ImportBot Posted January 31, 2013 Author Share Posted January 31, 2013 Originally Posted by Singh400*: PapaCharlie, what file(s) does IL write to? Where is the expression/code information stored? edit-nevermind, I see it creates a .conf file, with some other basic info in the .cfg within /Configs. Is that all for this plugin? Asking b/c I want to copy over the limits I've made to a new server, and it looks like the .conf is encrypted. Just copy the CONF file and rename it with the new server IP and port. Quote * Restored post. It could be that the author is no longer active. Link to comment
ImportBot Posted February 1, 2013 Author Share Posted February 1, 2013 Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*: Hey PapaCharlie9. I've noticed my Insane Limits likes to revert to default when ProCon is restarted. The only limit Im using is a Surrender limit. Sometimes, one server has it, while the other has reverted to default. When I see this, usually if I reload the plugins the limits show up. This time, I restarted ProCon when the reloading didn't work to show the limits, and both servers reverted back to default where you've got to answer true about accepting the agreement or something like that. I redid the surrender limit on server #2, and when I went over to server #1 to redo the same limit there, it was suddenly there. Do you want me to enable logging or have you heard of this issue before? Im using the latest of everything, including IL I'm not sure what you mean by "reverting to default" and whether you are talking about local clients or layers or both, but there are two known problems, both with Procon (not Insane Limits) described below. Do these descriptions match what you are seeing? 1) Plugin settings disappear/reset when connecting a local client to a layer After restarting a local client, any changes to plugin settings made before are lost. See the big red text here:* 2) Plugin setting don't update or display in the GUI for Procon / or / Insane Limits shows limits as Not Compiled This is just a GUI update bug in Procon. You can force the display of settings for any plugin, including Insane Limits, by switching to another plugin. For example, if in your plugins list, you have Adaptive Tickets and Insane Limits, make sure the Settings tab is showing and click on Adaptive Tickets on the left. Then click on Insane Limits again. This will force an update of the Settings tab for Insane Limits. Quote * Restored post. It could be that the author is no longer active. Link to comment
ImportBot Posted February 1, 2013 Author Share Posted February 1, 2013 Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*: Just copy the CONF file and rename it with the new server IP and port.That copies the code for each limit and custom lists, but it doesn't copy the global plugin settings for Insane Limits, like debug_level. Those are stored in the same place as all the other plugin settings, in procon/Config/_.cfg (as I recall, might be slightly off). You can generally just copy that file as well, though you have to be careful about finding and fixing any embedded ip and port numbers, or server names, that have changed, not to mention the name of the file itself. Quote * Restored post. It could be that the author is no longer active. Link to comment
ImportBot Posted February 1, 2013 Author Share Posted February 1, 2013 Originally Posted by IAF-SDS*: I'm not sure what you mean by "reverting to default" and whether you are talking about local clients or layers or both, but there are two known problems, both with Procon (not Insane Limits) described below. Do these descriptions match what you are seeing? 1) Plugin settings disappear/reset when connecting a local client to a layer After restarting a local client, any changes to plugin settings made before are lost. See the big red text here:* 2) Plugin setting don't update or display in the GUI for Procon / or / Insane Limits shows limits as Not Compiled This is just a GUI update bug in Procon. You can force the display of settings for any plugin, including Insane Limits, by switching to another plugin. For example, if in your plugins list, you have Adaptive Tickets and Insane Limits, make sure the Settings tab is showing and click on Adaptive Tickets on the left. Then click on Insane Limits again. This will force an update of the Settings tab for Insane Limits. My admins use the ProCon client, but I always connect directly to the master ProCon running on a VDS. Therefore, Im seeing this when I connect to the master ProCon on the VDS. When you first setup the Insane Limits plugin, it shows I believe 4 lines. First line, from memory, is to accept the privacy policy. Then the other 3 lines have the option to be set as True or False, but they come set to True, and they are about tweeting your bans, kicks, and