ImportBot Posted July 15, 2014 Author Share Posted July 15, 2014 Originally Posted by IAF-SDS*: Hey Papa. It appears a couple of my limits are not recognizing ChainLink0. Do we need an update to IL for the new ChainLink0 game mode to be recognized by limits? Quote * Restored post. It could be that the author is no longer active. Link to comment
ImportBot Posted July 15, 2014 Author Share Posted July 15, 2014 Originally Posted by OddJob001*: Hey Papa. It appears a couple of my limits are not recognizing ChainLink0. Do we need an update to IL for the new ChainLink0 game mode to be recognized by limits? Im assuming yes. Give em some time, it just came out. Lots of the plugins are missing info right now:Votemap, Balancers, Insane Limits, UMM Quote * Restored post. It could be that the author is no longer active. Link to comment
ImportBot Posted July 15, 2014 Author Share Posted July 15, 2014 Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*: Hey Papa. It appears a couple of my limits are not recognizing ChainLink0. Do we need an update to IL for the new ChainLink0 game mode to be recognized by limits? It's Procon that needs updating. The new mode isn't in your BF4.defs yet. Have you restarted your Procon instance? You might not be able to see the update until you restart. BTW, in the update I received, it's spelt "Chainlink0". Quote * Restored post. It could be that the author is no longer active. Link to comment
ImportBot Posted July 15, 2014 Author Share Posted July 15, 2014 Originally Posted by IAF-SDS*: It's Procon that needs updating. The new mode isn't in your BF4.defs yet. Have you restarted your Procon instance? You might not be able to see the update until you restart. BTW, in the update I received, it's spelt "Chainlink0". You know, I thought IL relied on the BF4.def file like UMM, and since my BF4.def file was updated three times since launch, I can't be sure if the limits were not working before or after the last update that has Chainlink0 in it. I'll check the limits again since I have a feeling the issues I saw were before the latest BF4.def Chainlink0 update. It shouldn't matter if it's spelled ChainLink0 versus Chainlink0 right? Thanks Papa. Quote * Restored post. It could be that the author is no longer active. Link to comment
ImportBot Posted July 17, 2014 Author Share Posted July 17, 2014 Originally Posted by XJaegaX*: Hi, IL worked just fine for me for months all activated and limits setup and working, but now I am getting this message: "[insane Limits] Thread(activator): WARNING: You must review and accept the Privacy Policy before plugin can be activated" with the plugin completely nuked. I then accept the Privacy Policy, set all the limits up again, only for it to be nuked the next day again with the same message. Any ideas? Thanks Quote * Restored post. It could be that the author is no longer active. Link to comment
ImportBot Posted July 18, 2014 Author Share Posted July 18, 2014 Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*: Hi, IL worked just fine for me for months all activated and limits setup and working, but now I am getting this message: "[insane Limits] Thread(activator): WARNING: You must review and accept the Privacy Policy before plugin can be activated" with the plugin completely nuked. I then accept the Privacy Policy, set all the limits up again, only for it to be nuked the next day again with the same message. Any ideas? Thanks There's a FAQ about this somewhere, but I can't find it. Do NOT accept the policy. Do NOT re-enter all of your limits. They are still there! (Well, in your case, there were still there, but you've overwritten them) Instead, disable Insane Limits. Select (not enable, highlight) another plugin, like the one immediately above Insane Limits. The Details or Settings for that other plugin should be showing. Now, click the checkbox next to Insane Limits to enable it without highlighting it. That should restore all your limits settings. It's a timing issue. It can work fine for you and then you change something else in Procon and now Insane Limits is a split second slower in getting your privacy settings and this problem happens. I haven't been able to figure out how to fix it -- it's a micovery bug. Quote * Restored post. It could be that the author is no longer active. Link to comment
ImportBot Posted July 20, 2014 Author Share Posted July 20, 2014 Originally Posted by XJaegaX*: There's a FAQ about this somewhere, but I can't find it. Do NOT accept the policy. Do NOT re-enter all of your limits. They are still there! (Well, in your case, there were still there, but you've overwritten them) Thanks for the reply, was wondering what was going on Quote * Restored post. It could be that the author is no longer active. Link to comment
