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ProconRulz - take admin action on triggers, e.g. weapon limit


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Originally Posted by bambam*:


** EDIT ** beta removed as code is now in production (see top of thread)


Here's a bugfix beta (version 31c.9) that should fix the ProconRulz 'teamsize' bug (bug = even on a full server the calculated teamsize sometimes drops to zero). This 31c.9 version has tested fine against our BFBC2 server, but if anyone else can test it that will help. The simplest test would be with ProconRulz 'Trace rules' set to 'No', and a single rule (or at the top of the list) that logs teamsize:


On Spawn;Log %p% spawned, teamsize %n%


And set the Procon option to log the chat window.


The Procon chat window (just the procon client, not in game) will accumulate lines like


[14:24:05] ProconRulz: [OFc] bambam spawned, teamsize 12

[14:24:09] Edjimm has joined the server..

[14:24:35] ProconRulz: Edjimm spawned, teamsize 12

[14:25:05] ProconRulz: [OFc] bambam spawned, teamsize 12

[14:25:29] MuckleBuckle has joined the server..

[14:25:53] ProconRulz: MuckleBuckle spawned, teamsize 13

[14:26:35] ProconRulz: Edjimm spawned, teamsize 13


The 'bugged' version occasionally did this:


[14:24:05] ProconRulz: [OFc] bambam spawned, teamsize 12

[14:24:09] Edjimm has joined the server..

[14:24:35] ProconRulz: Edjimm spawned, teamsize 0

[14:25:05] ProconRulz: [OFc] bambam spawned, teamsize 0

and then the teamcounts would be ok again.


So you can spot the bug in the chat log by searching for a "teamsize 0" that looks out of place.


If somehow the bug *does* appear, then running with 'Trace rules' set to 'Yes' capturing the next time the error occurs would be really helpful, although I'm quietly confident this won't be needed.





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Originally Posted by MorpheusX(AUT)*:


Testing will deploy in... 3... 2... 1... Deployed :biggrin:


EDIT: lol. Plugin enabled on Server 1 (Rush Valparaiso, 20/20 Players). 5 first messages: TeamSize = 0

Plugin enabled on Server 2 (Conquest Heavy Metal, 28/28 Players). First message: TeamSize = 0


After those two, it got normal again. Will watch it now.

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Originally Posted by bambam*:


thanks Morpheus - when the plugin first starts it takes a few seconds to pick up the player list, so that's normal.


lol I just watched a round change on your server (doesn't happen often with 1000 tickets each side...) and the counts kept going then - actually the prior version of ProconRulz would reset the counts on a round change but I took that bit out because I knew that would confuse the testing. The ProconRulz teamsize bug before was always immediately following a player joining the server, until the next OnPlayersList event a few seconds later, so that's what I'm watching right now on your server...



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Originally Posted by bambam*:


Testing of version 31c (bugfix for Teamsize condition) worked out a charm, so production version has been officially updated to 31c.9, and that is the version now downloadable at the top of this thread.


Huge thanks to MorpheusX for allowing additional testing on his busy Heavy Metal Conquest server and providing me Procon access and the logs, so we could do thorough testing both there and on our OFc server. Also thanks to Legate for confirming the bug and testing an interim bugfix beta.



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Originally Posted by Bertsinbad*:


Thanks for the plugin Bam Bam its great

I added the tank rule (we have it at 8vrs8) on one of our servers today and seems to be working brilliantly


we also have another rule which im struggling a bit with.

Its essentially a rule to stop overuse of the UH60 miniguns and im a little unsure of of how to procede with it

I do not want to limit this weapon for anyone at all except overusers


Im trying to figure out how to set a rule that says


On Kill;Map Valp;Damage VehicleAir; kills 50;PlayerSay %p% you have been punished for overusing the heli; kill 5000

On Kill;Map Valp;Damage VehicleAir; kills 25; PlayerSay %p% you are overusing the heli stop now


The rest of the rule I understand but I cant figure how to set the kill count

Hope you can help

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Originally Posted by Legate*:


Testing of version 31c (bugfix for Teamsize condition) worked out a charm, so production version has been officially updated to 31c.9, and that is the version now downloadable at the top of this thread.


Huge thanks to MorpheusX for allowing additional testing on his busy Heavy Metal Conquest server and providing me Procon access and the logs, so we could do thorough testing both there and on our OFc server. Also thanks to Legate for confirming the bug and testing an interim bugfix beta.



