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Chat, GUID, Stats and Mapstats Logger []


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Originally Posted by ty_ger07*:


Where can I download Database? also

I'm going where the database information??

You download this plugin, create a new blank database on a web server, and this plugin stires the data in the database.
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Originally Posted by Cablekiller*:


Guys i dont want to show myself impatient but could someone response to my problem too PLEASE! :biggrin:


My spoken english is quite well so if someone like ty_ger could come to our TS it would be great too!


I dont know whether i may post the IP here you can find it on : www.elit3-clan.de

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Originally Posted by Prophet731*:


This chatfilter dont work at all.


I have put ID_CHAT_.* in the box on its own and it then still shows my server messages in the server which is

what I want but then it still puts them on the chat logging on the site.


If I put the ID_CHAT_.* in front of the messages and put those in the filter list it doesn't show on the server.


So can you tell me what I need to do so that the messages show in the server but NOT in the chat log please.

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Originally Posted by ShadzeB*:


What does the Server group (0-128) do?


Also we have played a few games now and the leaderboard is only showing a couple of stats the players are not really



If you look at the image that is the Top Players after 3 games, how long

does that take to update?



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Originally Posted by ColColonCleaner*:


What does the Server group (0-128) do?


Also we have played a few games now and the leaderboard is only showing a couple of stats the players are not really



If you look at the image that is the Top Players after 3 games, how long

does that take to update?



Please post questions about the scoreboard in that thread, not here.


As for server groups, i'm not sure if they apply to statistics but in AdKats the separate ban lists.

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Originally Posted by ty_ger07*:


What does the Server group (0-128) do?

I don't think server groups are used often; if ever. I wouldn't use a server group if I were you. ... Unless you have a reason to.


From what I understand, if you use "Stats|Overall ranking(merged Serverranking)", you can create various server groups so that only servers in the same groups have merged stats and servers in other groups don't have merged stats. In other words, if you had 3 servers in group 1, if you enabled merged serverranking, the stats in the game would show a player's combined stats culminated from all 3 of those servers. If you had 2 more servers in server group 2, they would not have their stats combined with the servers in server group 1. I may be wrong, but I think that is what that functionality is created for.


My webstats page code doesn't even take server group into consideration. It just shows all the servers separately or all combined.


Also we have played a few games now and the leaderboard is only showing a couple of stats the players are not really



If you look at the image that is the Top Players after 3 games, how long

does that take to update?



The first page of the leaderboard of the stats page uses a cache. It only updates the stats on the first page once every 6 hours. It is that way for reducing database load and for causing faster page loading. You won't notice the 6 hour cache as much when you get more players in the database and their stats get big.
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Originally Posted by ty_ger07*:


Hey guys, so im the First Admin of a good known BFBC2 (old game, I know) Clan. We have had 1 Server over the years which was always full (day and night) and it ran really well with the Plugins, but since a half year we have some Lag issue with the hoster and we hostet a 2nd Server, we got a database for free with it and with the help of Hand of Shadow we made this Plugin run there. But we use the 3... version because if i upload the 1...version it just doesnt appear in the Plugin list...why is that like that? Can someone help me?

I have never used this plugin (any version) with BFBC2, so I have no idea which version is most compatible. I also have no idea why the most recent version of this plugin isn't showing up in Procon. Supposedly this newest version is compatible with BFBC2 (according to XPKiller).


And my second question is, both servers are always good visitet so we want to change the lag server to that provider too, so we would have 2 Servers with ranking systems, but we want to have all players the same score on both servers, i saw there is a "suffix table" but i dont know what i can do with is or what to write in if we have the 2nd server.

Don't use table suffixes unless you have a really good reason to use table suffixes. Table suffixes just make everything messy. If you are currently using table suffixes, then you might have a hard time combining servers (I think). What I do know for sure, is that table suffixes decrease the efficiency of the database queries substantially and will cause the database to have heavier load and respond slower.


To make the stats in the game show combined stats from all the servers, just choose "Stats|Overall ranking(merged Serverranking)" -> "Yes" in this plugin's settings in Procon. If you are using table suffixes currently, it might not be possible to combine the server stats (I don't know).


Both servers will have to be saving their data to the same database of course.

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Originally Posted by madem*:


Guys i dont want to show myself impatient but could someone response to my problem too PLEASE! :biggrin:


My spoken english is quite well so if someone like ty_ger could come to our TS it would be great too!


I dont know whether i may post the IP here you can find it on : www.elit3-clan.de

2 one question I


1. You have the answer.

2. Where is the config file?


MySQL will write information to?

Which file?

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Originally Posted by ty_ger07*:


Where is what config file? The plugin's configuration is available in procon.


MySQL is a database system on a web server. It is not a specific file. It is a complete system of many many files.

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Originally Posted by ShadzeB*:


ok no problem, is there anyway that I can change it from 6 hours to something like 2 hours, if u could tell me the file I need to edit that would be great.


P.S. I have looked in the functions.php file and it says the following:


// initialize timestamp values

$now_timestamp = time();

$old = $now_timestamp - 43200;


43200 in hours is 12 hours so if I change all instances of this to 6 hours will it update at the

6 hours inteval as, it did actually take 12 hours for the leaderboard to update.

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Originally Posted by Cablekiller*:


Thx for the answeres first mate, but in that old version of the Tool (3.x.x.x.) there isnt that line with merging stats, i know the newer ones have it but its not in this version, thats why i am asking, is there any way to contact xpkiller maybe? =(


Or that someone looks over it IF we have the 2nd Server? Because im not the best one in these things :biggrin:.



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Originally Posted by ty_ger07*:


ok no problem, is there anyway that I can change it from 6 hours to something like 2 hours, if u could tell me the file I need to edit that would be great.


P.S. I have looked in the functions.php file and it says the following:


// initialize timestamp values

$now_timestamp = time();

$old = $now_timestamp - 43200;


43200 in hours is 12 hours so if I change all instances of this to 6 hours will it update at the

6 hours inteval as, it did actually take 12 hours for the leaderboard to update.

Ok, maybe it is a 12 hour interval. :mad:


But, yes, that is the number of seconds which controls how often the cache updates.

