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ProconRulz - take admin action on triggers, e.g. weapon limit


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Originally Posted by stuckmoto*:


In this rule:

On Kill;Damage Explosive;Not Weapon HG-2;Count 3;Kick You were kicked for Explosive/Rocket kills

On Kill;Damage ProjectileExplosive;Count 3;Kick You were kicked for Explosive/Rocket kills

On Kill;Damage Explosive;Not Weapon HG-2;Say %p% No Explosive/Rocket kills on this server (#%c%);Kill

On Kill;Damage ProjectileExplosive;Say %p% No Explosive/Rocket kills on this server (#%c%);Kill


You used #%c%. What does the # do before the count(sorry I don't know programming - yet)

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Originally Posted by bambam*:


The '#' character as the FIRST character on the line makes the rule a COMMENT


A '#' anywhere else in a rule is just a character like any other.


So in a 'Say' action such as 'On Kill;Say %p% has killed %v% with %w% (kill #%c%)', %p% will be replaced with player name, %v% with the name of the victim, %w% with the name of the weapon, and %c% with the number of times the rule has been fired by this player, so the following say text will appear:


[OFc] bambam has killed DozySnipa with Combat Knife (kill #7)

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Originally Posted by trnapster*:


Hey bambam

I want to post a little Wishlist for the next few releases:

#1: PlayerYell

#2: move: to move a player to the other team

#3: tempban

#4: Fix for the sp_shotgun_s bug


can you please tell me which are possible/impossible

And do you have a date for the next release? Dont hurry but I want to limit those slugs as fast as possible :ohmy:

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Originally Posted by bambam*:


hadlock Name condition


hadlock as asked earlier about a rule being specific to a given player, rather that just using %p%, e.g. announcing knife kills by a particular player. I'll think about it, there are a few ways it could be done. E.g. a new 'Name' condition which would test whether the current player name contains the condition argument as a substring, e.g.


On Kill;Name bambam;Weapon knv-1;Yell Run!!! Bambam's got his knife out


Not particularly difficult to do - we'd properly have related condions Name, Clan, VictimName, VictimClan.


That's the most obvious route, but maybe better would be to provide a more general 'Match' condition, e.g.


On Kill;Match %p% bambam;Weapon knv-1;Yell Run!!! Bambam's got his knife out


%p% could be %v% for the rule to work on victims, or any other substitution variable.


Score extra points if you worked out the 'Weapon knv-1' condition could then alternatively be "Match %w% knv-1". Maybe there'd be 'Equal %var% string' for an exact match and 'Match %var% string' for a substring match... Where possible I'd like to provide conditions with the most flexibilty in use, so Match is probably better than Name...


next release in a week or so maybe, assuming I complete testing


So understood, I'll keep it in mind, but won't implement it before I get the next release out. The next release has a couple of features that will need some bedding down - the 'team' related rules (e.g. "Kit Recon 1;Kill" which is 1 recon per team) *should* now work ok on a Squad Deathmatch server (that becomes one recon per squad), and also there's a fairly radical new action "Exec" which send *any* command to the BF server e.g. "Exec levelVars.set all vehiclesDisabled true" - that provides major possibilities but also plenty of opportunity to really screw up. For example I have no idea whether enabling/disabling vehicles in real-time actually works as intended or waits for round end or what - that's not a ProconRulz issue.


Also there's multi-word weapons support (some heli weapons, 1 rifle) - these work currently but you can't write rulz directly involving them ("Weapon M1A1 Thompson" parses wrong on ProconRulz v31)


New counts for the server and teams, so rules can fire based on server or team counts (currently all counts are per-player) "On Kill;Weapon knv-1;Not ServerCount 1;Yell %p% gets first knife kill!!!"


