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ProconRulz V44j1 - weapon limits and other event-triggered admin actions


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Originally Posted by Large_Pudding*:


Check out www.phogue.net/forumvb/showth...APTIVE-SPAMBOT*

credit tarreltje


MapMode bla bla bla


and follows are all modes
















So maybe something like the following ?


On Kill; MapMode TankSuperiority0; Yell 10 %p% blew %v% up with a tank

On Kill; MapMode ConquestAssaultSmall1; Yell 10 %p% killed %v% on a map mode that I have never played

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Originally Posted by shadow2k1*:


  bambam* said:

These are our rulz from our BFBC2 server, the actual kill counts are replaced with 'X' but I've left in the time windows. You can see an anti-hacker action can kick in at 16, 25, 50, 200 SECONDS, which is a lot faster than waiting for a high K/D ratio starting from zero.


On Kill;Headshot;Rate X 25;Log HACKER Rate limit [%p%] headshots X 25;Say ProconRulz Protection System [%p%] (headshots)

so where X is, is how many headshots are allowed before kicking?


(sorry for my stupid Q's, im slowly learning)

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Originally Posted by shadow2k1*:


  Large_Pudding* said:

Check out www.phogue.net/forumvb/showth...APTIVE-SPAMBOT*

credit tarreltje


MapMode bla bla bla


and follows are all modes
















So maybe something like the following ?


On Kill; MapMode TankSuperiority0; Yell 10 %p% blew %v% up with a tank

On Kill; MapMode ConquestAssaultSmall1; Yell 10 %p% killed %v% on a map mode that I have never played

thanks for the info, ill try this out
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Originally Posted by Large_Pudding*:


  shadow2k1* said:

so where X is, is how many headshots are allowed before kicking?


(sorry for my stupid Q's, im slowly learning)

X is the count/number of headshots in 25 seconds so should you have it as 10 60 then it means 10 headshots every minute :smile:
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Originally Posted by ty_ger07*:


  shadow2k1* said:

On Kill;Headshot;Rate X 25;Log HACKER Rate limit [%p%] headshots X 25;Say ProconRulz Protection System [%p%] (headshots)

so where X is, is how many headshots are allowed before kicking?


(sorry for my stupid Q's, im slowly learning)

Like Large_Pudding said, X is only half of it.


Think of it like this:

On Kill;Headshot;Rate X Y;Log HACKER Rate limit [%p%] headshots


X is number of headshots in Y seconds. You can change either.

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Originally Posted by a928396*:


  bambam* said:

I would say 'no' this isn't really doable in ProconRulz unless you're prepared to do some fairly complex rulz scripting with variables.


I've thought about your question and it's more complex than it sounds - BFBC2/BF3 are providing the basic 'admin.say ' command that can either go to all players or to a player with a specified name, and the ProconRulz Say and PlayerSay commands map straight onto those.


What would make this doable, and many other things in ProconRulz, would be to provide some new command that applied a set of actions to each player in a list (e.g. all the players on the server that meet certain conditions). I can give another example of where this would provide fundamentally new capability - you could create a simple rule that slays all the snipers on the defending team if an MCOM is blown up. You might not want that particular rule but it's another example where on a single event you want to take an action affecting a list of players, but not all.

thank you for your answer.


maybe you could implement a new proconrulz command where we can set a countrykeycode as a parameter? if a trigger runs the command there is a interal loop which looks after german players and sends them a message in german language. but after that we need a kind of place maker for all the other languages that we can send a message in english. germans would then of course be excluded.


can you understand what i mean?

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Originally Posted by Aleks1979*:


help me! Example 13. Sniper Limit V2!!! (credit tarreltje)

Is it possible if you do not abide by this rule a player and after a series of suicides of the same player to kick the server for non-compliance_!

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Originally Posted by bambam*:


  Large_Pudding* said:

Check out www.phogue.net/forumvb/showth...APTIVE-SPAMBOT*

credit tarreltje


MapMode bla bla bla


and follows are all modes
















So maybe something like the following ?


