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ProconRulz V44j1 - weapon limits and other event-triggered admin actions


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Originally Posted by C-4-N*:


I have put this in my BF4 folder but cant see the plugin any ideas why?



in folder of procon hosted or on your computer ? :s


restart layer if you did well


@hauser if you want only kill/kick saiga, this one is ok for BF3

On Kill;Weapon Saiga20k;PlayerCount 1;say %p% kicked for Saiga;Kick %p% Saiga shotgun use

On Kill;Weapon Saiga20k;PlayerSay %p% no Saiga shotgun;Kill 100

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Originally Posted by LiqTenExp*:


One issue I'm having is with the weapon ID key coming up when using %w%


aka I expect AEK-971 but get U_AEK971


Any work around or ideas why this is happening? I am using it for a typical killstreak rule

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Originally Posted by bambam*:


One issue I'm having is with the weapon ID key coming up when using %w%


aka I expect AEK-971 but get U_AEK971


Any work around or ideas why this is happening? I am using it for a typical killstreak rule

Note that PROCON (not BF4, not ProconRulz) provides the mapping from weapon key to kit, damage and 'localized display name'.


The important Procon files are:


Configs/BF4.def - this contains the (kit, damage) line for U_AEK971:


procon.protected.weapons.add Assault "U_AEK971" Primary AssaultRifle
And, depending on the LANGUAGE SETTING for Procon, e.g. English/Australian here:

Localization/au.loc contains the "local display name' line for U_AEK971:


My guess is you are using a language setting for Procon which does NOT have a setting for the U_AEK971 in the localization/XX.loc file - if ProconRulz cannot get a 'weapon name' from Procon then it uses the key instead (because that is all that is available and is better than nothing).


I checked (for example) the language 'cz', and there is no entry for the U_AEK971 in the localization/cz.loc file, so that's probably true for whatever language you are using.


localization/au.loc (Australian/English) is the one kept most up to date by the Procon devs.

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Originally Posted by LiqTenExp*:


ok, so I updated those two files and I still get error messages like this:



On Kill;Weapon U_CZ805_M26_Frag;PlayerCount 1;say %p% kicked for Underslung M320 HE usage!;Kick %p% NO EXPLOSIVES, PLEASE REJOIN IF YOU CAN FOLLOW THE RULES!!!

On Kill;Weapon U_CZ805_M26_Frag;PlayerSay %p% NO EXPLOSIVES!;Kill 100


ProconRulz: Warning, weapon U_CZ805_M26_Frag not found in Procon (but you can still use the key in ProconRulz)


under my Localization/au.loc

global.Weapons.u_cz805_m26_frag=M26 Mass Frag under CZ-805


under my Configs/BF4.def

procon.protected.weapons.add Assault "U_CZ805_M26_Frag" Secondary Shotgun


Is it case sensitive? What am I missing here?




Ok, my mistake, I had to restart the procon layer. Now it is working except for the L85A2 which is new for China Rising. I will just create it myself in those 2 files.



global.Weapons.u_l85a2_m320_flash_v2=M320 FB under L85A2

global.Weapons.u_l85a2_m320_he_v2=M320 HE under L85A2

global.Weapons.u_l85a2_m320_lvg_v2=M320 LVG under L85A2

global.Weapons.u_l85a2_m320_shg_v2=M320 Dart under L85A2

global.Weapons.u_l85a2_m320_smk_v2=M320 SMK under L85A2



procon.protected.weapons.add Assault "U_L85A2_M320_FLASH_V2" Secondary Impact

procon.protected.weapons.add Assault "U_L85A2_M320_HE_V2" Secondary ProjectileExplosive

procon.protected.weapons.add Assault "U_L85A2_M320_LVG_V2" Secondary ProjectileExplosive

procon.protected.weapons.add Assault "U_L85A2_M320_SHG_V2" Secondary Shotgun

procon.protected.weapons.add Assault "U_L85A2_M320_SMK_V2" Secondary Impact


I don't see the L85A2/M26 listed as a weapon here(is it_):





Thanks for you help guys!

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Originally Posted by bambam*:


Ok, my mistake, I had to restart the procon layer. Now it is working except for the L85A2 which is new for China Rising. I will just create it myself in those 2 files.

Promoted!! Level 23 ProconRulz noob to Level 24 Lt Colonel. Plus the awesome Premium Platinum Battle Pack with a dogtag saying "I wasn't there", a bipod for a gun you will never use, and a profile picture of three gay soldiers.
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Originally Posted by shai*:




I want to be able to create a rule based on if someone goes out of bounds in the map. How can this be accomplished? I've seen server descriptions saying things like "dont climb out of the map = insta ban"

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Originally Posted by LjMjollnir*:




I want to be able to create a rule based on if someone goes out of bounds in the map. How can this be accomplished? I've seen server descriptions saying things like "dont climb out of the map = insta ban"

Cant be done in Battlefield 3 and 4 sorry.. there is no way to find out Location of soldiers in these games.

My guess is they have Admins watching using spectator mode and will ban then... but thats the only way it can really be done

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Originally Posted by Mandizzy*:


In BF4, FairFight automatically bans people who glitch and exploit maps like they did in Metro (under floor/roof top etc.). You don't need a plug-in for that. If you want to stop players from say climbing the mountain in TDM prison map etc. then you shouldn't bother, DICE allows it and so should you.


