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ProconRulz V44j1 - weapon limits and other event-triggered admin actions


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Originally Posted by Sippi*:


Anyway to "Disable" Mortars yet using this plugin? Tried "On Kill;Weapon M224;Say %p%, %w% Not Permitted;Kill" but the weapon doesnt seem to be implented yet(Weapon not found in procon) or something.


Any info if/when its getting into the plugin?



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Originally Posted by bambam*:


AJToft crucially you need to confirm whether your rule is firing or not - change it to a 'Log' action and if you tell me if the message appears in your Procon chat window... maybe I can help you. I'm guessing you've screwed up the BF3.def install so all weapons still have damage type 'None' but that's a complete guess because all you've said so far is "it doesn't work" and on that basis we'd have to start with "is your computer on_".


Sippi there's an expectation DICE will add the mortar weapon code in an upcoming release of BF3. When (if) they do, ProconRulz already has the code to support it without needing a plugin update. If I was to guess, the BF3 update including the mortar weapon code will appear within a month, but I'm guessing. FYI also DICE have made clear the mortar has a bad game dynamic, and they're thinking of other things to weaken it - one option is to allow the recon mav to destroy it.


ProconRulz will give a startup *warning* when a weapon code is used that Procon doesn't know about (even though it could be new in BF3) but this weapon code can still be used in ProconRulz - without the Procon BF3 entries the the 'Damage' type will be 'None' and the display name for the weapon will be the same as the weapon key (e.g. maybe M224) but the 'Weapon' rule should still work... Sounds a bit complicated because there's three elements here - ProconRulz, Procon and BF3.


As with other comments, when you *do* have a mortar rule, my suggestion is you 'Log' a message instead of a kill or kick action the beginning so you're comfortable with when the rule takes action, and also you can warn... then kill ... then kick as in the example.



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Originally Posted by feeblemedic*:


due to the tv missile game crash; I would like to prevent players from using the tv missile on my servers. However, if i understand correctly, bf3 does not let you prevent someone from spawning with a kit/weapon...so the best I could do would be warn/kick/ban players for killing someone with a tv guided missile? If that is possible, can you give me an example of a rule I could use to get the results i'm looking for?

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Originally Posted by bambam*:


hey good point - I didn't know XPKiller had also shipped an updated BF3.def with his plugin. The updates to BF3.def are both for the same reason (to include the BF3 weapon definitions) and the ProconRulz version INCLUDES the updates from the XPKiller plugin.


So the version you should use now is the ProconRulz version.


When (very soon) the next Procon update comes out, plugin devs like me and XPkiller won't need to include the BF3.def, and the Procon version ( _) will be the one we all use, safely replacing our interim updates.



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Originally Posted by cpt*:


When activating the plugin I get this message:


[11:23:51 11] ProconRulz: plugin enabled, version 33b.5

[11:23:51 15] ProconRulz SKIPPING RULE: Bad "Damage" clause in your rule "On Kill;Map Operation Metro;Damage SMAW;Count 5;Kick %p% was kicked for using RPG!"


Whats wrong with the "Damage"

This rule is to get rid of rpg in "Operation Metro" Map.

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Originally Posted by bambam*:


cpt: SMAW is a WEAPON, not a damage type. You can either use:


On Kill;Map Operation Metro;Weapon SMAW;Count 5;Kick %p% was kicked for using RPG!




On Kill;Map Operation Metro;Damage ProjectileExplosive;Count 5;Kick %p% was kicked for using RPG!


