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MULTIbalancer [] 30-MAR-2015 + BFHL

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Originally Posted by superg*:


16 or more. No, there's no way to change that. Scrambling is not effective with fewer players, particularly if squads have to be kept together.


Say you have 12 players. Team 1 has a squad of 4 and a squad of 2. Team 2 has a squad of 5 and a squad of 1. Keeping squads together, how do you "scramble" that arrangement and still end up with balanced teams? It's not possible.

Thanks for the explanation. I can understand the logic with keeping squads together. However, it would be nice to allow scrambler to happen at a lower player count when squads are not kept together. We often have less than 16 players for many rounds and when one team is dominating round after round it can become very frustrating for some players. In those situations, even if it is less effective, it would be better than nothing at all.
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Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*:


Thanks for the explanation. I can understand the logic with keeping squads together. However, it would be nice to allow scrambler to happen at a lower player count when squads are not kept together. We often have less than 16 players for many rounds and when one team is dominating round after round it can become very frustrating for some players. In those situations, even if it is less effective, it would be better than nothing at all.

Would you be willing to give up on all the "Keep..." requirements? If I could treat every player as free to move, regardless of their squad, tags or friends, I can lower the limit to 8. Less than 8 is just silly, effectively only one player from each team would swap teams.


What I propose to add to the wish list for the next update is to have the Scrambler pay attention to the new per-mode Enable Low Population Adjustments setting. If True, Scrambler will ignore all the "Keep ..." settings in the scrambler and do scrambles for 8 or more players, instead of 16. Once the population reaches 16, it will revert to working normally and respecting the Keep... settings. And I'd better not hear any complaints from other users of the scrambler.


How's that sound?

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Originally Posted by superg*:


We don't use the keep settings, however i would never expect you to implement that sort of change only for 1 user of the plugin. If others would like to see such a change then it becomes more worth your time. I appreciate your efforts on this plugin and taking the time to explain the reasons the scrambler works as it does.

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Originally Posted by LCARSx64*:


Would you be willing to give up on all the "Keep..." requirements? If I could treat every player as free to move, regardless of their squad, tags or friends, I can lower the limit to 8. Less than 8 is just silly, effectively only one player from each team would swap teams.


What I propose to add to the wish list for the next update is to have the Scrambler pay attention to the new per-mode Enable Low Population Adjustments setting. If True, Scrambler will ignore all the "Keep ..." settings in the scrambler and do scrambles for 8 or more players, instead of 16. Once the population reaches 16, it will revert to working normally and respecting the Keep... settings. And I'd better not hear any complaints from other users of the scrambler.


How's that sound?

Would that still exempt Whitelisted players from moving? If so, then that sounds great because currently a lot of servers seem to have very few people in them due to the many BF4 bugs and other game releases etc.
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Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*:


Would that still exempt Whitelisted players from moving? If so, then that sounds great because currently a lot of servers seem to have very few people in them due to the many BF4 bugs and other game releases etc.

Yes, nothing trumps the Whitelist.


EDIT: Well, damn. I just checked to code to see how Whitelisted players are currently handled and discovered that they aren't! It's an oversight, I intended them to be "ignored" with respect to the scramble. They are supposed stay in the same team/squad they started in. That's what you wanted, right_


Will be fixed in the next update.


EDIT 2: I guess my memory is failing me. Looks like I did intend that. According to the MB documentation:


Note that whitelisted players are not excluded from scrambling and that scrambling is not possible with SQDM.

I guess at the time I wasn't sure what a Whitelist exemption should do. Keeping whitelisted players in the same team and squad turns out not to be possible -- probably why I backed away from respecting the whitelist in the first place. I do have an idea, though. I could treat Whitelisted players as if all the Keep ... settings were true, even if they aren't. That way, players will stay on the same team they are on as long as other players on the whitelist are on the same team, and likewise for same squad. That's probably the best I can do.
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Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*:


Are there any "perfect" settings for Domination (High tickets and 20-40 players) and for Conquest Large&CAL for default tickets?