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Originally Posted by callsignapollo*:


Is there a tutorial for someone with very little MySQL knowledge? I am running Procon locally on my home server and would like to set up a local MySQL database for this plugin.

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Originally Posted by callsignapollo*:


There are quite a few decent mysql tutorials on youtube.

They were straight forward (ie. installation, creating a database) but then they started to create tables. I did not see any documentation in that respect (table/row/column requirements).
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Originally Posted by Stov3top*:


They were straight forward (ie. installation, creating a database) but then they started to create tables. I did not see any documentation in that respect (table/row/column requirements).

Yeah, once you put all your database info (database IP, port, name, username, and password) into the plugin, it will create all the necessary relevant tables for you.
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Originally Posted by callsignapollo*:


This plugin creates all the necessary tables, columns, and rows automatically.

Yeah, once you put all your database info (database IP, port, name, username, and password) into the plugin, it will create all the necessary relevant tables for you.

Thank you for the guidance. I followed a basic video and as you stated - the plugin created all the necessary tables. Works great, thanks again.
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Originally Posted by swats73*:


hi all


I am getting the following on one of my layers (1 of 6) only:-



[16:08:06 46] [Statslogger]Error: getUpdateServerID1: MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlException: Unable to connect to any of the specified MySQL hosts. ---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond
   at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.EndConnect(IAsyncResult asyncResult)
   at MySql.Data.Common.StreamCreator.CreateSocketStream(IPAddress ip, Boolean unix)
   at MySql.Data.Common.StreamCreator.GetStreamFromHost(String pipeName, String hostName, UInt32 timeout)
   at MySql.Data.Common.StreamCreator.GetStream(UInt32 timeout)
   at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.NativeDriver.Open()
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.NativeDriver.Open()
   at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.Driver.Open()
   at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.Driver.Create(MySqlConnectionStringBuilder settings)
   at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlPool.CreateNewPooledConnection()
   at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlPool.GetPooledConnection()
   at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlPool.TryToGetDriver()
   at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlPool.GetConnection()
   at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection.Open()
   at PRoConEvents.CChatGUIDStatsLogger.getUpdateServerID(CServerInfo csiServerInfo)
[16:08:09 46] Error in Tablebuilder: 
[16:08:09 46] Message: Unable to connect to any of the specified MySQL hosts.
[16:08:09 46] Native: -2147467259
[16:08:09 46] Source: MySql.Data
[16:08:09 46] StackTrace:    at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.NativeDriver.Open()
   at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.Driver.Open()
   at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.Driver.Create(MySqlConnectionStringBuilder settings)
   at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlPool.CreateNewPooledConnection()
   at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlPool.GetPooledConnection()
   at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlPool.TryToGetDriver()
   at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlPool.GetConnection()
   at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection.Open()
   at PRoConEvents.CChatGUIDStatsLogger.tablebuilder()
[16:08:09 46] InnerException: System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond
   at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.EndConnect(IAsyncResult asyncResult)
   at MySql.Data.Common.StreamCreator.CreateSocketStream(IPAddress ip, Boolean unix)
   at MySql.Data.Common.StreamCreator.GetStreamFromHost(String pipeName, String hostName, UInt32 timeout)
   at MySql.Data.Common.StreamCreator.GetStream(UInt32 timeout)
   at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.NativeDriver.Open()
[16:08:09 46] Error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
   at PRoConEvents.CChatGUIDStatsLogger.tablebuilder()
All hosted on Fragnet


thanx in advance


have already had fragnet check if due to an error one of the connections was blocked and they have said no

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Originally Posted by swats73*:


have been at this all day still have same message coming up. have reinstalled layer and server, also have had fragnet whitelist the connection between layer and MySQL server. it is only happening on one out of six servers and all have same plugins.

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Originally Posted by ColColonCleaner*:


have been at this all day still have same message coming up. have reinstalled layer and server, also have had fragnet whitelist the connection between layer and MySQL server. it is only happening on one out of six servers and all have same plugins.

Compare the config files between a working layer and this one. If those are the same, the issue is not with the plugin or your settings on the plugin, it is another source.
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Originally Posted by rul3zz*:


hi all

i have try to use this plugin,setup the server with XAMPP,configured and this is the plugin log:



[12:31:31] PRoCon Chat, GUID and Stats Logger Enabled
[12:31:31] PRoCon Chat, GUID and Stats Logger:  Floodprotection set to 10 Request per Round for each Player
[12:31:31] [Statslogger]Trace: generateWeaponList
[12:31:31] [Statslogger]Trace: PrepareKeywordDic: Preparing
[12:31:31] [Statslogger]Warning: PrepareKeywordDic: Mainkey Weapons/M416/M416 not found!
[12:31:31] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: Shotgun Name: 870MCS
[12:31:31] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: Shotgun Name: DAO-12
[12:31:31] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: Shotgun Name: jackhammer
[12:31:31] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: Shotgun Name: M1014
[12:31:31] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: Shotgun Name: M26Mass
[12:31:31] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: Shotgun Name: Siaga20k
[12:31:31] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: Shotgun Name: SPAS-12
[12:31:31] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: Shotgun Name: USAS-12
[12:31:31] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: AssaultRifle Name: AEK-971
[12:31:31] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: AssaultRifle Name: AN-94 Abakan
[12:31:31] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: AssaultRifle Name: AS Val
[12:31:31] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: AssaultRifle Name: F2000
[12:31:31] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: AssaultRifle Name: FAMAS
[12:31:31] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: AssaultRifle Name: HK53
[12:31:31] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: AssaultRifle Name: M416
[12:31:31] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: AssaultRifle Name: M16A4
[12:31:31] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: AssaultRifle Name: QBZ-95
[12:31:31] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: AssaultRifle Name: SCAR-L
[12:31:31] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: AssaultRifle Name: Steyr AUG
[12:31:31] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: AssaultRifle Name: Weapons/AK74M/AK74
[12:31:31] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: AssaultRifle Name: Weapons/G3A3/G3A3
[12:31:31] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: AssaultRifle Name: Weapons/KH2002/KH2002
[12:31:31] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: AssaultRifle Name: Weapons/XP1_L85A2/L85A2
[12:31:31] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: AssaultRifle Name: Weapons/XP2_ACR/ACR
[12:31:31] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: AssaultRifle Name: Weapons/XP2_MTAR/MTAR
[12:31:31] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: SMG Name: AKS-74u
[12:31:31] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: SMG Name: M4A1
[12:31:31] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: SMG Name: MP7
[12:31:31] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: SMG Name: PP-2000
[12:31:31] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: SMG Name: SG 553 LB
[12:31:31] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: SMG Name: Weapons/A91/A91
[12:31:31] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: SMG Name: Weapons/G36C/G36C
[12:31:31] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: SMG Name: Weapons/MagpulPDR/MagpulPDR
[12:31:31] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: SMG Name: Weapons/P90/P90
[12:31:31] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: SMG Name: Weapons/P90/P90_GM
[12:31:31] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: SMG Name: Weapons/SCAR-H/SCAR-H
[12:31:31] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: SMG Name: Weapons/UMP45/UMP45
[12:31:31] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: SMG Name: Weapons/XP2_MP5K/MP5K
[12:31:31] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: Suicide Name: DamageArea
[12:31:31] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: Suicide Name: SoldierCollision
[12:31:31] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: Suicide Name: Suicide
[12:31:31] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: None Name: Death
[12:31:31] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: None Name: RoadKill
[12:31:31] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: None Name: CrossBow
[12:31:31] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: Melee Name: Defib
[12:31:31] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: Melee Name: Knife_RazorBlade
[12:31:31] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: Melee Name: Melee
[12:31:31] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: Melee Name: Repair Tool
[12:31:31] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: Melee Name: Weapons/Knife/Knife
[12:31:31] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: ProjectileExplosive Name: FGM-148
[12:31:31] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: ProjectileExplosive Name: FIM92
[12:31:31] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: ProjectileExplosive Name: M320
[12:31:31] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: ProjectileExplosive Name: RPG-7
[12:31:31] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: ProjectileExplosive Name: SMAW
[12:31:31] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: ProjectileExplosive Name: Weapons/Sa18IGLA/Sa18IGLA
[12:31:31] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: Handgun Name: Glock18
[12:31:31] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: Handgun Name: M1911
[12:31:31] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: Handgun Name: M9
[12:31:31] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: Handgun Name: M93R
[12:31:31] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: Handgun Name: Taurus .44
[12:31:31] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: Handgun Name: Weapons/MP412Rex/MP412REX
[12:31:31] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: Handgun Name: Weapons/MP443/MP443
[12:31:31] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: Handgun Name: Weapons/MP443/MP443_GM
[12:31:31] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: SniperRifle Name: JNG90
[12:31:31] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: SniperRifle Name: L96
[12:31:31] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: SniperRifle Name: M417
[12:31:31] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: SniperRifle Name: M39
[12:31:31] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: SniperRifle Name: M40A5
