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Insane Limits Requests


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Originally Posted by _gp_*:


Did you mean this script?


Thanks for the link, but it is not what I was looking for...


This limit I was referring to is not really a hack detector, just a script that sets a limit on any players wins...





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Originally Posted by Level*:




I need a Limit how Check the Rank, KD and Skill.



Players should be banned, and kick/ban message, and a whitelist would not be bad


I already have that:



limit_name: Simple Limit

limit_evaluation: OnJoin

limit_first_check: Code




//Simple Rank Limit
if( player.Rank > 70 ) {
    plugin.KickPlayerWithMessage(player.Name, "Sorry Max Rank are higher > 70");
    return true;

//Battlelog Kdr Kicker
if(  player.Kdr > 2.0 ) {
    plugin.KickPlayerWithMessage(player.Name, "Sorry your KD is higher > 2.0");
    return true;

//Battlelog Skill Kicker
if(  player.Skill > 400 ) {
    plugin.KickPlayerWithMessage(player.Name, "Sorry your Skill is higher > 400");
    return true;
return false;
limit_first_check: Disabled


THX Level

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Originally Posted by maxdralle*:





your code looks good. but you dont need to ban a player. kick on join is more or less the same...

you can activate a whitelist in the insane limits settings:



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Originally Posted by maxdralle*:


Thanks but I have other limits that should not limit this whitelist

ok, then put this code as limit FIRST CHECK and your code as SECOUND CHECK. in my code you can put playernames as whitelist, e.g. playername SuperSniper0815...




FIRST CHECK CODE: put my code here



SECOND CHECK CODE: your code (kd kick etc.)




// VIP Liste
if (Regex.Match(player.Name, @"(_:SuperSniper0815|BerlinCamper187|Player0815|BlaBlaGamer2000)", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Success) {
	return false;
} else {
	return true;
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Originally Posted by moacco07*:


hi EntraVenuS,


execute a command on round end its not possible in proconrulz. but we can execute the commands when the next round is starting! i have changed the code. the vote result will be saved. the commands will be execute on the next round (on the first spawn). its not the best way, but its working...


new feature: with "in-game-admin-privileges" you can type !commanderon and !commanderoff in in-game-chat.




###### 9.5 > VOTE COMMANDER FUNCTION     ###################
# INFO: The vote start automatically as soon as a team has less than xy tickets. 
# IMPORTANT: Change the # of the server slots for players (without commander, without spectators, e.g. 16,32,48,64) AND CHANGE the # of !YES votes AND CHANGE the # of tickets left:
On Spawn;PlayerFirst;
    Set %VoteCommanderServerNormalPlayerSlots% 32
    Set %VoteCommanderServerSpectatorSlots% 2
    Set %server_votesneeded% 5
    Set %VoteCommanderTicketLeft% 500

On Spawn;ServerFirst;if %server_global_83[%SetCommanderVoteResult%]% <> 1; 
    if %ini_CommanderVoteResult_Commander% == true;Exec vars.maxPlayers %VoteCommanderServerNormalPlayerSlots%; Exec vars.commander true; Exec vars.maxSpectators %ini_CommanderVoteResult_Spectators%; Set %server_global_83[%SetCommanderVoteResult%]% 1; Log VOTE COMMANDER: Setup round completed. Set commander: TRUE - Set spectators slots: %ini_CommanderVoteResult_Spectators%
    if %ini_CommanderVoteResult_Commander% == false;Exec vars.maxPlayers %VoteCommanderServerNormalPlayerSlots%; Exec vars.commander false; Exec vars.maxSpectators %ini_CommanderVoteResult_Spectators%; Set %server_global_83[%SetCommanderVoteResult%]% 1; Log VOTE COMMANDER: Setup round completed. Set commander: FALSE - Set spectators slots: %ini_CommanderVoteResult_Spectators%

On Spawn;If %server_global2[%VoteOn%]% != 1;
    Set %VoteCommanderLoserTeamScore% %server_team_score[1]%
    if %server_team_score[1]% > %server_team_score[2]%; Set %VoteCommanderLoserTeamScore% %server_team_score[2]%

