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ProconRulz - take admin action on triggers, e.g. weapon limit


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Originally Posted by VAM*:


That rule is fine - Teamsize23 means "equals to or less than"

We have a "On Kill;Teamsize 5;Damage VehicleHeavy;Yell No Tanks Till 6 V 6;Kill" on our server.

As far as I know the game is limited to 32 man...

but teamsize 23!!! two teams with 23 player overall 46 player! i don't understand!!
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Originally Posted by stuckmoto*:


Sry - I need sleep.

If your limit is >24 players than Teamsize needs to

be 11.

eg. On Kill;Teamsize 11;Kit Recon;Yell No RECON till 12 V 12;Kill

So...you would never want Teamsize greater than 15 for a 32 man server.

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Originally Posted by VAM*:


Sry - I need sleep.

If your limit is >24 players than Teamsize needs to

be 11.

eg. On Kill;Teamsize 11;Kit Recon;Yell No RECON till 12 V 12;Kill

So...you would never want Teamsize greater than 15 for a 32 man server.

mhhh ... heavy stuff.

my server has 24 slots .... can i rebuild your new settings to my server?

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Originally Posted by stweedliex_jnr*:


Hi all,


I'm having a little trouble with this plugin, been scratching my head for a few days, now I am finally admitting defeat!


What I need:

A Max of 3 snipers per team.

No tanks until 5 vs 5, player is killed if they make a kill with a tank under 5 vs 5

A message on spawn that says "no tanks until 5 vs 5" this should only appear when there are only 9 players or below.



Here are my lines:


Kit Recon 3;PlayerSay >>%p%

On Kill;Damage SniperRifle;Not Kit Recon;Say >>%p%



On Spawn;Log %p% spawned on team %pt%, min teamsize is %n%

Teamsize 4;PlayerSay >>%p%

On Kill;Teamsize 3;Damage VehicleHeavy;PlayerSay >>%p%





Glitches and kicks in the "no tanks" message throughout the game, I was hoping the log line would solve iot, but I must be doing it wrong.

With the addition of the log line, sniper rule kicking in randomly.


Any help would be much appreciated.




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Originally Posted by stuckmoto*:


First - install the beta

Second - your lines are in a order that won't allow another to work.

You can "spambot" the tank rule or prompt them to read the "server rulz"

Kit Recon 3;PlayerSay >>%p%

tell them the limit is three...

eg. "Kit Recon 3;PlayerSay %p% Recon Limit is 3 per team!;Kill"

Not sure what your trying to accomplish with your log line.

You have the tank rulz order so that the first line will fire every time as long as the smallest team is 4 or less.

The second tank rule won't happen.

I would just go with the one tank rule which should be =

On Kill;Damage VehicleHeavy;Teamsize 4;PlayerSay No tank kills till 5 v 5;Kill

We "yell" that rule so EVERYONE gets the message.

Good luck! :ohmy:


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Originally Posted by HelloKitty*:


Vietnam is not working as there are no weapons in the wiki - I guess?


My rules:


### JOIN rulz
On Join;Admin;Say Admin %p% joining
On Join;Admins;Log Joining [%p%] with admins online
On Join;Not Admins;Log Joining [%p%] with no admins online

On Spawn;Admin;Log Admin [%p%] %pt%er %k% spawned
On Spawn;Log [%p%] %pt% %k% spawned
On Kill;Range 100;Log ^2[%p%] %pt%er %k% killed [%v%] %vt%er %vk% with %w%, range %r% (over 100) %h% (kill #%c%)
On Kill;Log ^2[%p%] %pt%er %k% killed [%v%] %vt%er %vk% with %w%, range %r% %h% (kill #%c%)
On Suicide;Log >>%p%<< suicided with %w% (%d%)

### Sniper Rules
# Limit SniperRifles to 4 per team on spawn
On Spawn;Damage SniperRifle;TeamDamage SniperRifle 4;Not Protected;Count 3;Log >>> kicked for spamming the sniperlimit %c% times!;Kick OFc: spamming the sniperlimit
On Spawn;Damage SniperRifle;TeamDamage SniperRifle 4;Not Protected;Count 2;PlayerSay >>> stop spamming the sniperlimit or leave!;Kill 4000
On Spawn;Damage SniperRifle;TeamDamage SniperRifle 4;Not Protected;PlayerSay >>> max 4 snipers per team!;Kill 4000

# Don' t pick up SniperRifles when already 4 snipers per team
On Kill;Damage SniperRifle;TeamDamage SniperRifle 4;Not Protected;Count 3;Log >>> kicked for spamming the sniperlimit %c% times!;Kick OFc: spamming the sniperlimit
On Kill;Damage SniperRifle;TeamDamage SniperRifle 4;Not Protected;Count 2;PlayerSay >>> stop spamming the sniperlimit or leave!;Kill 4000
On Kill;Damage SniperRifle;TeamDamage SniperRifle 4;Not Protected;PlayerSay >>> max 4 snipers per team!;Kill 4000