The first rulle will fire when a player kills with the SMAW, the second rule will fire when a player kills with any weapon that does damage ProjectileExplosive, which includes all the RPG weapons (see ProconRulz details page for current list of weapons/damage)




More complicated is be CAREFUL when you put in a "Map" condition. ProconRulz will check the map display name and the map filename to see if it matches your string anywhere. DICE might have put an accent character in the 'Metro' map display name but you did not in your test string. I only mention this because in BFBC2 Valparaiso was spelt Valparaíso (spot the difference) and I've seen the metro map listed as "Operation Métro". To test this, just use the default round change rule, and click the 'next map' button in procon, and the chat window will list the map name... the list below are the file names (don't rely on my text map names). I don't know your "Operation Metro" is actually wrong, it's just you're making it a bit complicated by using more text than you need and risking a typo. At the very least just use "Metro" as that is a unique string in the map name anyway and will be enough. To be 100% safe use some unique string in the map FILE name.


MP_001 (Grand Bazaar)

MP_003 (Teheran Highway)

MP_007 (Caspian Border)

MP_011 (Seine Crossing)

MP_012 (Operation Firestorm)

MP_013 (Damavand Peak)

MP_017 (Noshashar Canals)

MP_018 (Kharg Island)

MP_Subway (Operation Metro)









In summary, your rulz could be


On Kill;Map Subway;Damage ProjectileExplosive;Count 5;Kick %p% was kicked for using RPG!

On Kill;Map Subway;Damage ProjectileExplosive;Count 3;Kill 100


OK? I used a string I'm 100% sure is in the Metro map name or file name, used a Damage, not a Weapon key, and added a second rule that will kill the player on the 4th and 5th RPG kills so the kick on the 6th is less of a surprise...


By the way, if you want to stop nade spam on the same map, use another pair of rulz but use Damage Explosive.


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Originally Posted by Rothgar*:


Hi bambam,


Not sure if this is a bug?


I tried to use "On Round" to write some messages once per round but it fires before the players are even in the server or the round timer has finished?


It's almost like it fires right after Level Change?


I then tried to change it to like "On Kill" ServerFirst, which worked well enough but when I wrote my 3 say Messages, they all fire randomly and not in sequence so my messages get jumbled?


Is there a way to force priority or add a delay between them or something?


I'm still trying to work out my rules but plugin works great, thanks.


I do have some trouble getting tanks and mortars etc working properly, I thought I could use "Death" currently, however it says the Weapon is unknown because it's not in the BF3.def? So I am trying to use the Damage Types currently.

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Originally Posted by scorpionfr59*:



Dans BF3, J'aimerais régler le nombre de snipers à 2, 1 dans chaque équipe comment, je dois faire?



In BF3, I set the number of snipers to 2, one in each team how should I do?

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Originally Posted by AJToft*:


@bambam Is this the rule to use, to kick players for using rocket vs infantry?


On Kill;Damage ProjectileExplosive;Log Rocket nade kill !! %p% killed %v% with %w%, damage %d% ;kick rocket vs infantry not allowed

On Kill;Log %p% killed %v% with %w%, damage %d%

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Originally Posted by bambam*:


@Rothar I wouldn't bother with 'Death' as a weapon because there's currently too much other crap that's given the same key - some release of BF3 will tidy that up, I expect. Maybe, just maybe, you could use it but limit the rule to a particular map also, because maybe the scope is limited on that map (i.e. Metro). "Weapon unknown in procon" isn't really an issue - ProconRulz continues to handle the key properly, it's just Procon doesn't have the weapon parameters - if you want to be picky just add an entry in BF3.def.


"On Round" is triggered by the only event that BF3 gives us to work with on a round change (OnLevelStarted). The good news is it tells us the new map name and mode, the bad news is it's not much use for 'say' actions in the server as everyone's still spawning. You're absolutely right that ServerFirst is the best option for that. ServerFirst is identical to "Not ServerCount 1" (takes thinking about...) so it's possible you could use three rules triggered by the first three kills. Bit of a bodge though. I'll think about it. Maybe I should force correct ordering of multiple say commands in a single rule (the admin.X commands are currently forked off into a separate parallel processing thread for various leet technical reasons). I don't have a 'delay' action because that's not really the way to do it, but I'll try and think of a better answer.