[12:31:31] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: SniperRifle Name: Mk11
[12:31:31] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: SniperRifle Name: Model98B
[12:31:31] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: SniperRifle Name: QBU-88
[12:31:31] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: SniperRifle Name: SKS
[12:31:31] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: SniperRifle Name: SV98
[12:31:31] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: SniperRifle Name: SVD
[12:31:31] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: LMG Name: LSAT
[12:31:31] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: LMG Name: M240
[12:31:31] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: LMG Name: M249
[12:31:31] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: LMG Name: M27IAR
[12:31:31] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: LMG Name: M60
[12:31:31] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: LMG Name: MG36
[12:31:31] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: LMG Name: Pecheneg
[12:31:31] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: LMG Name: PP-19
[12:31:31] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: LMG Name: QBB-95
[12:31:31] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: LMG Name: RPK-74M
[12:31:31] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: LMG Name: Type88
[12:31:31] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: LMG Name: Weapons/XP2_L86/L86
[12:31:31] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: Explosive Name: M15 AT Mine
[12:31:31] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: Explosive Name: M67
[12:31:31] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: Explosive Name: Weapons/Gadgets/C4/C4
[12:31:31] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: Explosive Name: Weapons/Gadgets/Claymore/Claymore
[12:31:31] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: Nonlethal Name: Medkit
[12:31:34] [Statslogger]Info: Start tablebuilder
[12:31:34] [Statslogger]Trace: generateWeaponList
[12:31:34] [Statslogger]Trace: PrepareKeywordDic: Preparing
[12:31:34] [Statslogger]Warning: PrepareKeywordDic: Mainkey Weapons/M416/M416 not found!
[12:31:34] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: Shotgun Name: 870MCS
[12:31:34] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: Shotgun Name: DAO-12
[12:31:34] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: Shotgun Name: jackhammer
[12:31:34] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: Shotgun Name: M1014
[12:31:34] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: Shotgun Name: M26Mass
[12:31:34] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: Shotgun Name: Siaga20k
[12:31:34] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: Shotgun Name: SPAS-12
[12:31:34] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: Shotgun Name: USAS-12
[12:31:34] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: AssaultRifle Name: AEK-971
[12:31:34] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: AssaultRifle Name: AN-94 Abakan
[12:31:34] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: AssaultRifle Name: AS Val
[12:31:34] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: AssaultRifle Name: F2000
[12:31:34] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: AssaultRifle Name: FAMAS
[12:31:34] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: AssaultRifle Name: HK53
[12:31:34] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: AssaultRifle Name: M416
[12:31:34] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: AssaultRifle Name: M16A4
[12:31:34] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: AssaultRifle Name: QBZ-95
[12:31:34] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: AssaultRifle Name: SCAR-L
[12:31:34] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: AssaultRifle Name: Steyr AUG
[12:31:34] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: AssaultRifle Name: Weapons/AK74M/AK74
[12:31:34] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: AssaultRifle Name: Weapons/G3A3/G3A3
[12:31:34] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: AssaultRifle Name: Weapons/KH2002/KH2002
[12:31:34] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: AssaultRifle Name: Weapons/XP1_L85A2/L85A2
[12:31:34] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: AssaultRifle Name: Weapons/XP2_ACR/ACR
[12:31:34] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: AssaultRifle Name: Weapons/XP2_MTAR/MTAR
[12:31:34] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: SMG Name: AKS-74u
[12:31:34] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: SMG Name: M4A1
[12:31:34] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: SMG Name: MP7
[12:31:34] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: SMG Name: PP-2000
[12:31:34] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: SMG Name: SG 553 LB
[12:31:34] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: SMG Name: Weapons/A91/A91
[12:31:34] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: SMG Name: Weapons/G36C/G36C
[12:31:34] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: SMG Name: Weapons/MagpulPDR/MagpulPDR
[12:31:34] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: SMG Name: Weapons/P90/P90
[12:31:34] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: SMG Name: Weapons/P90/P90_GM
[12:31:34] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: SMG Name: Weapons/SCAR-H/SCAR-H
[12:31:34] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: SMG Name: Weapons/UMP45/UMP45
[12:31:34] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: SMG Name: Weapons/XP2_MP5K/MP5K
[12:31:34] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: Suicide Name: DamageArea
[12:31:34] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: Suicide Name: SoldierCollision
[12:31:34] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: Suicide Name: Suicide
[12:31:34] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: None Name: Death
[12:31:34] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: None Name: RoadKill
[12:31:34] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: None Name: CrossBow
[12:31:34] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: Melee Name: Defib
[12:31:34] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: Melee Name: Knife_RazorBlade
[12:31:34] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: Melee Name: Melee
[12:31:34] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: Melee Name: Repair Tool