Thanks to you for your work Bambam ;-)
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Originally Posted by bambam*:




There's a couple of details needed to tweak your rulz, and you'll have to make some slight compromse.


1) We're using weapon id's being spat out by the Battlefield server, and there's no flexibility there. "ah60#minigun left" is a Weapon, not a 'Damage'-type. So someone kills with Weapon 'ah60#minigun left' doing Damage 'VehicleAir' (see the listing of the weapons and their damage on the details page linked at the top of this thread).


2) Also as far as BFBC2 is concerned, the left UH60 minigun and the right UH60 minigun are actually two different types of weapon with no connection between them (although they do the same kind of Damage.


3) ProconRulz can't simply add up the kills counts for a player with different weapons, so it's impossible to create a ProconRulz rule for left+right minigun counts.


4) You *can* achieve what you want using Damage type 'VehicleAir' (which includes all Heli weapons) and *exclude* some weapons (e.g. mi24#gunnercannon ) if you want to be picky. If you look at the list of weapons that do that damage, the kind of kills counts you're talking about could only really be dominated by the minigun so the simplest rule is probably enough:


On Kill;Damage VehicleAir;Count 50;Say %p% no more Heli kills for you!!;Kill


with the extension to exclude the other main Heli kill-cannons:


On Kill;Damage VehicleAir;Not Weapon mi24#gunnercannon;Not Weapon mi28#gunnercannnon;Count 50;Say %p% no more Heli kills for you!;Kill


OK? If you step through the rule from left-to-right you can hopefully see what it's doing. A kill has occurred (by player %p%), causing damage 'VehicleAir' (see 'details' for list of weapons that do that), the weapon was *not* the Hind Cannon or the Apache Cannon, and the player has triggered this rule 50 times.


So you could re-do your rulz using 'Damage VehicleAir' instead of 'Damage ah60#minigun'.


You last rule has Log with no text, which is a problem. Better


On Kill;Damage VehicleAir;Log %p% vehicle-air kill #%c%

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Originally Posted by bambam*:


coolio - FYI I just corrected a typo in the rulz I suggested. I should have typed "Say %p% no more Heli kills for you;Kill" not "Kill %p% no more Heli kills for you". Ooops sry


edit edit (after you editted yours) - "Kills 50' is handled in ProconRulz more generally with a 'Count' of the number of times a player has triggered a particular rule. So if you have "On Kill;Damage VehicleAir;Count 50;...ACTIONS" ProconRulz will only apply the actions when the player has triggered "On Kill;Damage VehicleAir" 50 times, i.e. what you want. 'Count' in an On Kill rule effectively counts the kills that meet the conditions. But you could equally have "On Say;Text gay;Count 3;PlayerSay stfu". Future versions of ProconRulz will allow other 'counts', i.e. ServerCount and TeamCount which don't just apply to a single player.

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Originally Posted by Bertsinbad*:


rules added and working perfectly as far as I can see YAY thanks :smile:



#             TANK RULZ
On Kill;Teamsize 7;Damage VehicleHeavy; count 2;Yell Server Message.... >>%p%<< No Tank Kills if less than 8 players per side;kill
On Kill;Teamsize 7;Damage VehicleHeavy;Yell Server Message.... >>%p%<< No Tank Kills if less than 8 players per side
#             HELI RULZ
On kill;Map Valpa;Damage VehicleAir; Count 44; PlayerSay >>%p%<< you have been punished for helioveruse/statspadding;kill
On kill;Map Valpa;Damage VehicleAir; Count 34; PlayerSay >>%p%<< please stop heli overusing, you will soon be punished for statpadding
On kill;Map Valpa;Damage VehicleAir; Count 24; PlayerSay >>%p%<<  you are starting to overuse the Heligun, let someone else have a go!
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Originally Posted by MorpheusX(AUT)*:


2 short things:


1) Very many thanks to bambam. This is a really fantastic plugin and helps keeping our server "clean" a LOT! Great work mate, and great work for the support!

2) Does "Yell" send a yell to all players, or just "rulebreaker"? Same question for "All"... I would like to send a PlayerSay and PlayerYell-message to someone, so there is no way they can say "ooooooh I didn't read this". But it is kinda annoying if the rest of the team has some message flashing just because a random sniper cannot read the rules...

