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ProconRulz V44j1 - weapon limits and other event-triggered admin actions


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Originally Posted by FvvSammoniak007*:


Hello ,



I would like to know if there is a way to edit rules to ensure when players connect in the game there is special players to automatically be in the same squad.


exemple , On join;Players XXXXXXX;Fmove USA Squad Alfa



Thank you for your work



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Originally Posted by Tomgun*:


im trying to write a "rule" where if someone teamkills an admin it tells that person that they just TK an admin and to watch them selves but can get it right, any help guys?


i tried this but prob got it all wrong


On Teamkill;Protected;Targetplayer %p%;TargetAction yell you just teamkilled %v% whos an Admin!! watch yourself!!

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Originally Posted by jonvito*:


Hey all. Im trying to run a INF server. I want people to die when they shoot someone with vehicles, and 2nd time they should be kicked.. How do i do that? This code does not work for me :/



PlayerCount 1;Say %p% kicked for vehicle kills;Kick no vehicles allowed

PlayerCount 1;Say %p% no vehicles allowed %c%/1;Kill 100

Say %p% - no vehicles allowed (#%c%/1)

The server is a 30 slot server and therefor no vehicles under 31 players.
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Originally Posted by tarreltje*:


  FvvSammoniak007* said:

Hello ,



I would like to know if there is a way to edit rules to ensure when players connect in the game there is special players to automatically be in the same squad.


exemple , On join;Players XXXXXXX;Fmove USA Squad Alfa



Thank you for your work



Not doable with ProconRulz!
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Originally Posted by tarreltje*:


  jonvito* said:

Hey all. Im trying to run a INF server. I want people to die when they shoot someone with vehicles, and 2nd time they should be kicked.. How do i do that? This code does not work for me :/




The server is a 30 slot server and therefor no vehicles under 31 players.

You miss the first rule, something like On Kill;Damage .......


Check first page for an example set of rulz, Also you can set your server to infantery only, so you wont have vehicles

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Originally Posted by tarreltje*:


  Tomgun* said:

im trying to write a "rule" where if someone teamkills an admin it tells that person that they just TK an admin and to watch them selves but can get it right, any help guys?


i tried this but prob got it all wrong


On Teamkill;Protected;Targetplayer %p%;TargetAction yell you just teamkilled %v% whos an Admin!! watch yourself!!

Change protected for Admin. Protected isnt a trigger in ProconRulz! Otherwise checkout the first page for a link to the ProconRulz guide
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Originally Posted by ujmoskito*:


Anyone who has a script for this not allowed weapons which kicks the player immediatly? :smile:


Problem is that the Xtrem Weapon Limiter not detects any GP30/M320/LVG kill... :sad:


We do not want to allow the following weapons on our Metro server:




Any help would be much appriciated! :ohmy:

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Originally Posted by Wolf68k*:


I've figured out a cheap way to enable the idle kick.

On Join;if %ts1% + %ts2% > 27;Exec vars.idleTimeout 300

On Leave;if %ts1% + %ts2%

Replace 27 for whatever number of players you want it to be 1 less of. In this example I want to enable the idle kick when there are 28 players so I said it for 27. And yes I know that it also means that there are 26 players then it'll disable the idle kick.

Also replace the 300 (5 minutes) for how many seconds you went the idle time to be.


I said it was cheap.

I can't figure out any other way to get total number of players. If there's a variable that I'm missing that can do this using just one, for example something like %ss% = Server Side instead of the ts which means Team Size, please tell me.

Also can I use >= and = 28 (which in the example 28 players or more I want it enabled) and then



It has another problem I would like some help with. As it is when the target number of players on the server is reached, in this case 28 or more, it will exec that vars.idleTimeout.

I tried doing this....


On Join;if %idlekick% = off;if %ts1% + %ts2% > 27;
Set %idlekick% on
Exec vars.idleTimeout 300
On Leave;if %idlekick% = on;if %ts1% + %ts2% < 27;
Set %idlekick% off
Exec vars.idleTimeout 0
The problem is that I found that most of the time it would see %idlekick% as 0 and then later it might say on or off. I found this off doing some other testing.


I tried doing %ini_vars_idlekick% however that resulted in another problem. The plugin is not writing the ini file at all. I even tried using the example in the PDF.

On Say;Text save;Set %ini_vars_said% %text%

I then had a friend type, exactly as in the example: save hello world. Nothing happened.

If I did On Say;Text save;Log %p% said %text%

That worked just fine.

