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Insane Limits Requests


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Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*:


Uh ... I replied in the thread with the limit code. The problem was you were using Expression instead of Code for second_check. The changes you made won't make things work better. I'm surprised it works at all.

I stand corrected. Longer explanation in the thread (see link below), but short answer is, GSMACK had Code set properly, there were indeed two compilation errors, however, the proposed fixes, particularly plugin.kickPlayer, are incorrect, and indeed won't even compile when I try them. I posted the correct fixes in the original thread.



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Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*:


I posted quite a while ago about a vote vehicle plugin, did anyone take it up?



Sorry, I haven't had a chance to work on it yet. Do you want the vote to be for Infantry Only mode or not? That's better than vehicles or not, for Battlelog Server Browser purposes. Otherwise, your server might show up as Custom.


Turns out I can't do vote map, since Insane Limits doesn't provide the current map list. It's on the wish list for 0.9.

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Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*:


You would have to make the regex part for M9 more precise and try this one as string for your pattern:


(M1911|M9(_!3)|Taurus|MP412REX|MP443|Melee|Knife|Knife_RazorBlade|BF Premium Knife)
The @ is only a little helper eliminating the need to have a not so good readable string by masking chars with \.
So that's what lookahead control is for! I never understood that part of Regex before. Cool, Phil.


BTW, the Knife terms are overkill. All you really need is:



Since "Knife" is a substring of the other two terms.


The @ is great! It disables \ escaping, so that each \ is passed as a literal. No \\ needed! I add it to Regex expressions as a best practice, because you never know when you are going to need to add an \s* term and if you forget to add the @ after the fact, you don't find the problem until runtime, if even then.

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Originally Posted by thelawdawg*:


At the request of PapaCharlie (and not knowing better lol) I'm bringing this here. I will also breeze through this thread to maybe answer some of my own questions. Again, as indicated below, the rush tickets increase to 150% after the first set of mcomms. If I can iron this out, I and the rest of my group, will be extremely excited to be using this plugin!


Thanks Papa.


Hello, I recently installed this plugin on our server and am excited for the fact that it can do as much as a laundry list of plugin can. I have a couple small issues and I'm hoping it can be sorted out, because we like the idea of 1 plugin running what 5 can.


The first issue and why we went to this plugin. The gamemode ticket changer. We run a CQ/Rush mixed server. I wanted to keep it as simple as possible and run 150% for CQ and 100% for rush. So far, it seems to be flawless on conquest, except for the Conquest Assault B2K maps. The problem comes in with rush. On the first set of coms, attackers get the normal 100% tickets. But, once those are taken and the next set opens up, the attackers are given 150% tickets for each other set of coms. Is there something in the code I need to add, or is this a known issue? Trying to search through this thread has proven fruitless.


The second issue I'm having.. Is the multi action language catcher. I tried to set it up, but I'm afraid my limited knowledge of coding has got me at an impasse. I do what it looks like it should be, but it doesn't work once I go live with it.


If there are any tips or tricks to coding with this, I would appreciate them. We have a language filter already, so it's not detrimental to not work, but would like to rely on only 1 plugin. The ticket changer is the more important issue, as we are attempting to eliminate second round of conquest because we feel it redundant.


Thanks in advance for any help.

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Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*:


I posted quite a while ago about a vote vehicle plugin, did anyone take it up?



Your limit is posted in this new thread:



It turned out to be harder than I thought. Lots of complication with voting in this round for something that happens next round. I haven't tested it, so there are probably some bugs that will need to be fixed.

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Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*:


At the request of PapaCharlie (and not knowing better lol) I'm bringing this here. I will also breeze through this thread to maybe answer some of my own questions. Again, as indicated below, the rush tickets increase to 150% after the first set of mcomms. If I can iron this out, I and the rest of my group, will be extremely excited to be using this plugin!


Thanks Papa.

