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MULTIbalancer [] 30-MAR-2015 + BFHL

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Originally Posted by hatecreeper*:


  PapaCharlie9* said:

And you are sure a player got unstacked during the last stage? Into the winning team? Probably a case of the plugin making the wrong guess at what stage the Rush mode was in.


Try setting Stage 3 Percentage To Unstack Adjustments to -120. That should prevent unstacking from happening on either the 3rd or the 4th stage.

Yeah i saw it in the in-game chat and also the event log, i asked the player afterwards but sadly he didnt quiet respond with a "yes". He said he didnt give attention.

Did that now, i will tell you when it happens again :smile: Thanks for your help

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Originally Posted by MorpheusX(AUT)*:


  Snowy* said:

Quick question: does the balancer trigger if some one types in chat something about the teams being stacked or unbalanced?

Since the Events for chat-messages are commented out, I'd guess not.
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Originally Posted by NemesisPDX*:


  LumPenPacK* said:

It's written in the plugin description.

You can adjust the definition if a team is stacked or not but the idea behind this plugin is to detect a a high ticket difference between the two teams and balance the teams during a round and not just scrambling teams after a round was finished.

So "stacking" is when the scoring difference between the teams gets too high? Then the stacking feature kicks in to "unstack" that team...
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Originally Posted by EBassie*:


My best settings for 64 player CTF:


Unstacking: True


1 - Settings|Debug Level: 2

1 - Settings|Maximum Server Size: 64

1 - Settings|Enable Battlelog Requests: True

1 - Settings|Maximum Request Rate: 10

1 - Settings|Wait Timeout: 30

1 - Settings|Unlimited Team Switching During First Minutes Of Round: 5

1 - Settings|Seconds Until Adaptive Speed Becomes Fast: 180

1 - Settings|Enable Whitelisting Of Reserved Slots List: True


2 - Exclusions|On Whitelist: True

2 - Exclusions|Top Scorers: True

2 - Exclusions|Same Clan Tags In Squad: True

2 - Exclusions|Minutes After Joining: 15


3 - |Early Phase: Ticket Percentage To Unstack (Low, Med, High population): 120, 120, 115

3 - |Mid Phase: Ticket Percentage To Unstack (Low, Med, High population): 140, 130, 130

3 - |Late Phase: Ticket Percentage To Unstack (Low, Med, High population): 0, 0, 0

3 - |Spelling Of Speed Names Reminder: Click_Here_For_Speed_Names

3 - |Early Phase: Balance Speed (Low, Med, High population): Slow, Adaptive, Slow

3 - |Mid Phase: Balance Speed (Low, Med, High population): Slow, Adaptive, Slow

3 - |Late Phase: Balance Speed (Low, Med, High population): Stop, Stop, Stop


4 - Scrambler|Only On New Maps: True

4 - Scrambler|Only On Final Ticket Percentage >=: 140

4 - Scrambler|Scramble By: RoundSPM

4 - Scrambler|Keep Clan Tags In Same Squad: True

4 - Scrambler|Delay Seconds: 30


6 - Unswitcher|Forbid Switch After Autobalance: True

6 - Unswitcher|Forbid Switch To Winning Team: True

6 - Unswitcher|Forbid Switch To Biggest Team: True

6 - Unswitcher|Forbid Switch After Dispersal: False

6 - Unswitcher|Enable Immediate Unswitch: True


8 - Settings for CTF|CTF: Max Players: 64

8 - Settings for CTF|CTF: Check Team Stacking After First Minutes: 5

8 - Settings for CTF|CTF: Max Unstacking Swaps Per Round: 10

8 - Settings for CTF|CTF: Number Of Swaps Per Group: 3

8 - Settings for CTF|CTF: Delay Seconds Between Swap Groups: 300

8 - Settings for CTF|CTF: Determine Strong Players By: RoundSPM

8 - Settings for CTF|CTF: Percent Of Top Of Team Is Strong: 40

8 - Settings for CTF|CTF: Disperse Evenly By Rank >=: 0

8 - Settings for CTF|CTF: Enable Disperse Evenly List: True

8 - Settings for CTF|CTF: Definition Of High Population For Players >=: 48

8 - Settings for CTF|CTF: Definition Of Low Population For Players

8 - Settings for CTF|CTF: Definition Of Early Phase As Minutes From Start: 8

8 - Settings for CTF|CTF: Definition Of Late Phase As Minutes From End: 6

8 - Settings for CTF|CTF: Enable Scrambler: True

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Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*:


