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ProconRulz - Sniper limiter v2.7 by Tarreltje


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Originally Posted by tarreltje*:


today this code to work incorrectly, on 5 snipers it ignored a limit and killed any sniper, the message that a limit of snipers 0 was thus deduced

i have seen this problem also, it is caused by either a downtime of your layer service or proconRulz was shutdown for a moment!


Try changing On Round;Set %server_sniperlimit% 5 --> On Spawn;ServerFirst;Set %server_sniperlimit% 5


I can confim this workes! Ill change my First post

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  • 1 month later...
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Originally Posted by KK-FooKaa*:




Is there any more tweaks can be done to this rule as it seems it stops working sometimes...


I have the latest version with the updated spawn part and it seems to work for a while then stops ...


Would be great if this was flawless...

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Originally Posted by KK-FooKaa*:




Is there any more tweaks can be done to this rule as it seems it stops working sometimes...


I have the latest version with the updated spawn part and it seems to work for a while then stops ...


Would be great if this was flawless...

Maybe theres a way to incorporate both the spawn and round rules all into 1 ?
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  • 2 weeks later...

Originally Posted by NLBeautytouch87*:


Every one is talking about sniper limits, but where can i find a "sniper only" (bolt) pluging? I used diffrent tags but didnt find anything.


Please who can send me a download link to my pm?

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Originally Posted by LumpyNutZ*:


Every one is talking about sniper limits, but where can i find a "sniper only" (bolt) pluging? I used diffrent tags but didnt find anything.


Please who can send me a download link to my pm?

You mean to restrict bolt-action rifles or allow them?
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Originally Posted by LumpyNutZ*:


Not to restrict but to allow them. I want make a bolt sniper only server.

So this for sniper/pistols:



On Kill;Not Damage SniperRifle;Not Damage Handgun;PlayerCount 5;Log %p%banned (snipers / pistols only);Ban %p% snipers only
On Kill;Not Damage SniperRifle;Not Damage Handgun;PlayerCount 3;Log %p% kicked (snipers / pistols only);Kick %p% snipers only
On Kill;Not Damage SniperRifle;Not Damage Handgun;PlayerSay %p% snipers/pistols only;Kill 100
picked it up from here: www.phogue.net/forumvb/showth...-admin-actions* example 3
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Originally Posted by ToM666*:


So this for sniper/pistols:



On Kill;Not Damage SniperRifle;Not Damage Handgun;PlayerCount 5;Log %p%banned (snipers / pistols only);Ban %p% snipers only
On Kill;Not Damage SniperRifle;Not Damage Handgun;PlayerCount 3;Log %p% kicked (snipers / pistols only);Kick %p% snipers only
On Kill;Not Damage SniperRifle;Not Damage Handgun;PlayerSay %p% snipers/pistols only;Kill 100
picked it up from here: www.phogue.net/forumvb/showth...-admin-actions* example 3
Hi guys, I have been using this code on and off for a while now but as far as I know it allows all sniper rifles some of which are obviously semi-auto.


Is there a way to limit to bolt action only?

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Originally Posted by tarreltje*:


That is because the Damage SniperRifle is the collection name for all sniper weapons. You need to make an exception rule with only the bolt action sniper weapons in it!

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Originally Posted by ToM666*:


That is because the Damage SniperRifle is the collection name for all sniper weapons. You need to make an exception rule with only the bolt action sniper weapons in it!

Thanks mate and sorry just realised this isn't the procon rulz thread.

I used search to get here and didn't check.


I'll go and see how to to the exception rule etc in the appropriate thread.




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  • 1 month later...

Originally Posted by the7thguest*:


I had to disable this rule again as it caused Procon to lag. If the server was full for some time, the lag raised up to 30 seconds and more so after a new round change, all players has respawned and started playing and procon just arrived at the mapchange and was scrambling teams...


Lets hope for a working onspawn soon :smile:


EDIT: Well, with armored kill I updated procon and all its plugins, now it works fine so far. No lags, no problems, everything cool. Great plugin!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Originally Posted by tarreltje*:


#sniper limit by tarreltje V2.1



On Spawn;ServerFirst;Set %server_sniperlimit% 2


# sniper limit rulz

On Spawn;if %_beingsniper% == 1;Decr %_beingsniper%;Decr %team_recontotal%;log we have %team_recontotal% snipers on team %pt%

