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ProconRulz V44j1 - weapon limits and other event-triggered admin actions


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Originally Posted by Clay52*:


yes... after a kill with weapon 'Death', the killer will be killed. The mortar and ALL the vehicles are recorded as weapon 'Death'.



wait for an update from DICE. Failing that all you can do is ban the shotgun weapons (Damage Shotgun)



ProconRulz bans by EA GUID - that not ok?

Yes as I've found out if your ban list is too big, that can cause servers to crash and of course PB GUID bans are contained in the pbbans.dat whereas EA GUID bans are in the banlist.txt.


Regarding the USAS12 specifically, what would be a rule for that?


For the mortar, I use this:


On Kill;Weapon Death;Count 2; TempBan 3600 %p% No Mortars Allowed!!!

On Kill;Weapon Death;Kick

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Originally Posted by bambam*:


clay you could make the first 2 mortar kills suicidal, to give the player the message, rather than kicking on the first kill. The template I give in the 1st post of this thread should be clear. See if you can come up with some rulz for the USAS12 yourself, using the template on the 1st post in this thread, check them with 'Log' actions, and if they seem ok, use kill/kick/ban actions. All you have to do is look up the weapon key for the usas12.

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Originally Posted by LeYuno*:


bambam is it possible that the last def file is not included in the zip you attached?

thanks for this plugin though, wonderful work.


there's a problem with my script though; when I start the plugin it workes once (the text appears in the chat once) but then with later knife kills there's no mention of anything in the chat.


this is what i have in my code:


On Kill;Weapon Weapons/Knife/Knife;say %p% made %v% his bitch!

On Kill;Log Kill %pt% %p% killed %vt% %v% with %wk% %w%, Kit %kk% %k%, Damage %d%


settings of the plugin; EA 'yes' ; trace 'no'; message enable 'no'; limit player say 'no';

thanks for your help

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Originally Posted by bambam*:


LeYuno the BF3.def isn't included in the ProconRulz zip any more because the Procon update to now includes the latest version including my changes.


Enable "Display Kills/Deaths" in the procon chat window and enable chat logging in Procon (Tools->Options) and check the log file to be sure.


What rulz do you have above the two in your post?

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Originally Posted by Clay52*:


clay you could make the first 2 mortar kills suicidal, to give the player the message, rather than kicking on the first kill. The template I give in the 1st post of this thread should be clear. See if you can come up with some rulz for the USAS12 yourself, using the template on the 1st post in this thread, check them with 'Log' actions, and if they seem ok, use kill/kick/ban actions. All you have to do is look up the weapon key for the usas12.

Yeah I put one together after I posted and kept it to run by the guys, here's what I have:


On Kill;Weapon USAS-12;Count 7;Kick %p% Ignoring USAS-12 kill limit

On Kill;Weapon USAS-12;Count 5;Say %p% USAS-12 kill limit;Kill 100

On Kill;Weapon USAS-12;Count 3;Say %p% USAS-12 kill limit warning #%c%


any real difference between kill & kill 100 other than quickness of the suicide?

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Originally Posted by LeYuno*:


LeYuno the BF3.def isn't included in the ProconRulz zip any more because the Procon update to now includes the latest version including my changes.


Enable "Display Kills/Deaths" in the procon chat window and enable chat logging in Procon (Tools->Options) and check the log file to be sure.


What rulz do you have above the two in your post?

there's nothing above the code i posted; those are the only two lines i have.


I fixed it though, apparently the knife is only used by the game for frontal sway attacks; if you wish to add a message for the animated knife kills you need to use "melee" as weapon. This is the code I have now:


On Kill;Weapon Weapons/Knife/Knife;say %p% made %v% his bitch!
On Kill;Weapon Melee;say %p% made %v% his bitch!
On Kill;Log Kill %pt% %p% killed %vt% %v% with %wk% %w%, Kit %kk% %k%, Damage %d%
works like it should :smile: thanks for the work on this plugin i love it.

I'll be creating some more stuff later on with this.

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Originally Posted by bambam*:


good stuff LeYuno - you're the first one to work out that BF3 is sending 'Melee' for some knife kills. I guess you could also use 'Damage Melee'...