Describe "perfect"? What do you want to achieve in the areas of team balance, even dispersal, unstacking and scrambling? Who do you want to be exempted from those feature areas?


There hasn't been much discussion or posting of Domination settings. I think it's an interesting mode and should get more consideration. It's like Conquest, but plays more like TDM, and is usually Infantry Only.

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Originally Posted by B3g1nz*:




I'm wondering what is wrong on my part. The chat message for move, stack and scramble dont show on chat in game but showing on the procon chat tab they are being moved etc. Though the quiet mode is set to false. Whats the problem?



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Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*:




I'm wondering what is wrong on my part. The chat message for move, stack and scramble dont show on chat in game but showing on the procon chat tab they are being moved etc. Though the quiet mode is set to false. Whats the problem?



By any chance, do you have Enable Logging Mode Only set to True? It's at the bottom of the MB settings panel. That disables everything, including chat messages.


If you don't have it set to True, that is an unusual problem. Maybe chat from plugins is not working at all?


Try this:


1) In Procon (if you have a layer, use your layer Procon directly, not through a client connection), go to Options and make sure all logging is enabled (Tools -> Options -> Basics -> Enable xxx Logging all checked).


2) Go to the Console tab and make sure these options are checked at the bottom: Enable output, Enable scrolling, Events. Do NOT check Debug!


3) Make sure you or a friend are in the game so that someone can see chat.


4) Type the following into the command box at the bottom of the Console window in Procon:


admin.say TEST all


5) You should see this in response in the Console log above:


player.onChat Server TEST all



6) Verify that you or your friend saw the "TEST" chat.


If all that works, I have no idea why MB chat messages are not showing up.

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Originally Posted by B3g1nz*:


By any chance, do you have Enable Logging Mode Only set to True? It's at the bottom of the MB settings panel. That disables everything, including chat messages.


If you don't have it set to True, that is an unusual problem. Maybe chat from plugins is not working at all?


Try this:


1) In Procon (if you have a layer, use your layer Procon directly, not through a client connection), go to Options and make sure all logging is enabled (Tools -> Options -> Basics -> Enable xxx Logging all checked).


2) Go to the Console tab and make sure these options are checked at the bottom: Enable output, Enable scrolling, Events. Do NOT check Debug!


3) Make sure you or a friend are in the game so that someone can see chat.


4) Type the following into the command box at the bottom of the Console window in Procon:


admin.say TEST all


5) You should see this in response in the Console log above:


player.onChat Server TEST all



6) Verify that you or your friend saw the "TEST" chat.


If all that works, I have no idea why MB chat messages are not showing up.

This one is set to true Enable Logging Mode Only it working like charm again. Thank you very much:biggrin:
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Originally Posted by Stormar*:


Hi does anyone have a good rush settings we play adaptive server 64 man and not really understanding the way multibalancer works i have just used the default balance olnly setting,ppl are complaining its not balancing the sides fair or it moves players to much any help would be really appreciated..


many thanks

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Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*:


Hi does anyone have a good rush settings we play adaptive server 64 man and not really understanding the way multibalancer works i have just used the default balance olnly setting,ppl are complaining its not balancing the sides fair or it moves players to much any help would be really appreciated..


many thanks

Hmm, if you are using Balance Only, you shouldn't see those kinds of complaints. Post all your settings. You can take screenshots, or you can use the gen command in Show Command In Log. Use these commands one at a time and copy/paste the output from the log window for each command before typing the next one.


gen 1

gen 2

gen 3

gen 6

gen r


You can delete all the stuff in front of each line. Like if you get this:


[13:48:37 75] [MULTIbalancer]:0 [show In Log] 8 - Settings for Rush|Rush: Max Players: 32


Delete everything up through the [show In Log]:


8 - Settings for Rush|Rush: Max Players: 32

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Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*:


PC9- which setting is it that I don't want MB to split colonels the last say.. 700 tickets of the game (running 3200 tickets)?

