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MULTIbalancer [] 30-MAR-2015 + BFHL

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Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*:


  dyn* said:

I will take a look at insane balancer + multi balancer. Since they both use battlelog cache now it might make the lag issues go away.

I've seen a lot of problem reports about squad based movements in insane balancer, so you might be out of luck.
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Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*:


  tarreltje* said:

This is the problem i have too. Think 500 Tix is kinda sort for the balancer, to see in an unstacked player is doing his job on the other team to help it out. At my server the unstacking has to be done quiet fast, because if they have lets say flag A and B, the game then is going to end fast in a short amount of time

tarreltje, all the data indicates that Metro is a very special case. It's not even clear that balancing makes sense during the early phase. Anyone on the RU team that helps cap the B flag very early won't want to be sent to the US team for balance to end up losing the whole round, let alone be moved for unstacking. During the late phase when the shut-out is on, no one wants to be moved to the losing team.


Between-round scrambling is probably the only effective way to unstack teams when playing Metro.


That's why you have to skew the settings to favor doing nothing during the Early and Late phase for Metro, even if you have a mix of Conquest maps. If Metro is in the mix, you can't afford to move people.


I'm going to be adding a "Enable Metro Adjustments" setting to Conquest Small and Conquest Large per-mode settings, so that you don't have to compromise or skew your settings. It will automatically disable balancing and unstacking during your early and late phases, and leave your other Conquest maps alone -- will follow your other settings.

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Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*:


  MarcoV1980* said:

Sorry, really wanted to like it, but it's not working all that well.


Our server was just starting up, 2v2, and it unstacked a player from a team that had 1 afk it seemed to the other, hence making it 3 to 1 (who was even afk at that time) Really odd on a 32man TDM.


After i tried to switch to balance only and set the stuff below, it just refused to work. Kept saying will balance on first death, then everyone had died multiple time, it just kept on saying that, hence refusing to balance.


Ill check back when its a version or so further. Thanks for the effort once again.

Were you running Unstacking should have been disabled by default. Did you enable it?


In any case, balancing and unstacking are not supposed to start until there are at least 6 players in the server. If you truly saw an unstacking move when there were only 4 players, there is a bug in the plugin that I will have to fix.

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Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*:


  kcuestag* said:

As for "Check Team Stacking After First Minutes", what value would you recommend? Default is 10 minutes for Conquest Large, that's what I'm running right now.

That setting is really only for Assault, where one side starts with more tickets than the other. Even with highly tuned early phase settings, you could inadvertently cause unstacking to happen on the first player death on an Assault map.


If your ratios for early phase are high, higher than the starting ratio of a map (for example, Karkand is 400/350 = 114%), you can set Check Team Stacking After First Minutes to 0. If they are low, like say 110%, you want to set Check Team Stacking After First Minutes high enough that you won't get any inadvertant unstacks during the period before the tickets even out. That's about 10 minutes on a 32 player map. It might be less on higher max player counts.

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Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*:


  HungarianBf3Fans* said:

scramble TB-value as in truebalncer

Nice! Thanks for sharing the close match.


In some future version I will add Battlelog stats, but I won't do any kind of combined metric like TB-value, sorry. I don't believe in them.

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Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*:


  MarcoV1980* said:

If the plugin says in the debug log, that it WILL balance on next death and doesn't, how is that a fault in the settings? Please enlighten me.

It says that and then decides later not to, but you don't see that change of decision because you don't have your Debug Level set to 8. :smile: There are literally dozens of decisions the plugin makes, any one of which could make it decide not to enable balancing, even though it is needed, but it doesn't tell you about those decisions, unless you are debugging the plugin at level 8.


I agree it is a misleading message, but it doesn't mean the plugin is not working properly.


I just changed the message to "as soon as possible" instead of "on next death". It will be in the next patch.

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Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*:


  shadow2k1* said:

i understand that the 0,120,120 is for ticket count

but how would that look for kill count for TDM?

would it be 25,25,25?

No, those are not ticket counts. Those are ratios for unstacking. 120 means 120% after you divide winning tickets by losing tickets. For example, if the winning team has 130 tickets and the losing team has 100 tickets, that is 130/100 = 130%. If you have unstacking set to 120%, unstacking would be activated. If the winning team has 90 tickets and the losing team has 80 tickets that's 90/80 = 113%. If you have unstacking set at 120%, unstacking would not be activated.


The list of numbers, 0, 120, 120, means 0% for Low Population, 120% for Medium Population, and 120% for High Population. Population is the number of players in the server.