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Originally Posted by Bertsinbad*:


oh yes one other question too

I see from reading everything the 'counts' reset at the start of a new round

is there any way to continue a rule over a period of perhaps 3 rounds (or a timelimit of 20minutes) ?


for example with my heli rule 2 posts up.

if a player had broken the 45kill count and been admin killed, could that be enforced again the following 2 rounds (or ....minutes)


would 'playerblock' somehow work with this?

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Originally Posted by bambam*:


Good questions...


1) @Morpheus Yell, All actions - "Yell" means post up a banner message to every player on the server, and "All" is just a shortcut for Say ;Yell ;Log so those go to all players also. As a result of your question I've actually looked up the raw admin commands available on a battefield server and the admin.yell console command can be directed to a single player in the same way as admin.say (I never noticed that before). So currently the ProconRulz "Yell" action goes to every player, but in the next release I'll add a new action PlayerYell which will operate the same way as PlayerSay. In the same way as the current "Both" action (shortcut for Say ;Yell ) I'll also add a PlayerBoth. Next release will be in 2/3 weeks I guess, I'm adding some other stuff.


2) @Bertsinbad: the request to span counts across rounds sounds reasonable. I don't want to add more complicated options to the 'Count' condition, but my suggestion is the solution should be in the 'Rate' condition (although I think in the current release 'Rate counts' are also limited to a round). The 'Rate' condition is similar to 'Count', except it keeps a running account of the time taken for a rolling count (in seconds) e.g. you can have a condition "Rate 45 1200" which succeeds if the rule has been fired by a player 45 times in a rolling 20 minutes, which seems exactly what you want (or it would be if I didn't reset the Rate counts on a round end). So my suggestion is I'll change the Rate condition to not reset on round end (I think 'rate' still makes sense then).


If you have any better idea say so, but I think in the next release (1) and (2) will be deliverable.

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Originally Posted by Bertsinbad*:


Thanks for that

It seems reasonable that any rule being carried over from one round to the next should be on a set time limit

As the rate of time the round lasts is variable.

For my specific rule it would be a nicer way of doing it. After all I might have a round lasting 30 or 40 minutes when the server is starting and 40+ kills with anyweapon would be reasonable then.

The only issue I could forsee would be 2 rounds lasting 10 minutes and the player getting 25kills per round. However im pretty sure the rule could be tweaked to allow for that though, a rate rule in combination with a count rule would do it.


Thanks for working so hard mate, you have made lots of our members admins and players very happy with you tool already :smile:

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Originally Posted by trnapster*:


Hey BamBam, really nice Plugin. I love it :biggrin:


But I have one Problem. I want to LIMIT the SLUGS on my server PER TEAM so that anyone could use the shotgun without slugs. It seems to me that the TeamSpec function has a little bug.



On Spawn;TeamSpec sp_shotgun_s 3;Damage Shotgun;Not Weapon 40mmsg;PlayerSay %p% SLUGS LIMITED TO 3/TEAM;Kill 500
With this code the Plugin also limit normal shotguns. If I replace TeamSpec with Spec or if I replace the 3 with a 0 it all works fine (I can take normal shotguns).


Hope you can help me

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Originally Posted by defunkt*:


Hi, I was just hoping BamBam or somebody else might comment on the utility of the following rules.


1. I'd like to make it so that for every complete multiple of 4 players on a team, there may be 1 player who is either a Recon or Engineer (but not 1 of each, i.e. 3 out of 4 players must be a Medic or Assault class). Initial testing suggested this works but it's a bit chaotic trying to track what's going on once you get any number of players on voice.



