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Insane Limits ( - 30-MAR-2015) + BFHL


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  • 1 month later...

Originally Posted by BriDawg*:


  PapaCharlie9* said:

First of all, how about upgrading to 9.3? :smile:


Are you using custom storage (use_custom_storage True) or not?


I assume you are on a layer. I don't use a layer, so I'll let someone who has done this on a layer give you the authoritative answer. But here's what should be true, assuming you are not using custom storage.


All plugins store their plugin variables in procon/Configs/ip_port.cfg files. In the file that corresponds to your new server ip_port, you should find a variable for Insane Limits that looks like this:



procon.protected.plugins.setVariable "InsaneLimits" "limits_file" "BASE64:...."
That value points at a file in procon/Plugins/BF3/InsaneLimits?ip_port.conf (again, assuming you are not using custom storage ... if you are using custom storage, the path to the .conf file will be whatever you defined).


If you copy & pasted the .cfg value from the old ip_port into the new .cfg, it will still point at the old .conf file.


After backing up all files, something you can try is simply deleting the "limits_file" line altogether. I think Insane Limits will regenerate it using the new ip and port (again, assuming you are not using custom storage). Then just make sure you have a matching .conf file (which can have the same contents as the old, in other words, just rename the file to the new ip and port).


All of the above is how a directly connected client works. Your mileage may vary with a layer.

Is it possible to get all connections (in our case 4 or 5) on one layer to point to the same Insane Limits Config File_? I have tried various different things with the limits_file in the config and it just keeps going right back to the xx.xxx.xxx.xx_47200.cfg file :-((
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Originally Posted by Frogtooth*:


  BriDawg* said:

Is it possible to get all connections (in our case 4 or 5) on one layer to point to the same Insane Limits Config File_? I have tried various different things with the limits_file in the config and it just keeps going right back to the xx.xxx.xxx.xx_47200.cfg file :-((

Put a link in each of those directories back to the actual file.
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Originally Posted by BriDawg*:


  Frogtooth* said:

Put a link in each of those directories back to the actual file.

Tried that. And upon starting the layer the file immediate gets over-written and you start from scratch. One time, while messing I was able to keep all the limits on one server and it over-wrote the file but, the other servers did not read that and remained blank.
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Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*:


  BriDawg* said:

Is it possible to get all connections (in our case 4 or 5) on one layer to point to the same Insane Limits Config File_? I have tried various different things with the limits_file in the config and it just keeps going right back to the xx.xxx.xxx.xx_47200.cfg file :-((

Not completely. If you use custom storage, you should be able to point a portion of the settings to the common file, but other settings go into the Procon config folder under your connection file. It's not possible for a plugin to take control of all of its settings, Procon has to own some of them.


Custom storage can be used to store limit code and custom lists. That file should be sharable across multiple connections.


Maybe the problem is that you aren't constructing the path correctly? If you define limits_file, it has to be a complete, absolute path to the file. So if you have it in C:\Users\BriDawg\My Documents\Procon\Configs\limits_file.txt, you need to specify C:\Users\BriDawg\My Documents\Procon\Configs\limits_file.txt as the value.

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Originally Posted by BriDawg*:


  PapaCharlie9* said:

Not completely. If you use custom storage, you should be able to point a portion of the settings to the common file, but other settings go into the Procon config folder under your connection file. It's not possible for a plugin to take control of all of its settings, Procon has to own some of them.


Custom storage can be used to store limit code and custom lists. That file should be sharable across multiple connections.


Maybe the problem is that you aren't constructing the path correctly? If you define limits_file, it has to be a complete, absolute path to the file. So if you have it in C:\Users\BriDawg\My Documents\Procon\Configs\limits_file.txt, you need to specify C:\Users\BriDawg\My Documents\Procon\Configs\limits_file.txt as the value.

I was able to point an entire layer to one insane limit file but, like I said above..... One server would keep the settings and read the file (I am assuming it was the one that connected first) then the rest were blank. As soon as I clicked on anything it would wipe the file back to 1kb.
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Originally Posted by CoVeX*:


Hi Guys,


i have two questions about !votenuke.