Make sure your Section 3 Late Phase: ... is Stop, Stop, Stop, and then in your per-mode settings (Conquest Large_), set Definition Of Late Phase As Tickets From End to 700. Note that this will apply to normal balancing as well. So if your teams get unbalanced in the last 700 tickets, MB won't do anything to fix it.
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Originally Posted by AgentHawk*:


Hey Guys


need some tips for our TDM Server. (64 Players - Vanilla Maps - 400 Tickets) The perfect round is like 400 - 390.

My Settings works but not all the time. And my Team wanna play in one team as an squad.


So here my Settings:




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Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*:


Hey Guys


need some tips for our TDM Server. (64 Players - Vanilla Maps - 400 Tickets) The perfect round is like 400 - 390.

My Settings works but not all the time. And my Team wanna play in one team as an squad.


So here my Settings:




Wow! You want to do 30 swaps in groups of 5 on 400 ticket TDM? Pretty much every player is going to get swapped during every round, since there's max 32 players per team.


That's way too aggressive. Also, your section 3 thresholds are too aggressive for TDM with only a 1 minute grace period. If one team has 1 kill and the other has 2 kills, that's a 200% ratio, right? Since your level is 110% and you only allow 1 minute of grace period for the initial round, a flurry of unstacks will happen early in the round, before the ratio settles down.


If you haven't already, review this FAQ on the unstacking settings, it may help:



Unstacking is more art than science. It will take several days of trying something out and fine-tuning before you get close to something acceptable. Start by setting your Debug Level to 4 and MB will log out periodic status that shows you the ticket counts and ratios, as well as phase and population, so that you can fine-tune your settings. Try out an initial set of settings for one day. Collect at least 10 rounds of good activity, at least half full. Review the plugin.log. Are unstacking swaps being effective? Are you swapping too much or too little? Too soon or too late? Adjust settings and repeat. Do this until you start to see more close rounds than not-close rounds. Not every round will be close, the goal here is to increase the likelihood of a close round, not guarantee it.


I'd suggest starting out with more conservative settings. First, set Enable Unstacking By Player Stats to False. That setting is intended for modes where ticket ratios don't really reflect stacked teams, like CTF or Air Superiority. For TDM, tickets are fine. Setting that to True makes most of the rest of your settings irrelevant.


Make all your Section 3 levels be 130% (that's like 52 vs 40 or 260 vs 200) and set your Check Team Stacking After First Minutes to 5, or however much time it takes before the ratio settles down to sub-200 levels. You can inch it down to 4 or 3 after you've watched some early round behavior to see how things shake out. Or maybe you need to bump it up to 8 or 10. How long is the average round?


Reduce your Max Unstacking Swaps Per Round to no more than 25% of your average team size. So if you are always full, 25% of 32 is 8. If you average only 40 players total, then 25% of 20 is 5. But see Percent Of Top Of Team Is Strong below first.


The value for Number Of Swaps Per Group is a setting that needs experimentation to get right. It's basically the way you can adjust the impact of unstacking swaps. If swapping one strong player for one weak player is all that is needed to level the playing field, then set it to 1. If it takes 2 strong players swapped with 2 weak players to move the needle, then set it to 2. I wouldn't set it higher than 4, in any case. The more players you move, the more complaining and rage quitting there will be.


The value for Delay Seconds Between Swap Groups also requires experimentation. It's the other dial you can use to adjust the impact of unstacking. Do you need to do a follow-up group of swaps soon after the first if teams remain stacked, or does an initial group hold until some players leave and are replaced by stronger/weaker players? In that case you'd want a longer delay. For starters, figure out what your average round length is and use 20% of that. So if your average round is 20 minutes, use 4 minutes, which is 240 seconds. Then adjust as you monitor the impact of the first unstacking group.


