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ProconRulz V44j1 - weapon limits and other event-triggered admin actions


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Originally Posted by SoldierPEP*:


Hello I would like to ask you one thing, I write a rule for BF4 to prevent 'use of C4 in the maps domination, but the rule not Will work.


Can you tell me where am I wrong?

Thank you.

Sorry for the bad English, I use a translator.


Rulez :


#NO C4 ON FLAG !!!#

On Kill;U_C4;PlayerCount 3;kick %p% NO C4 ON FLAG !!!

On Kill;U_C4;PlayerCount 2;PlayerSay Final warning, no C4 on flag !!!;kill 100

On Kill;U_C4;PlayerSay warning, no C4 on flag !!!;kill 100

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Originally Posted by LjMjollnir*:


  axRhino* said:

I can't copy / paste rules into proconrulz. This may sound really dumb but its driving me crazy. I can copy from the forums just fine and paste into any other text editor but not into the dialog box for rules. Any advice will be greatly appreciated.


I'd be happy to manually edit the text file to where they are saved but I can't find that either.

Its alot easier to save them as txt files in the plugin folder... to be exact Plugins\Bf4 :ohmy:


i keep my txt files in \\MEDIABOX\Procon\Plugins\BF4 .. (Mediabox is my TV server which has a Procon Layer server running)


then from with proconrulz you just add in the Plugin settings Rulz .txt filenames - click the ... to edit !!!!.. and add the name of the .txt you copied to the folder...



my Rulz .txt filenames would contain


dont include the whole path.. when loading procon rulz it will show you the load path

this is my Proconrulz load up


[14:08:32 27] ProconRulz: Loading rulz from .txt files in Plugins\BF4\
[14:08:32 27] ProconRulz: Loading Plugins\BF4\common.txt
[14:08:32 28] ProconRulz: Loading Plugins\BF4\melee.txt
[14:08:32 30] ProconRulz: Skipping C:\Procon\Plugins\BF4\deathmatch.txts NOT FOUND
[14:08:32 30] ProconRulz: Loading Plugins\BF4\ultimate.txt
[14:08:32 31] ProconRulz: Loading Plugins\BF4\maps.txt
above shows deathmatch.txts not found because i dont have a deathmatch.txts (ive added the s to disable the Rulz file from loading at this point)


  SoldierPEP* said:

Hello I would like to ask you one thing, I write a rule for BF4 to prevent 'use of C4 in the maps domination, but the rule not Will work.


Can you tell me where am I wrong?

Thank you.

Sorry for the bad English, I use a translator.

#NO C4 ON FLAG !!!#
On Kill;if %wk% contains C4;PlayerCount 3;kick %p% NO C4 ON FLAG !!!
On Kill;if %wk% contains C4;PlayerCount 2;PlayerSay Final warning, no C4 on flag !!!;kill 100
On Kill;if %wk% contains C4;PlayerSay warning, no C4 on flag !!!;kill 100
i fixed your code for you :ohmy: U_C4 will only get the Recon version not the support.. also if you want to check the weapon you need to add weapon


your code was

On Kill;U_C4;PlayerSay warning, no C4 on flag !!!;kill 100

which is incorrect

needs to be

On Kill;Weapon U_C4;PlayerSay warning, no C4 on flag !!!;kill 100


but as i said the above code will get both recon and support C4 its the one you want :ohmy:

if %wk% contains C4

what that does is check the weapon key (%wk%) to see if it contains the text C4..


C4 U_C4 Explosive Recon 
C4 U_C4_Support Explosive Support
above is the Weapon name.. Weapon Key, Damage type, and Kit for the C4 weapons :ohmy:.. as you can see C4 is a different name for both kits
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Originally Posted by C-4-N*:


@wlad you can't modify a big code like this , without understanding it

you have here conditions not set before.

and you can't have %ini?ini_limit ... (ini 2 times)


tell what do you want to do exatly and we ll get you a code




it should work , delete space and you dont need count 0

try that , and check in your map list if there is really domination mode


On Kill;MapMode Domination0;Damage ProjectileExplosive;PlayerCount 2; Say %p% kicked for%w% use;Kick %p% %w% use

