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ProconRulz V44j1 - weapon limits and other event-triggered admin actions


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Originally Posted by AJToft*:


  bambam* said:

Yes with ProconRulz (BFBC2), No with BF3... We're just waiting on a BF3 update that will include weapon data at SPAWN time as well as on each kill - BFBC2 did this and as BF3 is almost identical from an admin code standpoint we expect (hope) the spawn data to be available before too long (ask DICE...).


The code is already in ProconRulz for "On Spawn" weapon checks, so you'll be able to add those rules as soon as BF3 makes the data available...



That sounds great, but i have one question about this rule:

"On Spawn;Team Attack;Teamsize 12;Kit Recon 4;Say >>%p%


Will this rule work if there are less then 12 players on the team?

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Originally Posted by bambam*:


@AJToft: taking the trigger & conditions one at a time:


On Spawn: ---- a player has just spawned

Team Attack: ----- the player has spawned on a team that has "attack" in its name somewhere

Teamsize 12: ----- the smallest team currently on the server has 12 or fewer players (either the player's team or the other one)

Kit Recon 4: ----- this player and total >4 players on the spawning player's team have the Recon kit (NOT AVAILABLE ON BF3 R9)

Say ----- do this action if all the above conditions are true.


You need to think about every condition to see if the rule is what you want. I think your answer is "yes" the rule will fire with 12 or less players on the smallest team (but BF3 R9 is not ready yet for this rule anyway)

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Originally Posted by Rothgar*:


Thanks bambam,


While you are contemplating a fix, can I setup Procon to use "Kills" in general though with say a Count statement? i.e. I don't want to spam a message for every single persons kills as that would be terribly spammy.


I would just want on the first round's 3 kills to spam a message on each kill?


Kill1 - Message 1

Kill2 - Message 2

Kill3 - Message 3


However I would prefer also if I am doing this that Procon still parses through my other rules at the same time, so it does not allow (during the first 3 kills) bypasses of weapon limits etc?

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Originally Posted by Rothgar*:


Also I notice Vehicles are often kills like:


[19:47:03] ProconRulz: Kill [u.S Army] [Player] killed [Russian Army] [Player2] with [Death] [Death], Kit [No kit key] [No kit], Damage [No damage key]


Can I use Weapon Death;Damage No Damage Key;



Is that correct?

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Originally Posted by bambam*:


@Rothgar: you can have the weapon limits effective as well as having the x3 kill spam simply by putting the weapon limit rulz BEFORE the kill spam rulz. E.g.


# Weapon limit (RPG's on Operation Metro)

On Kill;Map Subway;Damage ProjectileExplosive;Kill


# Kill Spam x 3

On Kill;ServerCount 3;Log %p% killed %v% with %w% (weapon key %wk%)

On Kill;ServerCount 2;Say Third kill for %p% on %v% with %w% !!

On Kill;ServerCount 1;Say Second kill for %p% on %v% with %w% !!

On Kill;Say First kill for %p% on %v% with %w% !!


@stuckmoto: you're not screwed... without the updated BF3.def you can still run ProconRulz, with the following limitation:

* 'damage' for all weapons is 'None', i.e. you can use 'Weapon' conditions, but not 'Damage'. In practice this means if you want to block RPG's (for example) you will need a rule for each RPG weapon (SMAW, RPG-7, etc). When the BF3.def is updated a single rule based on 'Damage ProjectileExplosive' will be simpler.


I'm fairly confident a Procon update will be very soon, and this will include these BF3.def weapon definitions, so you only have a temporary glitch. Originally I was planning on waiting on the Procon update before releasing BF3 ProconRulz but it seemed more helpful to get the plugin released and provide a temporary BF3.def solution.



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Originally Posted by Rothgar*:


  bambam* said:

@Rothgar: you can have the weapon limits effective as well as having the x3 kill spam simply by putting the weapon limit rulz BEFORE the kill spam rulz. E.g.


# Weapon limit (RPG's on Operation Metro)

On Kill;Map Subway;Damage ProjectileExplosive;Kill


# Kill Spam x 3

On Kill;ServerCount 3;Log %p% killed %v% with %w% (weapon key %wk%)

On Kill;ServerCount 2;Say Third kill for %p% on %v% with %w% !!

On Kill;ServerCount 1;Say Second kill for %p% on %v% with %w% !!

On Kill;Say First kill for %p% on %v% with %w% !!

Thanks I'll try that not sure if the ServerCount is per player or global but yeah will test.


How about my other question above?


I don't yet know if there is a bug I need to do more testing, however some of my rules that have both a "Say" message and "Kill" write the "Say" message but do not kill the player?


