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ProconRulz V44j1 - weapon limits and other event-triggered admin actions


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Originally Posted by audiodk*:


Hello I am trying to use the punish rules in our bf4 and bfbc2 servers. They do not work at all. when someone get's teamkilled nothing happens when you type !f or !p. Is there an updated version than this one I have?



# Teamkill Punisher v1.2
# Original Author ty_ger07, tweak by bambam
# Enhancements by russel5

On Spawn;ServerFirst;Set %ini_punish% 0
On TeamKill;PlayerSay %p% you TEAMKILLED %v%. Watch your fire! This is your %c% victim.
On TeamKill;VictimSay %v%: !p or !f
# Team Kill Tracking Rulz
On TeamKill;Set %server_lastteamkill[%p%]% %v%
On TeamKill;Set %server_lastteamkiller[%v%]% %p%
# Team Kill Punish Rulz
On Say;Text !p,!punish;If %server_lastteamkiller[%p%]% == 0;PlayerSay %p%: could not find a recent team kill to punish.
On Say;Text !p,!punish;If %server_lastteamkiller[%p%]% != 0
    Incr %ini_punish_count[%server_lastteamkiller[%p%]%]%
    If %ini_punish_count[%p%]% == 4;TempBan 7200 %p% TempBan 2 hours;Set %ini_punish_count[%p%]% 0
    TargetPlayer %server_lastteamkiller[%p%]%;TargetAction PlayerSay %t% killed for team killing.;TargetAction Kill;TargetConfirm;Set %server_lastteamkiller[%p%]% 0
# Team Kill Forgive Rulz
On Say;Text !f,!forgive;If %server_lastteamkiller[%p%]% == 0;PlayerSay %p%: could not find a recent team kill to forgive.
On Say;Text !f,!forgive;If %server_lastteamkiller[%p%]% != 0;TargetPlayer %server_lastteamkiller[%p%]%;Set %server_lastteamkill[%server_lastteamkiller[%p%]%]% 0;TargetAction PlayerSay %t% was forgiven by %p%.;Set %server_lastteamkiller[%p%]% 0
On Leave;Set %ini_punish_count[%p%]% 0
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Originally Posted by Senshin*:


I am trying to find a voterestart (next map/new map) script for my bf4 servers, so players can vote for a restart of the round.


I thought this was more used but after hours of searching, trying I cannot find a other way to ask you guys.

I hope someone can help me with this, I would be gratefull!


I hope this is possible and could someone help me with it?

I hope I ain't asking to rude, i just dont know any other way now.




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Originally Posted by ADD1CTED-GAM3R*:


I'm having trouble getting the language filter aspect of Rulz to work properly. A few people have had the same problem (based on searching through the thread), and some of them managed to resolve the issue, but for me, it's still happening.


The problem is getting the filter to warn/kick when a single tag word, or a combination of tag words are used. For example, if someone says "a$$" and it's supposed to get them warned, it doesn't. The same with if they say "ass $hit." However, if they say "pain in the a$$," it gets them warned/kicked.


Here's how I have it set:



## Swearing ##

On Say;

Set %server_badword% 0

Text swear1, swear2, swear3, etc, etc, etc;Incr %words%;Set %server_badword% 1

If %words% > 2;Set %words% 0; Say %p% has been kicked for inappropriate language.;Kick %p% Inappropriate language.

If %server_badword% == 1;Say %p% Watch your language!

Does anyone know why it isn't working properly? I'd like to use this!
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Originally Posted by LeChacal06*:


Hello All


Why this code don't work on proconrulz ?


On Say;Text noob;PlayerCount 3: Say %p% We understand, it's good !!!

On Say;Text noob;PlayerCount 2; Say %p% Everyone was noob one day :tongue:

On Say;Text noob;PlayerCount 1; Say %p% Noob are welcome here :smile:



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Originally Posted by Slayer*:


  ADD1CTED GAM3R* said:

I'm having trouble getting the language filter aspect of Rulz to work properly. A few people have had the same problem (based on searching through the thread), and some of them managed to resolve the issue, but for me, it's still happening.


The problem is getting the filter to warn/kick when a single tag word, or a combination of tag words are used. For example, if someone says "a$$" and it's supposed to get them warned, it doesn't. The same with if they say "ass $hit." However, if they say "pain in the a$$," it gets them warned/kicked.


Here's how I have it set:



## Swearing ##

On Say;

Set %server_badword% 0

Text swear1, swear2, swear3, etc, etc, etc;Incr %words%;Set %server_badword% 1

If %words% > 2;Set %words% 0; Say %p% has been kicked for inappropriate language.;Kick %p% Inappropriate language.

If %server_badword% == 1;Say %p% Watch your language!