On Spawn;If %server_global2[%VoteOn%]% != 1;If %server_global2[%VoteOn%]% != 2;if %VoteCommanderTicketLeft% > %VoteCommanderLoserTeamScore%; if %VoteCommanderLoserTeamScore% > 1
    Set %server_global3[%VoteTime%]% %seconds%;Set %server_global2[%VoteOn%]% 1;Set %ini_CommanderVoteResult% 0;Set %ini_CommanderVoteResult_Commander% false; Set %ini_CommanderVoteResult_Spectators% %VoteCommanderServerSpectatorSlots%;Say ###########################;Say ###########################;Say ###########################;Say ####        VOTE COMMANDER         ####;Say ###########################;Yell Would you like a commander next round_ Vote by type !yes or !no;Say VOTE COMMANDER: Would you like a commander next round_ You can vote by type !YES or !NO

On Say;Text !yes;If %server_global2[%VoteOn%]% == 1;
    If %VoteReg% == 1;PlayerSay VOTE COMMANDER: Your vote is already registered (Votes: %server_global71[%VoteCommanderVotes%]%/%server_votesneeded%)
    If %VoteReg% != 1;Incr %server_global71[%VoteCommanderVotes%]%;Say VOTE COMMANDER: %p% voted with !yes (Votes: %server_global71[%VoteCommanderVotes%]%/%server_votesneeded%);Set %VoteReg% 1;Set %MyLastVoteTime% %server_global3[%VoteTime%]%
    If %server_global71[%VoteCommanderVotes%]% >= %server_votesneeded%;Set %ini_CommanderVoteResult% 0;Set %ini_CommanderVoteResult_Commander% true; Set %ini_CommanderVoteResult_Spectators% 0;Yell You will have a commander next round;Say VOTE COMMANDER: You will have a commander next round; Set %server_global2[%VoteOn%]% 2;Log VOTE COMMANDER: With commander next round;

On Say;Text !no;If %server_global2[%VoteOn%]% == 1;
    If %VoteReg% == 1;PlayerSay Your vote is already registered (Votes: %server_global71[%VoteCommanderVotes%]%/%server_votesneeded%)
    If %VoteReg% != 1;Decr %server_global71[%VoteCommanderVotes%]%;Say VOTE COMMANDER: %p% voted with !no (Votes: %server_global71[%VoteCommanderVotes%]%/%server_votesneeded%);Set %VoteReg% 1;Set %MyLastVoteTime% %server_global3[%VoteTime%]%

On Spawn;If %server_global2[%VoteOn%]% == 1; If %VoteReg% != 1;PlayerSay VOTE COMMANDER: %p% would you like a commander next round_ Vote by type !YES or !NO

# ADMIN COMMANDS (!commanderon / !commanderoff)
On Say;Admin;
    Text !commanderon;Set %ini_CommanderVoteResult% 0;Set %ini_CommanderVoteResult_Commander% true; Set %ini_CommanderVoteResult_Spectators% 0; Say VOTE COMMANDER: You will have a commander next round
    Text !commanderoff;Set %ini_CommanderVoteResult% 0;Set %ini_CommanderVoteResult_Commander% false; Set %ini_CommanderVoteResult_Spectators% %VoteCommanderServerSpectatorSlots%; Say VOTE COMMANDER: You will have NO commander next round
Hi maxdralle,


For this script, has it been tested with Ultimate Map Manager? Does it work well with it? and does it work if server is running with multiple modes?

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Originally Posted by Smellblood95*:


Hi Smellblood95,

its easier in proconrulz. Try this code in proconrulz and put your playername in the vip list (e.g. SuperSniper).



On Say;
    PlayerFirst;Set %VIPListe% "@@SuperSniper@@BigBoyBerlin@@TopCamper0815@@LostFluppy1984@@"
    Text !kill;If %VIPListe% contains @@%p%@@;TargetPlayer;TargetAction kill;Say %t% was KILLED by admin
hi Maxdralle,


thanks for your reply. I know that this is possible in proconrulz, nonetheless I thank you for your solution. Problem is with proconrulz that you cannot add colors in the proconchat with that. (or is there_)

That is one of the reasons I dearly want this in Insanelimits as I am working with colors in proconchat to quickly distinguish messages that matter more than others.


So again, I am asking if this is possible to make in Insanelimits?


Thank you in advance,



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Originally Posted by maxdralle*:


hi guys,


a question: it is possible to get the current class from a player? something like "player.class = Supporter" in insane limits...




i dont know

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Originally Posted by God_Zilla*:


Hi guys, i have new Limits Requests.


