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Insane Limits ( - 30-MAR-2015) + BFHL


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Originally Posted by BuRockK*:


Hi, Is it possible to make a limit that checks every players score and kill count individually on every "OnIntervalServer" seconds?


Red part is what it would be like (with the right code of course)



List<PlayerInfoInterface> players = new List<PlayerInfoInterface>();
if (team3.players.Count > 0)
if (team4.players.Count > 0)

foreach (PlayerInfoInterface p in players) {
    [b]if (p.Kills < 10 && p.Score > 15000) {
        plugin.KickPlayerWithMessage(p.Name, No statspadding.);
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Originally Posted by maxdralle*:


  BuRockK* said:

Hi, Is it possible to make a limit that checks every players score and kill count individually on every "OnIntervalServer" seconds?


Red part is what it would be like (with the right code of course)



List<PlayerInfoInterface> players = new List<PlayerInfoInterface>();
if (team3.players.Count > 0)
if (team4.players.Count > 0)

foreach (PlayerInfoInterface p in players) {
    [b]if (p.Kills < 10 && p.Score > 15000) {
        plugin.KickPlayerWithMessage(p.Name, No statspadding.);
here the RED part:


if ((p.KillsRound < 10) && (p.ScoreRound > 15000)) {
	String TmpPlayerTag = p.Tag;
	plugin.ConsoleWrite("^1^bSTATSPADDING:^0^n [" + TmpPlayerTag + "] " + p.Name + " KICKED for statspadding");
	plugin.PRoConChat("^1^bSTATSPADDING^0^n > [" + TmpPlayerTag + "] " + p.Name + " KICKED statspadding");
	plugin.KickPlayerWithMessage(p.Name, plugin.R("KICKED for statspadding"));

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Originally Posted by BuRockK*:


  maxdralle* said:

here the RED part:


if ((p.KillsRound < 10) && (p.ScoreRound > 15000)) {
	String TmpPlayerTag = p.Tag;
	plugin.ConsoleWrite("^1^bSTATSPADDING:^0^n [" + TmpPlayerTag + "] " + p.Name + " KICKED for statspadding");
	plugin.PRoConChat("^1^bSTATSPADDING^0^n > [" + TmpPlayerTag + "] " + p.Name + " KICKED statspadding");
	plugin.KickPlayerWithMessage(p.Name, plugin.R("KICKED for statspadding"));

Thank you, i honestly didnt know which exact variables were stored in PlayerInfoInterface
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Originally Posted by thunderje*:


insane limits will not let me paste the limit in the limit section 1, could anyone help me with this.im using win 8.1 and the current procon,in the limit it says also to hit cntrl and enter to add the txt, but it does nothing

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Originally Posted by LCARSx64*:


  thunderje* said:

insane limits will not let me paste the limit in the limit section 1, could anyone help me with this.im using win 8.1 and the current procon,in the limit it says also to hit cntrl and enter to add the txt, but it does nothing

Copy the code then click the arrow at the end of the first_check_code section of the limit you want to paste the code to, press CTRL + V.
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Originally Posted by BuRockK*:


Hi all, can someone approve this limit works? I dont know why but its not working for me..



List<PlayerInfoInterface> players = new List<PlayerInfoInterface>();
if (team3.players.Count > 0)
if (team4.players.Count > 0)

foreach (PlayerInfoInterface p in players) {
    double maxscoreperkill = 1200;
    double tmp_totalkills_maxscore = maxscoreperkill * p.KillsRound;

    if (tmp_totalkills_maxscore / p.KillsRound > maxscoreperkill) {
        String TmpPlayerTag = p.Tag;
        plugin.ConsoleWrite("^1^bSTATSPADDING:^0^n [" + TmpPlayerTag + "] " + p.Name + " KICKED for statspadding");
        plugin.PRoConChat("^1^bSTATSPADDING^0^n > [" + TmpPlayerTag + "] " + p.Name + " KICKED statspadding");
        plugin.KickPlayerWithMessage(p.Name, plugin.R("KICKED for statspadding"));
return false;
In the code, limit checks the total score player can have depending on his kill count. 1200 score points for every 1 kill count (200 for 1 kill and other 1000 is for various stuff like ammo usage by others,revives etc.).