Does anyone know why it isn't working properly? I'd like to use this!
Don't mean to butt in there is this plugin Watchdog -Language* which does work in BF3/BF4 I run it on all our BF3 servers and moved it across to all our BF4 servers, give this a try if you want a word filter plugin with all the options your after, I personally think it's the best one out there and have it running on our 73 BF3/BF4 servers. :ohmy:
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Originally Posted by ADD1CTED-GAM3R*:


  Doom69* said:

Don't mean to butt in there is this plugin Watchdog -Language* which does work in BF3/BF4 I run it on all our BF3 servers and moved it across to all our BF4 servers, give this a try if you want a word filter plugin with all the options your after, I personally think it's the best one out there and have it running on our 73 BF3/BF4 servers. :ohmy:

Thank you! I'll take a look at it! :smile:


Another thing I'm having an issue with is the yell feature. Only I can see the message displayed across the screen...


For example, during some testing, I typed "/@yell Can you see this message_" and only I could see it. The same for "@yell Can you see this message," which without the "/" before the "@" symbol allows everyone to see the command in the chat box, but still no message on-screen.


I've also tried modifying the Melee Announcer script to "Yell" instead of "Say," but again, only I can see it (I'm a server Admin). I've read mixed reports here on the forums as to whether or not the yell feature works in BF4; some say it does, some say it doesn't. However, I know for a fact I've seen in some servers, an on-screen yell message when someone gets their tags stolen.


How do they do it_! Are they using something other than ProconRulz?

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Originally Posted by Slayer*:


  ADD1CTED GAM3R* said:

Thank you! I'll take a look at it! :smile:


Another thing I'm having an issue with is the yell feature. Only I can see the message displayed across the screen...


For example, during some testing, I typed "/@yell Can you see this message_" and only I could see it. The same for "@yell Can you see this message," which without the "/" before the "@" symbol allows everyone to see the command in the chat box, but still no message on-screen.


I've also tried modifying the Melee Announcer script to "Yell" instead of "Say," but again, only I can see it (I'm a server Admin). I've read mixed reports here on the forums as to whether or not the yell feature works in BF4; some say it does, some say it doesn't. However, I know for a fact I've seen in some servers, an on-screen yell message when someone gets their tags stolen.


How do they do it_! Are they using something other than ProconRulz?

Yell is now working in BF4 without a doubt, I changed all my plugins back to YELL that use YELL, watchdog being one of them.


Make sure your procon is up to date correct version is and the layer if you run one is up to date as well to make sure all your plugins work correctly and are also the latest ones.


That command /@YELL should show a YELL on screen near the top of the players screen in BF4 and in BF3 it is down the near the bottom of the players screen, cant remember if I've tried a YELL in server yet via the in-game admin commands might try it tonight, I guess the /@say works.


So not sure why yours are not displaying.


Edit: Just tested the command in server yep /@yell works for me.

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Originally Posted by ADD1CTED-GAM3R*:


  Doom69* said:

Yell is now working in BF4 without a doubt, I changed all my plugins back to YELL that use YELL, watchdog being one of them.


Make sure your procon is up to date correct version is and the layer if you run one is up to date as well to make sure all your plugins work correctly and are also the latest ones.


That command /@YELL should show a YELL on screen near the top of the players screen in BF4 and in BF3 it is down the near the bottom of the players screen, cant remember if I've tried a YELL in server yet via the in-game admin commands might try it tonight, I guess the /@say works.


So not sure why yours are not displaying.


Edit: Just tested the command in server yep /@yell works for me.

Does the round have to be started? There were only 2 of us in there at the time out of the 4 required to start the round. Could that have an effect? Because the other player could not see ANY of the yells I sent.


EDIT: I've got Watchdog enabled and functioning fully on my server, so thanks for the recommendation!

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Originally Posted by Slayer*:


  ADD1CTED GAM3R* said:

Does the round have to be started? There were only 2 of us in there at the time out of the 4 required to start the round. Could that have an effect? Because the other player could not see ANY of the yells I sent.


EDIT: I've got Watchdog enabled and functioning fully on my server, so thanks for the recommendation!

No it doesn't need to be started I did it in one of our empty servers, make sure all your Procon/plugins etc is up to date.