On Spawn;Set %_beingsniper% 0


# Rule to kick player if not listening

On kill;Damage sniperRifle;

if %playerkilled% == 3;Kick abusing server rules


# Sniper rules

On kill;Damage sniperRifle;

if %team_recontotal% == %server_sniperlimit%;if %_beingsniper% == 0;Say Sniper Limit max %server_sniperlimit% snipers each team !!!;Incr %playerkilled%;Kill

if %_beingsniper% == 1;End;log %p% is still a sniper, %team_recontotal% snipers on team %pt%

incr %team_recontotal%;set %_beingsniper% 1;log %p% is a sniper, %team_recontotal% snipers on team %pt%

On kill;Not Damage sniperRifle;Not Damage Handgun;if %_beingsniper% == 1;decr %_beingsniper%;decr %team_recontotal%;log %p% is no sniper anymore, %team_recontotal% snipers on team %pt%

On Leave;if %_beingsniper% == 1;Decr %team_recontotal%


Try this, i have set the kick on 3 times!!

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Originally Posted by al3x-tiger*:


hoi tarretje bedankt voor je goeie script zover


wij hebben je script sniper limit draaien maar nu is het zo als een sniper wisseld naar xbow dan kan diegene geen sniper meer zijn als iemand anders in die tussen tijd een sniper neemt help


Bvd [GG] Gatheringgamer & [Dw] Darkworld

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  • 4 weeks later...

Originally Posted by Nebiros*:


Hoi Tarreltje,


Sinds een maand zijn wij met onze clan in het bezit van een eigen server. Jouw script draait erop, en dat werkt super!

Aangezien de hoeveelheid spelers op de server nogal verschilt, heb ik geprobeerd om je script uit te breiden zodat de sniperlimit automatisch wordt aangepast bij verschillende spelersaantallen...


Hier heb ik het geprobeerd met Teamsize:


On Spawn;ServerFirst;Teamsize 4;Set %TeamSize4_sniperlimit% 1
On Spawn;ServerFirst;Teamsize 8;Set %TeamSize8_sniperlimit% 2
On Spawn;ServerFirst;Teamsize 12;Set %TeamSize12_sniperlimit% 4
On Spawn;ServerFirst;Teamsize 16;Set %TeamSize16_sniperlimit% 5
On Spawn;ServerFirst;Teamsize 32;Set %TeamSize32_sniperlimit% 6

# Sniper limit Teamsize Check, Adjust and Yell
On Join;Teamsize 4;if %server_sniperlimit% <> %TeamSize4_sniperlimit%;Set %server_sniperlimit% %TeamSize4_sniperlimit%;Yell SniperLimit changed to %server_sniperlimit%
On Leave;Teamsize 4;if %server_sniperlimit% <> %TeamSize4_sniperlimit%;Set %server_sniperlimit% %TeamSize4_sniperlimit%;Yell SniperLimit changed to %server_sniperlimit%
On Join;Teamsize 8;if %server_sniperlimit% <> %TeamSize8_sniperlimit%;Set %server_sniperlimit% %TeamSize8_sniperlimit%;Yell SniperLimit changed to %server_sniperlimit%
On Leave;Teamsize 8;if %server_sniperlimit% <> %TeamSize8_sniperlimit%;Set %server_sniperlimit% %TeamSize8_sniperlimit%;Yell SniperLimit changed to %server_sniperlimit%
On Join;Teamsize 12;if %server_sniperlimit% <> %TeamSize12_sniperlimit%;Set %server_sniperlimit% %TeamSize12_sniperlimit%;Yell SniperLimit changed to %server_sniperlimit%
On Leave;Teamsize 12;if %server_sniperlimit% <> %TeamSize12_sniperlimit%;Set %server_sniperlimit% %TeamSize12_sniperlimit%;Yell SniperLimit changed to %server_sniperlimit%
On Join;Teamsize 16;if %server_sniperlimit% <> %TeamSize16_sniperlimit%;Set %server_sniperlimit% %TeamSize16_sniperlimit%;Yell SniperLimit changed to %server_sniperlimit%
On Leave;Teamsize 16;if %server_sniperlimit% <> %TeamSize16_sniperlimit%;Set %server_sniperlimit% %TeamSize16_sniperlimit%;Yell SniperLimit changed to %server_sniperlimit%
On Join;Teamsize 32;if %server_sniperlimit% <> %TeamSize32_sniperlimit%;Set %server_sniperlimit% %TeamSize32_sniperlimit%;Yell SniperLimit changed to %server_sniperlimit%
On Leave;Teamsize 32;if %server_sniperlimit% <> %TeamSize32_sniperlimit%;Set %server_sniperlimit% %TeamSize32_sniperlimit%;Yell SniperLimit changed to %server_sniperlimit%