# No snipers with less then 5 players per team
On Spawn;Teamsize 4;Damage SniperRifle;Not Protected;PlayerSay >>> No snipers with less then 5 players per team!;Kill 4000

# Don' t pick up SniperRifles with less then 5 players per team
On Kill;Teamsize 4;Damage SniperRifle;Not Protected;Count 3;Log >>> kicked for spamming the sniperlimit %c% times!;Kick OFc: spamming the sniperlimit
On Kill;Teamsize 4;Damage SniperRifle;Not Protected;Count 2;PlayerSay >>> stop spamming the sniperlimit or leave!;Kill 4000
On Kill;Teamsize 4;Damage SniperRifle;Not Protected;PlayerSay >>> No snipers with less then 5 players per team!;Kill 4000

### Vehicle Limits
# No tanks with less then 5 players per team
On Kill;Teamsize 4;Damage VehicleHeavy;Count 3;Count 2;Log >>> kicked for spamming the Tanklimit %c% times!;Kick OFc: spamming the Tanklimit
On Kill;Teamsize 4;Damage VehicleHeavy;Count 2;Count 2;PlayerSay >>> stop spamming the Tanklimit or leave!;Kill 4000
On Kill;Teamsize 4;Damage VehicleHeavy;PlayerSay >>> No Tankkills with less then 5 players per team!;Kill 4000

# No chopper with less then 5 players per team
On Kill;Teamsize 4;Damage VehicleAir;Count 3;Count 2;Log >>> kicked for spamming the Chopperlimit %c% times!;Kick OFc: spamming the Tanklimit
On Kill;Teamsize 4;Damage VehicleAir;Count 2;Count 2;PlayerSay >>> stop spamming the Chopperlimit or leave!;Kill 4000
On Kill;Teamsize 4;Damage VehicleAir;PlayerSay >>> No Chopperkills with less then 5 players per team!;Kill 4000

# Limit Vehiclekills
On Kill;Damage VehicleAir;Rate 25 1200;Say %p% no more chopper kills for you!;Kill
On Kill;Damage VehicleAir;Rate 22 1200;Say %p% you will get punished if you dont leave the chopper!
On Kill;Damage VehicleAir;Rate 20 1200;Say %p% Let someone else get the chopper!
On Kill;Damage VehicleHeavy;Rate 25 1200;Say %p% no more tank kills for you!;Kill
On Kill;Damage VehicleHeavy;Rate 22 1200;Say %p% you will get punished if you dont leave the tank!
On Kill;Damage VehicleHeavy;Rate 20 1200;Say %p% Let someone else get the tank!
not jet sure if they are correct.
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Originally Posted by stuckmoto*:


@HelloKitty - why do you use "Not Protected" when you can just select to protect reserved slot players?

also - in your chopper rules you list "count 2" twice in a row...just wondering

I do like a few of your rulz though

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Originally Posted by stweedliex_jnr*:


Thanks stuckmoto,


I had read through the previous posts that there was a glitch with the plugin miscounting the minimum team numbers.


I've got the messages in the server rules on request and on the load in page. Guess I was trying to over do it with to many rulz, having messages kick in under certain conditions. Has anyone found a way to tell how many recon are on your team before spawning?




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Originally Posted by bambam*:


Thanks to all those that tested the 32beta. An updated version of that is now the production version linked at the top of this thread.


Update to version 32n (17-August-2011):

* new 'count' conditions, so rules count limits can be applied to players, teams or the server, i.e. PlayerCount, TeamCount, ServerCount, also new conditions to trigger on only the first firing of the rule easy i.e. PlayerFirst, TeamFirst, ServerFirst - those three are per round and there is another new condition PlayerOnce which only fires once for the entire session the player is on the server.

* TempBan action - similar to the existing 'Ban' action

* Ping condition - so a ping limit could be "On Spawn;Ping 300;Kick Kicked because your ping is over 300"

* New 'say/yell' actions i.e. PlayerYell, PlayerBoth which Yell or Yell+Say just to the player, and AdminSay which sends 'say' text just to the admins currently on the server.

* In addition to the existing On Join trigger, there's a new On Leave trigger. I don't need it but, hey, it was asked for...

* To extend ProconRulz's concept of 'protected' players, i.e. those that will be unaffected by automatic ProconRulz kills, kicks and bans, there are new plugin options for whitelists for player names and clan names. Note these are in addition to the existing protection for admins and (if enabled) players on the server 'reserved slots' list.

* This version has very much generalized the support for 'teams' within the game, so team membership and counts etc work equally well in squad deathmatch and rush and conquest, so for example snipers can be limited per deathmatch squad. Note that the Teamsize condition (smallest team is N or smaller) is still for Rush or Conquest only, just because it only really makes sense in that mode.