Phase is defined by your Definition Of Early Phase As Tickets From Start and Definition Of Late Phase As Tickets From End.



edit: ok i read the post here showthread....ected-Settings* for the TDM settings but im not understanding why setting the enable unstacking option to false?


if i dont want the game to be one sided, wouldnt i want to set this to true?

Because stacked teams aren't as critical in TDM as they are in Conquest. You can turn it on if you want, but until you really understand how to tune the plugin settings, its best to leave it off. There is a certain amount of player complaining/whining that happens every time you move someone, and unstacking moves two players per swap! It's a balance of benefit of unstacking to cost of complaints.
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Originally Posted by MarcoV1980*:


  PapaCharlie9* said:

Were you running Unstacking should have been disabled by default. Did you enable it?


In any case, balancing and unstacking are not supposed to start until there are at least 6 players in the server. If you truly saw an unstacking move when there were only 4 players, there is a bug in the plugin that I will have to fix.

Hey PC9, thx for your reply.


I think i did set it to on, but am i understanding you right, that it shouldn't start regardless under 6 people. I checked and found this in the log, i've set the debug to 4 on all.


[11:15:55] [MULTIbalancer] +------------------------------------------------+

[11:15:55] [MULTIbalancer] Status: Map = Noshahr Canals, mode = TDM, time in round = 01:15:49, tickets = 3/1 -> [150]

[11:15:55] [MULTIbalancer] Status: Autobalance is not active, phase = Early, population = Low, speed = Adaptive, unstack when ticket ratio >= 110%

[11:15:55] [MULTIbalancer] Status: Team counts [4] = 2(US) vs 2(RU), with 0 unassigned

[11:15:55] [MULTIbalancer] Status: Team difference = 0

[11:16:05] [MULTIbalancer] +------------------------------------------------+

[11:16:05] [MULTIbalancer] Status: Map = Noshahr Canals, mode = TDM, time in round = 01:15:59, tickets = 3/1 -> [150]

[11:16:05] [MULTIbalancer] Status: Autobalance is not active, phase = Early, population = Low, speed = Adaptive, unstack when ticket ratio >= 110%

[11:16:05] [MULTIbalancer] Status: Team counts [4] = 2(US) vs 2(RU), with 0 unassigned

[11:16:05] [MULTIbalancer] Status: Team difference = 0

[11:16:13] [MULTIbalancer] UNSTACK moving strong hiyotyan from US to RU because: Ticket ratio 300 vs. unstack ratio of 110

[11:16:13] [MULTIbalancer] MOVING hiyotyan from US to RU to unstack teams

[11:16:15] [MULTIbalancer] +------------------------------------------------+

[11:16:15] [MULTIbalancer] Status: Map = Noshahr Canals, mode = TDM, time in round = 01:16:09, tickets = 3/2 -> [150]

[11:16:15] [MULTIbalancer] Status: Autobalance is not active, phase = Early, population = Low, speed = Adaptive, unstack when ticket ratio >= 110%

[11:16:15] [MULTIbalancer] Status: Team counts [4] = 1(US) vs 3(RU), with 0 unassigned

[11:16:15] [MULTIbalancer] Status: Team difference = 2 ... autobalance will activate on next death!



And yes, im using

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Originally Posted by sstuff*:


u love the server

but u hate getting split from your squad EVERY map

or that somoene in ur swuad gets split

and mention that u do notice the rounds are much more even tho

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Originally Posted by kcuestag*:


@PapaCharlie9 Here are the settings I'm running for Conquest Large - Assault Large (700-800 tickets):


Posted Image


Posted Image


Big thanks to Blitz as he contributed to most of these settings, they are running PERFECTLY on my server, very well balanced games (Almost 9 out of 10 games end up within 50 tickets of difference with these settings so far) and no complaints for unstacking. :smile:

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Originally Posted by 24Flat*:


PapaCharlie, Thank you so much for your Hard work!! SQDM needed a Balancer so bad..


We have 2, (24) slot SQDM Hard Core servers with 75 tickets. our matches rarely go past 15 minutes so there isnt a lot of time to do any balancing that keeps the majority happy. With help from Blitz, and my Clan members from NL who put up with me testing this on both our servers we have found the settings that seem to work best for a 24 slot SQDM server as well as making most matches 'nail biters'!


