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Language Enforcer [] (Apr 11.)


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Originally Posted by BriDawg*:


Can anyone help me out with this.... We have multiple servers, each on their own layer, on a private box. What happens with this plugin is that it logs the plugin and the enforcercounter in the plugin folder. So, players can not play on a server they have been warned on/have points on--go to another server and continue their shit. It does this by utilizine 'PluginFolder + "LanguageEnforcerCounters.txt".... So essentially the pathway is drive:\procon\layer\plugins\BF4\


I want to change it so that all layers use the same folder in drive:\procon\


Any help in this would be appreciated.

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  • 1 month later...

Originally Posted by spatieman*:


works great, but the only anoying is the %2b stuff in each line, i think it should dump a COLOR, but in BF3 it isnt working.

it post thing like player%2bhas%2bkicked while should be player kicked,

oh well, it is manualy editable, xD

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  • 4 weeks later...

Originally Posted by iraqiboy90*:



  • Allow higher: If you set it to kill in the override settings the enforcer will limit the applied measure to kill. Even if your normal settings would kick the player.
  • Severity: Sets the increase of the counter for these words. So you can make e.g. the word "nigger" count as two bad words.
  • minimum counter afterwards: Ensures the player's counter is at least the set value after a language violation. You can for instance set the player's counter to at least 3 if he writes "shit admin". In my settings this would mean that if he uses another badword he will be kicked even if he has not done a thing before that.

So, a guy gets banned for mentioning a url.

Severity: 100.00.

Higher messure: PermBan

Minimum Counter Afterward: 100.00


and yeah, Cooldown for player: 1.00


I remove his ban after an appeal.


56 days later he mentions a bad word and he gets perm banned.

I checked the counter list after the ban, it says 43,8 points.

Which means that the "Minimum Counter Afterward" setting was ignored for some reason and it was constantly cooling the player down for the past 56 days. Right? and why?

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Originally Posted by PacmanTRT*:


So, players can not play on a server they have been warned on/have points on--go to another server and continue their shit.

I'm sorry, but I won't implement a sync feature. I think you can use AdKats for that.


The plugin chooses to punish for the word "fuck" but leaves the "n-word" undetected...

How can I switch the order or the importance of detecting a word over the other?

Via ordering it in the settings. The "problem" is, that I had to decide what to check first: Simple or Regex.

As a simple check is much faster I went for that.

You can check for unimportant words by moving them into a separate group on the bottom and choose not to override anything in the settings.


I remove his ban after an appeal.

56 days later he mentions a bad word and he gets perm banned.

The plugin does not listen for unban events. If you reset a player after unbanning him it should work flawlessly.


The minimum counter setting does apply only once. So putting the same value for severity and minimum counter has no effect.

It was meant for racism where you can e.g. set 2 as severity and 5 as minimum counter.

If that was triggered once (0 points before) the player would have 5 points afterwards.

Second time he has 7 points.

Third time he has 9 points.

and so on...

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  • 5 weeks later...

Originally Posted by BizSAR*:


i've a problem with the plugin. i get always a reset of all message settings (public+private). have anyone the same problem?

Same issue here and it's diving me nuts! Now the default text has pluses between each word. Every time I go change it, it changes back after a few minutes.

Any ideas? Folder permissions in the layer perhaps?

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Originally Posted by iraqiboy90*:


Hi again




Why is this happening?

Btw, Adkats detects accounts as linked if they have the same IP...

Imagine an Internet Cafe. Player A gets banned for bad language, all the other players there gets that ban enforced because they are linked...


How do I disable this setting?

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Originally Posted by BuRockK*:


Hi again




Why is this happening?

Btw, Adkats detects accounts as linked if they have the same IP...

Imagine an Internet Cafe. Player A gets banned for bad language, all the other players there gets that ban enforced because they are linked...


How do I disable this setting?

You dont. If that happens, just beat the sh** out of that person triggered the ban :biggrin:
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Originally Posted by ColColonCleaner*:


Hi again




Why is this happening?

Btw, Adkats detects accounts as linked if they have the same IP...

Imagine an Internet Cafe. Player A gets banned for bad language, all the other players there gets that ban enforced because they are linked...


How do I disable this setting?

