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Advanced In-Game Admin and Ban Enforcer - AdKats

Message added by Prophet731,

If you've been banned from a server then you will need to appeal the ban with the owners/community of that server. We do not control any bans done on servers that utilize AdKats as all bans are local to that server.

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  • Plugin Developer

Originally Posted by ColColonCleaner*:




I really don't understand why you are enforcing some aspects of the plugin as if you were running our servers based on your own policies...


1. Which I have already mentioned several months ago:

The spambot hardcoded limit of 60 seconds interval minimum.

2. The Power Level feature where my admins cant move me or perform some commands on me, just because I have more access...

3. On the test build and now; The new enforcement of timeouts for some commands; self_kill, reporting, banning, kicking and punishing.

4. The newest enforcement of the AnyHidden on some commands.


We are not a big clan/community like ADK where trust and misuse can be an issue.

I trust my own admins and I have my own policies set in place in case misuse happens.


So why? Enlighten me, please.

1. This is the most subjective out of all the points, and we've already discussed it. I believe it is cruel to players to make them see messages at a higher frequency and won't allow my plugin to do it without someone taking time to mod the source, simple as that. 60 is already very low, and frankly it should be increased but I wouldn't want to step on toes without good reason. There are many other spambots available so please use them if this does not meet your need to overload chat.


2. Power level was just something added as a feature, so if it's blocking valid admin operations that can be considered a bug and modified. Which commands in particular does denial by power level impede normal operations?


3. Original intent of the commands. The only timeout changed which is affecting players would be self kill, it does not affect admins as they can simply /kill to kill themselves. Self kill was made to help players get out of situations like being stuck or glitched out of maps without needing to take an unwarranted suicide death. Players in other communities and our own were found to be using the command to escape death count increases and pad their k/d, a notable player was found with over 700 usages of the command in 2 weeks time. This was not the original intent for the command, so it was modified to mitigate that issue. Same with changes to the assist command.


If you want to ban a player twice in the span of 90 seconds, or kick a player before they have time to load in again i'd like to hear that use case. The reason for kick/punish timeouts are described in the plugin docs and those timeouts have been there for eons. Timeouts on admin commands are to prevent orchestration issues with autoadmins, and to make sure duplicate records are not posted or overwritten by multiple admins acting on the same player. Timeouts on player commands like self kill or action restrictions on player commands like assist are to prevent abuse. But again, if you have a valid use case for these timeouts to be modified please let me know.


4. Once again dealing with original intent of the commands. Player say, it's a private message to a player, so if an admin types !psay dude privatethings in global chat it's not a private message anymore because he just announced that message to the whole server. Player find, it returns the location of a player on the scoreboard. An admin putting !find dude in global chat is chat spam to everyone but the issuing admin. The other restrictions in your question fall under the same cases. There is nothing 'ADK' about these command restrictions, they are put in place to make commands function as originally intended or better than they normally would.



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  • Plugin Developer

Originally Posted by ColColonCleaner*:


Are the quotation marks required? Ill be doing more testing on this tomorrow....


No, it's literally your autoadmin pretending to be an in-game admin issuing commands in chat, you just won't see them. It works the same way as issuing /commands from the procon chat window, the acting admin will show up as ProconAdmin.
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Originally Posted by Lucky567*:


A player has been changed to the other team.

August 21, 2015 1:20 pm EDT AUAManager The Tigerfibel @ Best Maps Conquest Large | Votemap Assist Losing Team Assist Losing Team Auto-assist Weak Team [705: 491] [28m21s]

Who or what is the AUAMANAGER?

By what it is triggered and how can I register these players whitelist?

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  • Plugin Developer

Originally Posted by ColColonCleaner*:


A player has been changed to the other team.

August 21, 2015 1:20 pm EDT AUAManager The Tigerfibel @ Best Maps Conquest Large | Votemap Assist Losing Team Assist Losing Team Auto-assist Weak Team [705: 491] [28m21s]

Who or what is the AUAMANAGER?

By what it is triggered and how can I register these players whitelist?

Someone put them on the auto-assist blacklist. Remove that player from the auto-assist blacklist.
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Originally Posted by iraqiboy90*:



1. I understand why you dont want to see what you made become a tool to abuse people with, but I believe in self-responsibility. If the clan/community chooses to set the interval to 10 seconds, then that's their choice, but it's a wrong one that would make people get pissed and leave their servers.

