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Insane Limits ( - 30-MAR-2015) + BFHL


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Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*:


NOTE: I've changed the version numbering scheme to allow for pre-release testing (last digit). From now on versions will be 0.Major.Minor.TestRevision, where TestRevision is 0 for a released version. If at some point backwards compatibility with existing limits is broken, the first digit will be 1 instead of 0.


Changes made for


  • Added Yell action
  • Enabled player Say action (was already present, but would show an error if attempted to be used -- now it works without an error)
  • Added plugin.SendPlayerMessage functions
  • Added plugin.SendGlobalYell, plugin.SendTeamYell and plugin.SendPlayerYell functions
  • Fixed long-standing problem with advanced replacements, e.g., player.Spm being used when player.SpmRound was specified
  • Fixed problems with detecting OnRoundOver when round is ended by admin command or Procon GUI
  • Added use_direct_fetch plugin setting
  • Pre-release of Battlelog Cache capability (see below)

NOTE: A future version of Procon will enable optional integration with a MySQL database server. When the future version of Procon is released, this version ( of Insane Limits will be able to take advantage of that integration, by way of a new plugin (yet to be released) called Battlelog Cache. Stay tuned for more details about MySQL integration and Battlelog Cache.


In the mean time, if your debug_level is set to 3 or higher, you may see messages logged in plugin.log that look like this:


[Insane Limits] Battlelog Cache plugin is disabled; installing/updating and enabling the plugin is recommended for Insane Limits!


Simply ignore these messages for now. If you don't like seeing them, reduce your debug_level to 2 or lower.


Insane Limits is completely compatible with the current version of Procon ( and has been tested against pre-release versions of the future version of Procon.


When used with the current version of Procon (, the new use_direct_fetch setting may be used to disable stats fetching altogether. Setting use_direct_fetch to False without the presence of Battlelog Cache amounts to disabling stats fetching. This means that no player will have a clan tag, since clan tags are fetched from Battlelog. Be sure you know what you are doing if you set this to False.

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Originally Posted by RaengDolPhSKi*:


what is Battlelog Cache....


sorry about my short english


i use I.L

i use procon


Battlelog cache dont shoing when i use procon

i can watch Battlelog cache when i use procon.


i dont know mySQL


[battlelog Cache] [battlelog Cache] EXCEPTION: MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlException: Unable to connect to any of the specified MySQL hosts.

??: MySql.Data.MySqlClient.Driver.Open()

??: MySql.Data.MySqlClient.Driver.Create(MySqlConnecti onStringBuilder settings)

??: MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlPool.GetPooledConnecti on()

??: MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlPool.TryToGetDriver()

??: MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlPool.GetConnection()

??: MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection.Open()

??: PRoConEvents.CBattlelogCache.MySqlInsert(Object insertData)


user_direct_fetch true


do it work now...?



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Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*:


what is Battlelog Cache....


sorry about my short english


i use I.L

i use procon


Battlelog cache dont shoing when i use procon

i can watch Battlelog cache when i use procon.


i dont know mySQL


[battlelog Cache] [battlelog Cache] EXCEPTION: MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlException: Unable to connect to any of the specified MySQL hosts.

??: MySql.Data.MySqlClient.Driver.Open()

??: MySql.Data.MySqlClient.Driver.Create(MySqlConnecti onStringBuilder settings)

??: MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlPool.GetPooledConnecti on()

??: MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlPool.TryToGetDriver()

??: MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlPool.GetConnection()

??: MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection.Open()

??: PRoConEvents.CBattlelogCache.MySqlInsert(Object insertData)


user_direct_fetch true


do it work now...?



Upgrade to Procon


Battlelog Cache is included as of However, setting up the database is very difficult. You will have to wait until full instructions are posted. Until then, disable Battlelog Cache to prevent those errors from happening.


I have written a long post that includes instructions on how to set up the database, but I don't want to make those instructions available until I have more time to give online support, which won't be until after the New Year.


At that point in the future, there will be three configurations you can choose from:


1) Set up MySQL database, enable Battlelog Cache -- this will be the best option, but is the most difficult to set up.


2) No MySQL database set up OR Battlelog Cache is disabled, use_direct_fetch is True -- this is effectively the same configuration that you would have had prior to Procon, IL will fetch stats directly from Battlelog.