On Kill;MapMode Domination0;Damage ProjectileExplosive;PlayerCount 1; Say %p% killed for %w% use;Say %p% LAST WARNING NEXT TIME YOU WILL BE KICKED;Kill %p% %w% use

On Kill;MapMode Domination0;Damage ProjectileExplosive;Say %p% killed for %w% use;Kill %p% %w% use

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Originally Posted by Tomgun*:


ok I had this idea while sitting on the "white seat", the idea came to me instead of instant kill for vehicle use in an infantry only server why not let people punish for it (more satisfying) so I have made the following but need some help:



################################################## #######

# Vehicle Kill Punisher by TomGunSE

################################################## #######


On Spawn;ServerFirst;Set %ini_punish% 0

On Kill;Weapon Death;PlayerSay %p% you vehicle/mortor killed %v%. This is not allowed!! %v% may punish you!!

On Kill;Weapon Death;VictimSay %v%: Type !v or !vehicle to punish %p% for vehicle kill!

# Vehicle kill Tracking Rulz

On Kill;Weapon Death;Set %server_vehiclekillkill[%p%]% %v%

On Kill;Weapon Death;Set %server_vehiclekillkill[%v%]% %p%

# Vehicle Kill Punish Rulz

On Say;Text !v,!vehicle;If %server_vehiclekillkill[%p%]% == 0;PlayerSay %p%: could not find a recent vehicle kill to punish! or already has been punished!

On Say;Text !v,!vehicle;If %server_vehiclekillkill[%p%]% != 0

Incr %ini_punish_count[%server_vehiclekillkill[%p%]%]%

If %ini_punish_count[%p%]% == 4;TempBan 300 %p% TempBan 5 minutes;Set %ini_punish_count[%p%]% 0

TargetPlayer %server_vehiclekillkill[%p%]%;TargetAction Say %t% killed for vehicle kill!;TargetAction Kill;TargetConfirm;Set %server_vehiclekillkill[%p%]% 0


On Leave;Set %ini_punish_count[%p%]% 0

now yes I have edited a previous !punish for TK script so well done who made this before if you recognize your work so cheers, but I would like it to kick on the 4th punish and if they come back temp ban for 5 mins on the 5th punish going onto a full ban on the 6th punish plus put road kill in there (I haven't got the code right).


So if anyone can help I would be grateful :smile:

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Originally Posted by Tomgun*:


How can I tell proconrulz to tell the server "onlastkill" to turn vehicles off and "onfirstspawn" turn vehicles back on?


is it something like:


On laskill;Set %vars.vehicleSpawnAllowed% False

On Round;Set %vars.vehicleSpawnAllowed% True


or I seen this used somewhere On Kill;Set %server_lastbloodplayer% would this help?


Im trying to make a hardcore no vehicles server whilst keeping it preset of hardcore as much as I can.

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Originally Posted by SoldierPEP*:


  ljmjollnir* said:

its alot easier to save them as txt files in the plugin folder... To be exact plugins\bf4 :ohmy:


i keep my txt files in \\mediabox\procon\plugins\bf4 .. (mediabox is my tv server which has a procon layer server running)


then from with proconrulz you just add in the plugin settings rulz .txt filenames - click the ... To edit !!!!.. And add the name of the .txt you copied to the folder...



my rulz .txt filenames would contain


dont include the whole path.. When loading procon rulz it will show you the load path

this is my proconrulz load up


[14:08:32 27] proconrulz: Loading rulz from .txt files in plugins\bf4\
[14:08:32 27] proconrulz: Loading plugins\bf4\common.txt
[14:08:32 28] proconrulz: Loading plugins\bf4\melee.txt
[14:08:32 30] proconrulz: Skipping c:\procon\plugins\bf4\deathmatch.txts not found
[14:08:32 30] proconrulz: Loading plugins\bf4\ultimate.txt
[14:08:32 31] proconrulz: Loading plugins\bf4\maps.txt
above shows deathmatch.txts not found because i dont have a deathmatch.txts (ive added the s to disable the rulz file from loading at this point)





