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MULTIbalancer [] 30-MAR-2015 + BFHL

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Originally Posted by tarreltje*:


  PapaCharlie9* said:

Because of Metro, you basically have to skew your settings towards Metro. Those settings will make balancing less effective overall, but its the best that can be done until I add a new Enable Metro Adjustments setting to Conquest Large and Small.


You can use the same settings I recommended for tarreltje (just the Metro part):


Hey PC9, i used those settings, but like i said in a previous post, it wasnt realy working well. Main reason i think was the balancing was realy to late. I had like 13USA-2RU, So that wasnt working, the whole server went empty.


My experience with my server is that balancing needs to be done kinda fast otherwise people are wining about balance and or leave


Im monitoring my server now for an hour or so, changed the balancing to fast, so that i ver get to much difference in players, and changed early and late into 50 - 50.


Also unstacking is on for only mid fase, and balancing only for early and mid. If i unstack to late people with high score get swithed and eventualy will leave!


The last conquest game was only a difference in like 4 points :P

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Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*:


  tarreltje* said:

Hey PC9, i used those settings, but like i said in a previous post, it wasnt realy working well. Main reason i think was the balancing was realy to late. I had like 13USA-2RU, So that wasnt working, the whole server went empty.


My experience with my server is that balancing needs to be done kinda fast otherwise people are wining about balance and or leave


Im monitoring my server now for an hour or so, changed the balancing to fast, so that i ver get to much difference in players, and changed early and late into 50 - 50.


Also unstacking is on for only mid fase, and balancing only for early and mid. If i unstack to late people with high score get swithed and eventualy will leave!


The last conquest game was only a difference in like 4 points :P

Post your adjustments so everyone can benefit.
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Originally Posted by tarreltje*:


  PapaCharlie9* said:

Post your adjustments so everyone can benefit.

Still tweaking, a TDM game totaly messed up again, all the best players were moved to 1 team, so i lowerd the total amaount of unstackes to see what will happen.


Now also the conquest messed up again...

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Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*:


  tarreltje* said:

Still tweaking, a TDM game totaly messed up again, all the best players were moved to 1 team, so i lowerd the total amaount of unstackes to see what will happen.


Now also the conquest messed up again...

I think you are better off turning Unstacking off (disabled) until you have balancing tuned for your modes. Get balancing right first.
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Originally Posted by xFaNtASyGiRLx*:


  PapaCharlie9* said:

Well, it is United Noobs, after all!


I'll log onto the layer and take a look.


EDIT: Okay, I did some tuning.


Since the main complaint seems to be about early unstacking robbing the early leaders of the lead, I adjusted everything having to do with Early Phase. I also reduced the total number of swaps. The swap delay had already been adjusted to 300.

thanks for taking a look and not sure if this is relevant- but the server finally started to fill and score is 750/ 108. Do you think the big difference in score has anything to do with your changes?


and here's the chat just now



[13:51:31] admin > what did u need zozo?

[13:51:38] II--ZoZo--II > what happened to the whitelist


[13:52:05] II--ZoZo--II > bust my nuts to push this team out, and just get elected president of cant-hold-a-flag-istan


[13:52:19] admin > dunno guesss it got erased when i upgraded

[13:52:19] II--ZoZo--II > word


[13:53:27] I-Randy-l > ya know what yer talking about almost ready yo take UN off fav list just b cause of it


[13:53:41] I-Randy-l > lmao


[13:53:53] II--ZoZo--II > ya it had me pretty worked up



[13:54:32] II--ZoZo--II > i appreciate it

[13:54:32] I-Randy-l > it happens to us all the time

[13:54:40] II--ZoZo--II > i get what its trying to do


[13:54:44] II--ZoZo--II > but look, still a landslide


[13:55:09] II--ZoZo--II > the way it goes about doing what it does is just way too aggressive, particularly for such lackluster results


[13:55:47] admin > but for the most part- u know the matches have been more even than ever


[13:56:03] II--ZoZo--II > a bit yes, ill give you that

So you know what? you can't win either way. Players will always complain but I made the decision that I want more even matches on my servers and hope that in time, players will just get used to it.
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Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*:


  xFaNtASyGiRLx* said:

but the server finally started to fill and score is 750/ 108. Do you think the big difference in score has anything to do with your changes_.