Clay the USAS-12 rulz look fine... The number after the 'Kill' action is the number of milliseconds to delay killing the player. Default is 5000 (i.e, 5 seconds) good for an On Spawn .... Kill rule, but On Kill....Kill rulz just seem to get the message across better with a shorter delay, so I suggest 100 (i.e. a tenth of a second) so the suicide is almost immediate.


FARSTAN currently with BF3 you can limit the number of KILLS made with an Igla, but not the number of players that are carrying one. You can give each player an allowed number of Igla kills, or you can limit the TEAM to a fixed total number of kills. I.e. for max 2 killer per player:


On Kill;Map Caspian;Weapon Weapons/Sa18IGLA/Sa18IGLA;PlayerCount 2;Say %p% no more Igla kills;Kill 100

On Kill;Map Caspian;Weapon FIM92;PlayerCount 2;Say %p% no more Javelin kills;Kill 100


OR if you want a total combined team limit of, say, 5 kills, then use "TeamCount 5" instead of PlayerCount 2.


On Kill;Map Caspian;Weapon Weapons/Sa18IGLA/Sa18IGLA;TeamCount 5;Say %pt% no more Igla kills;Kill 100

On Kill;Map Caspian;Weapon FIM92;TeamCount 5;Say %pt% no more Javelin kills;Kill 100


I guessed you'd want to limit the Stinger AA rocket as well (weapon code FIM92 - see plugin details). If not then just don't use that rule...

These count limits are PER ROUND. The rulz above are designed to ONLY apply when the current map is Caspian Border. If you want the rulz to apply on all maps then don't use the "Map Caspian" condition...

After the limit is reached, any kill with that weapon will automatically issue the 'playerKill' rcon admin command on the player that fired the weapon - to the player this just seems like using the weapon is suicidal.

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Originally Posted by vieirinha*:


can anyone actually upload a completed config, so that the ones that dont know how to edit the config can download, as ive asked and other people have asked for help and get no response from anyone

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Originally Posted by godspeed3k*:


can anyone actually upload a completed config, so that the ones that dont know how to edit the config can download, as ive asked and other people have asked for help and get no response from anyone

There is no file to upload. It is part of the plugin, where you edit it to meet your requirements. As for uploading a complete Config, there is one,which is loaded automatically when you install the plugin. It logs a whole lot of information. If you wish the plugin to do something specific, you need to know what that specific thing is and make a rule for it. I am guessing this is were your problem lays. There are probably hundreds of different examples of rules in this thread alone (Which were provided by people helping, after a person asked for help.)


yeah gotta agree, this thing is hard to setup, anyone out there can help us please

hi is it possible someone could upload there pbcon rules for this plugin as im finding it hard to work out

If you actually need some help, why don't you ask for specific help? You have asked for help 3 times in this thread. Each time you have not stated what you need help with. If its just rules, ready the thread, you will see many rules. If you don't know how to add rules, it too is answered in this thread. While every possible question that could be asked probably has not been answered, I cannot answer a question that has not been asked.


It might be true that some questions have gone unanswered, but coming here and stating that people get no response is not likely going to get you the help you desire (note this post). Coming here, and at least being specific about what you are trying to do, and maybe TRYING to create a rule or two to do what you want will generally result in people jumping over backwards to help you out. I would have been happy to help you out with the time I wasted on this post, had I known what you actually wanted to do.


Edit: Sorry if it seems too flamey, been a long day.

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Originally Posted by ty_ger07*:


Edit: Sorry if it seems too flamey, been a long day.

Looks about perfect to me!


Thanks a lot for the plugin by the way!


Could you provide a link to "EA's Rules of Conduct" mentioned in the plugin? (just so I can see what I am actually accepting and supposed to be abiding by) Just putting a link here is perfect for me. But you may want to consider mentioning it in the plugin details.

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Originally Posted by Disturbed11B*:





My happy server rules are not kicking people after a PlayerCount of 3...... maybe you can check the code and tell me what im doing wrong...