On Spawn;TeamSize 3;Kit Recon;Say >>%p<< Only 1 sniper or engineer per 4 players!;Kill
On Spawn;TeamSize 3;Kit Demolition;Say >>%p<< Only 1 sniper or engineer per 4 players!;Kill
On Spawn;TeamSize 7;Kit Recon 1;Say >>%p<< Only 1 sniper or engineer per 4 players!;Kill
On Spawn;TeamSize 7;Kit Recon;TeamKit Demolition 1;Say >>%p<< Only 1 sniper or engineer per 4 players!;Kill
On Spawn;TeamSize 7;Kit Demolition 1;Say >>%p<< Only 1 sniper or engineer per 4 players!;Kill
On Spawn;TeamSize 7;Kit Demolition;TeamKit Recon 1;Say >>%p<< Only 1 sniper or engineer per 4 players!;Kill
On Spawn;TeamSize 11;Kit Recon 2;Say >>%p<< Only 1 sniper or engineer per 4 players!;Kill
On Spawn;TeamSize 11;Kit Recon 1;TeamKit Demolition 1;Say >>%p<< Only 1 sniper or engineer per 4 players!;Kill
On Spawn;TeamSize 11;Kit Recon;TeamKit Demolition 2;Say >>%p<< Only 1 sniper or engineer per 4 players!;Kill
On Spawn;TeamSize 11;Kit Demolition 2;Say >>%p<< Only 1 sniper or engineer per 4 players!;Kill
On Spawn;TeamSize 11;Kit Demolition 1;TeamKit Recon 1;Say >>%p<< Only 1 sniper or engineer per 4 players!;Kill
On Spawn;TeamSize 11;Kit Demolition;TeamKit Recon 2;Say >>%p<< Only 1 sniper or engineer per 4 players!;Kill
On Spawn;TeamSize 15;Kit Recon 3;Say >>%p<< Only 1 sniper or engineer per 4 players!;Kill
On Spawn;TeamSize 15;Kit Recon 2;TeamKit Demolition 1;Say >>%p<< Only 1 sniper or engineer per 4 players!;Kill
On Spawn;TeamSize 15;Kit Recon 1;TeamKit Demolition 2;Say >>%p<< Only 1 sniper or engineer per 4 players!;Kill
On Spawn;TeamSize 15;Kit Recon;TeamKit Demolition 3;Say >>%p<< Only 1 sniper or engineer per 4 players!;Kill
On Spawn;TeamSize 15;Kit Demolition 3;Say >>%p<< Only 1 sniper or engineer per 4 players!;Kill
On Spawn;TeamSize 15;Kit Demolition 2;TeamKit Recon 1;Say >>%p<< Only 1 sniper or engineer per 4 players!;Kill
On Spawn;TeamSize 15;Kit Demolition 1;TeamKit Recon 2;Say >>%p<< Only 1 sniper or engineer per 4 players!;Kill
On Spawn;TeamSize 15;Kit Demolition;TeamKit Recon 3;Say >>%p<< Only 1 sniper or engineer per 4 players!;Kill
On Kill;Damage SniperRifle; Not Kit Recon; Say >>%p%<< Sniper weapons may not be picked up!;Kill
2. I'd like the option of banning the use of the attack helicopters. I tried this and it didn't appear to work though I do wonder that there's no reference to the Apache, all the attack helo weapons appear to begin with mi28#. Is this right?



On Kill;Weapon mi28#dumbfirerocket starboard;Say >>%p<< Attack choppers may not be used!;Kill
On Kill;Weapon mi28#dumbfirerocket port;Say >>%p<< Attack choppers may not be used!;Kill
On Kill;Weapon mi28#gunnercannnon;Say >>%p<< Attack choppers may not be used!;Kill
On Kill;Weapon mi28#tow;Say >>%p<< Attack choppers may not be used!;Kill
On Kill;Weapon mi28#rocketpod left;Say >>%p<< Attack choppers may not be used!;Kill
On Kill;Weapon mi28#rocketpod right;Say >>%p<< Attack choppers may not be used!;Kill
On Kill;Weapon mi28#heli autocannon;Say >>%p<< Attack choppers may not be used!;Kill
Thanks for looking and for the immensely useful plugin.
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Originally Posted by bambam*:


I'll tackle the above 2 posts one at a time...


@ trnapster :


Sorry, I don't think you can create a 3-shotgun+slugs limit with ProconRulz as it stands because of the BFBC2 bug (red dot sights and shotgun slugs both reported as slugs). All you can do is create a total block on shotgun+slugs.


You can block shotguns with slugs entirely with "On Spawn;Damage shotgun;Spec sp_shotgun_s;Kill" and this will auto-kill any player that has spawned with any shotgun, with slugs.


IF there was no BFBC2 bug, you could get your 3-slugs-per-team limit with "On Spawn;Spec sp_shotgun_s 3;Kill"


BUT the BFBC2 bug means that your hoped for workaround won't work (TeamSpec sp_shotgun_s 3;Damage shotgun...) for 2 reasons:

1) you'd need a "Spec sp_shotgun_s" condition to make sure *this* player actually has slugs, otherwise you'll nail players spawning with regular shotgun ammo

2) because BFBC2 may be saying there are >3 players with slugs even though thats just a bunch of medics with red dot sights, so you end up killing players that spawn with shotguns (and slugs assuming you add "Spec sp_shotgun_s" as above) but there might not be any others on the team (although BFBC2 says there are, wrongly) . The workaround for a COMPLETE limit on shotguns with slugs works because you only check the single player at spawn time for BOTH slugs and damage shotgun, so you can be sure killing them is correct.