I would like to see some settings for a SQDM 16 slot, 50 tickets though, as thats how that game type is set up to play out of the box so to say


anyway heres what we have running on both our servers


SQDM 24 SLOT 75 Tickets Hard Core


0 - Settings|Use Round Phase, Population and Exlusions preset: None

0 - Enable Instacking: True


1 - Settings|Enable Battlelog Requests: True

1 - Settings|Maximum Request Rate: 10

1 - Settings|Wait Timeout: 30

1 - Settings|Unlimited Team Switching During First Minutes Of Round: 3

1 - Settings|Seconds Until Adaptive Speed Becomes Fast: 180

1 - Settings|Enable Whitelisting Of Reserved Slots List: True


2 - Exclusions|On Whitelist: True

2 - Exclusions|Top Scorers: True

2 - Exclusions|Same Clan Tags In Squad: True

2 - Exclusions|Minutes After Joining: 5


3 - |Early Phase: Ticket Percentage To Unstack: 200, 200, 200

3 - |Mid Phase: Ticket Percentage To Unstack: 150, 150, 150

3 - |Late Phase: Ticket Percentage To Unstack: 0, 0, 0

3 - |Early Phase: Balance Speed: Fast, Fast, Fast

3 - |Mid Phase: Balance Speed: Fast, Fast, Fast

3 - |Late Phase: Balance Speed: Stop, Stop, Stop


4 - Scrambler|Only On New Maps: False

4 - Scrambler|Only On Final Ticket Percentage >=: 0

4 - Scrambler|Scramble By: Round Score

4 - Scrambler|Keep Clan Tags In Same Squad: True

4 - Scrambler|Delay Seconds: 40


6 - Unswitcher|Forbid Switch After Autobalance: True

6 - Unswitcher|Forbid Switch To Winning Team: True

6 - Unswitcher|Forbid Switch To Biggest Team: True

6 - Unswitcher|Forbid Switch After Dispersal: True

6 - Unswitcher|Enable Immediate Unswitch: False


8 - Squad Deathmatch: Max Players: 24

8 - Squad Deathmatch: Check Team Stacking After First Minutes: 4

8 - Squad Deathmatch: Max Unstacking Swaps Per Round: 0

8 - Squad Deathmatch: Number Of Swaps Per Group: 0

8 - Squad Deathmatch: Delay Seconds Between Swap Groups: 60

8 - Squad Deathmatch: Determine Strong Players By: RoundSPM

8 - Squad Deathmatch: Percent Of Top Of Team Is Strong: 50

8 - Squad Deathmatch: Disperse Evenly For Rank >=: 145

8 - Squad Deathmatch: Enable Disperse Evenly List: True

8 - Squad Deathmatch: Definition Of High Population For Players >=: 22

8 - Squad Deathmatch: Definition Of Low Population For Players

8 - Squad Deathmatch: Definition Of Early Phase As Tickets From Start: 25

8 - Squad Deathmatch: Definition Of Late Phase As Tickets From End: 25

8 - Squad Deathmatch: Enable Scrambler: False

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Originally Posted by shadow2k1*:


  PapaCharlie9* said:

No, those are not ticket counts. Those are ratios for unstacking. 120 means 120% after you divide winning tickets by losing tickets. For example, if the winning team has 130 tickets and the losing team has 100 tickets, that is 130/100 = 130%. If you have unstacking set to 120%, unstacking would be activated. If the winning team has 90 tickets and the losing team has 80 tickets that's 90/80 = 113%. If you have unstacking set at 120%, unstacking would not be activated.


The list of numbers, 0, 120, 120, means 0% for Low Population, 120% for Medium Population, and 120% for High Population. Population is the number of players in the server.


Phase is defined by your Definition Of Early Phase As Tickets From Start and Definition Of Late Phase As Tickets From End.



Because stacked teams aren't as critical in TDM as they are in Conquest. You can turn it on if you want, but until you really understand how to tune the plugin settings, its best to leave it off. There is a certain amount of player complaining/whining that happens every time you move someone, and unstacking moves two players per swap! It's a balance of benefit of unstacking to cost of complaints.

I see, thanks for the reply


one more thing, how many players would you consider to be low population? in a 32 man server?

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Originally Posted by Blitz*:


  MarcoV1980* said:

I see also other people where the balancer aint working that great. Besides it ain't rocket science to setup a plugin now is it?


If reacting normally to someone who is only trying to mention a 'possible' plugin problem then maybe you maybe shouldn't?


I'll highlight the most important stuff for you, incase you've missed it.


If the plugin says in the debug log, that it WILL balance on next death and doesn't, how is that a fault in the settings? Please enlighten me.

This is no ordinary plugin. Look at the first page. It exceeds a typical high school essay word count. :P
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Originally Posted by Blitz*:


If anyone needs help I am available right now, so send me a PM and I will do the best I can to help you.