No worry's, now all you need to do now is create a word list to suit your needs. :ohmy:

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Originally Posted by hauser1*:


hi im using this code and i need help:





On Kill;ServerFirst;Set %server_sniperlimit% 5

On Say;ServerFirst;Set %server_sniperlimit% 5



On Spawn;If %server_sl_sniper[%p%]% == 1;Log Sniper %pt% %p% re-spawned. %server_sl_total[%ptk%]% snipers on team %ptk%

On Kill;If %server_sl_sniper[%v%]% == 1;Log Sniper %vtk% %v% killed. %server_sl_total[%vtk%]% snipers on team %vtk%


# SNIPER KILL CHECKS either over limit (so kill), existing sniper (do nothing), new sniper (reserve slot)

On Kill;Damage SniperRifle;

If %server_sl_total[%ptk%]% >= %server_sniperlimit%;if %server_sl_sniper[%p%]% == 0;PlayerSay -;PlayerSay - %p% killed by SNIPER LIMIT max %server_sniperlimit%;PlayerSay -;Log Sniper Limit max %server_sniperlimit% snipers each team !!! (now Kill %p%);Kill

If %server_sl_sniper[%p%]% == 1;Log %ptk% %p% still a sniper, %server_sl_total[%ptk%]% snipers on team %ptk%

If %server_sl_sniper[%p%]% == 0;Incr %server_sl_total[%ptk%]%;Set %server_sl_sniper[%p%]% 1;Set %server_sl_x% %server_sl_total[%ptk%]%;Set %server_sl_snipername[%ptk%][%server_sl_x%]% %p%;PlayerSay -;PlayerSay - YOU HAVE A SNIPER SLOT !!! %server_sl_total[%ptk%]%/%server_sniperlimit%;PlayerSay -;Log %ptk% %p% is new sniper, %server_sl_total[%ptk%]%/%server_sniperlimit% snipers on team %ptk%


# SNIPER KILL CHECKS either over limit (so kill), existing sniper (do nothing), new sniper (reserve slot)

On Kill;Damage DMR;

If %server_sl_total[%ptk%]% >= %server_sniperlimit%;if %server_sl_sniper[%p%]% == 0;PlayerSay -;PlayerSay - %p% killed by SNIPER LIMIT max %server_sniperlimit%;PlayerSay -;Log Sniper Limit max %server_sniperlimit% snipers each team !!! (now Kill %p%);Kill

If %server_sl_sniper[%p%]% == 1;Log %ptk% %p% still a sniper, %server_sl_total[%ptk%]% snipers on team %ptk%

If %server_sl_sniper[%p%]% == 0;Incr %server_sl_total[%ptk%]%;Set %server_sl_sniper[%p%]% 1;Set %server_sl_x% %server_sl_total[%ptk%]%;Set %server_sl_snipername[%ptk%][%server_sl_x%]% %p%;PlayerSay -;PlayerSay - YOU HAVE A SNIPER SLOT !!! %server_sl_total[%ptk%]%/%server_sniperlimit%;PlayerSay -;Log %ptk% %p% is new sniper, %server_sl_total[%ptk%]%/%server_sniperlimit% snipers on team %ptk%



On Kill;Not Damage SniperRifle;Not Damage Handgun;Not Damage Melee;Not Damage DMR;Not Damage Explosive;If %server_sl_sniper[%p%]% == 1;Set %server_sl_sniper[%p%]% 0;Decr %server_sl_total[%ptk%]%;TeamSay -;TeamSay - %p% gave up his SNIPER slot!!!;TeamSay -;Log Ex-sniper %p% used %d% %wk%, %server_sl_total[%ptk%]% snipers on team %ptk%

On Leave;If %server_sl_sniper[%p%]% == 1;Set %server_sl_sniper[%p%]% 0;Decr %server_sl_total[%ptk%]%;TeamSay -;TeamSay - %p% gave up his SNIPER slot !!!;TeamSay -;Log Sniper %pt% %p% left server. %server_sl_total[%ptk%]% snipers on team %ptk%


# !snipers / !sniperx INFO MESSAGES

On Say;Text !snipers;

PlayerSay Sniper limit: %server_sl_total[%ptk%]%/%server_sniperlimit%. Reserve slot with sniper kill, lose it with non-sniper/handgun kill.

If %server_sl_total[%ptk%]% == 0;PlayerSay 0/%server_sniperlimit% SNIPERS on team %pt%

If %server_sl_total[%ptk%]% > 0;PlayerSay %pt% SNIPER[1/%server_sniperlimit%] is %server_sl_snipername[%ptk%][1]%

If %server_sl_total[%ptk%]% > 1;PlayerSay %pt% SNIPER[2/%server_sniperlimit%] is %server_sl_snipername[%ptk%][2]%

If %server_sl_total[%ptk%]% > 2;PlayerSay %pt% SNIPER[3/%server_sniperlimit%] is %server_sl_snipername[%ptk%][3]%

If %server_sl_total[%ptk%]% > 3;PlayerSay %pt% SNIPER[4/%server_sniperlimit%] is %server_sl_snipername[%ptk%][4]%


On Say;Text !sniperx;

PlayerSay SNIPERS: Team 1: %server_sl_total[1]%/%server_sniperlimit%, Team 2: %server_sl_total[2]%/%server_sniperlimit%



When a guy get a sniper it makes a dobbelt line how can i make it only 1 line - same if you give up up a sniper slot?

and can it show what team give up a sniper slot like: Us Team etc?