On Kill;Map Subway;Weapon USAS-12;Say %p% USAS-12 Is NOT Allowed;Kill 100

On Kill;Weapon USAS-12;PlayerCount 3;Log %p% kicked for USAS-12;Kick %p% was kicked for USAS-12

On Kill;Map Subway;Weapon Siaga20k;Say %p% Siaga20k Is NOT Allowed;Kill 100

On Kill;Weapon Siaga20k;PlayerCount 3;Log %p% kicked for Siaga20k;Kick %p% was kicked for Siaga20k

On Kill;Map Subway;Weapon DAO-12;Say %p% DAO-12 Is NOT Allowed;Kill 100

On Kill;Weapon DAO-12;PlayerCount 3;Log %p% kicked for DAO-12;Kick %p% was kicked for DAO-12

On Kill;Weapon Death;Say %p% Mortars/MAV Killing is NOT Allowed; Kill 100

On Kill;Weapon Death;PlayerCount 3;Log %p% kicked for Mortar/MAV;Kick %p% was kicked for Mortars/MAV Killing

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Originally Posted by bambam*:


Distrub11d rulz are fine except for one simple issue: your PlayerCount rule needs to be before the same rule with no PlayerCount. ProconRulz checks the rulz from the top down UNTIL it finds one that all the conditions succeed, and then it does those actions. A rule

On Kill;Weapon X;Kill

will ALWAYS succeed if a rule

On Kill;Weapon X;PlayerCount 3;Kill

was going to succeed, so the second rule can never be reached and succeed. You see? The only time your "PlayerCount 3" rule would succeed would be if the one before it had failed and ProconRulz has stepped on down to the second rule. Put differently, having a "PlayerCount 3" rule lower down the list doesn't mean ProconRulz will ignore the rule without the count. If you put the rules the other way around there's no problem. So you need to shuffle the rulz:

On Kill;Weapon USAS-12;PlayerCount 3;Log %p% kicked for USAS-12;Kick %p% was kicked for USAS-12

On Kill;Map Subway;Weapon USAS-12;Say %p% USAS-12 Is NOT Allowed;Kill 100


On Kill;Weapon Siaga20k;PlayerCount 3;Log %p% kicked for Siaga20k;Kick %p% was kicked for Siaga20k

On Kill;Map Subway;Weapon Siaga20k;Say %p% Siaga20k Is NOT Allowed;Kill 100


On Kill;Weapon DAO-12;PlayerCount 3;Log %p% kicked for DAO-12;Kick %p% was kicked for DAO-12

On Kill;Map Subway;Weapon DAO-12;Say %p% DAO-12 Is NOT Allowed;Kill 100


On Kill;Weapon Death;PlayerCount 3;Log %p% kicked for Mortar/MAV;Kick %p% was kicked for Mortars/MAV Killing

On Kill;Weapon Death;Say %p% Mortars/MAV Killing is NOT Allowed; Kill 100


On Kill;Log [%pt%] [%k%] [%p%] killed [%vt%] [%v%] with weapon [%w%]


As a reminder, a "Weapon Death" rule will catch mortar, MAV AND all vehicle kills (as of BF3 R9), so it's a useful hack for a mortar block on an infantry-only server but can't block mortars if you want to KEEP vehicles... ProconRulz will give a warning about the weapon not being in defined in Procon but you can ignore that.


@ty_ger www.phogue.net/forumvb/showth...Restrictions..* - EA rightly want to protect the perceived enjoyment and hence popularity of their games, with the main problem being hackers, and they see acceptance of some new gameplay models without their core franchise being damaged. Also they suspect their BF franchise would NOT be as popular if the admin tools sucked (and they don't provide any). So they positively support us admin developers including pre-release access to the platform. But, their documented terms-and-conditions are understandably written wholly in their favor (they wrote them) which basically say breathing in the direction of a hosted server, or drinking beer whilst playing the game, are not permitted. In practice it's intended to give them protection IF they decide something is out of whack and they want to take pre-emptive action, like re-setting EOD-BOT stats-padders' scores back to zero. They have NEVER (to my knowledge) taken action against any admin for running tools such as Procon, regardless of the plugin configuration. Nevertheless there's always forum guys who'll think it's a drama, and to appease them there's a 'EA conditions read' checkbox in the ProconRulz plugin.

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Originally Posted by ty_ger07*:


Thanks for the information. I was wondering if order mattered.