What code are you using now to change to 150%? Is it an Insane Limit or something else? If it is an Insane Limit, post the link or post your actual code. It can probably be modified to handle Rush better. It all depends on how it detects end of round. If it is based on tickets, that would explain why Rush doesn't work right. Each stage is being treated as a new round.
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Originally Posted by thelawdawg*:


It is insane limits. I started with the code under "Next Gamemode Ticket Changer" and only edited out what I didn't want. I've got the first check 'expression' to 'onkill'




if(limit.Activations() == 1)


if(Regex.Match(server.NextGamemode, "(ConquestLarge0|ConquestSmall0|ConquestSmall1 )", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Success)


plugin.ServerCommand("vars.gameModeCounter", "150");


else if(server.NextGamemode == "RushLarge0")


plugin.ServerCommand("vars.gameModeCounter", "100");



plugin.ConsoleWrite("Next map mode is "+server.NextGamemode+". Tickets set for next map");


return false;

What you're saying about 'new round' makes sense. With that said, if I add RushLarge1,2,3,etc,.. will this work? Thought about trying it, but would rather wait to see if there was something I was doing wrong. It also seems to ignore maps like Karkand CQ Assault, giving an error about unknown conquestassault. I haven't tried adding it yet..



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Originally Posted by CBG*:




How would I use the below killrate checker, in the following way:


X per min = warn

X per min 2nd time = kill

X per min 3rd time = banned for a week or X time




This limit will check for how fast a player makes kills, and perform whatever action you want, if the player exceeds the rate you specify.



Set the limit to evaluate for OnKill, and set the action to Kick


Set first_check to this Expression:



Set the second_check to this Expression:



( limit.Activations(player.Name, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30)) >  10 )
In this example, the rate is +10 kills, in 30 seconds. You may want to adjust this rate as you wish.



What if you wanted to check for the Headshot rate ? Well you can do that as well. In that case, just modify the first_check Expression to activate only for Headshots like this:



( kill.Headshot == true)
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Originally Posted by MajorWinters101*:


I use the !punish and !forgive system.


I was wondering if there was a way to remind the person TKd in a yell command upon that player respawning. Any suggestions?


Thanks, much appreciated.

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Originally Posted by Kugelfaenger*:


Here you go:


This limit will warn the player in squad-chat, if more than 60% of the characters are Uppercase.


If you haven't already, using the List Manager section of the Insane Limits Plugin Settings tab, create a custom list called admin_white_list. Set it Enabled and set the comparison to CaseSensitive. Set its value to a comma separated list of player names without tags. Make sure the names are correct for case. For me, "PapaCharlieNiner" would be correct, "papacharlieniner" would be incorrect.


Set limit to evaluate OnAnyChat, set Action to None.


Set first_check to this Code



if (plugin.isInList(player.Name, "admin_white_list")) return false;

double max_percent = 60;
double min_words = 2;

/* Count words */
double wcount = (double) Regex.Split(player.LastChat, @"\s+").Length;

/* Make sure there at at least min_words in chat */
if (wcount < min_words) return false;
/* Remove Spaces First */
String chat = Regex.Replace(player.LastChat, @"\s", "");

if (chat.Length == 0)
    return false;

/* Count Uppercase Characters */
double count = (double) Regex.Matches(player.LastChat, @"[A-Z]").Count;

/* Calculate Percentage */
double percent = Math.Round((count/(double)chat.Length) * 100.0);

if (percent > max_percent ) plugin.ServerCommand("admin.say", player.Name+" umad bro_  " + percent + "% of your chat is UPPERCASE!", "player", player.Name);

return false;
Spaces are removed from the chat text before calculating the percentage
Hey thanks for the code, but it seems not to work 100%.

Some players (not in whitelist) dont get the warning.



I use the admin_list instead of admin_white_list, admin_list was also used with the !m26 bug code of you and worked fine.


