ImportBot Posted March 30, 2015 Share Posted March 30, 2015 Originally Posted by Blace*: Hey guys I'm using the following votekick script in BF Hardline, unchanged from the main example page, but I've encountered a weird bug. On Say;Text !votekick; Set %server_votesneeded% 3 Set %server_votetarget% none;TargetPlayer;Set %server_votetarget% %t%;If %voting[%server_votetarget%]% == 0;Set %server_voteflag% 1 If %server_votetarget% != none;If %voting[%server_votetarget%]% == 1;PlayerSay Your vote to kick %server_votetarget% is already registered (%server_votekicks[%server_votetarget%]%/%server_votesneeded%) If %server_votetarget% == none;PlayerSay Votekick playername not found. Just type ANY UNIQUE part of the name On Say;If %server_voteflag% == 1 Log server_voteflag is 1 (%p% said %text%). Target is %server_votetarget% Set %voting[%server_votetarget%]% 1 Incr %server_votekicks[%server_votetarget%]% If %server_votekicks[%server_votetarget%]% If %server_votekicks[%server_votetarget%]% >= %server_votesneeded%;TargetPlayer %server_votetarget%;Kick kicked by vote;Yell %t% kicked by vote Set %server_voteflag% 0 When we votekick, the player that got votekicked does not actually get kicked, but the players who initiated the vote get kicked when they talk in normal chat. After that, everyone who joins the server and attempts to chat will get kicked over and over, untill i disable ProconRulz and delete the script. I'm not experienced with this yet, so maybe someone can glance over the code if there's any mistake, or if things need to be different for BFH? Quote * Restored post. It could be that the author is no longer active. Link to comment
ImportBot Posted March 30, 2015 Share Posted March 30, 2015 Originally Posted by armypoilce*: i see many server in bf3 zlogames make server high exp , but i dont know how to make server with high expPeople can't do it with procon hacking into the game servers but they can on rconNET like these use rconNET and appranetly the ea files were leaked so they done this Quote * Restored post. It could be that the author is no longer active. Link to comment
ImportBot Posted March 30, 2015 Share Posted March 30, 2015 Originally Posted by Talzac*: How can I get a sniperlimit to work on BFHL Hardline? I have tried but it does not report any snipers, I have updated the DEF file with the following: procon.protected.weapons.add None "DamageArea" Primary Suicide procon.protected.weapons.add None "Death" Primary None procon.protected.weapons.add None "Melee" Secondary Melee procon.protected.weapons.add None "RoadKill" Primary None procon.protected.weapons.add None "SoldierCollision" Primary Suicide procon.protected.weapons.add None "Suicide" Primary Suicide procon.protected.weapons.add None "VehicleUpsideDown" Primary Suicide procon.protected.weapons.add Operator "U_ACWR" Primary Carbine procon.protected.weapons.add Operator "U_AKM" Primary AssaultRifle procon.protected.weapons.add Operator "U_AKS74u" Primary Carbine procon.protected.weapons.add Enforcer "U_BallisticShield" Secondary Impact procon.protected.weapons.add None "U_BaseballBat" Secondary Impact procon.protected.weapons.add Enforcer "U_BreachingCharge" Secondary Explosive procon.protected.weapons.add Operator "U_Car556" Primary Carbine procon.protected.weapons.add None "U_CS_Gas" Auxiliary Explosive procon.protected.weapons.add Operator "U_CZ75" Auxiliary Handgun procon.protected.weapons.add Operator "U_G17" Auxiliary Handgun procon.protected.weapons.add Professional "U_G18C" Auxiliary Handgun procon.protected.weapons.add Operator "U_G36C" Primary Carbine procon.protected.weapons.add Enforcer "U_HCAR" Primary AssaultRifle procon.protected.weapons.add None "U_IncendiaryDevice" Auxiliary Explosive procon.protected.weapons.add Mechanic "U_K10" Primary SMG procon.protected.weapons.add None "U_Knife" Secondary Melee procon.protected.weapons.add Operator "U_L85A2" Primary AssaultRifle procon.protected.weapons.add Professional "U_L96A1" Primary SniperRifle procon.protected.weapons.add Operator "U_M16A4" Primary AssaultRifle procon.protected.weapons.add Mechanic "U_M320_HE" Secondary ProjectileExplosive procon.protected.weapons.add Operator "U_M416" Primary AssaultRifle procon.protected.weapons.add None "U_M67" Auxiliary Explosive procon.protected.weapons.add Mechanic "U_M79_HE" Secondary ProjectileExplosive procon.protected.weapons.add Professional "U_M93R" Auxiliary Handgun procon.protected.weapons.add Operator "U_CR_MedicBag" Auxiliary Nonlethal procon.protected.weapons.add Operator "U_LE_MedicBag" Auxiliary Nonlethal procon.protected.weapons.add Operator "U_MG36" Primary Carbine procon.protected.weapons.add Mechanic "U_Molotov" Secondary ProjectileExplosive procon.protected.weapons.add Mechanic "U_MP5K" Primary SMG procon.protected.weapons.add Operator "U_P226" Auxiliary Handgun procon.protected.weapons.add None "U_PoliceBaton" Secondary Melee procon.protected.weapons.add Professional "U_R700LTR" Primary SniperRifle procon.protected.weapons.add Enforcer "U_Rem870P" Primary Shotgun procon.protected.weapons.add Operator "U_RO933" Primary Carbine procon.protected.weapons.add None "U_RPG7" Secondary ProjectileExplosive procon.protected.weapons.add Enforcer "U_SCARH" Primary AssaultRifle procon.protected.weapons.add Professional "U_Scout" Primary SniperRifle procon.protected.weapons.add Operator "U_SG533LB" Primary Carbine procon.protected.weapons.add Enforcer "U_SA58" Primary Shotgun procon.protected.weapons.add None "u_smaw" Secondary ProjectileExplosive procon.protected.weapons.add Enforcer "U_Spas12" Primary Shotgun procon.protected.weapons.add Enforcer "U_Stakeout37" Primary Shotgun procon.protected.weapons.add Mechanic "U_SW38Snub" Auxiliary Handgun procon.protected.weapons.add None "U_TaserGun" Auxiliary Handgun procon.protected.weapons.add Professional "U_TripMine" Secondary Explosive procon.protected.weapons.add Mechanic "U_UMP45" Primary SMG thanks Quote * Restored post. It could be that the author is no longer active. Link to comment
ImportBot Posted March 30, 2015 Share Posted March 30, 2015 Originally Posted by armypoilce*: How can I get a sniperlimit to work on BFHL Hardline? I have tried but it does not report any snipers, I have updated the DEF file with the following: procon.protected.weapons.add None "DamageArea" Primary Suicide procon.protected.weapons.add None "Death" Primary None procon.protected.weapons.add None "Melee" Secondary Melee procon.protected.weapons.add None "RoadKill" Primary None procon.protected.weapons.add None "SoldierCollision" Primary Suicide procon.protected.weapons.add None "Suicide" Primary Suicide procon.protected.weapons.add None "VehicleUpsideDown" Primary Suicide procon.protected.weapons.add Operator "U_ACWR" Primary Carbine procon.protected.weapons.add Operator "U_AKM" Primary AssaultRifle procon.protected.weapons.add Operator "U_AKS74u" Primary Carbine procon.protected.weapons.add Enforcer "U_BallisticShield" Secondary Impact procon.protected.weapons.add None "U_BaseballBat" Secondary Impact procon.protected.weapons.add Enforcer "U_BreachingCharge" Secondary Explosive procon.protected.weapons.add Operator "U_Car556" Primary Carbine procon.protected.weapons.add None "U_CS_Gas" Auxiliary Explosive procon.protected.weapons.add Operator "U_CZ75" Auxiliary Handgun procon.protected.weapons.add Operator "U_G17" Auxiliary Handgun procon.protected.weapons.add Professional "U_G18C" Auxiliary Handgun procon.protected.weapons.add Operator "U_G36C" Primary Carbine procon.protected.weapons.add Enforcer "U_HCAR" Primary AssaultRifle procon.protected.weapons.add None "U_IncendiaryDevice" Auxiliary Explosive procon.protected.weapons.add Mechanic "U_K10" Primary SMG procon.protected.weapons.add None "U_Knife" Secondary Melee procon.protected.weapons.add Operator "U_L85A2" Primary AssaultRifle procon.protected.weapons.add Professional "U_L96A1" Primary SniperRifle procon.protected.weapons.add Operator "U_M16A4" Primary AssaultRifle procon.protected.weapons.add Mechanic "U_M320_HE" Secondary ProjectileExplosive procon.protected.weapons.add Operator "U_M416" Primary AssaultRifle procon.protected.weapons.add None "U_M67" Auxiliary Explosive procon.protected.weapons.add Mechanic "U_M79_HE" Secondary ProjectileExplosive procon.protected.weapons.add Professional "U_M93R" Auxiliary Handgun procon.protected.weapons.add Operator "U_CR_MedicBag" Auxiliary Nonlethal procon.protected.weapons.add Operator "U_LE_MedicBag" Auxiliary Nonlethal procon.protected.weapons.add Operator "U_MG36" Primary Carbine procon.protected.weapons.add Mechanic "U_Molotov" Secondary ProjectileExplosive procon.protected.weapons.add Mechanic "U_MP5K" Primary SMG procon.protected.weapons.add Operator "U_P226" Auxiliary Handgun procon.protected.weapons.add None "U_PoliceBaton" Secondary Melee procon.protected.weapons.add Professional "U_R700LTR" Primary SniperRifle procon.protected.weapons.add Enforcer "U_Rem870P" Primary Shotgun procon.protected.weapons.add Operator "U_RO933" Primary Carbine procon.protected.weapons.add None "U_RPG7" Secondary ProjectileExplosive procon.protected.weapons.add Enforcer "U_SCARH" Primary AssaultRifle procon.protected.weapons.add Professional "U_Scout" Primary SniperRifle procon.protected.weapons.add Operator "U_SG533LB" Primary Carbine procon.protected.weapons.add Enforcer "U_SA58" Primary Shotgun procon.protected.weapons.add None "u_smaw" Secondary ProjectileExplosive procon.protected.weapons.add Enforcer "U_Spas12" Primary Shotgun procon.protected.weapons.add Enforcer "U_Stakeout37" Primary Shotgun procon.protected.weapons.add Mechanic "U_SW38Snub" Auxiliary Handgun procon.protected.weapons.add None "U_TaserGun" Auxiliary Handgun procon.protected.weapons.add Professional "U_TripMine" Secondary Explosive procon.protected.weapons.add Mechanic "U_UMP45" Primary SMG thanks Try this ##### SNIPER LIMIT V2.7 BOLT AND DMR ##### # SET THE MAX # OF SNIPERS HERE: On Kill;ServerFirst;Set %server_sniperlimit% 3 On Say;ServerFirst;Set %server_sniperlimit% 3 # SNIPER LOG MESSAGES On Spawn;If %server_sl_sniper[%p%]% == 1;Log Sniper %pt% %p% re-spawned. %server_sl_total[%ptk%]% snipers on team %ptk% On Kill;If %server_sl_sniper[%v%]% == 1;Log Sniper %vtk% %v% killed. %server_sl_total[%vtk%]% snipers on team %vtk% # SNIPER KILL CHECKS either over limit (so kill), existing sniper (do nothing), new sniper (reserve slot) On Kill;Damage SniperRifle; If %server_sl_total[%ptk%]% >= %server_sniperlimit%;if %server_sl_sniper[%p%]% == 0;PlayerSay -;PlayerSay - %p% killed by SNIPER LIMIT max %server_sniperlimit%;PlayerSay -;Log Sniper Limit max %server_sniperlimit% snipers each team !!! (now Kill %p%);Kill If %server_sl_sniper[%p%]% == 1;Log %ptk% %p% still a sniper, %server_sl_total[%ptk%]% snipers on team %ptk% If %server_sl_sniper[%p%]% == 0;Incr %server_sl_total[%ptk%]%;Set %server_sl_sniper[%p%]% 1;Set %server_sl_x% %server_sl_total[%ptk%]%;Set %server_sl_snipername[%ptk%][%server_sl_x%]% %p%;PlayerSay -;PlayerSay - YOU HAVE A SNIPER SLOT !!! %server_sl_total[%ptk%]%/%server_sniperlimit%;PlayerSay -;Log %ptk% %p% is new sniper, %server_sl_total[%ptk%]%/%server_sniperlimit% snipers on team %ptk% # SNIPER KILL CHECKS either over limit (so kill), existing sniper (do nothing), new sniper (reserve slot) On Kill;Damage DMR; If %server_sl_total[%ptk%]% >= %server_sniperlimit%;if %server_sl_sniper[%p%]% == 0;PlayerSay -;PlayerSay - %p% killed by SNIPER LIMIT max %server_sniperlimit%;PlayerSay -;Log Sniper Limit max %server_sniperlimit% snipers each team !!! (now Kill %p%);Kill If %server_sl_sniper[%p%]% == 1;Log %ptk% %p% still a sniper, %server_sl_total[%ptk%]% snipers on team %ptk% If %server_sl_sniper[%p%]% == 0;Incr %server_sl_total[%ptk%]%;Set %server_sl_sniper[%p%]% 1;Set %server_sl_x% %server_sl_total[%ptk%]%;Set %server_sl_snipername[%ptk%][%server_sl_x%]% %p%;PlayerSay -;PlayerSay - YOU HAVE A SNIPER SLOT !!! %server_sl_total[%ptk%]%/%server_sniperlimit%;PlayerSay -;Log %ptk% %p% is new sniper, %server_sl_total[%ptk%]%/%server_sniperlimit% snipers on team %ptk% # FREE UP SNIPER SLOT IF SNIPER HAS NON-SNIPER KILL OR SNIPER LEAVES On Kill;Not Damage SniperRifle;Not Damage Handgun;Not Damage Melee;Not Damage DMR;Not Damage Explosive;If %server_sl_sniper[%p%]% == 1;Set %server_sl_sniper[%p%]% 0;Decr %server_sl_total[%ptk%]%;TeamSay -;TeamSay - %p% gave up his SNIPER slot!!!;TeamSay -;Log Ex-sniper %p% used %d% %wk%, %server_sl_total[%ptk%]% snipers on team %ptk% On Leave;If %server_sl_sniper[%p%]% == 1;Set %server_sl_sniper[%p%]% 0;Decr %server_sl_total[%ptk%]%;TeamSay -;TeamSay - %p% gave up his SNIPER slot !!!;TeamSay -;Log Sniper %pt% %p% left server. %server_sl_total[%ptk%]% snipers on team %ptk% # !snipers / !sniperx INFO MESSAGES On Say;Text !snipers; PlayerSay Sniper limit: %server_sl_total[%ptk%]%/%server_sniperlimit%. Reserve slot with sniper kill, lose it with non-sniper/handgun kill. If %server_sl_total[%ptk%]% == 0;PlayerSay 0/%server_sniperlimit% SNIPERS on team %pt% If %server_sl_total[%ptk%]% > 0;PlayerSay %pt% SNIPER[1/%server_sniperlimit%] is %server_sl_snipername[%ptk%][1]% If %server_sl_total[%ptk%]% > 1;PlayerSay %pt% SNIPER[2/%server_sniperlimit%] is %server_sl_snipername[%ptk%][2]% If %server_sl_total[%ptk%]% > 2;PlayerSay %pt% SNIPER[3/%server_sniperlimit%] is %server_sl_snipername[%ptk%][3]% If %server_sl_total[%ptk%]% > 3;PlayerSay %pt% SNIPER[4/%server_sniperlimit%] is %server_sl_snipername[%ptk%][4]% On Say;Text !sniperx; PlayerSay SNIPERS: Team 1: %server_sl_total[1]%/%server_sniperlimit%, Team 2: %server_sl_total[2]%/%server_sniperlimit% ##### SNIPER LIMIT V2.7 ONLY BOLT ACTION ##### # SET THE MAX # OF SNIPERS HERE: On Kill;ServerFirst;Set %server_sniperlimit% 3 On Say;ServerFirst;Set %server_sniperlimit% 3 # SNIPER LOG MESSAGES On Spawn;If %server_sl_sniper[%p%]% == 1;Log Sniper %pt% %p% re-spawned. %server_sl_total[%ptk%]% snipers on team %ptk% On Kill;If %server_sl_sniper[%v%]% == 1;Log Sniper %vtk% %v% killed. %server_sl_total[%vtk%]% snipers on team %vtk% # SNIPER KILL CHECKS either over limit (so kill), existing sniper (do nothing), new sniper (reserve slot) On Kill;Damage SniperRifle; If %server_sl_total[%ptk%]% >= %server_sniperlimit%;if %server_sl_sniper[%p%]% == 0;PlayerSay -;PlayerSay - %p% killed by SNIPER LIMIT max %server_sniperlimit%;PlayerSay -;Log Sniper Limit max %server_sniperlimit% snipers each team !!! (now Kill %p%);Kill If %server_sl_sniper[%p%]% == 1;Log %ptk% %p% still a sniper, %server_sl_total[%ptk%]% snipers on team %ptk% If %server_sl_sniper[%p%]% == 0;Incr %server_sl_total[%ptk%]%;Set %server_sl_sniper[%p%]% 1;Set %server_sl_x% %server_sl_total[%ptk%]%;Set %server_sl_snipername[%ptk%][%server_sl_x%]% %p%;PlayerSay -;PlayerSay - YOU HAVE A SNIPER SLOT !!! %server_sl_total[%ptk%]%/%server_sniperlimit%;PlayerSay -;Log %ptk% %p% is new sniper, %server_sl_total[%ptk%]%/%server_sniperlimit% snipers on team %ptk% # FREE UP SNIPER SLOT IF SNIPER HAS NON-SNIPER KILL OR SNIPER LEAVES On Kill;Not Damage SniperRifle;Not Damage Handgun;Not Damage Melee;Not Damage DMR;Not Damage Explosive;If %server_sl_sniper[%p%]% == 1;Set %server_sl_sniper[%p%]% 0;Decr %server_sl_total[%ptk%]%;TeamSay -;TeamSay - %p% gave up his SNIPER slot!!!;TeamSay -;Log Ex-sniper %p% used %d% %wk%, %server_sl_total[%ptk%]% snipers on team %ptk% On Leave;If %server_sl_sniper[%p%]% == 1;Set %server_sl_sniper[%p%]% 0;Decr %server_sl_total[%ptk%]%;TeamSay -;TeamSay - %p% gave up his SNIPER slot !!!;TeamSay -;Log Sniper %pt% %p% left server. %server_sl_total[%ptk%]% snipers on team %ptk% # !snipers / !sniperx INFO MESSAGES On Say;Text !snipers; PlayerSay Sniper limit: %server_sl_total[%ptk%]%/%server_sniperlimit%. Reserve slot with sniper kill, lose it with non-sniper/handgun kill. If %server_sl_total[%ptk%]% == 0;PlayerSay 0/%server_sniperlimit% SNIPERS on team %pt% If %server_sl_total[%ptk%]% > 0;PlayerSay %pt% SNIPER[1/%server_sniperlimit%] is %server_sl_snipername[%ptk%][1]% If %server_sl_total[%ptk%]% > 1;PlayerSay %pt% SNIPER[2/%server_sniperlimit%] is %server_sl_snipername[%ptk%][2]% If %server_sl_total[%ptk%]% > 2;PlayerSay %pt% SNIPER[3/%server_sniperlimit%] is %server_sl_snipername[%ptk%][3]% If %server_sl_total[%ptk%]% > 3;PlayerSay %pt% SNIPER[4/%server_sniperlimit%] is %server_sl_snipername[%ptk%][4]% On Say;Text !sniperx; PlayerSay SNIPERS: Team 1: %server_sl_total[1]%/%server_sniperlimit%, Team 2: %server_sl_total[2]%/%server_sniperlimit% Quote * Restored post. It could be that the author is no longer active. Link to comment
ImportBot Posted March 30, 2015 Share Posted March 30, 2015 Originally Posted by Talzac*: Try this ##### SNIPER LIMIT V2.7 BOLT AND DMR ##### # SET THE MAX # OF SNIPERS HERE: On Kill;ServerFirst;Set %server_sniperlimit% 3 On Say;ServerFirst;Set %server_sniperlimit% 3 # SNIPER LOG MESSAGES On Spawn;If %server_sl_sniper[%p%]% == 1;Log Sniper %pt% %p% re-spawned. %server_sl_total[%ptk%]% snipers on team %ptk% On Kill;If %server_sl_sniper[%v%]% == 1;Log Sniper %vtk% %v% killed. %server_sl_total[%vtk%]% snipers on team %vtk% # SNIPER KILL CHECKS either over limit (so kill), existing sniper (do nothing), new sniper (reserve slot) On Kill;Damage SniperRifle; If %server_sl_total[%ptk%]% >= %server_sniperlimit%;if %server_sl_sniper[%p%]% == 0;PlayerSay -;PlayerSay - %p% killed by SNIPER LIMIT max %server_sniperlimit%;PlayerSay -;Log Sniper Limit max %server_sniperlimit% snipers each team !!! (now Kill %p%);Kill If %server_sl_sniper[%p%]% == 1;Log %ptk% %p% still a sniper, %server_sl_total[%ptk%]% snipers on team %ptk% If %server_sl_sniper[%p%]% == 0;Incr %server_sl_total[%ptk%]%;Set %server_sl_sniper[%p%]% 1;Set %server_sl_x% %server_sl_total[%ptk%]%;Set %server_sl_snipername[%ptk%][%server_sl_x%]% %p%;PlayerSay -;PlayerSay - YOU HAVE A SNIPER SLOT !!! %server_sl_total[%ptk%]%/%server_sniperlimit%;PlayerSay -;Log %ptk% %p% is new sniper, %server_sl_total[%ptk%]%/%server_sniperlimit% snipers on team %ptk% # SNIPER KILL CHECKS either over limit (so kill), existing sniper (do nothing), new sniper (reserve slot) On Kill;Damage DMR; If %server_sl_total[%ptk%]% >= %server_sniperlimit%;if %server_sl_sniper[%p%]% == 0;PlayerSay -;PlayerSay - %p% killed by SNIPER LIMIT max %server_sniperlimit%;PlayerSay -;Log Sniper Limit max %server_sniperlimit% snipers each team !!! (now Kill %p%);Kill If %server_sl_sniper[%p%]% == 1;Log %ptk% %p% still a sniper, %server_sl_total[%ptk%]% snipers on team %ptk% If %server_sl_sniper[%p%]% == 0;Incr %server_sl_total[%ptk%]%;Set %server_sl_sniper[%p%]% 1;Set %server_sl_x% %server_sl_total[%ptk%]%;Set %server_sl_snipername[%ptk%][%server_sl_x%]% %p%;PlayerSay -;PlayerSay - YOU HAVE A SNIPER SLOT !!! %server_sl_total[%ptk%]%/%server_sniperlimit%;PlayerSay -;Log %ptk% %p% is new sniper, %server_sl_total[%ptk%]%/%server_sniperlimit% snipers on team %ptk% # FREE UP SNIPER SLOT IF SNIPER HAS NON-SNIPER KILL OR SNIPER LEAVES On Kill;Not Damage SniperRifle;Not Damage Handgun;Not Damage Melee;Not Damage DMR;Not Damage Explosive;If %server_sl_sniper[%p%]% == 1;Set %server_sl_sniper[%p%]% 0;Decr %server_sl_total[%ptk%]%;TeamSay -;TeamSay - %p% gave up his SNIPER slot!!!;TeamSay -;Log Ex-sniper %p% used %d% %wk%, %server_sl_total[%ptk%]% snipers on team %ptk% On Leave;If %server_sl_sniper[%p%]% == 1;Set %server_sl_sniper[%p%]% 0;Decr %server_sl_total[%ptk%]%;TeamSay -;TeamSay - %p% gave up his SNIPER slot !!!;TeamSay -;Log Sniper %pt% %p% left server. %server_sl_total[%ptk%]% snipers on team %ptk% # !snipers / !sniperx INFO MESSAGES On Say;Text !snipers; PlayerSay Sniper limit: %server_sl_total[%ptk%]%/%server_sniperlimit%. Reserve slot with sniper kill, lose it with non-sniper/handgun kill. If %server_sl_total[%ptk%]% == 0;PlayerSay 0/%server_sniperlimit% SNIPERS on team %pt% If %server_sl_total[%ptk%]% > 0;PlayerSay %pt% SNIPER[1/%server_sniperlimit%] is %server_sl_snipername[%ptk%][1]% If %server_sl_total[%ptk%]% > 1;PlayerSay %pt% SNIPER[2/%server_sniperlimit%] is %server_sl_snipername[%ptk%][2]% If %server_sl_total[%ptk%]% > 2;PlayerSay %pt% SNIPER[3/%server_sniperlimit%] is %server_sl_snipername[%ptk%][3]% If %server_sl_total[%ptk%]% > 3;PlayerSay %pt% SNIPER[4/%server_sniperlimit%] is %server_sl_snipername[%ptk%][4]% On Say;Text !sniperx; PlayerSay SNIPERS: Team 1: %server_sl_total[1]%/%server_sniperlimit%, Team 2: %server_sl_total[2]%/%server_sniperlimit% ##### SNIPER LIMIT V2.7 ONLY BOLT ACTION ##### # SET THE MAX # OF SNIPERS HERE: On Kill;ServerFirst;Set %server_sniperlimit% 3 On Say;ServerFirst;Set %server_sniperlimit% 3 # SNIPER LOG MESSAGES On Spawn;If %server_sl_sniper[%p%]% == 1;Log Sniper %pt% %p% re-spawned. %server_sl_total[%ptk%]% snipers on team %ptk% On Kill;If %server_sl_sniper[%v%]% == 1;Log Sniper %vtk% %v% killed. %server_sl_total[%vtk%]% snipers on team %vtk% # SNIPER KILL CHECKS either over limit (so kill), existing sniper (do nothing), new