kick %p% UMP-45 Sub Maschine Gun(SMG) Use
On Kill;Weapon Weapons/XP1_L85A2/L85A2;Say %p% Kicked for Weapons/XP1_L85A2/L85A2;Kick %p% L85A2 Assault Rifle Use
On Kill;Weapon Weapons/M416/M416;Say %p% Kicked for Weapons/M416/M416;Kick %p% M416 Use

On Kill;Weapon Weapons/G3A3/G3A3;Say %p% Kicked for Weapons/G3A3/G3A3;Kick %p% G3A3 Battle Rifle Use

On Kill;Weapon Steyr&AUG;Say %p% Kicked for Steyr&AUG;Kick %p% Styer AUG Assault Rifle Use
On Kill;Weapon SCAR-L;Say %p% Kicked for SCAR-L;Kick %p% SCAR-L Assault Rifle Use
On Kill;Weapon Weapons/XP2_L86/L86;Say %p% Kicked for Weapons/XP2_L86/L86;Kick %p% L86A2 Light Machine Gun(LMG) Use
On Kill;Weapon Weapons/XP2_ACR/ACR;Say %p% Kicked for Weapons/XP2_ACR/ACR;Kick %p% ACW-R Assault Rifle Use
On Kill;Weapon Weapons/XP2_MTAR/MTAR;Say %p% Kicked for Weapons/XP2_MTAR/MTAR;Kick %p% MTAR-21 Assault Rifle Use
On Kill;Weapon M417;Say %p% Kicked for M417;Kick %p% M417 Sniper Rifle Use
On Kill;Weapon LSAT;Say %p% Kicked for LSAT;Kick %p% LSAT Light Machine Gun(LMG) Use

On Kill;Weapon GP-30;Say %p% Kicked for GP-30;Kick %p% GP-30 Use
On Kill;Weapon Eod&Bot;Say %p% Kicked for Eod&Bot;Kick %p% Eod Bot Use
Holy crap! Is that someone's live code? They should really just use the logic of if weapon is not shotgun then do action. Not the other way round :woot:


By the way, that is ProconRulz, not Insane Limits.

* Restored post. It could be that the author is no longer active.
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Originally Posted by CBG*:




How would I use the below killrate checker, in the following way:


X per min = warn

X per min 2nd time = kill

X per min 3rd time = banned for a week or X time




This limit will check for how fast a player makes kills, and perform whatever action you want, if the player exceeds the rate you specify.



Set the limit to evaluate for OnKill, and set the action to Kick


Set first_check to this Expression:



Set the second_check to this Expression:



( limit.Activations(player.Name, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30)) >  10 )
In this example, the rate is +10 kills, in 30 seconds. You may want to adjust this rate as you wish.



What if you wanted to check for the Headshot rate ? Well you can do that as well. In that case, just modify the first_check Expression to activate only for Headshots like this:



( kill.Headshot == true)
* Restored post. It could be that the author is no longer active.
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Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*:


Hi, my procon spat all our limits, so setting them all up from scratch again. I notice I cant select OnInterval anymore, it just goes to onintervalplayers with a check interval of 30?


is that right, or something odd? was trying to load this back in.



Use OnIntervalServer, don't use OnInterval or OnIntervalPlayer.
* Restored post. It could be that the author is no longer active.
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Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*:




How would I use the below killrate checker, in the following way:


X per min = warn

X per min 2nd time = kill

X per min 3rd time = banned for a week or X time

Please make your request in the new Requests thread:




I'm trying to retire this thread for requests -- it's for posting new examples only.

* Restored post. It could be that the author is no longer active.
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  • Our picks

    • Game Server Hosting:

      We're happy to announce that EZRCON will branch out into the game server provider scene. This is a big step for us so please having patience if something doesn't go right in this area. Now, what makes us different compared to other providers? Well, we're going with the idea of having a scaleable server hosting and providing more control in how you set up your server. For example, in Minecraft, you have the ability to control how many CPU cores you wish your server to have access to, how much RAM you want to use, how much disk space you want to use. This type of control can't be offered in a single service package so you're able to configure a custom package the way you want it.