1) what is the newest code for !votenuke ?


2) is it possible that plugin so set the votenuke only possible if a team really has all the flags ?



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Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*:


  CoVeX* said:

Hi Guys,


i have two questions about !votenuke.


1) what is the newest code for !votenuke ?


2) is it possible that plugin so set the votenuke only possible if a team really has all the flags ?



There are several vote nuke options. For Insane Limits, here: myrcon.net/.../insane-limits-v09r6-vote-to-nuke-campingbase-raping-team-or-surrender


"If a team really has all the flags"? No, not possible. However, it is possible to make a good guess that a team might have all of the flags. See: myrcon.net/.../advanced-in-game-admin-and-ban-enforcer-adkats

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Originally Posted by ColColonCleaner*:


  PapaCharlie9* said:

There are several vote nuke options. For Insane Limits, here: myrcon.net/.../insane-limits-v09r6-vote-to-nuke-campingbase-raping-team-or-surrender


"If a team really has all the flags"? No, not possible. However, it is possible to make a good guess that a team might have all of the flags. See: myrcon.net/.../advanced-in-game-admin-and-ban-enforcer-adkats

Oh wow, good catch, I never added that to my feature list on the front page...damn. Thanks.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Originally Posted by GRMaDHoUsE*:



is there a way to copy paste code into first_check box? it seems that its not working.

I have tested the copy paste into box in watchdog and it works.. so what am I doing wrong with your plug in?

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Originally Posted by LCARSx64*:


  GRMaDHoUsE* said:


is there a way to copy paste code into first_check box? it seems that its not working.

I have tested the copy paste into box in watchdog and it works.. so what am I doing wrong with your plug in?

If you mean what I think you mean, then simply click the drop-down arrow for the first_check (or second_check) code, click inside the empty drop-down box and press CTRL+V. :ohmy:
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Originally Posted by GRMaDHoUsE*:


LCARS yes it was the ctr+V that was the problem lol

My ctrl button was stuck and didnt notice it until after my post.

I got it and pasted the codes from post showthread....hack-detectors* in the 1st check box I get this error :ERROR CS0103, (with differn llinenumbers with the word:smile: killer does not exist in the current context.

Should I post in that section too?

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Originally Posted by LCARSx64*:


  GRMaDHoUsE* said:

LCARS yes it was the ctr+V that was the problem lol

My ctrl button was stuck and didnt notice it until after my post.

I got it and pasted the codes from post showthread....hack-detectors* in the 1st check box I get this error :ERROR CS0103, (with differn llinenumbers with the word:smile: killer does not exist in the current context.

Should I post in that section too?

I just tried that code and it compiles fine. Make sure the evaluation is set to OnKill and first_check is set to Code, then past the code in. :ohmy:
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Originally Posted by GRMaDHoUsE*:



Thank you so much for your help. I missed the OnKill some how.... jeezzz blonde moments

I was reading the other posts about cheater ceck

I have put 2 codes in. Maybe I shouldnt have?

I used the code in post #1 in the Damage mod and in 2nd limit I used code from post #106..



Since I am totaly out of my leauge here...are they 2 of the same?

or code 1 goes in first_check and code 2 (#106 post) goes in second_limit?

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Originally Posted by LCARSx64*:


  GRMaDHoUsE* said:


Thank you so much for your help. I missed the OnKill some how.... jeezzz blonde moments

I was reading the other posts about cheater ceck

I have put 2 codes in. Maybe I shouldnt have?

I used the code in post #1 in the Damage mod and in 2nd limit I used code from post #106..



Since I am totaly out of my leauge here...are they 2 of the same?

or code 1 goes in first_check and code 2 (#106 post) goes in second_limit?

Haha, easy mistake to make. As for the code, only the first_check is required (post #1), the code at post #106 (and more recent version at post #108) is a replacement for code #1 and looks to be the latest version.
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Originally Posted by chicken*:


We run an insane limits script for racism in our server and to the best of my knowledge it has always worked perfectly fine. But the other day for some reason someone said something with one of the auto ban words in it. It proceeded to kick him from the server but after he was kicked it decided to ban someone completely different. Any ideas why?


plugin logs


[23:59:50] [insane Limits] WARNING: 7MillionJuice used the word: nigga

[23:59:50] [insane Limits] WARNING: 7MillionJuice was banned for using the word: nigga!