Sorry i see that i gave you a wrong limit :ohmy: here is the limit that i use:


OnAnyChat -> 1st check -> Code:


String adminList = "admin_list"; // Name of custom list for admin names

if (plugin.isInList(player.Name, adminList)) return false;

double max_percent = 60;
double min_words = 2;

/* Count words */
double wcount = (double) Regex.Split(player.LastChat, @"\s+").Length;

/* Make sure there at at least min_words in chat */
if (wcount < min_words)
   return false;

/* Remove Spaces First */
String chat = Regex.Replace(player.LastChat, @"\s", "");

if (chat.Length == 0)
    return false;

/* Count Uppercase Characters */
double count = (double) Regex.Matches(player.LastChat, @"[A-Z]").Count;

/* Calculate Percentage */
double percent = Math.Round((count/(double)chat.Length) * 100.0);

return (percent > max_percent);
2nd check -> code:


/* Change these values */
double warn = 5; // It kicks on the value you set

double activated = limit.Activations(player.Name);

/*        plugin.SendSquadMessage(player.TeamId, player.SquadId, player.Name+" too many uppercase words - Warning "+activated+" of "+warn); */

    if (activated >= 1 && activated < warn)
        plugin.ServerCommand("admin.yell", "Are you mad_ Stop screaming! Warning "+activated+" of "+warn, "10", "player", player.Name);
        plugin.SendSquadMessage(player.TeamId, player.SquadId, player.Name+ " are you mad_ Stop screaming! Warning "+activated+" of "+warn);
    else if(activated == warn)
        plugin.SendGlobalMessage(player.Name+" have been kicked after too many uppercase warnings.");
        plugin.KickPlayerWithMessage(player.Name, "You have been kicked for uppercase words after "+warn+" warnings!");

return false;
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Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*:


Regarding this request:

Hi, my procon spat all our limits, so setting them all up from scratch again. I notice I cant select OnInterval anymore, it just goes to onintervalplayers with a check interval of 30?


is that right, or something odd? was trying to load this back in.



First of all, what I think happened is that you updated from 0.7 to 0.8 -- maybe you didn't realize you had done that? If you aren't careful/lucky, that could result in all your limits getting lost. That also explains why a limit that used to work with OnInterval now no longer works, since OnInterval was deprecated in 0.8.


Instead of OnIntervalServer, try OnKill. That should not complain about "player" and should actually work better anyway.

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Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*:


It is insane limits. I started with the code under "Next Gamemode Ticket Changer" and only edited out what I didn't want. I've got the first check 'expression' to 'onkill'




What you're saying about 'new round' makes sense. With that said, if I add RushLarge1,2,3,etc,.. will this work? Thought about trying it, but would rather wait to see if there was something I was doing wrong. It also seems to ignore maps like Karkand CQ Assault, giving an error about unknown conquestassault. I haven't tried adding it yet..



Try this instead.


Change the limit to evaluate OnRoundOver and call it "Tickets by mode".


Set first_check to this Code:



if(Regex.Match(server.NextGamemode, "Conquest").Success) {
    plugin.ConsoleWrite("^b[TicketMode]^n I think the next round is Conquest, setting counter to 150%");
    plugin.ServerCommand("vars.gameModeCounter", "150");
} else if (Regex.Match(server.NextGamemode, "Rush").Success || Regex.Match(server.Gamemode, "Rush").Success) {
    plugin.ConsoleWrite("^b[TicketMode]^n I think the next round or stage is Rush, setting counter to 100%");
    plugin.ServerCommand("vars.gameModeCounter", "100");

return false;
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Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*:


I use the !punish and !forgive system.


I was wondering if there was a way to remind the person TKd in a yell command upon that player respawning. Any suggestions?


Thanks, much appreciated.

Are you asking for a new Insane Limit to supplement your usage of Insane Punisher, or are you asking for a new feature of Insane Punisher (different plugin)? If the former, we can help you with that.
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Originally Posted by MajorWinters101*:


Are you asking for a new Insane Limit to supplement your usage of Insane Punisher, or are you asking for a new feature of Insane Punisher (different plugin)? If the former, we can help you with that.

Thank you for the response. I am currently using both Insane Limits and Insane Punisher, however the TK system is currently being implemented using the insane punisher.


