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ProconRulz V44j1 - weapon limits and other event-triggered admin actions


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Originally Posted by KiloSwiss*:


  TheMrApostel* said:

I want to yell a message on time at the first Spawn.

So i tried something like On Spawn;Playerfirst or On Spawn;PlayerOnce but on every spawn the Message appears.

Know anyone where my mistake is?

Why make a Rule here?

Just use the built in welcome Message, which also appears as a Yell Message.


Open the startup.txt and add this Line:

vars.serverMessage "Welcome Soldier"


This will be displayed once the Player spawns after he joined the Server.


Greez KiloSwiss

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Originally Posted by ugurasci*:


  ugurasci* said:

Hello I got such a code


for all maps

Rpg 1.Kill 2.Kick and message No RPG



On Kill;Weapon M320;Count 1;Kick %p% Kicked for M320

On Kill;Weapon M320;say %p% NO M320 !!!;Kill 60

On Kill;Weapon RPG-7;Count 1;Kick %p% No RPG-7 Noob

On Kill;Weapon RPG-7;say %p% NO RPG-7 Noob !!!;Kill 60

On Kill;Weapon SMAW;say %p% NO SMAW Noob !!!;Kill 60

On Kill;Weapon SMAW;Count 1;Kick %p% No SMAW Noob

On Kill;Weapon Weapons/Gadgets/Claymore/Claymore;say %p% NO Claymore Noob !!!;Kill 60

On Kill;Weapon Weapons/Gadgets/Claymore/Claymore;Count 1;Kick %p% No Claymore Noob

On Kill;Weapon M39;say %p% NO M39 Noob !!!;Kill 60

On Kill;Weapon M39;Count 1;Kick %p% No M39 Noob

On Kill;Weapon Mk11;say %p% NO Mk11 Noob !!!;Kill 60

On Kill;Weapon Mk11;Count 2;Kick %p% No Mk11 Noob

On Kill;Weapon SKS;say %p% NO SKS Noob !!!;Kill 60

On Kill;Weapon SKS;Count 1;Kick %p% No SKS Noob

On Kill;Weapon SVD;say %p% NO SVD Noob !!!;Kill 60

On Kill;Weapon SVD;Count 1;Kick %p% No SVD Noob

On Kill;Weapon QBU-88;say %p% NO QBU-88 Noob !!!;Kill 60

On Kill;Weapon QBU-88;Count 1;Kick %p% No QBU-88 Noob


Thank learned.

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Originally Posted by FurmanSK*:


Ok guys I still can't get this to show up in my procon layer. I have it uploaded and everything but nothing is loaded when I bring up procon. Any help would be great as it's driving me crazy. Where could I check for logs on why it isn't loading?



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Originally Posted by donm315*:


Furman, if you haven't already, check Procon client > Tools, Options, Plugins tab and set to "Run plugins with No restrictions" (No Sandbox). Also Check Admin Panel > Game Servers > Procon, Stop Procon first,,, then Default Config Files > Main Procon Config file (procon.cfg) > Edit,, near the top set "Sandbox mode Off",, Save, Restart Procon


Other than that ProconRulz.cs should be dropped, uploaded into into Plugins/BF3 folder, restart. I was using this for a multiple rulz, and work great,, but since using server was crashing or disconnecting all players from server, now trying Xtrem Weapon Limiter> Not sure if was Procon Rulz or not but not having any problems since getting Procon Rulz out, and using Xtrem Weapon Limiter.


One server that had Procon rulz loaded was disconnecting with Procon frequently while the others stayed connected, and the one server would not re-connect until I restarted Procon completely. Since removing Procon Rulz, no problems, and servers stay connected fine as they were prior to using Procon Rulz. Procon Rulz is a great plugin, highly versatile with many uses, the script rules worked great but believe it was clashing with the server, for me.



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Originally Posted by powerbits*:


hi, i tried a few codes but cant fins exactly the good one.

Wat i need is when players are lower then 16 or 8 per team is that the code kills users of tanks and ofcourse sends warning message

can you help me along please?



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Originally Posted by bambam*:


  powerbits* said:

hi, i tried a few codes but cant fins exactly the good one.

Wat i need is when players are lower then 16 or 8 per team is that the code kills users of tanks and ofcourse sends warning message

can you help me along please?