one other thing. I don't even know how the tweeting part of it would work, and whether I would need to set up a tweet account to use this, but since I don't want to tweet anything, I set these three lines to false. Then once you accept the privacy policy, it will take you to the part of IL where you can enter your limits. This very begging stage, where you have to accept the privacy policy and set the tweeting to True or False, is what Im referring to as reverting to default. Put differently, reverting to default is meant to describe the very first thing you'll see when you first install the Insane Limits plugin. It's the only plugin I have that shows up occasionally back to its first install default stage. Regarding 1) above, I have no username set. Regarding 2) above, this is related to some extent. Sometimes, when IL reverts to its new install default stage, if I click on another plugin and then back to it, I see my limits. But other times, this does not work, and then I try reloading all of my plugins, with again only sometimes fixing it to show the limits instead of the new install default stage. As a third option to fix this, I'll restart ProCon in its entirety, and sometimes this works, while other times it does not. In the end, if the steps I described don't work to show my limits, I have to reconfigure the plugin from the beginning. Interesting enough, usually only one of the two servers will show IL reverted back to its default new install stage, while the other is just fine. But this last time, both of my servers suddenly had IL show up as reverted back to their new install default stage. But when I reconfigured one of the two IL settings, as soon as I clicked over to the second server to reconfigure that one too, it was suddenly back. There's a gremlin hiding in Insane Limits (or ProCon) with his hand on a switch, resetting IL back and forth to its new install default stage, to give us a hard time. Does this help explain what's happening? Would this be part of the bug you describe in 2) above? Quote * Restored post. It could be that the author is no longer active. Link to comment
ImportBot Posted February 1, 2013 Author Share Posted February 1, 2013 Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*: Does this help explain what's happening?Yes, that's much clearer. The only time I've seen a similar "revert to default" is when I've been mucking around with the procon/Plugins/BF3/_.conf file, where the limits and custom lists are stored (assuming you have custom_storage set to False). Insane Limits handles that file, Procon doesn't know anything about it. It's possible that someone or something is corrupting or deleting that file. The symptom would be that all of the plugin settings like privacy policy would persist and act normally but the limits would come and go. That doesn't seem to fit what you are seeing. Another possible explanation is that the Procon plugin settings file at procon/Config/_.cfg is getting corrupted by someone or something. If the Insane Limits section gets corrupted, it will act like a newly installed plugin and then later after you accept the privacy policy it might magically discover your .conf file and load your old limits. That theory seems to fit your observations. Procon handles that file. So I'm back to blaming Procon. Quote * Restored post. It could be that the author is no longer active. Link to comment
ImportBot Posted February 1, 2013 Author Share Posted February 1, 2013 Originally Posted by HexaCanon*: i got 2 layers with Insane Limits disabling itself, i dunno what happened. i will increase debug level (putting it to 5) and see if it happens again. it might be even an admin disabling it by mistake. Quote * Restored post. It could be that the author is no longer active. Link to comment
ImportBot Posted February 2, 2013 Author Share Posted February 2, 2013 Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*: i got 2 layers with Insane Limits disabling itself, i dunno what happened. i will increase debug level (putting it to 5) and see if it happens again. it might be even an admin disabling it by mistake. Let me know if you see IL cause a panic. I've never seen that myself nor heard of a report of it, but there's always a first time. If you do see a panic, run with debug_level set to 8. It's a tone of spam, but its the only way to debug a timing problem. Quote * Restored post. It could be that the author is no longer active. Link to comment
ImportBot Posted February 4, 2013 Author Share Posted February 4, 2013 Originally Posted by supermillhouse*: I am trying to check a player name in the reserve slot list, can i use the first one of these to do it, and what is the difference between the first and fourth and last as im a bit Code: * Methods for getting whitelist information * */ bool isInWhitelist(String PlayerName); bool isInPlayerWhitelist(String PlayerName); bool isInClanWhitelist(String PlayerName); bool isInWhiteList(String PlayerName, String list_name); /* Method for checking generic lists */ bool isInList(String item, String list_name); Quote * Restored post. It could be that the author is no longer active. Link to comment
