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Insane Limits ( - 30-MAR-2015) + BFHL


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Originally Posted by Wiggles*:


  LCARSx64* said:

You can use the actual Insane Limits whitelists or you can create new custom lists and use those ... e.g.:


Using the Insane Limits whitelists:



Using a custom list:


Assuming your custom list is named My_List:



(plugin.isInList(player.Name, "My_List"))
If you're talking about dynamically creating a list within a limit, then the answer is both yes and no. You can't create a list in the whitelist/custom list sense, but you can store data in the defined objects (plugin, limit, server, player, etc.) or you could save the required data to a file.


Examples of storing a string in the server object:


server.Data.setString(mykey, "A String");
server.RoundData.setString(mykey, "A String");
For an example of using a text file instead, see the following limit: myrcon.net/.../insane-limits-vip-slot-manager-vip-slot-for-help-server-start-v10


For more details on the available Object & Methods, see the very first post of this thread: showthread....R-2015%29-BFHL*

ill try to explain what i wanted a bit differently. can i exclude myself (and others) from a limit, and if so can you help me with it as i dont really know what im doing.


i know that the plugin "insane limits" has a whitelist, but i dont want to exclude me form all limits as that would be unfair that, for example, i cant get punished for a teamkill. i want to exclude myself from getting automatic yells and such.

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Originally Posted by LCARSx64*:


  Wiggles* said:

ill try to explain what i wanted a bit differently. can i exclude myself (and others) from a limit, and if so can you help me with it as i dont really know what im doing.


i know that the plugin "insane limits" has a whitelist, but i dont want to exclude me form all limits as that would be unfair that, for example, i cant get punished for a teamkill. i want to exclude myself from getting automatic yells and such.

Yes that can be done using a custom list. For example, suppose you had the following simple limit to evaluate OnTeamKill:


first_check Code:


plugin.SendPlayerYell(player.Name, "DO NOT TEAM KILL!!!", 8);
return false;
Every single person that team killed would receive the message and be killed.


Now let's say you have a custom list with the following data:


name = safe_players
comparison = CaseSensitive
data = Wiggles, etc.
Now change the code above to:


if (!plugin.isInList(player.Name, "safe_players"))
    plugin.SendPlayerYell(player.Name, "DO NOT TEAM KILL!!!", 8);
return false;
Now if you teamkill, the limit will basically just exit doing absolutely nothing to you yet anyone else that is not in your custom list will receive the yell message and be killed.


If you wanted the players in the custom list to still be killed but not receive the yell message, then you'd change the code to this:


if (!plugin.isInList(player.Name, "safe_players"))
    plugin.SendPlayerYell(player.Name, "DO NOT TEAM KILL!!!", 8);
return false;
Be aware that any player in the Insane Limits Whitelist will not be killed using the above examples. If you wanted the kill to still happen to those players, you'd change the line:


to use a raw server command:


plugin.ServerCommand("admin.killPlayer", player.Name);
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Originally Posted by Wiggles*:


so i make a limit with this


name = safe_players
comparison = CaseSensitive
data = Wiggles, etc.
and then add this to the limits i want to be excluded from?


if (!plugin.isInList(player.Name, "safe_players"))
    plugin.SendPlayerYell(player.Name, "DO NOT TEAM KILL!!!", 8);
return false;
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Originally Posted by LCARSx64*:


  Wiggles* said:

so i make a limit with this


name = safe_players
comparison = CaseSensitive
data = Wiggles, etc.
and then add this to the limits i want to be excluded from?


if (!plugin.isInList(player.Name, "safe_players"))
    plugin.SendPlayerYell(player.Name, "DO NOT TEAM KILL!!!", 8);
return false;
Once again, yes and no. It would depend on the specific requirements and the complexity of the limit(s) that would need to be affected.

The above example is very basic and does not account for things such as Commanders, weapons such as claymores or a strike system (warn, kill, kick, ban). It's purpose is purely to demonstrate a method of doing what you asked. If you want a proper limit, I suggest that you either take a look at ...* or post a request in ...*.