#no c4 on flag !!!#
on kill;if %wk% contains c4;playercount 3;kick %p% no c4 on flag !!!
On kill;if %wk% contains c4;playercount 2;playersay final warning, no c4 on flag !!!;kill 100
on kill;if %wk% contains c4;playersay warning, no c4 on flag !!!;kill 100
i fixed your code for you :ohmy: u_c4 will only get the recon version not the support.. Also if you want to check the weapon you need to add weapon


your code was

on kill;u_c4;playersay warning, no c4 on flag !!!;kill 100

which is incorrect

needs to be

on kill;weapon u_c4;playersay warning, no c4 on flag !!!;kill 100


but as i said the above code will get both recon and support c4 its the one you want :ohmy:

if %wk% contains c4

what that does is check the weapon key (%wk%) to see if it contains the text c4..


c4 u_c4 explosive recon 
c4 u_c4_support explosive support
above is the weapon name.. Weapon key, damage type, and kit for the c4 weapons :ohmy:.. As you can see c4 is a different name for both kits


thank' s !!!!!!!

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Originally Posted by Wlad*:


  C-4-N* said:

@wlad you can't modify a big code like this , without understanding it

you have here conditions not set before.

and you can't have %ini?ini_limit ... (ini 2 times)


tell what do you want to do exatly and we ll get you a code

I wanted to restrict all dmr and sniperrifle on my server and using your code which you had posted in an past thread. SO I wanted to try to use the same kind of code for sniper and dmr, if you could programm me something like this it would be great .
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Originally Posted by DHGreenday*:


I'm trying to write a rule that will playersay to someone saying hacker or cheater in the server. I can get this to work but each line gets repeated if I don't use an action at the end like kill which isn't what I want to have happen.


I also want it to trigger chat on say the 2nd, 4th, 6th and 7th time only, 7th probably being a kick from the server for hackusating.


I have this rule at the moment, leaves out the first hackusation which is great but you will see it comes up with the first line on the 3rd and both on the 4th text trigger typed into the chat. If I add kill then it doesn't but I don't want that to happen to the player. How can I fix this? It seems to add each rule together.


On Say;Text hack,cheat,cheater,hacker;

PlayerCount 3;PlayerSay AUTOADMIN: %p% Again if you think someone is cheating please notify an admin with !admin;

PlayerCount 1;PlayerSay AUTOADMIN: %p% if you think someone is cheating please notify an admin with !admin;

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Originally Posted by shai*:


  shai* said:

Question: Say I have a 8 variables, each containing a natural number (ie. 1 23 305 400 etc) and I want to find and AdminSay the variable with the largest number .. how would I be able to accomplish this within a rule?

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Originally Posted by Hutchew*:


  DHGreenday* said:

I'm trying to write a rule that will playersay to someone saying hacker or cheater in the server. I can get this to work but each line gets repeated if I don't use an action at the end like kill which isn't what I want to have happen.


I also want it to trigger chat on say the 2nd, 4th, 6th and 7th time only, 7th probably being a kick from the server for hackusating.


I have this rule at the moment, leaves out the first hackusation which is great but you will see it comes up with the first line on the 3rd and both on the 4th text trigger typed into the chat. If I add kill then it doesn't but I don't want that to happen to the player. How can I fix this? It seems to add each rule together.


On Say;Text hack,cheat,cheater,hacker;

PlayerCount 3;PlayerSay AUTOADMIN: %p% Again if you think someone is cheating please notify an admin with !admin;

PlayerCount 1;PlayerSay AUTOADMIN: %p% if you think someone is cheating please notify an admin with !admin;

You don't need the ";" at the end of your lines. This will give the 2nd warning on the 2nd & 3rd triggers, and then the 1st warning on all triggers after. I don't know how to set it to only give the warnings on 2nd & 4th.