What you really need to do when you start this plugin is set to standard and make double sure unstacking is false. If you want to introduce unstacking, set higher tolerances for ticket ratios and reduce number of swaps per group and increase delay of group swapping. You really need to read through post #1 2-3 times and understand it thoroughly before you engage it. If you have questions about any setting ask us here or read through the whole thread as many questions have been answered in this thread thanks to Papa's answers. Believe me though, if you have the time to understand it and change the settings suited to your liking, it will transform your server into an awesome experience for your players.


I can't thank Papa enough for what this has done for our server. Our server has jumped from 32 to 9th rank in 2 weeks on gametracker.com, and despite the blaze disconnects, we have still climbed.

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Originally Posted by mizehh*:



First I want to thank developers about this plugin.


Second, I'm having hard time finding good configure with our server. We are running AnR -Infantry only -server. Running conquest mode, 105% ticket count and ofc without vehicles. Maplist includes Metro, Bazaar and Seine.


Why there is so hard to find good balance in our server is that usually server is full of really high skilled players. What I don't want plugin to do is switch top players from winning team to losing team middle of round (Not really rewarding for player who fought his team to winning and then gets switched back to losing team).

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Originally Posted by HexaCanon*:


i need an answer for few questions :


1 - does disperse even list work through the whole round, or just on join ?

2 - can i put a player in the disperse even list and the whitelist ?

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Originally Posted by LumPenPacK*:


  mizehh* said:


First I want to thank developers about this plugin.


Second, I'm having hard time finding good configure with our server. We are running AnR -Infantry only -server. Running conquest mode, 105% ticket count and ofc without vehicles. Maplist includes Metro, Bazaar and Seine.


Why there is so hard to find good balance in our server is that usually server is full of really high skilled players. What I don't want plugin to do is switch top players from winning team to losing team middle of round (Not really rewarding for player who fought his team to winning and then gets switched back to losing team).

You have to choose between real unstacking during a round or only scrambling between rounds. You can disable unstacking (team switch) during a round and exclude "Top scores" from auto balancing but I think people should stop whining if they get switched. Most people cry like a little girl if they get switched and they also don't care about fair play and team balancing.
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Originally Posted by 24Flat*:


  HexaCanon* said:

i need an answer for few questions :


1 - does disperse even list work through the whole round, or just on join ?

2 - can i put a player in the disperse even list and the whitelist ?

Im not sure if this helps but here is how we use those to settings


White List: list is for Clan members and publics that donate to our servers

Disperse Evenly List: For People that you don't want to allow to be on the same team. (AKA the troublesome ones that show up and rape your server empty.)


Thats how we use it. as far as being in both list at the same time... I don't know

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Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*:


  kcuestag* said:

@PapaCharlie9 Here are the settings I'm running for Conquest Large - Assault Large (700-800 tickets):


Posted Image


Posted Image


Big thanks to Blitz as he contributed to most of these settings, they are running PERFECTLY on my server, very well balanced games (Almost 9 out of 10 games end up within 50 tickets of difference with these settings so far) and no complaints for unstacking. :smile:

Very good. In Show In Log, type these commands and copy & pasted the output into a post. I'll this set of settings in the Collections thread.


gen 3


gen 4


gen cl

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Originally Posted by sstuff*:


Hi, I am a player in fantasygirl's AM server and I love it but I hate that one of my clan members are always getting split up on EVERY map. We play the obj and then we get switched sides. Its very frustrating. We would like to stay togther as a squad if possible. But the plugin does make the matches much more even.


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Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*:


  24Flat* said:

PapaCharlie, Thank you so much for your Hard work!! SQDM needed a Balancer so bad..


We have 2, (24) slot SQDM Hard Core servers with 75 tickets. our matches rarely go past 15 minutes so there isnt a lot of time to do any balancing that keeps the majority happy. With help from Blitz, and my Clan members from NL who put up with me testing this on both our servers we have found the settings that seem to work best for a 24 slot SQDM server as well as making most matches 'nail biters'!

Good to hear. One clarification, however. Unstacking is disabled for SQDM, regardless of your settings. Unstacking only works on two-team modes.


The tickets should scale to the server size. SQDM is supposed to be 50 tickets with 16 players. 24 players is 150% of 16, so it makes sense to set tickets to 150% of default, which you have done.



I would like to see some settings for a SQDM 16 slot, 50 tickets though, as thats how that game type is set up to play out of the box so to say

The default settings for MB for SQDM are designed for 16 slots, 50 tickets. Just use the defaults.
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Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*:


  shadow2k1* said:

I see, thanks for the reply


one more thing, how many players would you consider to be low population? in a 32 man server?