ImportBot Posted July 28, 2014 Author Share Posted July 28, 2014 Originally Posted by nbtc971*: Reading the original post and the different ways it can limit, it doesn't look like there is a way to limit by SKILL (the skill rating in Battlelog) in BF3 or BF4 correct? Quote * Restored post. It could be that the author is no longer active. Link to comment
ImportBot Posted July 29, 2014 Author Share Posted July 29, 2014 Originally Posted by markrlomas*: Does anyone know what the full command/syntax is for calling another plugin within insane limits. Code: xxxxx.ExecuteCommand("", "AdKats", "IssueCommand", JSON.JsonEncode(requestHashtable));What needs to replace xxxxx? EDIT: for some reason there isn't a space between the the l at the end of call, but the post displays it that way for some reason. Also I may have been wrong. I believe the actual command is: Code: plugin.CallOtherPlugin("", "AdKats", "IssueCommand", JSON.JsonEncode(requestHashtable));This however throws an error that JSON does not exist in the current context If i remove the JSON references so that the line now reads Code: plugin.CallOtherPlugin("", "AdKats", "IssueCommand", requestHashtable);it then throws an error that No overload for method 'CallOtherPlugin' takes '4' argumentsLooking at the insane limits documentation is looked like the CallOtherPlugin function requires 3 overloads, so what would actually need to be sent in order to make insane limits issue an AdKats punish? I'm also having to create the hastable in the following way Code: Hashtable requestHashtable = new Hashtable(); requestHashtable.Add("caller_identity", "InsaneLimits"); requestHashtable.Add("response_requested", false); requestHashtable.Add("command_type", "player_punish"); requestHashtable.Add("source_name", "AutoAdmin"); requestHashtable.Add("target_name", player.Name); requestHashtable.Add("target_guid", player.EAGuid); requestHashtable.Add("record_message", "Using restricted weapon " + kill.Weapon);Is there a more efficient way to do this in Insane limits? Code: var requestHashtable = new Hashtable{ {"caller_identity", "InsaneLimits"}, {"response_requested", false}, {"command_type", "player_punish"}, {"source_name", "AutoAdmin"}, {"target_name", player.Name}, {"target_guid", player.EAGuid}, {"record_message", "Using restricted weapon " + kill.Weapon} };Doing it this way doesn't seem to work and throws up some errors. Quote * Restored post. It could be that the author is no longer active. Link to comment
ImportBot Posted August 1, 2014 Author Share Posted August 1, 2014 Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*: Reading the original post and the different ways it can limit, it doesn't look like there is a way to limit by SKILL (the skill rating in Battlelog) in BF3 or BF4 correct?Not correct. You can use the player.Skill property. Quote * Restored post. It could be that the author is no longer active. Link to comment
ImportBot Posted August 1, 2014 Author Share Posted August 1, 2014 Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*: Also I may have been wrong. I believe the actual command is: Code: plugin.CallOtherPlugin("", "AdKats", "IssueCommand", JSON.JsonEncode(requestHashtable)); You shouldn't use this feature unless you are familiar with programming, particularly remote procedure calls, REST and/or JSON. Assuming you are familiar with those skills, I apologize that there isn't more and better documentation for this usage. Everything is in the plugin Details document tab, which isn't much more than the declaration: Code: void CallOtherPlugin(String className, String methodName, Hashtable parms);You have too many parameters. You don't need the "", that's what this function does. You also should use JSON.JsonDecode, not JsonEncode, and you need a cast. This should work for you: Code: plugin.CallOtherPlugin("AdKats", "IssueCommand", (Hashtable)JSON.Decode(request));The request variable should be a String which is JSON. It has to have the properties that the other plugin requires. You can also construct the Hashtable directly, like the examples you gave, but don't do both. It's one or the other. If you already have a JSON string or it is convenient to make one, use a String. Otherwise, just construct the hashtable direclty and pass it without the JSON Decode: Code: plugin.CallOtherPlugin("AdKats", "IssueCommand", requestHashtable); Quote * Restored post. It could be that the author is no longer active. Link to comment