See Example 9 on the 1st post in this thread.
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Originally Posted by bambam*:


  FurmanSK* said:

Ok guys I still can't get this to show up in my procon layer. I have it uploaded and everything but nothing is loaded when I bring up procon. Any help would be great as it's driving me crazy. Where could I check for logs on why it isn't loading?



I'm guessing you're using a layer server, i.e. with a hosted procon instance. You connect to the Procon 'layer server' with your Procon desktop client (which is actually the same software) - you *might* be getting confused between starting the plugins on the hosted instance of Procon, versus having the plugin locally on your PC. Note that if you use a hosted instance of Procon (referred to as a 'layer server') then you have to upload the plugins to that hosted instance and run them from there.


You should see the plugins on the 'Parent Control Layer' tab of your desktop Procon client, as per the screenshot in the "How to enter your rulz" section in the 1st post in this thread.

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Originally Posted by Athlon*:


  Steini* said:

Do someone no the command to see a rule or a teamkill not only in the left upper corner

but also in the middle lower (blue) position?

That's the 'Yell' command everyone is talking about here.........
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Originally Posted by FurmanSK*:


  bambam* said:

I'm guessing you're using a layer server, i.e. with a hosted procon instance. You connect to the Procon 'layer server' with your Procon desktop client (which is actually the same software) - you *might* be getting confused between starting the plugins on the hosted instance of Procon, versus having the plugin locally on your PC. Note that if you use a hosted instance of Procon (referred to as a 'layer server') then you have to upload the plugins to that hosted instance and run them from there.


You should see the plugins on the 'Parent Control Layer' tab of your desktop Procon client, as per the screenshot in the "How to enter your rulz" section in the 1st post in this thread.

I have them uploaded as I've used them before. But one day it and another one called Insane Limits has just stopped showing up. Insane Limits actually crashed my procon with an exception. I reinstalled procon on the server side (Layer server) and now I'm missing more plugins from the server even though the *.cs file is uploaded to the bf3 directory in the layer server. Am I missing something because I have sandbox mode off on the layer server and now I'm missing more plugins from a fresh install (updated too)?


Thanks for the help so far guys but just frustrating as hell.

If anybody can PM me or hop on my mumble server to chat with me about it then I'd be greatly appreciative!



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Originally Posted by bambam*:


  HelloKitty* said:

is there a weaponcode to limit the M26 Dart in combination with the Heavy Barrel?

nope - not specifically for those 'accessories'... BF3 game server as of R20 still does not send ANY information regarding accessories/specializations to ANY plugin...
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Originally Posted by TheMrApostel*:


Know anyone where my mistake his?


On Kill;Weapon M320;Incr %M320Kill[%p%]%

On Kill;Weapon USAS-12;Incr %USAS-12Kill[%p%]%

On Kill;Weapon M320;If %M320Kill[%p%]% == 1;PlayerYell %p% Stop M320Spam Warnung [1/2]

On Kill;Weapon M320;If %M320Kill[%p%]% == 2;PlayerYell %p% Stop M320Spam Warnung [2/2]

On Kill;Weapon M320;If %M320Kill[%p%]% => 3;Kick %p% M320Spam Warnung [3/2]

On Kill;Weapon USAS-12;If %USAS-12Kill[%p%]% == 1;PlayerYell %p% Stop USAS-12Spam Warnung [1/4]

On Kill;Weapon USAS-12;If %USAS-12Kill[%p%]% == 2;PlayerYell %p% Stop USAS-12Spam Warnung [2/4]

On Kill;Weapon USAS-12;If %USAS-12Kill[%p%]% == 3;PlayerYell %p% Stop USAS-12Spam Warnung [3/4]

On Kill;Weapon USAS-12;If %USAS-12Kill[%p%]% == 4;PlayerYell %p% Stop USAS-12Spam Warnung [4/4]

On Kill;Weapon USAS-12;If %USAS-12Kill[%p%]% => 5;Kick %p% USAS-12Spam Warnung [5/4]


I also tried PlayerCount but nothing of both work.

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Originally Posted by Mazing*:


Hi guys.


I am currently running this vehicle restriction.

# VEHICLE KILL LIMIT ON SMALL TEAMS (vehicle kills when team under 5 are suicidal)

On Kill;Weapon Death;Teamsize 4;Say %p% NO VEHICLE OR MORTAR KILLS UNTIL 5 PLAYERS PER TEAM!;Kill

On Kill;Weapon Roadkill;Teamsize 4;Say %p% NO VEHICLE KILLS UNTIL 5 PLAYERS PER TEAM!;Kill


Is it possible to have it Yell when the players are 10+ "Vehicle Kills Enabled" and if the players are 9 or less "Vehicle Kills Disabled"?