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Originally Posted by Wiggles*:


  LCARSx64* said:

Once again, yes and no. It would depend on the specific requirements and the complexity of the limit(s) that would need to be affected.

The above example is very basic and does not account for things such as Commanders, weapons such as claymores or a strike system (warn, kill, kick, ban). It's purpose is purely to demonstrate a method of doing what you asked. If you want a proper limit, I suggest that you either take a look at ...* or post a request in ...*.

these are the limits i want to be excluded from. is that possible?



First limit is:

Evaluation is OnIntervalServer, first_check to Code and first_check_code is


List<String> spam = new List<String>();
// add more messages here ... use \n for new line

String kSpamIndex = "SPAM_index";

int message = 0;
if (server.Data.issetInt(kSpamIndex)) message = server.Data.getInt(kSpamIndex);

message = (message % spam.Count);

DateTime sanityCheck = DateTime.Now;
String kSanityCheck = "SPAM_check";
if (server.Data.issetObject(kSanityCheck)) {
	sanityCheck = (DateTime)server.Data.getObject(kSanityCheck);
	TimeSpan sane = DateTime.Now.Subtract(sanityCheck);
	if (sane.TotalMinutes < 5) {
server.Data.setObject(kSanityCheck, DateTime.Now);
server.Data.setInt(kSpamIndex, message+1);

plugin.ServerCommand("admin.yell", spam[message], "20");

return false;
Second limit is:

Evaluation is OnAnyChat, first_check to Code and first_check_code is


List<String> bad_words = new List<String>();
	    foreach(String bad_word in bad_words)
		    if (Regex.Match(player.LastChat, bad_word, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Success)
        plugin.SendGlobalMessage("Kicked for racism!");
        plugin.PRoConChat("^2Insane Limits - ^7Bad Word Kicker ^2> ^8" + player.Name + ": ^0Kicked for racism!");
	    plugin.KickPlayerWithMessage(player.Name, plugin.R("Kicked for racism!"));
	return false;
Third limit is:

Evaluation is OnSpawn, first_check to Experssion, first_check_code is


second_check is Code, second_check_code is


return (limit.ActivationsTotal(player.Name) == 1);
and action is set to yell
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Originally Posted by LCARSx64*:


  Wiggles* said:

these are the limits i want to be excluded from. is that possible?

Assuming you're using a custom list named safe_players (as above), change the limits' first_check as so:


First Limit Code:


if (plugin.isInList(player.Name, "safe_players")) return false;
List<String> spam = new List<String>();
// add more messages here ... use \n for new line

String kSpamIndex = "SPAM_index";

int message = 0;
if (server.Data.issetInt(kSpamIndex)) message = server.Data.getInt(kSpamIndex);

message = (message % spam.Count);

DateTime sanityCheck = DateTime.Now;
String kSanityCheck = "SPAM_check";
if (server.Data.issetObject(kSanityCheck)) {
	sanityCheck = (DateTime)server.Data.getObject(kSanityCheck);
	TimeSpan sane = DateTime.Now.Subtract(sanityCheck);
	if (sane.TotalMinutes < 5) {
server.Data.setObject(kSanityCheck, DateTime.Now);
server.Data.setInt(kSpamIndex, message+1);

plugin.ServerCommand("admin.yell", spam[message], "20");

return false;
Second limit Code (I also fixed an error in this code):


if (plugin.isInList(player.Name, "safe_players")) return false;
List<String> bad_words = new List<String>();


foreach(String bad_word in bad_words)
    if (Regex.Match(player.LastChat, bad_word, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Success)
        plugin.SendGlobalMessage("Kicked for racism!");
        plugin.PRoConChat("^2Insane Limits - ^7Bad Word Kicker ^2> ^8" + player.Name + ": ^0Kicked for racism!");
        plugin.KickPlayerWithMessage(player.Name, plugin.R("Kicked for racism!"));
return false;
Third limit Expression:


(!plugin.isInList(player.Name, "safe_players"))
If it is only you that needs to be exluded and your in-game player name is Wiggles, change the lines highlighted in red above to:


if (player.Name == "Wiggles") return false;
and the line highlighted in green above to:


(player.Name != "Wiggles")
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Originally Posted by R4V3N*:


I copied the plugin file into the procon plugin folder and i compiled some codes into it but I can not see it works on my server. Can someone tell me how to set it up properly?

