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ProconRulz V44j1 - weapon limits and other event-triggered admin actions


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Originally Posted by CoMPaHoLiC*:


I'm not sure I'm following you? You say that you are NOT using it now your server IS running metro?

What are you trying to do then, what is it you want to accomplish?


You were trying to prevent people from using M320/SMAW/RPG on that map? Or do you want to prevent them from using those weapons on all the other maps?


/me == lost

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Originally Posted by spitfire*:


Some one please help


i want to bann the m320 smaw and rpg out off metro

i have downloaded te plug inn weaponlimiter but i dont know what to with that xml file or change things for the weapons


sorry im really a noob at this


<_xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" _>

xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="../validators/validator_rules.xsd" >




Infantry Only rule














Damavand Peak

Conquest Assault






Conquest rule












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Originally Posted by C-4-N*:


Hello i think you are talking about this plugins ...*


there is not .xml files in ProconRulz plugin


and for help you a bit, all configuration you have to do, is in Procon, launch it , find plugin tab , and find Xtrem weapon limiter !

if need more help ask on link !



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Originally Posted by Guest**:


  CoMPaHoLiC* said:

I'm not sure I'm following you? You say that you are NOT using it now your server IS running metro?

What are you trying to do then, what is it you want to accomplish?


You were trying to prevent people from using M320/SMAW/RPG on that map? Or do you want to prevent them from using those weapons on all the other maps?


/me == lost

i have 2 servers. the one i want to prevent using the m320 and RPG in is always full so i can't put the code in unless i'm %100 sure it's working so i'm doing some testing on the other server. i hope i made things clear.


all i'm trying to do is prevent the m320,SMAW and RPG on metro map only.

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Originally Posted by ty_ger07*:


  Guest* said:

i have 2 servers. the one i want to prevent using the m320 and RPG in is always full so i can't put the code in unless i'm %100 sure it's working so i'm doing some testing on the other server. i hope i made things clear.


all i'm trying to do is prevent the m320,SMAW and RPG on metro map only.

# Rocket Rule
On Kill;Map Subway;Damage ProjectileExplosive;PlayerCount 2;Say %p%: kicked for %w% in Operation Metro.;Log %p% killed %v% with %w%.;Kick %p%: kicked for %w% in Operation Metro.
On Kill;Map Subway;Damage ProjectileExplosive;PlayerCount 1;Say %p%: killed for %w% in Operation Metro.;Log %p% killed %v% with %w%.;Kill
On Kill;Map Subway;Damage ProjectileExplosive;PlayerSay %p%: no %w% in Operation Metro.
Warns for first SMAW/M320/RPG, kills for second, kicks for third.
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Originally Posted by spitfire*:


  C-4-N* said:

Hello i think you are talking about this plugins ...*


there is not .xml files in ProconRulz plugin


and for help you a bit, all configuration you have to do, is in Procon, launch it , find plugin tab , and find Xtrem weapon limiter !

if need more help ask on link !





Hi C4


ive launched procon/parent layer control/ xtreme weapons limiter

i clicked plug in settings configurations and clicked infantry only

now i got this in procron


[19:43:17 75] Weapon Limiter checkRules() unknown weapons : L96---L96, FAMAS---FAMAS, XP1_L85A2---Weapons/XP1_L85A2/L85A2, L85A2---Weapons/XP1_L85A2/L85A2, PP-19---PP-19, MG36---MG36,

[19:43:19 21] Weapon Limiter DEBUG - kondrat90 uses M416,

[19:43:19 22] Weapon Limiter checkRules() unknown weapons : L96---L96, FAMAS---FAMAS, XP1_L85A2---Weapons/XP1_L85A2/L85A2, L85A2---Weapons/XP1_L85A2/L85A2, PP-19---PP-19, MG36---MG36,

[19:43:20 88] Weapon Limiter DEBUG - Tegster uses M416,

[19:43:20 88] Weapon Limiter checkRules() unknown weapons : L96---L96, FAMAS---FAMAS, XP1_L85A2---Weapons/XP1_L85A2/L85A2, L85A2---Weapons/XP1_L85A2/L85A2, PP-19---PP-19, MG36---MG36,

[19:43:21 78] Weapon Limiter DEBUG - rafalb999 uses M16A4,

[19:43:21 78] Weapon Limiter checkRules() unknown weapons : L96---L96, FAMAS---FAMAS, XP1_L85A2---Weapons/XP1_L85A2/L85A2, L85A2---Weapons/XP1_L85A2/L85A2, PP-19---PP-19, MG36---MG36,

[19:43:22 78] Weapon Limiter DEBUG - Leo_Yk uses M320,


BTW there is a xml file in the procon map rules.xml

i put this in the xml file


<_xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" _>

xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="../validators/validator_rules.xsd" >



















Operation Metro



















Operation Metro










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Originally Posted by Kilack*:




You are asking in the wrong thread, this is for a completely different plugin.