@scorpion - Limiting the number of players spawning with an item (e.g. weapon) is an understood requirement. ProconRulz is designed to do exactly what you want, but BF3 is not yet giving the information at spawn time that is necessary to support that rule. When (if) BF3 does, then ProconRulz will support your requirement without needing a plugin update.


@AJToft: your rule is correct assuming you want a rocket kill to immediately kick the player. Are you sure when a tank is hit with a rocket, explodes, and kills the driver, is that not shown as a kill with an RPG weapon? If so, you cannot be sure the rocket was used on infantry. You should test that on a server and see what the chat log says. Assuming you're ok with the rule, then it will be worth setting rules to kill players up to a certain number of rocket kills, and kick them if they exceed this number. See previous page of this thread. Don't worry about the kill/kick stuff until you've check the tank-rocket-kill issue if that might be a problem (it was on BFBC2).



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Originally Posted by Clay52*:


  bambam* said:

hey good point - I didn't know XPKiller had also shipped an updated BF3.def with his plugin. The updates to BF3.def are both for the same reason (to include the BF3 weapon definitions) and the ProconRulz version INCLUDES the updates from the XPKiller plugin.


So the version you should use now is the ProconRulz version.


When (very soon) the next Procon update comes out, plugin devs like me and XPkiller won't need to include the BF3.def, and the Procon version ( _) will be the one we all use, safely replacing our interim updates.



Ahh thank you for that bambam, just what I needed!
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Originally Posted by AJToft*:


  bambam* said:

@AJToft: your rule is correct assuming you want a rocket kill to immediately kick the player. Are you sure when a tank is hit with a rocket, explodes, and kills the driver, is that not shown as a kill with an RPG weapon? If so, you cannot be sure the rocket was used on infantry. You should test that on a server and see what the chat log says. Assuming you're ok with the rule, then it will be worth setting rules to kill players up to a certain number of rocket kills, and kick them if they exceed this number. See previous page of this thread. Don't worry about the kill/kick stuff until you've check the tank-rocket-kill issue if that might be a problem (it was on BFBC2).



yeah i want to kick them immediately. My server in a TDM server without vehicles. Thanks bambam

But what would the rule be if i wanted to kill them the first time using rocket vs infantry, and kick the 2nd time?

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Originally Posted by bambam*:


AJToft - from the previous page:



On Kill;Damage ProjectileExplosive;Count 5;Kick %p% was kicked for using RPG!

On Kill;Damage ProjectileExplosive;Count 3;Kill 100


RadicalMode - nope - if your rule is valid there has never in the history of ProconRulz been a reported situation where the event occurred on the server but the ProconRulz rule didn't trigger... For a statement like yours you really have to have event logging on in the Procon Console (check the little box 'Event' in bottom right of the Console tab) AND use Procon Tools/Options -> enable console logging AND have a catch-all "On Kill;Log %p% killed %v% with %w% damage %d%" AND compare the kill events in the Console log with the triggering of the ProconRulz rules. Basically something is wrong with your conditions so the rule you thought was going to fire, didn't, but without the rule no-one including me will be able to help. So long as you have the catch-all rule at the end, then *that* one will trigger so you can see where your rule went wrong.

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Originally Posted by RadicalMode*:


Some very few players are killing with noobtubes and aren't triggering the rules... no events in the console tab.


I'll try to capture a specific event.



On Kill;Weapon M320;Say %p% was banned for killing %v% with M320;TempBan 86400 Noobtube user

On Kill;Weapon RPG-7;Say %p% was banned for killing %v% with RPG-7;TempBan 86400 Noobtube user

On Kill;Weapon SMAW;Say %p% was banned for killing %v% with SMAW;TempBan 86400 Noobtube user

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Originally Posted by bambam*:


Make sure you have a rule after those:


On Kill;Log %p% killed %v% with %w% (key %wk%), damage %d%

On TeamKill;Log %p% TeamKilled %v% with %w% (key %wk%), damage %d%

On Suicide;Log %p% Suicided with %w% (key %wk%), damage %d%


(You sure the 'missing' events aren't teamkills, which is a different trigger_)


And also make sure you check the Tools->Options -- enable chat logging


That way you'll see if your 3 rules were skipped for some reason, and will see what the weapon key was.