There is a player now that has over 1200 score in the round with 0 kills and 7 deaths (statspadding) but the limit not working for some reason.

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Originally Posted by Hodor*:


Someone knows why @PapaCharlie9 didnt add the delay function for SendPlayerYell etc? He did delay only for SendPlayerMessage etc (admin.say):



SendPlayerYell(String name, String message, int duration);
SendPlayerMessage(String name, String message, int delay);
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Originally Posted by Hodor*:


Does anyone know how to make OnJoin triggered immediately like ProconRulz?

My rule:


//evaluation OnJoin

//first_check Code


if (server.PlayerCount<= 10 ) {
    plugin.SendGlobalYell(plugin.R("\n[Player: %p_n%] 3axoguT Ha CepBep! \nOcTaBauc9l Ha CepBepe 6yg My}l{ukoM! | CepBep ckopo 3aIIoJIHuTc9I"),10);
else if (server.PlayerCount<= 14 ) {
    plugin.SendGlobalMessage(plugin.R("[Player: %p_n%] 3axoguT"));
    plugin.SendGlobalMessage(plugin.R("OcTaBauc9l Ha CepBepe 6yg My}l{ukoM!"));
    plugin.SendGlobalMessage(plugin.R("CepBep ckopo 3aIIoJIHuTc9I"));
    return false;
//second_check Disabled


This rule is triggered when a player will joined entirely to the server, but I need that it triggered after pressing in battlelog "Join server" like ProconRulz

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  • 1 month later...

Originally Posted by MRniceGuy*:



I want to create a list of players who can join the server as a commander and kick anyone else who isn't in the list

would be great to provide a sample

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Originally Posted by BuRockK*:


  MRniceGuy* said:


I want to create a list of players who can join the server as a commander and kick anyone else who isn't in the list

would be great to provide a sample

Create a new limit with "OnJoin" evaluation. than make the "first_check: code" and paste this in "first_check_code":


if (((player.Role == 2) || (player.Role == 3)) && (!plugin.isInList(player.Name, "commander_list"))) { return true; }



Select action etc in that drop down list to set action on trigger.



Also you need to make a new list named "commander_list". But before that you need to enable "use custom lists" from the settings of the plugin.

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Originally Posted by MRniceGuy*:


  BuRockK* said:

Create a new limit with "OnJoin" evaluation. than make the "first_check: code" and paste this in "first_check_code":


if (((player.Role == 2) || (player.Role == 3)) && (!plugin.isInList(player.Name, "commander_list"))) { return true; }



Select action etc in that drop down list to set action on trigger.



Also you need to make a new list named "commander_list". But before that you need to enable "use custom lists" from the settings of the plugin.



Im a total newbie with insane limits man

more details please xD


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Originally Posted by BuRockK*:


Make a custom list:


1) Plugin>Settings>use_custom_lists>True

2) Plugin>List Manager>new_list>True

3) Goto newly created list at the bottom (List #1 - Name1)

4) Under that tree;

list_x_hide: Show

list_x_name: commander_list

list_x_comparison: CaseSensitive

list_x_data: Name1, Name2, Name3 (seperate names the way you see here)


Make a new limit:


1)Plugin>Limit Manager>new_limit>true

2) Goto newly created limit at the bottom (Limit #1 - Name1)

3) Under that tree;

limit_x_hide: Show

limit_x_name: whatever

limit_x_evaluation: OnJoin

limit_x_first_check: Code



if (((player.Role == 2) || (player.Role == 3)) && (!plugin.isInList(player.Name, "commander_list"))) { return true; }
limit_x_new_action: Kick

X [-----Kick Action-----]: Show

limit_x_kick_message: (Type your kick msg here)

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Originally Posted by MRniceGuy*:


  BuRockK* said:

Make a custom list:


1) Plugin>Settings>use_custom_lists>True

2) Plugin>List Manager>new_list>True

3) Goto newly created list at the bottom (List #1 - Name1)

4) Under that tree;

list_x_hide: Show

list_x_name: commander_list

list_x_comparison: CaseSensitive

list_x_data: Name1, Name2, Name3 (seperate names the way you see here)


Make a new limit:


1)Plugin>Limit Manager>new_limit>true

2) Goto newly created limit at the bottom (Limit #1 - Name1)

3) Under that tree;

limit_x_hide: Show

limit_x_name: whatever

limit_x_evaluation: OnJoin

limit_x_first_check: Code



if (((player.Role == 2) || (player.Role == 3)) && (!plugin.isInList(player.Name, "commander_list"))) { return true; }
limit_x_new_action: Kick

X [-----Kick Action-----]: Show

limit_x_kick_message: (Type your kick msg here)

Thank you sir :_) really appreciated :*
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Originally Posted by ColColonCleaner*:


  Blaze0075* said:

Hey guys! Can you help me to create a simple player rank code.So player can check rank in server?


The only way to do something like that currently is with the stat logger plugin. You will need a MySQL database to do that.
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  • 4 months later...

Originally Posted by BuRockK*:


Could anyone help me with this code? Im sure im missing something very simple here but i just cant figure out why this doesnt work the way i want.


I have on join msg set in the server. Under 44 players = Shows either "player joined" or "VIP player joined" msgs. Over 44 players, same but only logs in Procon chat.


Recently i updated this so when a spectator joins it just logs to procon chat and nothing else. Everything else should have stayed the same (if not spectator, shows normal join msgs depending on player count). But for some reason, it works as if it has mind of its own, sometimes showing "player joined" msg, sometimes its "VIP player joined" msg, and sometimes it shows "spectator player joined" in procon chat like its supposed to. But it never works perfect like i was hoping it would.


Well, heres my code:



if (player.Role == 1) {
    plugin.PRoConChat(plugin.R("^b^4LOG:^0 SPECTATOR^n " + player.FullName + " has ^4joined ^0the game."));
if (player.Role != 1) {
    if (server.PlayerCount < 44) {
        if (!plugin.GetReservedSlotsList().Contains(player.Name)) {
            plugin.SendGlobalMessage(plugin.R("%p_fn% has joined the game."));
            plugin.PRoConChat(plugin.R("^b^4TO ALL:^0^n " + player.FullName + " has ^4joined ^0the game."));
        if (plugin.GetReservedSlotsList().Contains(player.Name)) {
            plugin.SendGlobalMessage(plugin.R("VIP PLAYER %p_fn% has joined the game."));
            plugin.PRoConChat(plugin.R("^b^4TO ALL:^0VIP PLAYER^n " + player.FullName + " has ^4joined ^0the game."));
    if (server.PlayerCount >= 44) {
        if (!plugin.GetReservedSlotsList().Contains(player.Name)) {
            plugin.PRoConChat(plugin.R("^b^4LOG:^0^n " + player.FullName + " has ^4joined ^0the game."));
        if (plugin.GetReservedSlotsList().Contains(player.Name)) {
            plugin.PRoConChat(plugin.R("^b^4LOG:^0VIP PLAYER^n " + player.FullName + " has ^4joined ^0the game."));
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Originally Posted by LCARSx64*:


  BuRockK* said:

Could anyone help me with this code? Im sure im missing something very simple here but i just cant figure out why this doesnt work the way i want.


I have on join msg set in the server. Under 44 players = Shows either "player joined" or "VIP player joined" msgs. Over 44 players, same but only logs in Procon chat.


Recently i updated this so when a spectator joins it just logs to procon chat and nothing else. Everything else should have stayed the same (if not spectator, shows normal join msgs depending on player count). But for some reason, it works as if it has mind of its own, sometimes showing "player joined" msg, sometimes its "VIP player joined" msg, and sometimes it shows "spectator player joined" in procon chat like its supposed to. But it never works perfect like i was hoping it would.