As a reminder, a "Weapon Death" rule will catch mortar, MAV AND all vehicle kills (as of BF3 R9), so it's a useful hack for a mortar block on an infantry-only server but can't block mortars if you want to KEEP vehicles... ProconRulz will give a warning about the weapon not being in defined in Procon but you can ignore that.

Good thing he is doing it in a server with no vehicles. :ohmy:


I think I will do the same for my squad rush server.


I tried it and I get this warning:

"ProconRulz: Warning, weapon Death not found in Procon"


Does it still work even with the warning?

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Originally Posted by Juzumi*:


Good Morning Every1


I have a question. I need a rule to forbit RPG-7 and SMAW on my server.

I made those rules:


On Kill;Weapon RPG-7;PlayerCount 1;Kick

On Kill;Weapon RPG-7;Say %p%, %w% Not Permitted;Kill 100

On Kill;Weapon SMAW;PlayerCount 1;Kick

On Kill;Weapon SMAW;Say %p%, %w% Not Permitted;Kill 100


If i active the plugin now, procon says:

Warning, weapon RPG-7 not found in Procon

Warning, weapon SMAW not found in Procon


What i have to do? I really need this rules :mad:


Greetz Juzumi

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Originally Posted by bambam*:


Juzumi - simple - install the latest version of Procon ( and you'll get an updated Configs/BF3.def that includes the required weapon definitions. 'Weapon...' rulz WILL still work without the BF3.def, it's just a warning. BUT you won't be able to use 'Damage...' rulz. I suggest you set the PlayerCount HIGHER than 1 (e.g. use 4): a single rocket could kill multiple people and your rule will kick immediately. The second rule does make RPG kills suicidal... that's usually pretty effective at stopping the use!


Distrub11d I just noticed you have Map Subway condition only on half your rulz which doesn't make sense - either put it on both or neither unless you really want to kick without warning on the 4th kill on a non-Metro map...

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Originally Posted by Juzumi*:


Hi bambam!


Thanks for ur fast answer!

How have i to make it? First i wanna kill a player if he use RPG-7 or SMAW and if he use it again i will kick him.

How do i need to make this rules?


Greez Juzu

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Originally Posted by bambam*:


Juzu your rulz are fine... if you want me to tweak them for you I can... just kill a player for the first 4 kills he makes with an RPG, and kick him after that (I added a message to the kick, and a log message):

# rocket rulz

On Kill;Weapon RPG-7;PlayerCount 4;Log %p% kicked on #%c% RPG-7 kill;Kick %p% kicked for rockets

On Kill;Weapon RPG-7;Say %p%, %w% Not Permitted;Kill 100

On Kill;Weapon SMAW;PlayerCount 4;Log %p% kicked on #%c% SMAW kill;Kick %p% kicked for rockets

On Kill;Weapon SMAW;Say %p%, %w% Not Permitted;Kill 100

Your rulz would work fine - I just tweaked the 'kick' threshold. I recommend you keep the default On Kill;Log... rule that installs with ProconRulz as the *last* rule - that will put a log entry in the Procon chat log when none of your other rulz fire and it's useful to spot errors in your rulz (or where BF3 doesn't do what you thought).

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Originally Posted by TaugeNixNix*:


i have 2 questions.


first thing is that i want to change one of our servers to pistol and knife only.

whats the right rule for this? do i have to restrict all weapons on a kill or is there a simple solution?


second thing is a rpg/smaw anti-spam rule.

i want to allow 4 killstreak with rpg/smaw but after 5 kills i want a message "NO ROCKET SPAM" and kill the player on the 6th kill kick player.

but the question is: does proconrulz counts every single kill or starts counting new when i kill after 4 rpg/smaw kills a player with another weapon?



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Originally Posted by Neliscornelis*:


Hi Bambam,


It would be nice if you can just enable or disable a rule.. Now you have to delete the whole line from the array.. Some sort of checkbox would be cool :biggrin:


Or just different arrays to read, so you can disable an array with for example only rockets etc..

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Originally Posted by Chap*:


can someone help me PLEASE.I'll go crazy.