[23:59:50] [insane Limits] 7MillionJuice activated Limit #1


Event Logs


Playerlist 01/11/2015 23:59:50 PlayerKickedByAdmin 7MillionJuice was kicked from the server by an admin

Playerlist 01/11/2015 23:59:50 PlayerDisconnected 7MillionJuice disconnected from the server (reason: 7MillionJuice: ban for disallowed word: nigga)

Playerlist 01/11/2015 23:59:50 PlayerLeave 7MillionJuice left the server

Playerlist 01/11/2015 23:59:51 PlayerJoin Electrobuz joined the server

Playerlist 01/11/2015 23:59:53 PlayerDisconnected bulletproof503 disconnected from the server (reason: PunkBuster permanent ban issued on this Game Server for player 'bulletproof503' ... 7MillionJuice: ban for disallowed word: nigga(Permanent) [Admin Decision])


pb logs


[01.11.2015 23:59:50] Lost Connection (slot #4) c04eab8093548bd3b10efbb2aa5dafb1(-) 7MillionJuice

[01.11.2015 23:59:53] Kick/Ban Command Issued (7MillionJuice: ban for disallowed word: nigga(Permanent) ) for (slot#7) e8928ac71710fa3f755dde1f337b50fc bulletproof503

[01.11.2015 23:59:53] Lost Connection (slot #7) e8928ac71710fa3f755dde1f337b50fc(-) bulletproof503

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Originally Posted by ColColonCleaner*:


Looks like an issue with the way punkbuster issues bans, not what IL did. IL had the correct name of the player, as seen in your WARNING log, so the plugin itself banned the correct person, but PB picked a different player.


Has this player contacted you? Or were you just looking at logs and saw this?

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Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*:


  chicken* said:

We run an insane limits script for racism in our server and to the best of my knowledge it has always worked perfectly fine. But the other day for some reason someone said something with one of the auto ban words in it. It proceeded to kick him from the server but after he was kicked it decided to ban someone completely different. Any ideas why?


plugin logs


[23:59:50] [insane Limits] WARNING: 7MillionJuice used the word: nigga

[23:59:50] [insane Limits] WARNING: 7MillionJuice was banned for using the word: nigga!

[23:59:50] [insane Limits] 7MillionJuice activated Limit #1


Event Logs


Playerlist 01/11/2015 23:59:50 PlayerKickedByAdmin 7MillionJuice was kicked from the server by an admin

Playerlist 01/11/2015 23:59:50 PlayerDisconnected 7MillionJuice disconnected from the server (reason: 7MillionJuice: ban for disallowed word: nigga)

Playerlist 01/11/2015 23:59:50 PlayerLeave 7MillionJuice left the server

Playerlist 01/11/2015 23:59:51 PlayerJoin Electrobuz joined the server

Playerlist 01/11/2015 23:59:53 PlayerDisconnected bulletproof503 disconnected from the server (reason: PunkBuster permanent ban issued on this Game Server for player 'bulletproof503' ... 7MillionJuice: ban for disallowed word: nigga(Permanent) [Admin Decision])


pb logs


[01.11.2015 23:59:50] Lost Connection (slot #4) c04eab8093548bd3b10efbb2aa5dafb1(-) 7MillionJuice

[01.11.2015 23:59:53] Kick/Ban Command Issued (7MillionJuice: ban for disallowed word: nigga(Permanent) ) for (slot#7) e8928ac71710fa3f755dde1f337b50fc bulletproof503

[01.11.2015 23:59:53] Lost Connection (slot #7) e8928ac71710fa3f755dde1f337b50fc(-) bulletproof503

Post the limit code. Let's see exactly what it does.
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Originally Posted by chicken*:


  PapaCharlie9* said:

Post the limit code. Let's see exactly what it does.