[12:31:34] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: Melee Name: Weapons/Knife/Knife
[12:31:34] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: ProjectileExplosive Name: FGM-148
[12:31:34] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: ProjectileExplosive Name: FIM92
[12:31:34] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: ProjectileExplosive Name: M320
[12:31:34] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: ProjectileExplosive Name: RPG-7
[12:31:34] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: ProjectileExplosive Name: SMAW
[12:31:34] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: ProjectileExplosive Name: Weapons/Sa18IGLA/Sa18IGLA
[12:31:34] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: Handgun Name: Glock18
[12:31:34] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: Handgun Name: M1911
[12:31:34] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: Handgun Name: M9
[12:31:34] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: Handgun Name: M93R
[12:31:34] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: Handgun Name: Taurus .44
[12:31:34] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: Handgun Name: Weapons/MP412Rex/MP412REX
[12:31:34] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: Handgun Name: Weapons/MP443/MP443
[12:31:34] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: Handgun Name: Weapons/MP443/MP443_GM
[12:31:34] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: SniperRifle Name: JNG90
[12:31:34] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: SniperRifle Name: L96
[12:31:34] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: SniperRifle Name: M417
[12:31:34] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: SniperRifle Name: M39
[12:31:34] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: SniperRifle Name: M40A5
[12:31:34] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: SniperRifle Name: Mk11
[12:31:34] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: SniperRifle Name: Model98B
[12:31:34] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: SniperRifle Name: QBU-88
[12:31:34] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: SniperRifle Name: SKS
[12:31:34] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: SniperRifle Name: SV98
[12:31:34] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: SniperRifle Name: SVD
[12:31:34] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: LMG Name: LSAT
[12:31:34] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: LMG Name: M240
[12:31:34] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: LMG Name: M249
[12:31:34] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: LMG Name: M27IAR
[12:31:34] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: LMG Name: M60
[12:31:34] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: LMG Name: MG36
[12:31:34] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: LMG Name: Pecheneg
[12:31:34] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: LMG Name: PP-19
[12:31:34] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: LMG Name: QBB-95
[12:31:34] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: LMG Name: RPK-74M
[12:31:34] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: LMG Name: Type88
[12:31:34] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: LMG Name: Weapons/XP2_L86/L86
[12:31:34] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: Explosive Name: M15 AT Mine
[12:31:34] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: Explosive Name: M67
[12:31:34] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: Explosive Name: Weapons/Gadgets/C4/C4
[12:31:34] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: Explosive Name: Weapons/Gadgets/Claymore/Claymore
[12:31:34] [Statslogger]Trace: Weaponlist: DamageType: Nonlethal Name: Medkit
[12:31:34] [Statslogger]Trace: GetGameIDfromDB Game: BF3
[12:31:34] [Statslogger]Trace: GetGameIDfromDB GameID: 1
[12:31:35] [Statslogger]Trace: WeaponMapping: ID: 1 <--> Weapon:870MCS
[12:31:35] [Statslogger]Trace: WeaponMapping: ID: 9 <--> Weapon:AEK-971
[12:31:35] [Statslogger]Trace: WeaponMapping: ID: 26 <--> Weapon:AKS-74u
[12:31:35] [Statslogger]Trace: WeaponMapping: ID: 10 <--> Weapon:AN-94 Abakan
[12:31:35] [Statslogger]Trace: WeaponMapping: ID: 11 <--> Weapon:AS Val
[12:31:35] [Statslogger]Trace: WeaponMapping: ID: 44 <--> Weapon:CrossBow
[12:31:35] [Statslogger]Trace: WeaponMapping: ID: 39 <--> Weapon:DamageArea
[12:31:35] [Statslogger]Trace: WeaponMapping: ID: 2 <--> Weapon:DAO-12
[12:31:35] [Statslogger]Trace: WeaponMapping: ID: 42 <--> Weapon:Death
[12:31:35] [Statslogger]Trace: WeaponMapping: ID: 45 <--> Weapon:Defib
[12:31:35] [Statslogger]Trace: WeaponMapping: ID: 12 <--> Weapon:F2000
[12:31:35] [Statslogger]Trace: WeaponMapping: ID: 13 <--> Weapon:FAMAS
[12:31:35] [Statslogger]Trace: WeaponMapping: ID: 50 <--> Weapon:FGM-148
[12:31:35] [Statslogger]Trace: WeaponMapping: ID: 51 <--> Weapon:FIM92
[12:31:35] [Statslogger]Trace: WeaponMapping: ID: 56 <--> Weapon:Glock18
[12:31:35] [Statslogger]Trace: WeaponMapping: ID: 14 <--> Weapon:HK53
[12:31:35] [Statslogger]Trace: WeaponMapping: ID: 3 <--> Weapon:jackhammer
[12:31:35] [Statslogger]Trace: WeaponMapping: ID: 64 <--> Weapon:JNG90
[12:31:35] [Statslogger]Trace: WeaponMapping: ID: 46 <--> Weapon:Knife_RazorBlade
[12:31:35] [Statslogger]Trace: WeaponMapping: ID: 65 <--> Weapon:L96
[12:31:35] [Statslogger]Trace: WeaponMapping: ID: 75 <--> Weapon:LSAT
[12:31:35] [Statslogger]Trace: WeaponMapping: ID: 4 <--> Weapon:M1014
[12:31:35] [Statslogger]Trace: WeaponMapping: ID: 87 <--> Weapon:M15 AT Mine
[12:31:35] [Statslogger]Trace: WeaponMapping: ID: 16 <--> Weapon:M16A4
[12:31:35] [Statslogger]Trace: WeaponMapping: ID: 57 <--> Weapon:M1911
[12:31:35] [Statslogger]Trace: WeaponMapping: ID: 76 <--> Weapon:M240
[12:31:35] [Statslogger]Trace: WeaponMapping: ID: 77 <--> Weapon:M249
[12:31:35] [Statslogger]Trace: WeaponMapping: ID: 5 <--> Weapon:M26Mass
[12:31:35] [Statslogger]Trace: WeaponMapping: ID: 78 <--> Weapon:M27IAR
[12:31:35] [Statslogger]Trace: WeaponMapping: ID: 52 <--> Weapon:M320
[12:31:35] [Statslogger]Trace: WeaponMapping: ID: 67 <--> Weapon:M39
[12:31:35] [Statslogger]Trace: WeaponMapping: ID: 68 <--> Weapon:M40A5
[12:31:35] [Statslogger]Trace: WeaponMapping: ID: 15 <--> Weapon:M416
[12:31:35] [Statslogger]Trace: WeaponMapping: ID: 66 <--> Weapon:M417
[12:31:35] [Statslogger]Trace: WeaponMapping: ID: 27 <--> Weapon:M4A1
[12:31:35] [Statslogger]Trace: WeaponMapping: ID: 79 <--> Weapon:M60
[12:31:35] [Statslogger]Trace: WeaponMapping: ID: 88 <--> Weapon:M67