You can take a look at FF ban codes here: https://help.ea.com/article/battlefi...d-by-fairfight

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Originally Posted by xD3aDPooLx*:


Okay I need some small Help...


Since I have procon setup on my servers, and I am trying to get the ProconRulz to announce in game, and I can't figure that part out at all.



I have "Send ProconRulz Log messages to: Chat" at this time.



This is also my current Rule set for the server...



On Kill;ServerFirst;Set %server_sniperlimit% 3
On Say;ServerFirst;Set %server_sniperlimit% 3
On Spawn;If %server_sl_sniper[%p%]% == 1;Log Sniper %pt% %p% re-spawned. %server_sl_total[%ptk%]% snipers on team %ptk%
On Kill;If %server_sl_sniper[%v%]% == 1;Log Sniper %vtk% %v% killed. %server_sl_total[%vtk%]% snipers on team %vtk%
# SNIPER KILL CHECKS either over limit (so kill), existing sniper (do nothing), new sniper (reserve slot)
On Kill;Damage SniperRifle;
If %server_sl_total[%ptk%]% >= %server_sniperlimit%;if %server_sl_sniper[%p%]% == 0;PlayerSay -;PlayerSay - %p% killed by SNIPER LIMIT max %server_sniperlimit%;PlayerSay -;Log Sniper Limit max %server_sniperlimit% snipers each team !!! (now Kill %p%);Kill
If %server_sl_sniper[%p%]% == 1;Log %ptk% %p% still a sniper, %server_sl_total[%ptk%]% snipers on team %ptk%
If %server_sl_sniper[%p%]% == 0;Incr %server_sl_total[%ptk%]%;Set %server_sl_sniper[%p%]% 1;Set %server_sl_x% %server_sl_total[%ptk%]%;Set %server_sl_snipername[%ptk%][%server_sl_x%]% %p%;PlayerSay -;PlayerSay - YOU HAVE A SNIPER SLOT !!! %server_sl_total[%ptk%]%/%server_sniperlimit%;PlayerSay -;Log %ptk% %p% is new sniper, %server_sl_total[%ptk%]%/%server_sniperlimit% snipers on team %ptk%
# SNIPER KILL CHECKS either over limit (so kill), existing sniper (do nothing), new sniper (reserve slot)
On Kill;Damage DMR;
If %server_sl_total[%ptk%]% >= %server_sniperlimit%;if %server_sl_sniper[%p%]% == 0;PlayerSay -;PlayerSay - %p% killed by SNIPER LIMIT max %server_sniperlimit%;PlayerSay -;Log Sniper Limit max %server_sniperlimit% snipers each team !!! (now Kill %p%);Kill
If %server_sl_sniper[%p%]% == 1;Log %ptk% %p% still a sniper, %server_sl_total[%ptk%]% snipers on team %ptk%
If %server_sl_sniper[%p%]% == 0;Incr %server_sl_total[%ptk%]%;Set %server_sl_sniper[%p%]% 1;Set %server_sl_x% %server_sl_total[%ptk%]%;Set %server_sl_snipername[%ptk%][%server_sl_x%]% %p%;PlayerSay -;PlayerSay - YOU HAVE A SNIPER SLOT !!! %server_sl_total[%ptk%]%/%server_sniperlimit%;PlayerSay -;Log %ptk% %p% is new sniper, %server_sl_total[%ptk%]%/%server_sniperlimit% snipers on team %ptk%
On Kill;Not Damage SniperRifle;Not Damage Handgun;Not Damage Melee;Not Damage DMR;Not Damage Explosive;If %server_sl_sniper[%p%]% == 1;Set %server_sl_sniper[%p%]% 0;Decr %server_sl_total[%ptk%]%;TeamSay -;TeamSay - %p% gave up his SNIPER slot!!!;TeamSay -;Log Ex-sniper %p% used %d% %wk%, %server_sl_total[%ptk%]% snipers on team %ptk%
On Leave;If %server_sl_sniper[%p%]% == 1;Set %server_sl_sniper[%p%]% 0;Decr %server_sl_total[%ptk%]%;TeamSay -;TeamSay - %p% gave up his SNIPER slot !!!;TeamSay -;Log Sniper %pt% %p% left server. %server_sl_total[%ptk%]% snipers on team %ptk%
# !snipers / !sniperx INFO MESSAGES
On Say;Text !snipers;
PlayerSay Sniper limit: %server_sl_total[%ptk%]%/%server_sniperlimit%. Reserve slot with sniper kill, lose it with non-sniper/handgun kill.
If %server_sl_total[%ptk%]% == 0;PlayerSay 0/%server_sniperlimit% SNIPERS on team %pt%
If %server_sl_total[%ptk%]% > 0;PlayerSay %pt% SNIPER[1/%server_sniperlimit%] is %server_sl_snipername[%ptk%][1]%
If %server_sl_total[%ptk%]% > 1;PlayerSay %pt% SNIPER[2/%server_sniperlimit%] is %server_sl_snipername[%ptk%][2]%
If %server_sl_total[%ptk%]% > 2;PlayerSay %pt% SNIPER[3/%server_sniperlimit%] is %server_sl_snipername[%ptk%][3]%
If %server_sl_total[%ptk%]% > 3;PlayerSay %pt% SNIPER[4/%server_sniperlimit%] is %server_sl_snipername[%ptk%][4]%
On Say;Text !sniperx;
PlayerSay SNIPERS: Team 1: %server_sl_total[1]%/%server_sniperlimit%, Team 2: %server_sl_total[2]%/%server_sniperlimit%
# Unreal Tournament Kill Streak Announcer by ty_ger07
#### Announcements of killstreak ending:
On Kill;If %server_streak[%v%]% >= 5;Say %p% ENDED %v%'s %server_streak[%v%]%-KILL STREAK with %w%
On TeamKill;If %server_streak[%v%]% >= 5;Say %p%'s TEAMKILL ENDED %v%'s %server_streak[%v%]%-KILL STREAK with %w%
On Suicide;If %server_streak[%p%]% >= 5;Say %p% ENDED their %server_streak[%p%]%-KILL STREAK with a SUICIDE
#### Reset the player's streak count when they are killed:
On Kill;Set %server_streak[%v%]% 0
On TeamKill;Set %server_streak[%v%]% 0
On Suicide;Set %server_streak[%v%]% 0
#### Reset killincr to 0 if server_streak is 0
On Kill;If %server_streak[%p%]% == 0;Set %killincr% 0
#### Accumulate the kill count for each player in a var %server_streak[playername]%
On Kill;Incr %killincr%;Incr %server_streak[%p%]%;
#### Say periodic killstreak messages
On Kill;If %killincr% == 30;Set %killincr% 25;PlayerSay GodLike! %p% %server_streak[%p%]% KILL STREAK
On Kill;If %server_streak[%p%]% == 25;PlayerSay GodLike! %p% 25-KILL STREAK
On Kill;If %server_streak[%p%]% == 20;PlayerSay Unstoppable! %p% 20-KILL STREAK
On Kill;If %server_streak[%p%]% == 15;PlayerSay Dominating! %p% 15-KILL STREAK
On Kill;If %server_streak[%p%]% == 10;PlayerSay Rampage! %p% 10-KILL STREAK
On Kill;If %server_streak[%p%]% == 5;PlayerSay Killing Spree! %p% 5-KILL STREAK
# Team Kill Notification Rules
On TeamKill;PlayerSay %p%: watch your fire! #%c%
On TeamKill;Say %v%: !forgive or !punish
# Tracking Notification
On TeamKill;If %server_lastteamkill[%v%]% == %p%;Say %p%: payback team kill against %v%.
On TeamKill;If %server_lastteamkill[%p%]% == %v%;Say %p%: team killed %v% twice in a row.
# Team Kill Tracking Rules
On TeamKill;Set %server_lastteamkill[%p%]% %v%
On TeamKill;Set %server_lastteamkiller[%v%]% %p%
# Automatic Forget
On Kill;Set %server_lastteamkiller[%v%]% 0;Set %server_lastteamkill[%p%]% 0;Set %server_lastteamkiller[%p%]% 0
# Team Kill Punish Rule
On Say;Text !punish;If %server_lastteamkiller[%p%]% == 0;PlayerSay %p%: could not find a recent team kill to punish.
On Say;Text !punish;If %server_lastteamkiller[%p%]% != 0;TargetPlayer %server_lastteamkiller[%p%]%;Say %server_lastteamkiller[%p%]% killed for team killing.;TargetAction Kill;TargetConfirm;Set %server_lastteamkiller[%p%]% 0
On Say;Text !forgive;If %server_lastteamkiller[%p%]% == 0;PlayerSay %p%: could not find a recent team kill to forgive.
On Say;Text !forgive;If %server_lastteamkiller[%p%]% != 0;Set %server_lastteamkill[%server_lastteamkiller[%p%]%]% 0;Say %server_lastteamkiller[%p%]% was forgiven by %p%.;Set %server_lastteamkiller[%p%]% 0
## Below different stats to count