Go to the correct thread and you will have much better luck getting support for your problem.


Or you can use this plugin of course to do the same thing but very different format used here..

but loads of examples of what you want to do with proconrulz, just search this thread.

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Originally Posted by MadIzm*:


I have the following rule applied on my server wich runs metro only;


# M320

On Kill;Map Subway;Weapon M320;PlayerCount 2;Log %p% tempbanned for M320 on Metro;TempBan 900 %p% Metro M320

On Kill;Map Subway;Weapon M320;PlayerCount 1;Log %p% killed for M320 on Metro;Kill

On Kill;Map Subway;Weapon M320;PlayerSay %p% no M320 on Metro


Now it seems that people found a way arround the rule still being able to use the M320 for nadespamming.

What they do is set there weapon up like the following, select lets say the M416, select the underslung rail, then the M320 and your done.

So when i use this set up, the kill made with the M320 will not be registred as a M320 kill but just a M416 kill and this way they can get arround the M320 rule :sad:


Anyone a sollution for this?

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Originally Posted by CoMPaHoLiC*:




Only hope would be to pray to EA/Dice that they finally fix the RCON protocol, the under slug registers as the main weapon within RCON, therefore in PRoCon and it's plugins. So besides manually spotting and kicking you can't do much :sad:

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Originally Posted by PierroLeFou-fr*:



thanks for your plugin


but I have question , is it possible to use to take PB Screenshots shot when people realise a lot of head shot in short time .

I allready use this fonction to Ban cheater:

On Kill;Headshot;Rate 8 25;Say %p% banned - aimbot;Ban %p% Auto-banned - Aimbot pbguid 8/25s

On Kill;Headshot;Rate 6 15;Say %p% banned - aimbot;Ban %p% Auto-banned - Aimbot pbguid 6/15s

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Originally Posted by maccam*:


Hi kann mir mal einer bitte helfen ich , ich habe dieses procon rulez und würde gerne ein "NO sniper" regel machen !

kann mir jemand den kompletten code machen dafür ? hab ein bischen herumprobirt bekomme es aber nicht hin :sad:

bitte um hilfe ! Danke

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Originally Posted by AxionDemo*:


Hi, I have this setup for Squad Rush only but you can change it to your liking. I was wondering is there a way to Set a variable off of an exec statement.


I want to return the current map list, you can do this with "Exec mapList.List" so I tried something like "Set %maplist% Exec mapList.List" , I didn't expect this to work but let me know if you have a work around. Here is my current settings to add maps to the list and clear them.


basically if ur an admin you jsut type MapDP or mapOM and it will add that map to your list. I figured I can do a voting system in here.


# Map Change

On Say;Admin;Text mapList;Say Normal = GB, TH, CB, SC, OF, DP, NC, KI, OM

On Say;Admin;Text mapList;Say Expans = SK, GO, SP, WI

On Say;Admin;Text mapList;Say [Add: mapXX] [Clear: mapClear] [%m%]

On Say;Admin;Text mapGB;Exec mapList.add MP_001 SquadRush0 2;Say Grand Bazaar Squad Rush Added

On Say;Admin;Text mapTH;Exec mapList.add MP_003 SquadRush0 2;Say Teheran Highway Squad Rush Added

On Say;Admin;Text mapCB;Exec mapList.add MP_007 SquadRush0 2;Say Caspian Border Squad Rush Added

On Say;Admin;Text mapSC;Exec mapList.add MP_011 SquadRush0 2;Say Seine Crossing Squad Rush Added

On Say;Admin;Text mapOF;Exec mapList.add MP_012 SquadRush0 2;Say Operation Firestorm Squad Rush Added

On Say;Admin;Text mapDP;Exec mapList.add MP_013 SquadRush0 2;Say Damavand Peak Squad Rush Added

On Say;Admin;Text mapNC;Exec mapList.add MP_017 SquadRush0 2;Say Noshashar Canals Squad Rush Added

On Say;Admin;Text mapKI;Exec mapList.add MP_018 SquadRush0 2;Say Kharg Island Squad Rush Added

On Say;Admin;Text mapOM;Exec mapList.add MP_Subway SquadRush0 2;Say Operation Metro Squad Rush Added

On Say;Admin;Text mapSK;Exec mapList.add XP1_001 SquadRush0 2;Say Strike at Karkand Squad Rush Added