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Originally Posted by Eurphuct*:


Trying to figure out whats going wrong..... 320s are not being kicked grenade limit with time limit on it just says kills himself instead of the reason he is being killed for and trying to put a time limit on clay mores on how many you can kill with it per min as well. instead of having them drop it every where. also people are not being kicked for usas 12- or the jackhammer which im trying to make the code for or if someone could provide me with a correct one that would be great also thanks.


# First Kills Announcer

On Kill;ServerFirst;Say %p% got FIRST KILL against %v%.

On Kill;Weapon Weapons/Knife/Knife,Melee;ServerFirst;Say %p% got FIRST KNIFE against %v%.

On Kill;Headshot;ServerFirst;Say %p% got FIRST HEADSHOT against %v%.

# .

# Kill Humor Announcer

On Kill;Weapon Weapons/Knife/Knife;Say %p% made %v% his bitch!

On Kill;Weapon Melee;say %p% made %v% his bitch!

On Kill;Weapon Repair&Tool;Say %v%'s marshmallows were toasted by %p%

On TeamKill;PlayerCount 4;Say %p% kicked for 5 teamkills;Kick excessive teamkills

On TeamKill;PlayerFirst;PlayerSay %p% warning: server has teamkill protection (you teamkilled %v% with %w%);Kill 100

On TeamKill;Kill 100

On Suicide;Say %p% kills himself.


# Grenade Spam Control

On Kill;Damage Explosive;Rate 3 60;Say %p% excessive nade spam;Kill


# USAS-12 Rule

On Kill;Weapon USAS-12;PlayerCount 1;Say %p% was killed for too many USAS-12 kills.;Kick

On Kill;Weapon USAS-12;PlayerCount 1;Kick %p% warning! 1 USAS-12 kills per round. #%c%

# .

# METRO ROCKET, M320, MORTAR, CLAYMORE RULZ (first 3 rocket/explosive kills on Metro suicidal, then 1 hour kick/ban)

# 1. block all rocket weapons

On Kill;Map Subway;Damage ProjectileExplosive;PlayerCount 3;Say %p% kicked for 1 hour for usng the %w% on this server;TempBan 3600 No rocket/grenade launchers on Metro - 1 hour ban

On Kill;Map Subway;PlayerFirst;Damage ProjectileExplosive;Say %p% do not use rocket/grenade launchers on Metro;Kill

On Kill;Map Subway;Damage ProjectileExplosive;Kill


# Accusation Warnings

On Say;Text cheat,hack,hax,aimbot;PlayerSay %p%, submit a player complaint at www.Low-Key.us

# .

# Recruitment Information

On Say;Text recruit;Say %p%, we are recruiting at www.Low-Key.us Check us out!


## Language Filter ##

On Say;

Set %server_badword% 0

Text spick,fag,nig;Incr %words%;Set %server_badword% 1

Text nigger,n1gger,nigg3r,n1gg3r,nigga,faggot,f@ggot,f@ gg0t,chink,gook;Set %server_badword% 2

If %server_badword% == 5;Set %words% 0;Set %server_badword% 0; Say %p% banned for racist/intolerant language!;TempBan 10080 %p% banned for racist/intolerant language!

If %words% > 1;Set %words% 0;Say %p% kicked for racist/intolerant language!;Kick %p% kicked for racist/intolerant language!

if %server_badword% == 1;Say %p% watch your language, only warning!!!


# Join/Leave Announcer

On Join;Say %p% has joined the server.

On Leave;Say %p% has left the server.

# .

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Originally Posted by bambam*:


  TheMrApostel* said:

Know anyone where my mistake his?