The limit is needed for the clan members and server friends.


Limit tracks online and allows players from the white list connect to the server if is full. It looks like a standard server function "reserve slot", but a little different.


The logic of the script:



maxonline=40 // the max value online players at which the script begins to work

kickmessage=Sorry but for the full server can connect only members // kick message if server maxonline is greater than the specified

vipjoinkickmessage=Sorry but your place was occupied by the Vip Players // player kick message when member is join on full server

kickby=name // kick type (by name, GUID, IP)

whitelist=members.txt // file name in procon directory with members (Vip) NickNames




serveronline return false;

serveronline >



is not member then with a message


is member then random player (not a other member!) with a message



Grovax* this request is very similar to your previous limit*, can you help?



Thank you!

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Originally Posted by ColColonCleaner*:


Hi guys, i have new Limits Requests.


The limit is needed for the clan members and server friends.


Limit tracks online and allows players from the white list connect to the server if is full. It looks like a standard server function "reserve slot", but a little different.


The logic of the script:



maxonline=40 // the max value online players at which the script begins to work

kickmessage=Sorry but for the full server can connect only members // kick message if server maxonline is greater than the specified

vipjoinkickmessage=Sorry but your place was occupied by the Vip Players // player kick message when member is join on full server

kickby=name // kick type (by name, GUID, IP)

whitelist=members.txt // file name in procon directory with members (Vip) NickNames





serveronline >



is not member then with a message


is member then random player (not a other member!) with a message



Grovax* this request is very similar to your previous limit*, can you help?



Thank you!

The server already can do what you are asking if I'm understanding it correctly, just turn on aggressive reserved slots, it's a server setting. It will kick non reserved players from the server if a reserved player attempts to join. Cheers.
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Originally Posted by God_Zilla*:


The server already can do what you are asking if I'm understanding it correctly, just turn on aggressive reserved slots, it's a server setting. It will kick non reserved players from the server if a reserved player attempts to join. Cheers.

Yes, you're right.

But we have other limits that cant use ReservedSlot, and need to set the maximum not a member players are that may be present on the server, for example: Server for 64 players, but it can connect maximum 40 not a member players.

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Originally Posted by EntraVenuS*:


I did a quick search but i couldnt find anything. Is there a limit available to limit kills i.e max kills of 50 per round (this is to stop the farmers) .. if a kill after 50 could be a admin kill on themselves, Or a kick i dont mind .. i dont want a ban this is a bit over the top.


Reason for this is other players tend to rage quit when pro farmers/ players get 50 plus kills. we dont want to ban the farmers /pro players. just want to slow them down a bit ..


Thanks in advance

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Originally Posted by Grovax*:


I did a quick search but i couldnt find anything. Is there a limit available to limit kills i.e max kills of 50 per round (this is to stop the farmers) .. if a kill after 50 could be a admin kill on themselves, Or a kick i dont mind .. i dont want a ban this is a bit over the top.


Reason for this is other players tend to rage quit when pro farmers/ players get 50 plus kills. we dont want to ban the farmers /pro players. just want to slow them down a bit ..


Thanks in advance

Example for a 50+ kills kick



limit_evaluation: OnKill

limit_first_check: Expression

limit_first_check_code: paste the CODE#1 here




(player.KillsRound >= 50)

limit_second_check: Code

limit_second_check_code: paste the CODE#2 here




plugin.KickPlayerWithMessage(killer.Name, "Vehicle farming is not allowed!");
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Originally Posted by maxdralle*:


sometimes we have a little problem with the supporter-players on our server. you are "out of ammo" and the teammate dont drop the ammobox... :mad:


for this special teammates i wrote a nice function. :biggrin:

it is a YELL message for the supporters in your team. on any ammo request from a teammate the supporters (only players with LMG) will see this YELL message DROP AMMO - we need a ammobox