On Say;Text hack,cheat,cheater,hacker;

PlayerCount 3;PlayerSay AUTOADMIN: %p% Again if you think someone is cheating please notify an admin with !admin

PlayerCount 1;PlayerSay AUTOADMIN: %p% if you think someone is cheating please notify an admin with !admin

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Originally Posted by Velocus_NL*:


  LjMjollnir* said:

Its in the PDF so it should be there :ohmy: %ea_guid% and %pb_guid% are listed




Mav is counted as Damage Type DEATH.. you can stop them but you will also stop all Vehicles and weapon enplacements(.50 Cal and the other one) it will also stop Suav/Ucav/EOD/Mortar...


so sadly while yes you can stop MAV.. you have to stop a load of other things at the same time.



On Kill;Damage Death;PlayerSay No MAV (and other vehicles.. + loads of equipment);Kill 100
Thanks for the reply. When I enter the code in proconrulz I get the message [14:40:09 41] ProconRulz: Warning, damage Death not found in Procon (but you can still use the key in ProconRulz)


What is wrong with the code?

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Originally Posted by LjMjollnir*:


  Velocus_NL* said:

Thanks for the reply. When I enter the code in proconrulz I get the message [14:40:09 41] ProconRulz: Warning, damage Death not found in Procon (but you can still use the key in ProconRulz)


What is wrong with the code?

sounds like your Procon is no up to date.., or you are missing Procon\Configs\BF4.def
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Originally Posted by ixnorp*:


  Velocus_NL* said:

Thanks for the reply. When I enter the code in proconrulz I get the message [14:40:09 41] ProconRulz: Warning, damage Death not found in Procon (but you can still use the key in ProconRulz)


What is wrong with the code?

Maybe can try this?


On Kill;Weapon Death;......

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Originally Posted by Clandestine_ZA*:


Hey guys!


I'm a total noob with Prconrulz although I have been using Procon for some time. I need your help please. I need complete command lines that will kill a player on using the following weapons/items on the first and second time and third time kick. The list below includes attachments like IRNV/Thermal Vision as well as soflam, although I'm not sure how the command will kick for these


Im not sure of the correct Procon names for these weapons but here goes:



Spawn Beacon

IRNV/Thermal Vision (Infantry&Vehicles)

Airburst (HE)


Soflam (Infantry&Vehicles)

V40 Mini Nade

Shotguns (m26,normal)

Battle Pickups

PLD (Portable Laser Designator)

Tank staff shell

M2 slam

m320 except smoke



Spawn beacon


All shotguns


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Originally Posted by shai*:


I found that if I use this, and someone says the word "camper noob", the following rule works:


On Say;If %text% contains camp;Say Camping is cooool...
But if I allow multiple texts, it won't work at all:


On Say;If %text% contains kamp,camp;Say Camping is cooool...
On the other hand, if I use this rule, it'll work with multiple texts:


On Say;Text kamp,camp;Say Camping is cooool...
Can you see if this is really a bug with the 2nd example I gave?
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Originally Posted by LjMjollnir*:


  ixnorp* said:

Maybe can try this?


On Kill;Weapon Death;......

oh shit yer right :P... i just checked my script for no vehicles



On Kill;Weapon Death;If %ini_weapons_veh% = 1
     Set %ta% 1;Set %weapgroup% "Vehicles(EOD+MAV+Mortar included)"
On Kill;Weapon RoadKill;If %ini_weapons_veh% = 1
     Set %ta% 1;Set %weapgroup% "Vehicles(EOD+MAV+Mortar included)"
i have weapon death.. not damage death.. for some reason i thought it was damage tho
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Originally Posted by ixnorp*:


yesterday punkbuster was down for a few hours, thank god the On Spawn;If %pb_guid% == 0;kick (which was suppose to work) didn't work


now i set it to On Spawn;If %pb_guid% == '';kick no guid. proconrulz didn't say any errors, so i suppose this might work right. If pb/ea guid comes out blank in the ' '.



On Spawn;If %pb_guid% == '';If %ea_guid% == '';Kick No EA/PB GUID;Say %p% got kicked for no PB/EA guid!


feel free to use this.(at least until zaeed's pb hack detect) Just saw my adkats hacker checker unable to ban a hacker with 71% hskr on carbines(3 times). And he got kicked for not having both guid when he spawns.


note* My server has no commander mode.... Idk what would happen to the tablet commanders

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Originally Posted by ixnorp*:


  PrivateSmokey* said:

I have searched but not found a rule for "ESL weapon limits" has anyone already created one of these?