[14:25:12] (PlayerSay Nagallla) -

[14:25:12] (PlayerSay Nagallla) - YOU HAVE A SNIPER SLOT !!! 1/5

[14:25:12] (PlayerSay Nagallla) -


[14:30:11] (TeamSay[uS Army] Nagallla) -

[14:30:11] (TeamSay[uS Army] Nagallla) - Nagallla gave up his SNIPER slot !!!

[14:30:11] (TeamSay[uS Army] Nagallla) -

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Originally Posted by eddtheduck*:


Try this one just for snipers though




On Kill;ServerFirst;Set %server_sniperlimit% 5

On Say;ServerFirst;Set %server_sniperlimit% 5



On Spawn;If %server_sl_sniper[%p%]% == 1;Log Sniper %pt% %p% re-spawned. %server_sl_total[%ptk%]% snipers on team %ptk%

On Kill;If %server_sl_sniper[%v%]% == 1;Log Sniper %vtk% %v% killed. %server_sl_total[%vtk%]% snipers on team %vtk%


# SNIPER KILL CHECKS either over limit (so kill), existing sniper (do nothing), new sniper (reserve slot)

On Kill;Damage SniperRifle;

If %server_sl_total[%ptk%]% >= %server_sniperlimit%;if %server_sl_sniper[%p%]% == 0;PlayerSay - %p% killed by SNIPER LIMIT max %server_sniperlimit%;Log Sniper Limit max %server_sniperlimit% snipers each team !!! (now Kill %p%);Kill

If %server_sl_sniper[%p%]% == 1;Log %ptk% %p% still a sniper, %server_sl_total[%ptk%]% snipers on team %ptk%

If %server_sl_sniper[%p%]% == 0;Incr %server_sl_total[%ptk%]%;Set %server_sl_sniper[%p%]% 1;Set %server_sl_x% %server_sl_total[%ptk%]%;Set %server_sl_snipername[%ptk%][%server_sl_x%]% %p%;PlayerSay - YOU HAVE A SNIPER SLOT !!! %server_sl_total[%ptk%]%/%server_sniperlimit%;Log %ptk% %p% is new sniper, %server_sl_total[%ptk%]%/%server_sniperlimit% snipers on team %ptk%





On Kill;Not Damage SniperRifle;Not Damage Handgun;Not Damage Melee;Not Damage DMR;Not Damage Explosive;If %server_sl_sniper[%p%]% == 1;Set %server_sl_sniper[%p%]% 0;Decr %server_sl_total[%ptk%]%;TeamSay - %p% gave up his SNIPER slot!!!;Log Ex-sniper %p% used %d% %wk%, %server_sl_total[%ptk%]% snipers on team %ptk%

On Leave;If %server_sl_sniper[%p%]% == 1;Set %server_sl_sniper[%p%]% 0;Decr %server_sl_total[%ptk%]%;TeamSay - %p% gave up his SNIPER slot !!!;Log Sniper %pt% %p% left server. %server_sl_total[%ptk%]% snipers on team %ptk%


# !snipers / !sniperx INFO MESSAGES

On Say;Text !snipers;

PlayerSay Sniper limit: %server_sl_total[%ptk%]%/%server_sniperlimit%. Reserve slot with sniper kill, lose it with non-sniper/handgun kill.

If %server_sl_total[%ptk%]% == 0;PlayerSay 0/%server_sniperlimit% SNIPERS on team %pt%

If %server_sl_total[%ptk%]% > 0;PlayerSay %pt% SNIPER[1/%server_sniperlimit%] is %server_sl_snipername[%ptk%][1]%

If %server_sl_total[%ptk%]% > 1;PlayerSay %pt% SNIPER[2/%server_sniperlimit%] is %server_sl_snipername[%ptk%][2]%

If %server_sl_total[%ptk%]% > 2;PlayerSay %pt% SNIPER[3/%server_sniperlimit%] is %server_sl_snipername[%ptk%][3]%

If %server_sl_total[%ptk%]% > 3;PlayerSay %pt% SNIPER[4/%server_sniperlimit%] is %server_sl_snipername[%ptk%][4]%


On Say;Text !sniperx;

PlayerSay SNIPERS: Team 1: %server_sl_total[1]%/%server_sniperlimit%, Team 2: %server_sl_total[2]%/%server_sniperlimit%

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Originally Posted by ADD1CTED-GAM3R*:


  Doom69* said:

No it doesn't need to be started I did it in one of our empty servers, make sure all your Procon/plugins etc is up to date.