Well, heres my code:



if (player.Role == 1) {
    plugin.PRoConChat(plugin.R("^b^4LOG:^0 SPECTATOR^n " + player.FullName + " has ^4joined ^0the game."));
if (player.Role != 1) {
    if (server.PlayerCount < 44) {
        if (!plugin.GetReservedSlotsList().Contains(player.Name)) {
            plugin.SendGlobalMessage(plugin.R("%p_fn% has joined the game."));
            plugin.PRoConChat(plugin.R("^b^4TO ALL:^0^n " + player.FullName + " has ^4joined ^0the game."));
        if (plugin.GetReservedSlotsList().Contains(player.Name)) {
            plugin.SendGlobalMessage(plugin.R("VIP PLAYER %p_fn% has joined the game."));
            plugin.PRoConChat(plugin.R("^b^4TO ALL:^0VIP PLAYER^n " + player.FullName + " has ^4joined ^0the game."));
    if (server.PlayerCount >= 44) {
        if (!plugin.GetReservedSlotsList().Contains(player.Name)) {
            plugin.PRoConChat(plugin.R("^b^4LOG:^0^n " + player.FullName + " has ^4joined ^0the game."));
        if (plugin.GetReservedSlotsList().Contains(player.Name)) {
            plugin.PRoConChat(plugin.R("^b^4LOG:^0VIP PLAYER^n " + player.FullName + " has ^4joined ^0the game."));
I'm assuming that the limit is triggered OnJoin.

It's possible that player.Role may not always be set when the limit is triggered, however, try this code and see if it helps:


String sMsg = player.FullName + " has joined the game.";
String[] sLog = new String[] { "^b^4LOG:^0^n ",
                                             "^b^4TO ALL:^0^n ",
                                             "^bSPECTATOR^n ",
                                             "^bVIP PLAYER^n ",
                                             player.FullName + "has ^4joined^0 the game." };

switch (player.Role)
    case 1:         // Spectator
        sLog[0] = sLog[0] + sLog[2] + sLog[4];
    default:        // Everyone else
        if (server.PlayerCount < 44)
            // Less than 44 players
            sLog[0] = sLog[1];
            if (!plugin.GetReservedSlotsList().Contains(player.Name))
                // Not VIP
                sLog[0] = sLog[0] + sLog[4];
                // VIP
                sMsg = "VIP PLAYER " + sMsg;
                sLog[0] = sLog[0] + sLog[3] + sLog[4];
            // 44 or more players
            if (!plugin.GetReservedSlotsList().Contains(player.Name))
                // Not VIP
                sLog[0] = sLog[0] + sLog[4];
                // VIP
                sLog[0] = sLog[0] + sLog[3] + sLog[4];

return false;       // Only needed if this is the end of the limit
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Originally Posted by BuRockK*:


I get this error:


[20:27:07 43] [insane Limits] ERROR: 1 error compiling Code

[20:27:07 43] [insane Limits] ERROR: (CS0163, line: 39, column: 17): Das Steuerelement kann nicht von einer case-Bezeichnung (default:smile: zur nächsten fortfahren.


Why its in German, i dont know lol

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Originally Posted by LCARSx64*:


  BuRockK* said:

I get this error:


[20:27:07 43] [insane Limits] ERROR: 1 error compiling Code

[20:27:07 43] [insane Limits] ERROR: (CS0163, line: 39, column: 17): Das Steuerelement kann nicht von einer case-Bezeichnung (default:smile: zur nächsten fortfahren.


Why its in German, i dont know lol

Oops sorry, I forgot the break in switch default. I've corrected the code in my previous post.
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Originally Posted by BuRockK*:


Yes, now it works. Thank you LCARSx64


Now i need to learn how your code works. ^^


At first look, basicly i see you set up "cases" and have script exec those cases depending on player count and player role. I will study this lol thank again

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  • 5 weeks later...

Originally Posted by BitterLooter*:


I'm running procon layer on a dedicated Debian (Linux) server using Mono. A lot of plugins work (Adaptive Server/Ticket Size, PRoCon Chat, GUID, Stats and Map Logger, Ultimate Map Manager, CheatDetector, ProconRulz, TrueBalancer, and more), but I'm unable to get InsaneLimits working correctly.


Here's the error in Procon console:


[08:23:30 59] [Insane Limits] Thread(Threadpool worker): ERROR: unable to dump information to file
[08:23:30 59] [Insane Limits] Thread(Threadpool worker): EXCEPTION: System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: Could not find a part of the path "/home/procon/procon/home/procon/procon/Plugins/BF4/InsaneLimits_getwrekd.game.nfoservers.com_XXXXX.conf".
The path is incorrect. Instead of /home/procon/procon/home/procon/procon/Plugins/BF4/ it should be /home/procon/procon/Plugins/BF4/.


