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MULTIbalancer [] 30-MAR-2015 + BFHL

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Originally Posted by Crazyw0lf*:


For us we shutoff unstacking. It just cause to many problems with the clients crashing out. Soon as a few would crash the unstacker thinks it needs to shift players which it does but players are getting screwed with the switching cause others crash or leave. Mostly crash.


I am pretty sure if you run this command "reset settings" it should reset Multi back to defaults.

Problem we have is people always complain that teams are stacked during play cant always blame em though as it does end alot with 1 team over 400/800 tickets... only way to fix this is using the unstack as far as i know? Scrambler is on also but well people always leave wich then get replaced later on the round and usualy the balance is all over again :/


Thx for command will give it a go if it still does wierd things... tried fixing it and i think it worked *fingers crossed*

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Originally Posted by shadow2k1*:


does anyone have any recommended settings for 32player domination mode?

i started to use the ones for TDM 32 players for 300 tickets in the collected settings thread at showthread....ected-Settings*


it was working one day, now all the sudden its not balancing and unstaking.

any suggestions on what to turn off and/or change up? my ticket count is 400

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Originally Posted by DWG-Jambi*:


What is the best way to set this up? I've tried over and over to get this thing setup but the ticket counts get wayyy different but I don't see the software balancing the teams.

What modes are you trying to set it up for?

Have you tried using the wizard? Also I think it may be tough to have close games while clients keep crashing out.

We have close games but I notice games get out of whack when lots of people crash out on round change.

Last night our server was full 48p and it was on CQL Dawnbreaker (gamebreaker) When the round changed to Zavod we lost all but 9 players and everyone came back and was full again in about 10 minutes. I think unstacking does a better job at keeping the games close but it will screw people over when others crash.


Let us know how many players and what modes. I'll try and help best I can but like I said it's tough to keep the game balanced right now. Least for us with CQL.


Here are our current settings.

I would post them in the recommended settings but don't want to do that yet till PapaCharlie9 has a chance to look at them. I don't want to be giving people bad settings. Maybe he can give me his 2 cents on these settings. We have unstacking disabled.


Command: gen 1

1 - Settings|Debug Level: 2

1 - Settings|Maximum Server Size: 48

1 - Settings|Enable Battlelog Requests: True

1 - Settings|Which Battlelog Stats: AllTime

1 - Settings|Maximum Request Rate: 10

1 - Settings|Wait Timeout: 30

1 - Settings|Unlimited Team Switching During First Minutes Of Round: 5

1 - Settings|Seconds Until Adaptive Speed Becomes Fast: 180

1 - Settings|Enable In-Game Commands: True

1 - Settings|Enable Ticket Loss Rate Logging: False

1 - Settings|Enable Whitelisting Of Reserved Slots List: False

1 - Settings|Whitelist: %5b--+name%2c+tag%2c+or+EA_GUID+--%5d

1 - Settings|Friends List: %5b--+name%2c+tag%2c+or+EA_GUID+--%5d

1 - Settings|Disperse Evenly List: %5b--+name%2c+tag%2c+or+EA_GUID+--%5d

Command: gen 2

2 - Exclusions|On Whitelist: False

2 - Exclusions|On Friends List: False

2 - Exclusions|Top Scorers: False

2 - Exclusions|Same Clan Tags In Squad: True

2 - Exclusions|Same Clan Tags In Team: False

2 - Exclusions|Same Clan Tags For Rank Dispersal: True

2 - Exclusions|Lenient Rank Dispersal: True

2 - Exclusions|Minutes After Joining: 5

2 - Exclusions|Minutes After Being Moved: 90

Command: gen 3

3 - Round Phase and Population Settings|Early Phase: Ticket Percentage To Unstack (Low, Med, High population): 0, 120, 115

3 - Round Phase and Population Settings|Mid Phase: Ticket Percentage To Unstack (Low, Med, High population): 0, 125, 130

3 - Round Phase and Population Settings|Late Phase: Ticket Percentage To Unstack (Low, Med, High population): 0, 0, 0

3 - Round Phase and Population Settings|Spelling Of Speed Names Reminder: Click_Here_For_Speed_Names

3 - Round Phase and Population Settings|Early Phase: Balance Speed (Low, Med, High population): Slow, Slow, Slow