Maybe, but if it really was the first round of filling the server up, probably not. That first round is going to be skewed no matter what, if one team was way ahead of the other with minimal population.
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Originally Posted by tarreltje*:


  PapaCharlie9* said:

I think you are better off turning Unstacking off (disabled) until you have balancing tuned for your modes. Get balancing right first.

The balancing is fine, with your settings, but on my server, not substancial better then IB+TB. So i need to tweak the unstacking, otherwise i keep getting rape fests in Metro :P
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Originally Posted by HexaCanon*:


  PapaCharlie9* said:

The plugin.log is more helpful than the chat.log. I can't prove or disprove anything with the chat log. I know you have to wait to get your logs. I'll be adding the external log file option next patch.


In any case, there are a lot of possible explanations, most of which have to do with user error, I'm sorry to say.



// Exclude if on Whitelist or Reserved Slots if enabled
    if (OnWhitelist || (needsBalancing && balanceSpeed == Speed.Slow)) {
        List<String> vip = new List<String>(Whitelist);
        if (EnableWhitelistingOfReservedSlotsList) vip.AddRange(fReservedSlots);

        if (vip.Contains(name) 
        || (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(extractedTag) && vip.Contains(extractedTag))
        || vip.Contains(player.EAGUID)) {
            DebugBalance("Excluding ^b" + player.FullName + "^n: whitelisted" + andSlow);
            fExcludedRound = fExcludedRound + 1;
You can see that the name has to be an exact match. A slight misspelling, even an extra whitespace at the end, could make the comparison fail. The same goes for tag and GUID.


Also, the key flag is in section 2, On Whitelist. If the player is on the reserved slots list, Enable Whitelisting Of Reserved Slots List also needs to be on.

whitelist of reserved slot list should be false by default -.-


i am testing to see how it works now that it is false.

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Originally Posted by dyn*:


Trying to come up with a solution to keep squads together on round end. Would it work to run both TrueBalancer and MultiBalancer?


I'd ideally like to disable stats collection on TB (papa / ebassie edit) by setting " Maximum number of players to fetch at each interval." to 0, and set the thresholds for balancing to a very high number so it would never kick it and then use Multibalancer for unstacking / live balancing.


The question would be when this happens and stats collection is set to 0 does end of round scrambling take place on TrueBalancer (just via in game stats) and would TrueBalancer and MultiBalancer fight each other?

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Originally Posted by kcuestag*:


Anyone found the perfect settings for Conquest Large 64 600-800 tickets? I'm having a difficult time. :tongue:


Here are my settings:






Any suggestions? It seems like even though it does the unstacking, it's too late and doesn't really change the round, one of the team rapes the other even with the unstacking.

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Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*:


  dyn* said:

Trying to come up with a solution to keep squads together on round end. Would it work to run both TrueBalancer and MultiBalancer?


I'd ideally like to disable stats collection on TB (papa / ebassie edit) by setting " Maximum number of players to fetch at each interval." to 0, and set the thresholds for balancing to a very high number so it would never kick it and then use Multibalancer for unstacking / live balancing.


The question would be when this happens and stats collection is set to 0 does end of round scrambling take place on TrueBalancer (just via in game stats) and would TrueBalancer and MultiBalancer fight each other?

I don't quite understand what you are trying to do. Do you mean do between-round scrambling that keeps squads together?


If you disable MB scrambling and disable TB everything-but-scrambling, that will work fine. Setting fetch to 0 would insure that TB doesn't fetch stats, yes.


I suppose I could add that feature to MB scrambler as well. Keeping squad together between rounds for scrambling doesn't have the problem that in-round balancing has.

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Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*:


  kcuestag* said:

Anyone found the perfect settings for Conquest Large 64 600-800 tickets? I'm having a difficult time. :tongue:


Here are my settings:






Any suggestions? It seems like even though it does the unstacking, it's too late and doesn't really change the round, one of the team rapes the other even with the unstacking.

It may be that 600 tickets isn't enough "time" for unstacking to be effective. Or 600 is low end/minimum.


In any case, looking at your Conquest Large settings, two things you can try is to reduce your Early and Late Phase ticket counts to 100 each. 150/200 means that there are only 400 tickets for unstacking to be active. You should also reduce your Percent Of Top Of Team Is Strong to 40 or 33. That will concentrate the selection of strong on top players.


As for the rest, I think this is one for Blitz. Maybe PM him?