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Originally Posted by Wolf68k*:


  ujmoskito* said:

Anyone who has a script for this not allowed weapons which kicks the player immediatly? :smile:


Problem is that the Xtrem Weapon Limiter not detects any GP30/M320/LVG kill... :sad:


We do not want to allow the following weapons on our Metro server:




Any help would be much appriciated! :ohmy:

Try this

On Kill;Damage ProjectileExplosive;Kick %p% YOUR MESSAGE

On Kill;Weapon Crossbow;Kick %p% YOUR MESSAGE


If want to include no nades, c4, claymore, at mines then

On Kill;Damage Explosive;Kick %p% YOUR MESSAGE

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Originally Posted by Tomgun*:


  tarreltje* said:

Change protected for Admin. Protected isnt a trigger in ProconRulz! Otherwise checkout the first page for a link to the ProconRulz guide

this doesnt work, can anyone help me, I want to be able to tell a player he just TK an admin and he needs to watch himself...


On Teamkill;Protected;Targetplayer %p%;TargetAction yell you just teamkilled %v% whos an Admin!! watch yourself!!


this doesnt work, can anyone help..

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Originally Posted by tarreltje*:


  Tomgun* said:

this doesnt work, can anyone help me, I want to be able to tell a player he just TK an admin and he needs to watch himself...


On Teamkill;Protected;Targetplayer %p%;TargetAction yell you just teamkilled %v% whos an Admin!! watch yourself!!


this doesnt work, can anyone help..

again protected doesnt do anything in procon, it isnt a trigger
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Originally Posted by Tomgun*:


  tarreltje* said:

again protected doesnt do anything in procon, it isnt a trigger

yes I know you said that last time, also what you said told the my admin that he TK an player but said it was admin, that didnt work


so again does anyone know what the proper script is..

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Originally Posted by DHGreenday*:


  tarreltje* said:

Dont know what kind of punishment you were thinking of, but in proconrulz you can do thing with On Suicide. So at first time maby a warning, second time a warning, third time a kick, or just a ban because why would you want to have a player that playing the game like that?

Well the thing is I wouldnt want a player to be punished if they crashed into the ground as the player who got them disabled will get the kill anyway and players do this cause why waste time disabled when you can't do alot (I usually imitate a banchee just for fun). If they suicide whilst being attacked then that would just be counter productive for them anyway. What I mean is that players when they are disabled press escape to suicide, this kind of suicide stops the attacker who disabled them from getting a kill which I think is unfair. Is there a way to punish this type of suicide but not the normal crash into the ground suicide?
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Originally Posted by Wolf68k*:


  Tomgun* said:

this doesnt work, can anyone help me, I want to be able to tell a player he just TK an admin and he needs to watch himself...


On Teamkill;Protected;Targetplayer %p%;TargetAction yell you just teamkilled %v% whos an Admin!! watch yourself!!


this doesnt work, can anyone help..


You're right, Protected isn't a Trigger but it is a Condition which is how he is using it.




This is what I do to narrow down where the problem is; start simple.

Something... On Kill (or any other action);Protected;Log %p% killed an admin %v%

If that works then you know you have that Trigger and Condition right.

Then set it up with: On Kill;Protected;Targetplayer %p%;Log %p% killed an admin %v%

Again see if that works. If so, good. If not, then you know where the problem is.

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Originally Posted by Wolf68k*:


  DHGreenday* said:

Well the thing is I wouldnt want a player to be punished if they crashed into the ground as the player who got them disabled will get the kill anyway and players do this cause why waste time disabled when you can't do alot (I usually imitate a banchee just for fun). If they suicide whilst being attacked then that would just be counter productive for them anyway. What I mean is that players when they are disabled press escape to suicide, this kind of suicide stops the attacker who disabled them from getting a kill which I think is unfair. Is there a way to punish this type of suicide but not the normal crash into the ground suicide?

As you said, if a player is disabled and nose dives the killer still gets his kill and the game as well as Procon sees it as such. But if they hit ECS then it's a suicide.

Try this and see how well it works for you

On Suicide;PlayerFirst;PlayerSay (or PlayerYell 8 [8 is the number of seconds]) Warning about suicides

On Suicide;PlayerCount 2;PlayerSay/Yell Last warning about suicides

On Suicide;PlayerCount 3;Kick %p% you were warned about suicides

You can also replace the PlayerSay/Yell and Kick for Log just to testing to see how things go before you really enforce it. That's what I normally do while testing.



I would test this with Log first. Have 1 player suicide 2 times on purpose then have someone else do it for the first time to make sure it's tracking each player separately and not in general. I'm fairly sure it should be separately.

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Originally Posted by Wolf68k*:


  Hexfurion* said:

Hallo!Brauche einen Code für Procon Rulz!