Evaulation: OnAnyChat

First check: Code




string fancy_time = DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss");

string fancy_date = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");


List racisms = new List();



































string[] chatwords = Regex.Split(player.LastChat, @"\s+");


foreach(string chatword in chatwords)


foreach(string racism in racisms)


if (Regex.Match(chatword, "^"+racism+"[sz]*[!_.]*$", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Success)


plugin.PBBanPlayerWithMessage(PBBanDuration.Perman ent, player.Name, 0, plugin.R(player.Name + ": ban for disallowed word: " + racism));

plugin.PRoConChat("ADMIN > " + player.Name + " was banned for racism!");

plugin.SendGlobalMessage(plugin.R(player.Name + " has been banned for racism!"));

plugin.SendGlobalMessage(plugin.R("We operate a zero tolerance policy on racism"));

plugin.ConsoleWarn(plugin.R("%p_n% used the word: "+racism+""));

plugin.ConsoleWarn(plugin.R("%p_n% was banned for using the word: "+racism+"!"));

plugin.Log("Logs/InsaneLimits_BWD.log", plugin.R("[" + fancy_date + "] [" + fancy_time + "] %p_n% said [" + player.LastChat + "]"));

plugin.Tweet(plugin.R(player.Name + " was banned from the #AFK server for racism! #banned"));

return true;




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Originally Posted by PapaCharlie9*:


  chicken* said:


Evaulation: OnAnyChat

First check: Code




string fancy_time = DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss");

string fancy_date = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");


List racisms = new List();



































string[] chatwords = Regex.Split(player.LastChat, @"\s+");


foreach(string chatword in chatwords)


foreach(string racism in racisms)


if (Regex.Match(chatword, "^"+racism+"[sz]*[!_.]*$", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Success)


plugin.PBBanPlayerWithMessage(PBBanDuration.Perman ent, player.Name, 0, plugin.R(player.Name + ": ban for disallowed word: " + racism));

plugin.PRoConChat("ADMIN > " + player.Name + " was banned for racism!");

plugin.SendGlobalMessage(plugin.R(player.Name + " has been banned for racism!"));

plugin.SendGlobalMessage(plugin.R("We operate a zero tolerance policy on racism"));

plugin.ConsoleWarn(plugin.R("%p_n% used the word: "+racism+""));

plugin.ConsoleWarn(plugin.R("%p_n% was banned for using the word: "+racism+"!"));

plugin.Log("Logs/InsaneLimits_BWD.log", plugin.R("[" + fancy_date + "] [" + fancy_time + "] %p_n% said [" + player.LastChat + "]"));

plugin.Tweet(plugin.R(player.Name + " was banned from the #AFK server for racism! #banned"));

return true;




Yeah, I don't see any reason why the names would get confused. IL doesn't do anything other than pass the name through to the ban command:



this.ServerCommand("punkBuster.pb_sv_command", String.Join(" ", new string[] { "pb_sv_ban", name, pb_message, "|", "BC2!" }));
It does do this after the ban command. I wonder if the bug is triggered by this?



this.ServerCommand("punkBuster.pb_sv_command", String.Join(" ", new string[] { "pb_sv_updbanfile" }));
All that is supposed to do is make sure that your ban is remembered by your server.


If you want to make a change to your limit to see if the pb_sv_updbanfile is the problem, find this line:



plugin.PBBanPlayerWithMessage(PBBanDuration.Perman ent, player.Name, 0, plugin.R(player.Name + ": ban for disallowed word: " + racism));
and change it to this:



plugin.ServerCommand("punkBuster.pb_sv_command", String.Join(" ", new string[] { "pb_sv_ban", player.Name, (player.Name + ": ban for disallowed word: " + racism), "|", "BC2!" }));
if you still have a problem, try this instead:



plugin.ServerCommand("punkBuster.pb_sv_command", String.Join(" ", new string[] { "pb_sv_ban", player.Name, "BC2!", (player.Name + ": ban for disallowed word: " + racism)}));
I don't know if the vertical bar or if having the player name repeated actually have anything to do with the problem, but the final line version of the code avoids both problems.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Originally Posted by DHGreenday*:


Hi guys,


I'm trying to find a way to display the rules on a players first spawn. I currently have information and rules being sent on the first 7 player spawns when they join the server but what I'm looking for is when the player first spawns, message 1 comes up, delay 5 seconds, message 2, delay 5 seconds, message 3 etc etc so the rules scroll through on first spawn only and then they should know the rules quickly if they read them that is..