ImportBot Posted February 4, 2013 Author Share Posted February 4, 2013 Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*: I am trying to check a player name in the reserve slot list, can i use the first one of these to do it, and what is the difference between the first and fourth and last as im a bit Code: * Methods for getting whitelist information * */ bool isInWhitelist(String PlayerName); bool isInPlayerWhitelist(String PlayerName); bool isInClanWhitelist(String PlayerName); bool isInWhiteList(String PlayerName, String list_name); /* Method for checking generic lists */ bool isInList(String item, String list_name); Sorry, there is no support for the reserved slot list in IL yet. It's on the to-do list. Let's start with the 2nd and 3rd. Those correspond to the plugin settings player_white_list and clan_white_list, respectively. The 1st function combines the 2nd and 3rd for convenience. It is the same as (plugin.isInPlayerWhitelist(str) || plugin.isInClanWhiteList(str)). The 4th is the generalization of the 2nd and 3rd. The list_name is either "player_white_list" or "clan_white_list". For example, plugin.isInWhiteList(str, "player_white_list") is the same as plugin.isInPlayerWhitelist(str). If in the future a new list is added to plugin settings, this function would provide access to it, even if the API is not otherwise updated. IL is all about having a million ways to do the same thing. :/ Quote * Restored post. It could be that the author is no longer active. Link to comment
ImportBot Posted February 4, 2013 Author Share Posted February 4, 2013 Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*: See post #1 for download instructions. Changes made for Fixed "overviewStats not found" WARNING for players with ps3 or xbox profiles Added failed url to StatsException error message I made this fix originally in Battlelog Cache but forgot to carry it over into Insane Limits. I have now done so. BC and IL now use the same logic for extracting a persona id. NOTE: since logging of error messages has been reduced, you have to increase your debug_level in order to see warnings and errors that you used to see at level 3. If you want to see why stats fetching is failing, you have to set your debug_level to 4. Quote * Restored post. It could be that the author is no longer active. Link to comment
ImportBot Posted February 5, 2013 Author Share Posted February 5, 2013 Originally Posted by fourtwofour*: Hey. Could someone here help a noob out? I want to limit the nades on my rush server for 2 of the maps (Grand Bazaar and Operation Metro) 2 warnings and then a kill. I'm awful at this and don't know what to do Quote * Restored post. It could be that the author is no longer active. Link to comment
ImportBot Posted February 6, 2013 Author Share Posted February 6, 2013 Originally Posted by M4thoTiX*: Hi I have various Problems with a couple of things. Are u still wirking on the implementation of text files in the list via @? or is there a possibility to check the accounts of the server? (its for admin announcement) can u make a variable for Vehicles? Procon Frostbite.jpg I want to spawn Vehicles only when there are more than 12 Players on the server. sincerely M4thoTiX Quote * Restored post. It could be that the author is no longer active. Link to comment
ImportBot Posted February 6, 2013 Author Share Posted February 6, 2013 Originally Posted by M4thoTiX*: Hey. Could someone here help a noob out? I want to limit the nades on my rush server for 2 of the maps (Grand Bazaar and Operation Metro) 2 warnings and then a kill. I'm awful at this and don't know what to do Hi im new to this too but i would try it in a way like this. Check1 (exp) Code: (killer.Weapon == "M67")&&((server.MapFileName == "MP_Subway")||(server.MapFileName == "MP_001"))check2 (code)Code: switch(limit.Activations(player.Name)) { case 1: plugin.SendPlayerMessage(player.Name, "Stop spaming Nades! Warning 1 of 2", 0); break; case 2: plugin.SendPlayerYell(player.Name, "Stop spaming Nades! Warning 2 of 2", 20); plugin.SendPlayerMessage(player.Name, "Stop spaming Nades! Warning 2 of 2", 0); break; case 3: plugin.KillPlayer(player.Name); break; default: break; }I hope this works M4thoTiX Quote * Restored post. It could be that the author is no longer active. Link to comment