# sniper limit rulz
On Spawn;if %_beingsniper% == 1;Decr %_beingsniper%;Decr %team_recontotal%;Say we have %team_recontotal% snipers on team %pt%
On Spawn;Set %_beingsniper% 0

On kill;Damage sniperRifle;
if %team_recontotal% == %server_sniperlimit%;if %_beingsniper% == 0;PlayerYell Sniper Limit max %server_sniperlimit% snipers each team !!!;Say  Sniper Limit max %server_sniperlimit% snipers each team !!!;Kill
if %_beingsniper% == 1;End;log %p% is still a sniper, %team_recontotal% sniper(s) on team %pt%
incr %team_recontotal%;set %_beingsniper% 1;Say %p% is a sniper, %team_recontotal% sniper(s) on team %pt%
On kill;Not Damage sniperRifle;Not Damage Handgun;if %_beingsniper% == 1;decr %_beingsniper%;decr %team_recontotal%;log %p% is no sniper anymore, %team_recontotal% sniper(s) on team %pt%
On Leave;if %_beingsniper% == 1;Decr %team_recontotal%
Dit had als resultaat dat elke sniper limit elke keer doorlopend werden ingesteld.

Ook zonder On Join en On Leave het één en ander geprobeerd, maar geen succes...


De functie TeamSize bleef niet verwachte resultaten geven, dus ben ik overgestapt op %n%.


Dit is wat ik nu heb:



# TeamSize represents the # of players in the smallest team (not the server size!)
On Spawn; ServerFirst;
Set %TeamSize4_sniperlimit% 1
Set %TeamSize8_sniperlimit% 2
Set %TeamSize12_sniperlimit% 4
Set %TeamSize16_sniperlimit% 5
Set %TeamSize32_sniperlimit% 6

# Set Sniper Limit depending on smallest team on first spawn, every join and every leave
On Spawn; ServerFirst;
if %n% >= 0;if %n% <= 4;if %server_sniperlimit% <> %TeamSize4_sniperlimit%;Set %server_sniperlimit% %TeamSize4_sniperlimit%;Yell SniperLimit changed to %server_sniperlimit%;Say Sniper Limit is set on %server_sniperlimit%
if %n% >= 5;if %n% <= 8;if %server_sniperlimit% <> %TeamSize8_sniperlimit%;Set %server_sniperlimit% %TeamSize8_sniperlimit%;Yell SniperLimit changed to %server_sniperlimit%;Say Sniper Limit is set on %server_sniperlimit%
if %n% >= 9;if %n% <= 12;if %server_sniperlimit% <> %TeamSize12_sniperlimit%;Set %server_sniperlimit% %TeamSize12_sniperlimit%;Yell SniperLimit changed to %server_sniperlimit%;Say Sniper Limit is set on %server_sniperlimit%
if %n% >= 13;if %n% <= 16;if %server_sniperlimit% <> %TeamSize16_sniperlimit%;Set %server_sniperlimit% %TeamSize16_sniperlimit%;Yell SniperLimit changed to %server_sniperlimit%;Say Sniper Limit is set on %server_sniperlimit%
if %n% >= 17;if %n% <= 32;if %server_sniperlimit% <> %TeamSize32_sniperlimit%;Set %server_sniperlimit% %TeamSize32_sniperlimit%;Yell SniperLimit changed to %server_sniperlimit%;Say Sniper Limit is set on %server_sniperlimit%

On Join;
if %n% >= 0;if %n% <= 4;if %server_sniperlimit% <> %TeamSize4_sniperlimit%;Set %server_sniperlimit% %TeamSize4_sniperlimit%;Yell SniperLimit changed to %server_sniperlimit%;Say Sniper Limit is set on %server_sniperlimit%
if %n% >= 5;if %n% <= 8;if %server_sniperlimit% <> %TeamSize8_sniperlimit%;Set %server_sniperlimit% %TeamSize8_sniperlimit%;Yell SniperLimit changed to %server_sniperlimit%;Say Sniper Limit is set on %server_sniperlimit%
if %n% >= 9;if %n% <= 12;if %server_sniperlimit% <> %TeamSize12_sniperlimit%;Set %server_sniperlimit% %TeamSize12_sniperlimit%;Yell SniperLimit changed to %server_sniperlimit%;Say Sniper Limit is set on %server_sniperlimit%
if %n% >= 13;if %n% <= 16;if %server_sniperlimit% <> %TeamSize16_sniperlimit%;Set %server_sniperlimit% %TeamSize16_sniperlimit%;Yell SniperLimit changed to %server_sniperlimit%;Say Sniper Limit is set on %server_sniperlimit%
if %n% >= 17;if %n% <= 32;if %server_sniperlimit% <> %TeamSize32_sniperlimit%;Set %server_sniperlimit% %TeamSize32_sniperlimit%;Yell SniperLimit changed to %server_sniperlimit%;Say Sniper Limit is set on %server_sniperlimit%