I'll try and make sure the next release of ProconRulz has explicit code in it to work around the BFBC2 bug so you won't have to worry about any workaround - when a player spawns with anything OTHER than a shotgun I'll ignore the spec slugs for that player. Then you can use the simple "On Spawn;Spec sp_shotgun_s 3;..." rule for a 3-slugs team limit... Next release should be within 2 weeks. In meantime all you can have is a complete block on slugs. Good spot that the 40mmsg also does damage 'shotgun'...




Jeez what complicated rule. Just concentrating on this block


On Spawn;TeamSize 7;Kit Recon 1;Say >>%p<< Only 1 sniper or engineer per 4 players!;Kill
On Spawn;TeamSize 7;Kit Recon;TeamKit Demolition 1;Say >>%p<< Only 1 sniper or engineer per 4 players!;Kill
On Spawn;TeamSize 7;Kit Demolition 1;Say >>%p<< Only 1 sniper or engineer per 4 players!;Kill
On Spawn;TeamSize 7;Kit Demolition;TeamKit Recon 1;Say >>%p<< Only 1 sniper or engineer per 4 players!;Kill
haha ok I've read it up and down and it looks pretty good to me. Full marks. To have any confidence this does what you want it to do you really MUST change it to 'Log' actions and monitor the Procon chat console for a while.


So at the end have a catch-all rule "On Spawn;Log %p% spawned on team %pt% as kit %k%"

And maybe "On Kill;Log %v% was KILLED on team %vt%"


So you have


On Spawn;TeamSize 7;Kit Recon 1;Say >>%p<< Only 1 sniper or engineer per 4 players!;Log %p% %pk% spawned as second Recon
On Spawn;TeamSize 7;Kit Recon;TeamKit Demolition 0;Say >>%p<< Only 1 sniper or engineer per 4 players!;Log %p% %k% spawned as recon but engineer already on team
On Spawn;TeamSize 7;Kit Demolition 1;Say >>%p<< Only 1 sniper or engineer per 4 players!;Log %p% %k% spawned as second engineer
On Spawn;TeamSize 7;Kit Demolition;TeamKit Recon 0;Say >>%p<< Only 1 sniper or engineer per 4 players!;Log %p% %k% spawned as engineer but recon already on team
On Spawn;Log %p% spawned on team %pt% as kit %k%
On Kill;Log %v% was KILLED on team %vt%
Please not the "TeamKit Recon X" condition succeeds if there is >X recons on the team (including this spawning player) so I *think* it was correct to tweak a couple of numbers to '0' in your rulz


Re the Attack Helicopters - I can't help with which key is which because ProconRulz is just listing the data provided from BFBC2 via Procon - I do notice the *key* for one of the VehicleAir weapons is mi24xxxx not mi28, in case that is any kind of clue. Test with a rule such as:


On Kill;Damage VehicleAir;Log %p% VehicleAir kill with weapon %w%


A last point, and an apology, I only discovered a couple of days ago that BFBC2 weapon keys ("M95", "AUG") can contain SPACES, e.g. "mi28#dumbfirerocket starboard". WTF? This means WeaponLimiter and ProconRulz are both shagged if you want to use these keys. I have already fixed this problem in the NEXT release of ProconRulz, but at the moment weapons with those keys cannot be used in rulz (it's only a couple, mainly the Heli weapons). Sorry.

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Originally Posted by defunkt*:


Not sure if perhaps there's already some way to do the following but would it be feasible to create a new action akin to: SetVar ?


The reason I ask in particular is that I would like to be able to enable/disable vehicles (and perhaps change respawn rates etc.) based on the numbers of players on the server. This presumably wouldn't take effect until the next map change but would nevertheless be a useful way to make the server adaptive. Could be hung on something repetitive like On Spawn but better yet if there were an On Join & On Leave or maybe an On Heartbeat.


On Heartbeat;TeamSize 8;SetVar vehiclesDisabled true;

On Heartbeat;TeamSize 16;SetVar vehiclesDisabled false;


Sort of thing?