On Kill;If %wk% contains M320_HE;kill.....


you can write whichever weapons esl dont allow.


but you can't limit PLD/IRNV. thanks to ea/dice

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Originally Posted by Velocus_NL*:


  LjMjollnir* said:

oh shit yer right :P... i just checked my script for no vehicles



On Kill;Weapon Death;If %ini_weapons_veh% = 1
     Set %ta% 1;Set %weapgroup% "Vehicles(EOD+MAV+Mortar included)"
On Kill;Weapon RoadKill;If %ini_weapons_veh% = 1
     Set %ta% 1;Set %weapgroup% "Vehicles(EOD+MAV+Mortar included)"
i have weapon death.. not damage death.. for some reason i thought it was damage tho
Many thanks again.

I added the code and no errors. But is it not so that you cannot kill with a MAV? So the rule On Kill: Weapon Death won't acctually work? I am not the expert but i'm just thinking. I am an absolute noob when it comes to programming. But maybe there is a rule that can trigger a message when a player is using a MAV?

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      I wanted to give an update to how EZRCON is doing. As of today we have 56 active customers using the services offered. I'm glad its doing so well and it hasn't been 1 year yet. To those that have services with EZRCON, I hope the service is doing well and if not please let us know so that we can improve it where possible. We've done quite a few changes behind the scenes to improve the performance hopefully. 

      We'll be launching a new location for hosting procon layers in either Los Angeles, USA or Chicago, IL. Still being decided on where the placement should be but these two locations are not set in stone yet. We would like to get feedback on where we should have a new location for hosting the Procon Layers, which you can do by replying to this topic. A poll will be created where people can vote on which location they would like to see.

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    • Added ability to disable the new API check for player country info

      Updated GeoIP database file

      Removed usage sending stats

      Added EZRCON ad banner

      If you are upgrading then you may need to add these two lines to your existing installation in the file procon.cfg. To enable these options just change False to True.

      procon.private.options.UseGeoIpFileOnly False
      procon.private.options.BlockRssFeedNews False

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    • I wanted I let you know that I am starting to build out the foundation for the hosting services that I talked about here. The pricing model I was originally going for wasn't going to be suitable for how I want to build it. So instead I decided to offer each service as it's own product instead of a package deal. In the future, hopefully, I will be able to do this and offer discounts to those that choose it.

      Here is how the pricing is laid out for each service as well as information about each. This is as of 7/12/2020.

      Single MySQL database (up to 30 GB) is $10 USD per month.

      If you go over the 30 GB usage for the database then each additional gigabyte is charged at $0.10 USD each billing cycle. If you're under 30GB you don't need to worry about this.

      Databases are replicated across 3 zones (regions) for redundancy. One (1) on the east coast of the USA, One (1) in Frankfurt, and One (1) in Singapore. Depending on the demand, this would grow to more regions.

      Databases will also be backed up daily and retained for 7 days.

      Procon Layer will be $2 USD per month.

      Each layer will only allow one (1) game server connection. The reason behind this is for performance.

      Each layer will also come with all available plugins installed by default. This is to help facilitate faster deployments and get you up and running quickly.

      Each layer will automatically restart if Procon crashes. 

      Each layer will also automatically restart daily at midnight to make sure it stays in tip-top shape.

      Custom plugins can be installed by submitting a support ticket.

      Battlefield Admin Control Panel (BFACP) will be $5 USD per month

      As I am still working on building version 3 of the software, I will be installing the last version I did. Once I complete version 3 it will automatically be upgraded for you.

      All these services will be managed by me so you don't have to worry about the technical side of things to get up and going.

      If you would like to see how much it would cost for the services, I made a calculator that you can use. It can be found here https://ezrcon.com/calculator.html

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    • I have pushed out a new minor release which updates the geodata pull (flags in the playerlisting). This should be way more accurate now. As always, please let me know if any problems show up.

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