# Most Deaths
On Spawn;Not Playerfirst;Incr %playerdead%
On Spawn;If %playerdead% > %server_dead%;Set %server_dead% %playerdead%;Set %server_deadplayer% %p%

# Most kills
On Kill;Incr %playerkills%
On Kill;If %playerkills% > %server_mostkills%;Set %server_mostkills% %playerkills%;Set %server_mostkillsplayer% %p%

# Firstblood
On kill;ServerFirst;Set %server_firstblood% %p%;Set %server_firstbloodtarget% %v%

# Lastblood
On Kill;Set %server_lastbloodplayer% %p%;Set %server_lastbloodtarget% %v%;

# Most knives
On kill;Damage Melee;Incr %playerknives%
On Kill;Damage Melee;If %playerknives% > %server_knives%;Set %server_knives% %playerknives%;Set %server_knivesplayer% %p%

On RoundOver;
Say -
Say -
Say - First Blood: %server_firstblood%, Most Knives: %server_knivesplayer% %server_knives%
Say - Last Blood: %server_lastbloodplayer%, Most Kills: %server_mostkillsplayer% %server_mostkills%
Say - Most Deaths: %server_deadplayer% %server_dead%
Am I missing something small or should it work? Also I do not have the procon layers setup.
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Originally Posted by shai*:


In BF4, FairFight automatically bans people who glitch and exploit maps like they did in Metro (under floor/roof top etc.). You don't need a plug-in for that. If you want to stop players from say climbing the mountain in TDM prison map etc. then you shouldn't bother, DICE allows it and so should you.