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Originally Posted by dyn*:


  PapaCharlie9* said:

I don't quite understand what you are trying to do. Do you mean do between-round scrambling that keeps squads together?


If you disable MB scrambling and disable TB everything-but-scrambling, that will work fine. Setting fetch to 0 would insure that TB doesn't fetch stats, yes.


I suppose I could add that feature to MB scrambler as well. Keeping squad together between rounds for scrambling doesn't have the problem that in-round balancing has.

Yup! I'd just like to ensure that squads stay together during end of round scrambling. I silently tired to change it to break squads and the next day people who come on our TeamSpeak said their squads were broken up and were upset. So like 4 of the guys who were playing together on our TS were moved into different squads.


It seems that using TB with stats enabled causes some pretty massive lag issues (scrambling teams minutes after the round has ended!!) so I'd like to disable stats fetching and then scramble at round end (keeping squads) by using TrueBalancer and then use Multi Balancer to do during round actions. Though now that I'm looking at it, it does appear that as soon as I set stats fetching to '0' all scambling will be disabled... so there just isn't anyway to scramble teams at round end (using any metric) and keep squads together. I will take a look at insane balancer + multi balancer. Since they both use battlelog cache now it might make the lag issues go away.



(disclaimer: i've been drinking tonight).

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Originally Posted by tarreltje*:


  PapaCharlie9* said:

It may be that 600 tickets isn't enough "time" for unstacking to be effective. Or 600 is low end/minimum.


In any case, looking at your Conquest Large settings, two things you can try is to reduce your Early and Late Phase ticket counts to 100 each. 150/200 means that there are only 400 tickets for unstacking to be active. You should also reduce your Percent Of Top Of Team Is Strong to 40 or 33. That will concentrate the selection of strong on top players.


As for the rest, I think this is one for Blitz. Maybe PM him?

This is the problem i have too. Think 500 Tix is kinda sort for the balancer, to see in an unstacked player is doing his job on the other team to help it out. At my server the unstacking has to be done quiet fast, because if they have lets say flag A and B, the game then is going to end fast in a short amount of time
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Originally Posted by dyn*:


First round with just unstacking / live balancing enabled:



[02:04:04 48] [MULTIbalancer] Status: Plugin state = Active, game state = RoundEnding, Enable Logging Only Mode = False
[02:04:04 48] [MULTIbalancer] Status: Map = Azadi Palace, mode = Conquest Large, time in round = 00:30:04, tickets = 154/0 <- [700]
[02:04:04 48] [MULTIbalancer] Status: Autobalance is not active, phase = Mid, population = High, speed = Slow, unstack when ticket ratio >= 135%
[02:04:04 48] [MULTIbalancer] Status: 2/27 raged, 12 reassigned, 5 balanced, 12 unstacked, 6 unswitched, 198 excluded, 249 exempted, 0 failed; of 1057 TOTAL
[02:04:04 48] [MULTIbalancer] Status: Team counts [59] = 29(US) vs 30(RU), with 1 unassigned
I was idle in game watching how teams were progressing and plugin made this game much closer than it would have been if it were just player number balancing, that's for sure.


Can also confirm for anyone else that Insane Balancer ( v 1, from comments) and multibalancer play nice with each other.

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Originally Posted by MarcoV1980*:


Sorry, really wanted to like it, but it's not working all that well.


Our server was just starting up, 2v2, and it unstacked a player from a team that had 1 afk it seemed to the other, hence making it 3 to 1 (who was even afk at that time) Really odd on a 32man TDM.


After i tried to switch to balance only and set the stuff below, it just refused to work. Kept saying will balance on first death, then everyone had died multiple time, it just kept on saying that, hence refusing to balance.


Ill check back when its a version or so further. Thanks for the effort once again.

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Originally Posted by tarreltje*:


  MarcoV1980* said:

Sorry, really wanted to like it, but it's not working all that well.


Our server was just starting up, 2v2, and it unstacked a player from a team that had 1 afk it seemed to the other, hence making it 3 to 1 (who was even afk at that time) Really odd on a 32man TDM.


After i tried to switch to balance only and set the stuff below, it just refused to work. Kept saying will balance on first death, then everyone had died multiple time, it just kept on saying that, hence refusing to balance.


Ill check back when its a version or so further. Thanks for the effort once again.

Well sorry to say but it seems the problem is realy your own settings in MB, for many of us the balancer is just working fine after some serieus tweaking!!!