On Say;Admin;Text mapGO;Exec mapList.add XP1_002 SquadRush0 2;Say Gulf of Oman Squad Rush Added

On Say;Admin;Text mapSP;Exec mapList.add XP1_003 SquadRush0 2;Say Sharqi Peninsula Squad Rush Added

On Say;Admin;Text mapWI;Exec mapList.add XP1_004 SquadRush0 2;Say Wake Island Squad Rush Added

On Say;Admin;Text mapClear;Exec mapList.clear;Say All Maps Removed

On Say;Admin;Text mapNext;Exec mapList.RunNextRound;Say Next Round Started

On Say;Admin;Text mapRestart;Exec mapList.restartRound;Say Round Restarted

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Originally Posted by BarelyBen*:


On Kill;Weapon M67,Weapons/Gadgets/C4/C4;PlayerCount 3;Log %p%NO EXPLOSIVES!!! Banning for 5 minutes!;TempBan 300 %p% no Grenades or C4

On Kill;Weapon M67,Weapons/Gadgets/C4/C4;PlayerCount 2;Log %p% NO EXPLOSIVES!!! THIS INCLUDES NADES!!!;Kill 100

On Kill;Weapon M67,Weapons/Gadgets/C4/C4;PlayerCount 1;Log %p%,NO EXPLOSIVES!!! THIS INCLUDES NADES!!!;Kill 100

On Kill;Weapon M67,Weapons/Gadgets/C4/C4;kill 100


These are the rules I have to stop nades all together but its not working I'm getting no message or punishing.

Is the rule written correctly.

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Originally Posted by CoMPaHoLiC*:


@BarelyBen Have you tried expanding rules first? Is PRoConRulz working by *any* means?


On Kill;Log %p% killed someone and I can see this in chat window, so it works

On Kill;Weapon M67;Log Nadekill by %p%;kill 100

On Kill;Weapons/Gadgets/C4/C4;Log C4 by %p%;kill 100

Also see my other reply to your issue (not sure if you saw that one_) -> myrcon.net/...proconrulz-v44j1-weapon-limits-and-other-event-triggered-admin-actions#entry10727 -> I've also included a question on if you should use 'explosives' instead of 'm67+c4'


Somehow (also looking at ty_ger's responses) I'm wondering if the plugin is working at all on your machine? Blatently obvious, but you DID enable it, right? In addition, if you put it in debug mode - do you see things scrolling by? As mentioned above, try a simple rule like "On Kill; Log blabla" to see if it's doing anything.



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Originally Posted by scorpionfr59*:


  SileX* said:

Bambam, thanks; awesome !

  bambam* said:



No, I don't think so, unless someone thinks of something clever with the Rate (or Not Rate) condition. In the meantime the mainstream thing to do is limit snipers to a max # of kills.

and if we put a time to kill (eg 5 mm) in the first shot of a weapon, or a limit of deaths with this weapon, it could work?



On Kill;Kit Recon;PlayerCount 1 %p% 1 kill

On Kill;Kit Recon;PlayerCount 5 %p% 5 kill

On Kill;Kit Recon;PlayerCount 10 %p% 10 kill

On Kill;Kit Recon;PlayerCount 14 %p% still a shot

On Kill;Kit Recon;PlayerSay %p% maximum of sniper kills in achieved;Kill 100

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Originally Posted by Gazovik83*:


Hi guys!

Please help.

Help me set up two rules.

1. Kicked the player for 3 teamkills, and that for each teamkills was a message to the player with the number of violations

2. Customize limit snipers on the number of players per team 32 slots:

  • allowed 3 snipers when 16 players
  • allowed 2 snipers when 12 players
  • allowed 1 sniper when 6 players

I would be grateful if you help

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Originally Posted by bambam*:


catching up with some support




Bambam, need to update your plugin and add a new weapon from Back To Karkand, it's "Jackhammer/MK3A1 Shutgun".

This is a Procon item, not ProconRulz - if you want to manually update your Configs\BF3.def, add the following line after any similar procon.protected.weapons.add line:


procon.protected.weapons.add None "jackhammer" Primary Shotgun




Is it possible to make a rule, that kicks/temp.bans spawnkillers? Ex. A player get killed if he spawnkill 3 player within 3 seconds.

A reasonable request given we could do this in BFBC2... BF3 doesn't send the map coordinates of the killer (or victim) so it is NOT possible by any plugin for BF3. This also means currently the "Range" condition (and %r% substitution variable) are non-functional for BF3.




but I have question , is it possible to use to take PB Screenshots shot when people realise a lot of head shot in short time .