In the coming version Actions can be targetted at players other than the one that triggered the rule, in a limited way. I.e. a new 'TargetPlayer' condition will extract a playername from 'say text'. A new action 'TargetAction' applies actions to the TargetPlayer. For example this means you can implement in-game admin, although that already comes by default with Procon anyway... ("On Say;Text xkill;TargetPlayer;TargetAction Kill")


There's a new PlayerYell action (does what you'd expect) and an 'AdminSay' action that outputs 'say' text only to the admins online, not the other players (so your rules can warn of hackers via AdminSay for example), or you can use it for in game admin-only chat.


The workaround for the BFBC2 12-Gauge Sabot Rounds bug should be working ok (BFBC2 assigns the 'shotgun slugs' specialization in error to LOTS of players, even though they don't have a shotgun, and this screws up admin rules trying to block slugs). ProconRulz will *only* record slugs if the player also has a weapon that can do damage 'shotgun'.


And there'll be an optional whitelist for player and clan names to be protected from kill/kick/ban actions, in addition to the existing optional protection of ReservedSlots players and automatic protection of Procon admins.



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Originally Posted by Rapidorg*:


@ bambam: If you need some extra testing on the SQDM part of the plugin let me know. I have 2 SQDM servers now with both different types of rules so I can run more then a few tests. Also I really want to test the "Kill on Range" (if that is still a feature) for anti-camping measurements.

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Originally Posted by bambam*:


Thanks Rapidorg... lol for sqdm the accurate phrase would be 'testing', not 'extra testing'...


I've attached a BETA version ( ProconRulz_beta32 ) which should sit alongside any existing version of ProconRulz you have so you can just disable one, enable the other. There is a shedload of new stuff in this release but if at least you check out the behaviour on a SQDM server that will help. I've been tidying up a variety of minor snags but on our full server last night the plugin ran without flagging any issues. This version has a lot more error-checking in it and it will give some warning messages in the plugin console if necessary but will still continue.


For SQDM the key issue is the support of counts within TEAMS (as in "Kit Recon 1"), which should work seamlessly with sqdm squads.


Here's a block of suggested rulz for SQDM testing, modify as you want:



On Spawn;Damage SniperRifle 1;Say %p% only 1 sniper per squad;Log %p% sniper limit. Team: %pt%. Weapons: %w%. Damage: %d%;Kill



On Kill;Damage SniperRifle;Not Kit Recon;Say %p% no sniper rifle pickup for %k%;Kill 100



On Spawn;Spec sp_shotgun_s;Say %p% no 12-Gauge Sabot Rounds;Weapons: %w%. Damage: %d%. Specs %spec%;Kill 5000



On Spawn;%p% spawned (#%c%). Team: %pt%. Kit %k%. Weapons: %w%. Specs: %spec%.

On Kill;%p% %k% killed %v% with %w% (%d%) (#%c%, %pt% #%tc%)



On Round;Log Map %m% loaded in mode %mm%


You can also use the 'MapMode Deathmatch' condition to limit your rulz to that mode if you want:


On Spawn;MapMode Deathmatch;Kit Recon 1;Say 1 sniper per squad in Squad Deathmatch;Kill


In general it's just a case of watching the Procon chat window while a game is in progress and you should see the various ProconRulz messages scrolling by... I use a laptop for that while I'm gaming on the server myself.


cheers - Bambam


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Originally Posted by Rapidorg*:


Much thanks Bambam. I will report any error I find. The plugin will be used for 2 different servers so I have enough input for the plugin so finding an error for SQDM will be easy... i hope.


I have a dual screen setup so I'm watching procon closely to see what happens.



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Originally Posted by bambam*:


Thanks - in general the conditions from ProconRulz v31 should operate pretty much as before, with the only difference for sqdm being proper handling of the multiple teams in sqdm as opposed to 2 in rush and conquest. I.e. conditions such as:


"Kit Recon 1" --- the "1" in this rule means check the total in the current team, which should now work for all sqdm squads

"MapMode Deathmatch" -- I already checked this works ok

The "TeamKit", "TeamWeapon", "TeamDamage" and "TeamSpec" conditions should work for sqdm squads

The %pt% (player team) and %vt% (victim team) substitutions should say things like "Alpha" etc for sqdm

The "Team xxx" condition should work with Squad1, Squad2, Squad3, Squad4, although in a symmetical game like sqdm I don't think you need this condition (it's different with attack/defend)

There's a new subst var %tc% and condition "TeamCount" which work with the number of times a rule has fired for a TEAM, and these should work with SQDM squads also (e.g. On Kill;Weapon knv-1;Say %tc% knife kills for %pt%).