  NemesisPDX* said:

So "stacking" is when the scoring difference between the teams gets too high? Then the stacking feature kicks in to "unstack" that team...

That's right. Read post #1, it's all explained there in detail with examples.
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Originally Posted by MarcoV1980*:


Hey Charlie!


Thanks for this awesome plugin! We def needed a decent teambalancer. And finally we have one.

Choices to not move people that are already moved and only move during deaths are the way to go, however i encountered something odd today.


It was on Conq Domination, aka Close Quarters, and for some reason your plugin refused to balance.


This was the debug


[16:27:43 02] [MULTIbalancer] Status: Map = Operation 925, mode = Conquest Domination, time in round = 00:02:51, tickets = 221/196

[16:27:43 02] [MULTIbalancer] Status: Autobalance is not active, phase = Early, population = Low, speed = Fast, unstack when ticket ratio >= 0%

[16:27:43 02] [MULTIbalancer] Status: 0/1 raged, 0 reassigned, 0 balanced, 0 unstacked, 0 unswitched, 0 excluded, 0 exempted, 0 failed; of 1 TOTAL

[16:27:43 03] [MULTIbalancer] Status: Team counts [4] = 1(US) vs 3(RU), with 0 unassigned

[16:27:43 03] [MULTIbalancer] Status: Team difference = 2 ... autobalance will activate on next death!



During that time all of the 3 on the RU died, but still it didn't become active.

Any thoughts on what it might have been?


Ps, its set to balance only, and the speed i set to fast.

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Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*:


  EBassie* said:

My best settings for 64 player CTF:

Normal and 20 minutes, or longer?


EDIT: Oops, nevermind. I forgot that I changed CTF to use points instead of tickets. I'll fix.

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Originally Posted by mase*:


could someone post good settings for a 32 slot conquest server with 200% tickets?


tried to find some good settings by myself, but seems like i cant figure them out :/

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Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*:


  AgentHawk* said:

anybody have some good settings for TDM 64 Slots 1000 Tickets?



I updated the Collected Settings to include several ranges of TDM tickets.



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Originally Posted by EBassie*:


  PapaCharlie9* said:

Normal and 20 minutes, or longer?


EDIT: Oops, nevermind. I forgot that I changed CTF to use points instead of tickets. I'll fix.

At this moment you can not change the round timer due a bug... :ohmy:

All matches are always 20 minutes.


I've set the the flags to cap to 6 (vars.gameModeCounter 200)

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Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*:


  mase* said:

could someone post good settings for a 32 slot conquest server with 200% tickets?


tried to find some good settings by myself, but seems like i cant figure them out :/

Conquest Large or Conquest Small? And which maps?


If Conquest Small (Conq Small, Dom, Scav) for anything other than Metro, the default settings should be fine.

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Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*:


  EBassie* said:

At this moment you can not change the round timer due a bug... :ohmy:

All matches are always 20 minutes.


I've set the the flags to cap to 6 (vars.gameModeCounter 200)

Oops, sorry, I meant number of flags.
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Originally Posted by MaccabeeY*:



I saw you also are moderator on the True Balancer BF3 thread.



I have a BFBC2 server and use PRoConRulz and other Plugins to the max (I have created some pretty intricate PRoCon Rulz), and I use TrueBalancer for BC2.


I just (like yesterday) bought a BF3 server and saw I have a choice of balancers TrueBalanceBF3 and MULTIBalancer.