You should experiment with the "Exec" command - this allows ProconRulz to execute ANY admin command. Format is "Exec " and you can include substitution variables in the command, e.g. "Exec admin.restartMap".




basically if ur an admin you jsut type MapDP or mapOM and it will add that map to your list

holy shit nice job - I'll add something like that to our OFc config.




and if we put a time to kill (eg 5 mm) in the first shot of a weapon, or a limit of deaths with this weapon, it could work?

ProconRulz doesn't have 'time' of kills available to use directly in rulz - the only place 'time' has any meaning is in the Rate condition. You CAN limit the number of kills- for your requirement just see Example #2 from the 1st post in this thread and use "Damage SniperRifle" instead of "Damage Shotgun" as in the example.




Help me set up two rules.

1. Kicked the player for 3 teamkills, and that for each teamkills was a message to the player with the number of violations

See Example #4 on 1st post in this thread.



2. Customize limit snipers on the number of players per team 32 slots:


allowed 3 snipers when 16 players

allowed 2 snipers when 12 players

allowed 1 sniper when 6 players

Not possible. See BF3 limitations in 1st post of this thread.
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Originally Posted by ty_ger07*:


  PierroLeFou.fr* said:


thanks for your plugin


but I have question , is it possible to use to take PB Screenshots shot when people realise a lot of head shot in short time .

I allready use this fonction to Ban cheater:

On Kill;Headshot;Rate 8 25;Say %p% banned - aimbot;Ban %p% Auto-banned - Aimbot pbguid 8/25s

On Kill;Headshot;Rate 6 15;Say %p% banned - aimbot;Ban %p% Auto-banned - Aimbot pbguid 6/15s

Add this code to your detection rule:


Exec punkBuster.pb_sv_command pb_sv_getss
For instance:


On Kill;Headshot;Rate 4 25;Exec punkBuster.pb_sv_command pb_sv_getss;Log Punkbuster Screenshots taken of all players.
On Kill;Headshot;Rate 3 15;Exec punkBuster.pb_sv_command pb_sv_getss;Log Punkbuster Screenshots taken of all players.
The Punkbuster Screenshot ("PBSS") documentation says that you can take a screenshot of an individual player by placing that players name after the command. I find that the documentation is incorrect -- at least for BF3. It seems that the only thing which works for specifying the target player for the PBSS is the player's slot number. Since I don't know how to determine the player's slot number automatically, you can use the code above to just take a screenshot of all the players in the server whenever an individual player trips the condition.


BamBam? Do you know how to determine the player's slot number with your plugin?

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Originally Posted by micovery*:


  ty_ger07* said:

The Punkbuster Screenshot ("PBSS") documentation says that you can take a screenshot of an individual player by placing that players name after the command. I find that the documentation is incorrect -- at least for BF3. It seems that the only thing which works for specifying the target player for the PBSS is the player's slot number.

Documentation also says the player's name has to be in quotes, I tried it, worked.



To request screenshots from all players with the text "ABC" in their name, type PB_SV_GETSS "ABC" (note the quotes are necessary when specifying name substrings).


PB_SV_GetSs [player_name_or_slot#]

Sends a request to all applicable connected players asking for a screen shot to be captured and sent to the PB Server; to specify a player name or substring (as opposed to slot #), surround the text with double-quote marks

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Originally Posted by MysticalQ*:


Ok, I might be overlooking a couple of things but how about this code:


On Kill;Map Subway;Weapon M320;PlayerCount 1;Say >> %p%

On Kill;Map Subway;Weapon M320;Say >> %p%


On Kill;Map Subway;Weapon RPG-7;PlayerCount 1;Say >> %p%

On Kill;Map Subway;Weapon RPG-7;Say >> %p%


On Kill;Map Subway;Weapon SMAW;PlayerCount 1;Say >> %p%

On Kill;Map Subway;Weapon SMAW;Say >> %p%


Is it correct if I want to use this code for:

1. Someone makes a kill on Operation Métro with a M320, RPG-7 or SMAW and he gets auto admin killed and a text saying i.g. (">> MysticalQ

2. That same person makes a second kill on Operation Métro with a M320, RPG-7 or SMAW and het gets auto admin kicked and a text saying i.g. (">> MysticalQ


Is it correct?


If not, what is wrong with it?

And now maybe the dumbest question, where exactly do I put this piece of code in the .cs file?