3 - Round Phase and Population Settings|Mid Phase: Balance Speed (Low, Med, High population): Slow, Slow, Slow

3 - Round Phase and Population Settings|Late Phase: Balance Speed (Low, Med, High population): Stop, Stop, Stop

Command: gen 4

4 - Scrambler|Only On New Maps: False

4 - Scrambler|Only On Final Ticket Percentage >=: 0

4 - Scrambler|Scramble By: BattlelogSPM

4 - Scrambler|Keep Squads Together: False

4 - Scrambler|Keep Clan Tags In Same Team: True

4 - Scrambler|Keep Friends In Same Team: False

4 - Scrambler|Divide By: None

4 - Scrambler|Delay Seconds: 57

Command: gen 5

5 - Messages|Quiet Mode: True

5 - Messages|Yell Duration Seconds: 10

5 - Messages|Chat: Moved For Balance: *** MOVED %name% for balance ...

5 - Messages|Yell: Moved For Balance: Moved %name% for balance ...

5 - Messages|Chat: Moved To Unstack: *** MOVED %name% to unstack teams ...

5 - Messages|Yell: Moved To Unstack: Moved %name% to unstack teams ...

5 - Messages|Chat: Detected Bad Team Switch: %name%, you can't switch to team %fromTeam%: %reason%, sending you back ...

5 - Messages|Yell: Detected Bad Team Switch: You can't switch to the %fromTeam% team: %reason%, sending you back!

5 - Messages|Bad Because: Moved By Balancer: autobalance moved you to the %toTeam% team

5 - Messages|Bad Because: Winning Team: switching to the winning team is not allowed

5 - Messages|Bad Because: Biggest Team: switching to the biggest team is not allowed

5 - Messages|Bad Because: Rank: this server splits Colonel 100's between teams

5 - Messages|Bad Because: Dispersal List: you're on the list of players to split between teams

5 - Messages|Chat: Detected Good Team Switch: %name%, thanks for helping out the %toTeam% team!

5 - Messages|Yell: Detected Good Team Switch: Thanks for helping out the %toTeam% team!

5 - Messages|Chat: After Unswitching: %name%, please stay on the %toTeam% team for the rest of this round

5 - Messages|Yell: After Unswitching: Please stay on the %toTeam% team for the rest of this round

Command: gen 6

6 - Unswitcher|Forbid Switching After Autobalance: Always

6 - Unswitcher|Forbid Switching To Winning Team: Always

6 - Unswitcher|Forbid Switching To Biggest Team: Always

6 - Unswitcher|Forbid Switching After Dispersal: Always

6 - Unswitcher|Enable Immediate Unswitch: True

Command: gen cl

8 - Settings for Conquest Large|Conquest Large: Max Players: 48

8 - Settings for Conquest Large|Conquest Large: Check Team Stacking After First Minutes: 5

8 - Settings for Conquest Large|Conquest Large: Max Unstacking Swaps Per Round: 8

8 - Settings for Conquest Large|Conquest Large: Number Of Swaps Per Group: 2

8 - Settings for Conquest Large|Conquest Large: Delay Seconds Between Swap Groups: 300

8 - Settings for Conquest Large|Conquest Large: Max Unstacking Ticket Difference: 0

8 - Settings for Conquest Large|Conquest Large: Determine Strong Players By: BattlelogSPM

8 - Settings for Conquest Large|Conquest Large: Percent Of Top Of Team Is Strong: 50

8 - Settings for Conquest Large|Conquest Large: Only Move Weak Players: False

8 - Settings for Conquest Large|Conquest Large: Disperse Evenly By Rank >=: 80

8 - Settings for Conquest Large|Conquest Large: Enable Disperse Evenly List: False

8 - Settings for Conquest Large|Conquest Large: Definition Of High Population For Players >=: 32

8 - Settings for Conquest Large|Conquest Large: Definition Of Low Population For Players

8 - Settings for Conquest Large|Conquest Large: Definition Of Early Phase As Tickets From Start: 150

8 - Settings for Conquest Large|Conquest Large: Definition Of Late Phase As Tickets From End: 200

8 - Settings for Conquest Large|Conquest Large: Enable Scrambler: True

8 - Settings for Conquest Large|Conquest Large: Enable Metro Adjustments: False

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Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*:


does anyone have any recommended settings for 32player domination mode?

i started to use the ones for TDM 32 players for 300 tickets in the collected settings thread at showthread....ected-Settings*


it was working one day, now all the sudden its not balancing and unstaking.

any suggestions on what to turn off and/or change up? my ticket count is 400

Are you running Official or Ranked?