Another reason why I want to use insane limits for this is because proconrulz no matter what setting, it outputs it to chat so the chat window can get clogged with welcome messages and rules to all players. I'm hoping it will clean it up this way..


This is my current proconrulz rule just to give you an idea for now..



On Spawn

PlayerOnce;PlayerSay Welcome %p% to Dirty Heroes. Teamspeak - password = dirty

PlayerCount 1;PlayerOnce;PlayerSay all weapons are allowed, by playing on this server you agree to players using what weapons they like;PlayerYell 14 Welcome %p%, we are now recruiting battlefield players, please go to www.dirtyheroes.net for details

PlayerCount 2;PlayerOnce;PlayerSay any complaints of certain weapon use may get you kicked from the server

PlayerCount 3;PlayerOnce;PlayerSay putting down your team instead of encouraging them may also get you kicked

PlayerCount 4;PlayerOnce;PlayerSay there are NO GAMEPLAY rules. Type !rules in chat for more information.

PlayerCount 5;PlayerOnce;PlayerSay For full details of all server rules please go to the battlefield series topic on our forum at www.dirtyheroes.net

PlayerCount 6;PlayerOnce;PlayerSay Thank you to everyone who sticks to the rules, it really is appreciated!

If not maybe I can get an equivelent of this rule on insane limits instead.


Thanks a lot.

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Originally Posted by LCARSx64*:


  DHGreenday* said:

Hi guys,


I'm trying to find a way to display the rules on a players first spawn. I currently have information and rules being sent on the first 7 player spawns when they join the server but what I'm looking for is when the player first spawns, message 1 comes up, delay 5 seconds, message 2, delay 5 seconds, message 3 etc etc so the rules scroll through on first spawn only and then they should know the rules quickly if they read them that is..


Another reason why I want to use insane limits for this is because proconrulz no matter what setting, it outputs it to chat so the chat window can get clogged with welcome messages and rules to all players. I'm hoping it will clean it up this way..


This is my current proconrulz rule just to give you an idea for now..




If not maybe I can get an equivelent of this rule on insane limits instead.


Thanks a lot.

This really should be in the Insane Limits Requests thread in the Plugin Enhancements forum.


NOTE: This limit requires the Insane Limits Timed Messaging System v2.0 (ILTMS) Core, ...* for details.


This version displays the yell message at the same time as the initial chat message, also, Admins with full Procon accounts will not receive any of these messages.

The yell message will be displayed 5 seconds after spawn.


Change the value in the code that is highlighted in red to change the timing between messages.

Remove the // in front of the lines highlighted in green to prevent Procon full admins receiving these messages.


Timed Rules On Spawn


Create a new limit to evaluate OnSpawn. Set action to None.


Set first_check to this Code:


// Timed Rules On Spawn - Limit 1 of 1
// v1.1 - OnSpawn - first_check code

int msgDelay = 5;   // Delay between messages in seconds
String pl_SCount = "_TROS_";
String[] msgs1 = { "Welcome ",
                   "Teamspeak -",
                   "Password = dirty",
                   " to Dirty Heroes." };
Queue<Dictionary<String, Object>> _Queue = null;
Dictionary<String, Object> myMsgBlock = null;
List<String> myMsgs = null;
// bool bKill = false;
// bool bKick = false;
// bool bBan = false;
// bool bMove = false;
// bool bLevel = false;