ImportBot Posted February 6, 2013 Author Share Posted February 6, 2013 Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*: Hey. Could someone here help a noob out? I want to limit the nades on my rush server for 2 of the maps (Grand Bazaar and Operation Metro) 2 warnings and then a kill. I'm awful at this and don't know what to do If you need help with limits, post your request/questions in the Insane Limits Requests thread here:* Quote * Restored post. It could be that the author is no longer active. Link to comment
ImportBot Posted February 6, 2013 Author Share Posted February 6, 2013 Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*: Hi I have various Problems with a couple of things. Are u still wirking on the implementation of text files in the list via @? It's still on the to-do list, hasn't been done yet. or is there a possibility to check the accounts of the server? (its for admin announcement) As far as I can tell, that is not possible for a plugin to do. can u make a variable for Vehicles? Procon Frostbite.jpg I want to spawn Vehicles only when there are more than 12 Players on the server. sincerely M4thoTiX Hutchew made the same request in the Requests thread, and Hexacanon provided a limit code to try out: Quote * Restored post. It could be that the author is no longer active. Link to comment
ImportBot Posted February 6, 2013 Author Share Posted February 6, 2013 Originally Posted by HexaCanon*: It's still on the to-do list, hasn't been done yet.please make it array style like CheatDetector, TrueBalancer, Vote Ban BF3 and votemap. there is no reason to have IL and future balancer to be different than what others use. Quote * Restored post. It could be that the author is no longer active. Link to comment
ImportBot Posted February 7, 2013 Author Share Posted February 7, 2013 Originally Posted by M4thoTiX*: Thanks for your answer. Sry i havent found the post of HexaCanon As far as I can tell, that is not possible for a plugin to do. It is possible "PRoCon Rulz" can do it. there u can make rules like: Code: On Join; Admin; Say an Admin is joiningAdmin; checkes if the Joiner has an Account on this Server M4thoTiX Quote * Restored post. It could be that the author is no longer active. Link to comment
ImportBot Posted February 7, 2013 Author Share Posted February 7, 2013 Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*: Thanks for your answer. Sry i havent found the post of HexaCanon As far as I can tell, that is not possible for a plugin to do. It is possible "PRoCon Rulz" can do it. there u can make rules like: Code: On Join; Admin; Say an Admin is joiningAdmin; checkes if the Joiner has an Account on this Server M4thoTiX I'll take a look at the ProCon Rulz code to see how it's done. Quote * Restored post. It could be that the author is no longer active. Link to comment
ImportBot Posted February 7, 2013 Author Share Posted February 7, 2013 Originally Posted by IAF-SDS*: This might help. The AdminIn & Spawn Message plugin already has this feature to announce an admin on join. Admin (%name%) joined the game! Announce admin Enabled or disables the announcement of an admin joining (global). Announce admins name Enabled or disables if the admin should be identified by name. Use %name% as placeholder in your message. Check admin privileges Enabled or disables to check if a joining player is on the account list and has the right to do temp. bans. Therefor he is treaded as admin. Quote * Restored post. It could be that the author is no longer active. Link to comment
ImportBot Posted February 9, 2013 Author Share Posted February 9, 2013 Originally Posted by M4thoTiX*: @ IAF SDS: Yes, but i don't want to use more plugins as absolutely necessary. And Insane Limits is such a "big" Plugin now and an Admin-Checker would be a nice enhancement. @PapaCharlie: Thankls Could u set a Idle - variable(just counts the seconds a player is idle) on ur To-Do-List. PS: i hope i dont stress u to much Quote * Restored post. It could be that the author is no longer active. Link to comment
ImportBot Posted February 9, 2013 Author Share Posted February 9, 2013 Originally Posted by HexaCanon*: @ IAF SDS: Yes, but i don't want to use more plugins as absolutely necessary. And Insane Limits is such a "big" Plugin now and an Admin-Checker would be a nice enhancement. @PapaCharlie: Thankls Could u set a Idle - variable(just counts the seconds a player is idle) on ur To-Do-List. PS: i hope i dont stress u to much i think an idle checker is not possible. afterall we do not see soldier movement. the only thing you can do is change the "vars.idleTimeout". Quote * Restored post. It could be that the author is no longer active. Link to comment