I've been trying for 6 hours only to write the "knife only" but I'm too stupid for it =(


please help me please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please=(

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Originally Posted by bambam*:


@ taugenixnix - pls read 1st post of this thread and see pistols/snipers example. Knives are simplest with "Damage Melee"

pls read the post 1 above yours for rocket rulz. Counts are only reset at round end.


@neliscornelis - disable a rule by putting # as the first char. then it is treated as a comment.




On Kill;Not Damage Melee;Kill 100

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Originally Posted by vieirinha*:


There is no file to upload. It is part of the plugin, where you edit it to meet your requirements. As for uploading a complete Config, there is one,which is loaded automatically when you install the plugin. It logs a whole lot of information. If you wish the plugin to do something specific, you need to know what that specific thing is and make a rule for it. I am guessing this is were your problem lays. There are probably hundreds of different examples of rules in this thread alone (Which were provided by people helping, after a person asked for help.)





If you actually need some help, why don't you ask for specific help? You have asked for help 3 times in this thread. Each time you have not stated what you need help with. If its just rules, ready the thread, you will see many rules. If you don't know how to add rules, it too is answered in this thread. While every possible question that could be asked probably has not been answered, I cannot answer a question that has not been asked.


It might be true that some questions have gone unanswered, but coming here and stating that people get no response is not likely going to get you the help you desire (note this post). Coming here, and at least being specific about what you are trying to do, and maybe TRYING to create a rule or two to do what you want will generally result in people jumping over backwards to help you out. I would have been happy to help you out with the time I wasted on this post, had I known what you actually wanted to do.


Edit: Sorry if it seems too flamey, been a long day.

no prob mate, im looking to ban certain weapons, smaw, M224 mORTAR, USAS-12, RPG-7, DAO-12, just when ppl pick the weapon and use it it kills them and on the second time of using it it kicks them
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Originally Posted by dntmn*:


This might be of help to you, vierinha. We use this on our server, unfortunately you can't restrict the Mortar specifically yet.


On Kill;Weapon USAS-12;Count 2;Kick USAS-12(Frag) is not allowed.

On Kill; Weapon USAS-12;Count 1; Kill;PlayerSay USAS-12(Frag) is not allowed. (2 for Kick.)

On Kill;Weapon USAS-12;Kill 100;PlayerSay USAS-12(Frag) is not allowed.


On Kill;Weapon M320;Count 2;Kick M320 is not allowed.

On Kill;Weapon M320; Count 1; Kill; PlayerSay M320 is not allowed. (2 for Kick.)

On Kill;Weapon M320;Kill 100;PlayerSay M320 is not allowed.


On Kill;Map Metro;Damage ProjectileExplosive;Count 4;Kick RPG vs Infantry is not allowed.

On Kill;Map Metro;Damage ProjectileExplosive;Count 3;Kill 100;PlayerSay RPG vs Infantry is not allowed. (4 Kills for Kick.)

On Kill;Map Metro;Damage ProjectileExplosive;PlayerSay RPG vs Infantry is not allowed! (3 Kills for Death, 4 Kills for Kick.)


On Kill;Map Bazaar;Damage ProjectileExplosive;Count 5;Kick RPG vs Infantry is not allowed.

On Kill;Map Bazaar;Damage ProjectileExplosive;Count 3;Kill 100;PlayerSay RPG vs Infantry is not allowed. (5 Kills for Kick.)

On Kill;Map Bazaar;Damage ProjectileExplosive;PlayerSay RPG vs Infantry is not allowed! (3 Kills for Death, 5 Kills for Kick.)


On Kill;Map Seine;Damage ProjectileExplosive;Count 6;Kick RPG vs Infantry is not allowed.

On Kill;Map Seine;Damage ProjectileExplosive;Count 4;Kill 100;PlayerSay RPG vs Infantry is not allowed. (7 Kills for Kick.)

On Kill;Map Seine;Damage ProjectileExplosive;PlayerSay RPG vs Infantry is not allowed. (4 Kills for Death, 7 Kills for Kick.)

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Originally Posted by vieirinha*:


This might be of help to you, vierinha. We use this on our server, unfortunately you can't restrict the Mortar specifically yet.


On Kill;Weapon USAS-12;Count 2;Kick USAS-12(Frag) is not allowed.