      You can see all the available games here. Currently, we have the following games available.

      Valheim (From $1.50 USD)

      Rust (From $3.20 USD)

      Minecraft (Basic) (From $4.00 USD)

      Call of Duty 4X (From $7.00 USD)

      OpenTTD (From $4.00 USD)

      Squad (From $9.00 USD)

      Insurgency: Sandstorm (From $6.40 USD)

      Changes to US-East:

      Starting in January 2022, we will be moving to a different provider that has better support, better infrastructure, and better connectivity. We've noticed that the connection/routes to this location are not ideal and it's been hard getting support to correct this. Our contract for our two servers ends in March/April respectively. If you currently have servers in this location you will be migrated over to the new provider. We'll have more details when the time comes closer to January. The new location for this change will be based out of Atlanta, GA. If you have any questions/concerns please open a ticket and we'll do our best to answer them.
      • 5 replies
    • Hello All,

      I wanted to give an update to how EZRCON is doing. As of today we have 56 active customers using the services offered. I'm glad its doing so well and it hasn't been 1 year yet. To those that have services with EZRCON, I hope the service is doing well and if not please let us know so that we can improve it where possible. We've done quite a few changes behind the scenes to improve the performance hopefully. 

      We'll be launching a new location for hosting procon layers in either Los Angeles, USA or Chicago, IL. Still being decided on where the placement should be but these two locations are not set in stone yet. We would like to get feedback on where we should have a new location for hosting the Procon Layers, which you can do by replying to this topic. A poll will be created where people can vote on which location they would like to see.

      We're also looking for some suggestions on what else you would like to see for hosting provider options. So please let us know your thoughts on this matter.
      • 4 replies
    • Added ability to disable the new API check for player country info

      Updated GeoIP database file

      Removed usage sending stats

      Added EZRCON ad banner

      If you are upgrading then you may need to add these two lines to your existing installation in the file procon.cfg. To enable these options just change False to True.

      procon.private.options.UseGeoIpFileOnly False
      procon.private.options.BlockRssFeedNews False

      • 2 replies
    • I wanted I let you know that I am starting to build out the foundation for the hosting services that I talked about here. The pricing model I was originally going for wasn't going to be suitable for how I want to build it. So instead I decided to offer each service as it's own product instead of a package deal. In the future, hopefully, I will be able to do this and offer discounts to those that choose it.

      Here is how the pricing is laid out for each service as well as information about each. This is as of 7/12/2020.

      Single MySQL database (up to 30 GB) is $10 USD per month.

      If you go over the 30 GB usage for the database then each additional gigabyte is charged at $0.10 USD each billing cycle. If you're under 30GB you don't need to worry about this.

      Databases are replicated across 3 zones (regions) for redundancy. One (1) on the east coast of the USA, One (1) in Frankfurt, and One (1) in Singapore. Depending on the demand, this would grow to more regions.

      Databases will also be backed up daily and retained for 7 days.

      Procon Layer will be $2 USD per month.

      Each layer will only allow one (1) game server connection. The reason behind this is for performance.

      Each layer will also come with all available plugins installed by default. This is to help facilitate faster deployments and get you up and running quickly.

      Each layer will automatically restart if Procon crashes. 

      Each layer will also automatically restart daily at midnight to make sure it stays in tip-top shape.

      Custom plugins can be installed by submitting a support ticket.

      Battlefield Admin Control Panel (BFACP) will be $5 USD per month

      As I am still working on building version 3 of the software, I will be installing the last version I did. Once I complete version 3 it will automatically be upgraded for you.

      All these services will be managed by me so you don't have to worry about the technical side of things to get up and going.

      If you would like to see how much it would cost for the services, I made a calculator that you can use. It can be found here https://ezrcon.com/calculator.html

      • 11 replies
    • I have pushed out a new minor release which updates the geodata pull (flags in the playerlisting). This should be way more accurate now. As always, please let me know if any problems show up.

      • 9 replies
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