More people for us :smile:

But ok, I have already modded the source to be able to make a very important one line sentence repeat itself every 50 seconds. It's the most important rule in the server.


2. Since 6.7 and onward, I have several times modded the code to be able to allow my admins to !move and !fmove me. Those are my current two concerns at the moment.

But then again, free choice should be allowed.


3. I have not tested the timeout themselves, but I have imagined what can happen in future situations and situations that has already happened to me before.

In regards to the punishments, if I want to punish multiple players, one after the other, but very quickly, for the same offence that they are all doing (i.e. Baserape), I would then need to use the !punish several times within 18 seconds.

I am not talking about punishing/kicking/banning the same player, I'm talking about doing that to unique players. There is already another hardcoded auto feature of not acting on same player within few seconds.


OnlineAdminSayMessage("Report on " + record.GetTargetNames() + " blocked. Player already acted on.");
Now that's an interesting point in regards to autoadmin not doing duplicates, but these delays;

- 18 seconds for punishments

- 30 seconds for kicking

- 30 for temp banning.

- 90 seconds for perm banning

is way too high and this is affecting manual admin as well.


4. In regards to Player Say, I understand, but for the instances for i.e. the !find command, I need players to see it for them to see that such commands exists. Also for the reason that we are already adapted to using the ! prefix.

Again, free choice :smile:



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  • Plugin Developer

Originally Posted by ColColonCleaner*:


1. I understand why you dont want to see what you made become a tool to abuse people with, but I believe in self-responsibility. If the clan/community chooses to set the interval to 10 seconds, then that's their choice, but it's a wrong one that would make people get pissed and leave their servers.

More people for us :smile:

But ok, I have already modded the source to be able to make a very important one line sentence repeat itself every 50 seconds. It's the most important rule in the server.


2. Since 6.7 and onward, I have several times modded the code to be able to allow my admins to !move and !fmove me. Those are my current two concerns at the moment.

But then again, free choice should be allowed.


3. I have not tested the timeout themselves, but I have imagined what can happen in future situations and situations that has already happened to me before.

In regards to the punishments, if I want to punish multiple players, one after the other, but very quickly, for the same offence that they are all doing (i.e. Baserape), I would then need to use the !punish several times within 18 seconds.

I am not talking about punishing/kicking/banning the same player, I'm talking about doing that to unique players. There is already another hardcoded auto feature of not acting on same player within few seconds.


OnlineAdminSayMessage("Report on " + record.GetTargetNames() + " blocked. Player already acted on.");
Now that's an interesting point in regards to autoadmin not doing duplicates, but these delays;

- 18 seconds for punishments

- 30 seconds for kicking

- 30 for temp banning.

- 90 seconds for perm banning

is way too high and this is affecting manual admin as well.


4. In regards to Player Say, I understand, but for the instances for i.e. the !find command, I need players to see it for them to see that such commands exists. Also for the reason that we are already adapted to using the ! prefix.

Again, free choice :smile:



1. I'm sure the change from 60 to 50 seconds will make a big difference, I remember before when you first questioned this restriction and wanted to run 30 second intervals on messages. Not budging on this one. If this rule is so important why not just make it a first/second spawn private say/yell message instead of making the whole server hurt for it through every minute of play?


2. I'll remove the move commands from power level restriction.


3. Uh, there is confusion here, timeout does not work the way you think it does... timeout only affects the target of a command, not the source (unless the source is the target). You can issue action commands like punish as often as you want, they just can't be issued against the SAME TARGET more often than that. I thought I already described this, it's so multiple admins don't act on the same player for the same thing more than once. For example you can't permaban the same player more often than 90 seconds, and you can't punish the same player more often than 18 seconds. It would be stupid to restrict how often admins can issue action commands on different targets, is that what you actually thought I was doing?


4. I'll remove it for find, didn't think of that case.


EDIT: Updates.

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  • Plugin Developer

Originally Posted by ColColonCleaner*:




Any option in future to the same clan tag is kept in the same team?