This isnt just a balancer that you turn on and does his work! If al this tweaking is to much for you, then yes going back to maby true balancer is the way to go for you!!

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Originally Posted by kcuestag*:


  PapaCharlie9* said:

It may be that 600 tickets isn't enough "time" for unstacking to be effective. Or 600 is low end/minimum.


In any case, looking at your Conquest Large settings, two things you can try is to reduce your Early and Late Phase ticket counts to 100 each. 150/200 means that there are only 400 tickets for unstacking to be active. You should also reduce your Percent Of Top Of Team Is Strong to 40 or 33. That will concentrate the selection of strong on top players.


As for the rest, I think this is one for Blitz. Maybe PM him?

I PM'd him let's see what he thinks.


In the mean time, I've bumped the game mode counter from 200% tickets to 250% for all maps, then for the plugin I lowered Percent of Top Team is Strong to 40, we'll see if that helps.


As for "Check Team Stacking After First Minutes", what value would you recommend? Default is 10 minutes for Conquest Large, that's what I'm running right now.

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Originally Posted by MarcoV1980*:


  tarreltje* said:

Well sorry to say but it seems the problem is realy your own settings in MB, for many of us the balancer is just working fine after some serieus tweaking!!!


This isnt just a balancer that you turn on and does his work! If al this tweaking is to much for you, then yes going back to maby true balancer is the way to go for you!!

I see also other people where the balancer aint working that great. Besides it ain't rocket science to setup a plugin now is it?


If reacting normally to someone who is only trying to mention a 'possible' plugin problem then maybe you maybe shouldn't?


I'll highlight the most important stuff for you, incase you've missed it.


If the plugin says in the debug log, that it WILL balance on next death and doesn't, how is that a fault in the settings? Please enlighten me.

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Originally Posted by kcuestag*:


  PapaCharlie9* said:

It may be that 600 tickets isn't enough "time" for unstacking to be effective. Or 600 is low end/minimum.


In any case, looking at your Conquest Large settings, two things you can try is to reduce your Early and Late Phase ticket counts to 100 each. 150/200 means that there are only 400 tickets for unstacking to be active. You should also reduce your Percent Of Top Of Team Is Strong to 40 or 33. That will concentrate the selection of strong on top players.


As for the rest, I think this is one for Blitz. Maybe PM him?

Forgot to update this, I'm actually running 800 tickets, and NOT 600 as I mentioned previously.


I tweaked it a bit let's see how it runs.


I don't want Late Phase to be below 200 because I don't find it fair to move players when there's 200 or less tickets left for the round, else they get very mad. :biggrin:

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Originally Posted by kcuestag*:


  HungarianBf3Fans* said:

our server set 200% ticket


on Strike at karkand 800/700 ,I think

Ok, same as my server then, perfect. :smile:


Trying your settings, thanks!

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Originally Posted by tarreltje*:


  MarcoV1980* said:

I see also other people where the balancer aint working that great. Besides it ain't rocket science to setup a plugin now is it?


If reacting normally to someone who is only trying to mention a 'possible' plugin problem then maybe you maybe shouldn't?


I'll highlight the most important stuff for you, incase you've missed it.


If the plugin says in the debug log, that it WILL balance on next death and doesn't, how is that a fault in the settings? Please enlighten me.

Ask the people here if its so easy to set up this balancer...


You need to post your settings otherwise we can see what is happening!!

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Originally Posted by MarcoV1980*:


  tarreltje* said:

Ask the people here if its so easy to set up this balancer...


You need to post your settings otherwise we can see what is happening!!

I'm sure it ain't, i had to read the docs pretty often to get the hang of it. For the settings, i used the ones in the collected settings thread, namely,


3 - Round Phase and Population Settings|Early Phase: Ticket Percentage To Unstack: 0, 120, 120

3 - Round Phase and Population Settings|Mid Phase: Ticket Percentage To Unstack: 0, 120, 120

3 - Round Phase and Population Settings|Late Phase: Ticket Percentage To Unstack: 0, 0, 0

3 - Round Phase and Population Settings|Spelling Of Speed Names Reminder: Click_Here_For_Speed_Names

3 - Round Phase and Population Settings|Early Phase: Balance Speed: Fast, Adaptive, Adaptive

3 - Round Phase and Population Settings|Mid Phase: Balance Speed: Fast, Adaptive, Adaptive