* there are new substition variables (e.g. %ping%) mainly related to the new conditions, see plugin details

* there is a new fairly radical capability to apply actions to players other than the one that actually triggered the rule, via a new TargetPlayer condition and TargetAction action. This makes it possible to include rules that have the effect of in-game admin.

* Plus there are some updates generally in the 'bugfix' category, although these are sometimes actually workarounds for Battlefield quirks. ProconRulz now allows rulz to use multi-word weapon keys (e.g. "M1A1 Thompson", see plugin details for full list), the specialization 12-Gauge Sabot Rounds is now supported seamlessly (working around a Battlefield bug), and the plugin option "player_reserves_item_on_respawn" has had a bugfix.


@stweedliex_jnr: use these: ('On Spawn' triggers added for clarity - they're not essential. Rule order changed)



On Spawn;Kit Recon 3;PlayerSay >>%p%

On Kill;Damage SniperRifle;Not Kit Recon;Say >>%p%



On Spawn;Teamsize 4;Not PlayerCount 1;PlayerYell >>%p%

On Kill;Teamsize 4;Damage VehicleHeavy;PlayerSay >>%p%



On Spawn;Log %p% spawned on team %pt%, min teamsize is %n%



an immediate comment on your rulz: you have an "On Spawn;Log..." rule as your 8th line. That rule will fire for *every* spawn event, so it is not possible for any On Spawn rule after that to get triggered. Simple fixis move your 'Spawn and Kill logging' rulz to the END.


Vietnam support should be fine - BFBC2 support for Vietnam is a bit strange because the server operates in a different mode, almost as if it's running a different game. Procon (not ProconRulz) dynamically loads the correct 'weapon dictionary' according to what mode the server is running in, and ProconRulz doesn't actually care - it just uses the keys provided by the server. The *Wiki* entry for the ProconRulz plugin details was snapshotted from my server when it was in non-Vietnam mode - if you look at the real-time plugin details when ProconRulz is connected to a Vietnam server you should see those Vietnam weapons. A bit complicated - blame EA.


Your "Not Protected" conditions are not essential as protected players won't get kicked anyway, but they will suppress the log messages so I guess you're just being damn clever.


A pair of conditions "Count 3;Count 2" means "player trigger count for this rule is more than 3 AND player trigger count is more than 2" so the second condition is redundant. I'm trying to guess what you're intending to do - I think you want a certain action on a count of 2 and another action on a count of 3? If so you can simply use the counts and put the rules in the correct order (highest count first, which you have anyway - maybe the double count is just a typo) i.e.

# No tanks with less then 5 players per team

On Kill;Teamsize 4;Damage VehicleHeavy;Count 3;Log >>> kicked for spamming the Tanklimit %c% times!;Kick spamming the Tanklimit

On Kill;Teamsize 4;Damage VehicleHeavy;Count 2;PlayerSay >>> stop spamming the Tanklimit or leave!;Kill 4000

On Kill;Teamsize 4;Damage VehicleHeavy;PlayerSay >>> No Tankkills with less then 5 players per team!;Kill 4000



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Originally Posted by bambam*:


As an update, maybe you guys want to see the rulz on the OFc server. We might be unusual in setting the sniper limit on the attacking side to ZERO, so if that doesn't work for you just delete the "no attacking snipers" section.


# SNIPER limits

# No attacking snipers

Team Attack;Kit Recon;Not Admin;Count 3;Say >>%p%

Team Attack;Kit Recon;Count 2;PlayerSay >>%p%

Team Attack;Kit Recon;PlayerSay >>%p%


# No sniper rifle kills by non-Recon (prevents WeaponLimiter workaround)

On Kill;Damage SniperRifle;Not Kit Recon;Say >>%p%


# Limit snipers when small teams

Teamsize 4;Kit Recon;Log %p% spawned (ping %ping%) (Kit %k%. Weapons %w%. Damage %d%. Specs %spec%);PlayerSay >>%p%

Teamsize 9;Kit Recon 1;Log %p% spawned (ping %ping%) (Kit %k%. Weapons %w%. Damage %d%. Specs %spec%);PlayerSay >>%p%


# Normal sniper limits for full server

Kit Recon 2;Not Admin;Count 3;Log %p% spawned (ping %ping%) (Kit %k%. Weapons %w%. Damage %d%. Specs %spec%);Say >>%p%

Kit Recon 2;Count 2;Log %p% spawned (ping %ping%) (Kit %k%. Weapons %w%. Damage %d%. Specs %spec%);PlayerSay >>%p%

Kit Recon 2;Log %p% spawned (ping %ping%) (Kit %k%. Weapons %w%. Damage %d%. Specs %spec%);PlayerSay >>%p%