I am only using insane punisher basically for the TK system anyway...so it really doesn't matter how this is accomplished if it can.


My goal would be to have a yell command say something to the individual player that was TK'd upon re-spawning to remind them of the vote system enabled.


Much appreciated!

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Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*:


My goal would be to have a yell command say something to the individual player that was TK'd upon re-spawning to remind them of the vote system enabled.


Much appreciated!

I believe the following Insane Limit will do that. I haven't compiled or tested this, so let me know if there are any problems:


Set a limit to evaluate OnTeamDeath. Set the Action to None.


Set first_check to this Code:



// Define your message here:
String msg = "Yo! You want payback on that bitch that TK'd you_ Type !punish into chat.";

Since yells are not visible when a player is dead, we have to wait a little while
before we send the yell. We'll yell twice, just in case.
String who = victim.Name;
ThreadStart yellTKReminder = delegate {
    Thread.Sleep(45*1000); // Try the first yell at 45 seconds after death
    plugin.ServerCommand("admin.yell", msg, "15", "player", who);
    Thread.Sleep(((2*60)+15)*1000); // Try the second yell at 3 minutes after death (0:45 + 2:15)
    plugin.ServerCommand("admin.yell", msg, "15", "player", who);

Thread t = new Thread(yellTKReminder);

return false;
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Originally Posted by GitSum*:


With a lot of Premium players resetting their stats - this is causing us problems with our SPM limit


This is what we are currently using, substitute any number for the actual SPM in place of ****



On Kill



if ( !plugin.isInList(player.Name, "white_list") &&
     (player.Spm > **** )

    return true;
    return false;
second check disabled

Action is ban


I see that insane limits can pull the player time (in seconds) and would like to start using a minimum number of hours before this limit kicked in and banned someone?


So how do you add a minimum number of hours to this before the limit kicked in and banned a player


I am thinking


if ( !plugin.isInList(player.Name, "white_list") &&
     (player.Spm > **** && (Time > *******) )

    return true;
    return false;
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Originally Posted by HexaCanon*:


would love to see a limit with !slap or !insult commands that work similar to insane punisher. (u can copy the messages from there).


!slap playername >> message appears to slap the player.

!insult playername >> message appears to insult the player.



Edit :


also another request, i have this limit


Dictionary<String, String> Maps = new Dictionary<String, String>();
Maps.Add("XP2_Factory", "Scrapmetal");
Maps.Add("XP2_Office", "Operation 925");
Maps.Add("XP2_Palace", "Donya Fortress");
Maps.Add("XP2_Skybar", "Ziba Tower");

Dictionary<String, String> Modes = new Dictionary<String, String>();    
Modes.Add("Domination0", "Conquest Domination");
Modes.Add("GunMaster0", "Gun Master");
Modes.Add("TeamDeathMatchC0", "TDM Close Qaurter");

String mapName = (Maps.ContainsKey(server.MapFileName)) _ Maps[server.MapFileName] : server.MapFileName;
String modeName = (Modes.ContainsKey(server.Gamemode)) _ Modes[server.Gamemode] : server.Gamemode;

if (server.Host == "") {
    plugin.Log("Plugins/CQtracker.log", plugin.R("[%date%][%time%] [Players : server.PlayerCount/server.MaxPlayers] [Map : " + mapName + "] [Mode : " + modeName + "] [Round time : server.TimeRound"));
    return false;}
return false;
it tracks server rounds for me, the current report is like this


[Sunday, June 17, 2012][4:19 PM] [Players : 48/48] [Map : Donya Fortress] [Mode : Gun Master] [Round time : 554]
how can i change it so that it reports the time in Hour:Minute:Second format ? like this


[Sunday, June 17, 2012][4:19 PM] [Players : 48/48] [Map : Donya Fortress] [Mode : Gun Master] [Round time : 00:09:14]
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Originally Posted by Realtec*:


I have a problem with the weapon names.