No worry's, now all you need to do now is create a word list to suit your needs. :ohmy:

They're definitely all current, as I just started this server and started using the plugins a day ago.
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Originally Posted by ADD1CTED-GAM3R*:


Is it possible to add a PlayerYell command to the "Unreal Tournament Killstreak Announcer" script? By default, when someone gets a streak (5, 10, 15, etc) it announces it in chat. Can a PlayerYell be added to that so the player who is on the streak gets an on-screen message? I think that'd be a neat feature to try out.


Here's the default code.



# Unreal Tournament Kill Streak Announcer by ty_ger07

# Announcements of killstreak ending:
On Kill;If %server_streak[%v%]% >= 5;Say %p% ENDED %v%'s %server_streak[%v%]%-KILL STREAK with %w%
On TeamKill;If %server_streak[%v%]% >= 5;Say %p%'s TEAMKILL ENDED %v%'s %server_streak[%v%]%-KILL STREAK with %w%
On Suicide;If %server_streak[%p%]% >= 5;Say %p% ENDED their %server_streak[%p%]%-KILL STREAK with a SUICIDE

# Reset the player's streak count when they are killed:
On Kill;Set %server_streak[%v%]% 0
On TeamKill;Set %server_streak[%v%]% 0
On Suicide;Set %server_streak[%v%]% 0

# Reset killincr to 0 if server_streak is 0
On Kill;If %server_streak[%p%]% == 0;Set %killincr% 0

# Accumulate the kill count for each player in a var %server_streak[playername]%
On Kill;Incr %killincr%;Incr %server_streak[%p%]%;

# Say periodic killstreak messages
On Kill;If %killincr% == 30;Set %killincr% 25;Say GodLike! %p% %server_streak[%p%]% KILL STREAK
On Kill;If %server_streak[%p%]% == 25;Say GodLike! %p% 25-KILL STREAK
On Kill;If %server_streak[%p%]% == 20;Say Unstoppable! %p% 20-KILL STREAK
On Kill;If %server_streak[%p%]% == 15;Say Dominating! %p% 15-KILL STREAK
On Kill;If %server_streak[%p%]% == 10;Say Rampage! %p% 10-KILL STREAK
On Kill;If %server_streak[%p%]% == 5;Say Killing Spree! %p% 5-KILL STREAK
I'm thinking maybe this would work (for example).


OnKill;If %server_streak[%p%]% == 5;Say Killing Spree! %p% 5-KILL STREAK!;PlayerYell %p% Killing Spree! 5-KILL STREAK!

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Originally Posted by hauser1*:


  eddtheduck* said:

Try this one just for snipers though




On Kill;ServerFirst;Set %server_sniperlimit% 5

On Say;ServerFirst;Set %server_sniperlimit% 5



On Spawn;If %server_sl_sniper[%p%]% == 1;Log Sniper %pt% %p% re-spawned. %server_sl_total[%ptk%]% snipers on team %ptk%

On Kill;If %server_sl_sniper[%v%]% == 1;Log Sniper %vtk% %v% killed. %server_sl_total[%vtk%]% snipers on team %vtk%


# SNIPER KILL CHECKS either over limit (so kill), existing sniper (do nothing), new sniper (reserve slot)

On Kill;Damage SniperRifle;

If %server_sl_total[%ptk%]% >= %server_sniperlimit%;if %server_sl_sniper[%p%]% == 0;PlayerSay - %p% killed by SNIPER LIMIT max %server_sniperlimit%;Log Sniper Limit max %server_sniperlimit% snipers each team !!! (now Kill %p%);Kill

If %server_sl_sniper[%p%]% == 1;Log %ptk% %p% still a sniper, %server_sl_total[%ptk%]% snipers on team %ptk%

If %server_sl_sniper[%p%]% == 0;Incr %server_sl_total[%ptk%]%;Set %server_sl_sniper[%p%]% 1;Set %server_sl_x% %server_sl_total[%ptk%]%;Set %server_sl_snipername[%ptk%][%server_sl_x%]% %p%;PlayerSay - YOU HAVE A SNIPER SLOT !!! %server_sl_total[%ptk%]%/%server_sniperlimit%;Log %ptk% %p% is new sniper, %server_sl_total[%ptk%]%/%server_sniperlimit% snipers on team %ptk%





On Kill;Not Damage SniperRifle;Not Damage Handgun;Not Damage Melee;Not Damage DMR;Not Damage Explosive;If %server_sl_sniper[%p%]% == 1;Set %server_sl_sniper[%p%]% 0;Decr %server_sl_total[%ptk%]%;TeamSay - %p% gave up his SNIPER slot!!!;Log Ex-sniper %p% used %d% %wk%, %server_sl_total[%ptk%]% snipers on team %ptk%

On Leave;If %server_sl_sniper[%p%]% == 1;Set %server_sl_sniper[%p%]% 0;Decr %server_sl_total[%ptk%]%;TeamSay - %p% gave up his SNIPER slot !!!;Log Sniper %pt% %p% left server. %server_sl_total[%ptk%]% snipers on team %ptk%


# !snipers / !sniperx INFO MESSAGES

On Say;Text !snipers;

PlayerSay Sniper limit: %server_sl_total[%ptk%]%/%server_sniperlimit%. Reserve slot with sniper kill, lose it with non-sniper/handgun kill.