You can just use the Settings Wizard for basic setup. See the FAQ, there's detailed instructions there.

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Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*:



The best way to set it up is to read all the "How to setup" posts in the FAQ. Did you do that? Come back here with questions once you have. The link to the FAQ is in post #1 of this thread.
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Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*:


What happened with the last update? Players are constantly complaining about the balance on 5 servers_?

A little more info please? Last update of the plugin, Battlelog or game server? Do you have some plugin.log Status blocks that shows unbalanced teams lasting for a long time? Any chance it's the new Battlelog Join on Player affecting balancing?


Nothing in the last plugin update would affect balancing.

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Originally Posted by TMiland*:


A little more info please? Last update of the plugin, Battlelog or game server? Do you have some plugin.log Status blocks that shows unbalanced teams lasting for a long time? Any chance it's the new Battlelog Join on Player affecting balancing?


Nothing in the last plugin update would affect balancing.

It's been like this since i updated the plugin to latest version (on release day). :sad:
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Originally Posted by DWG-Jambi*:


A little more info please? Last update of the plugin, Battlelog or game server? Do you have some plugin.log Status blocks that shows unbalanced teams lasting for a long time? Any chance it's the new Battlelog Join on Player affecting balancing?


Nothing in the last plugin update would affect balancing.

Yes the Join on Friend feature is garbage. I think Dice really needs to do something about it. It is just killing balance. I posted this under the BF4 server patches. I will post here also. Hopefully someone can let Dice know that they need to re-look at this feature.


If anyone here has Dice's ear they really need to look at the Join on Friend feature. Between clients crashing and the Join on Friend features it is just killing balance on servers. Here is example of 1 of the problems with Join on Friend.

I will be in a squad with friends....then someone joins on me. When they join on me it pulls me out of my current squad and puts me in a squad with whoever just joined on me. When this happens not only does it take me out of the squad but it also locks the newly created squad. So then I have to unlock the squad and then I have to try and get my old squad mates to join the newly created squad. Another example.... teams are 24 vs 23...I am on the 24p team....A friend uses the Join on Friend feature....because my team is full they can't join on me...so now teams are 24 vs 24....Someone on the other team quits or crashes out....now it's 24 vs 23 again...so the Join on Friend feature pushes me over to the team with 23 and creates a squad with my friend. Now this is a nice feature but not very well thought out. I see it causing all kinds of balance issues also. So if someone anyone has Dice's ear this is something that should be brought up.

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Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*:


MB already has the capability of evenly dispersing players by name or clan tag. For example, if you have a pilot and gunner that totally own in attack choppers, you can force each of them to be on opposite teams. Or if the the MRDR clan of 11 players marauds on your server and stacks teams, you can disperse every player with the MRDR clan tag evenly across teams, but you have to know the MRDR tag ahead of time.


The new feature would disperse a clan without having to know their clan tag ahead of time. Any time any clan with a certain number X or more of players is in your server, they would get dispersed evenly.


The feedback I'm looking for is, what should X be?


It shouldn't be less than 5 for BF4 and 4 for BF3. That allows a clan to fill one squad without worrying about being split up.


Tentatively, I think 6 (or actually 5, for "more than") would be a good minimum. You could of course set it higher in plugin settings, but you wouldn't be able to set it lower.


Here's how it would work. Let's say the setting is "more than 5" and there are 5 QQQ players in the server, all on Team 1. You've never heard nor seen clan QQQ before, so there was no way to put them in the Disperse Evenly list. As long as there are no more than 5 QQQ players in the server, nothing happens. Then a 6th QQQ player joins. Now Disperse Evenly is enabled. As each QQQ member dies, if there is room on Team 2 (doing a balance move wouldn't make teams unbalanced), they will be moved to Team 2. Eventually, the dispersal of QQQ players will even out at 3 on Team 1 and 3 on Team 2. Each additional QQQ member will be dispersed between the two teams evenly. If the number of QQQ members drops below 6, dispersal moves will be disabled and, on a following round, the QQQ members could move themselves back to the same team/squad.