On Kill; Weapon USAS-12;Count 1; Kill;PlayerSay USAS-12(Frag) is not allowed. (2 for Kick.)

On Kill;Weapon USAS-12;Kill 100;PlayerSay USAS-12(Frag) is not allowed.


On Kill;Weapon M320;Count 2;Kick M320 is not allowed.

On Kill;Weapon M320; Count 1; Kill; PlayerSay M320 is not allowed. (2 for Kick.)

On Kill;Weapon M320;Kill 100;PlayerSay M320 is not allowed.


On Kill;Map Metro;Damage ProjectileExplosive;Count 4;Kick RPG vs Infantry is not allowed.

On Kill;Map Metro;Damage ProjectileExplosive;Count 3;Kill 100;PlayerSay RPG vs Infantry is not allowed. (4 Kills for Kick.)

On Kill;Map Metro;Damage ProjectileExplosive;PlayerSay RPG vs Infantry is not allowed! (3 Kills for Death, 4 Kills for Kick.)


On Kill;Map Bazaar;Damage ProjectileExplosive;Count 5;Kick RPG vs Infantry is not allowed.

On Kill;Map Bazaar;Damage ProjectileExplosive;Count 3;Kill 100;PlayerSay RPG vs Infantry is not allowed. (5 Kills for Kick.)

On Kill;Map Bazaar;Damage ProjectileExplosive;PlayerSay RPG vs Infantry is not allowed! (3 Kills for Death, 5 Kills for Kick.)


On Kill;Map Seine;Damage ProjectileExplosive;Count 6;Kick RPG vs Infantry is not allowed.

On Kill;Map Seine;Damage ProjectileExplosive;Count 4;Kill 100;PlayerSay RPG vs Infantry is not allowed. (7 Kills for Kick.)

On Kill;Map Seine;Damage ProjectileExplosive;PlayerSay RPG vs Infantry is not allowed. (4 Kills for Death, 7 Kills for Kick.)

thanks mate much appricated
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Originally Posted by ty_ger07*:


I asked once and didn't get an answer. I will ask again.


This are some rules I have in a squad rush server (no vehicle so 'Death' isn't as much of an issue).


# Mortar Kill Rules

On Kill;Weapon Death;PlayerCount 3;Say %p% was killed for too many mortars or MAV kills.;Log %p% killed %v% with %w%.;Kill

On Kill;Weapon Death;PlayerCount 2;Say %p%, you have only one more mortar or MAV kill left.;Log %p% killed %v% with %w%.

On Kill;Weapon Death;PlayerCount 1;Say %p%, that was your second mortar or MAV kill.;Log %p% killed %v% with %w%.

On Kill;Weapon Death;Say %p%, number of mortar or MAV kills per round is limited.;Log %p% killed %v% with %w%.

I get this warning message:


[14:45:08 56] ProconRulz: Warning, weapon Death not found in Procon

[14:45:08 56] ProconRulz: Warning, weapon Death not found in Procon

[14:45:08 56] ProconRulz: Warning, weapon Death not found in Procon

[14:45:08 56] ProconRulz: Warning, weapon Death not found in Procon

[14:45:08 56] ProconRulz: 47 rules loaded

Does the rule still work even though there is a warning?
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Originally Posted by bambam*:


I asked once and didn't get an answer. I will ask again.

/sarcasm_mode: ON

I beg forgiveness. I momentarily lacked discipline in my support for my free software.

/sarcasm_mode: off


Those rulz will work unaffected. ProconRulz is warning that *Procon* has no definition for that weapon in its Configs/BF3.def file. The warning is more helpful when a 'normal' weapon code has a typo, e.g. you use "Weapon Saiga20k", when the warning will be unexpected to you and hint you've put in a wrong weapon code (the correct code is Siaga20k). A definition in BF3.def is needed for a valid 'damage type' for the weapon (i.e. BF3.def is where SMAW is given damage type ProjectileExplosive, allowing you to use conditions such as "Damage ProjectileExplosive"). As you never care that 'Death' cannot be used in a Damage condition, the warning is irrelevant.