If %server_sl_total[%ptk%]% == 0;PlayerSay 0/%server_sniperlimit% SNIPERS on team %pt%

If %server_sl_total[%ptk%]% > 0;PlayerSay %pt% SNIPER[1/%server_sniperlimit%] is %server_sl_snipername[%ptk%][1]%

If %server_sl_total[%ptk%]% > 1;PlayerSay %pt% SNIPER[2/%server_sniperlimit%] is %server_sl_snipername[%ptk%][2]%

If %server_sl_total[%ptk%]% > 2;PlayerSay %pt% SNIPER[3/%server_sniperlimit%] is %server_sl_snipername[%ptk%][3]%

If %server_sl_total[%ptk%]% > 3;PlayerSay %pt% SNIPER[4/%server_sniperlimit%] is %server_sl_snipername[%ptk%][4]%


On Say;Text !sniperx;

PlayerSay SNIPERS: Team 1: %server_sl_total[1]%/%server_sniperlimit%, Team 2: %server_sl_total[2]%/%server_sniperlimit%

This one is not showing when a slot is free in the ingame chat and what team?
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Originally Posted by Necrophobie*:




1st. im looking for a code to set sniper limit depending on players online for example

up to 10 players online there should be only 1 sniper per team if there 20 players, 2 snipers per team


2nd. im looking for a join/leave announcer depends on players online for example: up to 20 players the announcer should tell all players who joins and leave if there more than 20 he shouldnt.


3rd. rank system on server with features for example: if you reach 20k points you have 1 Nade kill free per round if you have 40k you have 2 Nade kills free...


Kind Regards


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Originally Posted by jabbajaws77*:


Just for some fun is there anyway of implementing the @insult or @slap command to procon rules similar to what insane limits plugin used


All I want is for someone to be able to type @slap jabbajaws77 and the out put would be an admin chat saying "(user) slapped jabbajaws77 with a fish"


Or to typle @insult jabbajaws77 and this would output "(user) says jabbajaws77 you mother so fat .........."


Above is just an example as some of the members really liked being able to randomly generate a funny insult to another member for laughs


Any assistance would be greatly appreciated



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Originally Posted by hauser1*:


Im still working with the the sniper


I would like to show in the chat what team give up sniper slot (not saying team 1 or 2)


i tryed this with !sniperx but it only show us-army for "team 1 and 2"


On Say;Text !sniperx;

PlayerSay SNIPERS: Team %ptk%: %server_sl_total[1]%/%server_sniperlimit%, Team 2%ptk%: %server_sl_total[2]%/%server_sniperlimit%


Can this be changed:


[12:06:17] (PlayerSay Zizoalwalid) -

[12:06:17] (PlayerSay Zizoalwalid) - YOU HAVE A SNIPER SLOT !!! 4/5

[12:06:17] (PlayerSay Zizoalwalid) -

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Originally Posted by ADD1CTED-GAM3R*:




So, I was able to run some testing with a friend on my server and I got the desired effect with the Killstreak Announcer!


What I did was set my server to Unranked with a 2-player start, as the round has to be started for killstreaks to accumulate. For testing purposes I set the first announcement to start when a player had a 1-kill streak and I let my friend shoot me. The result was his killstreak being announced in the chatbox like usual, but he also got a yell directed towards him (and only him) that read "You're on a 1-Kill Streak!" I set it back to the default start of 5 kills after testing.


Now, if Player123 gets 5 kills in a row and triggers a killstreak announcement, here's what will happen:


1) In the chatbox it will say "Killing Spree! Player123: 5-Kill Streak!"

2) A PlayerYell directed at Player123 will trigger, and he will see "[Admin] You're on a 5-Kill Streak!" across the top of his screen (which is where a Yell normally displays).


I think it'll be a neat way of rewarding players for getting streaks! In case anyone else wants to use this, here's the code.



# Unreal Tournament Kill Streak Announcer by ty_ger07

# Announcements of killstreak ending:
On Kill;If %server_streak[%v%]% >= 5;Say %p% ended %v%'s %server_streak[%v%]%-Kill Streak with the %w%!
On TeamKill;If %server_streak[%v%]% >= 5;Say %p%'s teamkill ended %v%'s %server_streak[%v%]%-Kill Streak with the %w%!
On Suicide;If %server_streak[%p%]% >= 5;Say %p% ended their %server_streak[%p%]%-Kill Streak with a suicide!