ImportBot Posted February 9, 2013 Author Share Posted February 9, 2013 Originally Posted by MorpheusX(AUT)*: i think an idle checker is not possible. afterall we do not see soldier movement. the only thing you can do is change the "vars.idleTimeout". Correct. There is no reliable way to determine whether a player is idle via RCON-protocol. You measure the timespan between the last kills/deaths/points earned, but that doesn't account for "running around" on the map, so the results would be very inaccurate.vars.idleTimeout just adjusts the timespan a player can stay idle (this time "real" idle time, since this is handled by the server directly) before getting kicked. Quote * Restored post. It could be that the author is no longer active. Link to comment
ImportBot Posted February 9, 2013 Author Share Posted February 9, 2013 Originally Posted by HexaCanon*: if you already have "adaptive server size" you can easily make the idleTimeout trigger when there is X players in server this can also be done by Insane Limits if you do not want to use adaptive server size, just leave your request in the thread here : ...* Quote * Restored post. It could be that the author is no longer active. Link to comment
ImportBot Posted February 10, 2013 Author Share Posted February 10, 2013 Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*: @PapaCharlie: Thankls Could u set a Idle - variable(just counts the seconds a player is idle) on ur To-Do-List. Good idea, I added it to the list. In the mean time, you can do it youself with an OnIntervalServer limit that checks this expression: first_check Expression: Code: (player.ScoreTotal == 0 && player.DeathsTotal == 0)For the second_check, you can assume the player has been idle for player.TimeTotal seconds. EDIT: As discussed in the previous posts, this is only an approximation. It could give false positives, that is, players will be detected as idle even though they are not. Whatever is added to Insane Limits directly (probably the same heuristic) will be equally inaccurate. Quote * Restored post. It could be that the author is no longer active. Link to comment
ImportBot Posted February 10, 2013 Author Share Posted February 10, 2013 Originally Posted by HexaCanon*: Good idea, I added it to the list. In the mean time, you can do it youself with an OnIntervalServer limit that checks this expression: first_check Expression: Code: (player.ScoreTotal == 0 && player.DeathsTotal == 0)For the second_check, you can assume the player has been idle for player.TimeTotal seconds. EDIT: As discussed in the previous posts, this is only an approximation. It could give false positives, that is, players will be detected as idle even though they are not. Whatever is added to Insane Limits directly (probably the same heuristic) will be equally inaccurate. yes indeed. it will not be accurate, but a player who just "run" around is as good as an idle player . the limit you posted is actually good. Quote * Restored post. It could be that the author is no longer active. Link to comment
ImportBot Posted February 12, 2013 Author Share Posted February 12, 2013 Originally Posted by M4thoTiX*: Hey Guys thanks for ur replys nice ideas but i've tried it on my own: Code: List<PlayerInfoInterface> all = new List<PlayerInfoInterface>(); all.AddRange(team1.players); all.AddRange(team2.players); if(server.DataRound.issetObject("idle")) { Dictionary<String, double> checkidle = (Dictionary<String, double>) server.DataRound.getObject("idle"); foreach(PlayerInfoInterface p in all) { if(checkidle.ContainsKey(p.Name)) { if(checkidle[p.Name] == p.ScoreRound) { if(plugin.isInList(p.Name,"Admins")) { plugin.SendPlayerMessage(p.Name, "You are Idle"); } else { plugin.KickPlayerWithMessage(p.Name, "Your Score dosent change for 5 minutes (idle)"); checkidle.Remove(p.Name); } } } else { checkidle.Add(p.Name, p.ScoreRound); } } server.DataRound.setObject("idle", new Dictionary<String, double>(checkidle)); } else { server.DataRound.setObject("idle", new Dictionary<String, double>()); //name,score Dictionary<String, double> setidle = (Dictionary<String, double>) server.DataRound.getObject("idle"); foreach(PlayerInfoInterface p in all) setidle.Add(p.Name, p.ScoreRound); server.DataRound.setObject("idle", new Dictionary<String, double>(setidle)); }Can u show me how to simplify it or just make it better? Quote * Restored post. It could be that the author is no longer active. Link to comment
