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Ultimate Map Manager ( - 03/26/15)


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Originally Posted by falcontx*:


Any suggestions then? I am not seeing anything at all.

Not really. You can send me logs if you want, but I've already double-checked the code and tested everything. It's been working fine since it was added a year and a half ago.
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Originally Posted by WileECyte*:


Not really. You can send me logs if you want, but I've already double-checked the code and tested everything. It's been working fine since it was added a year and a half ago.

Here's console & plugin logs for the 32 & 64 player servers.


Attached Files:

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Originally Posted by WileECyte*:


It's the only map list I have setup, and it's enabled. I think it MIGHT be under "Switch to new map list immediately". I had a 'Don't switch if more than 16 (default) players online. I basically want to run this map list all the time, and basically use UMM to randomize the maplist. Nothing else (at this point.)

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Originally Posted by falcontx*:


I figured it out. If the maplist you have in UMM matches the maplist you have in the maplist.txt for your server exactly, it doesn't appear to randomize the list.

Oh.. yeah.. that's true. UMM only randomizes the list when the map list is changed, so if the map list already matches, it won't do anything. You should put a slightly different map list in maplist.txt so that UMM will change the list and randomize it when it loads.
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Originally Posted by Ralphvd*:


I have a problem,

When switching from maps with only SQDM i have 32 slots HC

But when the map is going to Rush i have 30 slots HC with commander on.

I want commander disabled but than it goes to custom. Is there a way to get 32 slots without commander on and hardcore preset?


I have found a workaround but it is not nice to do it every time, should be done automatically

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Originally Posted by falcontx*:


Hi Falcon, I made a donation 4 days ago, can you send me the full versión?



If you made it 4 days ago, then it's already been sent. Please check your spam folder. If you still can't find it, you'll have to PM me your email address.
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Originally Posted by falcontx*:


I have a problem,

When switching from maps with only SQDM i have 32 slots HC

But when the map is going to Rush i have 30 slots HC with commander on.

I want commander disabled but than it goes to custom. Is there a way to get 32 slots without commander on and hardcore preset?


I have found a workaround but it is not nice to do it every time, should be done automatically

I have no idea. This sounds like a server/Battlelog issue which I have no control over.
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Originally Posted by falcontx*:


I donated but my server supplier ( multiplay ) require an official download link before they will install it on my layer , how can I get this please ?

You should have received the plugin via email. Forward that email to your layer provider.
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Originally Posted by bn3*:


You should have received the plugin via email. Forward that email to your layer provider.

Thanks for the reply but I changed provider to one that let me upload the plugins myself since multiplay could not get it done
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Originally Posted by salty21db*:


After some testing, it seems that it won't switch "at end of round" even if the number is over the number set. If I force it to change whenever during a round it will change the map rotation.


Anyone else having this?

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Originally Posted by salty21db*:


After some testing, it seems that it won't switch "at end of round" even if the number is over the number set. If I force it to change whenever during a round it will change the map rotation.


Anyone else having this?

Should have added...or is this working fine for others and it's just mine?
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Originally Posted by salty21db*:


Not switching on the way down either, had 27 in server. Have it set to kick back to the other maplist at 32 or less. After Lancang Dam we had 27 and went to Floodzone on the 33+ maplist. Had to change it to switch midmap again in order for it to move to the other maplist.

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Originally Posted by falcontx*:


It seems I have to post every day in one thread or another, so here goes... If you don't post a proper bug report, I'm just going to ignore whatever you post because I can't help you. Read this: showthread....a-plugin-issue*

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Originally Posted by salty21db*:


It seems I have to post every day in one thread or another, so here goes... If you don't post a proper bug report, I'm just going to ignore whatever you post because I can't help you. Read this: showthread....a-plugin-issue*

I apologize, I'm quite the noob on plugin installation. Fragnet's server hosting currently doesn't show me a server log...working with them to get that resolved.


I was just curious if anyone else had the issue as it could just be me being a moron and not having something setup correctly. Although it doesn't seem to recognize the server size because if I say "do immediately" the message pops up that it needs to switch map due to server size. If I have it set on "do when round completes" even if the round completes and the number is over the recognized number, nothing pops up on procon saying it recognizes it needs to switch.


Will work on getting the server logs working and getting you a report. Was curious if it was just me or others had an issue with it as well.

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Originally Posted by salty21db*:


I apologize, I'm quite the noob on plugin installation. Fragnet's server hosting currently doesn't show me a server log...working with them to get that resolved.


I was just curious if anyone else had the issue as it could just be me being a moron and not having something setup correctly. Although it doesn't seem to recognize the server size because if I say "do immediately" the message pops up that it needs to switch map due to server size. If I have it set on "do when round completes" even if the round completes and the number is over the recognized number, nothing pops up on procon saying it recognizes it needs to switch.


Will work on getting the server logs working and getting you a report. Was curious if it was just me or others had an issue with it as well.

"Access to logs was removed as per EA/Dice instructions." That's the reply I just got from Fragnet about the logs lol.
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Originally Posted by falcontx*:


"Access to logs was removed as per EA/Dice instructions." That's the reply I just got from Fragnet about the logs lol.

You don't need access to game server logs. You need access to the PRoCon logs from the machine that is directly connected to your server, which is either a local PC or a layer server, depending upon how you're running PRoCon.
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Originally Posted by salty21db*:


You don't need access to game server logs. You need access to the PRoCon logs from the machine that is directly connected to your server, which is either a local PC or a layer server, depending upon how you're running PRoCon.

Ok see what you're talking about now. Sorry for my failure lol. Will log tomorrow to catch the event happening and send them to you. Thank you for the help.
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Originally Posted by Ralphvd*:


There is still some kind of bug with the presets:


[11:18:15 89] UltimateMapManager: TASK -> 20 players. Need to change to Map List 0 [sQDM ONLY].

[11:18:15 90] UltimateMapManager: WORK -> Changing to Map List 0 [sQDM ONLY].

[11:18:15 91] UltimateMapManager: WORK -> Setting server preset to Hardcore.


But my server:


Posted Image

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