I tried hard coding the path in:


String procon_path = Directory.GetParent(Application.ExecutablePath).FullName;
String plugins_path = Path.Combine(procon_path, Path.Combine("Plugins", "BF3"));
deleting the .dll and restarting the procon layer, but that just made the "Plugin Settings" section in procon blank with no additional debug/error output available.


Any advice on how to get this working on Linux?

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Originally Posted by BitterLooter*:


Ok, update to my original Linux thread... I got InsaneLimits loaded and working in procon console. It's enabled, virtual mode is off. I set up a limit as follows....


limit_1_state: enabled

limit_1_name: NextRound

limit_1_eval: OnRoundOver

limit_1_first_check: Expression

limit_1_first_check_exp: (server.PlayerCount>=6)

limit_1_second_check: Code



Thread ender = new Thread(
    new ThreadStart(
                int iDelay = 15; // Delay in seconds
                Thread.Sleep(iDelay * 1000);
            catch (Exception e)
ender.Name = "RoundEnder";
return false;

limit_1_action: None


But it's not working. The next (end of) round count-down timer between maps goes from 50 (or whatever) all the way to 1 or 0 when it should fire off the next map at 30 or 35 seconds. No errors are displayed in console.


Limit has been compiled. How can I debug this?

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Originally Posted by BitterLooter*:


  Timm* said:

As i understand, you want start next map if server player count >= 6?

At the end of a round, yes. So folks aren't waiting around for a minute after a map staring at the scoreboard. Round over? Move to next map in 15 or 30 seconds, don't wait for the clock to count-down.
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Originally Posted by BitterLooter*:


  Timm* said:

Can you try this code for OnRoundOver triger


if (server.PlayerCount <= 6 )
// plugin.ServerCommand("mapList.runNextRound");
but i dont fully understand, when you want work this command, on low population or on high population, if you want it's work on high population, uncomment second command and set comment to first command
If there are more than 6 people on the server, and the round is over, goto the next map/round after x seconds. Again, all I'm trying to do is prevent folks from having to wait 45+ seconds between matches.


I will try your code and report back, but I have a feeling Insane Limits isn't working right at all. The plugin loads, I can enter limits, compile them, but they aren't actually doing anything on/to the server.


-- edit


Ok, so as a test, under "console" in Procon->Insane Limits->Plugin Settings, I put the following:



And the next round didn't load... Insane Limits doesn't appear to be working.

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Originally Posted by Vejling*:


I put InsaneLimit plugin in my Nitrado BF4 / plugin folder

When starting procon it appears in under plugins, but say "WARNING: you must review and accept the privacy policy before plugin can be activated"

How do i do that?

This HAS to be a noob question but i cannot seem to find the answer anywhere...



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Originally Posted by LCARSx64*:


  BitterLooter* said:

If there are more than 6 people on the server, and the round is over, goto the next map/round after x seconds. Again, all I'm trying to do is prevent folks from having to wait 45+ seconds between matches.


I will try your code and report back, but I have a feeling Insane Limits isn't working right at all. The plugin loads, I can enter limits, compile them, but they aren't actually doing anything on/to the server.


-- edit


Ok, so as a test, under "console" in Procon->Insane Limits->Plugin Settings, I put the following:



And the next round didn't load... Insane Limits doesn't appear to be working.

Are you running other plugins/limits that make changes to the maplist/next map?


  Vejling* said:

I put InsaneLimit plugin in my Nitrado BF4 / plugin folder

When starting procon it appears in under plugins, but say "WARNING: you must review and accept the privacy policy before plugin can be activated"

How do i do that?

This HAS to be a noob question but i cannot seem to find the answer anywhere...



You can do this in the plugin settings for Insane Limits.
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Originally Posted by LCARSx64*:


  BitterLooter* said:

Yes. xVotemap and Ultimate Map Manager.

