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ProconRulz - take admin action on triggers, e.g. weapon limit


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Originally Posted by stuckmoto*:


OH OK so the whole list is top to bottom. Thanks!

This comment from the Propedia had me confused...

****Also rules can be added as comments, e.g. "# the following rulz are sniper limits"***

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Originally Posted by bambam*:


Yeah think simple:


ProconRulz starts at the top of the list of rulz and steps through top to bottom UNTIL it finds a rule where the trigger matches AND all of the conditions succeed, THEN it does the actions.


All a '#' character does is say "this rule does nothing".


So a pair of rules

On Spawn;Weapon M2CG;PlayerSay Don't use that Carl Gustav on infantry

On Spawn;Log %p% spawned as %k%


will work like a charm.


But if you reverse the order of the rulz then the "On Spawn;Log ..." (which will fire on every player spawn) will always beat any other On Spawn rule so having On Spawn rules after that is pointless...


As a reminder, step through the rulz in your head, and use 'Log' actions (or even Say) BEFORE you change those to 'Kill' actions, or you risk emptying your server in a few seconds with a mis-typed rule such as "On Spawn;Kill"

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Originally Posted by noobsrus*:


at at present im using this


On Spawn;Kit Recon 4;Say %p% sniper limit;Kill

On Kill;Not Kit Recon;Damage SniperRifle;Say %p% no sniper rifle pickup;Kill

On Kill;Damage VehicleHeavy;Teamsize 4;Say %p% no tanks until 10 players or more;Kill


is there a rule to add to stop players using CG on infantry ?

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Originally Posted by Plasmatique*:


Hi guys, I need some help.

I set it up so explosive kills will kill the killer (c4, rockets, noobtube, etc.) but at the moment I only figured out how to kill them. I would like to kick them after 3 times, but I can't figure out how to...can you guys supply me with some help?


Thanks in advance!

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Originally Posted by bambam*:


Rulz as below. You should use 'Log' actions first, see the rulz operate successfully, and then edit to Kick/Kill. 'Count 3' means count is more than 3 so these rulz auto-kill 3 times and on the 4th time they kick. Change the number to 2 if you want the kick to happen on the 3rd nade kill.


On Kill;Damage Explosive;Count 3;Kick You were kicked for Explosive/Rocket kills

On Kill;Damage ProjectileExplosive;Count 3;Kick You were kicked for Explosive/Rocket kills

On Kill;Damage Explosive;Say %p% No Explosive/Rocket kills on this server (#%c%);Kill

On Kill;Damage ProjectileExplosive;Say %p% No Explosive/Rocket kills on this server (#%c%);Kill

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Originally Posted by bambam*:


pipapo 'knife-only' is in the FAQ:




You might consider using Damage Melee instead of Weapon knv-1, because that would include defibs and repair tools if you really mean hand-to-hand combat.

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Originally Posted by pipapo*:


Thanks for your answer. I read FAQ and didnt understand " On Kill;Not Weapon knv-1;Say [%p%] Only knife kills;Kill"-its only knifes allows, 1st kill or no knife?

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Originally Posted by Rapidorg*:


Thanks for your answer. I read FAQ and didnt understand " On Kill;Not Weapon knv-1;Say [%p%] Only knife kills;Kill"-its only knifes allows, 1st kill or no knife?

It means that everybody who kills with a weapon OTHER then a knife gets killed



Outstanding plugin! That you very much.

I have a simple question that you may have answered already. I read most of it, but couldn't read all 15 pages of the thread. :smile:


If I refer to 'Team' in a rule, does the plugin consider each Squad in Squad Deathmatch a 'Team'?

Ping is not answering anymore but I want to accomplish the same thing so I tryed it:


"ProconRulz: Bravo Rapidorg spawned as Assault"


This is the message I get. Im in the Bravo Squad so I geuss it takes 4 rules to do this.