[12:31:35] [Statslogger]Trace: WeaponMapping: ID: 58 <--> Weapon:M9
[12:31:35] [Statslogger]Trace: WeaponMapping: ID: 59 <--> Weapon:M93R
[12:31:35] [Statslogger]Trace: WeaponMapping: ID: 91 <--> Weapon:Medkit
[12:31:35] [Statslogger]Trace: WeaponMapping: ID: 47 <--> Weapon:Melee
[12:31:35] [Statslogger]Trace: WeaponMapping: ID: 80 <--> Weapon:MG36
[12:31:35] [Statslogger]Trace: WeaponMapping: ID: 69 <--> Weapon:Mk11
[12:31:35] [Statslogger]Trace: WeaponMapping: ID: 70 <--> Weapon:Model98B
[12:31:35] [Statslogger]Trace: WeaponMapping: ID: 28 <--> Weapon:MP7
[12:31:35] [Statslogger]Trace: WeaponMapping: ID: 81 <--> Weapon:Pecheneg
[12:31:35] [Statslogger]Trace: WeaponMapping: ID: 82 <--> Weapon:PP-19
[12:31:35] [Statslogger]Trace: WeaponMapping: ID: 29 <--> Weapon:PP-2000
[12:31:35] [Statslogger]Trace: WeaponMapping: ID: 83 <--> Weapon:QBB-95
[12:31:35] [Statslogger]Trace: WeaponMapping: ID: 71 <--> Weapon:QBU-88
[12:31:35] [Statslogger]Trace: WeaponMapping: ID: 17 <--> Weapon:QBZ-95
[12:31:35] [Statslogger]Trace: WeaponMapping: ID: 48 <--> Weapon:Repair Tool
[12:31:35] [Statslogger]Trace: WeaponMapping: ID: 43 <--> Weapon:RoadKill
[12:31:35] [Statslogger]Trace: WeaponMapping: ID: 53 <--> Weapon:RPG-7
[12:31:35] [Statslogger]Trace: WeaponMapping: ID: 84 <--> Weapon:RPK-74M
[12:31:35] [Statslogger]Trace: WeaponMapping: ID: 18 <--> Weapon:SCAR-L
[12:31:35] [Statslogger]Trace: WeaponMapping: ID: 30 <--> Weapon:SG 553 LB
[12:31:35] [Statslogger]Trace: WeaponMapping: ID: 6 <--> Weapon:Siaga20k
[12:31:35] [Statslogger]Trace: WeaponMapping: ID: 72 <--> Weapon:SKS
[12:31:35] [Statslogger]Trace: WeaponMapping: ID: 54 <--> Weapon:SMAW
[12:31:35] [Statslogger]Trace: WeaponMapping: ID: 40 <--> Weapon:SoldierCollision
[12:31:35] [Statslogger]Trace: WeaponMapping: ID: 7 <--> Weapon:SPAS-12
[12:31:35] [Statslogger]Trace: WeaponMapping: ID: 19 <--> Weapon:Steyr AUG
[12:31:35] [Statslogger]Trace: WeaponMapping: ID: 41 <--> Weapon:Suicide
[12:31:35] [Statslogger]Trace: WeaponMapping: ID: 73 <--> Weapon:SV98
[12:31:35] [Statslogger]Trace: WeaponMapping: ID: 74 <--> Weapon:SVD
[12:31:35] [Statslogger]Trace: WeaponMapping: ID: 60 <--> Weapon:Taurus .44
[12:31:35] [Statslogger]Trace: WeaponMapping: ID: 85 <--> Weapon:Type88
[12:31:35] [Statslogger]Trace: WeaponMapping: ID: 8 <--> Weapon:USAS-12
[12:31:35] [Statslogger]Trace: WeaponMapping: ID: 31 <--> Weapon:Weapons/A91/A91
[12:31:35] [Statslogger]Trace: WeaponMapping: ID: 20 <--> Weapon:Weapons/AK74M/AK74
[12:31:35] [Statslogger]Trace: WeaponMapping: ID: 32 <--> Weapon:Weapons/G36C/G36C
[12:31:35] [Statslogger]Trace: WeaponMapping: ID: 21 <--> Weapon:Weapons/G3A3/G3A3
[12:31:35] [Statslogger]Trace: WeaponMapping: ID: 89 <--> Weapon:Weapons/Gadgets/C4/C4
[12:31:35] [Statslogger]Trace: WeaponMapping: ID: 90 <--> Weapon:Weapons/Gadgets/Claymore/Claymore
[12:31:35] [Statslogger]Trace: WeaponMapping: ID: 22 <--> Weapon:Weapons/KH2002/KH2002
[12:31:35] [Statslogger]Trace: WeaponMapping: ID: 49 <--> Weapon:Weapons/Knife/Knife
[12:31:35] [Statslogger]Trace: WeaponMapping: ID: 33 <--> Weapon:Weapons/MagpulPDR/MagpulPDR
[12:31:35] [Statslogger]Trace: WeaponMapping: ID: 61 <--> Weapon:Weapons/MP412Rex/MP412REX
[12:31:35] [Statslogger]Trace: WeaponMapping: ID: 62 <--> Weapon:Weapons/MP443/MP443
[12:31:35] [Statslogger]Trace: WeaponMapping: ID: 63 <--> Weapon:Weapons/MP443/MP443_GM
[12:31:35] [Statslogger]Trace: WeaponMapping: ID: 34 <--> Weapon:Weapons/P90/P90
[12:31:35] [Statslogger]Trace: WeaponMapping: ID: 35 <--> Weapon:Weapons/P90/P90_GM
[12:31:35] [Statslogger]Trace: WeaponMapping: ID: 55 <--> Weapon:Weapons/Sa18IGLA/Sa18IGLA
[12:31:35] [Statslogger]Trace: WeaponMapping: ID: 36 <--> Weapon:Weapons/SCAR-H/SCAR-H
[12:31:35] [Statslogger]Trace: WeaponMapping: ID: 37 <--> Weapon:Weapons/UMP45/UMP45
[12:31:35] [Statslogger]Trace: WeaponMapping: ID: 23 <--> Weapon:Weapons/XP1_L85A2/L85A2
[12:31:35] [Statslogger]Trace: WeaponMapping: ID: 24 <--> Weapon:Weapons/XP2_ACR/ACR
[12:31:35] [Statslogger]Trace: WeaponMapping: ID: 86 <--> Weapon:Weapons/XP2_L86/L86
[12:31:35] [Statslogger]Trace: WeaponMapping: ID: 38 <--> Weapon:Weapons/XP2_MP5K/MP5K
[12:31:35] [Statslogger]Trace: WeaponMapping: ID: 25 <--> Weapon:Weapons/XP2_MTAR/MTAR
[12:31:44] [Statslogger]Trace: playerLeftServer: Mito8583 EAGUID: 
[12:31:44] [Statslogger]Trace: playerLeftServer: Mito8583 not in session dic
[12:31:44] [Statslogger]Trace: getUpdateServerID
[12:31:44] [Statslogger]Trace: OnListPlayers Player: KOCMOHABT has 6 deaths; correcting to 1 deaths now
[12:31:44] [Statslogger]Trace: OnListPlayers Player: Jusik has 3 deaths; correcting to 0 deaths now
[12:31:44] [Statslogger]Trace: Player: Jusik has 11 deaths; correcting to 0 deaths now
[12:31:44] [Statslogger]Trace: OnListPlayers Player: Nicolai has 1 deaths; correcting to 0 deaths now
[12:31:44] [Statslogger]Trace: Player: Nicolai has 1 deaths; correcting to 0 deaths now
[12:31:44] [Statslogger]Trace: OnListPlayers Player: M4SIH has 1 deaths; correcting to 0 deaths now
[12:31:44] [Statslogger]Trace: Player: M4SIH has 1 deaths; correcting to 0 deaths now
[12:31:44] [Statslogger]Trace: OnListPlayers Player: nodwayreno has 2 deaths; correcting to 0 deaths now
[12:31:44] [Statslogger]Trace: Player: nodwayreno has 3 deaths; correcting to 0 deaths now
[12:31:44] [Statslogger]Trace: OnListPlayers Player: DominationTamada has 1 deaths; correcting to 0 deaths now
[12:31:44] [Statslogger]Trace: Player: DominationTamada has 1 deaths; correcting to 0 deaths now
[12:31:44] [Statslogger]Trace: OnListPlayers Player: fiveohfive has 1 deaths; correcting to 0 deaths now
[12:31:44] [Statslogger]Trace: OnListPlayers Player: pollestra has 1 deaths; correcting to 0 deaths now
[12:31:44] [Statslogger]Trace: OnListPlayers Player: MAIKAL13 has 1 deaths; correcting to 0 deaths now
[12:31:44] [Statslogger]Trace: OnListPlayers Player: mehran_JOCKer has 2 deaths; correcting to 1 deaths now
[12:31:44] [Statslogger]Trace: Player: mehran_JOCKer has 2 deaths; correcting to 1 deaths now
[12:31:44] [Statslogger]Trace: OnListPlayers Player: Alex1358 has 1 deaths; correcting to 0 deaths now
[12:31:44] [Statslogger]Trace: Player: Alex1358 has 1 deaths; correcting to 0 deaths now
[12:31:44] [Statslogger]Trace: OnListPlayers Player: Geoo has 1 deaths; correcting to 0 deaths now
[12:31:44] [Statslogger]Trace: Player: Geoo has 1 deaths; correcting to 0 deaths now
[12:31:44] [Statslogger]Trace: OnListPlayers Player: MrDeViL has 1 deaths; correcting to 0 deaths now
[12:31:44] [Statslogger]Trace: Player: MrDeViL has 1 deaths; correcting to 0 deaths now
[12:31:44] [Statslogger]Trace: OnListPlayers Player: SAS-Tergaron has 2 deaths; correcting to 1 deaths now