These may be your problem. Plugins in Procon execute in alphabetical order, the delay set in the limit needs to be long enough to ensure that it executes after UMM & xVotemap.
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  • Our picks

    • Game Server Hosting:

      We're happy to announce that EZRCON will branch out into the game server provider scene. This is a big step for us so please having patience if something doesn't go right in this area. Now, what makes us different compared to other providers? Well, we're going with the idea of having a scaleable server hosting and providing more control in how you set up your server. For example, in Minecraft, you have the ability to control how many CPU cores you wish your server to have access to, how much RAM you want to use, how much disk space you want to use. This type of control can't be offered in a single service package so you're able to configure a custom package the way you want it.

      You can see all the available games here. Currently, we have the following games available.

      Valheim (From $1.50 USD)

      Rust (From $3.20 USD)

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      OpenTTD (From $4.00 USD)

      Squad (From $9.00 USD)

      Insurgency: Sandstorm (From $6.40 USD)

      Changes to US-East:

      Starting in January 2022, we will be moving to a different provider that has better support, better infrastructure, and better connectivity. We've noticed that the connection/routes to this location are not ideal and it's been hard getting support to correct this. Our contract for our two servers ends in March/April respectively. If you currently have servers in this location you will be migrated over to the new provider. We'll have more details when the time comes closer to January. The new location for this change will be based out of Atlanta, GA. If you have any questions/concerns please open a ticket and we'll do our best to answer them.
      • 5 replies
    • Hello All,

      I wanted to give an update to how EZRCON is doing. As of today we have 56 active customers using the services offered. I'm glad its doing so well and it hasn't been 1 year yet. To those that have services with EZRCON, I hope the service is doing well and if not please let us know so that we can improve it where possible. We've done quite a few changes behind the scenes to improve the performance hopefully. 

      We'll be launching a new location for hosting procon layers in either Los Angeles, USA or Chicago, IL. Still being decided on where the placement should be but these two locations are not set in stone yet. We would like to get feedback on where we should have a new location for hosting the Procon Layers, which you can do by replying to this topic. A poll will be created where people can vote on which location they would like to see.

      We're also looking for some suggestions on what else you would like to see for hosting provider options. So please let us know your thoughts on this matter.
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    • Added ability to disable the new API check for player country info

      Updated GeoIP database file

      Removed usage sending stats

      Added EZRCON ad banner

      If you are upgrading then you may need to add these two lines to your existing installation in the file procon.cfg. To enable these options just change False to True.

      procon.private.options.UseGeoIpFileOnly False
      procon.private.options.BlockRssFeedNews False

      • 2 replies
    • I wanted I let you know that I am starting to build out the foundation for the hosting services that I talked about here. The pricing model I was originally going for wasn't going to be suitable for how I want to build it. So instead I decided to offer each service as it's own product instead of a package deal. In the future, hopefully, I will be able to do this and offer discounts to those that choose it.

      Here is how the pricing is laid out for each service as well as information about each. This is as of 7/12/2020.

      Single MySQL database (up to 30 GB) is $10 USD per month.

      If you go over the 30 GB usage for the database then each additional gigabyte is charged at $0.10 USD each billing cycle. If you're under 30GB you don't need to worry about this.

      Databases are replicated across 3 zones (regions) for redundancy. One (1) on the east coast of the USA, One (1) in Frankfurt, and One (1) in Singapore. Depending on the demand, this would grow to more regions.

      Databases will also be backed up daily and retained for 7 days.

      Procon Layer will be $2 USD per month.

      Each layer will only allow one (1) game server connection. The reason behind this is for performance.

      Each layer will also come with all available plugins installed by default. This is to help facilitate faster deployments and get you up and running quickly.

      Each layer will automatically restart if Procon crashes. 

      Each layer will also automatically restart daily at midnight to make sure it stays in tip-top shape.

      Custom plugins can be installed by submitting a support ticket.

      Battlefield Admin Control Panel (BFACP) will be $5 USD per month

      As I am still working on building version 3 of the software, I will be installing the last version I did. Once I complete version 3 it will automatically be upgraded for you.

      All these services will be managed by me so you don't have to worry about the technical side of things to get up and going.

      If you would like to see how much it would cost for the services, I made a calculator that you can use. It can be found here https://ezrcon.com/calculator.html

      • 11 replies
    • I have pushed out a new minor release which updates the geodata pull (flags in the playerlisting). This should be way more accurate now. As always, please let me know if any problems show up.

      • 9 replies
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