On Leave;
if %n% >= 0;if %n% <= 4;if %server_sniperlimit% <> %TeamSize4_sniperlimit%;Set %server_sniperlimit% %TeamSize4_sniperlimit%;Yell SniperLimit changed to %server_sniperlimit%;Say Sniper Limit is set on %server_sniperlimit%
if %n% >= 5;if %n% <= 8;if %server_sniperlimit% <> %TeamSize8_sniperlimit%;Set %server_sniperlimit% %TeamSize8_sniperlimit%;Yell SniperLimit changed to %server_sniperlimit%;Say Sniper Limit is set on %server_sniperlimit%
if %n% >= 9;if %n% <= 12;if %server_sniperlimit% <> %TeamSize12_sniperlimit%;Set %server_sniperlimit% %TeamSize12_sniperlimit%;Yell SniperLimit changed to %server_sniperlimit%;Say Sniper Limit is set on %server_sniperlimit%
if %n% >= 13;if %n% <= 16;if %server_sniperlimit% <> %TeamSize16_sniperlimit%;Set %server_sniperlimit% %TeamSize16_sniperlimit%;Yell SniperLimit changed to %server_sniperlimit%;Say Sniper Limit is set on %server_sniperlimit%
if %n% >= 17;if %n% <= 32;if %server_sniperlimit% <> %TeamSize32_sniperlimit%;Set %server_sniperlimit% %TeamSize32_sniperlimit%;Yell SniperLimit changed to %server_sniperlimit%;Say Sniper Limit is set on %server_sniperlimit%

# sniper limit rulz
On Spawn;if %_beingsniper% == 1;Decr %_beingsniper%;Decr %team_recontotal%;Say we have %team_recontotal% snipers on team %pt%
On Spawn;Set %_beingsniper% 0

On kill;Damage sniperRifle;
if %team_recontotal% == %server_sniperlimit%;if %_beingsniper% == 0;Yell %p% got killed for disobeying the Sniper Limit!;Say  Sniper Limit max %server_sniperlimit% snipers each team!!!;Kill
if %_beingsniper% == 1;End;log %p% is still a sniper, %team_recontotal% snipers on team %pt%
incr %team_recontotal%;set %_beingsniper% 1;Say %p% is a sniper, %team_recontotal% snipers on team %pt%
On kill;Not Damage sniperRifle;Not Damage Handgun;if %_beingsniper% == 1;decr %_beingsniper%;decr %team_recontotal%;log %p% is no sniper anymore, %team_recontotal% snipers on team %pt%
On Leave;if %_beingsniper% == 1;Decr %team_recontotal%
Op zich lijkt het te werken, maar bij een Join of Leave, wordt de sniper limit ingesteld op bv 2 , en vervolgens weer op 0, of andersom...

Ik zie het niet meer, en dacht dat jij het wellicht een nuttige uitbreiding voor je script zou vinden en me hiermee zou willen helpen :biggrin:

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Originally Posted by The_Gwynbleidd*:


#sniper limit by tarreltje V2.1



On Spawn;ServerFirst;Set %server_sniperlimit% 2


# sniper limit rulz

On Spawn;if %_beingsniper% == 1;Decr %_beingsniper%;Decr %team_recontotal%;log we have %team_recontotal% snipers on team %pt%

On Spawn;Set %_beingsniper% 0


On kill;Damage sniperRifle;

if %team_recontotal% == %server_sniperlimit%;if %_beingsniper% == 0;Say Sniper Limit max %server_sniperlimit% snipers each team !!!;Kill

if %_beingsniper% == 1;End;log %p% is still a sniper, %team_recontotal% snipers on team %pt%

incr %team_recontotal%;set %_beingsniper% 1;log %p% is a sniper, %team_recontotal% snipers on team %pt%

On kill;Not Damage sniperRifle;Not Damage Handgun;if %_beingsniper% == 1;decr %_beingsniper%;decr %team_recontotal%;log %p% is no sniper anymore, %team_recontotal% snipers on team %pt%

On Leave;if %_beingsniper% == 1;Decr %team_recontotal%





20-5-2012 Changelog;

Changed On Round;Set %server_sniperlimit% 2 into On Spawn;ServerFirst;Set %server_sniperlimit% 2 due limit gets bugged when proconRulz was shutdown

When set snioer limit 5 procon give that message [20:36:37] Sniper Limit max 0 snipers each team!!!

and kiling all snipers. Works only when copy paste your code in procon rulz. But 2 snipers is too little. Can u help me?