The setting would be in Section 1, and it is enabled by the per-mode Enable Disperse Evenly List. Some adjustments would have to be made to Scrambler to include this option in Divide By, the wording of Disperse Evenly would have to be updated to include this case.


Here is draft documentation:


Disperse Clan Players Evenly When More Than: Number greater than or equal to 5, or 0 to disable. When more players than the value of this setting have the same clan tag, or name prefix/suffix (e.g., IAF_SDS), balance move these clan members evenly between teams if per-mode Enable Disperse Evenly List is enabled.

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Originally Posted by DWG-Jambi*:


MB already has the capability of evenly dispersing players by name or clan tag. For example, if you have a pilot and gunner that totally own in attack choppers, you can force each of them to be on opposite teams. Or if the the MRDR clan of 11 players marauds on your server and stacks teams, you can disperse every player with the MRDR clan tag evenly across teams, but you have to know the MRDR tag ahead of time.


The new feature would disperse a clan without having to know their clan tag ahead of time. Any time any clan with a certain number X or more of players is in your server, they would get dispersed evenly.


The feedback I'm looking for is, what should X be?


It shouldn't be less than 5 for BF4 and 4 for BF3. That allows a clan to fill one squad without worrying about being split up.


Tentatively, I think 6 (or actually 5, for "more than") would be a good minimum. You could of course set it higher in plugin settings, but you wouldn't be able to set it lower.


Here's how it would work. Let's say the setting is "more than 5" and there are 5 QQQ players in the server, all on Team 1. You've never heard nor seen clan QQQ before, so there was no way to put them in the Disperse Evenly list. As long as there are no more than 5 QQQ players in the server, nothing happens. Then a 6th QQQ player joins. Now Disperse Evenly is enabled. As each QQQ member dies, if there is room on Team 2 (doing a balance move wouldn't make teams unbalanced), they will be moved to Team 2. Eventually, the dispersal of QQQ players will even out at 3 on Team 1 and 3 on Team 2. Each additional QQQ member will be dispersed between the two teams evenly. If the number of QQQ members drops below 6, dispersal moves will be disabled and, on a following round, the QQQ members could move themselves back to the same team/squad.


The setting would be in Section 1, and it is enabled by the per-mode Enable Disperse Evenly List. Some adjustments would have to be made to Scrambler to include this option in Divide By, the wording of Disperse Evenly would have to be updated to include this case.


Here is draft documentation:


Disperse Clan Players Evenly When More Than: Number greater than or equal to 5, or 0 to disable. When more players than the value of this setting have the same clan tag, or name prefix/suffix (e.g., IAF_SDS), balance move these clan members evenly between teams if per-mode Enable Disperse Evenly List is enabled.

Thank you PapaCharlie9 for looking into this! I think like you 5 for "more than" would be just fine for BF4. That way a clan could fill a squad and not get split up. Let's say it was set at 5 and there were 8 clan members with 5 in one squad and 3 in another. On next round would it leave the 5 together and move the 3 to the other team or would it do 4 members in a squad on 1 team and 4 in a squad on the other? Either way this feature should help a lot. Again thank you for looking into this.
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Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*:


Let's say it was set at 5 and there were 8 clan members with 5 in one squad and 3 in another. On next round would it leave the 5 together and move the 3 to the other team or would it do 4 members in a squad on 1 team and 4 in a squad on the other?

Not necessarily. It depends strictly on who dies, regardless of what squad they are in. Whoever dies first gets moved first. Whoever dies second gets moved second, and so on until the dispersal is even.
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Originally Posted by DWG-Jambi*:


Sounds good. That makes sense to me.

Again thanks for looking at this. I can't imagine the amount of time you have spent on this stuff.

Like I said I give you a lot of the credit for our server being so popular. People just want to have fun games that are somewhat close.

I don't even like playing when I am on a team dominating. It's so boring. I will purposely sit afk to give the other team a chance or even switch sides to help battle back.