You can take a look at FF ban codes here: https://help.ea.com/article/battlefi...d-by-fairfight

thanks mate ... I'll read into that :smile: the last violation seems like what I'm looking for ... although maybe you're also right ... DICE don't care .. so maybe I should'nt either. It boils down to just a server admin's decision.
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Originally Posted by Slayer*:


In BF4, FairFight automatically bans people who glitch and exploit maps like they did in Metro (under floor/roof top etc.).


You can take a look at FF ban codes here: https://help.ea.com/article/battlefi...d-by-fairfight

Doesn't work, didn't work in BF3, I wouldn't believe that paragraph they don't kick anyone going inside the maps or I wouldn't need to do it myself, or are you saying in BF4 it will be an introduced feature, that paragraph is just there for the hell of it, unless they can magically detect when player code goes inside the maps, spectator is the same a player is in server and can go into out of map boundaries areas.


You were kicked by FairFight. Stated reason: Restricted Area


You have been kicked from a server for entering an area not designed for players by using an exploit in the terrain. We have taken no further action at this time however please note that continual use of this type of exploit may lead to sanctions being taken against your account.

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Originally Posted by Slayer*:


Uh... BF3 did not have FairFight!

I know they didn't have it in BF3 I was saying Dice didn't kick/ban then and there not going to start now. :P


Glitching in servers will always be down to the server admins not Dice.


edit: It would be good if fairfight did/could detect a player outside of the play boundaries of a map, say like on the roof of operation locker above C flag as an example.

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Originally Posted by C-4-N*:


Hi , is there a way to push battlelog stats with proconrulz ?


by exemple , i would like to push , captured flags on join, and then on leave to calculate number of flags took


or else ?

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Originally Posted by shai*:


No. This plugin only uses data available by Rcon and rank is not part of that data.

If you look at Procon in the GUI, it does recognize the ranks of the players, in the Players tab... this can't be utilized?
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Originally Posted by Tomgun*:


im trying to limit the sniper amount (or stop them completely) in domination gamemode in bf4 (our server plays multiple gamemodes) but no other gametype, what do I need to add the the command lines? is it something like


gamemode domination;


in each kill line?


I tried this but it doesnt like it


On Kill;Damage SniperRifle;gametype Domination0;Say No Sniper Rifles Allowed on Domination;Kill 100

On Kill;Damage DMR;gametype Domination0;Say No DMR Rifles Allowed on Domination;Kill 100

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Originally Posted by C-4-N*:


im trying to limit the sniper amount (or stop them completely) in domination gamemode in bf4 (our server plays multiple gamemodes) but no other gametype, what do I need to add the the command lines? is it something like


gamemode domination;


in each kill line?


I tried this but it doesnt like it


On Kill;Damage SniperRifle;gametype Domination0;Say No Sniper Rifles Allowed on Domination;Kill 100

On Kill;Damage DMR;gametype Domination0;Say No DMR Rifles Allowed on Domination;Kill 100

i think it s mapmode and not gametype





On Kill;Damage SniperRifle;mapmode Domination0;Say No Sniper Rifles Allowed on Domination;Kill 100



if map mode don't work you can use



On Kill;Damage SniperRifle;if %mm% contains Domination0;Say No Sniper Rifles Allowed on Domination;Kill 100

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Originally Posted by DaBIGfisH*:




- can one script access an %server_variable% of another script, or are scripts independent of each other? i dont hope so.

- what is with rules order? is it possible to control wich script processes its rules first, after that the next script processes its rules?

- what is the maximum count of letters in a script? if no limitation, then one script could contain all rules and the above questions are obsolete.

- why reloading scripts by enabling / disabling the whole plugin? maybe an switch in plugin variables can do that, without resetting script variables? like it was in the old procon rulz versions.


thx a lot for adding On RoundOver trigger !!! :smile:


Regards, DaBIGfisH

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Originally Posted by LjMjollnir*:


1) I Believe so :ohmy: not that ive tried anything that needs to access the same variables ive always had int he same rules.txt

2) Yep.. Rules are done in order

3) I asked that question awhile back.. and it seems anything in a .txt does NOT have a limit.. as for the rules section itself it may have a limit i am unsure about that one.

4) i reload the .txt files but having an invalid line in the .txt section... and i just change it every time i need to reload.. it does reset the variables tho.. but for most of the time its not an issue.. anything that needs to be permenantly set i use a %ini_section_variable%

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Originally Posted by tarreltje*:




- can one script access an %server_variable% of another script, or are scripts independent of each other? i dont hope so.

- what is with rules order? is it possible to control wich script processes its rules first, after that the next script processes its rules?

- what is the maximum count of letters in a script? if no limitation, then one script could contain all rules and the above questions are obsolete.