So the line will look something like this:


"On Spawn;Team (Alpha/Bravo..etc); Kit Recon 1;PlayerSay Only 1 sniper per Squad allowed;Kill 500


EDIT: Well that is not working because it doesnt understand the "Team Alpha/Bravo".

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Originally Posted by bambam*:




the rule "On Kill;Not Weapon knv-1;Say [%p%] Only knife kills;Kill" will KILL any player that makes a kill that is not with a Knife. Each piece:


"On Kill" - this rule comes into effect each time a kill occurs


"Not Weapon knv-1" - this is a CONDITION, meaning the Weapon of the Kill was Not a knive (weapon key "knv-1", see plugin details)


"Say [%p%] Only knife kills" - when condition succeeds this will say "[pipapo] Only knife kills"


"Kill" - player that triggered this rule (i.e. pipapo) will be killed


OK? So this rule means any kill with a weapon other than a knife will be suicidal.

Maybe you were confused with the -1 in "knv-1" - relax "knv-1" is just the 'Weapon key" for the Combat Knife.


As mentioned earlier you could also use "On Kill;Not Damage melee;Say [%p%] Only hand-to-hand kills;Kill" which is similar but allows all kills that do damage 'melee' i.e. knife, defib, repair tool.




- thanks VERY much for that rule output from squad deathmatch. This tells me the dm squads are actually treated as separate *teams* as far as Procon is concerned. The current (31c) version of ProconRulz will not work for Squad Deathmatch for teamsizes or spawned-item counts (i.e. the stuff you want). The *next* version of ProconRulz (which is currently running on my server) has more general support for those things so you should be in good shape. I have to test the plugin some more because there's quite a lot of more complicated new stuff in it. Technically it's the "Kit Recon 1" condition that is broken for Squad DM. That automatically checks if there's more than 1 recon on the current player's TEAM (or dm squad as you showed me) and also checks the current player is Recon so you don't need the "Team Alpha" condition. I.e. "On Spawn;Kit Recon 1;PlayerSay Only 1 sniper per squad;Kill 500" should work fine, but it doesn't in Squad DM because the "Kit Recon 1" condition only works for two teams in ProconRulz 31c...


If you're up for it I can post up a beta for the next version of ProconRulz here in a couple of days and you could test it for squad dm...



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Originally Posted by Rapidorg*:


No THANK YOU.. for this excellent piece of work


As for the beta.. Im more then willing to test it because those features will increase the SQDM gameplay a lot. So just say whenever its up for testing and I will do the SQDM testing for you.


ps. Is there a way to let procon run both Plugins? With that I mean I can activate one or the other so when im not testing i can run the current version of the plugin.

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Originally Posted by cpt*:


I would like to make a rule like "No CG on Inv" I know its not possible directly, because Procon does not know wether the player killed, was sitting in a vehicle or not. But if you kill a player you get 50 Points. If you destroy a vehicle you get 100 points.


Is it possible to make a rule that includes points? Somethings like : player was killed with CG or 40mm and the killer got less than 100 points?


I think this would be a simple way to figure out wehter a player was sitting in a vehicle or not.

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Originally Posted by stuckmoto*:


This plug-in works great for a "knife only" match. You can load anything you want...but kill with something else===feel the pain!

My clan is doing a "repair tool only" match this weekend. Should be comical.

We used to use "sniper only" but you can't stop knives and handguns :sad:


@cpt - very good catch. Hopefully this can be implemented because this is THE biggest complaint in our servers...

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Originally Posted by Plasmatique*:


Rulz as below. You should use 'Log' actions first, see the rulz operate successfully, and then edit to Kick/Kill. 'Count 3' means count is more than 3 so these rulz auto-kill 3 times and on the 4th time they kick. Change the number to 2 if you want the kick to happen on the 3rd nade kill.