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Originally Posted by Cataract*:


Hello, kinda dump of me to ask but i have version and id like to update to without loosing the config/settings done in procon.


do i simply upload the content of 1.0.9..0 folder into the ftp folder that sayd ? or delete the folder and upload the new one?


thanks in advance for any reply

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Originally Posted by DWG-Jambi*:


Hello, kinda dump of me to ask but i have version and id like to update to without loosing the config/settings done in procon.


do i simply upload the content of 1.0.9..0 folder into the ftp folder that sayd ? or delete the folder and upload the new one?


thanks in advance for any reply

You should be able to just upload and overwrite the cs file and your settings should all stay there. At least it does for me and that's how I do it.
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Originally Posted by IAF-SDS*:


MB already has the capability of evenly dispersing players by name or clan tag. For example, if you have a pilot and gunner that totally own in attack choppers, you can force each of them to be on opposite teams. Or if the the MRDR clan of 11 players marauds on your server and stacks teams, you can disperse every player with the MRDR clan tag evenly across teams, but you have to know the MRDR tag ahead of time.


The new feature would disperse a clan without having to know their clan tag ahead of time. Any time any clan with a certain number X or more of players is in your server, they would get dispersed evenly.


The feedback I'm looking for is, what should X be?


It shouldn't be less than 5 for BF4 and 4 for BF3. That allows a clan to fill one squad without worrying about being split up.


Tentatively, I think 6 (or actually 5, for "more than") would be a good minimum. You could of course set it higher in plugin settings, but you wouldn't be able to set it lower.


Here's how it would work. Let's say the setting is "more than 5" and there are 5 QQQ players in the server, all on Team 1. You've never heard nor seen clan QQQ before, so there was no way to put them in the Disperse Evenly list. As long as there are no more than 5 QQQ players in the server, nothing happens. Then a 6th QQQ player joins. Now Disperse Evenly is enabled. As each QQQ member dies, if there is room on Team 2 (doing a balance move wouldn't make teams unbalanced), they will be moved to Team 2. Eventually, the dispersal of QQQ players will even out at 3 on Team 1 and 3 on Team 2. Each additional QQQ member will be dispersed between the two teams evenly. If the number of QQQ members drops below 6, dispersal moves will be disabled and, on a following round, the QQQ members could move themselves back to the same team/squad.


The setting would be in Section 1, and it is enabled by the per-mode Enable Disperse Evenly List. Some adjustments would have to be made to Scrambler to include this option in Divide By, the wording of Disperse Evenly would have to be updated to include this case.


Here is draft documentation:


Disperse Clan Players Evenly When More Than: Number greater than or equal to 5, or 0 to disable. When more players than the value of this setting have the same clan tag, or name prefix/suffix (e.g., IAF_SDS), balance move these clan members evenly between teams if per-mode Enable Disperse Evenly List is enabled.

Nice feature to add. I like it.


If you set this minimum "more than" number to 5, while clan members will be able to squad up when they are 5 or less, as soon as a sixth clan member joins, the clan member squad will be broken up into two 3-man clan member squads where one squad is on each team. This means this feature will always break up a squad of players as soon as a sixth player joins.


What I would recommend instead is to have it work the same way you already have the "Clan Tag to Divide by" feature in the scrambler section (currently limited to only one clan tag), where it will not break up 5 man clan squads but it would move the sixth thru tenth clan members to the other team in their own squad (and continue to disperse more clan squads evenly between teams). If there are 8 clan members, then it would leave 5 of them in one squad on Team 1 and move the other 3 into their own squad on Team 2.


This way, we won't have people complaining that their 5 man clan squads keep getting broken.



If, however, you don't want to do it as I suggested and you want to do it as you described, then we would have more flexibility if you didn't lock in a minimum "more than" number and let us choose it. In this case, I would set my "more than" number to 7 because when you have 8 clan members all on one team, it becomes very noticeable and disruptive if they are very good (not as bad with 5 clan friend in one squad). With "more than" being set to 7, as soon as an eighth clan member joins, they can still have two healthy 4-man clan squads, one on each team. At "more than" 5, a sixth clan member would create two 3-man clan squads which will cause complaining.


What do you think Papa?

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Originally Posted by anditfeels*:


To fix this, you can either have every player with the TEAM? prefix remove their Battlelog tag, or, you can not use tags at all and instead use the Friends list. You will have to list each player by full name in the Friends list, since you can't use tags. Put every player name on a single line of the Friends list and enable On Friends List and Apply Friends List To Team and none will be moved again.