- why reloading scripts by enabling / disabling the whole plugin? maybe an switch in plugin variables can do that, without resetting script variables? like it was in the old procon rulz versions.


thx a lot for adding On RoundOver trigger !!! :smile:


Regards, DaBIGfisH

Abou the reloading enabling plugin for new rulz, i already have stated this towards BamBam. He is changing proconrulz , the way insanelimits works, so you can turn on/off rulz within the plugin!!
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Originally Posted by metalmicky*:


Hi Guys, I've been looking through the forum for hours trying to find a solution (no luck so far)


I have a BF4 server, also running a Procon Layer


I've downloaded the latest ProconRulz_44j1, i have uploaded all files to my procon layer (plugins/bf4)


I've restarted the layer but ProconRulz just will not show up in the plugin list


I have tried other plugins (xVotemap, TrueBalancer) which work fine


does anybody have any idea where I'm going wrong?

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Originally Posted by bambam*:


Okay I need some small Help...


Since I have procon setup on my servers, and I am trying to get the ProconRulz to announce in game, and I can't figure that part out at all.



I have "Send ProconRulz Log messages to: Chat" at this time.



This is also my current Rule set for the server...



On Kill;ServerFirst;Set %server_sniperlimit% 3
On Say;ServerFirst;Set %server_sniperlimit% 3
On Spawn;If %server_sl_sniper[%p%]% == 1;Log Sniper %pt% %p% re-spawned. %server_sl_total[%ptk%]% snipers on team %ptk%
On Kill;If %server_sl_sniper[%v%]% == 1;Log Sniper %vtk% %v% killed. %server_sl_total[%vtk%]% snipers on team %vtk%
# SNIPER KILL CHECKS either over limit (so kill), existing sniper (do nothing), new sniper (reserve slot)
On Kill;Damage SniperRifle;
If %server_sl_total[%ptk%]% >= %server_sniperlimit%;if %server_sl_sniper[%p%]% == 0;PlayerSay -;PlayerSay - %p% killed by SNIPER LIMIT max %server_sniperlimit%;PlayerSay -;Log Sniper Limit max %server_sniperlimit% snipers each team !!! (now Kill %p%);Kill
If %server_sl_sniper[%p%]% == 1;Log %ptk% %p% still a sniper, %server_sl_total[%ptk%]% snipers on team %ptk%
If %server_sl_sniper[%p%]% == 0;Incr %server_sl_total[%ptk%]%;Set %server_sl_sniper[%p%]% 1;Set %server_sl_x% %server_sl_total[%ptk%]%;Set %server_sl_snipername[%ptk%][%server_sl_x%]% %p%;PlayerSay -;PlayerSay - YOU HAVE A SNIPER SLOT !!! %server_sl_total[%ptk%]%/%server_sniperlimit%;PlayerSay -;Log %ptk% %p% is new sniper, %server_sl_total[%ptk%]%/%server_sniperlimit% snipers on team %ptk%
# SNIPER KILL CHECKS either over limit (so kill), existing sniper (do nothing), new sniper (reserve slot)
On Kill;Damage DMR;
If %server_sl_total[%ptk%]% >= %server_sniperlimit%;if %server_sl_sniper[%p%]% == 0;PlayerSay -;PlayerSay - %p% killed by SNIPER LIMIT max %server_sniperlimit%;PlayerSay -;Log Sniper Limit max %server_sniperlimit% snipers each team !!! (now Kill %p%);Kill
If %server_sl_sniper[%p%]% == 1;Log %ptk% %p% still a sniper, %server_sl_total[%ptk%]% snipers on team %ptk%
If %server_sl_sniper[%p%]% == 0;Incr %server_sl_total[%ptk%]%;Set %server_sl_sniper[%p%]% 1;Set %server_sl_x% %server_sl_total[%ptk%]%;Set %server_sl_snipername[%ptk%][%server_sl_x%]% %p%;PlayerSay -;PlayerSay - YOU HAVE A SNIPER SLOT !!! %server_sl_total[%ptk%]%/%server_sniperlimit%;PlayerSay -;Log %ptk% %p% is new sniper, %server_sl_total[%ptk%]%/%server_sniperlimit% snipers on team %ptk%
On Kill;Not Damage SniperRifle;Not Damage Handgun;Not Damage Melee;Not Damage DMR;Not Damage Explosive;If %server_sl_sniper[%p%]% == 1;Set %server_sl_sniper[%p%]% 0;Decr %server_sl_total[%ptk%]%;TeamSay -;TeamSay - %p% gave up his SNIPER slot!!!;TeamSay -;Log Ex-sniper %p% used %d% %wk%, %server_sl_total[%ptk%]% snipers on team %ptk%
On Leave;If %server_sl_sniper[%p%]% == 1;Set %server_sl_sniper[%p%]% 0;Decr %server_sl_total[%ptk%]%;TeamSay -;TeamSay - %p% gave up his SNIPER slot !!!;TeamSay -;Log Sniper %pt% %p% left server. %server_sl_total[%ptk%]% snipers on team %ptk%
# !snipers / !sniperx INFO MESSAGES
On Say;Text !snipers;