# Reset the player's streak count when they are killed:
On Kill;Set %server_streak[%v%]% 0
On TeamKill;Set %server_streak[%v%]% 0
On Suicide;Set %server_streak[%v%]% 0

# Reset killincr to 0 if server_streak is 0
On Kill;If %server_streak[%p%]% == 0;Set %killincr% 0

# Accumulate the kill count for each player in a var %server_streak[playername]%
On Kill;Incr %killincr%;Incr %server_streak[%p%]%;

# Say periodic killstreak messages
On Kill;If %killincr% == 30;Set %killincr% 25;Say GodLike! %p% %server_streak[%p%]% Kill Streak!;PlayerYell You're on a 30+ Kill Streak!
On Kill;If %server_streak[%p%]% == 25;Say GodLike! %p% 25-Kill Streak!;PlayerYell You're on a 25-Kill Streak!
On Kill;If %server_streak[%p%]% == 20;Say Unstoppable! %p% 20-Kill Streak!;PlayerYell You're on a 20-Kill Streak!
On Kill;If %server_streak[%p%]% == 15;Say Dominating! %p% 15-Kill Streak!;PlayerYell You're on a 15-Kill Streak!
On Kill;If %server_streak[%p%]% == 10;Say Rampage! %p% 10-Kill Streak!;PlayerYell You're on a 10-Kill Streak!
On Kill;If %server_streak[%p%]% == 5;Say Killing Spree! %p% 5-Kill Streak!;PlayerYell You're on a 5-Kill Streak!
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Originally Posted by Necrophobie*:


  Necrophobie* said:



1st. im looking for a code to set sniper limit depending on players online for example

up to 10 players online there should be only 1 sniper per team if there 20 players, 2 snipers per team


2nd. im looking for a join/leave announcer depends on players online for example: up to 20 players the announcer should tell all players who joins and leave if there more than 20 he shouldnt.


3rd. rank system on server with features for example: if you reach 20k points you have 1 Nade kill free per round if you have 40k you have 2 Nade kills free...


Kind Regards


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Originally Posted by wobodo*:


Hi,I am looking for a person who would help write the rule to Procon rulez.

Together with friends we play hide and seek in BF4. One team is looking for another.

Assume that,

S for looking,

H for, hiding,

If S finds someone from H and kill, then killed player (H) is transferred to the opposing team (to S). If a H player kills S player, then S player is reborn on the


base. So far all the steps carrying players must perform admin. We would like to connect to Procon rulez and blancer and get the effect autobalance, when S kill H, the H


is transferred to the seeking. We play on the maps conquest. Assume that U.S. = H, RU = S. Someone has an idea how to do it?

Sorry for my English.

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Originally Posted by jabbajaws77*:


Just for some fun is there anyway of implementing the @insult or @slap command to procon rules similar to what insane limits plugin used


All I want is for someone to be able to type @slap jabbajaws77 and the out put would be an admin chat saying "(user) slapped jabbajaws77 with a fish"


Or to typle @insult jabbajaws77 and this would output "(user) says jabbajaws77 you mother so fat .........."


Above is just an example as some of the members really liked being able to randomly generate a funny insult to another member for laughs


Any assistance would be greatly appreciated



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Originally Posted by Tobsen03*:


Hello Guys ....


I need a Rule for our BF4 Metro Only Server....

I want to prohibit the M320 and the Airburst....but i don´t want to use the No explosive Rule....


Can you help me?

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Originally Posted by jeancf*:


Is it possible to use the '/' as alternative between values in a "If ... contains ..." clause? In other words, would a rule like this work:



On Kill;If %wk% contains MG320/XM25;PlayerCount 5;Say stop kills with grenade launchers
If not I need to use 2 separate rules and increment a variable for each player to limit the number of kills with those 2 weapons combined which is a lot more verbose.



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Originally Posted by Mrkillerhomer_xD*:


Hi. does any1 know of a way for proconrulz to write a message on road kill?

like when some1 get knifed but just with road kill would love that for my server




never mind i found out on my own. wasnt as hard as i thought it would be

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Originally Posted by BOSSMANSJEILD_A*:


Hi guys im new this Procon stuff so forgive my noob status.

I have seen pistol knife only servers and I see a txt code here but it has snipers, can anyone post up the rule txt for pistol knife only for BF4. Im trying to keep coding to basics, theres over 380 pages making hard to find the information now. hve loaded latest update.


Thanks for your support

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Originally Posted by Sevendot*:


  jeancf* said:

Is it possible to use the '/' as alternative between values in a "If ... contains ..." clause? In other words, would a rule like this work:



On Kill;If %wk% contains MG320/XM25;PlayerCount 5;Say stop kills with grenade launchers
If not I need to use 2 separate rules and increment a variable for each player to limit the number of kills with those 2 weapons combined which is a lot more verbose.