Xbow+Pistole+Messer nur erlaubt!

kennt vielleicht jemand diesen Code`?

I don't speak German, but thankfully Google does. You need a script for a xbow/pistol/knife only server.

You do not say what you want the actions to be if someone doesn't use that. If you want an instant kick or if you want warn first so many times before it kicks.


If you search Google for; Procon Rulz pistol only you can find script that are already made like this one http://www.codekillers.net/smf/index...ic=2844.5;wap2


Here I've taking the same script and updated to what I think should allow for Xbow

On Kill;Not Damage Melee;Not Damage Handgun;Not Weapon Crossbow;PlayerCount 2;Log %p% kicked (XBOW, KNIFE & PISTOLS ONLY);Kick %p% xbow, pistols&knife only

On Kill;Not Damage Melee;Not Damage Handgun;Not Weapon Crossbow;Say %p% was killed Xbow, Pistol & Knife Only!;Kill 100

On Kill;Damage Explosive;PlayerCount 2;Log %p% kicked (XBOW, KNIFE & PISTOLS ONLY);Kick %p% Xbow, Pistol & Knife Only!

On Kill;Damage Explosive;Say %p% was killed Xbow, Pistol & Knife Only!;Kill 100

On Kill;Damage ProjectileExplosive;PlayerCount 2;Log %p% banned;Ban %p% Xbow, Pistol & Knife Only!

On Kill;Damage ProjectileExplosive;PlayerSay %p% Xbow, Pistol & Knife Only!;Kill 100

This kills and warns the players a few times and then kicks them if they keep doing it

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Originally Posted by Hutchew*:


  Wolf68k* said:

As you said, if a player is disabled and nose dives the killer still gets his kill and the game as well as Procon sees it as such. But if they hit ECS then it's a suicide.

Try this and see how well it works for you

On Suicide;PlayerFirst;PlayerSay (or PlayerYell 8 [8 is the number of seconds]) Warning about suicides

On Suicide;PlayerCount 2;PlayerSay/Yell Last warning about suicides

On Suicide;PlayerCount 3;Kick %p% you were warned about suicides

You can also replace the PlayerSay/Yell and Kick for Log just to testing to see how things go before you really enforce it. That's what I normally do while testing.



I would test this with Log first. Have 1 player suicide 2 times on purpose then have someone else do it for the first time to make sure it's tracking each player separately and not in general. I'm fairly sure it should be separately.

I didn't test it, but can see your playercounts are backwards, start with 3, then 2, then first: This should work as follows (I think, ymmv):


On Suicide;

PlayerCount 3;Kick %p% you were warned about suicides

PlayerCount 2;PlayerSay/Yell Last warning about suicides

PlayerSay (or PlayerYell 8 [8 is the number of seconds]) Warning about suicides


It follows the first line, if true, it performs the action, if not, moves to the next line.


Correct me if wrong.



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Originally Posted by DaBIGfisH*:


Very Huge Rule Set not pasteable in Procon / Procon Rulz Text Editor




i have an very very huge rule set (380 Rules written in top clarity) and want add much more rules. But the max number of possible rules / symbols for the Procon Text Editor is too low, so i cant add new rules. :-(


Has anybody an soulution for thi problem?



Regards, DaBIGfisH

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Originally Posted by madmuthamonk*:


I am trying to warn players on their first spawn that this particular gamemode is hard core. I put the rules in like this:



On Spawn;PlayerFirst;Mapmode TeamDeathMatch;Yell This GameMode is HardCore so watch for Friendly Fire please!

On Spawn;PlayerFirst;Mapmode GunMaster;Yell This GameMode is HardCore so watch for Friendly Fire please!

On Spawn;PlayerFirst;Mapmode Scavenger;Yell This GameMode is HardCore so watch for Friendly Fire please!

On Spawn;PlayerFirst;Mapmode Domination;Yell This GameMode is HardCore so watch for Friendly Fire please!


It just keeps repeating it over and over. What am I doing wrong?

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Originally Posted by Hutchew*:


  madmuthamonk* said:

I am trying to warn players on their first spawn that this particular gamemode is hard core. I put the rules in like this:



On Spawn;PlayerFirst;Mapmode TeamDeathMatch;Yell This GameMode is HardCore so watch for Friendly Fire please!

On Spawn;PlayerFirst;Mapmode GunMaster;Yell This GameMode is HardCore so watch for Friendly Fire please!

On Spawn;PlayerFirst;Mapmode Scavenger;Yell This GameMode is HardCore so watch for Friendly Fire please!