Posted Image

Players in that system are ordered by how often they are top placing in the server (top 10 on their team). It's sorted by the percentage and split evenly, so each team has as close to equal percentage as possible, and players have equal chance to either be together or split. I don't have ideas as to how keeping those together would be accomplished without going against the balance goal.
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Originally Posted by Hodor*:


Players in that system are ordered by how often they are top placing in the server (top 10 on their team). It's sorted by the percentage and split evenly, so each team has as close to equal percentage as possible, and players have equal chance to either be together or split. I don't have ideas as to how keeping those together would be accomplished without going against the balance goal.

Really need to do the function of True/False (Keep same clan tags in Squad)
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Originally Posted by iraqiboy90*:


1. I'm sure the change from 60 to 50 seconds will make a big difference, I remember before when you first questioned this restriction and wanted to run 30 second intervals on messages. Not budging on this one. If this rule is so important why not just make it a first/second spawn private say/yell message instead of making the whole server hurt for it through every minute of play?


2. I'll remove the move commands from power level restriction.


3. Uh, there is confusion here, timeout does not work the way you think it does... timeout only affects the target of a command, not the source (unless the source is the target). You can issue action commands like punish as often as you want, they just can't be issued against the SAME TARGET more often than that. I thought I already described this, it's so multiple admins don't act on the same player for the same thing more than once. For example you can't permaban the same player more often than 90 seconds, and you can't punish the same player more often than 18 seconds. It would be stupid to restrict how often admins can issue action commands on different targets, is that what you actually thought I was doing?


4. I'll remove it for find, didn't think of that case.


EDIT: Updates.

1. If, "60 to 50 seconds will make a big difference" then 30 to 35 would also make your statement a little less exaggerated :smile:


The reason why I'm using the 50 now is because now it's only one sentence, unlike previously where it was different messages where they had to be rolling faster to see them all in a shorter time. The other reason why it's less than 60 seconds is because I have other things happening on the chatbox; the votemap where it spams the vote options 2-3 times every round, and chats from people.


I have already a statement set on the first spawn to tell players to read the rules, but I can add it there as well to secure that the rule has been delivered to the reader, then they won't be complaining that they didnt know about that rule. Thanks for the tip :smile:


2. Thanks.


3. Yes, that's what I thought it meant. I thought it applied to the source.

In that case, I understand why such long timeouts :smile:


4. Thanks :smile:





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  • Plugin Developer

Originally Posted by ColColonCleaner*:


1. If, "60 to 50 seconds will make a big difference" then 30 to 35 would also make your statement a little less exaggerated :smile:


The reason why I'm using the 50 now is because now it's only one sentence, unlike previously where it was different messages where they had to be rolling faster to see them all in a shorter time. The other reason why it's less than 60 seconds is because I have other things happening on the chatbox; the votemap where it spams the vote options 2-3 times every round, and chats from people.


I have already a statement set on the first spawn to tell players to read the rules, but I can add it there as well to secure that the rule has been delivered to the reader, then they won't be complaining that they didnt know about that rule. Thanks for the tip :smile:


2. Thanks.


3. Yes, that's what I thought it meant. I thought it applied to the source.

In that case, I understand why such long timeouts :smile:


4. Thanks :smile:





I was being heavily sarcastic in my response to 1, it should have minimal if not negligible impact going from 60 to 50 seconds between messages.


EDIT: This statement is from an enforcing rules standpoint, not an annoying players standpoint.

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Originally Posted by Coldstream*:


I have this problem where some clanmember gets banned automatic no matter if i keep removing his bans.

He has been false flagged on metabans (and that one has been taken off too,) for some odd DPS Automatic ban, and whenever i keep unbanning him the AutoAdmin keeps banning him when he joins.

Tried to put him on the Hacker-Check whitelist and removed him with the mini ban management too, but whenever he joins he will be banned again.

Where should i look to prevent autoadmin to ban him?

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  • Plugin Developer

Originally Posted by ColColonCleaner*:


I have this problem where some clanmember gets banned automatic no matter if i keep removing his bans.

He has been false flagged on metabans (and that one has been taken off too,) for some odd DPS Automatic ban, and whenever i keep unbanning him the AutoAdmin keeps banning him when he joins.

Tried to put him on the Hacker-Check whitelist and removed him with the mini ban management too, but whenever he joins he will be banned again.

Where should i look to prevent autoadmin to ban him?

Hmmm. Firstly update to the latest version (/pupdate), some changes were made surrounding that.