PlayerSay Sniper limit: %server_sl_total[%ptk%]%/%server_sniperlimit%. Reserve slot with sniper kill, lose it with non-sniper/handgun kill.
If %server_sl_total[%ptk%]% == 0;PlayerSay 0/%server_sniperlimit% SNIPERS on team %pt%
If %server_sl_total[%ptk%]% > 0;PlayerSay %pt% SNIPER[1/%server_sniperlimit%] is %server_sl_snipername[%ptk%][1]%
If %server_sl_total[%ptk%]% > 1;PlayerSay %pt% SNIPER[2/%server_sniperlimit%] is %server_sl_snipername[%ptk%][2]%
If %server_sl_total[%ptk%]% > 2;PlayerSay %pt% SNIPER[3/%server_sniperlimit%] is %server_sl_snipername[%ptk%][3]%
If %server_sl_total[%ptk%]% > 3;PlayerSay %pt% SNIPER[4/%server_sniperlimit%] is %server_sl_snipername[%ptk%][4]%
On Say;Text !sniperx;
PlayerSay SNIPERS: Team 1: %server_sl_total[1]%/%server_sniperlimit%, Team 2: %server_sl_total[2]%/%server_sniperlimit%
# Unreal Tournament Kill Streak Announcer by ty_ger07
#### Announcements of killstreak ending:
On Kill;If %server_streak[%v%]% >= 5;Say %p% ENDED %v%'s %server_streak[%v%]%-KILL STREAK with %w%
On TeamKill;If %server_streak[%v%]% >= 5;Say %p%'s TEAMKILL ENDED %v%'s %server_streak[%v%]%-KILL STREAK with %w%
On Suicide;If %server_streak[%p%]% >= 5;Say %p% ENDED their %server_streak[%p%]%-KILL STREAK with a SUICIDE
#### Reset the player's streak count when they are killed:
On Kill;Set %server_streak[%v%]% 0
On TeamKill;Set %server_streak[%v%]% 0
On Suicide;Set %server_streak[%v%]% 0
#### Reset killincr to 0 if server_streak is 0
On Kill;If %server_streak[%p%]% == 0;Set %killincr% 0
#### Accumulate the kill count for each player in a var %server_streak[playername]%
On Kill;Incr %killincr%;Incr %server_streak[%p%]%;
#### Say periodic killstreak messages
On Kill;If %killincr% == 30;Set %killincr% 25;PlayerSay GodLike! %p% %server_streak[%p%]% KILL STREAK
On Kill;If %server_streak[%p%]% == 25;PlayerSay GodLike! %p% 25-KILL STREAK
On Kill;If %server_streak[%p%]% == 20;PlayerSay Unstoppable! %p% 20-KILL STREAK
On Kill;If %server_streak[%p%]% == 15;PlayerSay Dominating! %p% 15-KILL STREAK
On Kill;If %server_streak[%p%]% == 10;PlayerSay Rampage! %p% 10-KILL STREAK
On Kill;If %server_streak[%p%]% == 5;PlayerSay Killing Spree! %p% 5-KILL STREAK
# Team Kill Notification Rules
On TeamKill;PlayerSay %p%: watch your fire! #%c%
On TeamKill;Say %v%: !forgive or !punish
# Tracking Notification
On TeamKill;If %server_lastteamkill[%v%]% == %p%;Say %p%: payback team kill against %v%.
On TeamKill;If %server_lastteamkill[%p%]% == %v%;Say %p%: team killed %v% twice in a row.
# Team Kill Tracking Rules
On TeamKill;Set %server_lastteamkill[%p%]% %v%
On TeamKill;Set %server_lastteamkiller[%v%]% %p%
# Automatic Forget
On Kill;Set %server_lastteamkiller[%v%]% 0;Set %server_lastteamkill[%p%]% 0;Set %server_lastteamkiller[%p%]% 0
# Team Kill Punish Rule
On Say;Text !punish;If %server_lastteamkiller[%p%]% == 0;PlayerSay %p%: could not find a recent team kill to punish.
On Say;Text !punish;If %server_lastteamkiller[%p%]% != 0;TargetPlayer %server_lastteamkiller[%p%]%;Say %server_lastteamkiller[%p%]% killed for team killing.;TargetAction Kill;TargetConfirm;Set %server_lastteamkiller[%p%]% 0
On Say;Text !forgive;If %server_lastteamkiller[%p%]% == 0;PlayerSay %p%: could not find a recent team kill to forgive.
On Say;Text !forgive;If %server_lastteamkiller[%p%]% != 0;Set %server_lastteamkill[%server_lastteamkiller[%p%]%]% 0;Say %server_lastteamkiller[%p%]% was forgiven by %p%.;Set %server_lastteamkiller[%p%]% 0
## Below different stats to count

# Most Deaths
On Spawn;Not Playerfirst;Incr %playerdead%
On Spawn;If %playerdead% > %server_dead%;Set %server_dead% %playerdead%;Set %server_deadplayer% %p%

# Most kills
On Kill;Incr %playerkills%
On Kill;If %playerkills% > %server_mostkills%;Set %server_mostkills% %playerkills%;Set %server_mostkillsplayer% %p%

# Firstblood
On kill;ServerFirst;Set %server_firstblood% %p%;Set %server_firstbloodtarget% %v%

# Lastblood
On Kill;Set %server_lastbloodplayer% %p%;Set %server_lastbloodtarget% %v%;

# Most knives
On kill;Damage Melee;Incr %playerknives%
On Kill;Damage Melee;If %playerknives% > %server_knives%;Set %server_knives% %playerknives%;Set %server_knivesplayer% %p%