ALSO, if you say "prdebug counts" in the say text, ProconRulz will dump some data into the plugin console, showing who it thinks is in which team, and who has any of the 'watched' items.

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Originally Posted by Rapidorg*:


Well I tested the first set of rules regarding the 1 sniper per squad. It works great except for "PlayerYell". Maybe its the wrong condition but I noticed that a lot of players dont read the chat. A yell would be better to notify the player.


The next thing I want to test is the scores displayed in the chat or even (if possible) to "TeamYell".


For "prdebug counts", I just put it in but the server is empty so no data. Isnt this pretty much the same as "On Spawn;Log %pt% %p% spawned as %k%". This will exclude the "watched" items.


So if I'm correct the "prdebug" shows all players who have a rocket or tube if this is somewhere in a rule?


EDIT: I also noticed that Procon Rulz now only shows how much rules have been activated and doesnt seem to give a detailed view of all the rules compiled.

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Originally Posted by bambam*:


thanks Rapidorg - no major probs so far then...


you can test "PlayerYell" with a rule "On Say;Text xtest;PlayerYell Testing PlayerYell!!" and say "xtest" in any say chat...


I'm pretty sure it worked fine when I tested it... the only subtlety is that you see the Yell and other players don't.


Well spotted the rulz listing when ProconRulz launches is now just "ProconRulz has loaded 60 rulz" or whatever. If ProconRulz doesn't like the syntax of any rule it loads it *will* still spit out a load-time message and ignore the bad rule though, so if you don't see the error message you can assume all your rulz are ok. I do have over 60 rulz and them all being listed was scrolling off my plugin window anyway and you could *not* then see if a rule was bad... if you want detailed analysis of the rules loaded you can set 'Trace Rules' to 'Yes' and then *disable* ProconRulz - the plugin will then output a formatted version of your rulz it's compiled to the plugin console...


Saying "prdebug counts" just triggers a debug dump of some data in case you think you've found something complicated in the test, e.g. with just me online:


[18:08:43] ProconRulz: ****************Debug command counts**********************

[18:08:43] ProconRulz: ***************Debug command players*********************

[18:08:43] ProconRulz: players in new player cache =

[18:08:43] ProconRulz: players (team 1:Attackers) = [OFc] bambam

[18:08:43] ProconRulz: ********************Debug command teamsize******************

[18:08:43] ProconRulz: min teamsize 0

[18:08:43] ProconRulz: players (team 1:Attackers) = 1 players: [OFc] bambam

[18:08:43] ProconRulz: ********************Debug command watched******************

[18:08:43] ProconRulz: Watched items are: sp_shotgun_s, shotgun, explosive, projectileexplosive, recon, sniperrifle, defib

[18:08:43] ProconRulz: spawn_counts (team 1:Attackers) = sp_shotgun_s(0: ) shotgun(0: ) explosive(1:[OFc] bambam) projectileexplosive(0: ) recon(1:[OFc] bambam) sniperrifle(1:[OFc] bambam) defib(0: )


This was important as I was debugging the 'sp_shotgun_s' 12-Gauge Sabot Rounds issue so I could see who ProconRulz thought had spawned with the various watched items on the various teams. The idea is that this should all still work for Squad Deathmatch but it should say 'Team 1:Alpha' probably...


While you're playing around with it, here's a useful condition I've been using more and more: "Not Count 1" (with this new version you can also use Not TeamCount 1 and Not ServerCount 1). That condition has the effect of the rule firing only ONCE when the conditions are met PER ROUND (counts reset at round end) for the player, team or server respectively. The condition literally means "rule has not been triggered more than one times" which therefore only succeeds the first time it's triggered... I just remember Not Count 1 means "once" and get on with it. E.g. first server knife kill is "On Kill;Weapon knv-1;Not ServerCount 1;Yell First knife kill to %p%!!". Nothing to do with squad deathmatch but whatever...