Should I use battlelog plugin to use this insane limits?

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Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*:


  R4V3N* said:

I copied the plugin file into the procon plugin folder and i compiled some codes into it but I can not see it works on my server. Can someone tell me how to set it up properly?

Should I use battlelog plugin to use this insane limits?

What exactly is not working? Provide lots of details.
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Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*:


  R4V3N* said:

I can not see that the plugin is working on my server, All of the compiled codes are not working.

Sigh. That's your idea of lots of details? Fine, I'll ask leading questions.


What plugin specifically? Version? Version of Procon? Layer or local?


Are you running an Official server?


What limit? More than one? Specify for each:


What is it supposed to do?


What game server, map, mode?


How do you know it is not working? What exactly is not working? Not kicking? Not killing? Not changing maps? Not sending yells? Not baking a cake and sending it to Uncle Joe in Alcatraz?

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Originally Posted by Wiggles*:


  LCARSx64* said:

Assuming you're using a custom list named safe_players (as above), change the limits' first_check as so:


First Limit Code:


if (plugin.isInList(player.Name, "safe_players")) return false;
List<String> spam = new List<String>();
// add more messages here ... use \n for new line

String kSpamIndex = "SPAM_index";

int message = 0;
if (server.Data.issetInt(kSpamIndex)) message = server.Data.getInt(kSpamIndex);

message = (message % spam.Count);

DateTime sanityCheck = DateTime.Now;
String kSanityCheck = "SPAM_check";
if (server.Data.issetObject(kSanityCheck)) {
	sanityCheck = (DateTime)server.Data.getObject(kSanityCheck);
	TimeSpan sane = DateTime.Now.Subtract(sanityCheck);
	if (sane.TotalMinutes < 5) {
server.Data.setObject(kSanityCheck, DateTime.Now);
server.Data.setInt(kSpamIndex, message+1);

plugin.ServerCommand("admin.yell", spam[message], "20");

return false;
Second limit Code (I also fixed an error in this code):


if (plugin.isInList(player.Name, "safe_players")) return false;
List<String> bad_words = new List<String>();


foreach(String bad_word in bad_words)
    if (Regex.Match(player.LastChat, bad_word, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Success)
        plugin.SendGlobalMessage("Kicked for racism!");
        plugin.PRoConChat("^2Insane Limits - ^7Bad Word Kicker ^2> ^8" + player.Name + ": ^0Kicked for racism!");
        plugin.KickPlayerWithMessage(player.Name, plugin.R("Kicked for racism!"));
return false;
Third limit Expression:


(!plugin.isInList(player.Name, "safe_players"))
If it is only you that needs to be exluded and your in-game player name is Wiggles, change the lines highlighted in red above to:


if (player.Name == "Wiggles") return false;
and the line highlighted in green above to:


(player.Name != "Wiggles")
sorry for beeing away, but ive had some serious computer problems (bsod) that i needed to sort out


the 2nd and 3rd limits complie fine, but the first limit compile with this error when adding the line you wrote


[18:39:30 08] [Insane Limits] ERROR: 1 error compiling Code
[18:39:30 08] [Insane Limits] ERROR: (CS0103, line: 27, column: 33):  The name 'player' does not exist in the current context
i assume i need to create a new limit where i set the players that i want to exclude in.


name = safe_players
comparison = CaseSensitive
data = Wiggles, etc.
with each of the 3 limits having different evaluation terms i dont know what to set the new limit to.