ImportBot Posted February 12, 2013 Author Share Posted February 12, 2013 Originally Posted by EBassie*: Hey PC9, lately I have a lot of these errors: Code: [16:00:17 42] [Insane Limits] Thread(fetch): EXCEPTION: : System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. [16:00:17 42] [Insane Limits] Thread(fetch): Extra information dumped in file InsaneLimits.dump [16:01:04 76] [Insane Limits] Thread(fetch): EXCEPTION: : System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. [16:01:04 76] [Insane Limits] Thread(fetch): Extra information dumped in file InsaneLimits.dump [16:05:18 87] [Insane Limits] Thread(ResponseLoop): WARNING: Cache response collision for coombass [16:09:01 73] [Insane Limits] Thread(ResponseLoop): WARNING: Cache response collision for coombass [16:10:00 79] [Insane Limits] Thread(ResponseLoop): WARNING: Unknown cache response for Sm0k3rrr [16:13:41 51] [Insane Limits] Thread(ResponseLoop): WARNING: Unknown cache response for Sm0k3rrr [16:14:44 53] [Insane Limits] Thread(ResponseLoop): WARNING: Cache response collision for bozzyboozze [16:18:24 34] [Insane Limits] Thread(ResponseLoop): WARNING: Cache response collision for bozzyboozze [16:19:26 98] [Insane Limits] Thread(ResponseLoop): WARNING: Cache response collision for Deathburial [16:23:11 32] [Insane Limits] Thread(ResponseLoop): WARNING: Cache response collision for Deathburial [16:24:14 01] [Insane Limits] Thread(ResponseLoop): WARNING: Unknown cache response for personitLooking at the dumpfile i see this:Code: Version: InsaneLimits Date: 12-2-2013 16:26:03 Data: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. Stack Trace: at PRoConEvents.BattleLog.CheckSuccess(Hashtable json, StatsException& statsEx) at PRoConEvents.BattleLog.fetchStats(PlayerInfo pinfo) MSIL Stack Trace: Boolean CheckSuccess(System.Collections.Hashtable, PRoConEvents.StatsException ByRef), IL: 0x0 PRoConEvents.PlayerInfo fetchStats(PRoConEvents.PlayerInfo), IL: 0x286 ----------------------------------------------- Version: InsaneLimits Date: 12-2-2013 16:26:47 Data: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. Stack Trace: at PRoConEvents.BattleLog.CheckSuccess(Hashtable json, StatsException& statsEx) at PRoConEvents.BattleLog.fetchStats(PlayerInfo pinfo) MSIL Stack Trace: Boolean CheckSuccess(System.Collections.Hashtable, PRoConEvents.StatsException ByRef), IL: 0x0 PRoConEvents.PlayerInfo fetchStats(PRoConEvents.PlayerInfo), IL: 0x286 ----------------------------------------------- Version: InsaneLimits Date: 12-2-2013 16:26:54 Data: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. Stack Trace: at PRoConEvents.BattleLog.CheckSuccess(Hashtable json, StatsException& statsEx) at PRoConEvents.BattleLog.fetchStats(PlayerInfo pinfo) MSIL Stack Trace: Boolean CheckSuccess(System.Collections.Hashtable, PRoConEvents.StatsException ByRef), IL: 0x0 PRoConEvents.PlayerInfo fetchStats(PRoConEvents.PlayerInfo), IL: 0x286 Quote * Restored post. It could be that the author is no longer active. Link to comment
ImportBot Posted February 12, 2013 Author Share Posted February 12, 2013 Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*: How is this limit set? OnIntervalServer for 5 minutes? If so, that should work. The one simplification you can do is remove these unnecessary lines (see strike through): Code: List<PlayerInfoInterface> all = new List<PlayerInfoInterface>(); all.AddRange(team1.players); all.AddRange(team2.players); if(server.DataRound.issetObject("idle")) { Dictionary<String, double> checkidle = (Dictionary<String, double>) server.DataRound.getObject("idle"); foreach(PlayerInfoInterface p in all) { if(checkidle.ContainsKey(p.Name)) { if(checkidle[p.Name] == p.ScoreRound) { if(plugin.isInList(p.Name,"Admins")) { plugin.SendPlayerMessage(p.Name, "You are Idle"); } else { plugin.KickPlayerWithMessage(p.Name, "Your Score dosent change for 5 minutes (idle)"); checkidle.Remove(p.Name); } } } else { checkidle.Add(p.Name, p.ScoreRound); } } <strike>server.DataRound.setObject("idle", new Dictionary<String, double>(checkidle));</strike> } else { server.DataRound.setObject("idle", new Dictionary<String, double>()); //name,score Dictionary<String, double> setidle = (Dictionary<String, double>) server.DataRound.getObject("idle"); foreach(PlayerInfoInterface p in all) setidle.Add(p.Name, p.ScoreRound); <strike>server.DataRound.setObject("idle", new Dictionary<String, double>(setidle));</strike> } Quote * Restored post. It could be that the author is no longer active. Link to comment
ImportBot Posted February 12, 2013 Author Share Posted February 12, 2013 Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*: Hey PC9, lately I have a lot of these errors: Good problem report. I'll look into it. Anyone else seeing this problem? How often does it happen? Quote * Restored post. It could be that the author is no longer active. Link to comment
ImportBot Posted February 12, 2013 Author Share Posted February 12, 2013 Originally Posted by EBassie*: How often does it happen?It's happening whole day long now... every few minutes I get that cache warning.But I also see XPKillers is freaking out on my DB Message: [MySQL][ODBC 5.1 Driver]Host '*******' is blocked because of many connection errors; unblock with 'mysqladmin flush-hosts'This DB is also used for the BattlelogCache data... So that might be a starters for me to check.Will report back after the flush Quote * Restored post. It could be that the author is no longer active. Link to comment
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