On Kill;Damage Explosive;Count 3;Kick You were kicked for Explosive/Rocket kills

On Kill;Damage ProjectileExplosive;Count 3;Kick You were kicked for Explosive/Rocket kills

On Kill;Damage Explosive;Say %p% No Explosive/Rocket kills on this server (#%c%);Kill

On Kill;Damage ProjectileExplosive;Say %p% No Explosive/Rocket kills on this server (#%c%);Kill

Thanks for the quick respons, a great help to get a bit more insight :smile:....


At the moment I use:


On Kill;Weapon 40mmgl;Yell No explosive kills allowed!;Kill 2000

On Kill;Weapon RPG7;Yell No explosive kills allowed!;Kill 2000

On Kill;Weapon M2CG;Yell No explosive kills allowed!;Kill 2000

On Kill;Weapon M136;Yell No explosive kills allowed!;Kill 2000

On Kill;Weapon MRTR-5;Yell No explosive kills allowed!;Kill 2000

On Kill;Weapon DTN-4;Yell No explosive kills allowed!;Kill 2000


Now, when I change to say:

On Kill;Weapon 40mmgl;Count 3;Yelll No explosive kills allowed!;Kick No explosives allowed

It actually gives me a msg about the "Count" part being a bad part or something (can't remember the exact line) in the debug thingy.

So, if I use your setup there, where you used (projectile)Explosive damage instead of the specific Weapon, will it still "grab" all the rockets, c4, gl and mortar? And if I want to disallow all that, but allow grenades, would I be able to use the same line, but make it like:

On Kill;Damage ProjectileExplosive; Not Weapon HG-2;Say %p% No Explosive/Rocket kills on this server (#%c%);Kill



So in short: I want people to be killed when killing others with noobtube, rockets, c4 and mortar (allow the grenades), a say/yell across the screen (so everyone get's warned when a player does it) and a kick at the 3rd kill.


Could you be so kind as to redo the lines of code for me?


Much appreciated!

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Originally Posted by stuckmoto*:


I think you want to say>>> On Kill;Damage ProjectileExplosive;Count 3;Yell No explosive kills allowed!;Kick

>>>for a 3 count limit

Here is the link for weapon/damage lists phogue.net/procon/wiki/index....tle=ProconRulz*

There are only 4 weapons listed as "projectile" = RPG,CG,AT4 & 40mm grenade(n00b tube)

You might have to do specific weapon individually after that....


Funny how the 40mm smoke launcher is the only "impact" damage

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Originally Posted by Rapidorg*:


@ Plasmatique:


In my lines I have the "kick" message before the "Yell" message and this works fine.




On kill;Weapon 40mmgl;Count 4;Kick Overusing 40MM Grenade Launcher;Say %p% has been kicked for overusing Noobtube

On kill;Weapon 40mmgl;Count 3;PlayerSay Last WARNING don't overuse 40mm Grenade Launcher

On kill;Weapon 40mmgl;Count 2;PlayerSay Don't overuse 40mm Grenade Launcher


In your case change the "Weapon" to anything you like and the "PlayerSay" to "Yell"

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Originally Posted by Plasmatique*:


@stuckmoto, thanks, I'll give it a go.


@rapidorg, so just for the record, for my setup I would need to have 3 rulz per weapon then right? Starting with the highest count+kick, followed by the lower count+kill?


I must say, I'm leaning towards bambam's setup cause you got the number of times in it as well, which will make it better to see for people I reckon.


Also, the reason I did the Yell in there is so whenever someone kills someone with explosives, it reminds the entire server (besides the dead players of course) that it ain't allowed...sort of a makeshift spambot on the fly kind of thing :smile:


@bambam, if you would be so kind as to take stuckmoto's and rapidorg's comment/examples in consideration for your next recommendation to me, that would be awesome!


@All, thanks for the help!!!