with more players in the list, should it be


name = safe_players
comparison = CaseSensitive
data = Wiggles, LCARSx64, PapaCharlie9


name = safe_players
comparison = CaseSensitive
data = Wiggles|LCARSx64|PapaCharlie9
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Originally Posted by LCARSx64*:


  Wiggles* said:

sorry for beeing away, but ive had some serious computer problems (bsod) that i needed to sort out


the 2nd and 3rd limits complie fine, but the first limit compile with this error when adding the line you wrote


[18:39:30 08] [Insane Limits] ERROR: 1 error compiling Code
[18:39:30 08] [Insane Limits] ERROR: (CS0103, line: 27, column: 33):  The name 'player' does not exist in the current context
i assume i need to create a new limit where i set the players that i want to exclude in.


name = safe_players
comparison = CaseSensitive
data = Wiggles, etc.
with each of the 3 limits having different evaluation terms i dont know what to set the new limit to.



with more players in the list, should it be


name = safe_players
comparison = CaseSensitive
data = Wiggles, LCARSx64, PapaCharlie9


name = safe_players
comparison = CaseSensitive
data = Wiggles|LCARSx64|PapaCharlie9
Oops my bad, I never noticed that limit 1 was OnIntervalServer and therefore doesn't expose the player object. Change limit 1 Code to:


List<PlayerInfoInterface> players = new List<PlayerInfoInterface>();
List<String> spam = new List<String>();
// add more messages here ... use \n for new line

String kSpamIndex = "SPAM_index";

int message = 0;
if (server.Data.issetInt(kSpamIndex)) message = server.Data.getInt(kSpamIndex);

message = (message % spam.Count);

DateTime sanityCheck = DateTime.Now;
String kSanityCheck = "SPAM_check";
if (server.Data.issetObject(kSanityCheck)) {
	sanityCheck = (DateTime)server.Data.getObject(kSanityCheck);
	TimeSpan sane = DateTime.Now.Subtract(sanityCheck);
	if (sane.TotalMinutes < 5) {
server.Data.setObject(kSanityCheck, DateTime.Now);
server.Data.setInt(kSpamIndex, message+1);

foreach (PlayerInfoInterface p in players)
    if (!plugin.isInList(p.Name, "safe_players")) plugin.SendPlayerYell(p.Name, spam[message], 20);

return false;
As for the safe_players list, you don't create a new limit as a the list, you create a new custom list ... in Insane Limits settings section 1. Settings, set use_custom_lists to True. You will now have a new settings section called 2. List Manager. Create a new list by setting new_list in this section to True, scroll down to the bottom of the settings (below your limits) to edit the list's name, data, etc.


The data for the new list should be set to (changing the names to those you want to protect):


name = safe_players
comparison = CaseSensitive
data = Wiggles, LCARSx64, PapaCharlie9
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Originally Posted by R4V3N*:


Hey again, Here are the answers of your questions:

What plugin specifically?

-Insane limits version

Version of Procon?


Layer or local?

-I dunno exactly but maybe a Layer.


Are you running an Official server?



What limit? More than one? Specify for each and What is it supposed to do?


- These limits:

Multi-Message Kill Spree



Multi-Message Death Spree



Bad Words Kicker (Regular Epxressions Optional)



Simple Welcome Message









All of these limits i compiled into my insane limits successfully but i dunno why they are not working.

And also i need a limit to ban hackers with aimbot and wall hackers.



What game server, map, mode?

Mode is conquest large on these maps: Operation metro, Noshahr canal, grand bazaar, Gulf of oman.


How do you know it is not working? What exactly is not working? Not kicking? Not killing? Not changing maps? Not sending yells? Not baking a cake and sending it to Uncle Joe in Alcatraz?


They don't do their supposed purpose as i mentioned before.


Thanks for your interest to help me and sorry for being so noob coz i am really new in this stuff but i am looking to learn a lot about it.