ImportBot Posted August 1, 2014 Author Share Posted August 1, 2014 Originally Posted by markrlomas*: Thanks for the info papa, I did mange to get it working eventually, but my next question is, using a weapon restriction script within i nsane limits, i used to use your "treat multikills as 1 kill" style script so that if someone got a multikill it just counted as 1 limit activation. Now I am integrating this with Adkats punish system so obivously I don't need the insane limits script to use any rounddata to keep track of warnings etc.. so would this work. basically i just wanted it to count the first kill as the "breaking the rules" and then any other kills within 2 seconds to ignore them as obviously it was a multikill This is me 2nd check code, 1st obviously deals with the restricted weapon name matching. I'm also guessing you will tell me i should use plugin.FriendlyWeaponName too? The Calling of Adkats works fine and eveything is ok on that part, its just the treaking multikills as 1 that i want to make sure will be fine. Code: TimeSpan time = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2); // Activations within 2 seconds count as 1 if (limit.Activations(killer.Name, time) > 1) //Ignore subsequent activations within the time frame { return false; } //Tidy up weapon names. string wn = kill.Weapon.Replace("U_","") .Replace("M34", "M34 Incendiary") .Replace("Claymore_Recon", "Claymore") .Replace("RPG7", "RPG") .Replace("Grenade_RGO", "RGO Impact") .Replace("C4_Support", "C4") .Replace("M224", "M224 Mortar") .Replace("V40", "V40 Mini") .Replace("M67", "M67 Frag") .Replace("XM25", "XM25 Airburst") .Replace("NLAW", "MBT LAW") .Replace("M320_HE", "M320 HE") .Replace("M320_FLASH", "M320 Flashbang") .Replace("M320_LVG", "M320 LVG") .Replace("M320_SMK", "M320 Smoke") .Replace("M320_3GL", "M320 3GL") .Replace("MGL", "M32 MGL"); //Create Hashtable Hashtable command = new Hashtable(); command.Add("caller_identity", "InsaneLimits"); command.Add("response_requested", false); command.Add("command_type", "player_punish"); command.Add("source_name", "AutoAdmin"); command.Add("target_name", player.Name); command.Add("target_guid", player.EAGuid); command.Add("record_message", "using explosives (" + wn + ")"); //Call Adkats and send the parameters/Hashtable plugin.CallOtherPlugin("AdKats", "IssueCommand", command); Quote * Restored post. It could be that the author is no longer active. Link to comment
ImportBot Posted August 1, 2014 Author Share Posted August 1, 2014 Originally Posted by ColColonCleaner*: Mark, the punish command already has a built in 20 second timeout on it for any player. Quote * Restored post. It could be that the author is no longer active. Link to comment
ImportBot Posted August 1, 2014 Author Share Posted August 1, 2014 Originally Posted by markrlomas*: Mark, the punish command already has a built in 20 second timeout on it for any player.That's even better, that means i should be able to do: Code: if (Regex.Match(kill.Weapon, @"(List of banned weapons").Success == true) Hashtable command = new Hashtable(); command.Add("caller_identity", "InsaneLimits"); command.Add("response_requested", false); command.Add("command_type", "player_punish"); command.Add("source_name", "AutoAdmin"); command.Add("target_name", player.Name); command.Add("target_guid", player.EAGuid); command.Add("record_message", "using explosives (" + plugin.FriendlyWeaponName(kill.Weapon)+ ")"); //Call Adkats and send the parameters/Hashtable plugin.CallOtherPlugin("AdKats", "IssueCommand", command);This means that what once used to be a rather lengthy no explosives script is now just a few lines. This 20 second timeout on players, is this customizable or is this hardcoded? Quote * Restored post. It could be that the author is no longer active. Link to comment
ImportBot Posted August 2, 2014 Author Share Posted August 2, 2014 Originally Posted by ColColonCleaner*: That's even better, that means i should be able to do: Code: if (Regex.Match(kill.Weapon, @"(List of banned weapons").Success == true) Hashtable command = new Hashtable(); command.Add("caller_identity", "InsaneLimits"); command.Add("response_requested", false); command.Add("command_type", "player_punish"); command.Add("source_name", "AutoAdmin"); command.Add("target_name", player.Name); command.Add("target_guid", player.EAGuid); command.Add("record_message", "using explosives (" + plugin.FriendlyWeaponName(kill.Weapon)+ ")"); //Call Adkats and send the parameters/Hashtable plugin.CallOtherPlugin("AdKats", "IssueCommand", command);This means that what once used to be a rather lengthy no explosives script is now just a few lines. This 20 second timeout on players, is this customizable or is this hardcoded? 20 seconds has been tested for over a year and seems to be the optimal value, so it is hardcoded. Originally was 30 seconds but was reduced after testing. The timeout is just so that if two or more admins attempt to punish a player for the same infraction, only one of the punishes goes through. Also, that IF statement doesn't have brackets, and the current format you have wont compile as "command" doesn't exist on line 3. This will work: Code: if (Regex.Match(kill.Weapon, @"(List of banned weapons").Success == false) return; Hashtable command = new Hashtable(); command.Add("caller_identity", "InsaneLimits"); command.Add("response_requested", false); command.Add("command_type", "player_punish"); command.Add("source_name", "AutoAdmin"); command.Add("target_name", player.Name); command.Add("target_guid", player.EAGuid); command.Add("record_message", "using explosives (" + plugin.FriendlyWeaponName(kill.Weapon)+ ")"); //Call Adkats and send the parameters/Hashtable plugin.CallOtherPlugin("AdKats", "IssueCommand", command); Quote * Restored post. It could be that the author is no longer active. Link to comment