Max Unstacking Ticket Difference is way too low at 15. I've already pointed out that 260 vs 200 is only a 130% ratio, but no unstacking would happen with your current settings, because 60 is more than 15. I'd suggest 100 as the max difference (e.g., 260 vs 160). It's pretty hard to catch up if the losing team is behind the winning team by 25% of the goal. Not impossible, but not likely. Again, use your logging to look at ticket differences and see where the natural break occurs. If you can draw a plot and see that no team that is behind by 80 or more tickets ever wins, despite maximum unstacking, then set it to 80.


Using RoundKDR is okay, but you should also try straight RoundKills. Kills should be more accurate in the early round, KDR should be better in the late round, so it will depend on when you want to do most of your unstacking.


Percent Of Top Of Team Is Strong set to 20 might be okay, but realize that it is connected to Max Unstacking Swaps Per Round. If you are always full and have 32 players per team, 20% as the top means there are only 6 players eligible for being swapped as strong players. If your Max Unstacking Swaps Per Round is 6, that's perfect. You will have no more than 6 swaps and there are at most 6 players eligible to be the strong player in the swap. But if your Max Unstacking Swaps Per Round is 6 and there are only 40 players playing, you've got a mismatch, since there are only 4 strong players available for swapping.


In general, you need to maintain this inequality:


(Percent Of Top Of Team Is Strong/100) x Average number of players on a team >= Max Unstacking Swaps Per Round


To be conservative, don't set Percent Of Top Of Team Is Strong lower than 40 and see how that goes. You can inch it down if your logging shows you have more room.


So start with that and see how it goes. Post your progress here or in a new thread, we'd all be interested in tracking your progress.


EDIT: With respect to Section 3 levels, I mean Early and Mid Phases should be 130. Leave Late Phase 0,0,0 , you don't want to unstack during the last 100 tickets.

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Originally Posted by AgentHawk*:


wow! Thats alot :smile: Thanks dude.


Okay I tryed my best and change alot of my Settings. The rounds are more stable but not closer.


Average round time: 18min

Average Player: ~50+

Server Stats: http://bf4db.com/servers/7218/reports


Here my new Settings:



and Thanks again!


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Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*:


wow! Thats alot :smile: Thanks dude.


Okay I tryed my best and change alot of my Settings. The rounds are more stable but not closer.


Average round time: 18min

Average Player: ~50+

Server Stats: http://bf4db.com/servers/7218/reports


Here my new Settings:



and Thanks again!


Still a problem. The Number Of Swaps Per Group has to be a factor of the Max Unstacking Swaps Per Round. If your max is 6, you can't make the group size be 4. It has to be either 2 or 3.
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Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*:


Changed and Thanks again :smile:


But the rounds are not rly close --> http://bf4db.com/servers/7218/reports


What can I try to get it closer?



Did you skip over this part?


Unstacking is more art than science. It will take several days of trying something out and fine-tuning before you get close to something acceptable. Start by setting your Debug Level to 4 and MB will log out periodic status that shows you the ticket counts and ratios, as well as phase and population, so that you can fine-tune your settings. Try out an initial set of settings for one day. Collect at least 10 rounds of good activity, at least half full. Review the plugin.log. Are unstacking swaps being effective? Are you swapping too much or too little? Too soon or too late? Adjust settings and repeat. Do this until you start to see more close rounds than not-close rounds. Not every round will be close, the goal here is to increase the likelihood of a close round, not guarantee it.

As I recall, one of the more successful servers spent at least a week, that's 7 days, of logging and making changes, more logging and more making changes, before they got to something they were happy with. It might take more time, it might take less. You've barely started. Are you even looking at the plugin.log?
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Originally Posted by tarreltje*:


Hey Guys


need some tips for our TDM Server. (64 Players - Vanilla Maps - 400 Tickets) The perfect round is like 400 - 390.

My Settings works but not all the time. And my Team wanna play in one team as an squad.