However when I use xkill it kills them, bit odd and I'll run some more tests when I can.

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Originally Posted by bambam*:


chavaquis you need to check the actual weapon list dynamically displayed on the ProconRulz 'Details' tab.


* C4 and Claymore ARE weapons, so you can use those in rulz in BF3 R9. E.g. On Kill;Weapon Weapons/Gadgets/C4/C4;Kill


* Mortar (and I don't know what M18 is) is a weapon, but BF3 R9 doesn't have a key for it yet. When BF3 has a key for it, then you'll be able to use it in a rule without an update to ProconRulz. This is similar to, say, the RPG-7, it's just a mortar kill is reported as weapon 'Death' along with chopper kills, tank kills, and a variety of other kills that don't have a key assigned yet.


* It's well understood BF3 (like BFBC2) has Specializations (e.g. sprint) and Accessories to weapons (e.g. tactical light), that are (as you comment) not actually weapons, and it's reasonable to want to test these in rulz, most usually when a player SPAWNS. All the code is already in ProconRulz to do that, it works in BFBC2, but BF3 R9 is not yet providing the required data.

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Originally Posted by bambam*:


Rothgar ServerCount is the total count of all players triggering that particular rule, since round start - I thought that's what you wanted (a global message for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd kills). If you want the counts per-player, use PlayerCount, but note that 'Say' will still go to all players so that's a shed-load of messages.


*edit* I could have suggested using the %sc% variable in a single rule:

On Kill;Not ServerCount 3;Say Kill Number %sc% for player %p%!!!



I don't yet know if there is a bug I need to do more testing, however some of my rules that have both a "Say" message and "Kill" write the "Say" message but do not kill the player?


However when I use xkill it kills them, bit odd and I'll run some more tests when I can.

eh? that's a new one on me... to be sure we'd need a log trace from the console including events, as well as the chat log for the same period. Maybe add a 'Log' action to your existing rule with %p% %w% %pt% in it if they're not in the 'Say' message.


Note that ProconRulz will 'Protect' any player with Procon admin rights from kills/kicks/bans, i.e. the rule will fire but the player won't be killed. The chat log would contain something like:

[14:58:42] ProconRulz: Player bambam_ofc protected from Kill by ProconRulz


With the default rulz, any player can test their 'protected' status by saying 'protected'.

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Originally Posted by Rothgar*:


Ok thanks for the clarification.


Yeah as I said I'll need to do some testing on the kill anomilies.


Can you for the next release add an option for stopping protection on admins? I had set the protection to "no" for reserved slots I thought that was to disable the protection for admins.


I still don't think this explains the anomilies because as I said xkill worked?


Also did you catch this message?





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Originally Posted by bambam*:



Can you for the next release add an option for stopping protection on admins? I had set the protection to "no" for reserved slots I thought that was to disable the protection for admins.

fairly trivial for me to implement if it's needed although it means another option on the Plugin settings. ProconRulz currently *always* protects players with admin accounts on the Procon server, and additionally protects players on the 'reserved slots' list if that option is selected. It saves having to have yet another additional list of playernames that needs maintaining although as you've seen ProconRulz has an additional whitelist if you want to protect players that are not admins and don't have reserved slots. You're right xkill would use the same protections, so that eliminates something. I wasn't certain you were xkilling the same player.
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Originally Posted by cestcomi*:


Hi bambam,


I want a NO RPG/SMAW/M320 rule where you received a message [NO RPG !!! Next time = Temporary Ban for 24h00 !] after one kill.

And you were banned after a second kill.


Is the following rule correct ?



On Kill;Weapon RPG-7;say NO RPG !!! Next time = Temporary Ban for 24h00 !;PlayerCount 1;Kill 100

On Kill;Weapon SMAW;say NO SMAW !!! Next time = Temporary Ban for 24h00 !;PlayerCount 1;Kill 100

On Kill;Weapon M320;say NO M320 !!! Next time = Temporary Ban for 24h00 !;PlayerCount 1;Kill 100

On Kill;Weapon RPG-7;Say %p% was banned 24h for killing %v% with RPG-7;PlayerCount 2;TempBan 86400 Noobtube user

On Kill;Weapon SMAW;Say %p% was banned 24h for killing %v% with SMAW;PlayerCount 2;TempBan 86400 Noobtube user

On Kill;Weapon M320;Say %p% was banned 24h for killing %v% with M320;PlayerCount 2;TempBan 86400 Noobtube user




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Originally Posted by AJToft*:




Does this rule kick for M320 too?


On Kill;Damage ProjectileExplosive;Count 2;Kick %p% was kicked for using RPG!