It seems like you have missed my message, so I will reply again.

I made it and splitted up the member list of battlelog id's with spaces in one line and added to the friend list, but anyway the balancer moving us.

Most of time the balancer moving our squad to another team when the round ending (so if we played in defence, next round we will play again in defence), but after release, there was a moment, when the balancer moved one member out of a squad to another team in the middle of a round. As I know it is happened once yesretday.


And I've got a few another notices:

1. Many times I see this picture on a server when ASquad has 2 players, BSquad has 4 players, CSquad has 2 members, DSquad has 1 member is there any way to collect them (if the squad is not locked)?

2. How to restrict the possibility to switch the team, when user was moved by an admin?

3. Any player after joining will be moved to attackers team if the teams are equal, how to move the player to defenders, not attackers?

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Originally Posted by Cataract*:


You should be able to just upload and overwrite the cs file and your settings should all stay there. At least it does for me and that's how I do it.

Hello, thanks for the reply


what i did was to upload the contenct from folder into the multibalancer_1.0.7.0 folder in server. but the client still shows after the restart that multibalancer is the settings are untouched though.


is it updated?


tbh first time i update a plugin and i have no clue or whatsoever


thanks for your patience ^_^



EDIT: just figured out i should have uploaded the content in the BF4 folder and not the 1.07.0 sub folder :tongue: i dont know why i had that folder in there :biggrin:

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Originally Posted by DWG-Jambi*:


Hello, thanks for the reply


what i did was to upload the contenct from folder into the multibalancer_1.0.7.0 folder in server. but the client still shows after the restart that multibalancer is the settings are untouched though.


is it updated?


tbh first time i update a plugin and i have no clue or whatsoever


thanks for your patience ^_^



EDIT: just figured out i should have uploaded the content in the BF4 folder and not the 1.07.0 sub folder :tongue: i dont know why i had that folder in there :biggrin:

Glad you got it working but you just need to upload the .cs file to the BF4 plugins directory. You don't need any of the other files uploaded just the multibalancer.cs file.
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Originally Posted by L1_Minor*:


Hello, PC9 and fellow admins, first time poster here.


I run a 32p Obliteration server. I'm here to share my thoughts on balancing the game mode, if it was already said - sorry.


After playing on my server since release, I've noticed such things: you should not balance teams while round is live, it destroys one aspect of the game mode: creating one coherent team on the go. On the other hand, you are tempted to do so, because a good team can empty your server in no time, especially at night. So, I thought, what type of balancing would I use on this particular server? This is what I came up with:


Enable only Scrambler with keeping squads together + making so that there are not a lot of clan-players on one team (example: one team consists solely of players without any tags, but other team has 4 players with tag [A] and 2 players with tag ; Scrambler should let [A] clan to still play together, while moving to the other team between rounds). Keeping squads together should reduce interference with DICE's friends system.


How to trigger Scrambler: If round lasted


End round prematurely and go to Scrambler, if: Certain player count difference was met and: Y% of the losing team left / Z% of any team left, Z>Y. (The last 2 parts with Y and Z are possibly redundant and can break something, but I felt like sharing this bit anyway).


I should say again, this whole system is purely hypothetical and was built around 1 server with no time limit and 32 player slots.

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Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*:


Nice feature to add. I like it.


If you set this minimum "more than" number to 5, while clan members will be able to squad up when they are 5 or less, as soon as a sixth clan member joins, the clan member squad will be broken up into two 3-man clan member squads where one squad is on each team. This means this feature will always break up a squad of players as soon as a sixth player joins.


What I would recommend instead is to have it work the same way you already have the "Clan Tag to Divide by" feature in the scrambler section (currently limited to only one clan tag), where it will not break up 5 man clan squads but it would move the sixth thru tenth clan members to the other team in their own squad (and continue to disperse more clan squads evenly between teams). If there are 8 clan members, then it would leave 5 of them in one squad on Team 1 and move the other 3 into their own squad on Team 2.


This way, we won't have people complaining that their 5 man clan squads keep getting broken.

That all makes sense, though arguably it has its own problems and unfortunately, that would be more work for me. A lot more.