Since you wrote this but also contribute on the TB-BF3 thread, can you help me choose between Truebalancer and MULTIBalancer? I am totally NOOB on BF3 and my primary goal is the have the balancer help as part of my ANTI-BULLIES campaign.


Thank a bunch in adavnce,

Edward (MaccabeeY)

I just statWhat is the differen

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Originally Posted by Flaxe*:


  PapaCharlie9* said:

Conquest Large or Conquest Small? And which maps?


If Conquest Small (Conq Small, Dom, Scav) for anything other than Metro, the default settings should be fine.

I'm not with mase, but I have kind of the same question.


One of my servers is a 40-player Conquest Small server. Running Metro/Bazaar/Seine/Tehran rotation with Adaptive Ticket Count ranging between 400-700 tickets. Do you have any recommended settings for this?


I have tried the Intense preset and tried to adjust some parameters but could not get it to work good, so I tried to use the Standard preset but still didn't work so good. It kept unstucking and moving players constantly, at one time when we still was starting up the server, we was first playing 2vs3 and then it moved one player so we played 1vs4, which don't make sense because the tickets was pretty even.

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Originally Posted by Roughneck2-0*:


  PapaCharlie9* said:

I updated the Collected Settings to include several ranges of TDM tickets.



Hey there, ...*.


It's still amazing how deep this plugin really is.. can hardly wait for the Total/RoundsSPM function to arrive.


Regarding the following TDM Normal settings which you've published over at the Collected Settings thread:


Set [b]Enable Unstacking[/b] to False.

3 - Round Phase and Population Settings|Early Phase: Ticket Percentage To Unstack: 0, 120, 120
3 - Round Phase and Population Settings|Mid Phase: Ticket Percentage To Unstack: 0, 120, 120
3 - Round Phase and Population Settings|Late Phase: Ticket Percentage To Unstack: 0, 0, 0
3 - Round Phase and Population Settings|Spelling Of Speed Names Reminder: Click_Here_For_Speed_Names
3 - Round Phase and Population Settings|Early Phase: Balance Speed: Fast, Adaptive, Adaptive
3 - Round Phase and Population Settings|Mid Phase: Balance Speed: Fast, Adaptive, Adaptive
3 - Round Phase and Population Settings|Late Phase: Balance Speed: Stop, Stop, Stop

8 - |Team Deathmatch: Max Players: 32
8 - |Team Deathmatch: Check Team Stacking After First Minutes: 5
8 - |Team Deathmatch: Max Unstacking Swaps Per Round: 12
8 - |Team Deathmatch: Number Of Swaps Per Group: 2
8 - |Team Deathmatch: Delay Seconds Between Swap Groups: 300
8 - |Team Deathmatch: Determine Strong Players By: RoundSPM
8 - |Team Deathmatch: Percent Of Top Of Team Is Strong: 33
8 - |Team Deathmatch: Disperse Evenly By Rank >=: 0
8 - |Team Deathmatch: Enable Disperse Evenly List: False
8 - |Team Deathmatch: Definition Of High Population For Players >=: 24
8 - |Team Deathmatch: Definition Of Low Population For Players <=: 8
8 - |Team Deathmatch: Definition Of Early Phase As Tickets From Start: 50
8 - |Team Deathmatch: Definition Of Late Phase As Tickets From End: 50
8 - |Team Deathmatch: Enable Scrambler: False
You start by saying to set the Unstacking to false, but the Check Team Stacking After First Minutes is actually still set to 'Enabled' by having a value other than '0'.


1. And so, if I've got several game-mods running on my server, and I wish to selectively disable the Unstacking feature when the server enters TDM:

Should I leave the global Enable Unstacking at 'true', and just set the Check Team Stacking After First Minutes to '0' over at section 8 - Settings for Team DeathMatch ?


2. One more thing please regarding the settings quoted in the 'code' above:

If the Unstacking is indeed disabled, then the only thing it takes into account in that particular setting is the players' RoundSPM?