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Originally Posted by tarreltje*:


You only have to change this rule into 5 like this:



On Spawn;ServerFirst;Set %server_sniperlimit% 5



%server_sniperlimit% = the how many snipers you would like to have.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Originally Posted by Nebiros*:


Hi Tarreltje,


I presume you did not respond to my post about the variable sniperlimit on Teamsize, because I've posted in the Dutch language.

Can you please tell me if you think it's possible to create a script that can change the sniperlimit size according to the number of players in the server, or smallest team?



Thanks in advance,



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Originally Posted by Nebiros*:


I think it's a pity that there has been absolutely no response to my post, but I've continued working on the variable sniperlimit on teamsize and got it to work.


The Variable Sniperlimit is setting the sniperlimit value, depending on the size of the smallest team, every time someone Spawns.

I hope some of you readers can use this.


Maybe there's a more experienced ProconRulz programmer who sees possible improvements in the code, and are willing to contribute to this.


At first I was using the "On Spawn;ServerFirst" trigger for setting the %TeamSizeX_sniperlimit% variables, but got some weird results with the sniperlimit set to 0 and 1. I've tried several things, but removing the ServerFirst solved it and didn't lagg my server, although I've tested it with small teams only.





Replace this part of Tarreltjes Code:


On Spawn;ServerFirst;Set %server_sniperlimit% 2
With this Code:


#Set values for limits, Teamsize is smallest team in server
On Spawn;
Set %TeamSize2_sniperlimit% 1
Set %TeamSize4_sniperlimit% 1
Set %TeamSize8_sniperlimit% 2
Set %TeamSize12_sniperlimit% 3
Set %TeamSize16_sniperlimit% 4
Set %TeamSize20_sniperlimit% 5
Set %TeamSize24_sniperlinit% 6
Set %TeamSize32_sniperlimit% 8

On Spawn;
if %n% >= -1;if %n% <= 2;if %server_sniperlimit% <> %TeamSize2_sniperlimit%;Set %server_sniperlimit% %TeamSize2_sniperlimit%;ALL SniperLimit set to %server_sniperlimit% per team!!! (XXS teams)
if %n% >= 3;if %n% <= 4;if %server_sniperlimit% <> %TeamSize4_sniperlimit%;Set %server_sniperlimit% %TeamSize4_sniperlimit%;ALL SniperLimit set to %server_sniperlimit% per team!!! (XS small teams)
if %n% >= 5;if %n% <= 8;if %server_sniperlimit% <> %TeamSize8_sniperlimit%;Set %server_sniperlimit% %TeamSize8_sniperlimit%;ALL SniperLimit set to %server_sniperlimit% per team!!! (S teams)
if %n% >= 9;if %n% <= 12;if %server_sniperlimit% <> %TeamSize12_sniperlimit%;Set %server_sniperlimit% %TeamSize12_sniperlimit%;ALL SniperLimit set to %server_sniperlimit% per team!!! (M teams)
if %n% >= 13;if %n% <= 16;if %server_sniperlimit% <> %TeamSize16_sniperlimit%;Set %server_sniperlimit% %TeamSize16_sniperlimit%;ALL SniperLimit set to %server_sniperlimit% per team!!! (L teams)
if %n% >= 15;if %n% <= 20;if %server_sniperlimit% <> %TeamSize20_sniperlimit%;Set %server_sniperlimit% %TeamSize20_sniperlimit%;ALL SniperLimit set to %server_sniperlimit% per team!!! (XL teams)
if %n% >= 19;if %n% <= 24;if %server_sniperlimit% <> %TeamSize24_sniperlimit%;Set %server_sniperlimit% %TeamSize24_sniperlimit%;ALL SniperLimit set to %server_sniperlimit% per team!!! (XXL teams)
if %n% >= 25;if %n% <= 32;if %server_sniperlimit% <> %TeamSize32_sniperlimit%;Set %server_sniperlimit% %TeamSize32_sniperlimit%;ALL SniperLimit set to %server_sniperlimit% per team!!! (XXXL teams)
You can see this in action on our server HERE
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Originally Posted by pharbehind*:


Great addition, Nebiros. Ironic I came here to ask about an "adaptive" version of this, which it looks like you accomplished. Will be trying it out today on a 64 slot server.


edit, getting these errors:


[13:17:45 50] ProconRulz: Unrecognised rule Set %TeamSize2_sniperlimit% 1

[13:17:45 50] ProconRulz: Unrecognised rule Set %TeamSize4_sniperlimit% 1

[13:17:45 50] ProconRulz: Unrecognised rule Set %TeamSize8_sniperlimit% 2

[13:17:45 52] ProconRulz: Unrecognised rule Set %TeamSize12_sniperlimit% 3

[13:17:45 52] ProconRulz: Unrecognised rule Set %TeamSize16_sniperlimit% 4

[13:17:45 52] ProconRulz: Unrecognised rule Set %TeamSize20_sniperlimit% 5

[13:17:45 52] ProconRulz: Unrecognised rule Set %TeamSize24_sniperlinit% 6

[13:17:45 52] ProconRulz: Unrecognised rule Set %TeamSize32_sniperlimit% 8

[13:17:45 52] ProconRulz: Unrecognised rule if %n% >= -1;if %n% %TeamSize2_sniperlimit%;Set %server_sniperlimit% %TeamSize2_sniperlimit%;Max snipers per team set to %server_sniperlimit%.

[13:17:45 52] ProconRulz: Unrecognised rule if %n% >= 3;if %n% %TeamSize4_sniperlimit%;Set %server_sniperlimit% %TeamSize4_sniperlimit%;Max snipers per team set to %server_sniperlimit%.

[13:17:45 52] ProconRulz: Unrecognised rule if %n% >= 5;if %n% %TeamSize8_sniperlimit%;Set %server_sniperlimit% %TeamSize8_sniperlimit%;Max snipers per team set to %server_sniperlimit%.

[13:17:45 52] ProconRulz: Unrecognised rule if %n% >= 9;if %n% %TeamSize12_sniperlimit%;Set %server_sniperlimit% %TeamSize12_sniperlimit%;Max snipers per team set to %server_sniperlimit%.

[13:17:45 52] ProconRulz: Unrecognised rule if %n% >= 13;if %n% %TeamSize16_sniperlimit%;Set %server_sniperlimit% %TeamSize16_sniperlimit%;Max snipers per team set to %server_sniperlimit%.

[13:17:45 52] ProconRulz: Unrecognised rule if %n% >= 15;if %n% %TeamSize20_sniperlimit%;Set %server_sniperlimit% %TeamSize20_sniperlimit%;Max snipers per team set to %server_sniperlimit%.

[13:17:45 52] ProconRulz: Unrecognised rule if %n% >= 19;if %n% %TeamSize24_sniperlimit%;Set %server_sniperlimit% %TeamSize24_sniperlimit%;Max snipers per team set to %server_sniperlimit%.

[13:17:45 52] ProconRulz: Unrecognised rule if %n% >= 25;if %n% %TeamSize32_sniperlimit%;Set %server_sniperlimit% %TeamSize32_sniperlimit%;Max snipers per team set to %server_sniperlimit%.

[13:17:45 52] ProconRulz: Unrecognised rule On Spawn;if %_beingsniper% == 1;Decr %_beingsniper%;Decr %team_recontotal%;log we have %team_recontotal% snipers on team %pt%

[13:17:45 52] ProconRulz: Unrecognised rule On Spawn;Set %_beingsniper% 0

[13:17:45 52] ProconRulz: Unrecognised rule if %team_recontotal% == %server_sniperlimit%;if %_beingsniper% == 0;Say Sniper Limit max %server_sniperlimit% snipers each team !!!;Kill

[13:17:45 52] ProconRulz: Unrecognised rule if %_beingsniper% == 1;End;log %p% is still a sniper, %team_recontotal% snipers on team %pt%

[13:17:45 52] ProconRulz: Unrecognised rule incr %team_recontotal%;set %_beingsniper% 1;log %p% is a sniper, %team_recontotal% snipers on team %pt%

[13:17:45 52] ProconRulz: Unrecognised rule On kill;Not Damage sniperRifle;Not Damage Handgun;if %_beingsniper% == 1;decr %_beingsniper%;decr %team_recontotal%;log %p% is no sniper anymore, %team_recontotal% snipers on team %pt%

[13:17:45 52] ProconRulz: Unrecognised rule On Leave;if %_beingsniper% == 1;Decr %team_recontotal%

[13:17:45 52] ProconRulz: 10 rules loaded

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Originally Posted by Enco86*:


I want to implement this sniper rule on a 52 slot server but only in Rush mode.These codes seem to complicated for me i'll be glad if someone write down the code if its possible.