On Kill;Weapon M320;Incr %M320Kill[%p%]%

On Kill;Weapon USAS-12;Incr %USAS-12Kill[%p%]%

On Kill;Weapon M320;If %M320Kill[%p%]% == 1;PlayerYell %p% Stop M320Spam Warnung [1/2]

On Kill;Weapon M320;If %M320Kill[%p%]% == 2;PlayerYell %p% Stop M320Spam Warnung [2/2]

On Kill;Weapon M320;If %M320Kill[%p%]% => 3;Kick %p% M320Spam Warnung [3/2]

On Kill;Weapon USAS-12;If %USAS-12Kill[%p%]% == 1;PlayerYell %p% Stop USAS-12Spam Warnung [1/4]

On Kill;Weapon USAS-12;If %USAS-12Kill[%p%]% == 2;PlayerYell %p% Stop USAS-12Spam Warnung [2/4]

On Kill;Weapon USAS-12;If %USAS-12Kill[%p%]% == 3;PlayerYell %p% Stop USAS-12Spam Warnung [3/4]

On Kill;Weapon USAS-12;If %USAS-12Kill[%p%]% == 4;PlayerYell %p% Stop USAS-12Spam Warnung [4/4]

On Kill;Weapon USAS-12;If %USAS-12Kill[%p%]% => 5;Kick %p% USAS-12Spam Warnung [5/4]


I also tried PlayerCount but nothing of both work.

Seems ok (I haven't checked the USAS-12 weapon code)- couple of points:


* ProconRulz %...% variables default to being per-player. So if you have a variable %USAS-12Kill%, each player will have their own copy, and you don't need %USAS-12Kill[%p%]%. I see what you were thinking of though. You can force a variable to be global for the server by starting the server name with "%server_", and in fact you can have per-team variables ("%team_"...) and per squad ("%squad_"...). For more docs see the Online Documentation linked in my sig. As something that is damn clever, please note that you can embed other variable names in your variable name (most often %p% or %v%) so your approach was smart - in particular, %USAS-12Kill% is exactly equivalent to %server_USAS-12Kill[%p%]%...


* The underslung nade launcher does NOT report as M320 (this is a BF3 bug - see 1st post for BF3 limitations)


* Depending on your plugin settings, ProconRulz will 'protect' your players defined as admins on your Procon install (i.e. will not kill or kick them)


* To debug, use Log or Say[/green] actions until you know the rulz work. Be liberal with the %p% and %w% substitutions.


* Warning has typo in your rulz


* Your rulz warn, warn, warn, kick. You could add a Kill action to the later 'warns' so the kick isn't the first action - players tend to ignore messages but pay attention when they're auto-slayed.


"nothing work" isn't much of a clue as to what's happening. (Is the computer turned on_). Do you not see any messages at all?

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Originally Posted by bambam*:


Eurphuct it's a lot of questions - re the M320 note that the UNDERSLUNG version does NOT report as a ProjectileExplosive - instead BF3 says the kill was with the assault rifle it's attached to. So M320's are very difficult to block with any plugin.


Not sure what you want with claymores - spawned player can only have two. Basically you'll need the 'Rate' condition. Maybe you should clarify if you want to limit the rate for the whole team, or just a single player?


USAS-12 rulz are both PlayerCount 1, so the second rule will never happen - the first rule always fires first. Anyway you're better off if you warn/kill/kick, not go straight to kick. See examples in first post of this thread.

  Eurphuct* said:

Trying to figure out whats going wrong..... 320s are not being kicked grenade limit with time limit on it just says kills himself instead of the reason he is being killed for and trying to put a time limit on clay mores on how many you can kill with it per min as well. instead of having them drop it every where. also people are not being kicked for usas 12- or the jackhammer which im trying to make the code for or if someone could provide me with a correct one that would be great also thanks.


# First Kills Announcer

On Kill;ServerFirst;Say %p% got FIRST KILL against %v%.

On Kill;Weapon Weapons/Knife/Knife,Melee;ServerFirst;Say %p% got FIRST KNIFE against %v%.

On Kill;Headshot;ServerFirst;Say %p% got FIRST HEADSHOT against %v%.

# .

# Kill Humor Announcer

On Kill;Weapon Weapons/Knife/Knife;Say %p% made %v% his bitch!

On Kill;Weapon Melee;say %p% made %v% his bitch!

On Kill;Weapon Repair&Tool;Say %v%'s marshmallows were toasted by %p%

On TeamKill;PlayerCount 4;Say %p% kicked for 5 teamkills;Kick excessive teamkills

On TeamKill;PlayerFirst;PlayerSay %p% warning: server has teamkill protection (you teamkilled %v% with %w%);Kill 100

On TeamKill;Kill 100

On Suicide;Say %p% kills himself.