# TEAMKILL limits

On TeamKill;Weapon DEFIB;Rate 2 20;Say >>%p%

On Teamkill;Count 3;Not Admins;Say >>%p%

On Teamkill;Damage SniperRifle;Say >>%p%

On Teamkill;Say >>%p%


# SAY Text rulz

On Say;Text forum;Admin;Yell Comments/Complaints to www.ofcgaming.com

On Say;Text admin;Admin;PlayerSay [%p%] is an admin on this server

On Say;Text admin;Not Admin;PlayerSay [%p%] is not an admin on this server - contact www.ofcgaming,com

On Say;Text protected;Protected;PlayerSay [%p%] is protected from kills/kicks

On Say;Text protected;Not Protected;PlayerSay [%p%] is not protected from kills/kicks

On Say;Text ts3;Say OFc Teamspeak 3 server is ts3.ofc-server.com:9987

On Say;Text teamspeak;Say OFc Teamspeak 3 server is ts3.ofc-server.com:9987

On Say;Text hack;PlayerFirst;PlayerSay %p% say the player name if you spot hacking and we'll look into it



On Join;Admin;Yell Admin %p% joining

On Join;Protected;Log protected player %p% joined

On Join;Admins;Log Joining [%p%] (not protected) with admins online

On Join;Not Admins;Log Joining [%p%] (not protected) with no admins online


On Leave;Log %p% just left the server



On Spawn;Ping 300;Log %p% spawned with ping >= 300 (was %ping%) (Kit %k%. Weapons %w%. Damage %d%. Specs %spec%)

On Spawn;Log %p% spawned (ping %ping%) (Kit %k%. Weapons %w%. Damage %d%. Specs %spec%)

On Kill;Log ^2[%p%] %pt% %k% killed [%v%] %vt% %vk% with %w%, range %r% %h% (player kill #%c%, team #%tc%, server #%sc%)

On Suicide;Log >>%p%



On Round;Log Map %m% %mm% loaded (teamsize is %n%)

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Originally Posted by trnapster*:


Oh man

Big thanks from me for this awesome update.


One question. BF3 is knocking on the door. Do you plan to make Proconrulz BF3 compatible? I know it is too early for this question because nobody knows how it tracks the actions taken by the players.

But do you have any plans?

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Originally Posted by bambam*:


Thanks... I have 100% plans to move ProconRulz to BF3.


The OFc clan is moving BFBC2 -> BF3 as soon as it comes out (we try and plan that kind of thing so the clan hangs together). Our clan is totally voicecomms/teamplay/voicecomms/objective/voicecomms/teamplay oriented (did I mention voicecomms? or teamplay_), so we really need an effective admin tool that deters walk-in players that want to spam kills from a distance and ignore the team. I *had* to have ProconRulz for that because snipers worked out how to get around WeaponLimiter by picking up a dropped sniper rifle.


I don't know yet what anti-teamplay behaviour will happen in BF3 although it's a safe bet the same players will want to play their usual game of long-range sniper target practice - I've decided these guys aren't actually cnuts it's just they want to play a different game than our clan is interested in, and we pay for the server...


We've got good info that Frostbite->Frostbite 2 should be doable for Procon 1 (Phogue is on it), and as soon as I get a Procon version that will connect to a BF3 server I'll start testing ProconRulz. Some prep code is *already* in ProconRulz, e.g. the data structures inside the code already accomodate BF3 team sizes, and I've taken out every assumption about the number of teams or other things that are unnecessarily BFBC2 specific.


The way ProconRulz/BF3 will work should be exactly the same as the existing version, but you have to accept that BF3 will certainly have a new set of weapon names, damage types, and player classes, so you can't assume a "Kit Recon 2;Kill" rule (or any rule) will work unchanged. Maybe it'll be "Class SniperDude 2;Kill". Also I can't know for sure for example Say, Yell, PlayerSay, PlayerYell all have their equivalents in BF3 so maybe you'd have to use one or the other. But I'm expecting system-wise BF3 to mostly look like a pumped-up BFBC2.



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Originally Posted by Rapidorg*:


Hey Bambam,


How was your vacation? We had some problems with proconrulz. It seems that Proconlayer will disconnect when proconrulz is on. We have to restart procon (layer) to get it back to work again.


If im correct "Tarreltje" has the same problem...

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Originally Posted by HelloKitty*:


@HelloKitty - why do you use "Not Protected" when you can just select to protect reserved slot players?

also - in your chopper rules you list "count 2" twice in a row...just wondering

I do like a few of your rulz though


Thanks to all those that tested the 32beta. An updated version of that is now the production version linked at the top of this thread.


an immediate comment on your rulz: you have an "On Spawn;Log..." rule as your 8th line. That rule will fire for *every* spawn event, so it is not possible for any On Spawn rule after that to get triggered. Simple fixis move your 'Spawn and Kill logging' rulz to the END.