I'm leveraging the existing Disperse Evenly List code. It's fairly simple to add a case where some player dies and I count up all the players in the server with the same tag and move that dead player if there are too many. The Disperse Evenly List code ignores squads.


I can't leverage the Scrambler code since the Scrambler code assumes that all players have been unsquaded (moved to squad 0) before it does anything, which is fine between rounds but a disaster during a round. That code won't work otherwise.


The arguable problem is that a clan will complain if there are 5 on one side and only 1 on the other. It makes the isolation more obvious and makes it look like the 1 guy is being picked upon. By moving more so that it ends up 3 vs 3, at least some friends can hang together, just not on the same team.


If, however, you don't want to do it as I suggested and you want to do it as you described, then we would have more flexibility if you didn't lock in a minimum "more than" number and let us choose it. In this case, I would set my "more than" number to 7 because when you have 8 clan members all on one team, it becomes very noticeable and disruptive if they are very good (not as bad with 5 clan friend in one squad). With "more than" being set to 7, as soon as an eighth clan member joins, they can still have two healthy 4-man clan squads, one on each team. At "more than" 5, a sixth clan member would create two 3-man clan squads which will cause complaining.

Yes, that's why it is a numeric setting, not just enable/disable. If you don't like 5, you can make it 7 or 9 or whatever.
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Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*:


It seems like you have missed my message, so I will reply again.

I made it and splitted up the member list of battlelog id's with spaces in one line and added to the friend list, but anyway the balancer moving us.

Did you also set On Friends List to True and set to False all of the settings related to tags, such as Same Clan Tags In Squad?


Most of time the balancer moving our squad to another team when the round ending (so if we played in defence, next round we will play again in defence), but after release, there was a moment, when the balancer moved one member out of a squad to another team in the middle of a round. As I know it is happened once yesretday.

That is expected. The scrambler doesn't work perfectly every time. See here: myrcon.net/...multibalancer-faq-and-detailed-explanations#entry43457


And I've got a few another notices:

1. Many times I see this picture on a server when ASquad has 2 players, BSquad has 4 players, CSquad has 2 members, DSquad has 1 member is there any way to collect them (if the squad is not locked)?

Not with MULTIbalancer, no. You would need a different plugin for that.


2. How to restrict the possibility to switch the team, when user was moved by an admin?

Not possible with MULTIbalancer, unless you get lucky. That is, if you have Section 6 set up to forbid most moves and the admin moves the player to, let's say, the losing team, the player will not be able to move to the winning team, by Section 6. But in general, MULTIbalancer doesn't enforce manual admin moves. You need a different plugin for that.


3. Any player after joining will be moved to attackers team if the teams are equal, how to move the player to defenders, not attackers?

Not possible with MULTIbalancer. You'd need a different plugin for that.
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Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*:


Hello, PC9 and fellow admins, first time poster here.


I run a 32p Obliteration server. I'm here to share my thoughts on balancing the game mode, if it was already said - sorry.


After playing on my server since release, I've noticed such things: you should not balance teams while round is live, it destroys one aspect of the game mode: creating one coherent team on the go. On the other hand, you are tempted to do so, because a good team can empty your server in no time, especially at night. So, I thought, what type of balancing would I use on this particular server? This is what I came up with:


Enable only Scrambler with keeping squads together + making so that there are not a lot of clan-players on one team (example: one team consists solely of players without any tags, but other team has 4 players with tag [A] and 2 players with tag ; Scrambler should let [A] clan to still play together, while moving to the other team between rounds). Keeping squads together should reduce interference with DICE's friends system.


How to trigger Scrambler: If round lasted


End round prematurely and go to Scrambler, if: Certain player count difference was met and: Y% of the losing team left / Z% of any team left, Z>Y. (The last 2 parts with Y and Z are possibly redundant and can break something, but I felt like sharing this bit anyway).


I should say again, this whole system is purely hypothetical and was built around 1 server with no time limit and 32 player slots.

Since I've never played Obliteration (or Defuse, or Air or Tank Superiority, for that matter), any ideas like this are very welcome.


It's going to be challenging working both time and tickets into a single threshold, which is all MB can understand. I suppose I could make a special case for Oblit, like I did for CTF, but for CTF I used score rather than time to replace tickets.


Why is Op. Locker an exception?


Anyone else have any suggestions?