sniper (reserve slot) On Kill;Damage SniperRifle; If %server_sl_total[%ptk%]% >= %server_sniperlimit%;if %server_sl_sniper[%p%]% == 0;PlayerSay -;PlayerSay - %p% killed by SNIPER LIMIT max %server_sniperlimit%;PlayerSay -;Log Sniper Limit max %server_sniperlimit% snipers each team !!! (now Kill %p%);Kill If %server_sl_sniper[%p%]% == 1;Log %ptk% %p% still a sniper, %server_sl_total[%ptk%]% snipers on team %ptk% If %server_sl_sniper[%p%]% == 0;Incr %server_sl_total[%ptk%]%;Set %server_sl_sniper[%p%]% 1;Set %server_sl_x% %server_sl_total[%ptk%]%;Set %server_sl_snipername[%ptk%][%server_sl_x%]% %p%;PlayerSay -;PlayerSay - YOU HAVE A SNIPER SLOT !!! %server_sl_total[%ptk%]%/%server_sniperlimit%;PlayerSay -;Log %ptk% %p% is new sniper, %server_sl_total[%ptk%]%/%server_sniperlimit% snipers on team %ptk% # FREE UP SNIPER SLOT IF SNIPER HAS NON-SNIPER KILL OR SNIPER LEAVES On Kill;Not Damage SniperRifle;Not Damage Handgun;Not Damage Melee;Not Damage DMR;Not Damage Explosive;If %server_sl_sniper[%p%]% == 1;Set %server_sl_sniper[%p%]% 0;Decr %server_sl_total[%ptk%]%;TeamSay -;TeamSay - %p% gave up his SNIPER slot!!!;TeamSay -;Log Ex-sniper %p% used %d% %wk%, %server_sl_total[%ptk%]% snipers on team %ptk% On Leave;If %server_sl_sniper[%p%]% == 1;Set %server_sl_sniper[%p%]% 0;Decr %server_sl_total[%ptk%]%;TeamSay -;TeamSay - %p% gave up his SNIPER slot !!!;TeamSay -;Log Sniper %pt% %p% left server. %server_sl_total[%ptk%]% snipers on team %ptk% # !snipers / !sniperx INFO MESSAGES On Say;Text !snipers; PlayerSay Sniper limit: %server_sl_total[%ptk%]%/%server_sniperlimit%. Reserve slot with sniper kill, lose it with non-sniper/handgun kill. If %server_sl_total[%ptk%]% == 0;PlayerSay 0/%server_sniperlimit% SNIPERS on team %pt% If %server_sl_total[%ptk%]% > 0;PlayerSay %pt% SNIPER[1/%server_sniperlimit%] is %server_sl_snipername[%ptk%][1]% If %server_sl_total[%ptk%]% > 1;PlayerSay %pt% SNIPER[2/%server_sniperlimit%] is %server_sl_snipername[%ptk%][2]% If %server_sl_total[%ptk%]% > 2;PlayerSay %pt% SNIPER[3/%server_sniperlimit%] is %server_sl_snipername[%ptk%][3]% If %server_sl_total[%ptk%]% > 3;PlayerSay %pt% SNIPER[4/%server_sniperlimit%] is %server_sl_snipername[%ptk%][4]% On Say;Text !sniperx; PlayerSay SNIPERS: Team 1: %server_sl_total[1]%/%server_sniperlimit%, Team 2: %server_sl_total[2]%/%server_sniperlimit% I have already tried this with no success if I take a sniper rifle and spawn Sniperx says no snipers. Have you tried this on hardline? Quote * Restored post. It could be that the author is no longer active. Link to comment
ImportBot Posted March 30, 2015 Share Posted March 30, 2015 Originally Posted by armypoilce*: I have already tried this with no success if I take a sniper rifle and spawn Sniperx says no snipers. Have you tried this on hardline? Have you sorted it to what limit you want? ATM its on 0 that's why you being killed Quote * Restored post. It could be that the author is no longer active. Link to comment
ImportBot Posted March 30, 2015 Share Posted March 30, 2015 Originally Posted by Talzac*: I am not being killed it says 0 snipers slots when I test it, and I am using a sniper rifle :-) It seems it is not registering my sniper rifles It says that there are no snipers online Even thou I have a sniper rifle there is still 3 out of 3 snipers lots avalibe Quote * Restored post. It could be that the author is no longer active. Link to comment
ImportBot Posted March 30, 2015 Share Posted March 30, 2015 Originally Posted by armypoilce*: Try this one #Set values for Max # of snipers, Teamsize is smallest team in server #--------------------------------------------------------------- On Spawn;ServerFirst; Set %server_TeamSize2_sniperlimit% 1 Set %server_TeamSize4_sniperlimit% 1 Set %server_TeamSize8_sniperlimit% 2 Set %server_TeamSize12_sniperlimit% 3 Set %server_TeamSize16_sniperlimit% 4 Set %server_TeamSize20_sniperlimit% 5 Set %server_TeamSize24_sniperlinit% 6 Set %server_TeamSize32_sniperlimit% 8 #---------------------------------------------------------------- On Spawn; if %n% >= -1;if %n% %server_TeamSize2_sniperlimit%;Set %server_sniperlimit% %server_TeamSize2_sniperlimit%;ALL SniperLimit set to %server_sniperlimit% per team!!! (XXS teams) if %n% >= 3;if %n% %server_TeamSize4_sniperlimit%;Set %server_sniperlimit% %server_TeamSize4_sniperlimit%;ALL SniperLimit set to %server_sniperlimit% per team!!! (XS small teams) if %n% >= 5;if %n% %server_TeamSize8_sniperlimit%;Set %server_sniperlimit% %server_TeamSize8_sniperlimit%;ALL SniperLimit set to %server_sniperlimit% per team!!! (S teams) if %n% >= 9;if %n% %server_TeamSize12_sniperlimit%;Set %server_sniperlimit% %server_TeamSize12_sniperlimit%;ALL SniperLimit set to %server_sniperlimit% per team!!! (M teams) if %n% >= 13;if %n% %server_TeamSize16_sniperlimit%;Set %server_sniperlimit% %server_TeamSize16_sniperlimit%;ALL SniperLimit set to %server_sniperlimit% per team!!! (L teams) if %n% >= 15;if %n% %server_TeamSize20_sniperlimit%;Set %server_sniperlimit% %server_TeamSize20_sniperlimit%;ALL SniperLimit set to %server_sniperlimit% per team!!! (XL teams) if %n% >= 19;if %n% %server_TeamSize24_sniperlimit%;Set %server_sniperlimit% %server_TeamSize24_sniperlimit%;ALL SniperLimit