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Originally Posted by bambam*:


good idea Defunkt -I'll think about how I might implement it. The version about to come out has some other stuff and needs testing and debugging, then I'll think about a SetVar action - I'm sure this will turn out to be dependent on the server functionality (like does it actually recognise a var change like 'vehicles enabled' mid-round _)



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Originally Posted by UnknownPing*:



Outstanding plugin! That you very much.

I have a simple question that you may have answered already. I read most of it, but couldn't read all 15 pages of the thread. :smile:


If I refer to 'Team' in a rule, does the plugin consider each Squad in Squad Deathmatch a 'Team'?

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Originally Posted by bambam*:


hey ping - ProconRulz was written entirely on a server running Rush and Conquest, so what happens on Squad Deathmatch is a bit of a lottery. I don't have a squad deathmatch server... You could try with a rule "On Spawn;Log %pt% %p% spawned as %k%" and let me know what it says (On 'rush' it'd be "Attacker bambam spawned as Demolition").


What is it you actually want to do ?



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Originally Posted by UnknownPing*:


I'd like to limit each squad to one sniper rifle. Not necessarily to only one Rekon kit.

So, each 4 man squad would be allowed one sniper rifle, but it would allow others on the squad to use a Rekon kit with a shotgun or something else.

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Originally Posted by bambam*:


Ping the request sounds fine, but I don't know if on a squad deathmatch server the players are in different *teams* or not. The sample rule would immediately tell me. If not then a new set of 'Squad' conditions would be needed. I don't have a squad deathmatch server so I can't test.

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Originally Posted by stuckmoto*:


Loving it so far....Great Job!!!! Question...so you have tiered rulz.

e.g. 1. On Spawn;Say %p% spawned

2. On Spawn;Kit Recon 2;Kill

The example has it so the second one won't ever be fired....got it.

What about the "# TANK RULZ or # SNIPER RULZ" lines?

Do they separate the rules?

e.g. # HELLO

1.On Spawn;Say %p% spawned


2. On Spawn;Kit Recon 2;Kill

Now will the second fire off?

I guess the easiest way to ask - is the # a separator?

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Originally Posted by trnapster*:


The # lines are only comments to better sort the lines (common in programming). As far as I know they aren't checked by the plugin.

I use it to disable some lines if we want to make a No Rules Weekend or something like that on our server.

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      Removed usage sending stats

      Added EZRCON ad banner

      If you are upgrading then you may need to add these two lines to your existing installation in the file procon.cfg. To enable these options just change False to True.

      procon.private.options.UseGeoIpFileOnly False
      procon.private.options.BlockRssFeedNews False

      • 2 replies
    • I wanted I let you know that I am starting to build out the foundation for the hosting services that I talked about here. The pricing model I was originally going for wasn't going to be suitable for how I want to build it. So instead I decided to offer each service as it's own product instead of a package deal. In the future, hopefully, I will be able to do this and offer discounts to those that choose it.

      Here is how the pricing is laid out for each service as well as information about each. This is as of 7/12/2020.

      Single MySQL database (up to 30 GB) is $10 USD per month.

      If you go over the 30 GB usage for the database then each additional gigabyte is charged at $0.10 USD each billing cycle. If you're under 30GB you don't need to worry about this.

      Databases are replicated across 3 zones (regions) for redundancy. One (1) on the east coast of the USA, One (1) in Frankfurt, and One (1) in Singapore. Depending on the demand, this would grow to more regions.

      Databases will also be backed up daily and retained for 7 days.

      Procon Layer will be $2 USD per month.

      Each layer will only allow one (1) game server connection. The reason behind this is for performance.

      Each layer will also come with all available plugins installed by default. This is to help facilitate faster deployments and get you up and running quickly.

      Each layer will automatically restart if Procon crashes. 

      Each layer will also automatically restart daily at midnight to make sure it stays in tip-top shape.

      Custom plugins can be installed by submitting a support ticket.

      Battlefield Admin Control Panel (BFACP) will be $5 USD per month

      As I am still working on building version 3 of the software, I will be installing the last version I did. Once I complete version 3 it will automatically be upgraded for you.

      All these services will be managed by me so you don't have to worry about the technical side of things to get up and going.

      If you would like to see how much it would cost for the services, I made a calculator that you can use. It can be found here https://ezrcon.com/calculator.html

      • 11 replies
    • I have pushed out a new minor release which updates the geodata pull (flags in the playerlisting). This should be way more accurate now. As always, please let me know if any problems show up.

      • 9 replies
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