Use the comma as an OR. MG320,XM25,W1,W2.
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Originally Posted by LeChacal06*:


Hey :smile:


You think it's possible to use a simple code like this ?



# vote faction
I try just to change the faction on BF4 with the same map ( Guilin Peaks ) to use the Viper or the Havoc for the same team






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  • Our picks

    • Game Server Hosting:

      We're happy to announce that EZRCON will branch out into the game server provider scene. This is a big step for us so please having patience if something doesn't go right in this area. Now, what makes us different compared to other providers? Well, we're going with the idea of having a scaleable server hosting and providing more control in how you set up your server. For example, in Minecraft, you have the ability to control how many CPU cores you wish your server to have access to, how much RAM you want to use, how much disk space you want to use. This type of control can't be offered in a single service package so you're able to configure a custom package the way you want it.

      You can see all the available games here. Currently, we have the following games available.

      Valheim (From $1.50 USD)

      Rust (From $3.20 USD)

      Minecraft (Basic) (From $4.00 USD)

      Call of Duty 4X (From $7.00 USD)

      OpenTTD (From $4.00 USD)

      Squad (From $9.00 USD)

      Insurgency: Sandstorm (From $6.40 USD)

      Changes to US-East:

      Starting in January 2022, we will be moving to a different provider that has better support, better infrastructure, and better connectivity. We've noticed that the connection/routes to this location are not ideal and it's been hard getting support to correct this. Our contract for our two servers ends in March/April respectively. If you currently have servers in this location you will be migrated over to the new provider. We'll have more details when the time comes closer to January. The new location for this change will be based out of Atlanta, GA. If you have any questions/concerns please open a ticket and we'll do our best to answer them.
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    • Hello All,

      I wanted to give an update to how EZRCON is doing. As of today we have 56 active customers using the services offered. I'm glad its doing so well and it hasn't been 1 year yet. To those that have services with EZRCON, I hope the service is doing well and if not please let us know so that we can improve it where possible. We've done quite a few changes behind the scenes to improve the performance hopefully. 

      We'll be launching a new location for hosting procon layers in either Los Angeles, USA or Chicago, IL. Still being decided on where the placement should be but these two locations are not set in stone yet. We would like to get feedback on where we should have a new location for hosting the Procon Layers, which you can do by replying to this topic. A poll will be created where people can vote on which location they would like to see.

      We're also looking for some suggestions on what else you would like to see for hosting provider options. So please let us know your thoughts on this matter.
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    • Added ability to disable the new API check for player country info

      Updated GeoIP database file

      Removed usage sending stats

      Added EZRCON ad banner

      If you are upgrading then you may need to add these two lines to your existing installation in the file procon.cfg. To enable these options just change False to True.

      procon.private.options.UseGeoIpFileOnly False
      procon.private.options.BlockRssFeedNews False

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    • I wanted I let you know that I am starting to build out the foundation for the hosting services that I talked about here. The pricing model I was originally going for wasn't going to be suitable for how I want to build it. So instead I decided to offer each service as it's own product instead of a package deal. In the future, hopefully, I will be able to do this and offer discounts to those that choose it.

      Here is how the pricing is laid out for each service as well as information about each. This is as of 7/12/2020.

      Single MySQL database (up to 30 GB) is $10 USD per month.

      If you go over the 30 GB usage for the database then each additional gigabyte is charged at $0.10 USD each billing cycle. If you're under 30GB you don't need to worry about this.

      Databases are replicated across 3 zones (regions) for redundancy. One (1) on the east coast of the USA, One (1) in Frankfurt, and One (1) in Singapore. Depending on the demand, this would grow to more regions.

      Databases will also be backed up daily and retained for 7 days.

      Procon Layer will be $2 USD per month.

      Each layer will only allow one (1) game server connection. The reason behind this is for performance.

      Each layer will also come with all available plugins installed by default. This is to help facilitate faster deployments and get you up and running quickly.

      Each layer will automatically restart if Procon crashes. 

      Each layer will also automatically restart daily at midnight to make sure it stays in tip-top shape.

      Custom plugins can be installed by submitting a support ticket.

      Battlefield Admin Control Panel (BFACP) will be $5 USD per month

      As I am still working on building version 3 of the software, I will be installing the last version I did. Once I complete version 3 it will automatically be upgraded for you.

      All these services will be managed by me so you don't have to worry about the technical side of things to get up and going.

      If you would like to see how much it would cost for the services, I made a calculator that you can use. It can be found here https://ezrcon.com/calculator.html

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    • I have pushed out a new minor release which updates the geodata pull (flags in the playerlisting). This should be way more accurate now. As always, please let me know if any problems show up.

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