After that, does his player display in section 3-2 and 3-3 under the normal and verbose hacker-checker whitelists? Let me know if that fixes the issue.

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Originally Posted by EntraVenuS*:


Hi colColon


Im trying to see if there is any way of monitoring admin seeding .. as i want to to make our admin seed more often .. is there any way plugin or otherwise i can build a chart etc of admin actually seeding our servers ?

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Originally Posted by Hodor*:





[22:11:31 11] [AdKats] EXCEPTION-6808-UploadStatistic-DatabaseComm41: [Statistic round ID was invalid when uploading, unable to continue.]
[22:11:31 11] [AdKats] EXCEPTION-6808-UploadStatistic-DatabaseComm41: [Statistic round ID was invalid when uploading, unable to continue.]
[22:11:31 11] [AdKats] EXCEPTION-6808-UploadStatistic-DatabaseComm41: [Statistic round ID was invalid when uploading, unable to continue.]
[22:11:31 11] [AdKats] EXCEPTION-6808-UploadStatistic-DatabaseComm41: [Statistic round ID was invalid when uploading, unable to continue.]
[22:11:31 11] [AdKats] EXCEPTION-6808-UploadStatistic-DatabaseComm41: [Statistic round ID was invalid when uploading, unable to continue.]
[22:11:31 11] [AdKats] EXCEPTION-6808-UploadStatistic-DatabaseComm41: [Statistic round ID was invalid when uploading, unable to continue.]
[22:11:31 11] [AdKats] EXCEPTION-6808-UploadStatistic-DatabaseComm41: [Statistic round ID was invalid when uploading, unable to continue.]
[22:11:31 11] [AdKats] EXCEPTION-6808-UploadStatistic-DatabaseComm41: [Statistic round ID was invalid when uploading, unable to continue.]
[22:11:31 11] [AdKats] EXCEPTION-6808-UploadStatistic-DatabaseComm41: [Statistic round ID was invalid when uploading, unable to continue.]
[22:11:31 11] [AdKats] EXCEPTION-6808-UploadStatistic-DatabaseComm41: [Statistic round ID was invalid when uploading, unable to continue.]
[22:11:31 12] [AdKats] EXCEPTION-6808-UploadStatistic-DatabaseComm41: [Statistic round ID was invalid when uploading, unable to continue.]
Is that bullshit with g-portal mysql connection?


When i choose allow after some time i got in console [AdKats] INFO: Removing command self_feedback from role guest_default and it again becomes Dany

* Restored post. It could be that the author is no longer active.
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  • Plugin Developer

Originally Posted by ColColonCleaner*:


Hi colColon


Im trying to see if there is any way of monitoring admin seeding .. as i want to to make our admin seed more often .. is there any way plugin or otherwise i can build a chart etc of admin actually seeding our servers ?

You can turn on monitoring of populators and watch who in the list are admins, there is no way to distinguish who in the list are admins right now.
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  • Plugin Developer

Originally Posted by ColColonCleaner*:





[22:11:31 11] [AdKats] EXCEPTION-6808-UploadStatistic-DatabaseComm41: [Statistic round ID was invalid when uploading, unable to continue.]
[22:11:31 11] [AdKats] EXCEPTION-6808-UploadStatistic-DatabaseComm41: [Statistic round ID was invalid when uploading, unable to continue.]
[22:11:31 11] [AdKats] EXCEPTION-6808-UploadStatistic-DatabaseComm41: [Statistic round ID was invalid when uploading, unable to continue.]
[22:11:31 11] [AdKats] EXCEPTION-6808-UploadStatistic-DatabaseComm41: [Statistic round ID was invalid when uploading, unable to continue.]
[22:11:31 11] [AdKats] EXCEPTION-6808-UploadStatistic-DatabaseComm41: [Statistic round ID was invalid when uploading, unable to continue.]
[22:11:31 11] [AdKats] EXCEPTION-6808-UploadStatistic-DatabaseComm41: [Statistic round ID was invalid when uploading, unable to continue.]
[22:11:31 11] [AdKats] EXCEPTION-6808-UploadStatistic-DatabaseComm41: [Statistic round ID was invalid when uploading, unable to continue.]
[22:11:31 11] [AdKats] EXCEPTION-6808-UploadStatistic-DatabaseComm41: [Statistic round ID was invalid when uploading, unable to continue.]
[22:11:31 11] [AdKats] EXCEPTION-6808-UploadStatistic-DatabaseComm41: [Statistic round ID was invalid when uploading, unable to continue.]
[22:11:31 11] [AdKats] EXCEPTION-6808-UploadStatistic-DatabaseComm41: [Statistic round ID was invalid when uploading, unable to continue.]
[22:11:31 12] [AdKats] EXCEPTION-6808-UploadStatistic-DatabaseComm41: [Statistic round ID was invalid when uploading, unable to continue.]
Is that bullshit with g-portal mysql connection?