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Originally Posted by DWG-Jambi*:


What's the default time limit if vars.roundTimeLimit is 100? Is it the same for all maps?

I am not 100% sure but when we had the default time set on CQL it was 60 minutes. I took that time limit away on our server but I am pretty sure the default was 60 minutes.
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    • Game Server Hosting:

      We're happy to announce that EZRCON will branch out into the game server provider scene. This is a big step for us so please having patience if something doesn't go right in this area. Now, what makes us different compared to other providers? Well, we're going with the idea of having a scaleable server hosting and providing more control in how you set up your server. For example, in Minecraft, you have the ability to control how many CPU cores you wish your server to have access to, how much RAM you want to use, how much disk space you want to use. This type of control can't be offered in a single service package so you're able to configure a custom package the way you want it.

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      Insurgency: Sandstorm (From $6.40 USD)

      Changes to US-East:

      Starting in January 2022, we will be moving to a different provider that has better support, better infrastructure, and better connectivity. We've noticed that the connection/routes to this location are not ideal and it's been hard getting support to correct this. Our contract for our two servers ends in March/April respectively. If you currently have servers in this location you will be migrated over to the new provider. We'll have more details when the time comes closer to January. The new location for this change will be based out of Atlanta, GA. If you have any questions/concerns please open a ticket and we'll do our best to answer them.
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    • Hello All,

      I wanted to give an update to how EZRCON is doing. As of today we have 56 active customers using the services offered. I'm glad its doing so well and it hasn't been 1 year yet. To those that have services with EZRCON, I hope the service is doing well and if not please let us know so that we can improve it where possible. We've done quite a few changes behind the scenes to improve the performance hopefully. 

      We'll be launching a new location for hosting procon layers in either Los Angeles, USA or Chicago, IL. Still being decided on where the placement should be but these two locations are not set in stone yet. We would like to get feedback on where we should have a new location for hosting the Procon Layers, which you can do by replying to this topic. A poll will be created where people can vote on which location they would like to see.

      We're also looking for some suggestions on what else you would like to see for hosting provider options. So please let us know your thoughts on this matter.
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    • Added ability to disable the new API check for player country info

      Updated GeoIP database file

      Removed usage sending stats

      Added EZRCON ad banner

      If you are upgrading then you may need to add these two lines to your existing installation in the file procon.cfg. To enable these options just change False to True.

      procon.private.options.UseGeoIpFileOnly False
      procon.private.options.BlockRssFeedNews False

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    • I wanted I let you know that I am starting to build out the foundation for the hosting services that I talked about here. The pricing model I was originally going for wasn't going to be suitable for how I want to build it. So instead I decided to offer each service as it's own product instead of a package deal. In the future, hopefully, I will be able to do this and offer discounts to those that choose it.

      Here is how the pricing is laid out for each service as well as information about each. This is as of 7/12/2020.

      Single MySQL database (up to 30 GB) is $10 USD per month.

      If you go over the 30 GB usage for the database then each additional gigabyte is charged at $0.10 USD each billing cycle. If you're under 30GB you don't need to worry about this.

      Databases are replicated across 3 zones (regions) for redundancy. One (1) on the east coast of the USA, One (1) in Frankfurt, and One (1) in Singapore. Depending on the demand, this would grow to more regions.

      Databases will also be backed up daily and retained for 7 days.

      Procon Layer will be $2 USD per month.

      Each layer will only allow one (1) game server connection. The reason behind this is for performance.

      Each layer will also come with all available plugins installed by default. This is to help facilitate faster deployments and get you up and running quickly.

      Each layer will automatically restart if Procon crashes. 

      Each layer will also automatically restart daily at midnight to make sure it stays in tip-top shape.

      Custom plugins can be installed by submitting a support ticket.

      Battlefield Admin Control Panel (BFACP) will be $5 USD per month

      As I am still working on building version 3 of the software, I will be installing the last version I did. Once I complete version 3 it will automatically be upgraded for you.

      All these services will be managed by me so you don't have to worry about the technical side of things to get up and going.

      If you would like to see how much it would cost for the services, I made a calculator that you can use. It can be found here https://ezrcon.com/calculator.html

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    • I have pushed out a new minor release which updates the geodata pull (flags in the playerlisting). This should be way more accurate now. As always, please let me know if any problems show up.

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