On Kill; Weapon Death;MapMode TankSuperiority0; Yell 10 %p% blew %v% up with a tank

On Kill; MapMode ConquestAssaultSmall1; Yell 10 %p% killed %v% on a map mode that I have never played

Good stuff - link to tarreltje's ADAPTIVE-SPAMBOT thread added as 'example 22' in this thread. (added a Weapon Death to the illustrative TankSuperiority0 example, in case a new reader just cut-and-pastes it without learning ProconRulz...)
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Originally Posted by bambam*:


  a928396* said:

thank you for your answer.


maybe you could implement a new proconrulz command where we can set a countrykeycode as a parameter? if a trigger runs the command there is a interal loop which looks after german players and sends them a message in german language. but after that we need a kind of place maker for all the other languages that we can send a message in english. germans would then of course be excluded.


can you understand what i mean?

Yeah I get what you mean... it's not the 'countrykeycode' that is the difficult bit - ProconRulz already allows you to have a condition based on that. The tricky part is you want ONE event (i.e. something that has triggered your message) to then fire off multiple actions affecting possibly each player on the server.




On ;;ForEachPlayer;

If %pcountrykey% == 'DE';PlayerSay Achtung!

If %pcountrykey% == 'FR';PlayerSay Zut Alors!

If %pcountrykey% == 'UK';PlayerSay WTF!


This 'ForEachPlayer' doesn't exist in ProconRulz today... but I'm thinking about that as a general issue

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Originally Posted by shadow2k1*:


how can i make a spam bot for announcing next map

this is what pops up in the procon console when you skip to the next map

X = map index number (0 is the first map in the map index)


mapList.setNextMapIndex X


how can i set this up to count to the next map

mapList.setNextMapIndex 0 would be the first map, while play the first map i would like to set it up to where someone can see the next map

maybe i can include it in the procon rulz, when someone types in !rules it will appear at the end of the rules list.

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Originally Posted by bambam*:


  skooterking5* said:

Where is all the Map names listed for procon rulz?

ProconRulz neither knows or cares what the map names and map keys are - you just use in your rulz whatever you want to test coming from the game server (Procon supports multiple games).


But specifically for BF3 you can find map keys / names on the internet e.g. Armored Kill*


All credit [MyIS]Jake plus others:


BF3 Base Maplist


Here is a list of the current maps you can use on your Maplist.txt


MP_001 - Grand Bazaar (aka BAZAAR)

MP_003 - Tehran Highway (aka HIGHWAY)

MP_007 - Caspian Border (aka FOREST, air map)

MP_011 - Seine Crossing (aka PARIS)

MP_012 - Operation Firestorm (aka OILFIELDS, air map)

MP_013 - Damavand Peak (aka BASEJUMP)

MP_017 - Noshahr Canals (aka CANALS, boat map)

MP_018 - Kharg Island (aka KHARG, boat map)


MP_Subway - Operation Metro (aka Metro, MP015)



ConquestLarge0 - Conquest Up to 64

ConquestSmall0 - Conquest Up to 32

RushLarge0 - Rush Up to 32

SquadRush0 - Squad Rush Up to 8

SquadDeathMatch0 - Squad Deathmatch Up to 16

TeamDeathMatch0 - Team Deathmatch Up to 32



Up to 64 players, 2 rounds each

MP_001 ConquestLarge0 2

MP_003 ConquestLarge0 2

MP_007 ConquestLarge0 2

MP_011 ConquestLarge0 2

MP_012 ConquestLarge0 2

MP_013 ConquestLarge0 2

MP_017 ConquestLarge0 2

MP_018 ConquestLarge0 2

MP_Subway ConquestLarge0 2


Up to 32 players, 2 rounds each

MP_001 ConquestSmall0 2

MP_003 ConquestSmall0 2

MP_007 ConquestSmall0 2

MP_011 ConquestSmall0 2

MP_012 ConquestSmall0 2

MP_013 ConquestSmall0 2

MP_017 ConquestSmall0 2

MP_018 ConquestSmall0 2

MP_Subway ConquestSmall0 2




Up to 32 players, 2 rounds each(No 64 map size for Rush)