On Spawn;PlayerFirst;Mapmode Domination;Yell This GameMode is HardCore so watch for Friendly Fire please!


It just keeps repeating it over and over. What am I doing wrong?

On Spawn;PlayerOnce instead of PlayerFirst and

PlayerYell instead of Yell, perhaps.

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Originally Posted by ty_ger07*:


  skooterking5* said:

any way to make a rule for killing annoying players as soon as they spawn?

Yeah of course.


"Annoying" is a very scientific and easy to define condition.


On Spawn;Player Annoying;Uninstall Game

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Originally Posted by skooterking5*:


  ty_ger07* said:

Yeah of course.


"Annoying" is a very scientific and easy to define condition.


On Spawn;Player Annoying;Uninstall Game

Basically it would kill the player every time he spawns. For those guys who talk shit but wont rage quit and want to be kicked lol.
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Originally Posted by ty_ger07*:


  skooterking5* said:

Basically it would kill the player every time he spawns. For those guys who talk shit but wont rage quit and want to be kicked lol.

You are the one who would need to define "annoying" given the methods available. Kick them after they say certain words? Create a list of players you consider annoying? Kick them after they have sent 10 messages without an increase in score?


You would have to figure out what you want.



I could see how it could be useful to warn a player if they keep spamming chat without any change in player score. If their score doesn't change, they aren't really "playing the game". If they receive multiple warnings, you could kick them for a reason of "play the objective" or something like that.

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Originally Posted by trans-am*:


Is it possible to set this rule? If so how to do the rule? I'm not very good at programming.


Ban Shotgun


First kill on shotgun give a warning

On Second kill , slay that player

On Third kill, temporally ban (ban using either EA or PB Guid)

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Originally Posted by beowulf6666*:


cannot use


On Kill;Map ;Weapon MK3A1;PlayerSay %p% NO SHOTGUNS;Kill

On Kill;Map ;Weapon SAIGA 12K;PlayerSay %p% NO SHOTGUNS;Kill


it returns: Warning, weapon ... not found in Procon


any1 know how to fix this?

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      We'll be launching a new location for hosting procon layers in either Los Angeles, USA or Chicago, IL. Still being decided on where the placement should be but these two locations are not set in stone yet. We would like to get feedback on where we should have a new location for hosting the Procon Layers, which you can do by replying to this topic. A poll will be created where people can vote on which location they would like to see.

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    • Added ability to disable the new API check for player country info

      Updated GeoIP database file

      Removed usage sending stats

      Added EZRCON ad banner

      If you are upgrading then you may need to add these two lines to your existing installation in the file procon.cfg. To enable these options just change False to True.

      procon.private.options.UseGeoIpFileOnly False
      procon.private.options.BlockRssFeedNews False

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    • I wanted I let you know that I am starting to build out the foundation for the hosting services that I talked about here. The pricing model I was originally going for wasn't going to be suitable for how I want to build it. So instead I decided to offer each service as it's own product instead of a package deal. In the future, hopefully, I will be able to do this and offer discounts to those that choose it.

      Here is how the pricing is laid out for each service as well as information about each. This is as of 7/12/2020.

      Single MySQL database (up to 30 GB) is $10 USD per month.

      If you go over the 30 GB usage for the database then each additional gigabyte is charged at $0.10 USD each billing cycle. If you're under 30GB you don't need to worry about this.

      Databases are replicated across 3 zones (regions) for redundancy. One (1) on the east coast of the USA, One (1) in Frankfurt, and One (1) in Singapore. Depending on the demand, this would grow to more regions.

      Databases will also be backed up daily and retained for 7 days.

      Procon Layer will be $2 USD per month.

      Each layer will only allow one (1) game server connection. The reason behind this is for performance.

      Each layer will also come with all available plugins installed by default. This is to help facilitate faster deployments and get you up and running quickly.

      Each layer will automatically restart if Procon crashes. 

      Each layer will also automatically restart daily at midnight to make sure it stays in tip-top shape.

      Custom plugins can be installed by submitting a support ticket.

      Battlefield Admin Control Panel (BFACP) will be $5 USD per month

      As I am still working on building version 3 of the software, I will be installing the last version I did. Once I complete version 3 it will automatically be upgraded for you.

      All these services will be managed by me so you don't have to worry about the technical side of things to get up and going.

      If you would like to see how much it would cost for the services, I made a calculator that you can use. It can be found here https://ezrcon.com/calculator.html

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    • I have pushed out a new minor release which updates the geodata pull (flags in the playerlisting). This should be way more accurate now. As always, please let me know if any problems show up.

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