FIRST_CHECK_CODE: put here code part 1



// DropAmmoYellOnRequest - PART 1 //
if (player.LastChat == "ID_CHAT_REQUEST_AMMO") {
	//plugin.SendGlobalMessage(player.Name + " AMMO - Drop Ammobox");
	List<PlayerInfoInterface> players = new List<PlayerInfoInterface>();
	if (player.TeamId == 1) players.AddRange(team1.players);
	if (player.TeamId == 2) players.AddRange(team2.players);
	if (player.TeamId == 3) players.AddRange(team3.players);
	if (player.TeamId == 4) players.AddRange(team4.players);
	if (!plugin.RoundData.issetObject("SoldierClassList")) plugin.RoundData.setObject("SoldierClassList", new List<String>());
	List<String> PlayerClass = (List<String>)plugin.RoundData.getObject("SoldierClassList");
	int tmpAmmoGuys = 0;
	foreach(PlayerInfoInterface player_info in players) {
		if (PlayerClass.Contains(player_info.Name) && player_info.TeamId == player.TeamId && player_info.Name != player.Name) { tmpAmmoGuys++;
			plugin.SendPlayerYell(player_info.Name, player_info.Name + " DROP AMMO - we need a ammobox", 4);
	plugin.SendPlayerMessage(player.Name, plugin.R("AMMO REQUEST: " + tmpAmmoGuys.ToString() + " Supporter in your Team"));




FIRST_CHECK_CODE: put here code part 2



//DropAmmoYellOnRequest - PART 2 //
if (kill.Category == "LMG") {
	if (!plugin.RoundData.issetObject("SoldierClassList")) plugin.RoundData.setObject("SoldierClassList", new List<String>());
	List<String> PlayerClass = (List<String>)plugin.RoundData.getObject("SoldierClassList");
	if (!PlayerClass.Contains(killer.Name)) PlayerClass.Add(killer.Name);
if ((kill.Category == "AssaultRifle") || (kill.Category == "Carabine") || (kill.Category == "DMR") || (kill.Category == "SniperRifle")) {
	if (!plugin.RoundData.issetObject("SoldierClassList")) plugin.RoundData.setObject("SoldierClassList", new List<String>());
	List<String> PlayerClass = (List<String>)plugin.RoundData.getObject("SoldierClassList");
	if (PlayerClass.Contains(killer.Name)) PlayerClass.Remove(killer.Name);
it is a shame, that procon/insane limits can not read the current class
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Originally Posted by Mamba334*:


Is there a proconrulz script or an insane limit that I can set that will adjust the TIME ONLY according to the Game Mode?


We run CTF and it's fine.

We run CQL and it's fine.

We run Obliteration and Rush and it has a time limit on it and you don't have enough time to accomplish much.


Is there a way to make Rush longer?

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Originally Posted by Wiggles*:


i wanted to have a limit that says different things in the chatbox on different maps, i.e. "b flag only" on metro and "c flag only" on locker when certain criterias are met (gametype, number of players).


i have some other limits that have a bit of the code each and made (with my limited skills) something that works with the maps i select, gamemode, and number of players, but i dont know how to differentiate it for different maps without making multiple limits.


onintervalserver, action to none


1st to expression


( Regex.Match(server.Gamemode, @"(Conquest)").Success
    && Regex.Match(server.MapFileName, @"(_:XP0_Metro)").Success
    && server.PlayerCount < 12
2nd to code


List<PlayerInfoInterface> allPlayers = new List<PlayerInfoInterface>();
List<String> spam = new List<String>();
spam.Add("Only B flag until 5 vs 5");
spam.Add("B only with less than 10 players");
// add more messages here ... use \n for new line

String kSpamIndex = "SPAM_index";

int message = 0;
if (server.Data.issetInt(kSpamIndex)) message = server.Data.getInt(kSpamIndex);

message = (message % spam.Count);

DateTime sanityCheck = DateTime.Now;
String kSanityCheck = "SPAM_check";
if (server.Data.issetObject(kSanityCheck)) {
	sanityCheck = (DateTime)server.Data.getObject(kSanityCheck);
	TimeSpan sane = DateTime.Now.Subtract(sanityCheck);
	if (sane.TotalMinutes < 5) {
server.Data.setObject(kSanityCheck, DateTime.Now);
server.Data.setInt(kSpamIndex, message+1);


return false;
can anyone help me out here?
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Originally Posted by ColColonCleaner*:


you cant detect levolution events as far as i know

You are correct, there is no way to automatically detect that. Usually servers marked with no levelution, have active admins to watch for rule breakers.
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Originally Posted by Wiggles*:


i wanted to have a limit that says different things in the chatbox on different maps, i.e. "b flag only" on metro and "c flag only" on locker when certain criterias are met (gametype, number of players).