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Originally Posted by xFaNtASyGiRLx*:


For the most part- I like the even matches I'm seeing on my AM/AK servers. However I do get a few complaints including the one below where someone posted in my forums.


Member feedback:



It's shit.


All kidding aside, it's really overactive. It's constantly moving players acrossed teams mid round. The instant one team takes the lead, all the top players get stacked to the losing team. The team that opens with the lead loses every time.



1) If you PTFO successfully you get moved to the team you were in the process of smashing.


2) At some point after it moves a few people, the teams are pretty balanced. But then the thing KEEPS MOVING TOP players!!! Monster auto balance just isnt happy until the winning team gets capped out.


3) Why doesn't it just balance the teams at the beginning of the round? Some servers use a script that uses previous round(or trailing) performance, stats, and w/e other information is available.


4) If I'm playing with 2 or 3 of my friends, it ALWAYS moves one of us! On a 64 man server I don't consider filling a 4 man squad to be clan/team stacking. I get people that don't play with friends. I do. But it's an odd norm considering how much more fun it is to play while you have a couple buddies in TS.



Anyways, you guys always say this is an open group and I consider myself a community member. I like to play on your AM and AK servers, but recently your servers have been really frustrating to play on lately.

I am running this settings here:



Aftermath maps, Conquest Large Normal, 64 players, 1200-1500 tickets




Enable Unstacking set to True.


3 - |Early Phase: Ticket Percentage To Unstack: 120, 115, 115

3 - |Mid Phase: Ticket Percentage To Unstack: 140, 130, 130

3 - |Late Phase: Ticket Percentage To Unstack: 0, 0, 0

3 - |Early Phase: Balance Speed: Slow, Slow, Slow

3 - |Mid Phase: Balance Speed: Slow, Slow, Slow

3 - |Late Phase: Balance Speed: Stop, Stop, Stop


4 - Scrambler|Only On New Maps: True

4 - Scrambler|Only On Final Ticket Percentage >=: 120

4 - Scrambler|Scramble By: RoundSPM

4 - Scrambler|Keep Clan Tags In Same Squad: True

4 - Scrambler|Delay Seconds: 30


8 - |Conquest Large: Max Players: 64

8 - |Conquest Large: Check Team Stacking After First Minutes: 10

8 - |Conquest Large: Max Unstacking Swaps Per Round: 12

8 - |Conquest Large: Number Of Swaps Per Group: 1

8 - |Conquest Large: Delay Seconds Between Swap Groups: 120

8 - |Conquest Large: Determine Strong Players By: RoundSPM

8 - |Conquest Large: Percent Of Top Of Team Is Strong: 40

8 - |Conquest Large: Disperse Evenly By Rank >=: 0

8 - |Conquest Large: Enable Disperse Evenly List: True

8 - |Conquest Large: Definition Of High Population For Players >=: 48

8 - |Conquest Large: Definition Of Low Population For Players

8 - |Conquest Large: Definition Of Early Phase As Tickets From Start: 400

8 - |Conquest Large: Definition Of Late Phase As Tickets From End: 300

8 - |Conquest Large: Enable Scrambler: True

Is there anything I can do in regards to the issues he posted to tweak my settings so that It doesn't do what he is saying too much? Or am I better off just whitelisting him?



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Originally Posted by xFaNtASyGiRLx*:


Here's another funny and interesting scenerio that kind of relates to the above post. This is for the same type of set up cq large but for end game. only 32 or so were playing at the time but its a 64 server.


I got an alert about a player complaining. the score was 600 to 200 or so.



[08:18:44] Buzzword caught



[08:18:47] fajkow > FUCK IT


[08:18:30] MB > All: *** MOVED fajkow to unstack teams ...

[08:19:14] Skazminko > no russia fucks you

[08:19:21] Skazminko > you do not fuck it

[08:19:22] fajkow > ty

[08:19:32] admin > its auto matic

[08:19:36] admin > but i manually moved u

[08:19:38] banger_v1 > np

[08:18:58] MB > All: *** MOVED Dancsiau to unstack teams ...