[12:31:44] [Statslogger]Trace: Player: SAS-Tergaron has 2 deaths; correcting to 1 deaths now
[12:31:44] [Statslogger]Trace: OnListPlayers Player: SAS-Andador has 1 deaths; correcting to 0 deaths now
[12:31:44] [Statslogger]Trace: UpdateCurrentPlayerTable
[12:32:11] [Statslogger]Trace: OnListPlayers Player: R4f4lb4zook4 has 1 deaths; correcting to 0 deaths now
[12:32:15] [Statslogger]Trace: OnListPlayers Player: M4SIH has 1 deaths; correcting to 0 deaths now
[12:32:15] [Statslogger]Trace: Player: M4SIH has 1 deaths; correcting to 0 deaths now
[12:32:17] [Statslogger]Trace: OnListPlayers Player: Jacob95 has 1 deaths; correcting to 0 deaths now
[12:32:17] [Statslogger]Trace: Player: Jacob95 has 1 deaths; correcting to 0 deaths now
[12:32:30] [Statslogger]Trace: OnListPlayers Player: Nicolai has 1 deaths; correcting to 0 deaths now
[12:32:30] [Statslogger]Trace: Player: Nicolai has 1 deaths; correcting to 0 deaths now
[12:32:32] [Statslogger]Trace: playerLeftServer: Analnysotona EAGUID: 
[12:32:32] [Statslogger]Trace: Score: 0 Playtime: 47
[12:32:32] [Statslogger]Trace: Adding Session of Player Analnysotona to passed sessions
[12:32:34] [Statslogger]Trace: playerLeftServer: inesso95 EAGUID: 
[12:32:34] [Statslogger]Trace: Score: 0 Playtime: 22
[12:32:45] [Statslogger]Trace: playerLeftServer: DeltaRack EAGUID: 
[12:32:45] [Statslogger]Trace: playerLeftServer: DeltaRack not in session dic
[12:32:45] [Statslogger]Trace: getUpdateServerID
[12:32:45] [Statslogger]Trace: OnListPlayers Player: hotpoint84 has 2 deaths; correcting to 1 deaths now
[12:32:45] [Statslogger]Trace: Player: hotpoint84 has 2 deaths; correcting to 1 deaths now
[12:32:45] [Statslogger]Trace: UpdateCurrentPlayerTable
[12:32:48] [Statslogger]Trace: OnListPlayers Player: nintend01337 has 1 deaths; correcting to 0 deaths now
[12:32:53] [Statslogger]Trace: playerLeftServer: vovanabvg EAGUID: 
[12:32:53] [Statslogger]Trace: Score: 1560 Playtime: 66
[12:32:53] [Statslogger]Trace: Adding Session of Player vovanabvg to passed sessions
[12:33:14] [Statslogger]Trace: playerLeftServer: Babankata EAGUID: 
[12:33:14] [Statslogger]Trace: Score: 0 Playtime: 40
[12:33:16] [Statslogger]Trace: OnListPlayers Player: KOCMOHABT has 3 deaths; correcting to 2 deaths now
[12:33:16] [Statslogger]Trace: OnListPlayers Player: pollestra has 1 deaths; correcting to 0 deaths now
[12:33:16] [Statslogger]Trace: Player: pollestra has 1 deaths; correcting to 0 deaths now
[12:33:46] [Statslogger]Trace: getUpdateServerID
[12:33:46] [Statslogger]Trace: OnListPlayers Player: mehran_JOCKer has 3 deaths; correcting to 2 deaths now
[12:33:46] [Statslogger]Trace: Player: mehran_JOCKer has 3 deaths; correcting to 2 deaths now
[12:33:46] [Statslogger]Trace: OnListPlayers Player: ediksten has 1 deaths; correcting to 0 deaths now
[12:33:46] [Statslogger]Trace: UpdateCurrentPlayerTable
[12:33:49] [Statslogger]Trace: OnListPlayers Player: DeltaRack has 1 deaths; correcting to 0 deaths now
[12:33:49] [Statslogger]Trace: Player: DeltaRack has 1 deaths; correcting to 0 deaths now
[12:33:52] [Statslogger]Trace: playerLeftServer: dizaster EAGUID: 
[12:33:52] [Statslogger]Trace: Score: 0 Playtime: 101
[12:33:52] [Statslogger]Trace: Adding Session of Player dizaster to passed sessions
[12:34:04] [Statslogger]Trace: playerLeftServer: winlin1981 EAGUID: 
[12:34:04] [Statslogger]Trace: Score: 0 Playtime: 144
[12:34:16] [Statslogger]Trace: OnListPlayers Player: osama_aliraqi has 2 deaths; correcting to 0 deaths now
[12:34:31] [Statslogger]Trace: OnListPlayers Player: Skif82 has 2 deaths; correcting to 1 deaths now
[12:34:31] [Statslogger]Trace: Player: Skif82 has 2 deaths; correcting to 1 deaths now
[12:34:31] [Statslogger]Trace: OnListPlayers Player: SAS-Tergaron has 2 deaths; correcting to 1 deaths now
[12:34:31] [Statslogger]Trace: Player: SAS-Tergaron has 2 deaths; correcting to 1 deaths now
[12:34:31] [Statslogger]Trace: OnListPlayers Player: rievyin has 1 deaths; correcting to 0 deaths now
[12:34:31] [Statslogger]Trace: Player: rievyin has 1 deaths; correcting to 0 deaths now
[12:34:39] [Statslogger]Trace: playerLeftServer: Mito8583 EAGUID: 
[12:34:39] [Statslogger]Trace: Score: 0 Playtime: 164
[12:34:46] [Statslogger]Trace: OnListPlayers Player: R4f4lb4zook4 has 1 deaths; correcting to 0 deaths now
[12:34:46] [Statslogger]Trace: UpdateCurrentPlayerTable
[12:34:47] [Statslogger]Trace: getUpdateServerID
[12:34:47] [Statslogger]Trace: OnListPlayers Player: JaiggerHuntt has 2 deaths; correcting to 1 deaths now
[12:34:47] [Statslogger]Trace: Player: JaiggerHuntt has 2 deaths; correcting to 1 deaths now
[12:35:03] [Statslogger]Trace: playerLeftServer: elsalvador EAGUID: 
[12:35:03] [Statslogger]Trace: Score: 0 Playtime: 182
[12:35:03] [Statslogger]Trace: Adding Session of Player elsalvador to passed sessions
[12:35:33] [Statslogger]Trace: playerLeftServer: DeltaRack EAGUID: 
[12:35:33] [Statslogger]Trace: Score: 400 Playtime: 146
[12:35:33] [Statslogger]Trace: Adding Session of Player DeltaRack to passed sessions
[12:49:27] [Statslogger]Error: Error in Startstreaming: 
[12:49:27] Message: Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`conquest`.`tbl_server_player`, CONSTRAINT `fk_tbl_server_player_tbl_server` FOREIGN KEY (`ServerID`) REFERENCES `tbl_server` (`ServerID`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION)
[12:49:27] Native: -2147467259
[12:49:27] Source: MySql.Data
[12:49:27] StackTrace:    at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlStream.ReadPacket()
   at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.NativeDriver.GetResult(Int32& affectedRow, Int64& insertedId)
   at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.Driver.GetResult(Int32 statementId, Int32& affectedRows, Int64& insertedId)
   at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.Driver.NextResult(Int32 statementId, Boolean force)
   at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlDataReader.NextResult()
   at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior behavior)
   at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery()
   at PRoConEvents.CChatGUIDStatsLogger.StartStreaming()
[12:49:27] [Statslogger]Error: Error in Startstreaming OuterException: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
   at PRoConEvents.CChatGUIDStatsLogger.DisplayMySqlErrorCollection(MySqlException myException)
   at PRoConEvents.CChatGUIDStatsLogger.StartStreaming()
i have look in to the database and tbl_chatlog tbl_currentplayers tbl_games tbl_mapstats tbl_playerdata tbl_playerrank tbl_teamscores have correct value from game