3) No MySQL database set up OR Battlelog Cache is disabled, use_direct_fetch is False -- this is effectively disabling stats fetching by IL, there will be no clan tags for players. There will be some warnings in plugin.log that can be silenced with debug_level set to 2 or lower.

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Originally Posted by dyn*:


Upgrade to Procon


I have written a long post that includes instructions on how to set up the database, but I don't want to make those instructions available until I have more time to give online support, which won't be until after the New Year.

If you want someone to go through the written instructions as a first timer setting up MYSQL and provide feedback on what makes sense / what doesn't I'd be more than happy to do so.


Being able to cache stats really looks interesting - just love where development has gone.

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Originally Posted by IAF-SDS*:


Excellent plugin and limits PapaCharlie9 (and micovery)!


I haven't had the need for !surrender until now.


I definitely need this. Thank you for your hard work.



I have read all of the pages within 3 different topics about this, and if I understand correctly, I need to use (as of this date) version from here https://github.com/PapaCharlie9/insane-limits/tags


Once installed, I would need to configure it for !surrender based on post #10 here www.phogue.net/forumvb/showth...nder-(CQ-Rush)*


Post #10 has the latest update for !surrender.




1. Is the above correct or do you have updates I missed?



2. Also, if Im going to use this plugin for non-stats fetching configurations, such as the !surrender command, it makes sense to disable use_direct_fetch correct? (Im a little worried about adding another plugin that fetches stats.)


Or does !surrender need use_direct_fetch set to True for some reason?



3. Will either @surrender or !surrender work? All of our player commands are shown with "@" in the spam messages, but I have allowed for both @ and ! to work in the various plugins.


Do I need to edit anything to allow both @surrender and !surrender (as well as @votenext and !votenext) to work? Please show me how if that's the case.



4. Would I be correct in assuming Assault is considered part of Conquest and thus included in this code . . .

Set first_check to this Expression:


(Regex.Match(server.Gamemode, @"(Conquest|Rush)").Success)


If not, how do I include the @surrender option to Assault and Assault64?




I bought you a beer PapaCharlie for your work and help via donation Confirmation number: 08749883BE151245M


Thanks for your time to help.

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Originally Posted by BF3-FairPlay*:




When I set a new limit to ban people OnJoin by EA GUID if their KDR is higher than 3 (this is just for testing) ProCon crashes. I'm renting a ProCon server at gameservers.com and they are currently runing v. of ProCon. If I set a limit to ban by PB GUID it's working just fine but the reason why I would like to ban by using EA GUID is to keep a reason for ban so the person whom I banned by using this plugin can see a reason for ban if he tries to connect to my server again. If you ban by PB GUID the reason of ban is visible just at the moment of ban :sad:


Hope someone has any suggestions...


Thank you.

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Originally Posted by HexaCanon*:




When I set a new limit to ban people OnJoin by EA GUID if their KDR is higher than 3 (this is just for testing) ProCon crashes. I'm renting a ProCon server at gameservers.com and they are currently runing v. of ProCon. If I set a limit to ban by PB GUID it's working just fine but the reason why I would like to ban by using EA GUID is to keep a reason for ban so the person whom I banned by using this plugin can see a reason for ban if he tries to connect to my server again. If you ban by PB GUID the reason of ban is visible just at the moment of ban :sad:


Hope someone has any suggestions...


Thank you.

don't "test" on 3 k/d ..... 3k/d is very normal.
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Originally Posted by BF3-FairPlay*:


don't "test" on 3 k/d ..... 3k/d is very normal.

Thank you for your response.


I'm testing on a private server with only my account. The question was how to get rid of the crashes when you set it to a temp. ban by EA GUID with evaluation OnJoin and if anyone else has same issue.

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Originally Posted by HexaCanon*:


Thank you for your response.


I'm testing on a private server with only my account. The question was how to get rid of the crashes when you set it to a temp. ban by EA GUID with evaluation OnJoin and if anyone else has same issue.

Most likely players will have no stats on join. U need to make it on first spawn after their stats gets fetched. I am not at home but when i come i can give you a code.
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Originally Posted by BF3-FairPlay*:


Most likely players will have no stats on join. U need to make it on first spawn after their stats gets fetched. I am not at home but when i come i can give you a code.