MP_001 RushLarge0 2

MP_003 RushLarge0 2

MP_007 RushLarge0 2

MP_011 RushLarge0 2

MP_012 RushLarge0 2

MP_013 RushLarge0 2

MP_017 RushLarge0 2

MP_018 RushLarge0 2

MP_Subway RushLarge0 2



Team Deathmatch

Up to 32 players, 2 rounds each

MP_001 TeamDeathMatch0 2

MP_003 TeamDeathMatch0 2

MP_007 TeamDeathMatch0 2

MP_011 TeamDeathMatch0 2

MP_012 TeamDeathMatch0 2

MP_013 TeamDeathMatch0 2

MP_017 TeamDeathMatch0 2

MP_018 TeamDeathMatch0 2

MP_Subway TeamDeathMatch0 2



Squad Deathmatch

Up to 16 players, 2 rounds each

MP_001 SquadDeathMatch0 2

MP_003 SquadDeathMatch0 2

MP_007 SquadDeathMatch0 2

MP_011 SquadDeathMatch0 2

MP_012 SquadDeathMatch0 2

MP_013 SquadDeathMatch0 2

MP_017 SquadDeathMatch0 2

MP_018 SquadDeathMatch0 2

MP_Subway SquadDeathMatch0 2



Squad Rush

Up to 8 players, 2 rounds each

MP_001 SquadRush0 2

MP_003 SquadRush0 2

MP_007 SquadRush0 2

MP_011 SquadRush0 2

MP_012 SquadRush0 2

MP_013 SquadRush0 2

MP_017 SquadRush0 2

MP_018 SquadRush0 2

MP_Subway SquadRush0 2



BF3 Back to Karkand Maplist


Here is a list of the Back to Karkand maps you can use on your Maplist.txt


XP1_001 //Strike at Karkand

XP1_002 //Gulf of Oman

XP1_003 //Sharqi Peninsula

XP1_004 //Wake Island



Strike at Karkand Game mode # of Flags

ConquestAssaultLarge0 Conquest Assault64 7

ConquestAssaultSmall0 Conquest Assault 5

ConquestAssaultSmall1 Conquest Assault 3


Maplist Text (2 rounds):

XP1_001 ConquestAssaultLarge0 2

XP1_001 ConquestAssaultSmall0 2

XP1_001 ConquestAssaultSmall1 2



Gulf of Oman Game mode # of Flags

ConquestLarge0 Conquest64 7

ConquestSmall0 Conquest 4

ConquestAssaultSmall0 Conquest Assault 3


Maplist Text (2 rounds):

XP1_002 ConquestLarge0 2

XP1_002 ConquestSmall0 2

XP1_002 ConquestAssaultSmall0 2



Sharqi Peninsula Game mode # of Flags

ConquestAssaultLarge0 Conquest Assault64 7

ConquestAssaultSmall0 Conquest Assault 5

ConquestAssaultSmall1 Conquest Assault alt.2 3


Maplist Text (2 rounds):

XP1_003 ConquestAssaultLarge0 2

XP1_003 ConquestAssaultSmall0 2

XP1_003 ConquestAssaultSmall1 2



Wake Island Game mode # of Flags

ConquestAssaultLarge0 Conquest Assault64 5

ConquestAssaultSmall0 Conquest Assault 3

ConquestAssaultSmall1 Conquest Assault alt.2 5


Maplist Text (2 rounds):