[08:19:03] MB > Zircorn: Zircorn, you can't switch to team US: switching to the winning team is not allowed, sending you back ...

[08:19:51] Zircorn has left the server..

[08:19:52] Skazminko > seems to automatically drop good players into bad teams

[08:20:02] admin > it tries to make the games more balanced

[08:20:05] L3ibnitZ > jep

[08:20:07] admin > otherwise it baserape/steamroll

[08:20:18] Skazminko > or stack teams so all good players on one team and all bad on other

[08:20:34] Skazminko > but with 8 good players to 3 bad players

[08:20:43] admin > no skaz it shouldnt do that

[08:20:51] Skazminko > its doing it right fucking now

[08:20:57] Skazminko > 8 v 11

[08:21:14] admin > thats cause i moved fajkow

[08:20:37] MB > All: *** MOVED banger_v1 for balance ...

[08:20:38] MB > All: *** MOVED DELUXtheBURGER to unstack teams ...

[08:20:54] MB > All: *** MOVED Frank-Aliraqi to unstack teams ...

I look back a few minutes later and now the score is 147/223.



[08:37:45] admin > shizminko- do u see how it evenned up?

[08:37:57] admin > skazminko*

[08:38:23] Skazminko > yeah but only does it when one side has all the flags


[08:38:44] Skazminko > up to that point teams get stacked unfairly

that fakjow who refused to play on RU left. LOL
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Originally Posted by Blitz*:


  xFaNtASyGiRLx* said:

For the most part- I like the even matches I'm seeing on my AM/AK servers. However I do get a few complaints including the one below where someone posted in my forums.


Member feedback:




I am running this settings here:





Is there anything I can do in regards to the issues he posted to tweak my settings so that It doesn't do what he is saying too much? Or am I better off just whitelisting him?



Bump up your Delay Seconds Between Swap Groups to 240 or 300. That will swap players less often, however you will not see close games as you have been having.
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Originally Posted by Blitz*:


Fantasy, you really do have a lot of pussies on your server. We never have complaints on our server.


If you want close games, you NEED to unstack. If you want to appease the odd complainer, turn unstacking off and watch people leave your server because one team is getting raped.


You can always add people to the whitelist to reduce complaints from your regulars. It's all your choice and you are in control of how you want to manage your server.

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Originally Posted by Blitz*:


  HexaCanon* said:

anyone having whitelisted players being chosen for balance ?

Not that I have noticed. We have a pretty big whitelist and we never observed whitelisters being moved.
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Originally Posted by tarreltje*:


Blitz you still offer your time to look at settings? I maby need some help from you, PC9 already offert me some info for my server, but with those setting i already had some times my server went empty..


Problem is i run 2 TDM levels and after that 1 Conquest small. With the settings PC9 offert me, on the conquest map, i had alot of winers because they got unstacked, due that they left. After that the teams got uneven and the balancer kicked in to late so 1 time i had 13 peeps on Usa and 2 on RU XD

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Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*:


  MaccabeeY* said:

Since you wrote this but also contribute on the TB-BF3 thread, can you help me choose between Truebalancer and MULTIBalancer? I am totally NOOB on BF3 and my primary goal is the have the balancer help as part of my ANTI-BULLIES campaign.

What's an ANTI-BULLIES campaign?


In any case, since I spent several months working on MULTIbalancer and since TB is no longer supported, I think MULTIbalancer is the clear choice.

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Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*:


  HexaCanon* said:


[12:44:32] MB > All: *** MOVED Benny_co86 for balance ...
this player is in the whitelist, and whitelist exclusion is on.
The plugin.log is more helpful than the chat.log. I can't prove or disprove anything with the chat log. I know you have to wait to get your logs. I'll be adding the external log file option next patch.


In any case, there are a lot of possible explanations, most of which have to do with user error, I'm sorry to say.