Your "Not Protected" conditions are not essential as protected players won't get kicked anyway, but they will suppress the log messages so I guess you're just being damn clever.


A pair of conditions "Count 3;Count 2" means "player trigger count for this rule is more than 3 AND player trigger count is more than 2" so the second condition is redundant. I'm trying to guess what you're intending to do - I think you want a certain action on a count of 2 and another action on a count of 3........


hehe... my posted ruleset was a copy-pasted salad from my old ones from earlier plugin versions and new things I found in the forum. It was late in the night for me ... I didn't think they where perfect, but so bad I didn't expect :smile:=

Went threw the wiki and faq now, and think to understand it now. I have a lot of ideas for "teamplay"-supporting rules. But will make a mindmap on paper 1st :smile:


Vietnam support should be fine - BFBC2 support for Vietnam is a bit strange because the server operates in a different mode, almost as if it's running a different game. Procon (not ProconRulz) dynamically loads the correct 'weapon dictionary' according to what mode the server is running in, and ProconRulz doesn't actually care - it just uses the keys provided by the server. The *Wiki* entry for the ProconRulz plugin details was snapshotted from my server when it was in non-Vietnam mode - if you look at the real-time plugin details when ProconRulz is connected to a Vietnam server you should see those Vietnam weapons. A bit complicated - blame EA.


Cool. As long as I only deal with "Damage SniperRifle" and "VehicleHeavy/Air" I wont have to look up any weaponnames I think.


@bambam: I use this plugin from start. Missed a few versions had to pause it for a while cuz of my cpu-weak-procon-pc. Now that I am sitting on a fast Hellmachine again - I will torture it with rulz!

Your gameplaydescription feels very familiar with my community's one. Bookmarked your page. Await one of my staff challenging you for a lil scrim :smile:

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Originally Posted by stuckmoto*:


@bambam - just want to say welcome back and I MISS YA MAN!

seriously though---good job on all the work with this plug-in. My clan has finally become accustomed to it and I really like some of the rulz guys post here. Hope the transition to BF3 is an easy one!!!


So...with all the additions/options - is there any way for a player in the server to text "sniper"

and see how many snipers have spawned on they're team?

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Originally Posted by bambam*:


lol thanks...


re a couple of things:

(1) I'm not aware of any condition that would cause ProconRulz to make Procon disconnect from the game server. Our clan has a single instance of Procon with multiple plugins including ProconRulz and it's pretty stable. Also the latest release of the ProconRulz plugin has 'exception' traps all over the code so it coughs into the plugin log any time it mis-handles something unexpected, and just carries on. Check the plugin log for any exceptions or anything else unusual. I've never tried running any Procon plugins on a Procon client downstream of a Procon layer server - is that your config Rapidorg?


(2) ProconRulz is efficient in terms of *cpu* -the rulz are strictly limited to 'top-down only first to succeed will fire' so the plugin spends little time chugging around the rulz to see what makes sense. Depending on your rulz, it's possible to generate lots of traffic back to the game server (i.e. you have 'Say' messages on every kill and spawn) so you have to watch out for that. But the PC power shouldn't be an issue. I'd be interested to see what cpu % people see for Procon on taskmanager... mine ticks around at 0%


(3) stuckmoto NOPE there's no substitution variables for the number of spawned players on teams with particular weapons, damagetypes or kits - I'll have a think about it. Nothing in this latest release. E.g. with a 2 sniper limit you'd want a pair of rules something like


# this rule kills sniper #3+

On Spawn;Kit Recon 2;Kill

# this rule succeeds for sniper #1 and #2, and sends say message

On Spawn;Kit Recon;Say >>%p%%


i.e. when recons successfully spawn with the kit, you'd see ">>stuckmoto


For your actual example, you'd use

On Say;Text sniper;PlayerSay %% Recons on your team


This is NOT an easy feature to implement, because the existing substitution variables (e.g. %p% for player name or %k% for the player's Kit) all automatically come from the processing ProconRulz did during the On Spawn or On Kill event. Your substitution variables would have to be calculated 'live' when the message string is built. But I'll think about it. Obviously prepping for BF3 is more important tho.



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Originally Posted by Bertsinbad*:


@bambam thanks for the upgrade


Just one question, previously you talked about extending "Rate " over a given time periods of a number of rounds.

Have you been able to make this change (couldn't see in the documentation)


I would also like to say how very very useful we have found procon-rulz

It has helped us catch a large number of (not obvious) cheats since I implemented our '# cheat-rulz' in combination with our reporting system.