Under "// default rulz"? Where there are all unparsed_rules.Add are? and do I need to put the code behind those unparsed_rules.Add? Like:


unparsed_rules.Add(On Kill;Map Subway;Weapon SMAW;PlayerCount 1;Say >> %p%

unparsed_rules.Add(On Kill;Map Subway;Weapon SMAW;Say >> %p%


Kind regards,



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Originally Posted by Xeideo*:


  maccam* said:

Hi kann mir mal einer bitte helfen ich , ich habe dieses procon rulez und würde gerne ein "NO sniper" regel machen !

kann mir jemand den kompletten code machen dafür ? hab ein bischen herumprobirt bekomme es aber nicht hin :sad:

bitte um hilfe ! Danke

Hi bin zwar auch noch etwas neu hier aber probiers mal mit dem hier. (Du kannst die Waffen nicht verbieten aber die user kicken wenn sie einen kill mit einer Sniper machen)


# NO Sniper Rifles

On Kill;Damage SniperRifle;Kick %p% Kicked for Sniper Rifles kill;

On Kill;Damage SniperRifle;Say Sniper Rifles Not Permitted;Kill 100


This will kick all Sniper Rifle kills.

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Originally Posted by CoMPaHoLiC*:


If it works (your code) than you could optimize it like I adjusted in your quote below.

You don't put it in the CS but in the plugin config (Procon -> Plugins -> Proconrulz -> Rules, click string-array)

See screenshot

Schermafbeelding 2012-01-09 om 13.38.51.png


  MysticalQ* said:

Ok, I might be overlooking a couple of things but how about this code:


On Kill;Map Subway;Weapon M320,RPG-7,SMAW;PlayerCount 1;Say >> %p%

On Kill;Map Subway;Weapon M320,RPG-7,SMAW;Say >> %p%

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    • Hello All,

      I wanted to give an update to how EZRCON is doing. As of today we have 56 active customers using the services offered. I'm glad its doing so well and it hasn't been 1 year yet. To those that have services with EZRCON, I hope the service is doing well and if not please let us know so that we can improve it where possible. We've done quite a few changes behind the scenes to improve the performance hopefully. 

      We'll be launching a new location for hosting procon layers in either Los Angeles, USA or Chicago, IL. Still being decided on where the placement should be but these two locations are not set in stone yet. We would like to get feedback on where we should have a new location for hosting the Procon Layers, which you can do by replying to this topic. A poll will be created where people can vote on which location they would like to see.

      We're also looking for some suggestions on what else you would like to see for hosting provider options. So please let us know your thoughts on this matter.
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    • Added ability to disable the new API check for player country info

      Updated GeoIP database file

      Removed usage sending stats

      Added EZRCON ad banner

      If you are upgrading then you may need to add these two lines to your existing installation in the file procon.cfg. To enable these options just change False to True.

      procon.private.options.UseGeoIpFileOnly False
      procon.private.options.BlockRssFeedNews False

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    • I wanted I let you know that I am starting to build out the foundation for the hosting services that I talked about here. The pricing model I was originally going for wasn't going to be suitable for how I want to build it. So instead I decided to offer each service as it's own product instead of a package deal. In the future, hopefully, I will be able to do this and offer discounts to those that choose it.

      Here is how the pricing is laid out for each service as well as information about each. This is as of 7/12/2020.

      Single MySQL database (up to 30 GB) is $10 USD per month.

      If you go over the 30 GB usage for the database then each additional gigabyte is charged at $0.10 USD each billing cycle. If you're under 30GB you don't need to worry about this.

      Databases are replicated across 3 zones (regions) for redundancy. One (1) on the east coast of the USA, One (1) in Frankfurt, and One (1) in Singapore. Depending on the demand, this would grow to more regions.

      Databases will also be backed up daily and retained for 7 days.

      Procon Layer will be $2 USD per month.

      Each layer will only allow one (1) game server connection. The reason behind this is for performance.

      Each layer will also come with all available plugins installed by default. This is to help facilitate faster deployments and get you up and running quickly.

      Each layer will automatically restart if Procon crashes. 

      Each layer will also automatically restart daily at midnight to make sure it stays in tip-top shape.

      Custom plugins can be installed by submitting a support ticket.

      Battlefield Admin Control Panel (BFACP) will be $5 USD per month

      As I am still working on building version 3 of the software, I will be installing the last version I did. Once I complete version 3 it will automatically be upgraded for you.

      All these services will be managed by me so you don't have to worry about the technical side of things to get up and going.

      If you would like to see how much it would cost for the services, I made a calculator that you can use. It can be found here https://ezrcon.com/calculator.html

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    • I have pushed out a new minor release which updates the geodata pull (flags in the playerlisting). This should be way more accurate now. As always, please let me know if any problems show up.

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