i have some other limits that have a bit of the code each and made (with my limited skills) something that works with the maps i select, gamemode, and number of players, but i dont know how to differentiate it for different maps without making multiple limits.


onintervalserver, action to none


1st to expression


( Regex.Match(server.Gamemode, @"(Conquest)").Success
    && Regex.Match(server.MapFileName, @"(_:XP0_Metro)").Success
    && server.PlayerCount < 12
2nd to code


List<PlayerInfoInterface> allPlayers = new List<PlayerInfoInterface>();
List<String> spam = new List<String>();
spam.Add("Only B flag until 5 vs 5");
spam.Add("B only with less than 10 players");
// add more messages here ... use \n for new line

String kSpamIndex = "SPAM_index";

int message = 0;
if (server.Data.issetInt(kSpamIndex)) message = server.Data.getInt(kSpamIndex);

message = (message % spam.Count);

DateTime sanityCheck = DateTime.Now;
String kSanityCheck = "SPAM_check";
if (server.Data.issetObject(kSanityCheck)) {
	sanityCheck = (DateTime)server.Data.getObject(kSanityCheck);
	TimeSpan sane = DateTime.Now.Subtract(sanityCheck);
	if (sane.TotalMinutes < 5) {
server.Data.setObject(kSanityCheck, DateTime.Now);
server.Data.setInt(kSpamIndex, message+1);


return false;
can anyone help me out here?
does someone know how this can be done?
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Originally Posted by Smellblood95*:


Hello everyone,


I recently got the following 3 limits from this page* for the Teamkill Punish mechanism.

It works great, however on the third limit (punish limit) I want to add an exclusion that excludes a list of admin names to not be punishable. I tried a lot, but I cannot seem to make it work. Can anyone help adding this?

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Originally Posted by Grovax*:


Please, BFH knife only CODE insane limits , please where to find ? Thank you so much.

Not tested, but must work. User get a Timeban after 3 non-knife kills (only knifes allowed, not melee weapons)


or u can test this command, found it in the server manual:


Curated Unlock List

Starting with XP4 we are providing curated lists of unlocks that can be used to further customize the gameplay experience. Use vars.curatedUnlockList to enable it.

Currently there are two active curated lists:

- Pistols – Players can just equip Pistols and Melee weapons (Index 1)

- Melee – Players can just equip Melee weapons (Index 2)



limit_evaluation: OnKill

limit_first_check: Expression

limit_first_check_code: paste the CODE#1 here




(Regex.Match(kill.Weapon, @"(_:KNIFE)", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Success)

limit_second_check: Code

limit_second_check_code: paste the CODE#2 here




if (limit.Activations(killer.Name, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2)) > 1) return false;
String kCounter = killer.Name + "_Knife_Count";
int warnings = 0;
if (server.RoundData.issetInt(kCounter)) warnings = server.RoundData.getInt(kCounter);
warnings += 1;
server.RoundData.setInt(kCounter, warnings);
if (warnings <= 2) {
    String globalMessage = killer.Name + " killed for non-knife use! Warning (" + warnings + "/3)";
    plugin.PRoConChat("MortarRestriction > Say > " + killer.Name + " > " + globalMessage);
    String privateMessage = "ONLY KNIFES ALLOWED! READ OUR RULES: !rules";
    plugin.SendPlayerYell(killer.Name, privateMessage, 10);
    plugin.PRoConChat("KnifeRestriction > Yell[10] > " + killer.Name + " > " + privateMessage);
    plugin.KillPlayer(killer.Name, 1);
else if (warnings == 3) {
	plugin.EABanPlayerWithMessage(EABanType.Name, EABanDuration.Temporary, killer.Name, 20, "Timeban (20m) for ignoring warnings and non-knife use!");
return false;
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Originally Posted by JopaJM*:


Not tested, but must work. User get a Timeban after 3 non-knife kills (only knifes allowed, not melee weapons)


or u can test this command, found it in the server manual:


Curated Unlock List

Starting with XP4 we are providing curated lists of unlocks that can be used to further customize the gameplay experience. Use vars.curatedUnlockList to enable it.