No, they have stats on join and they are getting banned without fails when it's set to ban by PB GUID. If I set evaluation OnSpawn it's not always work (if player spawns quick he doesnt get banned). It all caused by not getting EA GUID on time from the server (as I think) but InsaneLimits doesn't check if player remain online after the ban action was sent/ performed.
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Originally Posted by HexaCanon*:


No, they have stats on join and they are getting banned without fails when it's set to ban by PB GUID. If I set evaluation OnSpawn it's not always work (if player spawns quick he doesnt get banned). It all caused by not getting EA GUID on time from the server (as I think) but InsaneLimits doesn't check if player remain online after the ban action was sent/ performed.

A spawn is a spawn. I
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Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*:


Due to problems in Insane Limits with OnJoin limits, use OnSpawn as Hex suggested, particularly for EA GUID based bans. The PB GUID case working is just good luck. :smile: Sometimes it won't work.

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Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*:


Excellent plugin and limits PapaCharlie9 (and micovery)!


I haven't had the need for !surrender until now.


I definitely need this. Thank you for your hard work.



I have read all of the pages within 3 different topics about this, and if I understand correctly, I need to use (as of this date) version from here https://github.com/PapaCharlie9/insane-limits/tags


Once installed, I would need to configure it for !surrender based on post #10 here www.phogue.net/forumvb/showth...nder-(CQ-Rush)*


Post #10 has the latest update for !surrender.




1. Is the above correct or do you have updates I missed?



2. Also, if Im going to use this plugin for non-stats fetching configurations, such as the !surrender command, it makes sense to disable use_direct_fetch correct? (Im a little worried about adding another plugin that fetches stats.)


Or does !surrender need use_direct_fetch set to True for some reason?



3. Will either @surrender or !surrender work? All of our player commands are shown with "@" in the spam messages, but I have allowed for both @ and ! to work in the various plugins.


Do I need to edit anything to allow both @surrender and !surrender (as well as @votenext and !votenext) to work? Please show me how if that's the case.



4. Would I be correct in assuming Assault is considered part of Conquest and thus included in this code . . .

Set first_check to this Expression:


(Regex.Match(server.Gamemode, @"(Conquest|Rush)").Success)


If not, how do I include the @surrender option to Assault and Assault64?




I bought you a beer PapaCharlie for your work and help via donation Confirmation number: 08749883BE151245M


Thanks for your time to help.

For questions/requests about specific limits that already exist, it's best to ask in the thread that contains the limit. So put future questions there.


1) Correct, that's everything, but see #3 below.


2) Correct, this limit does not need stats, so you may set use_direct_fetch to False if you want. If you are not using any other stats fetching plugins (like TrueBalance), you may disable Battlelog Cache to avoid spamming MySQL errors as well.


3) I changed post #10 to accept either @ or ! for the commands. Use R7 of myrcon.net/...insane-limits-v09r6-vote-to-nuke-campingbase-raping-team-or-surrender#entry28837


4) So far, all of the Conquest type game modes have "Conquest" in the name, so yes, Assault is included. Scavenger is the only exception, but it is debateable whether it is Conquest or not.


Thanks for the donation!

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Originally Posted by IAF-SDS*:


2) Correct, this limit does not need stats, so you may set use_direct_fetch to False if you want. If you are not using any other stats fetching plugins (like TrueBalance), you may disable Battlelog Cache to avoid spamming MySQL errors as well.


Thanks for the donation!

Thank you for adding @ in R7.


I will definitely make sure I post future questions/requests about specific limits that already exist in their specific thread.


Regarding 2) above, I use TrueBalancer (using Insane Balancer now until TB gets fixed because IB is not lagging nor crashing ProCon) but Im not familiar with the process of setting up MySQL and everything associated with it.


I run ProCon on a Virtual Dedicated Server, so I will have the ability to set up related MySQL there, but I will need help.


Im looking forward to your tutorial when you're ready to release it, because I can see many who may be intimidated by MySQL and its setup process.




By the way, Im seeing this red warning repeated quite often because I have direct_fetch false and battlelog cache is disabled (at the moment):


[16:15:37 77] [insane Limits] Thread(fetch): Battlelog Cache plugin is disabled; installing/updating and enabling the plugin is recommended for Insane Limits!

[16:15:37 79] [insane Limits] Thread(fetch): WARNING: (StatsException) Unable to fetch stats for Hawk9960, cache is disabled and direct fetching is disabled!


Sounds like it's trying to fetch stats, even though I have it disabled? Is this okay?


(I added this here since it's not specific to a limit.)