* Restored post. It could be that the author is no longer active.
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Originally Posted by Nebiros*:


Glad to see someone finds my add-on usefull.


Currently I'm testing a minor update, which is setting the values only on On Spawn;ServerFirst

Maybe you can test this as well.

The complete code (Adaptive add-on & tarreltjes Sniper Limit combined) is:



#sniper limit by tarreltje V2.1 with ADAPTIVE add-on by Nebiros v1.1
#Set values for Max # of snipers, Teamsize is smallest team in server
On Spawn;ServerFirst;
Set %server_TeamSize2_sniperlimit% 1
Set %server_TeamSize4_sniperlimit% 1
Set %server_TeamSize8_sniperlimit% 2
Set %server_TeamSize12_sniperlimit% 3
Set %server_TeamSize16_sniperlimit% 4
Set %server_TeamSize20_sniperlimit% 5
Set %server_TeamSize24_sniperlinit% 6
Set %server_TeamSize32_sniperlimit% 8

On Spawn;
if %n% >= -1;if %n% <= 2;if %server_sniperlimit% <> %server_TeamSize2_sniperlimit%;Set %server_sniperlimit% %server_TeamSize2_sniperlimit%;ALL SniperLimit set to %server_sniperlimit% per team!!! (XXS teams)
if %n% >= 3;if %n% <= 4;if %server_sniperlimit% <> %server_TeamSize4_sniperlimit%;Set %server_sniperlimit% %server_TeamSize4_sniperlimit%;ALL SniperLimit set to %server_sniperlimit% per team!!! (XS small teams)
if %n% >= 5;if %n% <= 8;if %server_sniperlimit% <> %server_TeamSize8_sniperlimit%;Set %server_sniperlimit% %server_TeamSize8_sniperlimit%;ALL SniperLimit set to %server_sniperlimit% per team!!! (S teams)
if %n% >= 9;if %n% <= 12;if %server_sniperlimit% <> %server_TeamSize12_sniperlimit%;Set %server_sniperlimit% %server_TeamSize12_sniperlimit%;ALL SniperLimit set to %server_sniperlimit% per team!!! (M teams)
if %n% >= 13;if %n% <= 16;if %server_sniperlimit% <> %server_TeamSize16_sniperlimit%;Set %server_sniperlimit% %server_TeamSize16_sniperlimit%;ALL SniperLimit set to %server_sniperlimit% per team!!! (L teams)
if %n% >= 15;if %n% <= 20;if %server_sniperlimit% <> %server_TeamSize20_sniperlimit%;Set %server_sniperlimit% %server_TeamSize20_sniperlimit%;ALL SniperLimit set to %server_sniperlimit% per team!!! (XL teams)
if %n% >= 19;if %n% <= 24;if %server_sniperlimit% <> %server_TeamSize24_sniperlimit%;Set %server_sniperlimit% %server_TeamSize24_sniperlimit%;ALL SniperLimit set to %server_sniperlimit% per team!!! (XXL teams)
if %n% >= 25;if %n% <= 32;if %server_sniperlimit% <> %server_TeamSize32_sniperlimit%;Set %server_sniperlimit% %server_TeamSize32_sniperlimit%;ALL SniperLimit set to %server_sniperlimit% per team!!! (XXXL teams)

On Spawn;if %_beingsniper% == 1;Decr %_beingsniper%;Decr %team_recontotal%;log we have %team_recontotal% snipers on team %pt%
On Spawn;Set %_beingsniper% 0

On kill;Damage sniperRifle;
if %team_recontotal% == %server_sniperlimit%;if %_beingsniper% == 0;Say Sniper Limit max %server_sniperlimit% snipers each team !!!;Kill
if %_beingsniper% == 1;End;log %p% is still a sniper, %team_recontotal% snipers on team %pt%
incr %team_recontotal%;set %_beingsniper% 1;log %p% is a sniper, %team_recontotal% snipers on team %pt%
On kill;Not Damage sniperRifle;Not Damage Handgun;if %_beingsniper% == 1;decr %_beingsniper%;decr %team_recontotal%;log %p% is no sniper anymore, %team_recontotal% snipers on team %pt%
On Leave;if %_beingsniper% == 1;Decr %team_recontotal%
Maybe you can try to copy paste the complete code into ProconRulz again.
* Restored post. It could be that the author is no longer active.
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    • Game Server Hosting:

      We're happy to announce that EZRCON will branch out into the game server provider scene. This is a big step for us so please having patience if something doesn't go right in this area. Now, what makes us different compared to other providers? Well, we're going with the idea of having a scaleable server hosting and providing more control in how you set up your server. For example, in Minecraft, you have the ability to control how many CPU cores you wish your server to have access to, how much RAM you want to use, how much disk space you want to use. This type of control can't be offered in a single service package so you're able to configure a custom package the way you want it.