You can remove the warning by adding a "Death" entry to your BF3.def - copy any other weapon entry but use "None "Death" Primary None".


We might put a default entry for 'Death' in the next Procon update just to reduce the confusion, although it's not really a weapon...

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Originally Posted by ty_ger07*:


Thanks a lot!


/sarcasm_mode: ON

I beg forgiveness. I momentarily lacked discipline in my support for my free software.

/sarcasm_mode: off

Oh, no, I didn't mean to allege that you weren't doing your 'duties'.


I was merely stating the reason why I was asking the same question twice (in case it was considered spam).

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      Squad (From $9.00 USD)

      Insurgency: Sandstorm (From $6.40 USD)

      Changes to US-East:

      Starting in January 2022, we will be moving to a different provider that has better support, better infrastructure, and better connectivity. We've noticed that the connection/routes to this location are not ideal and it's been hard getting support to correct this. Our contract for our two servers ends in March/April respectively. If you currently have servers in this location you will be migrated over to the new provider. We'll have more details when the time comes closer to January. The new location for this change will be based out of Atlanta, GA. If you have any questions/concerns please open a ticket and we'll do our best to answer them.
      • 5 replies
    • Hello All,

      I wanted to give an update to how EZRCON is doing. As of today we have 56 active customers using the services offered. I'm glad its doing so well and it hasn't been 1 year yet. To those that have services with EZRCON, I hope the service is doing well and if not please let us know so that we can improve it where possible. We've done quite a few changes behind the scenes to improve the performance hopefully. 

      We'll be launching a new location for hosting procon layers in either Los Angeles, USA or Chicago, IL. Still being decided on where the placement should be but these two locations are not set in stone yet. We would like to get feedback on where we should have a new location for hosting the Procon Layers, which you can do by replying to this topic. A poll will be created where people can vote on which location they would like to see.

      We're also looking for some suggestions on what else you would like to see for hosting provider options. So please let us know your thoughts on this matter.
      • 4 replies
    • Added ability to disable the new API check for player country info

      Updated GeoIP database file

      Removed usage sending stats

      Added EZRCON ad banner

      If you are upgrading then you may need to add these two lines to your existing installation in the file procon.cfg. To enable these options just change False to True.

      procon.private.options.UseGeoIpFileOnly False
      procon.private.options.BlockRssFeedNews False

      • 2 replies
    • I wanted I let you know that I am starting to build out the foundation for the hosting services that I talked about here. The pricing model I was originally going for wasn't going to be suitable for how I want to build it. So instead I decided to offer each service as it's own product instead of a package deal. In the future, hopefully, I will be able to do this and offer discounts to those that choose it.

      Here is how the pricing is laid out for each service as well as information about each. This is as of 7/12/2020.

      Single MySQL database (up to 30 GB) is $10 USD per month.

      If you go over the 30 GB usage for the database then each additional gigabyte is charged at $0.10 USD each billing cycle. If you're under 30GB you don't need to worry about this.

      Databases are replicated across 3 zones (regions) for redundancy. One (1) on the east coast of the USA, One (1) in Frankfurt, and One (1) in Singapore. Depending on the demand, this would grow to more regions.

      Databases will also be backed up daily and retained for 7 days.

      Procon Layer will be $2 USD per month.

      Each layer will only allow one (1) game server connection. The reason behind this is for performance.

      Each layer will also come with all available plugins installed by default. This is to help facilitate faster deployments and get you up and running quickly.

      Each layer will automatically restart if Procon crashes. 

      Each layer will also automatically restart daily at midnight to make sure it stays in tip-top shape.

      Custom plugins can be installed by submitting a support ticket.

      Battlefield Admin Control Panel (BFACP) will be $5 USD per month

      As I am still working on building version 3 of the software, I will be installing the last version I did. Once I complete version 3 it will automatically be upgraded for you.

      All these services will be managed by me so you don't have to worry about the technical side of things to get up and going.

      If you would like to see how much it would cost for the services, I made a calculator that you can use. It can be found here https://ezrcon.com/calculator.html

      • 11 replies
    • I have pushed out a new minor release which updates the geodata pull (flags in the playerlisting). This should be way more accurate now. As always, please let me know if any problems show up.

      • 9 replies
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