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Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*:


Thank you for adding @ in R7.


I will definitely make sure I post future questions/requests about specific limits that already exist in their specific thread.


Regarding 2) above, I use TrueBalancer (using Insane Balancer now until TB gets fixed because IB is not lagging nor crashing ProCon) but Im not familiar with the process of setting up MySQL and everything associated with it.


I run ProCon on a Virtual Dedicated Server, so I will have the ability to set up related MySQL there, but I will need help.


Im looking forward to your tutorial when you're ready to release it, because I can see many who may be intimidated by MySQL and its setup process.




By the way, Im seeing this red warning repeated quite often because I have direct_fetch false and battlelog cache is disabled (at the moment):


[16:15:37 77] [insane Limits] Thread(fetch): Battlelog Cache plugin is disabled; installing/updating and enabling the plugin is recommended for Insane Limits!

[16:15:37 79] [insane Limits] Thread(fetch): WARNING: (StatsException) Unable to fetch stats for Hawk9960, cache is disabled and direct fetching is disabled!


Sounds like it's trying to fetch stats, even though I have it disabled? Is this okay?


(I added this here since it's not specific to a limit.)

That is expected. If you want to reduce the logging spam, change debug_level to 2 or lower.
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Originally Posted by BF3-FairPlay*:


Due to problems in Insane Limits with OnJoin limits, use OnSpawn as Hex suggested, particularly for EA GUID based bans. The PB GUID case working is just good luck. :smile: Sometimes it won't work.

Hi, thank you for your responce.


Is it possible to run a second check in IL just to see if player is still online after ban request is sent and if yes to send another ban request?


Also, do you have any idea why when you ban using PB GUID the reason for ban doesn't show up on the ban list, it always states Prior Kick/Ban?


Thank you for your help.

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Originally Posted by HexaCanon*:


Hi, thank you for your responce.


Is it possible to run a second check in IL just to see if player is still online after ban request is sent and if yes to send another ban request?

you do not want to do that, tbh i made sure that my limits only send one ban because if they don't it will sometimes spam the ban 4-5 times in the same second.


Also, do you have any idea why when you ban using PB GUID the reason for ban doesn't show up on the ban list, it always states Prior Kick/Ban?

i believe the message that punkbuster sends is very long that the reason can not be contained in the ban box
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Originally Posted by Phil_K*:




i believe the message that punkbuster sends is very long that the reason can not be contained in the ban box

Hmm.. I can't remember to use a string like "Prior Kick/Ban" anywhere in Procon.



Can you provide a quote of the console log showing all PB related messages and a screenshot of how it

looks on the banlist tab? I guess it's all about BF3. :smile:




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Originally Posted by HexaCanon*:


can i have more information please about direct stats fetching.


i would like to know how the option exactly work, from what i know and believe it work like :


true = IL takes player stats only from battlelog directly

false = IL takes player stats only from battlelog cache plugin and if it was off IL does not do any stats fetching.



if that is true, i was hoping that there would be an option for IL to detect if the battlelog cache does not have player stats then IL request player stats directly from battlelog.


the reason is because so far i have not found a host for the database and i can not do it locally. if the above option can be done then i will be able to run a database locally and not worry IL stopping work if the database restarts/shutdown.

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Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*:


nvm my retarded request i managed to find a host for the database, just more clear information about the direct stats fetch option is appreciated.

Here's what the post #1 entry for this setting says ... if this is not clear enough, what do I need to add to it to make it clear?


  • use_direct_fetch

    True - if the cache is not available, fetch stats directly from Battlelog

    False - disable direct fetches from Battlelog


    If the Battlelog Cache plugin is installed, up-to-date and enabled, it will be used for player stats regardless of the setting of this option. If the Battlelog Cache plugin is not installed, not up-to-date or disabled, setting use_direct_fetch to True will act as a fallback system, fetching stats directly from Battlelog. Otherwise, stats fetching will fail since the cache is not available and this setting is False. In other words, when Battlelog Caches is available, it is used for stats fetching always. When it is not available, you can enable or disable fetching of stats directly from Battlelog with this setting.

Battlelog Cache is always used first. The use_direct_fetch option is only used if stats fetching through Battlelog Cache is not working, for whatever reason.