When i choose allow after some time i got in console [AdKats] INFO: Removing command self_feedback from role guest_default and it again becomes Dany

Did this happen a short time after enabling the plugin or rebooting the layer? Within one/two rounds after?
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Originally Posted by Hodor*:


Did this happen a short time after enabling the plugin or rebooting the layer? Within one/two rounds after?

I dont know, just happened today. I can put a few commands to Allow and after some time they will again become Deny
* Restored post. It could be that the author is no longer active.
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Originally Posted by Hodor*:


Is it ok? I didn't do that



[15:28:07 36] [AdKats] INFO: Removing command self_rep from role test_admin
[15:28:07 36] [AdKats] INFO: Removing command self_feedback from role test_admin
[15:28:07 36] [AdKats] INFO: Removing command player_kill from role test_admin
[15:28:07 36] [AdKats] INFO: Removing command player_kick from role test_admin
[15:28:07 36] [AdKats] INFO: Removing command player_ban_temp from role test_admin
[15:28:07 36] [AdKats] INFO: Removing command player_mute from role test_admin
[15:28:07 36] [AdKats] INFO: Removing command admin_say from role test_admin
[15:28:07 36] [AdKats] INFO: Removing command player_say from role test_admin
[15:28:07 36] [AdKats] INFO: Removing command admin_yell from role test_admin
[15:28:07 36] [AdKats] INFO: Removing command player_yell from role test_admin
[15:28:07 36] [AdKats] INFO: Removing command admin_tell from role test_admin
[15:28:07 36] [AdKats] INFO: Removing command player_tell from role test_admin
[15:28:07 36] [AdKats] INFO: Removing command self_lead from role test_admin
[15:28:07 36] [AdKats] INFO: Removing command player_kill_force from role test_admin
[15:28:07 36] [AdKats] INFO: Removing command player_warn from role test_admin
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Originally Posted by GitSum*:


I am seeing a lot of this:



[08:33:58 46] [AdKats] EXCEPTION-6800-FetchPlayerBattlelogInformation-BattlelogComm43: [Could not find persona ID for []V[]orpheus]
[08:34:01 50] [AdKats] EXCEPTION-6800-FetchPlayerBattlelogInformation-BattlelogComm43: [Could not find persona ID for []V[]orpheus]
[08:34:04 55] [AdKats] EXCEPTION-6800-FetchPlayerBattlelogInformation-BattlelogComm43: [Could not find persona ID for []V[]orpheus]
edit to add

I originally searched this thread for "EXCEPTION-6800" but I couldn't find anything, then after I posted I searched for 'persona ID' and I see where a simple layer restart fixes it and that seemed to work for me also

* Restored post. It could be that the author is no longer active.
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  • Plugin Developer

Originally Posted by ColColonCleaner*:


Is it ok? I didn't do that



[15:28:07 36] [AdKats] INFO: Removing command self_rep from role test_admin
[15:28:07 36] [AdKats] INFO: Removing command self_feedback from role test_admin
[15:28:07 36] [AdKats] INFO: Removing command player_kill from role test_admin
[15:28:07 36] [AdKats] INFO: Removing command player_kick from role test_admin
[15:28:07 36] [AdKats] INFO: Removing command player_ban_temp from role test_admin
[15:28:07 36] [AdKats] INFO: Removing command player_mute from role test_admin
[15:28:07 36] [AdKats] INFO: Removing command admin_say from role test_admin
[15:28:07 36] [AdKats] INFO: Removing command player_say from role test_admin
[15:28:07 36] [AdKats] INFO: Removing command admin_yell from role test_admin
[15:28:07 36] [AdKats] INFO: Removing command player_yell from role test_admin
[15:28:07 36] [AdKats] INFO: Removing command admin_tell from role test_admin
[15:28:07 36] [AdKats] INFO: Removing command player_tell from role test_admin
[15:28:07 36] [AdKats] INFO: Removing command self_lead from role test_admin
[15:28:07 36] [AdKats] INFO: Removing command player_kill_force from role test_admin
[15:28:07 36] [AdKats] INFO: Removing command player_warn from role test_admin
Which version are you using?
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  • Plugin Developer