Essentially informing us of player actions that might not stand out to an admin ingame, but when reported and investigated are clearly those of a cheating player

These players would previously gone unnoticed and allowed to continue their actions.


anyway im off to update all my rulz on 12 servers.... thx

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Originally Posted by bambam*:


Hi Bert - I *did* make changes in the light of your earlier request, but didn't complicate my 'hey there's an update' post with the details:


Just one question, previously you talked about extending "Rate " over a given time periods of a number of rounds.

Have you been able to make this change (couldn't see in the documentation)

Rate now spans the round ends. is still the 'count' and a time period in seconds. More details below.


I see from reading everything the 'counts' reset at the start of a new round

is there any way to continue a rule over a period of perhaps 3 rounds (or a timelimit of 20minutes) ?


for example with my heli rule 2 posts up.

if a player had broken the 45kill count and been admin killed, could that be enforced again the following 2 rounds (or ....minutes)

The following rule would now implement a 45-kill limit on a rolling 20 minute window, including round ends:


On Kill;Rate 45 1200;PlayerSay %p% at kill limit;Kill


It seems reasonable that any rule being carried over from one round to the next should be on a set time limit

As the rate of time the round lasts is variable.

For my specific rule it would be a nicer way of doing it. After all I might have a round lasting 30 or 40 minutes when the server is starting and 40+ kills with anyweapon would be reasonable then.

The only issue I could forsee would be 2 rounds lasting 10 minutes and the player getting 25kills per round. However im pretty sure the rule could be tweaked to allow for that though, a rate rule in combination with a count rule would do it.

This might all seem reasonable on a server that runs pretty much the same type of gameplay every round, maybe with just a map change, but a multi-mode server would probably want to use additional conditions to enable/disable rules such as the above, e.g.


On Kill;Not MapMode Conquest;Rate 45 1200...


You are right in suggesting that Rate and Count (now aka PlayerCount) are actually very similar. In fact *before* I modified Rate to span across round ends, you could have used Rate anywhere Count was used, so long as you gave a time period longer than the round. To summarise how those conditions behave now from ProconRulz v32:


'Count' has morphed into PlayerCount (same as Count, which can still be used), TeamCount, ServerCount , there are convenience conditions PlayerFirst, TeamFirst and ServerFirst which succeeds on the first trigger per round for the player/team/server respectively, PlayerOnce which only ever triggers once for the player across multiple rounds, and Rate now spans round ends:


* PlayerCount, a condition 'PlayerCount 5' means the current player has triggered this rule MORE than 5 times.

PlayerCounts RESET at round end

You can also prefix "Not", e.g. "Not PlayerCount 5" means the current player has triggered this rule 5 times or LESS. PlayerCount still available as the %c% substitution variable in message strings.


* TeamCount e.g. "TeamCount 5" means this rule has been triggered by the current player AND HIS TEAMMATES more than 5 times.

Resets at round end. Can prefix with "Not". New %tc% substitution variable for message strings.


* ServerCount e.g. "ServerCount 5" means this rule has been triggered by ALL PLAYERS ON THE SERVER COMBINED more than 5 times.

Resets at round end. Can prefix with "Not". New %sc% substitution variable for message strings.


* PlayerFirst means the first trigger for this player during the current round. It is actually a convenience condition equivalent to "Not PlayerCount 1" i.e. count is not > 1, i.e. it must be 1, i.e. first trigger.

* TeamFirst and ServerFirst are similar. All reset at round end.


Example: You could use "ServerFirst" to announce the first knife kill by any player with


On Kill;Weapon knv-1;ServerFirst;Yell First knife kill by %p% on %v%!!!


* PlayerOnce is similar to "PlayerFirst" except it spans round ends, so it only ever fires once per user session. It could be used in a welcome message e.g.


On Spawn;PlayerOnce;Say %p% Welcome. Chat 'rules' for our rules, or 'teamspeak' for TS details


* Rate e.g. "Rate 2 1200". This succeeds if the player has triggered the rule twice in 1200 seconds (i.e. 20 minutes) including if a round end/start has happened in the meantime.

The rates for a given player are reset at round end when they are no longer on the server. This means if they leave and re-join, their rates will continue. If they leave, the round changes, and they re-join, then the rates will have re-set.


If you really want to test your logic, "PlayerOnce" is actually a convenience function for "Not Rate 2 100000"... (explanation: this rule means ProconRulz checks the rule has NOT been triggered TWICE in about 24 hours - for all practical purposes this means the rule can only succeed once for a given player assuming the reset condition occurs within 24 hours.)

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Originally Posted by Bertsinbad*:


Perfect, thanks bambam

The playeronce will help with our cheat reporting system, so thanks for that too


@trnapster, as IKE points out, there is no way procon can tell if a player is in a vehicle or not, so no way to detect AT/40mm on infantry.