# Grenade Spam Control

On Kill;Damage Explosive;Rate 3 60;Say %p% excessive nade spam;Kill


# USAS-12 Rule

On Kill;Weapon USAS-12;PlayerCount 1;Say %p% was killed for too many USAS-12 kills.;Kick

On Kill;Weapon USAS-12;PlayerCount 1;Kick %p% warning! 1 USAS-12 kills per round. #%c%

# .

# METRO ROCKET, M320, MORTAR, CLAYMORE RULZ (first 3 rocket/explosive kills on Metro suicidal, then 1 hour kick/ban)

# 1. block all rocket weapons

On Kill;Map Subway;Damage ProjectileExplosive;PlayerCount 3;Say %p% kicked for 1 hour for usng the %w% on this server;TempBan 3600 No rocket/grenade launchers on Metro - 1 hour ban

On Kill;Map Subway;PlayerFirst;Damage ProjectileExplosive;Say %p% do not use rocket/grenade launchers on Metro;Kill

On Kill;Map Subway;Damage ProjectileExplosive;Kill


# Accusation Warnings

On Say;Text cheat,hack,hax,aimbot;PlayerSay %p%, submit a player complaint at www.Low-Key.us

# .

# Recruitment Information

On Say;Text recruit;Say %p%, we are recruiting at www.Low-Key.us Check us out!


## Language Filter ##

On Say;

Set %server_badword% 0

Text spick,fag,nig;Incr %words%;Set %server_badword% 1

Text nigger,n1gger,nigg3r,n1gg3r,nigga,faggot,f@ggot,f@ gg0t,chink,gook;Set %server_badword% 2

If %server_badword% == 5;Set %words% 0;Set %server_badword% 0; Say %p% banned for racist/intolerant language!;TempBan 10080 %p% banned for racist/intolerant language!

If %words% > 1;Set %words% 0;Say %p% kicked for racist/intolerant language!;Kick %p% kicked for racist/intolerant language!

if %server_badword% == 1;Say %p% watch your language, only warning!!!


# Join/Leave Announcer

On Join;Say %p% has joined the server.

On Leave;Say %p% has left the server.

# .

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Originally Posted by Waterboyeee*:


I am getting the following:


"spawned with [No kit key], [No weapon key], [No spec key]"


First off, does this really need to be enabled? Also, I figured it was an issue with the nf3.def file but I cannot find the file for download to replace.

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Originally Posted by ty_ger07*:


  Waterboyeee* said:

I am getting the following:


"spawned with [No kit key], [No weapon key], [No spec key]"


First off, does this really need to be enabled? Also, I figured it was an issue with the nf3.def file but I cannot find the file for download to replace.

BF3 does not provide kit information of the soldier on spawn via Rcon. It is normal that you are seeing no kit information.


The message you are seeing is just a log message which you can ignore. You could remove that rule from your rules if you don't want to see that message spam in your logs.

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Originally Posted by Waterboyeee*:


  ty_ger07* said:

BF3 does not provide kit information of the soldier on spawn via Rcon. It is normal that you are seeing no kit information.


The message you are seeing is just a log message which you can ignore. You could remove that rule from your rules if you don't want to see that message spam in your logs.

Thank you very much :smile:
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Originally Posted by Angry_AGAIN*:


Hey guys.


I try to modify tyrs good working Unreal kill anouncer to a knife announcer


#### Accumulate the kill count for each player in a var %server_streak[playername]%

On Kill;Incr %killincr%;Incr %server_streak[%p%]%;

#### Say periodic killstreak messages

On Kill;Weapon Melee;If %killincr% == 5;Set %killincr% 4;PlayerSay GodLike! %p% %server_streak[%p%]% KILL STREAK

On Kill;Weapon Melee;If %server_streak[%p%]% == 5;Way of Michael Meyers

On Kill;Weapon Melee;If %server_streak[%p%]% == 4;Yell Blablabla Knife

On Kill;Weapon Melee;If %server_streak[%p%]% == 3;Yell Slicerdicer

On Kill;Weapon Melee;If %server_streak[%p%]% == 2;Yell Butcher

On Kill;Weapon Melee;If %server_streak[%p%]% == 1;Yell stabbed


What is the mistake?



Maybe i found one of my mistakes, i dont got a rule to clean the %server_streak%.

So i think i need a "on round;set 0 %server_streak% or something

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Originally Posted by Eurphuct*:


  bambam* said:

Eurphuct it's a lot of questions - re the M320 note that the UNDERSLUNG version does NOT report as a ProjectileExplosive - instead BF3 says the kill was with the assault rifle it's attached to. So M320's are very difficult to block with any plugin.