// if (plugin.CheckAccount(player.Name, out bKill, out bKick, out bBan, out bMove, out bLevel))
// {
    // if (bKill && bKick && bBan) return false;
// }

if (plugin.Data.issetObject("_ILTMS_THREAD_") && plugin.Data.issetObject("_ILTMS_QUEUE_") && plugin.Data.issetBool("_ILTMS_FLAG_"))
    if (plugin.Data.getBool("_ILTMS_FLAG_"))
        _Queue = (Queue<Dictionary<String, Object>>) plugin.Data.getObject("_ILTMS_QUEUE_");
if (_Queue == null) return false;

if (player.Data.issetBool(pl_SCount)) return false;

msgs1[0] = msgs1[0] + player.FullName + msgs1[3];
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
    plugin.SendPlayerMessage(player.Name, msgs1[i]);
myMsgs = new List<String>();
myMsgs.Add("All weapons are allowed, By playing on this server");
myMsgs.Add("you agree to players using what weapons they like.");
myMsgBlock = new Dictionary<String, Object>();
myMsgBlock.Add("time", msgDelay);
myMsgBlock.Add("taud", "player " + player.Name);
myMsgBlock.Add("chat", myMsgs);
myMsgBlock.Add("yell", "\nWelcome " + player.FullName + ", we are now recruiting battlefield players,\nplease go to www.dirtyheroes.net for details.");
myMsgBlock.Add("yltm", 8);
if (plugin.Data.getBool("_ILTMS_FLAG_"))
    lock (_Queue)
myMsgs = new List<String>();
myMsgs.Add("Any complaints of certain weapon use may get you");
myMsgs.Add("kicked from the server.");
myMsgBlock = new Dictionary<String, Object>();
myMsgBlock.Add("time", msgDelay * 2);
myMsgBlock.Add("taud", "player " + player.Name);
myMsgBlock.Add("chat", myMsgs);
if (plugin.Data.getBool("_ILTMS_FLAG_"))
    lock (_Queue)
myMsgs = new List<String>();
myMsgs.Add("Putting down your team instead of encouraging");
myMsgs.Add("them may also get you kicked.");
myMsgBlock = new Dictionary<String, Object>();
myMsgBlock.Add("time", msgDelay * 3);
myMsgBlock.Add("taud", "player " + player.Name);
myMsgBlock.Add("chat", myMsgs);
if (plugin.Data.getBool("_ILTMS_FLAG_"))
    lock (_Queue)
myMsgs = new List<String>();
myMsgs.Add("There are NO GAMEPLAY rules.");
myMsgs.Add("Type !rules in chat for more information.");
myMsgBlock = new Dictionary<String, Object>();
myMsgBlock.Add("time", msgDelay * 4);
myMsgBlock.Add("taud", "player " + player.Name);
myMsgBlock.Add("chat", myMsgs);
if (plugin.Data.getBool("_ILTMS_FLAG_"))
    lock (_Queue)
myMsgs = new List<String>();
myMsgs.Add("For full details of all server rules please go to the");
myMsgs.Add("battlefield series topic on our forum at");
myMsgBlock = new Dictionary<String, Object>();
myMsgBlock.Add("time", msgDelay * 5);
myMsgBlock.Add("taud", "player " + player.Name);
myMsgBlock.Add("chat", myMsgs);
if (plugin.Data.getBool("_ILTMS_FLAG_"))
    lock (_Queue)
myMsgs = new List<String>();
myMsgs.Add("Thank you to everyone who sticks to the rules, it");
myMsgs.Add("really is appreciated!");
myMsgBlock = new Dictionary<String, Object>();
myMsgBlock.Add("time", msgDelay * 6);
myMsgBlock.Add("taud", "player " + player.Name);
myMsgBlock.Add("chat", myMsgs);
if (plugin.Data.getBool("_ILTMS_FLAG_"))
    lock (_Queue)

player.Data.setBool(pl_SCount, true);

return false;

End of post.

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Originally Posted by DHGreenday*:


Oh sorry about that I didn't realise! Should I post it in there as well so that its in the right place for others to be able to use?


Thats awesome man I'm really grateful thanks a lot! I didn't think of this I made my yell message appear on second spawn because I added a ranking system and it yells the rank on first spawn so they clashed if I didn't change it. As it is in time is there any way to delay the yell message until after the rank message? or maybe better for it to come up on 2nd spawn then I know the yell will be seen.