On Kill;Damage ProjectileExplosive;Count 1;Kill 100


Because players are getting kicked for using M320, but M320 are allowed om my server.

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Originally Posted by bambam*:



I want a NO RPG/SMAW/M320 rule where you received a message [NO RPG !!! Next time = Temporary Ban for 24h00 !] after one kill.

And you were banned after a second kill.


Is the following rule correct ?

Adjusted rulz below. TempBan on THIRD kill. Note that ONE rocket can kill MULTIPLE people, so your approach could result in an immediate ban for someone. If this is a problem for you, increase the PlayerCount. You could use the "Damage ProjectileExplosive" condition instead of individual weapons, then the below would only be two rulz. In BFBC2 these rulz would apply on rocket kills even when a person is killed inside a VEHICLE, so if that's not what you want then check that on BF3. Let us know. These rulz would still work on an infantry-only server, or the Metro map.



On Kill;Weapon RPG-7;PlayerCount 2;Say %p% was banned 24h for killing %v% with RPG-7;TempBan 86400 Noobtube user

On Kill;Weapon SMAW;PlayerCount 2;Say %p% was banned 24h for killing %v% with SMAW;TempBan 86400 Noobtube user

On Kill;Weapon M320;PlayerCount 2;Say %p% was banned 24h for killing %v% with M320;TempBan 86400 Noobtube user

On Kill;Weapon RPG-7;say NO RPG %p%!!! Next time = Temporary Ban for 24h00 !;Kill 100

On Kill;Weapon SMAW;say NO SMAW %p%!!! Next time = Temporary Ban for 24h00 !;Kill 100

On Kill;Weapon M320;say NO M320 %p%!!! Next time = Temporary Ban for 24h00 !;Kill 100



AJToft - you need to look at the ProconRulz 'Details' tab, find the weapon list, and see what damage the M320 does. Then you'll know your answer.

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Originally Posted by cestcomi*:


Thx bambam !


I'll follow your advice and try the following rule tonight:


On Kill;Damage ProjectileExplosive;PlayerCount 3;Say %p% was banned 24h for killing %v% with RPG/SMAW/M320;TempBan 86400 Noobtube user

On Kill;Damage ProjectileExplosive;PlayerCount 1;Say NO RPG/SMAW/M320 %p%!!!;Say Next time = Temporary Ban for 24h00 !;Kill 100



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Originally Posted by Rothgar*:


  bambam* said:

fairly trivial for me to implement if it's needed although it means another option on the Plugin settings. ProconRulz currently *always* protects players with admin accounts on the Procon server, and additionally protects players on the 'reserved slots' list if that option is selected. It saves having to have yet another additional list of playernames that needs maintaining although as you've seen ProconRulz has an additional whitelist if you want to protect players that are not admins and don't have reserved slots. You're right xkill would use the same protections, so that eliminates something. I wasn't certain you were xkilling the same player.

Well instead why not make the "Protected Players" a drop-down with "Admins Only", "Admins & Reserved Players" or "None"?
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Originally Posted by bambam*:


yeah -that's what I programmed. So amongst other stuff, that's how it'll be in the next release. There isn't going to be a new release of ProconRulz every five minutes - I'm looking at the TargetAction stuff and really want to prep for the next material release of BF3.


thanks - Bambam

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Originally Posted by *prof*:


I'm trying to kick for 1st mortar kill, then temp ban for 1 hour on the 2nd kill, then perma ban on the 3rd mortar kill on all maps. I think I figured out where to put the two files, but where would I put this code into the file in order to get this to work on all maps? Thanks.

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Originally Posted by terrorFX*:


  *prof* said:

I'm trying to kick for 1st mortar kill, then temp ban for 1 hour on the 2nd kill, then perma ban on the 3rd mortar kill on all maps. I think I figured out where to put the two files, but where would I put this code into the file in order to get this to work on all maps? Thanks.

I don't see mortar as a weapon on this plugin. How about adding mortar support to R10, also can

we get rid of the IRNV scopes, Dice?


Please BAMBAM, let us know your thoughts on Mortars, I read post # 70 it doesn't look like it's going to happen till the next



Would it be worth trying to find a code that may work... like for example:


E.g. On Kill;Weapon Weapons/Gadgets/C4/C4;Kill


But pointing it to the mortar instead of the C4?




Would this work for mortar? Can it be this simple?

: On Kill;Weapon MORTAR;say NO MORTAR !!! Next time = Temporary Ban for 24h00 !;PlayerCount 1;Kill 100


Please let me know bambam,


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Originally Posted by bambam*:


When DICE gives us a weapon code for Mortar, those rulz will work just the same as everything else. Just use this standard format for weapon/damage bans, but use the mortar key when it comes out... (not MORTAR...)