3 - Round Phase and Population Settings|Late Phase: Balance Speed: Stop, Stop, Stop


8 - |Team Deathmatch: Max Players: 32

8 - |Team Deathmatch: Check Team Stacking After First Minutes: 5

8 - |Team Deathmatch: Max Unstacking Swaps Per Round: 12

8 - |Team Deathmatch: Number Of Swaps Per Group: 2

8 - |Team Deathmatch: Delay Seconds Between Swap Groups: 300

8 - |Team Deathmatch: Determine Strong Players By: RoundKPM

8 - |Team Deathmatch: Percent Of Top Of Team Is Strong: 33

8 - |Team Deathmatch: Disperse Evenly By Rank >=: 0

8 - |Team Deathmatch: Enable Disperse Evenly List: False

8 - |Team Deathmatch: Definition Of High Population For Players >=: 24

8 - |Team Deathmatch: Definition Of Low Population For Players

8 - |Team Deathmatch: Definition Of Early Phase As Tickets From Start: 50

8 - |Team Deathmatch: Definition Of Late Phase As Tickets From End: 50

8 - |Team Deathmatch: Enable Scrambler: False


Though i have a 500ticket server.


' [MULTIbalancer] Status: Team difference = 4 ... autobalance will activate on next death!' still shows. Though im running adaptive ticket plugin also.


Edit, reinstalled all plugins, and kept adaptive ticket off for now. Let's see how this goes.

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Originally Posted by xFaNtASyGiRLx*:


MarcoV- I've heard of some other admins who have given up on this balancer as well. Its just not their cup of tea or isn't doing what they want it to do.


I had almost given up too but with the help from Blitz and papacharlie9 I was finally able to put it to good use resulting in the most even games on my Conquest servers ever.


I didn't get help with TDM settings yet but I have two TDM servers with 64 players 600 tickets and 1000 tickets. On 1k tickets I just run standard. On 600 tickets I run intensify. Not sure why I chose those two but they work okay so far. PC9 had posted some examples in the MB enhancement thread.


I am not sure how effective MB is on TDM since there really isn't much steamrolling/teamstacking going on as much as on a Conquest server where rounds end up extremely lopsided. So using standard/intensify on my TDM servers have worked out fine. Raging- some yes. but for the most part- its balanced.

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Originally Posted by MarcoV1980*:




Yeah, tell me about it, though im not the one that gives up that easily, and i wanted to replace the TB that i hated. This plugin has gotten rid of most, if not all, of them.


On TDM i usually just use the balancing, but in very bad round where the ticket diff is over 175% i might enable the unstacking.

If this works, next step is the conquest, for close quarters its mainly set to aggressive.


It seems to be running ok now, dont know of there was another plugin interfering or that the gameserver was too laggy at the time.


You will never get rid of raging completely, so wouldnt worry too much about it.

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Originally Posted by shadow2k1*:


thanks for sharing papa charlie however i have a question,

im not quite understanding this setting


Round Phase

To configure the factor of time, each round is divided into three time phases: Early, Mid (for Mid-phase), and Late. You define the phase based on ticket counts (or in the case of CTF, time in minutes) from the start of the round and the end of the round. You may define different settings for different modes, e.g., for Conquest Large you might define the early phase to be the first 200 tickets after the round starts, but for Team Deathmatch you might set early phase to be after the first 25 kills.

i understand that the 0,120,120 is for ticket count

but how would that look for kill count for TDM?

would it be 25,25,25?


or am i no where near close to understanding it?



edit: ok i read the post here showthread....ected-Settings* for the TDM settings but im not understanding why setting the enable unstacking option to false?


if i dont want the game to be one sided, wouldnt i want to set this to true?

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      Procon Layer will be $2 USD per month.

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      Custom plugins can be installed by submitting a support ticket.

      Battlefield Admin Control Panel (BFACP) will be $5 USD per month

      As I am still working on building version 3 of the software, I will be installing the last version I did. Once I complete version 3 it will automatically be upgraded for you.

      All these services will be managed by me so you don't have to worry about the technical side of things to get up and going.

      If you would like to see how much it would cost for the services, I made a calculator that you can use. It can be found here https://ezrcon.com/calculator.html

      • 11 replies
    • I have pushed out a new minor release which updates the geodata pull (flags in the playerlisting). This should be way more accurate now. As always, please let me know if any problems show up.

      • 9 replies
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