set to %server_sniperlimit% per team!!! (XXL teams) if %n% >= 25;if %n% %server_TeamSize32_sniperlimit%;Set %server_sniperlimit% %server_TeamSize32_sniperlimit%;ALL SniperLimit set to %server_sniperlimit% per team!!! (XXXL teams) # SNIPER LIMIT rulz by TARRELTJE On Spawn;if %_beingsniper% == 1;Decr %_beingsniper%;Decr %team_recontotal%;log we have %team_recontotal% snipers on team %pt% On Spawn;Set %_beingsniper% 0 On kill;Damage sniperRifle; if %team_recontotal% == %server_sniperlimit%;if %_beingsniper% == 0;Say Sniper Limit max %server_sniperlimit% snipers each team !!!;Kill if %_beingsniper% == 1;End;log %p% is still a sniper, %team_recontotal% snipers on team %pt% incr %team_recontotal%;set %_beingsniper% 1;log %p% is a sniper, %team_recontotal% snipers on team %pt% On kill;Not Damage sniperRifle;Not Damage Handgun;if %_beingsniper% == 1;decr %_beingsniper%;decr %team_recontotal%;log %p% is no sniper anymore, %team_recontotal% snipers on team %pt% On Leave;if %_beingsniper% == 1;Decr %team_recontotal% If this don't work it might take a bit to code it for BFH Quote * Restored post. It could be that the author is no longer active. Link to comment
ImportBot Posted March 30, 2015 Share Posted March 30, 2015 Originally Posted by Talzac*: Nopes this is not working, I now have 2 snipers in the same team, but the limit says "only 1 per team" Quote * Restored post. It could be that the author is no longer active. Link to comment
ImportBot Posted March 30, 2015 Share Posted March 30, 2015 Originally Posted by armypoilce*: OK its working now u need to sort it by On Spawn;ServerFirst;Set %server_TeamSize2_sniperlimit% 1 Set %server_TeamSize4_sniperlimit% 1 Set %server_TeamSize8_sniperlimit% 2 Set %server_TeamSize12_sniperlimit% 3 Set %server_TeamSize16_sniperlimit% 4 Set %server_TeamSize20_sniperlimit% 5 Set %server_TeamSize24_sniperlinit% 6 Set %server_TeamSize32_sniperlimit% 8 #---------------------------------------------------------------- Make this step how many snipers you want on each team for spawn Quote * Restored post. It could be that the author is no longer active. Link to comment
ImportBot Posted March 30, 2015 Share Posted March 30, 2015 Originally Posted by Talzac*: OK its working now u need to sort it by On Spawn;ServerFirst;Set %server_TeamSize2_sniperlimit% 1 Set %server_TeamSize4_sniperlimit% 1 Set %server_TeamSize8_sniperlimit% 2 Set %server_TeamSize12_sniperlimit% 3 Set %server_TeamSize16_sniperlimit% 4 Set %server_TeamSize20_sniperlimit% 5 Set %server_TeamSize24_sniperlinit% 6 Set %server_TeamSize32_sniperlimit% 8 #---------------------------------------------------------------- Make this step how many snipers you want on each team for spawn What is the diffrence from the original code that was not working? Quote * Restored post. It could be that the author is no longer active. Link to comment
ImportBot Posted March 30, 2015 Share Posted March 30, 2015 Originally Posted by armypoilce*: What is the diffrence from the original code that was not working?#Set values for Max # of snipers, Teamsize is smallest team in server#--------------------------------------------------------------- On Spawn;ServerFirst; Set %server_TeamSize2_sniperlimit% 1 Set %server_TeamSize4_sniperlimit% 1 Set %server_TeamSize8_sniperlimit% 2 Set %server_TeamSize12_sniperlimit% 3 Set %server_TeamSize16_sniperlimit% 4 Set %server_TeamSize20_sniperlimit% 5 Set %server_TeamSize24_sniperlinit% 6 Set %server_TeamSize32_sniperlimit% 8 #---------------------------------------------------------------- On Spawn; if %n% >= -1;if %n% %server_TeamSize2_sniperlimit%;Set %server_sniperlimit% %server_TeamSize2_sniperlimit%;ALL SniperLimit set to %server_sniperlimit% per team!!! (XXS teams) if %n% >= 3;if %n% %server_TeamSize4_sniperlimit%;Set %server_sniperlimit% %server_TeamSize4_sniperlimit%;ALL SniperLimit set to %server_sniperlimit% per team!!! (XS small teams) if %n% >= 5;if %n% %server_TeamSize8_sniperlimit%;Set %server_sniperlimit% %server_TeamSize8_sniperlimit%;ALL SniperLimit set to %server_sniperlimit% per team!!! (S teams) if %n% >= 9;if %n% %server_TeamSize12_sniperlimit%;Set %server_sniperlimit% %server_TeamSize12_sniperlimit%;ALL SniperLimit set to %server_sniperlimit% per team!!! (M teams) if %n% >= 13;if %n% %server_TeamSize16_sniperlimit%;Set %server_sniperlimit% %server_TeamSize16_sniperlimit%;ALL SniperLimit set to %server_sniperlimit% per team!!! (L teams) if %n% >= 15;if %n% %server_TeamSize20_sniperlimit%;Set %server_sniperlimit% %server_TeamSize20_sniperlimit%;ALL SniperLimit set to %server_sniperlimit% per team!!! (XL teams) if %n% >= 19;if %n% %server_TeamSize24_sniperlimit%;Set %server_sniperlimit% %server_TeamSize24_sniperlimit%;ALL SniperLimit set to %server_sniperlimit% per team!!! (XXL teams) if %n% >= 25;if %n% %server_TeamSize32_sniperlimit%;Set %server_sniperlimit% %server_TeamSize32_sniperlimit%;ALL SniperLimit set to %server_sniperlimit% per team!!! (XXXL teams) # SNIPER LIMIT rulz by TARRELTJE On Spawn;if %_beingsniper% == 1;Decr %_beingsniper%;Decr %team_recontotal%;log we have %team_recontotal% snipers on team %pt% On Spawn;Set %_beingsniper% 0 On kill;Damage sniperRifle; if %team_recontotal% == %server_sniperlimit%;if %_beingsniper% == 0;Say Sniper Limit max %server_sniperlimit% snipers each team !!!;Kill if %_beingsniper% == 1;End;log %p% is still a sniper, %team_recontotal% snipers on team %pt% incr %team_recontotal%;set %_beingsniper% 1;log %p% is a sniper, %team_recontotal% snipers on team %pt% On kill;Not Damage sniperRifle;Not Damage Handgun;if %_beingsniper% == 1;decr %_beingsniper%;decr %team_recontotal%;log %p% is no sniper anymore, %team_recontotal% snipers on team %pt% On Leave;if %_beingsniper% == 1;Decr %team_recontotal% This one should work with bf3,bf4,BFH,bfbc2 all you need to do is sort the players for each team you want snipers say like 5 for each team With how big your server size is Quote * Restored post. It could be that the author is no longer active. Link to comment
ImportBot Posted March 31, 2015 Share Posted March 31, 2015 Originally Posted by AgentHawk*: doesnt work... I think the BFHL.def is the reason. Quote * Restored post. It could be that the author is no longer active. Link to comment
ImportBot Posted March 31, 2015 Share Posted March 31, 2015 Originally Posted by Chilace*: I am not being killed it says 0 snipers slots when I test it, and I am using a sniper rifle :-) It seems it is not registering my sniper rifles It says that there are no snipers online Even thou I have a sniper rifle there is still 3 out of 3 snipers lots avalibe You need to kill someone with sniperrifle and not being in warmup phase to get the sniperslot.That is what the rule says when you type !snipers. Quote * Restored post. It could be that the author is no longer active. Link to comment
ImportBot Posted April 1, 2015 Share Posted April 1, 2015 Originally Posted by pvv-pvv*: how to make a ban on the mortar ? Quote * Restored post. It could be that the author is no longer active. Link to comment
ImportBot Posted April 1, 2015 Share Posted April 1, 2015 Originally Posted by 397Seth*: Do I need to set the game mode to BF4 in ProconRulz? BFH ist not there to access Quote * Restored post. It could be that the author is no longer active. Link to comment
ImportBot Posted April 1, 2015 Share Posted April 1, 2015 Originally Posted by armypoilce*: Do I need to set the game mode to BF4 in ProconRulz? BFH ist not there to access Yes bf4 and BFH will class as same thing is will work for them both Quote * Restored post. It could be that the author is no longer active. Link to comment
ImportBot Posted April 1, 2015 Share Posted April 1, 2015 Originally Posted by 397Seth*: Yes bf4 and BFH will class as same thing is will work for them bothThanks Quote * Restored post. It could be that the author is no longer active. Link to comment
ImportBot Posted April 1, 2015 Share Posted April 1, 2015 Originally Posted by armypoilce*: how to make a ban on the mortar ?On Spawn;PlayerFirst;PlayerYell %p% Welcome to the Server Soldier;PlayerSay %p% No Mortars Allowed you've been warned !!#Mortar auto-slay #On Kill;PlayerCount 2;Weapon Death;Say %p% No mortars Allowed on this server;Kick Mortars not allawed #On Kill;Weapon Death;Say %p% No mortars Allowed on this server;Kill 100 Fell free to edit it Quote * Restored post. It could be that the author is no longer active. Link to comment
ImportBot Posted April 1, 2015 Share Posted April 1, 2015 Originally Posted by AgentHawk*: but the Sniperlimiter dosent work for Hardline... Nothing happens when you kill some one....:/ Quote * Restored post. It could be that the author is no longer active. Link to comment
ImportBot Posted April 1, 2015 Share Posted April 1, 2015 Originally Posted by Chilace*: but the Sniperlimiter dosent work for Hardline... Nothing happens when you kill some one....:/SniperLimit works for me. May be BFHL.def outdated on your layer ? Quote * Restored post. It could be that the author is no longer active. Link to comment
ImportBot Posted April 1, 2015 Share Posted April 1, 2015 Originally Posted by AgentHawk*: ok it works with a new .def file Thanks Quote * Restored post. It could be that the author is no longer active. Link to comment
ImportBot Posted April 1, 2015 Share Posted April 1, 2015 Originally Posted by pvv-pvv*: On Spawn;PlayerFirst;PlayerYell %p% Welcome to the Server Soldier;PlayerSay %p% No Mortars Allowed you've been warned !! #Mortar auto-slay #On Kill;PlayerCount 2;Weapon Death;Say %p% No mortars Allowed on this server;Kick Mortars not allawed #On Kill;Weapon Death;Say %p% No mortars Allowed on this server;Kill 100 Fell free to edit it image.jpgMortar unused, but they will operate normally ? Quote * Restored post. It could be that the author is no longer active. Link to comment