XP1_004 ConquestAssaultLarge0 2

XP1_004 ConquestAssaultSmall0 2

XP1_004 ConquestAssaultSmall1 2


BF3 Close Quarters Maplist


Here is a list of the Close Quarters maps you can use on your Maplist.txt








Map Command/Map names

XP2_Factory //Scrapmetal

XP2_Office //Operation 925

XP2_Palace //Donya Fortress

XP2_Skybar //Ziba Tower


Game Modes Available

TeamDeathMatchC0 //TDM

Domination0 //Conquest Domination

GunMaster0 //Gun Master

SquadDeathMatch0 //Squad Deathmatch



Example running Conquest Domination 1 round each map:

XP2_Factory Domination0 1

XP2_Office Domination0 1

XP2_Palace Domination0 1

XP2_Skybar Domination0 1



BF3 Armored Kill Maplist


Here is a list of the Armored Kill maps you can use on your Maplist.txt








AK maps, Conquest Large, 1 round example:

XP3_Desert ConquestLarge0 1

XP3_Alborz ConquestLarge0 1

XP3_Shield ConquestLarge0 1

XP3_Valley ConquestLarge0 1


Map Command/Map Names

XP3_Desert //Bandar Desert

XP3_Alborz //Alborz Mountains

XP3_Shield //Armored Shield

XP3_Valley //Death Valley


Game Modes Available

ConquestLarge0 //Conquest64

ConquestSmall0 //Conquest

RushLarge0 //Rush

SquadRush0 //Squad Rush

SquadDeathMatch0 //Squad Deathmatch

TeamDeathMatch0 //Team Deathmatch

TankSuperiority0 //Tank Superiority

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Originally Posted by skooterking5*:


  bambam* said:


All credit [MyIS]Jake plus others:


BF3 Base Maplist


Here is a list of the current maps you can use on your Maplist.txt


MP_001 - Grand Bazaar (aka BAZAAR)

This needs to be added to the online documentation.
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Originally Posted by bambam*:


  skooterking5* said:

This needs to be added to the online documentation.

thanks for the advice. I've just collected the BF3 map data info for the post above and added a link to that in the 'plugin post' of this thread. How about you create a free document of everything server admins might want to know about the BF3 data streams and post that up somewhere and maintain it each BF3 server release, and then provide free advice for any questions you get about the information you've gathered? Then if you think someone's been an ignorant ass and taken your effort for granted, just help all the same.


yeah whatever.


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Originally Posted by Alexis-Alexander*:


I don't have any questions. I have always found the information I wanted. I almost asked a question once, but figured out the answer. And when I was going to post the resolution, somebody already had it covered.


So this is simply a thank you to bambam for a very helpful plugin, and to frequent posters for some nice examples. Math operations and saving to a file have been very nice upgrades.

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Originally Posted by bambam*:


  Alexis Alexander* said:

I don't have any questions. I have always found the information I wanted. I almost asked a question once, but figured out the answer. And when I was going to post the resolution, somebody already had it covered.


So this is simply a thank you to bambam for a very helpful plugin, and to frequent posters for some nice examples. Math operations and saving to a file have been very nice upgrades.

Hey cool !

cheers - Bambam

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Originally Posted by bambam*:


  skooterking5* said:

How do you include the vodnik on grand bazaar in a no vehicle rule?

all vehicles (and the mortar), are "Weapon Death", i.e. BF3 reports that weapon for any vehicle gun kill.


So you can punish *all* vehicle kills (including Vodnik) but you can't pick and choose between them because BF3 reports them all as the same.


You *cannot* control whether players get into or out of the vehicles - BF3 does not report this event. You can only detect when they kill with a vehicle gun, as this is reported On Kill...Weapon Death...


You might want to do something else, and just stop the vehicles spawning by using the server var 'vehicleSpawnDelay', but learning how to do this is nothing to do with ProconRulz.