Again thanks a lot for your time, I don't have a clue how to code insane limits so your help is appreciated. I'll test it out on its current form.


Edit: is there any way to make it show to full procon admins as well so I can see it in action?

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      Minecraft (Basic) (From $4.00 USD)

      Call of Duty 4X (From $7.00 USD)

      OpenTTD (From $4.00 USD)

      Squad (From $9.00 USD)

      Insurgency: Sandstorm (From $6.40 USD)

      Changes to US-East:

      Starting in January 2022, we will be moving to a different provider that has better support, better infrastructure, and better connectivity. We've noticed that the connection/routes to this location are not ideal and it's been hard getting support to correct this. Our contract for our two servers ends in March/April respectively. If you currently have servers in this location you will be migrated over to the new provider. We'll have more details when the time comes closer to January. The new location for this change will be based out of Atlanta, GA. If you have any questions/concerns please open a ticket and we'll do our best to answer them.
      • 5 replies
    • Hello All,

      I wanted to give an update to how EZRCON is doing. As of today we have 56 active customers using the services offered. I'm glad its doing so well and it hasn't been 1 year yet. To those that have services with EZRCON, I hope the service is doing well and if not please let us know so that we can improve it where possible. We've done quite a few changes behind the scenes to improve the performance hopefully. 

      We'll be launching a new location for hosting procon layers in either Los Angeles, USA or Chicago, IL. Still being decided on where the placement should be but these two locations are not set in stone yet. We would like to get feedback on where we should have a new location for hosting the Procon Layers, which you can do by replying to this topic. A poll will be created where people can vote on which location they would like to see.

      We're also looking for some suggestions on what else you would like to see for hosting provider options. So please let us know your thoughts on this matter.
      • 4 replies
    • Added ability to disable the new API check for player country info

      Updated GeoIP database file

      Removed usage sending stats

      Added EZRCON ad banner

      If you are upgrading then you may need to add these two lines to your existing installation in the file procon.cfg. To enable these options just change False to True.

      procon.private.options.UseGeoIpFileOnly False
      procon.private.options.BlockRssFeedNews False

      • 2 replies
    • I wanted I let you know that I am starting to build out the foundation for the hosting services that I talked about here. The pricing model I was originally going for wasn't going to be suitable for how I want to build it. So instead I decided to offer each service as it's own product instead of a package deal. In the future, hopefully, I will be able to do this and offer discounts to those that choose it.

      Here is how the pricing is laid out for each service as well as information about each. This is as of 7/12/2020.

      Single MySQL database (up to 30 GB) is $10 USD per month.

      If you go over the 30 GB usage for the database then each additional gigabyte is charged at $0.10 USD each billing cycle. If you're under 30GB you don't need to worry about this.

      Databases are replicated across 3 zones (regions) for redundancy. One (1) on the east coast of the USA, One (1) in Frankfurt, and One (1) in Singapore. Depending on the demand, this would grow to more regions.

      Databases will also be backed up daily and retained for 7 days.

      Procon Layer will be $2 USD per month.

      Each layer will only allow one (1) game server connection. The reason behind this is for performance.

      Each layer will also come with all available plugins installed by default. This is to help facilitate faster deployments and get you up and running quickly.

      Each layer will automatically restart if Procon crashes. 

      Each layer will also automatically restart daily at midnight to make sure it stays in tip-top shape.

      Custom plugins can be installed by submitting a support ticket.

      Battlefield Admin Control Panel (BFACP) will be $5 USD per month

      As I am still working on building version 3 of the software, I will be installing the last version I did. Once I complete version 3 it will automatically be upgraded for you.

      All these services will be managed by me so you don't have to worry about the technical side of things to get up and going.

      If you would like to see how much it would cost for the services, I made a calculator that you can use. It can be found here https://ezrcon.com/calculator.html

      • 11 replies
    • I have pushed out a new minor release which updates the geodata pull (flags in the playerlisting). This should be way more accurate now. As always, please let me know if any problems show up.

      • 9 replies
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