Not sure what you want with claymores - spawned player can only have two. Basically you'll need the 'Rate' condition. Maybe you should clarify if you want to limit the rate for the whole team, or just a single player?


USAS-12 rulz are both PlayerCount 1, so the second rule will never happen - the first rule always fires first. Anyway you're better off if you warn/kill/kick, not go straight to kick. See examples in first post of this thread.

Claymores- Trying to narrow it down per player on how many he is allowed per round.

320s- Is the code right that i put in?

Usas-12 i want it a warn kill kick

same with the jackhammmer if possible.

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Originally Posted by cjffly*:




If a player wants to yell, he can do that. But what if yell to his own team or squad, Can ProconRulz get a player's team and squad information? Then when the player yell, he can yell to certain group.

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Originally Posted by SpartanGrug*:


  HelloKitty* said:

is there a weaponcode to limit the M26 Dart in combination with the Heavy Barrel?

I'd like to see how to set this one up too please. If not the dart, than the next best thing. (Banning the M26)



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Originally Posted by bambam*:


Your first rule needs Weapon Melee also (and see below)


To capture *both* knife weapons, use "Weapon Melee,Weapons/Knife/Knife;" (NO SPACES BETWEEN WEAPON KEYS)




On Kill;Weapon Melee,Weapons/Knife/Knife;Incr %killincr%;Incr %server_streak[%p%]%;

You don't need to zero any variables at the start of a round - this always happens automatically.


You need to zero the streak when the player DIES (not at the start of a round). In this case the player name will be in %v%, not %p%, in an On Kill event from some other player. So you need the additional rule:


On Kill;Set %server_streak[%v%]% 0


(You understand that? You're setting the streak of the VICTIM to zero)


This technique of sometimes using %p% as an index, sometimes %v%, is useful to get your head around.


  Angry_AGAIN* said:

Hey guys.


I try to modify tyrs good working Unreal kill anouncer to a knife announcer


#### Accumulate the kill count for each player in a var %server_streak[playername]%

On Kill;Incr %killincr%;Incr %server_streak[%p%]%;

#### Say periodic killstreak messages

On Kill;Weapon Melee;If %killincr% == 5;Set %killincr% 4;PlayerSay GodLike! %p% %server_streak[%p%]% KILL STREAK

On Kill;Weapon Melee;If %server_streak[%p%]% == 5;Way of Michael Meyers

On Kill;Weapon Melee;If %server_streak[%p%]% == 4;Yell Blablabla Knife

On Kill;Weapon Melee;If %server_streak[%p%]% == 3;Yell Slicerdicer

On Kill;Weapon Melee;If %server_streak[%p%]% == 2;Yell Butcher

On Kill;Weapon Melee;If %server_streak[%p%]% == 1;Yell stabbed


What is the mistake?



Maybe i found one of my mistakes, i dont got a rule to clean the %server_streak%.

So i think i need a "on round;set 0 %server_streak% or something

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Originally Posted by bambam*:


  Eurphuct* said:

Claymores- Trying to narrow it down per player on how many he is allowed per round.

320s- Is the code right that i put in?

Usas-12 i want it a warn kill kick

same with the jackhammmer if possible.

Copied from Example 1 in the first post of this thread:


On Kill;Weapon Siaga20k;PlayerCount 5;Log %p% banned for Saiga;Ban %p% Saiga shotgun use

On Kill;Weapon Siaga20k;PlayerCount 3;Log %p% kicked for Saiga;Kick %p% Saiga shotgun use

On Kill;Weapon Siaga20k;PlayerSay %p% no Saiga shotgun;Kill 100


This kills/kicks/bans. If you want warn (x1)/kill(x2)/kick for USAS-12 or jackhammer you would tweak this to:


On Kill;Weapon USAS-12,jackhammer;PlayerCount 3;Log %p% kicked for %w%;Kick %p% %w% use

On Kill;Weapon USAS-12,jackhammer;PlayerCount 1;Log %p% killed for %w% use;Kill 200

On Kill;Weapon USAS-12,jackhammer;PlayerSay %p% no %w%;Say %p% no %w% use !!


PlayerCount X means "more than X", so PlayerCount 1 will fire on the SECOND offence.


ProjectileExplosive rulz look ok - I guess that's what you mean for M320.