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Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*:


  R4V3N* said:

Hey again, Here are the answers of your questions:

What plugin specifically?

-Insane limits version

Version of Procon?


Layer or local?

-I dunno exactly but maybe a Layer.


Are you running an Official server?



What limit? More than one? Specify for each and What is it supposed to do?


- These limits:

Multi-Message Kill Spree



Multi-Message Death Spree



Bad Words Kicker (Regular Epxressions Optional)



Simple Welcome Message









All of these limits i compiled into my insane limits successfully but i dunno why they are not working.

And also i need a limit to ban hackers with aimbot and wall hackers.



What game server, map, mode?

Mode is conquest large on these maps: Operation metro, Noshahr canal, grand bazaar, Gulf of oman.


How do you know it is not working? What exactly is not working? Not kicking? Not killing? Not changing maps? Not sending yells? Not baking a cake and sending it to Uncle Joe in Alcatraz?


They don't do their supposed purpose as i mentioned before.


Thanks for your interest to help me and sorry for being so noob coz i am really new in this stuff but i am looking to learn a lot about it.

What does the plugin log say when you first start Procon? You may have to look at your layer instead of your local client.


It should look something like this:



[10:10:55 01] Compiling InsaneLimits.cs... Done
[10:10:55 27] [Insane Limits] Game Version = BF3
[10:10:55 27] Loading InsaneLimits... Loaded
[10:10:55 35] [Insane Limits] plugin loaded
Make sure you have plugin logging enabled in Procon settings.


Also try this limit.


Create a new limit to evaluate OnIntervalServer, set interval to 10, call it "test"


Set first_check to this Code:



plugin.ConsoleWrite("This is a test: " + server.TimeUp);
plugin.SendGlobalMessage("Testing ...");
return false;
Make sure the limit is Enabled.


What do you see in the plugin log? Any warnings or errors?

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Originally Posted by rul3zz*:


Hi PapaCharlie9

i have the same problem of R4V3N,

Procon v.

I can access it via layer and local

i'm not running a official server

Plugin is correctly installed and version is


I have try a simple limit like "Simple Welcome Message" and "Simple Rank Limit" to test but doesn't work..

For the first I have join the server,Respwn,but i don't see any welcome message in the chat..

For the second i can connect and play in the server without get kicked..


So i have try the "Test" Limit and this correctly work,this is the log:



[04:21:57 28] Loading plugin cache..
[04:21:57 29] Preparing plugins directory..
[04:21:57 30] Moving legacy plugins..
[04:21:57 30] Creating compiler..
[04:21:57 30] Configuring compiler..
[04:21:57 31] Running with native .Net..
[04:21:57 31] Building sandbox..
[04:21:57 31] Configuring sandbox..
[04:21:57 37] Compiling and loading plugins..
[04:21:58 29] Compiling InsaneLimits.cs... Using Cache
[04:21:58 46] [Insane Limits] Game Version = BF3
[04:21:58 46] Loading InsaneLimits... Loaded
[04:21:58 50] [Insane Limits] plugin loaded
[04:22:03 01] [Insane Limits] Enabled!
[04:22:03 02] [Insane Limits] Battlelog Cache plugin is disabled; installing/updating and enabling the plugin is recommended for Insane Limits!
[04:22:03 79] [Insane Limits] Thread(activator): Compiling Limit #1 - Test - OnIntervalServer
[04:22:04 01] [Insane Limits] Thread(activator): Compiling Limit #2 - Simple Welcome Message - OnSpawn
[04:22:04 09] [Insane Limits] Thread(activator): Waiting for privacy_policy_agreement value
[04:22:04 09] [Insane Limits] Thread(activator): Agreement received, activating plugin now!
[04:22:11 69] [Insane Limits] Thread(settings):  Version =
[04:24:02 39] [Insane Limits] Thread(enforcer): This is a test: 37015
[04:24:12 90] [Insane Limits] Thread(enforcer): This is a test: 37026
[04:24:23 41] [Insane Limits] Thread(enforcer): This is a test: 37037
Here some screenshot of InsaneLimits Conf:


Posted Image


Posted Image


Posted Image



thanks for your help

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Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*:


  rul3zz* said:

thanks for your help

The "Test" limit also sends chat to all players in the game server. When it is Enabled and running and you are in the game, do you see the chat?
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Originally Posted by VBK-Clan*:


Limit:Next Gamemode Ticket Changer

pls help

Howdy, how can example limit for other commands use

example: vars.roundTimeLimit xxx or vars.vehicleSpawnDelay 25

if so please Exact kode

many thanks

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Originally Posted by delprofile*:


Hello everyone. I decided to share with you a plug-solution using Mono on Linux. Everything was quite a simple.

Changes to the file InsaneLimits.cs indicated in red!


public static String makeRelativePath(String file)
            String exe_path = Directory.GetParent(Application.ExecutablePath).FullName;
            String dll_path = Directory.GetParent(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location).FullName;

            String rel_path = dll_path.Replace(exe_path, "");
            rel_path = Path.Combine([b]"/"+[/b]rel_path.Trim(new char[] { Path.DirectorySeparatorChar, Path.AltDirectorySeparatorChar }), file);
            return rel_path;
And create dir "/usr/lib/mono/2.0/Plugins/BF3/" or layer be fail



[10:09:05 44] [insane Limits] Thread(Threadpool worker): Battlelog Cache plugin is disabled; installing/updating and enabling the plugin is recommended for Insane Limits!

[10:09:05 54] [insane Limits] Thread(activator): Waiting for privacy_policy_agreement value

[10:09:05 54] [insane Limits] Thread(activator): WARNING: You must review and accept the Privacy Policy before plugin can be activated

[10:09:06 00] [AdKatsLRT] SUCCESS: AdKatsLRT startup complete [8s]. Loadout restriction now online.

[10:09:14 86] [insane Limits] Thread(activator): WARNING: You must review and accept the Privacy Policy before plugin can be activated

[10:09:44 87] [insane Limits] Thread(activator): Agreement received, activating plugin now!

[10:09:47 40] [insane Limits] Thread(settings): Version =

[10:09:47 41] [insane Limits] Thread(activator): WARNING: not tweeting, virtual_mode is on

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Originally Posted by Wiggles*:


  LCARSx64* said:

Oops my bad, I never noticed that limit 1 was OnIntervalServer and therefore doesn't expose the player object. Change limit 1 Code to:


List<PlayerInfoInterface> players = new List<PlayerInfoInterface>();
List<String> spam = new List<String>();
// add more messages here ... use \n for new line

String kSpamIndex = "SPAM_index";

int message = 0;
if (server.Data.issetInt(kSpamIndex)) message = server.Data.getInt(kSpamIndex);

message = (message % spam.Count);

DateTime sanityCheck = DateTime.Now;
String kSanityCheck = "SPAM_check";
if (server.Data.issetObject(kSanityCheck)) {
	sanityCheck = (DateTime)server.Data.getObject(kSanityCheck);
	TimeSpan sane = DateTime.Now.Subtract(sanityCheck);
	if (sane.TotalMinutes < 5) {
server.Data.setObject(kSanityCheck, DateTime.Now);
server.Data.setInt(kSpamIndex, message+1);

foreach (PlayerInfoInterface p in players)
    if (!plugin.isInList(p.Name, "safe_players")) plugin.SendPlayerYell(p.Name, spam[message], 20);

return false;
As for the safe_players list, you don't create a new limit as a the list, you create a new custom list ... in Insane Limits settings section 1. Settings, set use_custom_lists to True. You will now have a new settings section called 2. List Manager. Create a new list by setting new_list in this section to True, scroll down to the bottom of the settings (below your limits) to edit the list's name, data, etc.