// Exclude if on Whitelist or Reserved Slots if enabled
    if (OnWhitelist || (needsBalancing && balanceSpeed == Speed.Slow)) {
        List<String> vip = new List<String>(Whitelist);
        if (EnableWhitelistingOfReservedSlotsList) vip.AddRange(fReservedSlots);

        if (vip.Contains(name) 
        || (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(extractedTag) && vip.Contains(extractedTag))
        || vip.Contains(player.EAGUID)) {
            DebugBalance("Excluding ^b" + player.FullName + "^n: whitelisted" + andSlow);
            fExcludedRound = fExcludedRound + 1;
You can see that the name has to be an exact match. A slight misspelling, even an extra whitespace at the end, could make the comparison fail. The same goes for tag and GUID.


Also, the key flag is in section 2, On Whitelist. If the player is on the reserved slots list, Enable Whitelisting Of Reserved Slots List also needs to be on.

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Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*:


  Flaxe* said:

One of my servers is a 40-player Conquest Small server. Running Metro/Bazaar/Seine/Tehran rotation with Adaptive Ticket Count ranging between 400-700 tickets. Do you have any recommended settings for this?

Because of Metro, you basically have to skew your settings towards Metro. Those settings will make balancing less effective overall, but its the best that can be done until I add a new Enable Metro Adjustments setting to Conquest Large and Small.


You can use the same settings I recommended for tarreltje (just the Metro part):



Since you have 40 players, you need to change to these settings:



8 - |Conquest Large: Max Players: 40


8 - |Conquest Large: Definition Of High Population For Players >=: 28

8 - |Conquest Large: Definition Of Low Population For Players

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Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*:


  Roughneck2-0* said:

You start by saying to set the Unstacking to false, but the Check Team Stacking After First Minutes is actually still set to 'Enabled' by having a value other than '0'.


1. And so, if I've got several game-mods running on my server, and I wish to selectively disable the Unstacking feature when the server enters TDM:

Should I leave the global Enable Unstacking at 'true', and just set the Check Team Stacking After First Minutes to '0' over at section 8 - Settings for Team DeathMatch ?

Yes, you can do that. If Enable Unstacking is False, the other unstacking settings are simply ignored, so it doesn't matter what they are set to. If you set it to True, then Check Team Stacking After First Minutes set to 0 is an effective way to disable unstacking on a mode by mode basis. I personally also set Max Unstacking Swaps Per Round to 0, to be sure.



2. One more thing please regarding the settings quoted in the 'code' above:

If the Unstacking is indeed disabled, then the only thing it takes into account in that particular setting is the players' RoundSPM?

No. These per-mode settings are used for more than/other than unstacking:



8 - |Team Deathmatch: Max Players: 32
8 - |Team Deathmatch: Determine Strong Players By: RoundSPM
8 - |Team Deathmatch: Disperse Evenly By Rank >=: 0
8 - |Team Deathmatch: Enable Disperse Evenly List: False
8 - |Team Deathmatch: Definition Of High Population For Players >=: 24
8 - |Team Deathmatch: Definition Of Low Population For Players <=: 8
8 - |Team Deathmatch: Definition Of Early Phase As Tickets From Start: 50
8 - |Team Deathmatch: Definition Of Late Phase As Tickets From End: 50
8 - |Team Deathmatch: Enable Scrambler: False
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Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*:


  Blitz* said:

Fantasy, you really do have a lot of pussies on your server. We never have complaints on our server.

Well, it is United Noobs, after all!


I'll log onto the layer and take a look.


EDIT: Okay, I did some tuning.


Since the main complaint seems to be about early unstacking robbing the early leaders of the lead, I adjusted everything having to do with Early Phase. I also reduced the total number of swaps. The swap delay had already been adjusted to 300.