Sometimes i get weird names like Weapons/Gadgets/Claymore/Claymore

For displaying messages to players this is kinda ugly.


I already find something usefull on this forum:



Match m = Regex.Match(kill.Weapon, @"/[^/]+$");
String wn = kill.Weapon;
if(m.Success) wn = m.Groups[1].Value;
I've used this solution for a while and it works and i get normal weapon names.

But sometimes there is no weapon name.


Can someone help me to improve this code so the weapon names are clean?

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Originally Posted by HexaCanon*:


I have a problem with the weapon names.

Sometimes i get weird names like Weapons/Gadgets/Claymore/Claymore

For displaying messages to players this is kinda ugly.


I already find something usefull on this forum:



Match m = Regex.Match(kill.Weapon, @"/[^/]+$");
String wn = kill.Weapon;
if(m.Success) wn = m.Groups[1].Value;
I've used this solution for a while and it works and i get normal weapon names.

But sometimes there is no weapon name.


Can someone help me to improve this code so the weapon names are clean?

what i use is something different, like this (taken from my metro code)


else if ( Regex.Match(kill.Weapon,  @"(Claymore)", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Success ) {
    String  message = plugin.R("%p_n% has been banned for 5 minutes for using Claymores after being kicked!");
	plugin.PBBanPlayerWithMessage(PBBanDuration.Temporary, player.Name, 5, message);
it is the easy way out, but it will make your code looks ugly.
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Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*:


With a lot of Premium players resetting their stats - this is causing us problems with our SPM limit


This is what we are currently using, substitute any number for the actual SPM in place of ****



On Kill



if ( !plugin.isInList(player.Name, "white_list") &&
     (player.Spm > **** )

    return true;
    return false;
second check disabled

Action is ban


I see that insane limits can pull the player time (in seconds) and would like to start using a minimum number of hours before this limit kicked in and banned someone?


So how do you add a minimum number of hours to this before the limit kicked in and banned a player


I am thinking


if ( !plugin.isInList(player.Name, "white_list") &&
     (player.Spm > **** && (Time > *******) )

    return true;
    return false;
See the following thread for a detailed discussion of the Premium reset stats problem and what you can do about it with your limits:


Insane Limits users note: Premium members may reset their stats*

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Originally Posted by Realtec*:


In my example i used Claymore but that can be any weapon.

I dont want to hardcode every weapon from a total of 100 weapons in BF3.


Isnt ther a more dynamic solution?

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Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*:


would love to see a limit with !slap or !insult commands that work similar to insane punisher. (u can copy the messages from there).


!slap playername >> message appears to slap the player.

!insult playername >> message appears to insult the player.

That would be fun! Any takers on coding this up? Otherwise I'll add it to my list to do eventually.


I think !taunt and !cheer would make more sense for general play not associated with TK punishment. The !taunt would be an insult and !cheer would be some kind of praise.

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Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*:


Edit :


also another request, i have this limit


Dictionary<String, String> Maps = new Dictionary<String, String>();
Maps.Add("XP2_Factory", "Scrapmetal");
Maps.Add("XP2_Office", "Operation 925");
Maps.Add("XP2_Palace", "Donya Fortress");
Maps.Add("XP2_Skybar", "Ziba Tower");

Dictionary<String, String> Modes = new Dictionary<String, String>();    
Modes.Add("Domination0", "Conquest Domination");
Modes.Add("GunMaster0", "Gun Master");
Modes.Add("TeamDeathMatchC0", "TDM Close Qaurter");

String mapName = (Maps.ContainsKey(server.MapFileName)) _ Maps[server.MapFileName] : server.MapFileName;
String modeName = (Modes.ContainsKey(server.Gamemode)) _ Modes[server.Gamemode] : server.Gamemode;

if (server.Host == "") {
    plugin.Log("Plugins/CQtracker.log", plugin.R("[%date%][%time%] [Players : server.PlayerCount/server.MaxPlayers] [Map : " + mapName + "] [Mode : " + modeName + "] [Round time : server.TimeRound"));
    return false;}
return false;
it tracks server rounds for me, the current report is like this