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Originally Posted by Rapidorg*:


@ cpt: This must be possible if we know the info BFBC@ sends to procon. Procon also keeps up score so there must be a string that does this. Maybe even with something like


"On kill;Weapon M2CG;Not VehicleDestroy;Kick No CG on INF"


@ stuckmoto: A repair only match can be achieved with following line


On Kill;Not Weapon pwr-700;[say/Yell/PlayerSay/Log] [%p%] Only Repair Tool Kills;Kill"


@ Plasmatique: Yes those lines work on my (SQDM) server. I think its because ProconRulz will activate the first rule that meets the CONDITION. So if you do it in a ascending way it always matches the [Count 3] and skips the other rules. When writen in a descending order you prevent this from happening


In my experience there are more ways to accomplish certain rule sets. Just go with the one you can work with and makes it easy to understand for yourself..

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Originally Posted by stuckmoto*:


@ stuckmoto: A repair only match can be achieved with following line

On Kill;Not Weapon pwr-700;[say/Yell/PlayerSay/Log] [%p%] Only Repair Tool Kills;Kill"


YUP this is what I have already...

On Kill;Not Weapon pwr-700;Both %p% that was NOT a repair tool DUMBASS!;Kick

We kick our members so they have to rejoin and lose their score.


So, what's the idea behind "PlayerBlock"?

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Originally Posted by Rapidorg*:


@ stuckmoto:


Scores will add up to the player stats and even in SQDM the kills will stay for that team even when a player gets kicked. The only thing you accomplish with is a clear warning.

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Originally Posted by hadlock*:


Oh this is absolutely brilliant. Using that headshot code you posted over in the rangefinder thread. I hope Procon 2.0 adopts your rule model for quick and dirty mod writing by regular users. This is how plugins should have been handled from the start.


Idea - do you think in addition to the reserved/vip list on the server (which is limited to only 499 users), that you could implement a procon-side whitelist? "ProCon Voteban and Votekick" has a whitelist that works on both user name and clantag (separate lists). Please see the image below. We have about 850 users (and rising) so having access to a whitelist instead of the baked in protected user list would help dramatically. We only use the dice protected user list for a few key admins due to the 499 user limit and can't really take advantage of the reserved slots whitelist you currently provide.


Posted Image


If you could make it pull the whitelist from a specified URL (e.g. http://bfprocon.com/vipusers.txt) I would happily donate $10 to your paypal account

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Originally Posted by stuckmoto*:


@ stuckmoto:


Scores will add up to the player stats and even in SQDM the kills will stay for that team even when a player gets kicked. The only thing you accomplish with is a clear warning.

Why we do it that way is...the goal is a first to(prob 20)kills, so it doesn't matter what the squad's points are. I set the server to say 200 tix and play sqdm so you get the best chance at killing the most people. So if you get kicked you have to rejoin and lose your kills.

We did a "knife only" challenge and it worked great!

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Originally Posted by hadlock*:


Is there way to hardcode a player name, instead of using generic %p% ? We have a regular on our server that is (in)famous for killing players with knife kills, and it has become an in-joke that there is a bounty out on his "tags". It's very easy to create a yell message on kill of an admin or vip list, but I don't see a way to specify a specific player.

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Originally Posted by bambam*:


This all looks good to me...


to sum up for plasmatique:


To make all exposive/projectileexplosive kills suicidal, except for hand grenade, you've go it right. Rulz could be:


On Kill;Damage Explosive;Not Weapon HG-2;Count 3;Kick You were kicked for Explosive/Rocket kills

On Kill;Damage ProjectileExplosive;Count 3;Kick You were kicked for Explosive/Rocket kills

On Kill;Damage Explosive;Not Weapon HG-2;Say %p% No Explosive/Rocket kills on this server (#%c%);Kill

On Kill;Damage ProjectileExplosive;Say %p% No Explosive/Rocket kills on this server (#%c%);Kill


I noticed the Mortar Strike is damage 'Explosive' also, so if you want to allow those you need to add a condition "Not Damage MRTR-5" after each "Not Weapon HG-2".