But if you are suggesting an infonly condition/map then you may as well limit numbers of AT or 40mm allowed, ie

"TeamWeapon ": team has >N players spawned with this weapon not necessarily including current player


Oh and IKE... Back in your box, before I make you update the 'rulz' instead of me :ohmy:

And keep current weve got 13 servers now......

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Originally Posted by trnapster*:


No no no

I want to check if the Map is running without vehicles. You can set "No vehicles" in "Maprelated options" (Don't know if this is the real name, I have the german version of ProCon)

I want to do a rule, if this option (No vehicles) is true than it is forbidden to use AT weapons


PS: I know that ProCon can't track the Victims Status (in vehicle,...)

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Originally Posted by HelloKitty*:


thx bambam for the explaination! But how about:



### Limit CG spam
#kicks player and says in chat on killratio > 27 per 10 mins
On Kill;Weapon M2CG;Rate 27 600;Say >>> %p% is kicked for spamming %c% CG kills in 10 minutes.;Kick CG Spamming
#kills player and yells private to stop cg spamming on killratio > 26 per 10 mins
On Kill;Weapon M2CG;Rate 26 600;PlayerYell Do not spam CG on infantry! You will be kicked!;kill
#yells private to leave vehicle on killratio > 25 per 10 mins
On Kill;Weapon M2CG;Rate 25 600;PlayerYell You had enough CG kills! Stop Spamming!
#logs kills for searching limitvalues
On Kill;Weapon M2CG;PlayerCount 5;Log >>> %pt% [%p%] with kit %k% %h%killed %vt% [%v%] with %w% on %r% range (kill #%c%)
... will it warn on 25th kill after 8 minutes, kill on 26th kill at 8:25 and kick on 27th kill before 10 mins over?



Or another thing:


### Limit sniper to  minimum killratio 3 per 5 mins (reserve limited sniper slots to skilled snipers)
#kicks player for spamming sniperfails and says in chat
On Kill;Damage SniperRifle;Not Rate 4 360;Playercount 2;Say >>> %p% spamming sniperfails %c% times and is kicked!;Kick spamming sniperfails
#kills player for failing as sniper and says in chat
On Kill;Damage SniperRifle;Not Rate 4 360;Say %p% was killed for failing as sniper;Kill
#Yells private to hit ratio
On Kill;Damage SniperRifle;Not Rate 3 300;PlayerYell Be effective sniper or change kit!
... will it warn to get more effective on 3 or less kills in 5 minutes; kill if not min 5 kills after next minute ; and kick if not reaches 5 per 6 mins on the 2nd try?


...am excited on the update.!!!! didnt test my stuff yet. going to sleep, will try out tomorrow..

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Originally Posted by HelloKitty*:


yeah, I am not sure if my ratio values a wise choice - probably needs adjustments. But thought, that a "rocket-on-infantry" spammer must somehow have a higher ratio than an engineer that concentrates on vehicles. For Non-vehicle-maps, that ratio can be tight even more strict I guess.

CG spam rules can easily be adjusted to work for 40MM Grenades too.


About the sniperratio: I thought: We limit max number of snipers per team. And to make life better, for the skilled snipers, that know how to use the kit and how to support ones team - they should have a lil advantage to get their kit.

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Originally Posted by Cain*:


Hi Bam Bam,


Thank you for a wonderful plugin that allows Admins to encourage team-play and fairness for our servers!!


Questions please, for BamBam, or anyone who can help me. FYI, I am currently using ProconRulz - 31c.9.


1) I want to make anti-recon (sniper) rules, such that the first three players on a team who select to play Recon will be left alone if they decide to play Recon the entire round, in other words their selected class (recon) will be protected for them, even after they die, until they select a new class. At the moment (31c.9), the first three players who select Recon, are fine until a fourth player picks recon while one of the first three are dead. When Player (to select Recon) number 1, 2 or 3 respawns, then he is currently killed by the rule because apparently a 4th player grabbed a Recon class while he was dead. My preference would be to Kill only the 4th player to select Recon, even if player 1, 2, and 3 are momentarily dead. It would also be helpful to tell a player selecting Recon which number he is that has selected this class, so he knows he is either player 1,2,3,4,5 or whatever. Is this possible?


2) I use the Basic Mapzone plugin. Is there any way to integrate it with Proconrulz, such that players repeatedly killed for base raping (or spawn sniping), would be kicked after a certain number of deaths, similar to how your teamkill rules work, including perhaps a countdown, like your TK rules work?


3) That danged Gustov (and RPG) can be annoying as Hell, when used by a player over and over and over and over in the same round to kill players. Do, any of you Admins have any rules that help with jerks who have little interest in using it occasionally and strategically, that are just spamming it over and over for cheap individual points? I know it may not be possible to differentiate, I"m just wondering what, if anything, you folks are doing.


Thank you !!