On Kill;Map baz;Weapon Death

PlayerCount 5;Say %p% kicked for vehicle kills;Kick kicked for vehicle kills

PlayerCount 3;Say %p% slayed for vehicle kill %c%/5;Kill 100

Say %p% - no vehicle kills(#%c%/5)

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Originally Posted by tarreltje*:


Alexis alexander, we need more people like you here in this forum section!!


BamBam keep it going! Will update proconRulz tomorrow, forgot it -.-


Also working on an adaptive server ticket Rulz, since the plugin isnt working for alot people!

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Originally Posted by cjffly*:


+1 :smile:

  tarreltje* said:

Alexis alexander, we need more people like you here in this forum section!!


BamBam keep it going! Will update proconRulz tomorrow, forgot it -.-


Also working on an adaptive server ticket Rulz, since the plugin isnt working for alot people!

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Originally Posted by shadow2k1*:


hello all

i have a couple of questions to where i dont feel like reading through 240 pages to find

im being lazy..

so here i go



based on the info in this thread


i added that code to my procon rulz, however it doesnt display the next map

(yes i have my map list in there and not what is in the example)

the code loads fine but the next map doesnt display, i even set the team score to 1 and it still didnt display

am i missing something with it?

is there a way to make it where someone can type in /map and it display the next map like how the !rules command works?

if not maybe that can be in the next update?



when i type in !rules in my server, the rules scroll by fast to where you cant almost read them

is there a way to slow down the scroll?



and final Q

is there a limit to how many lines of rules you can put in the list for when you type in !rules


thanks :smile:

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Originally Posted by bambam*:


answer just on these:

  shadow2k1* said:

hello all


when i type in !rules in my server, the rules scroll by fast to where you cant almost read them

is there a way to slow down the scroll?

The ProconRulz built-in "!rules" messaging facility is fairly basic. If you use that you want to limit the messages to maybe 4 lines because BF3 has no way for players to scroll backwards (or forwards) through the chat text so more lines just scroll off the top and get lost.

is there a limit to how many lines of rules you can put in the list for when you type in !rules


thanks :smile:

Only because BF3 will scroll more than 4 off the top of the screen.


My recommendation (unless someone has fancy rulz that improve it) would be to use a spambot plugin to periodically spam the rulz to all players, and make the "!rules" message compressed into 4 lines max as a summary. Note you *can* use ProconRulz for simple functionality to spam messages e.g.


On Spawn;Map Subway

If %c% == 1;PlayerYell No Rockets on Metro

If %c% == 2;PlayerYell 5-nade limit on Metro

If %c% == 3;PlayerYell No claymores on Metro

If %c% == 4;PlayerYell No Rockets on Metro

If %c% == 5;PlayerYell Don't be a dick on Metro


Those rulz will 'Yell' to each player a new message each of the first 5 times they spawn. (In case it's not obvious, I added a condition so these messages only appear on Operation Metro - that was completely arbitrary, you can use the ful power of ProconRulz conditions to control what appears when on each map, or each mapmode, or when teamsizes are small, or just for the defending team in rush, etc etc - if you have no clue what I'm talking about then read the online docs in my sig)


ProconRulz does *NOT* have code in it to "do this every X minutes" or "do this after a delay of X minutes", although I know people might want that particularly for timing messages. I'm not planning on implementing that in ProconRulz, at least for quite a while. ProconRulz remains entirely 'event driven' with events coming from the server, particularly Spawn, Kill, Round changes and player chat events - having ProconRulz use an internal timer leads to lots of complexity with delayed-action of rulz, even though it seems simple enough just for messages...

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Originally Posted by BenchZowner*:


Hello everyone,


I'm sorry if these questions have been asked before ( don't think so, I tried reading through a lot of pages and can't seem to find someone with the same questions anyway :tongue: ), but I don't have a lot of free time nowadays to read the whole 230+ page thread to find out that nobody did ask indeed :tongue:


Anyway, here are my questions:


Is there any kind of trigger to Yell a specified message every 90 seconds ? ( I'd like to remind the players that they should not use the TANK/M320/RPG/SMAW/Mortar at all, cause they seem to be forgetting the server name and the 60s yelled welcome message :tongue: )


And secondly, I've heard ( doubt it, but that guy insisted ) by a player on my server that he has been on a server on which if somebody entered a vehicle and moved just a bit the vehicle would self-destruct.