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Originally Posted by Plasmatique*:


ok, just to be sure....to allow the vehicles to be blown up should I change the rules from (projectile)explosives to the actual weapons?

Cause I now get situations where people get kicked when they kill a bradley with 3 people in it :sad:

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Originally Posted by Blackhand-Bonehead*:


Guys I have tried always to install this plugin and it wont show in my Procon. I am on a layer with rconhosting, I stop my layer and Local Procons, Uploaded Plugin Via FTP to Plugings BFBC2 and Root Dir (did Root Because It would Not Show up In Bfbc2) Restarted Layer & Local Procon Nothing. Any Help would be Nice.

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Originally Posted by bambam*:


@Plasmatique - to understand you need to know Battlefield *ignores* vehicles as far as kills are concerned. Three people inside a vehicle killed by a rocket count just the same as three people standing in a field killed by a rocket. You have rulz that slay any player that makes rocket kills. I'm guessing from your comments that actually you want rulz that say it is ok to rocket-kill a player inside a tank, but not outside - NO plugin is capable of doing this because all BF says is "A killed B with RPG-7", not whether B was in a tank or not. I didn't notice from your earlier posts that it was "rockets on infantry" that you wanted to block, which isn't possible.


@Bonehead - ProconRulz is completely vanilla as far as Procon is concerned, and is a single "ProconRulz.cs" file to put in the "Plugins\BFBC2" folder. You don't need to start/stop Procon / Layers whatever, just click 'reload plugins' on the parent Procon plugin tab. Have you uploaded any other plugins ok? Did you remove the .cs file from the zip first?

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Originally Posted by trnapster*:


No, you cant solve the Problem.

On my server I forbid AT's only on INF only maps.

My ruleset:


#             SNIPER RULZ
On Spawn;TeamDamage SniperRifle 1; PlayerSay 1 SNIPER/TEAM;Kill 500
On Kill;Damage SniperRifle;Not Kit Recon;Count 9;Say %p% banned for picking up sniper rifle;Ban;Log Banned %p%
On Kill;Damage SniperRifle;Not Kit Recon;Count 4;Say %p% kicked for picking up sniper rifle;Kick;Log Kicked %p%
On Kill;Damage SniperRifle;Not Kit Recon;Say %p% killed for picking up sniper rifle;Kill 500
#On Spawn;Spec sp_shotgun_s 6;Damage Shotgun;Not Weapon 40mmsg;PlayerSay %p% SLUGS LIMITED TO 6;Kill 500
On Kill;Map Oasis;Not Admin;Damage ProjectileExplosive;Not Weapon 40mmgl;Count 5;Say %p% banned for %w% on INF;Ban;Log Banned %p%
On Kill;Map Oasis;Not Admin;Damage ProjectileExplosive;Not Weapon 40mmgl;Count 1;Say %p% kicked for %w% on INF;Kick;Log Kicked %p%
On Kill;Map Oasis;Damage ProjectileExplosive;Not Weapon 40mmgl;Say %p% killed for %w% on INF;Kill 500
On Kill;Map Arica;Not Admin;Damage ProjectileExplosive;Not Weapon 40mmgl;Count 5;Say %p% banned for %w% on INF;Ban;Log Banned %p%
On Kill;Map Arica;Not Admin;Damage ProjectileExplosive;Not Weapon 40mmgl;Count 1;Say %p% kicked for %w% on INF;Kick;Log Kicked %p%
On Kill;Map Arica;Damage ProjectileExplosive;Not Weapon 40mmgl;Say %p% killed for %w% on INF;Kill 500
On Kill;Map Presa;Not Admin;Damage ProjectileExplosive;Not Weapon 40mmgl;Count 5;Say %p% banned for %w% on INF;Ban;Log Banned %p%
On Kill;Map Presa;Not Admin;Damage ProjectileExplosive;Not Weapon 40mmgl;Count 1;Say %p% kicked for %w% on INF;Kick;Log Kicked %p%
On Kill;Map Presa;Damage ProjectileExplosive;Not Weapon 40mmgl;Say %p% killed for %w% on INF;Kill 500
On Kill;Map White;Not Admin;Damage ProjectileExplosive;Not Weapon 40mmgl;Count 5;Say %p% banned for %w% on INF;Ban;Log Banned %p%
On Kill;Map White;Not Admin;Damage ProjectileExplosive;Not Weapon 40mmgl;Count 1;Say %p% kicked for %w% on INF;Kick;Log Kicked %p%
On Kill;Map White;Damage ProjectileExplosive;Not Weapon 40mmgl;Say %p% killed for %w% on INF;Kill 500
On Kill;Not Admin;Weapon 40mmgl;Count 4;Say %p% KICKED FOR GL;Kick;Log Kicked %p%
On Kill;Weapon 40mmgl;Count 1;Say %p% KILLED FOR GL;Kill 500
On Kill;Weapon 40mmgl;PlayerSay NO GL
On Join;Admin;Yell Admin =[BZB]= %p% joining
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Originally Posted by Blackhand-Bonehead*:


@Bonehead - ProconRulz is completely vanilla as far as Procon is concerned, and is a single "ProconRulz.cs" file to put in the "Plugins\BFBC2" folder. You don't need to start/stop Procon / Layers whatever, just click 'reload plugins' on the parent Procon plugin tab. Have you uploaded any other plugins ok? Did you remove the .cs file from the zip first?

I have enclosed Screen Shot were is Plugin Reload Button I don't have one. as I said I restarted layer like I was told by rconservices but still no Rulez.


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Originally Posted by Plasmatique*:


I have enclosed Screen Shot were is Plugin Reload Button I don't have one. as I said I restarted layer like I was told by rconservices but still no Rulez.

@Bonehead, did you copy over the plugin file through ftp? Did you put it in the correct folder? Cause I'm running it fine without any hassle and I got the same host as you for procon (4 procon servers, 5 gameservers each). And the reload button is located in the regular plugins tab, not the layer. If you need help with it, ask me or Rconhostingservices.


@bambam, ah ok. I actually thought it would register as something else then the actual weapon used, such as vehicledestroyed or something daft like that...Thanks for the elaborate answer. Too bad it isn't registering as something else, cause taking out the bradley completely will make the server "silvercore" :sad:

Having said that, since I only allow the bradley to spawn once, is there a possibility to actually let the rules become active only after say 3 minutes of playing? so something like start of round + 3 mins? Cause the bradley is most likely dead within the first 3 mins.


Thanks for the time and effort bambam!

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Originally Posted by bambam*:


yeah actually Plasmatique that would have been an easy way for EA to have implemented it, i.e. to kill soldiers in a vehicle the rocket would destroy the vehicle but the soldiers would have been killed by 'vehicledestruction 2.0' kind of thing. That way we could have told the difference in the plugin. But as it is the soldiers are killed with 'rpg-7' just as if you shot them in the face.


If you only allow the Bradley to spawn once, maybe with the new version of ProconRulz you'd allocate the team a certain number of rocket kills, and after that they're suicidal, using the new TeamCount condition.


On Kill;Damage ProjectileExplosive;Not Weapon 40mmgl;TeamCount 3;Say %pt% Rocket kills are now suicidal;Kill


OK? The first three rocket kills are a freebie, after that you die each one. Just an idea, there may be a better way.

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Originally Posted by Rapidorg*:


@ trnapster: That hadnt crossed my mind yet. Nice rules.. copy/paste is to our Conquest and Rush servers. Thanks.


@ Plasmatique: I have the same issue with our SQDM servers. We have an easy solution to minimize the use of the bradley.