tbl_playerstats tbl_server tbl_server_stats tbl_server_players tbl_session are all empty inside


ho can i fix?

* Restored post. It could be that the author is no longer active.
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Originally Posted by rul3zz*:


I would stop the plugin, drop all tables from the database, and start the plugin over again.

i have turn off the plugin,the drop all tables and start plugin..after the end of the round again this error..


this is the situation of the database:


Posted Image

* Restored post. It could be that the author is no longer active.
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      Valheim (From $1.50 USD)

      Rust (From $3.20 USD)

      Minecraft (Basic) (From $4.00 USD)

      Call of Duty 4X (From $7.00 USD)

      OpenTTD (From $4.00 USD)

      Squad (From $9.00 USD)

      Insurgency: Sandstorm (From $6.40 USD)

      Changes to US-East:

      Starting in January 2022, we will be moving to a different provider that has better support, better infrastructure, and better connectivity. We've noticed that the connection/routes to this location are not ideal and it's been hard getting support to correct this. Our contract for our two servers ends in March/April respectively. If you currently have servers in this location you will be migrated over to the new provider. We'll have more details when the time comes closer to January. The new location for this change will be based out of Atlanta, GA. If you have any questions/concerns please open a ticket and we'll do our best to answer them.
      • 5 replies
    • Hello All,

      I wanted to give an update to how EZRCON is doing. As of today we have 56 active customers using the services offered. I'm glad its doing so well and it hasn't been 1 year yet. To those that have services with EZRCON, I hope the service is doing well and if not please let us know so that we can improve it where possible. We've done quite a few changes behind the scenes to improve the performance hopefully. 

      We'll be launching a new location for hosting procon layers in either Los Angeles, USA or Chicago, IL. Still being decided on where the placement should be but these two locations are not set in stone yet. We would like to get feedback on where we should have a new location for hosting the Procon Layers, which you can do by replying to this topic. A poll will be created where people can vote on which location they would like to see.

      We're also looking for some suggestions on what else you would like to see for hosting provider options. So please let us know your thoughts on this matter.
      • 4 replies
    • Added ability to disable the new API check for player country info

      Updated GeoIP database file

      Removed usage sending stats

      Added EZRCON ad banner

      If you are upgrading then you may need to add these two lines to your existing installation in the file procon.cfg. To enable these options just change False to True.

      procon.private.options.UseGeoIpFileOnly False
      procon.private.options.BlockRssFeedNews False

      • 2 replies
    • I wanted I let you know that I am starting to build out the foundation for the hosting services that I talked about here. The pricing model I was originally going for wasn't going to be suitable for how I want to build it. So instead I decided to offer each service as it's own product instead of a package deal. In the future, hopefully, I will be able to do this and offer discounts to those that choose it.

      Here is how the pricing is laid out for each service as well as information about each. This is as of 7/12/2020.

      Single MySQL database (up to 30 GB) is $10 USD per month.

      If you go over the 30 GB usage for the database then each additional gigabyte is charged at $0.10 USD each billing cycle. If you're under 30GB you don't need to worry about this.

      Databases are replicated across 3 zones (regions) for redundancy. One (1) on the east coast of the USA, One (1) in Frankfurt, and One (1) in Singapore. Depending on the demand, this would grow to more regions.

      Databases will also be backed up daily and retained for 7 days.

      Procon Layer will be $2 USD per month.

      Each layer will only allow one (1) game server connection. The reason behind this is for performance.

      Each layer will also come with all available plugins installed by default. This is to help facilitate faster deployments and get you up and running quickly.

      Each layer will automatically restart if Procon crashes. 

      Each layer will also automatically restart daily at midnight to make sure it stays in tip-top shape.

      Custom plugins can be installed by submitting a support ticket.

      Battlefield Admin Control Panel (BFACP) will be $5 USD per month

      As I am still working on building version 3 of the software, I will be installing the last version I did. Once I complete version 3 it will automatically be upgraded for you.

      All these services will be managed by me so you don't have to worry about the technical side of things to get up and going.

      If you would like to see how much it would cost for the services, I made a calculator that you can use. It can be found here https://ezrcon.com/calculator.html

      • 11 replies
    • I have pushed out a new minor release which updates the geodata pull (flags in the playerlisting). This should be way more accurate now. As always, please let me know if any problems show up.

      • 9 replies
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