ImportBot Posted August 2, 2014 Author Share Posted August 2, 2014 Originally Posted by markrlomas*: Yeah sorry about the bad typing of the code, i quickly typed it in here as i couldn't be bothered to load up procon to copy/paste lol. Guess i didn't proof read it very well. 20 seconds seems like it should do fine, after all I've seen it in action on your guys Metro server and it seems to work perfect Quote * Restored post. It could be that the author is no longer active. Link to comment
ImportBot Posted August 6, 2014 Author Share Posted August 6, 2014 Originally Posted by eddtheduck*: Hi, IL worked just fine for me for months all activated and limits setup and working, but now I am getting this message: "[insane Limits] Thread(activator): WARNING: You must review and accept the Privacy Policy before plugin can be activated" with the plugin completely nuked. I then accept the Privacy Policy, set all the limits up again, only for it to be nuked the next day again with the same message. Any ideas? Thanks I'm getting the same .. not sure y .it just started happening 2 days ago? Quote * Restored post. It could be that the author is no longer active. Link to comment
ImportBot Posted August 7, 2014 Author Share Posted August 7, 2014 Originally Posted by eddtheduck*: I'm getting the same .. not sure y .it just started happening 2 days ago?Think i forgot to compile it ..DOH Quote * Restored post. It could be that the author is no longer active. Link to comment
ImportBot Posted August 8, 2014 Author Share Posted August 8, 2014 Originally Posted by kszym2002*: I want to know how can I get Download Quote * Restored post. It could be that the author is no longer active. Link to comment
ImportBot Posted August 8, 2014 Author Share Posted August 8, 2014 Originally Posted by LCARSx64*: I want to know how can I get DownloadThe download link is at the bottom of the first post in this thread. Quote * Restored post. It could be that the author is no longer active. Link to comment
ImportBot Posted August 9, 2014 Author Share Posted August 9, 2014 Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*: I'm getting the same .. not sure y .it just started happening 2 days ago?Also look just a little bit further ... Quote * Restored post. It could be that the author is no longer active. Link to comment
ImportBot Posted August 13, 2014 Author Share Posted August 13, 2014 Originally Posted by ColColonCleaner*: External plugin communication from inside limits works. Tested. Quote * Restored post. It could be that the author is no longer active. Link to comment
ImportBot Posted August 16, 2014 Author Share Posted August 16, 2014 Originally Posted by 397Seth*: Hi, I have installed the add on and read the FAQ. I have sandbox deactivated set the rights on the ftp server to 777 (read/write to all files). My Procon client account has full access to everything. I can also type in the commands in the console and get an ok reply: serverInfo mapList.list mapList.getMapIndices admin.listPlayers all punkBuster.pb_sv_command pb_sv_plist punkBuster.pb_sv_command pb_sv_ban punkBuster.pb_sv_command pb_sv_kick I still get the error: [21:54:53 98] [insane Limits] ERROR: unable to dump information to file [21:54:53 98] [insane Limits] EXCEPTION: System.Security.SecurityException: Fehler bei der Anforderung des Berechtigungstyps "System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermission, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089". Also, is there a beginners guide for new rules? I desperatly search for a way to automatically ban players based on their Battlelog KD ratio because I'm running a lowskill server. Every help is appreciated. Thanks 397Seth Quote * Restored post. It could be that the author is no longer active. Link to comment
ImportBot Posted August 17, 2014 Author Share Posted August 17, 2014 Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*: Hi, I have installed the add on and read the FAQ. I have sandbox deactivated set the rights on the ftp server to 777 (read/write to all files). My Procon client account has full access to everything. I can also type in the commands in the console and get an ok reply: serverInfo mapList.list mapList.getMapIndices admin.listPlayers all punkBuster.pb_sv_command pb_sv_plist punkBuster.pb_sv_command pb_sv_ban punkBuster.pb_sv_command pb_sv_kick I still get the error: [21:54:53 98] [insane Limits] ERROR: unable to dump information to file [21:54:53 98] [insane Limits] EXCEPTION: System.Security.SecurityException: Fehler bei der Anforderung