1. Kill with bradley = kick

2. Kill with rockets = count 3 = kick

3. Spawnrate vehicles = 1


Unfortunatly we cant do more then that or else it will indeed become semi-hardcore. Ussualy when our members are in the server the tank will be blown up at the beginning.


@ Bambam: Uhmz.. i have to check the rules and see if I made a mistake. Nice thing with the debugging, I think it gonna be a lot of help with trying out different rulesets.

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Originally Posted by bambam*:


The bug is in Battlefield - the server has a bug reporting players as having 12-Gauge Sabot Rounds. The new version of ProconRulz (as in the beta) has a workaround built-in so you shouldn't have to worry about the BF bug and just use the "Spec sp_shotgun_s" condition unaffected.

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Originally Posted by Blackhand-Bonehead*:


@Bonehead, did you copy over the plugin file through ftp? Did you put it in the correct folder? Cause I'm running it fine without any hassle and I got the same host as you for procon (4 procon servers, 5 gameservers each). And the reload button is located in the regular plugins tab, not the layer. If you need help with it, ask me or Rconhostingservices.


That's what I am doing LOL. and yes I put it in plugins bfbc2 folder.


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Originally Posted by Rapidorg*:


Extremely strange things are happening.. While testing I found that some players can't be kicked or killed because of they are protected by Procon Rulz.


ProconRulz: Player SpookyU protected from Kill by ProconRulz

ProconRulz: Player Brainless. protected from Kill by ProconRulz

ProconRulz: Player KWAKKERT protected from Kill by ProconRulz

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Originally Posted by bambam*:


Rapidorg that could be a new bug in the beta... at the last minute I added the 'whitelist' feature (you see the two new options at the bottom of the plugin config tab - player name whitelist and clan name whitelist). Those are lists of player names and clan names and ProconRulz_beta32 now checks those lists (in addition to the list of Procon admins and players on the ReservedSlots list as before) to see if the player should be protected from ProconRulz kils/kicks/bans. It looks like there's an error there, e.g. maybe if the player's clan name is blank this beta is incorrectly confirming that as 'protected'. If you confirm the [clan name + player name] that will help, and also let me know if the beta seems to be protecting *everybody* or just a few.


The message means *ProconRulz* went to apply a Kill/Kick/Ban action, checked its own 'protected' lists as above, and decided not to do it.


A player 'protected' status can be checked with the rulz:


On Join;Protected;Log protected player %p% joined

On Join;Not Protected;Log %p% joined (not protected)

On Say;Text protected;Protected;Say %p% is protected from ProconRulz kicks and kills

On Say;Text protected;Not Protected;Say %p% is not protected from ProconRulz kicks and kills


Any player saying the word 'protected' will have his ProconRulz status echoed back.


Most likely I've just got a stupid error in the new 'protection list checking code' in ProconRulz_beta32 (lol it was only a couple of lines) and I'll check this morning...


thanks... Bambam


** EDIT1 - I just checked our server logs and it seems ok so far... given my explanation above can you give me any more clues, or PM me the chat log. First thing I want to work out is whether it's the clan name or player name that's got the issue. For example, maybe a blank line in the clan whitelist protects everybody that has no clan.


** EDIT2 - ok, here's the theory: on my server I was testing with a single entry in the clan name whitelist "OFc" and that worked like a charm. Admins were protected, ReservedSlots players were protected, and any other player who had 'OFc' as a clan tag were protected. Everyone else suffers the auto-admin actions of ProconRulz. But if the clan list is *empty* it can contain a single blank line, and that might have been successfully matching players with *no* clan tag. You could help confirm that by checking the console log to see that the wrong 'protected' players had no clan tag, but maybe other players *with* clan tags were getting admin-killed by ProconRulz ok.


The new beta version attached below has some extra code that will prevent 'null', empty, or whitespace entries in the clan whitelist from matching any players' clan tags, if you wouldn't mind swapping that for the previous beta...


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Originally Posted by wuyanxu*:


What if I want to limit the number of total bolt action rifles? Or exclude VSS from the sniper rifle limitation?