Just go to player ID 45983's player page and disable enforcing his ban by IP.


You can also disable enforcing IP bans by default in the ban enforcer section.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Originally Posted by BizSAR*:


Same issue here and it's diving me nuts! Now the default text has pluses between each word. Every time I go change it, it changes back after a few minutes.

Any ideas? Folder permissions in the layer perhaps?

I had to completely reset the plugin to reset the text, but I still have the issue where changing the text resets after a minute or so.

Anyone else? Any ideas?


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  • 2 weeks later...

Originally Posted by iraqiboy90*:


lol it was a "local fix" :tongue:


but was kidding, just hope he didnt take it serious

wait what? you tell me this now_! i already beat the shit out of the player :sad: :sad:
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  • 2 weeks later...

Originally Posted by PacmanTRT*:


I had to completely reset the plugin to reset the text, but I still have the issue where changing the text resets after a minute or so.

Anyone else? Any ideas?




I don't have a gameserver on my hands anymore. You can try to use the attatched Debug-Version and send the Files it generates to me. It is however completely untested and it will definitely create a lot of Files (one per setting at least).


Attached Files:

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  • 2 months later...

Originally Posted by Deity*:


Hi all,


The language enforcer hasn't been working for the lat few days on our servers. I'm not sure what the issues are, but it's quite annoying. The list is good, and settings are normal. No detection, no kick, no tban, no message.


This message pops up in the logs at times, but I don't know what to make of it.


"Language Enforcer: Couldn't save counters. Please make sure filesystem access is granted"


Any help here?

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  • 1 month later...

Originally Posted by PacmanTRT*:


Sorry that it takes so long for me to reply. The notifications for this thread do not work properly as it seems.

Just PM me in those cases.


The counters file should just enable persistency between reboots of the layer server. So as said by BuRockK, that is not necessary for it to work.


Are you sure there is no other error message at all?

If there is an error message, but it is somehow not displayed, you can play with the "Log to" Setting in the section "2 - General".

Every error that occurs within the plugin should be written down somewhere.


If there is not: Are you sure both wordlists do have entries?

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Originally Posted by EBassie*:


Everything seems to be in order - the plugin will actually say what it's going to do "Kicking so and so for..." but not actually doing it.


I have full access to the layer server.

Maybe a stupid question, but is your server running as "OFFICIAL" instead of "RANKED"?

You cannot kick players when the server is "OFFICIAL".

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  • 3 months later...

Originally Posted by DHGreenday*:


Hi guys, I want to make some adjustments to the banned words but I have no clue about c#. I want to allow swearing but to punish for name calling, abusive language towards others etc. Allowing shit etc but not idiot etc. I also want to null phrases like "I am a noob" as its not abuse towards others.


Can anyone help me this please?

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Originally Posted by PacmanTRT*:


There should be no need to modify the code.


If I had to do it I would use Regex to negate the match. There is a sample in the default settings (Everything after the sharp is ignored):


In your case it would be something like


You can test that here with the setting for python: https://regex101.com/


Another possibility to prevent a match is to use sections.

Something like this:


i am a noob

Then set the "no-match" section to overrides that won't trigger anything and the "default" section to no overrides. The "default" section is necessary in order to mark the end of the "no-match" section.


This way you take advantage of the fact that wordlists are always processed from top to bottom and processing stops after a match has been found.

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Originally Posted by DHGreenday*:


Thanks for the quick reply, I wasn't expecting that! I managed to suss out the example (_


ok the sections way of doing things is as simple as that? Say if I wanted to add another I would simply make a new one underneith? Like..



i am a noob






i am an idiot








i am a noob

I am an idiot





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Originally Posted by PacmanTRT*:


Regex needs to be on the same line.


For the sections solution. #2 definitely works. If that's your way to keep track of things #1 might work aswell.


If it helps you can always mix the solutions. Especially "noob" is a word that can be varied easily.

E.g. write it with zeroes and you are not punished. Or write 3 Os.

Thats why my regex for "noob" was relatively complex (not to mention the one for "easy"):


As said https://regex101.com/ can explain that to you.
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Originally Posted by DHGreenday*:


Thanks loads for your help and replies. I'm trying to learn how it works with regex101 but it is a learning curve but can see kind of how things are working. Trying to add anything is going to be tricky for myself but I'm adapting pretty well so far. So a couple of questions and problems I could do with solving. The first being this..


n[o*+. &0qc]{2,}(_


I am trying to negate these phrases using this method but only the first one is negated. How can I get the others to also be negated?