There are three options:


1) MySQL is setup correctly and Battlelog Cache is enabled, use_direct_fetch is set to True. This is the best option. As long as the fetch from Battelog Cache works, that's what Insane Limits uses. If a fetch from Battlelog Cache fails, for any reason, Insane Limits will retry the fetch directly from Battlelog, ignoring BattlelogCache for just that fetch. For the next fetch it goes back to trying Battlelog Cache first.


2) MySQL is not setup correctly or Battlelog Cache is disabled, use_direct_fetch is set to True. Insane Limits fetches stats directly from Battlelog. This is the equivalent of Insane Limits 9.3 behavior prior to Procon


3) MySQL is not setup correctly or Battlelog Cache is disabled, use_direct_fetch is set to False. Insane Limits will not fetch stats at all. Unless debug_level is set to 2 or lower, there will be several warnings per player that stats cannot be fetched.


When stats fetching is built into Procon (Battlelog Catch functionality is integrated into Core), I will remove the use_direct_fetch option, which will effectively set it to False permanently. At that point, all stats fetching will come from Procon.

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Originally Posted by LumpyNutZ*:


Here we go again... Now with BL cache plug & IL..


[11:33:49 84] [Battlelog Cache] Fetching stats for player 'PantlessDaN' with requestType 'ClanTag' failed! General Status: System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (429) Too Many Requests.
   at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadDataInternal(Uri address, WebRequest& request)
   at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadString(Uri address)
   at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadString(String address)
   at PRoConEvents.CBattlelogCache.DownloadWebPage(WebClient webClient, String url, String& result)
[11:33:49 84] [Insane Limits] Thread(fetch): WARNING: (StatsException) Cache fetch failed (type: Error, message: System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (429) Too Many Requests.
   at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadDataInternal(Uri address, WebRequest& request)
   at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadString(Uri address)
   at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadString(String address)
   at PRoConEvents.CBattlelogCache.DownloadWebPage(WebClient webClient, String url, String& result))!
Any ideas?


Edit: not funny anymore Posted Image

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Originally Posted by EBassie*:


@LumpyNutZ: I think that's because the BattlelogCache plugin does not have throttling yet. We have to be patient for the final solution.


As for now I disabled the BattlelogCache plugin, as I'm seeing these errors all the time also.

I've setup InsaneLimits to fetch directly without the weaponstats. This works like a charm.

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Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*:


Here we go again... Now with BL cache plug & IL..


[11:33:49 84] [Battlelog Cache] Fetching stats for player 'PantlessDaN' with requestType 'ClanTag' failed! General Status: System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (429) Too Many Requests.
   at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadDataInternal(Uri address, WebRequest& request)
   at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadString(Uri address)
   at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadString(String address)
   at PRoConEvents.CBattlelogCache.DownloadWebPage(WebClient webClient, String url, String& result)
[11:33:49 84] [Insane Limits] Thread(fetch): WARNING: (StatsException) Cache fetch failed (type: Error, message: System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (429) Too Many Requests.
   at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadDataInternal(Uri address, WebRequest& request)
   at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadString(Uri address)
   at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadString(String address)
   at PRoConEvents.CBattlelogCache.DownloadWebPage(WebClient webClient, String url, String& result))!
Any ideas?
The errors are going to happen no matter what you do -- Battlelog is overloaded, period. The best you can do is reduce the frequency of the errors by spreading out your requests across multiple layer instances. Basically, the more game servers you have connected to a single layer and the more plugins on that layer fetching stats, the more you get errors.


There's nothing we can do on the plugin side to prevent those errors from happening. Even plugin-side throttling just reduces the frequency, doesn't make it zero.


The best we can do is allow you to turn off the warning spam in the logs. The errors will still happen, you just won't see them. Is that something you guys want?

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Originally Posted by HexaCanon*:


The errors are going to happen no matter what you do -- Battlelog is overloaded, period. The best you can do is reduce the frequency of the errors by spreading out your requests across multiple layer instances. Basically, the more game servers you have connected to a single layer and the more plugins on that layer fetching stats, the more you get errors.


There's nothing we can do on the plugin side to prevent those errors from happening. Even plugin-side throttling just reduces the frequency, doesn't make it zero.


The best we can do is allow you to turn off the warning spam in the logs. The errors will still happen, you just won't see them. Is that something you guys want?

just make the error does not appear on debug levels that do not show the process of stats fetching, therefor we do not get the idea that IL is not getting stats at all. one of my admins got that idea and went to restart the layer when it was not needed.
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