By look of things, it is 1 rule per line. Which means if I want to limit total number of sniper rifles, I would need some kind of counter that counts total number of GOL or M95 or M24.


Is t possible with this mod? Nested statement?

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Originally Posted by Rapidorg*:



In my case the plugin is only available when I connect to the server through proconlayer. A direct connection doesnt seem to display the plugins



Im pretty sure its the blank clantaglist because our own members are getting kicked or killed. Also other players with clantags are being killed.


They are not excluded from the rules. The reason for this is we have more then 125 BC2 players and there some kids who want to mess around.


If the clanwhitelist is empty and people are being protected doesnt it also need to aply on the playerwhitelist?

I will put the new beta on asap to check,





Edit: Didnt understand it. I thought it was excluding VSS from the server but now I noticed.


The VSS stands in the same line as the T88 and SVU. I dont really know what the purpose is of excluding the VSS from the limitation. A VSS with a 12x scope is a powerfull weapon to have so I would have taking it allong with the limitation.


Limit the GOL, M95 and m24


On Spawn;Weapon M95 3;Say %p% Max 3 M95 sniperrifles;Kill


edit2: Not really awake yet I noticed. To many edits in to little time. Yeah bambam i mixed those two up/.

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Originally Posted by bambam*:


What if I want to limit the number of total bolt action rifles?

Specifically what you ask is not possible in ProconRulz - e.g. (count of players spawned with M95 + count of players spawned with GOL is not bigger than 3). With ProconRulz you can only limit counts of individual weapons, kits, damage-types or specializations. In that example you might compromise and allow 2 M95's and 1 GOL, and no other bolt-action rifles. Simpler would be just allow one bolt-action rifle and limit count of that. or maybe only allow one each of the bolt-action rifles. To block ALL of the bolt-action rifles would be straightforward. Not what you want, but I'm guessing you don't want to write a plugin either.


Or exclude VSS from the sniper rifle limitation?

E.g. "Damage (SniperRifle not including Weapon VSS) 3" - ProconRulz can't do that.


Same limitation as above. It's easy to *allow* VSS, but if you're checking 'Damage SniperRifle' then the player spawned with the VSS will count towards that. I.e. with a rule


On Spawn;Not Weapon VSS;Damage SniperRifle 3;Say %p% sniper limit;Kill


Player spawning with VSS will always be allowed, and SniperRifle count can be arbitrarily high as it will include the VSS players. But when a GOL player spawns he will be subject to the SniperRifle 3 count including the VSS players. Again not what you really want.


if I want to limit total number of sniper rifles

the total is ok, it's when you want to mix-and-match a team total of (all SniperRifles but not counting VSS) that you come unstuck.


nested rules

Technically ProconRulz is applying an 'OR' operator between multiple rulz (i.e.you are testing the conditions of rule 1, OR rule 2, OR rule 3, etc), and an 'AND' operator between the conditions in a single rule. Your issue really comes down to how COUNTS are supported, i.e. you need a condition along the lines of "TeamWeapon GOL+M95 3" , which doesn't exist.


@Rapidorg - Thanks for the immediate 'whitelist bug' feedback - if that's the case then the m.8 version of the beta should fix that.

* Restored post. It could be that the author is no longer active.
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Originally Posted by Blackhand-Bonehead*:



In my case the plugin is only available when I connect to the server through proconlayer. A direct connection doesnt seem to display the plugins


I am connecting through the layer. i don't use direct connection anymore.


Well seems like the server fairys came in the night both Proconrulez & Meatbans have shown up in my plugins. Now to try and get them working.

* Restored post. It could be that the author is no longer active.
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  • Our picks

    • Game Server Hosting:

      We're happy to announce that EZRCON will branch out into the game server provider scene. This is a big step for us so please having patience if something doesn't go right in this area. Now, what makes us different compared to other providers? Well, we're going with the idea of having a scaleable server hosting and providing more control in how you set up your server. For example, in Minecraft, you have the ability to control how many CPU cores you wish your server to have access to, how much RAM you want to use, how much disk space you want to use. This type of control can't be offered in a single service package so you're able to configure a custom package the way you want it.