On RoundOver;
Say -
Say -
Say - First Blood: %server_firstblood%, Most Knives: %server_knivesplayer% %server_knives%
Say - Last Blood: %server_lastbloodplayer%, Most Kills: %server_mostkillsplayer% %server_mostkills%
Say - Most Deaths: %server_deadplayer% %server_dead%
Am I missing something small or should it work? Also I do not have the procon layers setup.
Can you clarify the actual question? I didn't understand what I was supposed to be looking for in such a long list of rulz. Do you have some set of rulz that "announce in game" something particular? Otherwise that's just what all the 'Say' actions do in the rulz you've listed.
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Originally Posted by bambam*:


Hi , is there a way to push battlelog stats with proconrulz ?


by exemple , i would like to push , captured flags on join, and then on leave to calculate number of flags took


or else ?

Nope - ProconRulz is designed to listen to your game server rcon events and pass them through your rulz, sending commands back along the rcon interface as your rulz dictate. There is no connection to Battlelog.
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Originally Posted by hauser1*:


Whys is this not working on bf4?


#Shotgun BF4

On Kill;Weapon QBS-09;PlayerCount 2;Log %p% banned for QBS-09;Ban %p% QBS-09 shotgun use

On Kill;Weapon QBS-09;PlayerCount 1;Log %p% kicked for QBS-09;Kick %p% QBS-09 shotgun use

On Kill;Weapon QBS-09;PlayerSay %p% no QBS-09 shotgun;Kill 100

On Kill;Weapon 870-MCS;PlayerCount 2;Log %p% banned for 870 MCS;Ban %p% 870 MCS shotgun use

On Kill;Weapon 870-MCS;PlayerCount 1;Log %p% kicked for 870 MCS;Kick %p% 870 MCS shotgun use

On Kill;Weapon 870-MCS;PlayerSay %p% no 870 MCS shotgun;Kill 100

On Kill;Weapon M1014;PlayerCount 2;Log %p% banned for M1014;Ban %p% M1014 shotgun use

On Kill;Weapon M1014;PlayerCount 1;Log %p% kicked for M1014;Kick %p% M1014 shotgun use

On Kill;Weapon M1014;PlayerSay %p% no M1014 shotgun;Kill 100

On Kill;Weapon HAWK-12G;PlayerCount 2;Log %p% banned for HAWK 12G;Ban %p% HAWK 12G shotgun use

On Kill;Weapon HAWK-12G;PlayerCount 1;Log %p% kicked for HAWK 12G;Kick %p% HAWK 12G shotgun use

On Kill;Weapon HAWK-12G;PlayerSay %p% no HAWK 12G shotgun;Kill 100

On Kill;Weapon SAIGA-12K;PlayerCount 2;Log %p% banned for SAIGA-12K;Ban %p% SAIGA-12K shotgun use

On Kill;Weapon SAIGA-12K;PlayerCount 1;Log %p% kicked for SAIGA-12K;Kick %p% SAIGA-12K shotgun use

On Kill;Weapon SAIGA-12K;PlayerSay %p% no SAIGA-12K shotgun;Kill 100

On Kill;Weapon SPAS-12;PlayerCount 2;Log %p% banned for SAIGA-12K;Ban %p% SPAS-12 shotgun use

On Kill;Weapon SPAS-12;PlayerCount 1;Log %p% kicked for SAIGA-12K;Kick %p% SPAS-12 shotgun use

On Kill;Weapon SPAS-12;PlayerSay %p% no SPAS-12 shotgun;Kill 100

On Kill;Weapon UTS-15;PlayerCount 2;Log %p% banned for UTS-15;Ban %p% UTS-15 shotgun use

On Kill;Weapon UTS-15;PlayerCount 1;Log %p% kicked for UTS-15;Kick %p% UTS-15 shotgun use

On Kill;Weapon UTS-15;PlayerSay %p% no UTS-15 shotgun;Kill 100

On Kill;Weapon OBV-12;PlayerCount 2;Log %p% banned for OBV-12;Ban %p% OBV-12 shotgun use

On Kill;Weapon OBV-12;PlayerCount 1;Log %p% kicked for OBV-12;Kick %p% OBV-12 shotgun use

On Kill;Weapon OBV-12;PlayerSay %p% no OBV-12 shotgun;Kill 100

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Originally Posted by LjMjollnir*:




your weapon names appear to be incorrect :ohmy: for example the QBS09 is called U_QBS09.. the Saiga12k is U_SAIGA_20K.. check the procon rulz description in procon scroll down you will see a list of all the weapons and their names + damage types.. using Damage types is alot easier to take out whole weapon groups



On Kill;Damage Shotgun;PlayerCount 2;Ban %p% Shotguns not allowed
On Kill;Damage Shotgun;PlayerCount 1;kick %p% Shotguns not allowed
Damage Shotgun handles ALL the shotguns (including Shorty, M26 Mass, AirBurst shotgun). if you want to allow those you could just add