# weapon kills with MORTAR are suicidal

# 4+ mortar kills result in player kick

# 6+ mortar kills result in player temp ban


On Kill;Weapon MORTAR;PlayerCount 5;TempBan 88000 %p% Mortar ban

On Kill;Weapon MORTAR;PlayerCount 3;Kick %p% Kicked for Mortar

On Kill;Weapon MORTAR;say %p% NO MORTAR !!!;Kill 100


so *prof, it's the same answer for you - DICE currently reports a mortar kill as weapon 'Death', the same as a whole load of other kill types (e.g. from any vehicle). So you can't put a rule on it. There isn't a secret key you have to guess. The key is 'Death' currently but that's useless.

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Originally Posted by RadicalMode*:


  bambam* said:

RadicalMode - nope - if your rule is valid there has never in the history of ProconRulz been a reported situation where the event occurred on the server but the ProconRulz rule didn't trigger... For a statement like yours you really have to have event logging on in the Procon Console (check the little box 'Event' in bottom right of the Console tab) AND use Procon Tools/Options -> enable console logging AND have a catch-all "On Kill;Log %p% killed %v% with %w% damage %d%" AND compare the kill events in the Console log with the triggering of the ProconRulz rules. Basically something is wrong with your conditions so the rule you thought was going to fire, didn't, but without the rule no-one including me will be able to help. So long as you have the catch-all rule at the end, then *that* one will trigger so you can see where your rule went wrong.

Here is the log as evidence...



[13:32:53] mikelaw1982 [M67 Grenade] 506viper

[13:32:54] Supro_Oo? [F2000 Assault] andrepsicologo

[13:32:54] spawn5022 [Type88 Maschine Gun] LoopyDirtySleepy

[13:32:58] KOR9873026651 [M320 Grenade luncher] NeuroDissonance

[13:32:59] mikelaw1982 [M67 Grenade] 1RONM4M_BR

[13:33:01] blakistoni [barrett M98B Sniper Rifle] Kosiaco [Headshot]

[13:33:01] AlexOT9 [M60 LMG] Deathflavor

[13:33:02] KOR9873026651 > 18

[13:33:03] hoi3dd [Type88 Maschine Gun] AlexOT9

[13:33:03] Supro_Oo? [F2000 Assault] Becker_RS


This guy used a M320 and the rule was not triggered:

[13:32:58] KOR9873026651 [M320 Grenade luncher] NeuroDissonance



After 3 minutes the same guy tried to use the M320 again and this time he got banned:


[13:33:49] RetroHotpotato [M67 Grenade] 506viper

[13:33:51] KOR9873026651 [M320 Grenade luncher] bestia_leo

[13:36:00] KOR9873026651 was automatically banned 2hr for killing bestia_leo with M320

[13:36:00] ProconRulz: Player 7200 temp banned for KOR9873026651 seconds

[13:33:52] KOR9873026651 has left the server..

[13:33:53] MK37 [M67 Grenade] Supro_Oo?



I just noticed that because some players are complaining about that in the chat sometimes.

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Originally Posted by bambam*:


RadicalMode - there's not enough in your post to know what's going on. We'd need


1) the event log from the console. This contains ALL the events being received from BF3, not just secondary messages written into the chat log


2) can you list ALL your rulz?


I'm guessing some other rule fired before your M320 rule, but we'll see.


The "M16A4 Assault Rifle" message in the Procon chat window is a direct reporting of the event from BF3 (you checked the 'display kills' checkbox). If you look in the console log (with events enabled) you'd find the actual data sent by BF3. It's very unlikely Procon has mis-reported the kill weapon, so it's most likely BF3 thinks you were killed with the M16A4 and sent that event over the rcon interface to Procon and the plugins. My guess is that guy or another guy did shoot you with the M16A4, even though you had a nade going off in your face at the same time.


nariquo - BF3 is only reporting correct keys for *some* of the weapons - see the ProconRulz 'Details' info. Mortars and recon limits are not available. If you want you can block kills with sniper rifles but you'll need to read the documentation and this thread.

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      Here is how the pricing is laid out for each service as well as information about each. This is as of 7/12/2020.

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      Procon Layer will be $2 USD per month.

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      Each layer will automatically restart if Procon crashes. 

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      Custom plugins can be installed by submitting a support ticket.

      Battlefield Admin Control Panel (BFACP) will be $5 USD per month

      As I am still working on building version 3 of the software, I will be installing the last version I did. Once I complete version 3 it will automatically be upgraded for you.

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