Originally Posted by ColColonCleaner*:


I am seeing a lot of this:



[08:33:58 46] [AdKats] EXCEPTION-6800-FetchPlayerBattlelogInformation-BattlelogComm43: [Could not find persona ID for []V[]orpheus]
[08:34:01 50] [AdKats] EXCEPTION-6800-FetchPlayerBattlelogInformation-BattlelogComm43: [Could not find persona ID for []V[]orpheus]
[08:34:04 55] [AdKats] EXCEPTION-6800-FetchPlayerBattlelogInformation-BattlelogComm43: [Could not find persona ID for []V[]orpheus]
edit to add

I originally searched this thread for "EXCEPTION-6800" but I couldn't find anything, then after I posted I searched for 'persona ID' and I see where a simple layer restart fixes it and that seemed to work for me also

I'm seeing a pattern here, it's just a load of invalid player names that it can't find. []V[]orpheus is not a valid player name. Now to find out how a player name like that is getting into the system.
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  • Plugin Developer

Originally Posted by ColColonCleaner*:


I am seeing a lot of this:



[08:33:58 46] [AdKats] EXCEPTION-6800-FetchPlayerBattlelogInformation-BattlelogComm43: [Could not find persona ID for []V[]orpheus]
[08:34:01 50] [AdKats] EXCEPTION-6800-FetchPlayerBattlelogInformation-BattlelogComm43: [Could not find persona ID for []V[]orpheus]
[08:34:04 55] [AdKats] EXCEPTION-6800-FetchPlayerBattlelogInformation-BattlelogComm43: [Could not find persona ID for []V[]orpheus]
edit to add

I originally searched this thread for "EXCEPTION-6800" but I couldn't find anything, then after I posted I searched for 'persona ID' and I see where a simple layer restart fixes it and that seemed to work for me also

I posted an update that will reject processing of incoming players if their soldier name is invalid like that. See if that solves this issue. If it doesn't we'll have to try something else.
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      procon.private.options.BlockRssFeedNews False

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    • I wanted I let you know that I am starting to build out the foundation for the hosting services that I talked about here. The pricing model I was originally going for wasn't going to be suitable for how I want to build it. So instead I decided to offer each service as it's own product instead of a package deal. In the future, hopefully, I will be able to do this and offer discounts to those that choose it.

      Here is how the pricing is laid out for each service as well as information about each. This is as of 7/12/2020.

      Single MySQL database (up to 30 GB) is $10 USD per month.

      If you go over the 30 GB usage for the database then each additional gigabyte is charged at $0.10 USD each billing cycle. If you're under 30GB you don't need to worry about this.

      Databases are replicated across 3 zones (regions) for redundancy. One (1) on the east coast of the USA, One (1) in Frankfurt, and One (1) in Singapore. Depending on the demand, this would grow to more regions.

      Databases will also be backed up daily and retained for 7 days.

      Procon Layer will be $2 USD per month.

      Each layer will only allow one (1) game server connection. The reason behind this is for performance.

      Each layer will also come with all available plugins installed by default. This is to help facilitate faster deployments and get you up and running quickly.

      Each layer will automatically restart if Procon crashes. 

      Each layer will also automatically restart daily at midnight to make sure it stays in tip-top shape.

      Custom plugins can be installed by submitting a support ticket.

      Battlefield Admin Control Panel (BFACP) will be $5 USD per month

      As I am still working on building version 3 of the software, I will be installing the last version I did. Once I complete version 3 it will automatically be upgraded for you.

      All these services will be managed by me so you don't have to worry about the technical side of things to get up and going.

      If you would like to see how much it would cost for the services, I made a calculator that you can use. It can be found here https://ezrcon.com/calculator.html

      • 11 replies
    • I have pushed out a new minor release which updates the geodata pull (flags in the playerlisting). This should be way more accurate now. As always, please let me know if any problems show up.

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