So here my Settings:

Attachment 3356Attachment 3357Attachment 3358



I have followed your discussion with PC9;


I recoment to take a look at this thread: showthread....ected-Settings*


Also like many other admins, they have turned of the unstacking for TDM. This due it makes a lot of players going mad, because they get swiched to the loosing team, while they have made almost the most kills for their team!


I have tryed in on my server, but after to many complains i turned it of :cool:


Just go for the basic balancing with a few adjustments. Also for the scrambler between rounds try to find your best setting for this. Either scramble on K/Dr or roundkills, these are mainly the best settings to balance the teams out.


Balancing on round score is mainly for all the object based maps, where you can do alot of ressing ect and have big scores while making less kills!!


So just go for the basic balancing and tweak it. Just use 1 setting for like 2 days and see how your games will end, if the first doesnt work for you then the other will!

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Originally Posted by Strudaklitt*:


For some reason, our MULTIBalancer doesn't behave the way we want it to. We're having troubles with clan members (tagged [QS]) being moved by autobalance. We want to stop the plugin from moving QS members, but we're unsure how to do this - any help would be very appreciated!


Fyi - we play only rush, CQ large and obliteration and run procon on a procon layer (hosted at our server provider)


I'll attach our settings: QS MULTIBalancer.png


What have we done wrong?


Best regards!

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Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*:


For some reason, our MULTIBalancer doesn't behave the way we want it to. We're having troubles with clan members (tagged [QS]) being moved by autobalance. We want to stop the plugin from moving QS members, but we're unsure how to do this - any help would be very appreciated!


Fyi - we play only rush, CQ large and obliteration and run procon on a procon layer (hosted at our server provider)


I'll attach our settings: QS MULTIBalancer.png


What have we done wrong?


Best regards!

Nice screenshot!


The easiest thing to do is fix your Whitelist. First, enable it, you have it turned off. Next, if you just make it QS (exclude from everything), instead of QS S (only exclude from switching back to original team), then QS tagged players will never be touched by MULTIbalancer.


That said, you really ought to read my post about Unstacking settings. Yours has problems. For example, setting max swaps to 99 with a threshold of only 120 means every player will be swapped every round (unless your rounds are short -- what are max tickets per mode_). The post talks mostly about TDM, but the general recommendations would apply to your modes as well:




I'd recommend just disabling Unstacking for now until you get your QS problem resolved. Deal with one problem at a time.


Also, are you sure your max players are 68 (server slots of 70 with 2 commanders)? Do you really have teams of 34 vs 34?

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Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*:


Can you please add in the feature releases an option to pull whitelisted players from an http txt/csv file?

That feature is already available. :smile:


Read the Merge Files section in post #1. Each setting that can use a merge file, such as Whitelist, also mentions that it is capable of doing so.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Originally Posted by tarreltje*:


Is it posible to speedup the fastbalance?


I still see unbalanced teams for to long. Today i had a match, it was like 9 to 5 players. I have seen that MB detected it, but it took to long for that it took action. The result was more people leaving...


Also it would be nice to see a message, like truebalancer , that the teams are unbalanced and that the balancer will fix it asap

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Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*:


Is it posible to speedup the fastbalance?


I still see unbalanced teams for to long. Today i had a match, it was like 9 to 5 players. I have seen that MB detected it, but it took to long for that it took action. The result was more people leaving...


Also it would be nice to see a message, like truebalancer , that the teams are unbalanced and that the balancer will fix it asap

Are you using Enable Admin Kill For Fast Balance? A difference of 9 to 5 should instantly kill and move a player so that teams are 8 to 6. Then normal balancing, which may take a minute or two, will make it 7 to 7.


Also, make sure you have Fast balance speed in all of your Early and Mid Phase speeds in Section 3. Should be Fast,Fast,Fast.


Those settings should insure fast balancing, unless ... you have too many exclusions. The more exclusions you have, the smaller the pool of players that are eligible to be moved. That's usually the reason for slow balancing. Consider using the per-mode Enable Low Population Adjustments setting to disable some exclusions when you have only a few players in the server, as defined by your Definition Of Low Popluation ... setting.