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Originally Posted by Bertsinbad*:


@cain, For your third point see hellokitty's first set of code 4 posts up

You cant tell a players intention but you can tell if they are spamming


So you could set a rule warning/kicking a player for more than a certain amount of CG kills per round or over a given amount of time



On Kill;Weapon M2CG;Rate 27 600;Say >>> %p% is kicked for spamming %c% CG kills in 10 minutes.;Kick CG Spamming

(borrowed from HelloKitty's post)

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  • Our picks

    • Game Server Hosting:

      We're happy to announce that EZRCON will branch out into the game server provider scene. This is a big step for us so please having patience if something doesn't go right in this area. Now, what makes us different compared to other providers? Well, we're going with the idea of having a scaleable server hosting and providing more control in how you set up your server. For example, in Minecraft, you have the ability to control how many CPU cores you wish your server to have access to, how much RAM you want to use, how much disk space you want to use. This type of control can't be offered in a single service package so you're able to configure a custom package the way you want it.

      You can see all the available games here. Currently, we have the following games available.

      Valheim (From $1.50 USD)

      Rust (From $3.20 USD)

      Minecraft (Basic) (From $4.00 USD)

      Call of Duty 4X (From $7.00 USD)

      OpenTTD (From $4.00 USD)

      Squad (From $9.00 USD)

      Insurgency: Sandstorm (From $6.40 USD)

      Changes to US-East:

      Starting in January 2022, we will be moving to a different provider that has better support, better infrastructure, and better connectivity. We've noticed that the connection/routes to this location are not ideal and it's been hard getting support to correct this. Our contract for our two servers ends in March/April respectively. If you currently have servers in this location you will be migrated over to the new provider. We'll have more details when the time comes closer to January. The new location for this change will be based out of Atlanta, GA. If you have any questions/concerns please open a ticket and we'll do our best to answer them.
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    • Hello All,

      I wanted to give an update to how EZRCON is doing. As of today we have 56 active customers using the services offered. I'm glad its doing so well and it hasn't been 1 year yet. To those that have services with EZRCON, I hope the service is doing well and if not please let us know so that we can improve it where possible. We've done quite a few changes behind the scenes to improve the performance hopefully. 

      We'll be launching a new location for hosting procon layers in either Los Angeles, USA or Chicago, IL. Still being decided on where the placement should be but these two locations are not set in stone yet. We would like to get feedback on where we should have a new location for hosting the Procon Layers, which you can do by replying to this topic. A poll will be created where people can vote on which location they would like to see.

      We're also looking for some suggestions on what else you would like to see for hosting provider options. So please let us know your thoughts on this matter.
      • 4 replies
    • Added ability to disable the new API check for player country info

      Updated GeoIP database file

      Removed usage sending stats

      Added EZRCON ad banner

      If you are upgrading then you may need to add these two lines to your existing installation in the file procon.cfg. To enable these options just change False to True.

      procon.private.options.UseGeoIpFileOnly False
      procon.private.options.BlockRssFeedNews False

      • 2 replies
    • I wanted I let you know that I am starting to build out the foundation for the hosting services that I talked about here. The pricing model I was originally going for wasn't going to be suitable for how I want to build it. So instead I decided to offer each service as it's own product instead of a package deal. In the future, hopefully, I will be able to do this and offer discounts to those that choose it.

      Here is how the pricing is laid out for each service as well as information about each. This is as of 7/12/2020.

      Single MySQL database (up to 30 GB) is $10 USD per month.

      If you go over the 30 GB usage for the database then each additional gigabyte is charged at $0.10 USD each billing cycle. If you're under 30GB you don't need to worry about this.

      Databases are replicated across 3 zones (regions) for redundancy. One (1) on the east coast of the USA, One (1) in Frankfurt, and One (1) in Singapore. Depending on the demand, this would grow to more regions.

      Databases will also be backed up daily and retained for 7 days.

      Procon Layer will be $2 USD per month.

      Each layer will only allow one (1) game server connection. The reason behind this is for performance.

      Each layer will also come with all available plugins installed by default. This is to help facilitate faster deployments and get you up and running quickly.

      Each layer will automatically restart if Procon crashes. 

      Each layer will also automatically restart daily at midnight to make sure it stays in tip-top shape.

      Custom plugins can be installed by submitting a support ticket.

      Battlefield Admin Control Panel (BFACP) will be $5 USD per month

      As I am still working on building version 3 of the software, I will be installing the last version I did. Once I complete version 3 it will automatically be upgraded for you.

      All these services will be managed by me so you don't have to worry about the technical side of things to get up and going.

      If you would like to see how much it would cost for the services, I made a calculator that you can use. It can be found here https://ezrcon.com/calculator.html

      • 11 replies
    • I have pushed out a new minor release which updates the geodata pull (flags in the playerlisting). This should be way more accurate now. As always, please let me know if any problems show up.

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