Claymore rule is the same as USAS-12, just adjust the numbers and use the Claymore weapon key (see plugin details)

* Restored post. It could be that the author is no longer active.
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  • Our picks

    • Game Server Hosting:

      We're happy to announce that EZRCON will branch out into the game server provider scene. This is a big step for us so please having patience if something doesn't go right in this area. Now, what makes us different compared to other providers? Well, we're going with the idea of having a scaleable server hosting and providing more control in how you set up your server. For example, in Minecraft, you have the ability to control how many CPU cores you wish your server to have access to, how much RAM you want to use, how much disk space you want to use. This type of control can't be offered in a single service package so you're able to configure a custom package the way you want it.

      You can see all the available games here. Currently, we have the following games available.

      Valheim (From $1.50 USD)

      Rust (From $3.20 USD)

      Minecraft (Basic) (From $4.00 USD)

      Call of Duty 4X (From $7.00 USD)

      OpenTTD (From $4.00 USD)

      Squad (From $9.00 USD)

      Insurgency: Sandstorm (From $6.40 USD)

      Changes to US-East:

      Starting in January 2022, we will be moving to a different provider that has better support, better infrastructure, and better connectivity. We've noticed that the connection/routes to this location are not ideal and it's been hard getting support to correct this. Our contract for our two servers ends in March/April respectively. If you currently have servers in this location you will be migrated over to the new provider. We'll have more details when the time comes closer to January. The new location for this change will be based out of Atlanta, GA. If you have any questions/concerns please open a ticket and we'll do our best to answer them.
      • 5 replies
    • Hello All,

      I wanted to give an update to how EZRCON is doing. As of today we have 56 active customers using the services offered. I'm glad its doing so well and it hasn't been 1 year yet. To those that have services with EZRCON, I hope the service is doing well and if not please let us know so that we can improve it where possible. We've done quite a few changes behind the scenes to improve the performance hopefully. 

      We'll be launching a new location for hosting procon layers in either Los Angeles, USA or Chicago, IL. Still being decided on where the placement should be but these two locations are not set in stone yet. We would like to get feedback on where we should have a new location for hosting the Procon Layers, which you can do by replying to this topic. A poll will be created where people can vote on which location they would like to see.

      We're also looking for some suggestions on what else you would like to see for hosting provider options. So please let us know your thoughts on this matter.
      • 4 replies
    • Added ability to disable the new API check for player country info

      Updated GeoIP database file

      Removed usage sending stats

      Added EZRCON ad banner

      If you are upgrading then you may need to add these two lines to your existing installation in the file procon.cfg. To enable these options just change False to True.

      procon.private.options.UseGeoIpFileOnly False
      procon.private.options.BlockRssFeedNews False

      • 2 replies
    • I wanted I let you know that I am starting to build out the foundation for the hosting services that I talked about here. The pricing model I was originally going for wasn't going to be suitable for how I want to build it. So instead I decided to offer each service as it's own product instead of a package deal. In the future, hopefully, I will be able to do this and offer discounts to those that choose it.

      Here is how the pricing is laid out for each service as well as information about each. This is as of 7/12/2020.

      Single MySQL database (up to 30 GB) is $10 USD per month.

      If you go over the 30 GB usage for the database then each additional gigabyte is charged at $0.10 USD each billing cycle. If you're under 30GB you don't need to worry about this.

      Databases are replicated across 3 zones (regions) for redundancy. One (1) on the east coast of the USA, One (1) in Frankfurt, and One (1) in Singapore. Depending on the demand, this would grow to more regions.

      Databases will also be backed up daily and retained for 7 days.

      Procon Layer will be $2 USD per month.

      Each layer will only allow one (1) game server connection. The reason behind this is for performance.

      Each layer will also come with all available plugins installed by default. This is to help facilitate faster deployments and get you up and running quickly.

      Each layer will automatically restart if Procon crashes. 

      Each layer will also automatically restart daily at midnight to make sure it stays in tip-top shape.

      Custom plugins can be installed by submitting a support ticket.

      Battlefield Admin Control Panel (BFACP) will be $5 USD per month

      As I am still working on building version 3 of the software, I will be installing the last version I did. Once I complete version 3 it will automatically be upgraded for you.

      All these services will be managed by me so you don't have to worry about the technical side of things to get up and going.

      If you would like to see how much it would cost for the services, I made a calculator that you can use. It can be found here https://ezrcon.com/calculator.html

      • 11 replies
    • I have pushed out a new minor release which updates the geodata pull (flags in the playerlisting). This should be way more accurate now. As always, please let me know if any problems show up.

      • 9 replies
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