I think a message would actually make things worse. If MB posted a message saying "Autobalance will balance teams shortly ..." and then it takes a couple of minutes (due to too many exclusions, or too many players joining), people will lose faith in the balancer anyway.


I suppose I could make it optional. I will add it to the wish list.

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Originally Posted by tarreltje*:


- enable admin kill: yes

- all phases fast balancing

- no exclusions, only the basics like top scores, but no white list

- low population is set at 24 for my 48 slots server.




I just saw that my late phasebalance speed is Stop,Stop,Stop... I think i should change that to Fast, Fast, Stop



Verstuurd vanaf mijn Nexus 5 met Tapatalk

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Originally Posted by kcuestag*:


Are you using Enable Admin Kill For Fast Balance? A difference of 9 to 5 should instantly kill and move a player so that teams are 8 to 6. Then normal balancing, which may take a minute or two, will make it 7 to 7.


Also, make sure you have Fast balance speed in all of your Early and Mid Phase speeds in Section 3. Should be Fast,Fast,Fast.


Those settings should insure fast balancing, unless ... you have too many exclusions. The more exclusions you have, the smaller the pool of players that are eligible to be moved. That's usually the reason for slow balancing. Consider using the per-mode Enable Low Population Adjustments setting to disable some exclusions when you have only a few players in the server, as defined by your Definition Of Low Popluation ... setting.


I think a message would actually make things worse. If MB posted a message saying "Autobalance will balance teams shortly ..." and then it takes a couple of minutes (due to too many exclusions, or too many players joining), people will lose faith in the balancer anyway.


I suppose I could make it optional. I will add it to the wish list.

Does the "Balance Speed" for Phases also count for Unstacking? Or just number of players balancing?
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Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*:


- enable admin kill: yes

- all phases fast balancing

- no exclusions, only the basics like top scores, but no white list

- low population is set at 24 for my 48 slots server.




I just saw that my late phasebalance speed is Stop,Stop,Stop... I think i should change that to Fast, Fast, Stop



Verstuurd vanaf mijn Nexus 5 met Tapatalk

Set Debug Level to 5 to see what's going on in plugin.log. You should see that as soon as the difference is 4 or more (e.g., 9 vs 5), someone should get admin killed and moved for FAST BALANCE. If the Population is Low, it's 3 or more (9 vs 6).


You're not running Official, right? MB doesn't work on Official.

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      Single MySQL database (up to 30 GB) is $10 USD per month.

      If you go over the 30 GB usage for the database then each additional gigabyte is charged at $0.10 USD each billing cycle. If you're under 30GB you don't need to worry about this.

      Databases are replicated across 3 zones (regions) for redundancy. One (1) on the east coast of the USA, One (1) in Frankfurt, and One (1) in Singapore. Depending on the demand, this would grow to more regions.

      Databases will also be backed up daily and retained for 7 days.

      Procon Layer will be $2 USD per month.

      Each layer will only allow one (1) game server connection. The reason behind this is for performance.

      Each layer will also come with all available plugins installed by default. This is to help facilitate faster deployments and get you up and running quickly.

      Each layer will automatically restart if Procon crashes. 

      Each layer will also automatically restart daily at midnight to make sure it stays in tip-top shape.

      Custom plugins can be installed by submitting a support ticket.

      Battlefield Admin Control Panel (BFACP) will be $5 USD per month

      As I am still working on building version 3 of the software, I will be installing the last version I did. Once I complete version 3 it will automatically be upgraded for you.

      All these services will be managed by me so you don't have to worry about the technical side of things to get up and going.

      If you would like to see how much it would cost for the services, I made a calculator that you can use. It can be found here https://ezrcon.com/calculator.html

      • 11 replies
    • I have pushed out a new minor release which updates the geodata pull (flags in the playerlisting). This should be way more accurate now. As always, please let me know if any problems show up.

      • 9 replies
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