Any ideas ?


My server's a SDM Grand Bazaar only with restrictions ( no tank, no rpg/smaw/m320/mortar ) using the "Normal" preset ( I know I can switch to the "Infantry Only" preset, but people rarely seem to be using that preset on Battlelog when looking for servers [ even if they don't want to get in a tank-enabled server ], so I'd like to make it as good as it can get without switching to the Inf. Only server preset ).


Thanks in advance


( oh and if you like Grand Bazaar infantry only SDM gameplay we'd love to see you in our server )

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Originally Posted by ReaperX87*:


Hey guys I run a 16 person squad death match server no armor I was wondering what the command is to kick/ kill a player for getting a kill with armor. I have tries other codes but they say test negative and don't work please help!

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Originally Posted by BenchZowner*:


  ReaperX87* said:

Hey guys I run a 16 person squad death match server no armor I was wondering what the command is to kick/ kill a player for getting a kill with armor. I have tries other codes but they say test negative and don't work please help!

On Kill;Weapon Death;Log %p% kicked for USING TANK/VEHICLE;Kick %p% DO NOT USE TANK/BMP-2 VEHICLE

On Kill;Weapon RoadKill;Log %p% kicked for roadkill;Kick %p% PLEASE DO NOT USE THE TANK/BMP


These two will kick a player if he makes a kill with the tank ( any way, main cannon, gunner, roadkill )

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Originally Posted by ReaperX87*:


Does that work with the BMP cause there is no main battle tank in SQDM.


  BenchZowner* said:

On Kill;Weapon Death;Log %p% kicked for USING TANK/VEHICLE;Kick %p% DO NOT USE TANK/BMP-2 VEHICLE

On Kill;Weapon RoadKill;Log %p% kicked for roadkill;Kick %p% PLEASE DO NOT USE THE TANK/BMP


These two will kick a player if he makes a kill with the tank ( any way, main cannon, gunner, roadkill )

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Originally Posted by bambam*:


  BenchZowner* said:

On Kill;Weapon Death;Log %p% kicked for USING TANK/VEHICLE;Kick %p% DO NOT USE TANK/BMP-2 VEHICLE

On Kill;Weapon RoadKill;Log %p% kicked for roadkill;Kick %p% PLEASE DO NOT USE THE TANK/BMP


These two will kick a player if he makes a kill with the tank ( any way, main cannon, gunner, roadkill )

In addition to BenchZowner's correct advice above, I'd like to add I've seen thousands of rulz on hundreds of servers, and want to emphasize that a KILL is a very effective way of guiding player behaviour, before resorting to a KICK... I.e. even a twat will not keep using a blocked weapon if they die every time they kill with it. So with ProconRulz it is almost as simple to KILL for the first two or three uses of a blocked weapon (e.g. Vehicle) and you can still Kick if the twat doesn't get it, e.g.:


On Kill;Weapon Death,Roadkill;PlayerCount 2;Log %p% kicked for vehicle;Yell %p% kicked for vehicle use;Kick No vehicles on this server

On Kill;Weapon Death,Roadkill;Log %p% slayed for %w%;Yell 5 %p% slayed for vehicle kill on %v%;Kill 5000


Most players that kill with a banned weapon are just ignorant rather than total twats, and this 'Kill' approach is the easiest way of getting the message across.


Just my advice but, hey, it's up to whoever pays the bills...

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Originally Posted by BenchZowner*:


Some people are either retarded or very persistent.

Guys that come everyday to the server, getting kicked for TANK/RPG/SMAW/M320 and come later on or the next day and do the same thing.