For 32 I use 8 for low and 24 for high. For 64 its double that, 16 for low, 48 for high.
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Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*:


  Blitz* said:

If anyone needs help I am available right now, so send me a PM and I will do the best I can to help you.

Thanks for helping out. I really like seeing members of the community who have benefited from the plugin helping other members of the community.
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Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*:


  mizehh* said:


First I want to thank developers about this plugin.


Second, I'm having hard time finding good configure with our server. We are running AnR -Infantry only -server. Running conquest mode, 105% ticket count and ofc without vehicles. Maplist includes Metro, Bazaar and Seine.


Why there is so hard to find good balance in our server is that usually server is full of really high skilled players. What I don't want plugin to do is switch top players from winning team to losing team middle of round (Not really rewarding for player who fought his team to winning and then gets switched back to losing team).

Search back a couple of pages in this thread to tarreltje's posts. He has a similar requirement, mixing Metro with other maps. Metro is a very special map that requires unusual settings. The other maps suffer somewhat from the settings required for Metro.




I will be adding a special setting just for Metro in the next patch that will make this easier.

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Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*:


  HexaCanon* said:

i need an answer for few questions :


1 - does disperse even list work through the whole round, or just on join ?

2 - can i put a player in the disperse even list and the whitelist ?

The whole round and every round.


Yes, but that won't make sense, as I've tried to explain before. The Whitelist has priority over everything else (except Scrambling). If a player is on the Whitelist, they will never be moved by the plugin.


The priority of processing is this:


1) Scrambler

2) Whitelist

3) Dispersal

4) Balancing, unstacking and unswitching (normal processing)


Because Dispersal is higher priority than normal processing, you should leave dispersal players out of the whitelist. I think that achieves what you want, if I understand it correctly. It doesn't matter what the balancer or the unstacker does for everyone else, it treats dispersal players as a separate and higher priority balancing goal. For example, a dispersal player will not be moved for ordinary balance, if it would make dispersal players unbalanced.

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Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*:


  sstuff* said:

Hi, I am a player in fantasygirl's AM server and I love it but I hate that one of my clan members are always getting split up on EVERY map. We play the obj and then we get switched sides. Its very frustrating. We would like to stay togther as a squad if possible. But the plugin does make the matches much more even.


Can you arrange to wear the same clan tags? That would keep you together.
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Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*:


  Jaythegreat1* said:

Think I'm going to try using BalancingOnly, and use TrueBalancer for scrambling.

As you wish, but help me understand why. Maybe there are improvements I could make in MB? Why doesn't MB scrambling work for you?
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Originally Posted by KamelMitLocken*:


Hi PapaCharlie9,


first of all huge thanks for this plugin. It did an overall amazing wotk till late this afternoon.


All of a sudden it stopped working and I had a 22 to 16 balance on my server which lead to a lot of players leaving, as MB simply did not balance. It actually "saw" the difference of 6 and acknowledged it but didn't do anything. It just sat there saying autobalancing active, for about 10 minutes. Switched back to TrueBalancer for now.

I did notice 3 players with the same tag but that shouldn't stop MB from working, should it?


I am using the setting from your MB Settings thread for Conquest Large normal Maps.


I wish I could give you an excerpt from my pluginn.log but I can't get it working. Chat, Event and Console logs are fine, just plugin.log wont work. Its always empty.


Anyway, have you heard about anything remotely similar to my problem and what could be done against it?


Thanks in advance!

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      Procon Layer will be $2 USD per month.

      Each layer will only allow one (1) game server connection. The reason behind this is for performance.

      Each layer will also come with all available plugins installed by default. This is to help facilitate faster deployments and get you up and running quickly.

      Each layer will automatically restart if Procon crashes. 

      Each layer will also automatically restart daily at midnight to make sure it stays in tip-top shape.

      Custom plugins can be installed by submitting a support ticket.

      Battlefield Admin Control Panel (BFACP) will be $5 USD per month

      As I am still working on building version 3 of the software, I will be installing the last version I did. Once I complete version 3 it will automatically be upgraded for you.

      All these services will be managed by me so you don't have to worry about the technical side of things to get up and going.

      If you would like to see how much it would cost for the services, I made a calculator that you can use. It can be found here https://ezrcon.com/calculator.html

      • 11 replies
    • I have pushed out a new minor release which updates the geodata pull (flags in the playerlisting). This should be way more accurate now. As always, please let me know if any problems show up.

      • 9 replies
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