[Sunday, June 17, 2012][4:19 PM] [Players : 48/48] [Map : Donya Fortress] [Mode : Gun Master] [Round time : 554]
how can i change it so that it reports the time in Hour:Minute:Second format ? like this


[Sunday, June 17, 2012][4:19 PM] [Players : 48/48] [Map : Donya Fortress] [Mode : Gun Master] [Round time : 00:09:14]
Find this code in your original version:


if (server.Host == "") {
    plugin.Log("Plugins/CQtracker.log", plugin.R("[%date%][%time%] [Players : server.PlayerCount/server.MaxPlayers] [Map : " + mapName + "] [Mode : " + modeName + "] [Round time : server.TimeRound"));
    return false;}
and change it to this:



if (server.Host == "") {
    TimeSpan roundTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(Math.Ceiling(server.TimeRound));
    plugin.Log("Plugins/CQtracker.log", plugin.R("[%date%][%time%] [Players : server.PlayerCount/server.MaxPlayers] [Map : " + mapName + "] [Mode : " + modeName + "] [Round time : " + roundTime.ToString() + "]"));
    return false;
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Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*:


In my example i used Claymore but that can be any weapon.

I dont want to hardcode every weapon from a total of 100 weapons in BF3.


Isnt ther a more dynamic solution?

It's a bug in my original code. I corrected that code in the original post in whatever thread I originally wrote it in long ago, but here it is again:



Match m = Regex.Match(kill.Weapon, @"/([^/]+)$");
String wn = kill.Weapon;
if(m.Success) wn = m.Groups[1].Value;
Stupid parentheses!
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Originally Posted by HexaCanon*:


That would be fun! Any takers on coding this up? Otherwise I'll add it to my list to do eventually.


I think !taunt and !cheer would make more sense for general play not associated with TK punishment. The !taunt would be an insult and !cheer would be some kind of praise.

when i removed insane punisher a lot of people asked me to turn it back on, but insane punished has some issues.


anyway if u do !taunt and !cheer, i can just modify it for slap and insults :smile:

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Originally Posted by xFaNtASyGiRLx*:


i would love a plugin that will autoban anyone who says "crash the server" "crashing the server". i already use the badwords limit but that kicks only after 3 times of using the bad word. is there anyway i can auto ban someone who says this?


i had a cheater on my server last night who the players were trying to votekick and he said "going to crash this server" and then bam! server crashed. i found him in logs and banned him manually but would like to insta ban anyone who says this.



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Originally Posted by Singh400*:


i would love a plugin that will autoban anyone who says "crash the server" "crashing the server". i already use the badwords limit but that kicks only after 3 times of using the bad word. is there anyway i can auto ban someone who says this?


i had a cheater on my server last night who the players were trying to votekick and he said "going to crash this server" and then bam! server crashed. i found him in logs and banned him manually but would like to insta ban anyone who says this.



That wouldn't stop anyone from crashing the server. All the information they need to crash it is available on Battlelog server page.
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Originally Posted by MajorWinters101*:


I believe the following Insane Limit will do that. I haven't compiled or tested this, so let me know if there are any problems:


Set a limit to evaluate OnTeamDeath. Set the Action to None.


Set first_check to this Code:



// Define your message here:
String msg = "Yo! You want payback on that bitch that TK'd you_ Type !punish into chat.";

Since yells are not visible when a player is dead, we have to wait a little while
before we send the yell. We'll yell twice, just in case.
String who = victim.Name;
ThreadStart yellTKReminder = delegate {
    Thread.Sleep(45*1000); // Try the first yell at 45 seconds after death
    plugin.ServerCommand("admin.yell", msg, "15", "player", who);
    Thread.Sleep(((2*60)+15)*1000); // Try the second yell at 3 minutes after death (0:45 + 2:15)
    plugin.ServerCommand("admin.yell", msg, "15", "player", who);

Thread t = new Thread(yellTKReminder);

return false;
Thank you kindly sir. I just finally got to enter in the following and will let you know if it is working properly.