They know about the rules, yet they still go for it ( I'm not far from adding an auto-ban rule ).

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Originally Posted by tarreltje*:


Try this maby it helps;


-Rules in servername

-Spam rules on first spawn

-Spambot to show rules one in a while

-Do not count the forbidden kills to like 3 times, just instand kick. If people dont see the yell during fiorst spawn with your rules, then they are blind and ignorant :smile:

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      We're happy to announce that EZRCON will branch out into the game server provider scene. This is a big step for us so please having patience if something doesn't go right in this area. Now, what makes us different compared to other providers? Well, we're going with the idea of having a scaleable server hosting and providing more control in how you set up your server. For example, in Minecraft, you have the ability to control how many CPU cores you wish your server to have access to, how much RAM you want to use, how much disk space you want to use. This type of control can't be offered in a single service package so you're able to configure a custom package the way you want it.

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    • Hello All,

      I wanted to give an update to how EZRCON is doing. As of today we have 56 active customers using the services offered. I'm glad its doing so well and it hasn't been 1 year yet. To those that have services with EZRCON, I hope the service is doing well and if not please let us know so that we can improve it where possible. We've done quite a few changes behind the scenes to improve the performance hopefully. 

      We'll be launching a new location for hosting procon layers in either Los Angeles, USA or Chicago, IL. Still being decided on where the placement should be but these two locations are not set in stone yet. We would like to get feedback on where we should have a new location for hosting the Procon Layers, which you can do by replying to this topic. A poll will be created where people can vote on which location they would like to see.

      We're also looking for some suggestions on what else you would like to see for hosting provider options. So please let us know your thoughts on this matter.
      • 4 replies
    • Added ability to disable the new API check for player country info

      Updated GeoIP database file

      Removed usage sending stats

      Added EZRCON ad banner

      If you are upgrading then you may need to add these two lines to your existing installation in the file procon.cfg. To enable these options just change False to True.

      procon.private.options.UseGeoIpFileOnly False
      procon.private.options.BlockRssFeedNews False

      • 2 replies
    • I wanted I let you know that I am starting to build out the foundation for the hosting services that I talked about here. The pricing model I was originally going for wasn't going to be suitable for how I want to build it. So instead I decided to offer each service as it's own product instead of a package deal. In the future, hopefully, I will be able to do this and offer discounts to those that choose it.

      Here is how the pricing is laid out for each service as well as information about each. This is as of 7/12/2020.

      Single MySQL database (up to 30 GB) is $10 USD per month.

      If you go over the 30 GB usage for the database then each additional gigabyte is charged at $0.10 USD each billing cycle. If you're under 30GB you don't need to worry about this.

      Databases are replicated across 3 zones (regions) for redundancy. One (1) on the east coast of the USA, One (1) in Frankfurt, and One (1) in Singapore. Depending on the demand, this would grow to more regions.

      Databases will also be backed up daily and retained for 7 days.

      Procon Layer will be $2 USD per month.

      Each layer will only allow one (1) game server connection. The reason behind this is for performance.

      Each layer will also come with all available plugins installed by default. This is to help facilitate faster deployments and get you up and running quickly.

      Each layer will automatically restart if Procon crashes. 

      Each layer will also automatically restart daily at midnight to make sure it stays in tip-top shape.

      Custom plugins can be installed by submitting a support ticket.

      Battlefield Admin Control Panel (BFACP) will be $5 USD per month

      As I am still working on building version 3 of the software, I will be installing the last version I did. Once I complete version 3 it will automatically be upgraded for you.

      All these services will be managed by me so you don't have to worry about the technical side of things to get up and going.

      If you would like to see how much it would cost for the services, I made a calculator that you can use. It can be found here https://ezrcon.com/calculator.html

      • 11 replies
    • I have pushed out a new minor release which updates the geodata pull (flags in the playerlisting). This should be way more accurate now. As always, please let me know if any problems show up.

      • 9 replies
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