On Kill;Damage Shotgun;Not Weapon U_SerbuShorty;Not If %wk% contains M26;Not Weapon U_XM25_Flechette;PlayerCount 2;Ban %p% Shotguns not allowed
On Kill;Damage Shotgun;Not Weapon U_SerbuShorty;Not If %wk% contains M26;Not Weapon U_XM25_Flechette;PlayerCount 1;kick %p% Shotguns not allowed
should work to disable only the pure shotguns and allow the Shorty/M26/Airbusrt Shotgun the first code will disable them all tho :ohmy:.. i havent used contains at all so cant say for sure that bit will work but it should


that being said i dont use PlayerCount in my rules i have a much different setup that covers many more punishment setups..


it also may not be working if you have protected Admins turned on and you are testing it on an Admin.. its in the proconrulz plugin settings.. try disabling that :ohmy:

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  • Our picks

    • Game Server Hosting:

      We're happy to announce that EZRCON will branch out into the game server provider scene. This is a big step for us so please having patience if something doesn't go right in this area. Now, what makes us different compared to other providers? Well, we're going with the idea of having a scaleable server hosting and providing more control in how you set up your server. For example, in Minecraft, you have the ability to control how many CPU cores you wish your server to have access to, how much RAM you want to use, how much disk space you want to use. This type of control can't be offered in a single service package so you're able to configure a custom package the way you want it.

      You can see all the available games here. Currently, we have the following games available.

      Valheim (From $1.50 USD)

      Rust (From $3.20 USD)

      Minecraft (Basic) (From $4.00 USD)

      Call of Duty 4X (From $7.00 USD)

      OpenTTD (From $4.00 USD)

      Squad (From $9.00 USD)

      Insurgency: Sandstorm (From $6.40 USD)

      Changes to US-East:

      Starting in January 2022, we will be moving to a different provider that has better support, better infrastructure, and better connectivity. We've noticed that the connection/routes to this location are not ideal and it's been hard getting support to correct this. Our contract for our two servers ends in March/April respectively. If you currently have servers in this location you will be migrated over to the new provider. We'll have more details when the time comes closer to January. The new location for this change will be based out of Atlanta, GA. If you have any questions/concerns please open a ticket and we'll do our best to answer them.
      • 5 replies
    • Hello All,

      I wanted to give an update to how EZRCON is doing. As of today we have 56 active customers using the services offered. I'm glad its doing so well and it hasn't been 1 year yet. To those that have services with EZRCON, I hope the service is doing well and if not please let us know so that we can improve it where possible. We've done quite a few changes behind the scenes to improve the performance hopefully. 

      We'll be launching a new location for hosting procon layers in either Los Angeles, USA or Chicago, IL. Still being decided on where the placement should be but these two locations are not set in stone yet. We would like to get feedback on where we should have a new location for hosting the Procon Layers, which you can do by replying to this topic. A poll will be created where people can vote on which location they would like to see.

      We're also looking for some suggestions on what else you would like to see for hosting provider options. So please let us know your thoughts on this matter.
      • 4 replies
    • Added ability to disable the new API check for player country info

      Updated GeoIP database file

      Removed usage sending stats

      Added EZRCON ad banner

      If you are upgrading then you may need to add these two lines to your existing installation in the file procon.cfg. To enable these options just change False to True.

      procon.private.options.UseGeoIpFileOnly False
      procon.private.options.BlockRssFeedNews False

      • 2 replies
    • I wanted I let you know that I am starting to build out the foundation for the hosting services that I talked about here. The pricing model I was originally going for wasn't going to be suitable for how I want to build it. So instead I decided to offer each service as it's own product instead of a package deal. In the future, hopefully, I will be able to do this and offer discounts to those that choose it.

      Here is how the pricing is laid out for each service as well as information about each. This is as of 7/12/2020.

      Single MySQL database (up to 30 GB) is $10 USD per month.

      If you go over the 30 GB usage for the database then each additional gigabyte is charged at $0.10 USD each billing cycle. If you're under 30GB you don't need to worry about this.

      Databases are replicated across 3 zones (regions) for redundancy. One (1) on the east coast of the USA, One (1) in Frankfurt, and One (1) in Singapore. Depending on the demand, this would grow to more regions.

      Databases will also be backed up daily and retained for 7 days.

      Procon Layer will be $2 USD per month.

      Each layer will only allow one (1) game server connection. The reason behind this is for performance.

      Each layer will also come with all available plugins installed by default. This is to help facilitate faster deployments and get you up and running quickly.

      Each layer will automatically restart if Procon crashes. 

      Each layer will also automatically restart daily at midnight to make sure it stays in tip-top shape.

      Custom plugins can be installed by submitting a support ticket.

      Battlefield Admin Control Panel (BFACP) will be $5 USD per month

      As I am still working on building version 3 of the software, I will be installing the last version I did. Once I complete version 3 it will automatically be upgraded for you.

      All these services will be managed by me so you don't have to worry about the technical side of things to get up and going.

      If you would like to see how much it would cost for the services, I made a calculator that you can use. It can be found here https://ezrcon.com/calculator.html

      • 11 replies
    • I have pushed out a new minor release which updates the geodata pull (flags in the playerlisting). This should be way more accurate now. As always, please let me know if any problems show up.

      • 9 replies
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