Much appreciated!

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      Rust (From $3.20 USD)

      Minecraft (Basic) (From $4.00 USD)

      Call of Duty 4X (From $7.00 USD)

      OpenTTD (From $4.00 USD)

      Squad (From $9.00 USD)

      Insurgency: Sandstorm (From $6.40 USD)

      Changes to US-East:

      Starting in January 2022, we will be moving to a different provider that has better support, better infrastructure, and better connectivity. We've noticed that the connection/routes to this location are not ideal and it's been hard getting support to correct this. Our contract for our two servers ends in March/April respectively. If you currently have servers in this location you will be migrated over to the new provider. We'll have more details when the time comes closer to January. The new location for this change will be based out of Atlanta, GA. If you have any questions/concerns please open a ticket and we'll do our best to answer them.
      • 5 replies
    • Hello All,

      I wanted to give an update to how EZRCON is doing. As of today we have 56 active customers using the services offered. I'm glad its doing so well and it hasn't been 1 year yet. To those that have services with EZRCON, I hope the service is doing well and if not please let us know so that we can improve it where possible. We've done quite a few changes behind the scenes to improve the performance hopefully. 

      We'll be launching a new location for hosting procon layers in either Los Angeles, USA or Chicago, IL. Still being decided on where the placement should be but these two locations are not set in stone yet. We would like to get feedback on where we should have a new location for hosting the Procon Layers, which you can do by replying to this topic. A poll will be created where people can vote on which location they would like to see.

      We're also looking for some suggestions on what else you would like to see for hosting provider options. So please let us know your thoughts on this matter.
      • 4 replies
    • Added ability to disable the new API check for player country info

      Updated GeoIP database file

      Removed usage sending stats

      Added EZRCON ad banner

      If you are upgrading then you may need to add these two lines to your existing installation in the file procon.cfg. To enable these options just change False to True.

      procon.private.options.UseGeoIpFileOnly False
      procon.private.options.BlockRssFeedNews False

      • 2 replies
    • I wanted I let you know that I am starting to build out the foundation for the hosting services that I talked about here. The pricing model I was originally going for wasn't going to be suitable for how I want to build it. So instead I decided to offer each service as it's own product instead of a package deal. In the future, hopefully, I will be able to do this and offer discounts to those that choose it.

      Here is how the pricing is laid out for each service as well as information about each. This is as of 7/12/2020.

      Single MySQL database (up to 30 GB) is $10 USD per month.

      If you go over the 30 GB usage for the database then each additional gigabyte is charged at $0.10 USD each billing cycle. If you're under 30GB you don't need to worry about this.

      Databases are replicated across 3 zones (regions) for redundancy. One (1) on the east coast of the USA, One (1) in Frankfurt, and One (1) in Singapore. Depending on the demand, this would grow to more regions.

      Databases will also be backed up daily and retained for 7 days.

      Procon Layer will be $2 USD per month.

      Each layer will only allow one (1) game server connection. The reason behind this is for performance.

      Each layer will also come with all available plugins installed by default. This is to help facilitate faster deployments and get you up and running quickly.

      Each layer will automatically restart if Procon crashes. 

      Each layer will also automatically restart daily at midnight to make sure it stays in tip-top shape.

      Custom plugins can be installed by submitting a support ticket.

      Battlefield Admin Control Panel (BFACP) will be $5 USD per month

      As I am still working on building version 3 of the software, I will be installing the last version I did. Once I complete version 3 it will automatically be upgraded for you.

      All these services will be managed by me so you don't have to worry about the technical side of things to get up and going.

      If you would like to see how much it would cost for the services, I made a calculator that you can use. It can be found here https://ezrcon.com/calculator.html

      • 11 replies
    • I have pushed out a new minor release which updates the geodata pull (flags in the playerlisting). This should be way more accurate now. As always, please let me know if any problems show up.

      • 9 replies
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