Secondly, I would like to ban the word nap but only nap not say nappy or kidnapped etc is there a way to do this so that I dont have to negate words that could trigger a false detection. Another plugin has this code to do it..


R/[^a-z]{1}nap[^a-z]{1,}[ .]*


So as long as the word is literally nap within a sentence then only then is a player warned.

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Originally Posted by PacmanTRT*:


The "noob" regex seems to work on regex101. Did you set it to "case insensitive"? Otherwise "N" is not the same as "n".


To the "nap" regex:

I have no idea what the "R/" part is supposed to do.

In the default regex wordlist there is following example:

\bn[uoa]*b+s*\b# nob /nab

Just replace the simple "b" with a "[bp]" and the "[uoa]" with "a".


\b marks a word boundary. That might help you.

I tested


and it gets "napp" but ignores for instance "nappa" and "asdfnap".

Watch out since people might figure that out.


This table might help you discover regex features: http://regexlib.com/CheatSheet.aspx

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Originally Posted by DHGreenday*:


I think the R/ is just what you have to put at the start of an expression so that it takes it as regex. The other plugin doesn't have 2 lists so its altogether. Having said that [^a-z]{1}nap[^a-z]{1,}[ .]* expression doesn't work as I guess that its a different type of regex.


That table is very handy now. Its beginning to make more sense now at least I have a point of reference and I can mess around with it.


Thanks for all your help. I hope I dont have to disturb you too much more :smile:

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Originally Posted by DHGreenday*:


I'm coming back to say I'm struggling with this tbh, I don't know why I can't seem to get the above to work. I tried this..



i am a noob





that seemed to work but nothing else worked but after further testing I deleted all things that would negate "I am a noob" and it still didn't warn me for saying "noob" in the sentence. Perhaps if I can get the list of negated sentences to work then I can slowly add any that gets triggered that doesn't deserve the punishment. Perhaps this is too over my head to work on effectively :sad:


I added kid to the list and then someone (one of the trolls unfortunately) said "you're kidding" then it punished him. The only thing I could do was reset his counter even though he didn't deserve it all to be reset.


EDIT: In fact nothing that I'm adding is actually working. Somethings not right. Could you please leave a working code that I can test the theory out pls?


Yes I think definitely added an extra line as you can see..


\bk[uoa]+[pb]+s*\b# nob /nab


as well as the original..


\bn[uoa]+[pb]+s*\b# nob /nab


nob gets warned

kob doesn't

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      We'll be launching a new location for hosting procon layers in either Los Angeles, USA or Chicago, IL. Still being decided on where the placement should be but these two locations are not set in stone yet. We would like to get feedback on where we should have a new location for hosting the Procon Layers, which you can do by replying to this topic. A poll will be created where people can vote on which location they would like to see.

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      Here is how the pricing is laid out for each service as well as information about each. This is as of 7/12/2020.

      Single MySQL database (up to 30 GB) is $10 USD per month.

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      Databases will also be backed up daily and retained for 7 days.

      Procon Layer will be $2 USD per month.

      Each layer will only allow one (1) game server connection. The reason behind this is for performance.

      Each layer will also come with all available plugins installed by default. This is to help facilitate faster deployments and get you up and running quickly.

      Each layer will automatically restart if Procon crashes. 

      Each layer will also automatically restart daily at midnight to make sure it stays in tip-top shape.

      Custom plugins can be installed by submitting a support ticket.

      Battlefield Admin Control Panel (BFACP) will be $5 USD per month

      As I am still working on building version 3 of the software, I will be installing the last version I did. Once I complete version 3 it will automatically be upgraded for you.

      All these services will be managed by me so you don't have to worry about the technical side of things to get up and going.

      If you would like to see how much it would cost for the services, I made a calculator that you can use. It can be found here https://ezrcon.com/calculator.html

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    • I have pushed out a new minor release which updates the geodata pull (flags in the playerlisting). This should be way more accurate now. As always, please let me know if any problems show up.

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