The data for the new list should be set to (changing the names to those you want to protect):


name = safe_players
comparison = CaseSensitive
data = Wiggles, LCARSx64, PapaCharlie9
the change of code compiled correctly, but i still get the yell when its displayed
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Originally Posted by LCARSx64*:


  Wiggles* said:

the change of code compiled correctly, but i still get the yell when its displayed

Make sure the safe_players list name is correct and contains your in-game player name without any tags or excess spaces, also ensure your name is in the correct case (upper and lower case characters).
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Originally Posted by Wiggles*:


  LCARSx64* said:

Make sure the safe_players list name is correct and contains your in-game player name without any tags or excess spaces, also ensure your name is in the correct case (upper and lower case characters).

they are copied straight from battlelog, and they work on the other limits
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Originally Posted by StoerFaktoR*:


Hey there ,


since the last update our expressions (KDR Kicker & SPM Checker ) don't work anymore.

Procon only shows the messages in the console that the limits was activated but nothing happens and the players won't kicked.

If someone activates the SPM Checker limit ,my procon client close the connection for few seconds to the layer than he reconnect.






[07:50:18] [insane Limits] Thread(fetch): DONE inserting 1 new players, 0 still in queue, took a total of 2 secs

[07:50:52] [insane Limits] Thread(Threadpool worker): Compiling Limit #1 - KDr_Kicker - OnSpawn

[07:51:01] [insane Limits] Thread(Threadpool worker): kicking player St03R, (activated Limit #1), with message: "Sorry but your KDR: 1.45 or your Acc.: 15.01 is too high for this server"

[07:51:15] [insane Limits] Thread(Threadpool worker): Compiling Limit #1 - KDr_Kicker - OnSpawn

[07:52:34] [insane Limits] Thread(fetch): ea-banning(EA_GUID:Temporary) player St03R, (activated Limit #2), with message: "Possibly Cheater - Your SPM: 699 is higher then normal"

[07:52:34] [insane Limits] Thread(fetch): DONE inserting 1 new players, 0 still in queue, took a total of 3 secs

[07:53:25] [insane Limits] Thread(Threadpool worker): Compiling Limit #2 - SPM Banner - OnSpawn

[07:53:56] [insane Limits] Thread(Threadpool worker): Compiling Limit #2 - SPM Banner - OnJoin

[07:55:42] [insane Limits] Thread(fetch): ea-banning(EA_GUID:Permanent) player St03R, (activated Limit #2), with message: "Possibly Cheater - Your SPM: 699 is higher then normal"

[07:55:43] [insane Limits] Thread(fetch): DONE inserting 1 new players, 0 still in queue, took a total of 2 secs

[07:57:25] [insane Limits] Thread(fetch): ea-banning(EA_GUID:Permanent) player St03R, (activated Limit #2), with message: "Possibly Cheater - Your SPM: 699 is higher then normal"

[07:57:25] [insane Limits] Thread(fetch): DONE inserting 1 new players, 0 still in queue, took a total of 2 secs

Plugin logging stopped: Thursday, 23 April 2015 08:00:39

Plugin logging started: Thursday, 23 April 2015 08:01:11

If i disable the SPM Checker , the KDR Kicker works fine :/


Maybe someone has the the same issue?




* Restored post. It could be that the author is no longer active.
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Originally Posted by rul3zz*:


  PapaCharlie9* said:

The "Test" limit also sends chat to all players in the game server. When it is Enabled and running and you are in the game, do you see the chat?

Yes PapaCharlie9 i see the message in the chat
* Restored post. It could be that the author is no longer active.
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  • Our picks

    • Game Server Hosting:

      We're happy to announce that EZRCON will branch out into the game server provider scene. This is a big step for us so please having patience if something doesn't go right in this area. Now, what makes us different compared to other providers? Well, we're going with the idea of having a scaleable server hosting and providing more control in how you set up your server. For example, in Minecraft, you have the ability to control how many CPU cores you wish your server to have access to, how much RAM you want to use, how much disk space you want to use. This type of control can't be offered in a single service package so you're able to configure a custom package the way you want it.