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Originally Posted by bambam*:


You need to install the BF3.def included in the ProconRulz zip over the existing version in the Procon/Configs folder.


When the next version of Procon comes out ( _) it will overwrite BF3.def, and that is OK, as it will have the definitions needed.



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Originally Posted by chavaquis*:


  itBurnsPatton* said:

Install the BF3.def file into the "Config" folder that came with the download, and the weapons will work.

its ok for the message but when i kill with this "m320", nothing happens.. it's normal ?
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Originally Posted by bambam*:



but it's possible kill when he respawn with this weapon plz ?

Yes with ProconRulz (BFBC2), No with BF3... We're just waiting on a BF3 update that will include weapon data at SPAWN time as well as on each kill - BFBC2 did this and as BF3 is almost identical from an admin code standpoint we expect (hope) the spawn data to be available before too long (ask DICE...).


The code is already in ProconRulz for "On Spawn" weapon checks, so you'll be able to add those rules as soon as BF3 makes the data available...



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Originally Posted by MysteryP*:


Is there any rule which would give another teamplayer the right to decide if teammate dies for teamkilling him? My server players may wish to to get something like that. But otherwise perfect plugin for procon tool that is able to manage my Battlefield 3 server :biggrin:

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Originally Posted by bambam*:


Good question MysteryP - I haven't heard that suggestion before but it tests a fairly sophisticated bit of ProconRulz. First of all the default rulz do include a teamkill set, so TK's get suicidal, and you should start with that. I know that's not what you want but do that first while I think about the real solution.


I think ProconRulz is 99% of the way there (using the TargetAction and TargetConfirm) but is missing the ability of the *victim* to confirm an action on the *killer*. Let me think about it. If it's doable with an update to ProconRulz I'll do that.



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      We'll be launching a new location for hosting procon layers in either Los Angeles, USA or Chicago, IL. Still being decided on where the placement should be but these two locations are not set in stone yet. We would like to get feedback on where we should have a new location for hosting the Procon Layers, which you can do by replying to this topic. A poll will be created where people can vote on which location they would like to see.

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    • I wanted I let you know that I am starting to build out the foundation for the hosting services that I talked about here. The pricing model I was originally going for wasn't going to be suitable for how I want to build it. So instead I decided to offer each service as it's own product instead of a package deal. In the future, hopefully, I will be able to do this and offer discounts to those that choose it.

      Here is how the pricing is laid out for each service as well as information about each. This is as of 7/12/2020.

      Single MySQL database (up to 30 GB) is $10 USD per month.

      If you go over the 30 GB usage for the database then each additional gigabyte is charged at $0.10 USD each billing cycle. If you're under 30GB you don't need to worry about this.

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      Databases will also be backed up daily and retained for 7 days.

      Procon Layer will be $2 USD per month.

      Each layer will only allow one (1) game server connection. The reason behind this is for performance.

      Each layer will also come with all available plugins installed by default. This is to help facilitate faster deployments and get you up and running quickly.

      Each layer will automatically restart if Procon crashes. 

      Each layer will also automatically restart daily at midnight to make sure it stays in tip-top shape.

      Custom plugins can be installed by submitting a support ticket.

      Battlefield Admin Control Panel (BFACP) will be $5 USD per month

      As I am still working on building version 3 of the software, I will be installing the last version I did. Once I complete version 3 it will automatically be upgraded for you.

      All these services will be managed by me so you don't have to worry about the technical side of things to get up and going.

      If you would like to see how much it would cost for the services, I made a calculator that you can use. It can be found here https://ezrcon.com/calculator.html

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    • I have pushed out a new minor release which updates the geodata pull (flags in the playerlisting). This should be way more accurate now. As always, please let me know if any problems show up.

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