Currently there are two active curated lists:

- Pistols – Players can just equip Pistols and Melee weapons (Index 1)

- Melee – Players can just equip Melee weapons (Index 2)



limit_evaluation: OnKill

limit_first_check: Expression

limit_first_check_code: paste the CODE#1 here




(Regex.Match(kill.Weapon, @"(_:KNIFE)", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Success))

limit_second_check: Code

limit_second_check_code: paste the CODE#2 here




if (limit.Activations(killer.Name, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2)) > 1) return false;
String kCounter = killer.Name + "_Knife_Count";
int warnings = 0;
if (server.RoundData.issetInt(kCounter)) warnings = server.RoundData.getInt(kCounter);
warnings += 1;
server.RoundData.setInt(kCounter, warnings);
if (warnings <= 2) {
    String globalMessage = killer.Name + " killed for non-knife use! Warning (" + warnings + "/3)";
    plugin.PRoConChat("MortarRestriction > Say > " + killer.Name + " > " + globalMessage);
    String privateMessage = "ONLY KNIFES ALLOWED! READ OUR RULES: !rules";
    plugin.SendPlayerYell(killer.Name, privateMessage, 10);
    plugin.PRoConChat("KnifeRestriction > Yell[10] > " + killer.Name + " > " + privateMessage);
    plugin.KillPlayer(killer.Name, 1);
else if (warnings == 3) {
	plugin.EABanPlayerWithMessage(EABanType.Name, EABanDuration.Temporary, killer.Name, 20, "Timeban (20m) for ignoring warnings and non-knife use!");
return false;
Not work man :sad:
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    • Hello All,

      I wanted to give an update to how EZRCON is doing. As of today we have 56 active customers using the services offered. I'm glad its doing so well and it hasn't been 1 year yet. To those that have services with EZRCON, I hope the service is doing well and if not please let us know so that we can improve it where possible. We've done quite a few changes behind the scenes to improve the performance hopefully. 

      We'll be launching a new location for hosting procon layers in either Los Angeles, USA or Chicago, IL. Still being decided on where the placement should be but these two locations are not set in stone yet. We would like to get feedback on where we should have a new location for hosting the Procon Layers, which you can do by replying to this topic. A poll will be created where people can vote on which location they would like to see.

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    • Added ability to disable the new API check for player country info

      Updated GeoIP database file

      Removed usage sending stats

      Added EZRCON ad banner

      If you are upgrading then you may need to add these two lines to your existing installation in the file procon.cfg. To enable these options just change False to True.

      procon.private.options.UseGeoIpFileOnly False
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    • I wanted I let you know that I am starting to build out the foundation for the hosting services that I talked about here. The pricing model I was originally going for wasn't going to be suitable for how I want to build it. So instead I decided to offer each service as it's own product instead of a package deal. In the future, hopefully, I will be able to do this and offer discounts to those that choose it.

      Here is how the pricing is laid out for each service as well as information about each. This is as of 7/12/2020.

      Single MySQL database (up to 30 GB) is $10 USD per month.

      If you go over the 30 GB usage for the database then each additional gigabyte is charged at $0.10 USD each billing cycle. If you're under 30GB you don't need to worry about this.

      Databases are replicated across 3 zones (regions) for redundancy. One (1) on the east coast of the USA, One (1) in Frankfurt, and One (1) in Singapore. Depending on the demand, this would grow to more regions.

      Databases will also be backed up daily and retained for 7 days.

      Procon Layer will be $2 USD per month.

      Each layer will only allow one (1) game server connection. The reason behind this is for performance.

      Each layer will also come with all available plugins installed by default. This is to help facilitate faster deployments and get you up and running quickly.

      Each layer will automatically restart if Procon crashes. 

      Each layer will also automatically restart daily at midnight to make sure it stays in tip-top shape.

      Custom plugins can be installed by submitting a support ticket.

      Battlefield Admin Control Panel (BFACP) will be $5 USD per month

      As I am still working on building version 3 of the software, I will be installing the last version I did. Once I complete version 3 it will automatically be upgraded for you.

      All these services will be managed by me so you don't have to worry about the technical side of things to get up and going.

      If you would like to see how much it would cost for the services, I made a calculator that you can use. It can be found here https://ezrcon.com/calculator.html

      • 11 replies
    • I have pushed out a new minor release which updates the geodata pull (flags in the playerlisting). This should be way more accurate now. As always, please let me know if any problems show up.

      • 9 replies
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