Anyway you look in good shape to me. BTW it doesn't matter what order Yell-Say-Kick are in, they'll all happen regardless. Your 'Count' error was something else e.g. a dodgy character typed in by mistake.


Re the not-available-condition "VehicleDestroy":


I agree knowing a rocket hit a soldier not a vehicle would be useful, but don't know a way to do it. Morpheus is probably right and it's impossible.


I've thought about intercepting the BFBC2 points to second-guess wtf happened on the server, but as far as I can tell this informaton is not available to rcon admin tools like Procon (probably it goes straight from the BF server to the EA stats server). I'm still not sure of this, but as it stands this kind of second-guessing isn't doable. (EDIT: this isn't entirely correct - the player score *is* available via a periodic update to the data that's sent listing the players on the server - realistically this should be expected to be up-to-date within maybe 30 seconds. This still leaves the major issue of trying to reverse-engineer the score to work out what might have happened back when the kill occurred, which could have been any combination of kills/revives/ammo supplies whatever.) There are more complicated variants but all of them involve a delay between the 'On Kill' event that we care about and the points being updated, and I can't see a way you could make any reasonable calculation at the time of the rocket kill. There are quite a few things that could have happened on the server and just looking at a points snapshot later on would be frickin complicated. All this sounds shitty but I agree with you it would be good to know when vehicles blow up or even that a player has armed the mcom. But that data isn't transmitted in real-time so realistically we're fuxed for now.




The need or not for that feature of ProconRulz is still a bit questionable - it was an idea I had at the beginning but never used it on our server. Basically it's an action and a spawn-related trigger used as a complimentary pair:


Any rule (usually I expected an "On Kill" rule) can have an action "PlayerBlock " where item is typically a kit or a weapon. IF the player next spawns with that kit or weapon THEN an "On PlayerBlock" rule will fire if it exists.


For example, a pair of rules could prevent a player re-spawning as a Recon any time after a sniper kill:

On Kill;Damage SniperRifle;PlayerBlock Recon

On PlayerBlock;PlayerSay %p% choose another kit;Kill;PlayerBlock Recon


I'm not saying those rulz are any good or worth having, just used them to illustrate the PlayerBlock functionality. Note that PlayerBlock always resets on a player spawn, so the event is only triggered once or reset. I think in theory you could do other things with more complicated rules like force a player to rotate assault-engineer-medic-recon but never tried it or wanted to do it. Maybe there's a good use for the function but I dunno.


hadlock Whitelist:


Sure I can add an explicit whitelist if you want - the issue we had with OFc's 25 paying members was the opposite: each frickin plugin that needed it's own whitelist meant I had to enter the same list into each one, and later update them all, so I made ProconRulz use lists already available in Procon (ReservedSlots and Admins). I won't get to the http URL for a while, sorry - that code would take more programming and testing. But you can expect to see an option for playernames and clans to be whitelisted soon.



Mostly I want to ship the next update of ProconRulz - there's half-a-dozen basic things in it that I'm already testing on our server which make a difference, e.g. rulz have 'server' and 'team' Counts as well as player counts, so you can trigger actions based on counts being reached by a team or on the whole server, including only triggering rulz once for the player, team or server (trivially you could announce first server knife kill, which you can't do with ProconRulz v31, but also anything else ProconRulz is capable of). But also there's a fix for multi-word weapon keys particularly the heli weapons, linked to a fix updating Procon itself.

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      Here is how the pricing is laid out for each service as well as information about each. This is as of 7/12/2020.

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      Each layer will also come with all available plugins installed by default. This is to help facilitate faster deployments and get you up and running quickly.

      Each layer will automatically restart if Procon crashes. 

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      Custom plugins can be installed by submitting a support ticket.

      Battlefield Admin Control Panel (BFACP) will be $5 USD per month

      As I am still working on building version 3 of the software, I will be installing the last version I did. Once I complete version 3 it will automatically be upgraded for you.

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