des Berechtigungstyps "System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermission, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089". Also, is there a beginners guide for new rules? I desperatly search for a way to automatically ban players based on their Battlelog KD ratio because I'm running a lowskill server. Every help is appreciated. Thanks 397Seth Are you using a layer? Sounds like it with the reference to FTP. This error usually means that your layer hosting company has not given Procon write permission on the folders it is installed into, particularly procon/, procon/Plugins, and procon/Configs. You will need to open a ticket with your hosting company. Quote * Restored post. It could be that the author is no longer active. Link to comment
ImportBot Posted August 23, 2014 Author Share Posted August 23, 2014 Originally Posted by 397Seth*: Are you using a layer? Sounds like it with the reference to FTP. This error usually means that your layer hosting company has not given Procon write permission on the folders it is installed into, particularly procon/, procon/Plugins, and procon/Configs. You will need to open a ticket with your hosting company.My provider doesnt deactive the sandbox. Switched to another one and it works fine. Is there an overview of expressions avaible?I'm looking for a round KDR kicker that allows me to have different kdr for different total kills. Quote * Restored post. It could be that the author is no longer active. Link to comment
ImportBot Posted August 23, 2014 Author Share Posted August 23, 2014 Originally Posted by markrlomas*: Quick question. Would i be correct in assuming i could use if (team1.RemainTickets == Double.NaN) to not only detect if the server is currently between Round End and Round Start, but also detect if the server is in the Pre-round state (x/4 players ready)? Quote * Restored post. It could be that the author is no longer active. Link to comment
ImportBot Posted August 23, 2014 Author Share Posted August 23, 2014 Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*: My provider doesnt deactive the sandbox. Switched to another one and it works fine. Is there an overview of expressions avaible? I'm looking for a round KDR kicker that allows me to have different kdr for different total kills. Post a request in the Insane Limits Requests thread. That KDR should be conditional on number of kills is an often overlooked limit. Probably worth a new limit and thread. Quote * Restored post. It could be that the author is no longer active. Link to comment
ImportBot Posted August 23, 2014 Author Share Posted August 23, 2014 Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*: Quick question. Would i be correct in assuming i could use if (team1.RemainTickets == Double.NaN) to not only detect if the server is currently between Round End and Round Start, but also detect if the server is in the Pre-round state (x/4 players ready)? That's not a reliable technique for detecting in-round state vs. between-round state -- the serverInfo for scores seems to update randomly after the round ends, and varies by mode. A better technique is to use one limit to detect OnRoundOver and another to detect OnRoundStart, and communicate with a third limit through the plugin.Data dictionary. That works, except for the round in which the plugin or limit is first enabled. That requires some heuristics. You could assume you start between rounds until you see an OnSpawn or OnKill, then you know are you in-round. Detecting pre-round is easier. If server.PlayerCount >= 4, server is Active, otherwise it is in Warmup. There is one exception, when vars.roundRestartPlayerCount is 0, then you might have some situations where the server is Active with less then 4 players. Quote * Restored post. It could be that the author is no longer active. Link to comment
ImportBot Posted August 24, 2014 Author Share Posted August 24, 2014 Originally Posted by 397Seth*: Post a request in the Insane Limits Requests thread. That KDR should be conditional on number of kills is an often overlooked limit. Probably worth a new limit and thread. Just posted there. Thanks a lot for your effort on this plugin Quote * Restored post. It could be that the author is no longer active. Link to comment
ImportBot Posted August 27, 2014 Author Share Posted August 27, 2014 Originally Posted by 397Seth*: Sorry to bother you again. You write that there is an optional MySQL Database support for caching from a recent version on. I didnt find a way to enable that, or do I need to have another add on for that? I am asking because I had a lot of crash and lag problems on my gameserver so I switched to a new Hoster and I am having the same problems. Can procon crash a gameserver or induce lags? Quote * Restored post. It could be that the author is no longer active. Link to comment
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