Early Phase: Ticket Percentage To Unstack (Low, Med, High population): 130, 150, 150


8 - |Conquest Large: Max Players: 64

8 - |Conquest Large: Check Team Stacking After First Minutes: 10

8 - |Conquest Large: Max Unstacking Swaps Per Round: 6

8 - |Conquest Large: Number Of Swaps Per Group: 1

8 - |Conquest Large: Delay Seconds Between Swap Groups: 300

8 - |Conquest Large: Determine Strong Players By: RoundSPM

8 - |Conquest Large: Percent Of Top Of Team Is Strong: 40

8 - |Conquest Large: Disperse Evenly By Rank >=: 0

8 - |Conquest Large: Enable Disperse Evenly List: True

8 - |Conquest Large: Definition Of High Population For Players >=: 48

8 - |Conquest Large: Definition Of Low Population For Players

8 - |Conquest Large: Definition Of Early Phase As Tickets From Start: 300

8 - |Conquest Large: Definition Of Late Phase As Tickets From End: 300

8 - |Conquest Large: Enable Scrambler: True

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    • Hello All,

      I wanted to give an update to how EZRCON is doing. As of today we have 56 active customers using the services offered. I'm glad its doing so well and it hasn't been 1 year yet. To those that have services with EZRCON, I hope the service is doing well and if not please let us know so that we can improve it where possible. We've done quite a few changes behind the scenes to improve the performance hopefully. 

      We'll be launching a new location for hosting procon layers in either Los Angeles, USA or Chicago, IL. Still being decided on where the placement should be but these two locations are not set in stone yet. We would like to get feedback on where we should have a new location for hosting the Procon Layers, which you can do by replying to this topic. A poll will be created where people can vote on which location they would like to see.

      We're also looking for some suggestions on what else you would like to see for hosting provider options. So please let us know your thoughts on this matter.
      • 4 replies
    • Added ability to disable the new API check for player country info

      Updated GeoIP database file

      Removed usage sending stats

      Added EZRCON ad banner

      If you are upgrading then you may need to add these two lines to your existing installation in the file procon.cfg. To enable these options just change False to True.

      procon.private.options.UseGeoIpFileOnly False
      procon.private.options.BlockRssFeedNews False

      • 2 replies
    • I wanted I let you know that I am starting to build out the foundation for the hosting services that I talked about here. The pricing model I was originally going for wasn't going to be suitable for how I want to build it. So instead I decided to offer each service as it's own product instead of a package deal. In the future, hopefully, I will be able to do this and offer discounts to those that choose it.

      Here is how the pricing is laid out for each service as well as information about each. This is as of 7/12/2020.

      Single MySQL database (up to 30 GB) is $10 USD per month.

      If you go over the 30 GB usage for the database then each additional gigabyte is charged at $0.10 USD each billing cycle. If you're under 30GB you don't need to worry about this.

      Databases are replicated across 3 zones (regions) for redundancy. One (1) on the east coast of the USA, One (1) in Frankfurt, and One (1) in Singapore. Depending on the demand, this would grow to more regions.

      Databases will also be backed up daily and retained for 7 days.

      Procon Layer will be $2 USD per month.

      Each layer will only allow one (1) game server connection. The reason behind this is for performance.

      Each layer will also come with all available plugins installed by default. This is to help facilitate faster deployments and get you up and running quickly.

      Each layer will automatically restart if Procon crashes. 

      Each layer will also automatically restart daily at midnight to make sure it stays in tip-top shape.

      Custom plugins can be installed by submitting a support ticket.

      Battlefield Admin Control Panel (BFACP) will be $5 USD per month

      As I am still working on building version 3 of the software, I will be installing the last version I did. Once I complete version 3 it will automatically be upgraded for you.

      All these services will be managed by me so you don't have to worry about the technical side of things to get up and going.

      If you would like to see how much it would cost for the services, I made a calculator that you can use. It can be found here https://ezrcon.com/calculator.html

      • 11 replies
    • I have pushed out a new minor release which updates the geodata pull (flags in the playerlisting). This should be way more accurate now. As always, please let me know if any problems show up.

      • 9 replies
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