      You can see all the available games here. Currently, we have the following games available.

      Valheim (From $1.50 USD)

      Rust (From $3.20 USD)

      Minecraft (Basic) (From $4.00 USD)

      Call of Duty 4X (From $7.00 USD)

      OpenTTD (From $4.00 USD)

      Squad (From $9.00 USD)

      Insurgency: Sandstorm (From $6.40 USD)

      Changes to US-East:

      Starting in January 2022, we will be moving to a different provider that has better support, better infrastructure, and better connectivity. We've noticed that the connection/routes to this location are not ideal and it's been hard getting support to correct this. Our contract for our two servers ends in March/April respectively. If you currently have servers in this location you will be migrated over to the new provider. We'll have more details when the time comes closer to January. The new location for this change will be based out of Atlanta, GA. If you have any questions/concerns please open a ticket and we'll do our best to answer them.
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    • Hello All,

      I wanted to give an update to how EZRCON is doing. As of today we have 56 active customers using the services offered. I'm glad its doing so well and it hasn't been 1 year yet. To those that have services with EZRCON, I hope the service is doing well and if not please let us know so that we can improve it where possible. We've done quite a few changes behind the scenes to improve the performance hopefully. 

      We'll be launching a new location for hosting procon layers in either Los Angeles, USA or Chicago, IL. Still being decided on where the placement should be but these two locations are not set in stone yet. We would like to get feedback on where we should have a new location for hosting the Procon Layers, which you can do by replying to this topic. A poll will be created where people can vote on which location they would like to see.

      We're also looking for some suggestions on what else you would like to see for hosting provider options. So please let us know your thoughts on this matter.
      • 4 replies
    • Added ability to disable the new API check for player country info

      Updated GeoIP database file

      Removed usage sending stats

      Added EZRCON ad banner

      If you are upgrading then you may need to add these two lines to your existing installation in the file procon.cfg. To enable these options just change False to True.

      procon.private.options.UseGeoIpFileOnly False
      procon.private.options.BlockRssFeedNews False

      • 2 replies
    • I wanted I let you know that I am starting to build out the foundation for the hosting services that I talked about here. The pricing model I was originally going for wasn't going to be suitable for how I want to build it. So instead I decided to offer each service as it's own product instead of a package deal. In the future, hopefully, I will be able to do this and offer discounts to those that choose it.

      Here is how the pricing is laid out for each service as well as information about each. This is as of 7/12/2020.

      Single MySQL database (up to 30 GB) is $10 USD per month.

      If you go over the 30 GB usage for the database then each additional gigabyte is charged at $0.10 USD each billing cycle. If you're under 30GB you don't need to worry about this.

      Databases are replicated across 3 zones (regions) for redundancy. One (1) on the east coast of the USA, One (1) in Frankfurt, and One (1) in Singapore. Depending on the demand, this would grow to more regions.

      Databases will also be backed up daily and retained for 7 days.

      Procon Layer will be $2 USD per month.

      Each layer will only allow one (1) game server connection. The reason behind this is for performance.

      Each layer will also come with all available plugins installed by default. This is to help facilitate faster deployments and get you up and running quickly.

      Each layer will automatically restart if Procon crashes. 

      Each layer will also automatically restart daily at midnight to make sure it stays in tip-top shape.

      Custom plugins can be installed by submitting a support ticket.

      Battlefield Admin Control Panel (BFACP) will be $5 USD per month

      As I am still working on building version 3 of the software, I will be installing the last version I did. Once I complete version 3 it will automatically be upgraded for you.

      All these services will be managed by me so you don't have to worry about the technical side of things to get up and going.

      If you would like to see how much it would cost for the services, I made a calculator that you can use. It can be found here https://ezrcon.com/calculator.html

      • 11 replies
    • I have pushed out a new minor release which updates the geodata pull (flags in the playerlisting). This should be way more accurate now. As always, please let me know if any problems show up.

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