ImportBot Posted April 1, 2015 Share Posted April 1, 2015 Originally Posted by AgentHawk*: how can I change the Sniper Limit? If I change the Limit it bugs and says 0 Snipers are allowed - at 60 Players :/ works only with 64P #Set values for Max # of snipers, Teamsize is smallest team in server #--------------------------------------------------------------- On Spawn;ServerFirst; Set %server_TeamSize2_sniperlimit% 1 Set %server_TeamSize4_sniperlimit% 1 Set %server_TeamSize8_sniperlimit% 2 Set %server_TeamSize12_sniperlimit% 2 Set %server_TeamSize16_sniperlimit% 2 Set %server_TeamSize20_sniperlimit% 3 Set %server_TeamSize24_sniperlinit% 3 Set %server_TeamSize32_sniperlimit% 3 #---------------------------------------------------------------- On Spawn; if %n% >= -1;if %n% %server_TeamSize2_sniperlimit%;Set %server_sniperlimit% %server_TeamSize2_sniperlimit%;ALL SniperLimit set to %server_sniperlimit% per team!!! (XXS teams) if %n% >= 3;if %n% %server_TeamSize4_sniperlimit%;Set %server_sniperlimit% %server_TeamSize4_sniperlimit%;ALL SniperLimit set to %server_sniperlimit% per team!!! (XS small teams) if %n% >= 5;if %n% %server_TeamSize8_sniperlimit%;Set %server_sniperlimit% %server_TeamSize8_sniperlimit%;ALL SniperLimit set to %server_sniperlimit% per team!!! (S teams) if %n% >= 9;if %n% %server_TeamSize12_sniperlimit%;Set %server_sniperlimit% %server_TeamSize12_sniperlimit%;ALL SniperLimit set to %server_sniperlimit% per team!!! (M teams) if %n% >= 13;if %n% %server_TeamSize16_sniperlimit%;Set %server_sniperlimit% %server_TeamSize16_sniperlimit%;ALL SniperLimit set to %server_sniperlimit% per team!!! (L teams) if %n% >= 15;if %n% %server_TeamSize20_sniperlimit%;Set %server_sniperlimit% %server_TeamSize20_sniperlimit%;ALL SniperLimit set to %server_sniperlimit% per team!!! (XL teams) if %n% >= 19;if %n% %server_TeamSize24_sniperlimit%;Set %server_sniperlimit% %server_TeamSize24_sniperlimit%;ALL SniperLimit set to %server_sniperlimit% per team!!! (XXL teams) if %n% >= 25;if %n% %server_TeamSize32_sniperlimit%;Set %server_sniperlimit% %server_TeamSize32_sniperlimit%;ALL SniperLimit set to %server_sniperlimit% per team!!! (XXXL teams) # SNIPER LIMIT rulz by TARRELTJE On Spawn;if %_beingsniper% == 1;Decr %_beingsniper%;Decr %team_recontotal%;log we have %team_recontotal% snipers on team %pt% On Spawn;Set %_beingsniper% 0 On kill;Damage sniperRifle; if %team_recontotal% == %server_sniperlimit%;if %_beingsniper% == 0;Say Sniper Limit max %server_sniperlimit% snipers each team !!!;Kill if %_beingsniper% == 1;End;log %p% is still a sniper, %team_recontotal% snipers on team %pt% incr %team_recontotal%;set %_beingsniper% 1;log %p% is a sniper, %team_recontotal% snipers on team %pt% On kill;Not Damage sniperRifle;Not Damage Handgun;if %_beingsniper% == 1;decr %_beingsniper%;decr %team_recontotal%;log %p% is no sniper anymore, %team_recontotal% snipers on team %pt% On Leave;if %_beingsniper% == 1;Decr %team_recontotal% Quote * Restored post. It could be that the author is no longer active. Link to comment
ImportBot Posted April 1, 2015 Share Posted April 1, 2015 Originally Posted by earls_towing*: Hello, is it possible to limit weapons specific to a single player without affecting the entire server? Quote * Restored post. It could be that the author is no longer active. Link to comment
ImportBot Posted April 1, 2015 Share Posted April 1, 2015 Originally Posted by tmrnl*: Would this work on a BF Hardline Hotwire only where i want no kills? On Kill;PlayerCount 2;Log %p% banned for Saiga;Ban %p% Saiga shotgun use On Kill;PlayerCount 1;Log %p% kicked for Saiga;Kick %p% Saiga shotgun use On Kill;PlayerSay %p% no Saiga shotgun;Kill 100 Quote * Restored post. It could be that the author is no longer active. Link to comment
ImportBot Posted April 1, 2015 Share Posted April 1, 2015 Originally Posted by armypoilce*: Would this work on a BF Hardline Hotwire only where i want no kills? On Kill;PlayerCount 2;Log %p% banned for Saiga;Ban %p% Saiga shotgun use On Kill;PlayerCount 1;Log %p% kicked for Saiga;Kick %p% Saiga shotgun use On Kill;PlayerSay %p% no Saiga shotgun;Kill 100 it should do yes try it how can I change the Sniper Limit? If I change the Limit it bugs and says 0 Snipers are allowed - at 60 Players :/ works only with 64Phalf of it work out how many people will use snipers on each team for 60p image.jpg Mortar unused, but they will operate normally ? so does the code work or is it doing nothing ? Quote * Restored post. It could be that the author is no longer active. Link to comment
ImportBot Posted April 2, 2015 Share Posted April 2, 2015 Originally Posted by pvv-pvv*: so does the code work or is it doing nothing ?if rconNET no restrictions on weapons ( SETUP card ) , the rule works well. but if there is a ban on any weapons , then kicked from server plugin everybody who works "Death" Quote * Restored post. It could be that the author is no longer active. Link to comment
ImportBot Posted April 2, 2015 Share Posted April 2, 2015 Originally Posted by tmrnl*: it should do yes try it half of it work out how many people will use snipers on each team for 60p so does the code work or is it doing nothing ? I cant selecht the game BFH, so i dont think its working entirly.. Procon doesnt allow me to kick either =/ Whats that about? Quote * Restored post. It could be that the author is no longer active. Link to comment
ImportBot Posted April 2, 2015 Share Posted April 2, 2015 Originally Posted by armypoilce*: I cant selecht the game BFH, so i dont think its working entirly.. Procon doesnt allow me to kick either =/ Whats that about?You need to put it on bf4 because BFH ain't on yet they both do same and work samr Quote * Restored post. It could be that the author is no longer active. Link to comment
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