      You can see all the available games here. Currently, we have the following games available.

      Valheim (From $1.50 USD)

      Rust (From $3.20 USD)

      Minecraft (Basic) (From $4.00 USD)

      Call of Duty 4X (From $7.00 USD)

      OpenTTD (From $4.00 USD)

      Squad (From $9.00 USD)

      Insurgency: Sandstorm (From $6.40 USD)

      Changes to US-East:

      Starting in January 2022, we will be moving to a different provider that has better support, better infrastructure, and better connectivity. We've noticed that the connection/routes to this location are not ideal and it's been hard getting support to correct this. Our contract for our two servers ends in March/April respectively. If you currently have servers in this location you will be migrated over to the new provider. We'll have more details when the time comes closer to January. The new location for this change will be based out of Atlanta, GA. If you have any questions/concerns please open a ticket and we'll do our best to answer them.
      • 5 replies
    • Hello All,

      I wanted to give an update to how EZRCON is doing. As of today we have 56 active customers using the services offered. I'm glad its doing so well and it hasn't been 1 year yet. To those that have services with EZRCON, I hope the service is doing well and if not please let us know so that we can improve it where possible. We've done quite a few changes behind the scenes to improve the performance hopefully. 

      We'll be launching a new location for hosting procon layers in either Los Angeles, USA or Chicago, IL. Still being decided on where the placement should be but these two locations are not set in stone yet. We would like to get feedback on where we should have a new location for hosting the Procon Layers, which you can do by replying to this topic. A poll will be created where people can vote on which location they would like to see.

      We're also looking for some suggestions on what else you would like to see for hosting provider options. So please let us know your thoughts on this matter.
      • 4 replies
    • Added ability to disable the new API check for player country info

      Updated GeoIP database file

      Removed usage sending stats

      Added EZRCON ad banner

      If you are upgrading then you may need to add these two lines to your existing installation in the file procon.cfg. To enable these options just change False to True.

      procon.private.options.UseGeoIpFileOnly False
      procon.private.options.BlockRssFeedNews False

      • 2 replies
    • I wanted I let you know that I am starting to build out the foundation for the hosting services that I talked about here. The pricing model I was originally going for wasn't going to be suitable for how I want to build it. So instead I decided to offer each service as it's own product instead of a package deal. In the future, hopefully, I will be able to do this and offer discounts to those that choose it.

      Here is how the pricing is laid out for each service as well as information about each. This is as of 7/12/2020.

      Single MySQL database (up to 30 GB) is $10 USD per month.

      If you go over the 30 GB usage for the database then each additional gigabyte is charged at $0.10 USD each billing cycle. If you're under 30GB you don't need to worry about this.

      Databases are replicated across 3 zones (regions) for redundancy. One (1) on the east coast of the USA, One (1) in Frankfurt, and One (1) in Singapore. Depending on the demand, this would grow to more regions.

      Databases will also be backed up daily and retained for 7 days.

      Procon Layer will be $2 USD per month.

      Each layer will only allow one (1) game server connection. The reason behind this is for performance.

      Each layer will also come with all available plugins installed by default. This is to help facilitate faster deployments and get you up and running quickly.

      Each layer will automatically restart if Procon crashes. 

      Each layer will also automatically restart daily at midnight to make sure it stays in tip-top shape.

      Custom plugins can be installed by submitting a support ticket.

      Battlefield Admin Control Panel (BFACP) will be $5 USD per month

      As I am still working on building version 3 of the software, I will be installing the last version I did. Once I complete version 3 it will automatically be upgraded for you.

      All these services will be managed by me so you don't have to worry about the technical side of things to get up and going.

      If you would like to see how much it would cost for the services, I made a calculator that you can use. It can be found here https://ezrcon.com/calculator.html

      • 11 replies
    • I have pushed out a new minor release which updates the geodata pull (flags in the playerlisting). This should be way more accurate now. As always, please let me know if any problems show up.

      • 9 replies
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