      You can see all the available games here. Currently, we have the following games available.

      Valheim (From $1.50 USD)

      Rust (From $3.20 USD)

      Minecraft (Basic) (From $4.00 USD)

      Call of Duty 4X (From $7.00 USD)

      OpenTTD (From $4.00 USD)

      Squad (From $9.00 USD)

      Insurgency: Sandstorm (From $6.40 USD)

      Changes to US-East:

      Starting in January 2022, we will be moving to a different provider that has better support, better infrastructure, and better connectivity. We've noticed that the connection/routes to this location are not ideal and it's been hard getting support to correct this. Our contract for our two servers ends in March/April respectively. If you currently have servers in this location you will be migrated over to the new provider. We'll have more details when the time comes closer to January. The new location for this change will be based out of Atlanta, GA. If you have any questions/concerns please open a ticket and we'll do our best to answer them.
      • 5 replies
    • Hello All,

      I wanted to give an update to how EZRCON is doing. As of today we have 56 active customers using the services offered. I'm glad its doing so well and it hasn't been 1 year yet. To those that have services with EZRCON, I hope the service is doing well and if not please let us know so that we can improve it where possible. We've done quite a few changes behind the scenes to improve the performance hopefully. 

      We'll be launching a new location for hosting procon layers in either Los Angeles, USA or Chicago, IL. Still being decided on where the placement should be but these two locations are not set in stone yet. We would like to get feedback on where we should have a new location for hosting the Procon Layers, which you can do by replying to this topic. A poll will be created where people can vote on which location they would like to see.

      We're also looking for some suggestions on what else you would like to see for hosting provider options. So please let us know your thoughts on this matter.
      • 4 replies
    • Added ability to disable the new API check for player country info

      Updated GeoIP database file

      Removed usage sending stats

      Added EZRCON ad banner

      If you are upgrading then you may need to add these two lines to your existing installation in the file procon.cfg. To enable these options just change False to True.

      procon.private.options.UseGeoIpFileOnly False
      procon.private.options.BlockRssFeedNews False

      • 2 replies
    • I wanted I let you know that I am starting to build out the foundation for the hosting services that I talked about here. The pricing model I was originally going for wasn't going to be suitable for how I want to build it. So instead I decided to offer each service as it's own product instead of a package deal. In the future, hopefully, I will be able to do this and offer discounts to those that choose it.

      Here is how the pricing is laid out for each service as well as information about each. This is as of 7/12/2020.

      Single MySQL database (up to 30 GB) is $10 USD per month.

      If you go over the 30 GB usage for the database then each additional gigabyte is charged at $0.10 USD each billing cycle. If you're under 30GB you don't need to worry about this.

      Databases are replicated across 3 zones (regions) for redundancy. One (1) on the east coast of the USA, One (1) in Frankfurt, and One (1) in Singapore. Depending on the demand, this would grow to more regions.

      Databases will also be backed up daily and retained for 7 days.

      Procon Layer will be $2 USD per month.

      Each layer will only allow one (1) game server connection. The reason behind this is for performance.

      Each layer will also come with all available plugins installed by default. This is to help facilitate faster deployments and get you up and running quickly.

      Each layer will automatically restart if Procon crashes. 

      Each layer will also automatically restart daily at midnight to make sure it stays in tip-top shape.

      Custom plugins can be installed by submitting a support ticket.

      Battlefield Admin Control Panel (BFACP) will be $5 USD per month

      As I am still working on building version 3 of the software, I will be installing the last version I did. Once I complete version 3 it will automatically be upgraded for you.

      All these services will be managed by me so you don't have to worry about the technical side of things to get up and going.

      If you would like to see how much it would cost for the services, I made a calculator that you can use. It can be found here https://ezrcon.com/calculator.html

      • 11 replies
    • I have pushed out a new minor release which updates the geodata pull (flags in the playerlisting). This should be way more accurate now. As always, please let me know if any problems show up.

      • 9 replies
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